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AN ORDINANCE of the city council of theCity of Kent, Washington, amending
Comprehensive Plan land use plan map
designations to implement the objectives of the
Midway Subarea Plan. CPA 2007-4
A, The Kent Comprehensive Plan goals and policies support a
land use pattern that will facilitate a multimodal transportation system and
provide efficient public services.
B. The city council's vision statement and strategies support the
creation of richly diverse neighborhood urban centers.
C. The Midway Subarea Plan supports the future extension of
Sound Transit Link Light Rail service in the vicinity of the Pacific Highway
South transportation corridor through a dense, pedestrian-friendly,
sustainable community. The goals and policies of the subarea plan
encourage the provision of jobs, housing, services and public open space
L Comprehensive Plan Amendments
Midway Subarea - Land Use PIan Map Designations
cPA 2007-4
around nodes of high capacity mass transit while maintaining auto-
oriented uses between the transit-oriented nodes.
D, The Midway Subarea Plan established policy MLU-1.1 to
designate where high density retail, office, and residential development
will be focused.
E. The City of Kent has established procedures in Chapter
L2.Q2.010 of the Kent City Code for amending the Comprehensive Plan
with initial adoption of a subarea plan, allowing amendments, in
accordance with the Washington Growth Management Act, no more than
once each year unless certain circumstances exist, (RCW
36.704.130[2] tal t¡l )
F. On October 14,2010, the City provided via e-mail to the
Washington State Department of Commerce the required sixty (60) day
notification under RCW 36.704.106 regarding the City's proposed
Comprehensive Plan amendment for the Midway Subarea Plan.
G. On February 13, 2OLO, the City's State Environmental Policy
Act (SEPA) responsible official issued a Determination of Significance
(DS)/Scoping Notice for the City of Kent Comprehensive Plan Review and
Midway Subarea Planned Action Environmental Impact Statement,
solicited public comment through a February 22, 2010 open house
meeting, and invited comments during the scoping period which closed
March B, 2010. A Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) was
issued on October 22, 2010. A public hearing regarding the DEIS was
held on December 6, 2010. A Final Environmental Impact Statement was
issued on September 1, 20t1-
2 Comprehensive PIan Amendments
Midway Subarea - Land Use PIan Map DesígnatÍons
cPA 2007-4
H. The Midway Subarea Plan involved extensive public
participation, called Envision Midway. The public outreach included the
following: Stakeholders Committee meetings on May 2I, 2008, June 18,
2008, September 24, 2OOB and November 12, 2008; Developers Forum on
July 30, 2008 and September 77, 2QQgì Public open house meetings on
May 28, 2008 and March 18, 2009; and Public workshops on July 9, 2008
and October 15,2008. Furthermore, staff presented the project and
received comments at the Kent West Hill Neighborhood meeting on April
9, 2008.
L City of Kent and City of Des Moines leadership were also
involved in the Envision Midway public outreach ìn the following manner:
Kent and Des Moines Joint Advisory Committee meeting on January 12,
2OQ9; Land Use and Planning Board meetings on November 10, 2008 and
September L4,2009; Kent city council workshops on February L7,2009,
August 18, 2009, August L7,2QI0 and September 20,2011; and Kent city
council Economic and Community Development Committee meeting on
July L2,2010.
J. The Land Use and Planning Board held a workshop regarding
the Midway Subarea amendment to the Comprehensive Plan land use plan
map Option #1 on March 8, 2010, and held a public hearing for Option #1
on April 26, 2010. After providing appropriate public notice, the Land Use
and Planning Board held a final public hearing on Midway Subarea
amendment to the Comprehensive Plan land use plan map for Option #1
and Option #2 on December 6, 2QL0, and recommended to the city
council approval of Option #2.
K. The Economic and CommunÍty Development Committee
3 Comprehensive Plan Amendments
Midway Subarea - Land Use PIan Map Designations
cPA 2007-4
considered the Land Use and Planning Board's recommendation and other
related study area issues at a meeting on November L4,20IL
L, The Midway Subarea Plan land use plan map amends the
Comprehensive Plan land use plan map designation to Transit Oriented
Community (TOC) as shown in Exhibit A-1 and Exhibit A-2, and the King
County tax parcel numbers for the affected real property listed in Exhibit
A-3 incorporated herein.
M. The Exhibit A-1 map depicts affected King County tax parcels
located in two clusters within the Midway Subarea, with the first cluster
located on the north side of Kent-Des Moines Road and east of Interstate-
5, and the second cluster being west of Interstate-S, between Kent-Des
Moines Road and S, 240th Street. The Comprehensive Plan amendment
adopted by the city council amends the land use plan map to Transit
Oriented Community (TOC).
N. The Exhibit A-2 map depicts affected King County tax parcels
located within the Midway Subarea east of Pacific Highway South,
between S. 268th Street south to S.272nd Street. The Comprehensive Plan
amendment adopted by the city council amends the land use plan map to
Transit Oriented Community (TOC).
O. The Exhibit A-3 lists King County tax parcel numbers for the
affected real property within the Midway Subarea and the corresponding
amendment to the land use plan map designation. The Comprehensive
Plan amendment adopted by the city council amends the land use plan
map to Transit Oriented Community (TOC),
4 Comprehensive PIan Amendments
Midway Subarea - Land Use Plan Map Designations
cPA 2007-4
SECTION 7. - Incorporation of Recitals. The preceding recitals are
incorporated herein by this reference and constitute the city council's
findings on this matter,
SECTION 2, - Amendment. The Kent Comprehensive Plan is
hereby amended to include the land use plan map designations for the
parcels of real property identified in the Midway Subarea, as set forth in
Exhibit *A-1" through "A-3' attached and incorporated by this reference,
SECTION 3, - Severability. If any one or more sections, sub-
sections, or sentences of this ordinance are held to be unconstitutional or
invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion
of this ordinance and the same shall remain in full force and effect.
SECTION 4. - Corrections by City Clerk or Code Reviser. Upon
approval of the City Attorney, the City Clerk and the code reviser are
authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance, including the
correction of clerical errors; references to other local, state or federal laws,
codes, rules, or regulations; or ordinance numbering and
section/subsection n umbering.
5 Comprehensive Plan Amendments
Midway Subarea - Land Use PIan Map Designatíons
cPA 2007-4
SECTION 5, - Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and
be in force thirty (30) days from and after the date of passage as provided
by law
De.c.-^b.,PASSED, 13 àz y of ilo,rentber, 2OII
APPROVED' I Dece^ber
day of 1{ovember, 20IL
PUBLTSHE o: / b duy of Rff5åãl , 2orL
II hereby certlfy that this is a true copy of Ordinance ¡¡o. 'l Ota. ,
passed by the city council of the City of Kent, Washington, and approved
by the Mayor of the City of Kent as hereon indicated,
P : \Civ i l\Ord¡ n a n ce\Midway-Map LandUse. FINAL,docx
6 Comprehensìve PIan Amendments
Mídway Subarea - Land Use PIan Map Desígnations
cPA 2007-4
S 229 PL
s 22r ST
S 243 ST
Land Use Plan Map
Affected Parcels
Midway Subarea Plan - CPA-2007-4
I Transit Oriented Community (TOC)
Affected Parcels
No Scale
S 265 PL
268 ST
9243 fr
S 272nd ST
Land [Ise Plan Map
Affected Parcels
Midway Subarea Plan - CP^-2007-4
I Transit Oriented Community (TOC)
No Scale
Affected Parcels
Tax Parcel List
Midway Subarea - CPA-2OO7-4
Transit Oriented Community (TOC
Parcel Number New Land Use
0002000001 TOC & US
0002000005 TOC
00020000L0 TOC & US
0002000012 TOC
0002000022 TOC
0002000023 TOC
1522049002 TOC
1522049007 TOC
1.522049008 TOC
15220490L2 TOC
ts220490L8 TOC
Ls22049027 TOC
1522049042 TOC
t522049045 TOC
t522049059 TOC
1.522049065 TOC
1s22049066 TOC
1522049t03 TOC
Ls22049LOg TOC
1522049L10 TOC
1522049L29 TOC
1522049r35 TOC
L522049160 TOC
L522049L70 TOC & US
1.522049L7r TOC
1622049060 TOC
t62204906L TOC
1622049077 TOC
L622049r21 TOC
2t22049022 TOC
2t22049028 TOC
2t22049046 TOC
2722049069 TOC
2122049076 TOC
2122049084 TOC
2122049106 TOC
2122049tt1 TOC
2122049L92 TOC
2s00600395 TOC
2s00600396 TOC
2500600400 TOC
2500600405 TOC
2500600600 TOC
2500600601 TOC
2s00600610 TOC
Parcel Number New Land Use
2s00600410 TOC
2500600411 TOC
25006004L5 TOC
250060041_6 TOC
25006004L7 TOC
25006004L8 TOC
2500600419 TOC
2500600420 TOC
2s0060042s TOC
2s00600430 TOC
2500600435 TOC
2s00600436 TOC
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25006004ss TOC
2s00600460 TOC
2500600465 TOC
2500600480 TOC
250060048L TOC
2s0060048s TOC
2s00600486 TOC
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2500600495 TOC
2500600497 TOC
250060050s TOC
2500600s06 TOC
2500600515 TOC
2s00600s20 TOC
2500600s2s TOC
2s00600s30 TOC
2sooeoosss TOC
2500600540 TOC
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2s00600sss TOC
2s00600ss6 TOC
2500600565 TOC
2500600585 TOC
2500600590 TOC
12/L4/2OLL P:\ECD GIS Data\Ggould-wessen\Projects\Midway\Ordinance\Zoning_Parcels.xls Page L
Parcel Number New Land Use
2500600640 TOC
2s00600670 TOC
2500600675 TOC
2500600677 TOC
2s00600680 TOC
2822049046 TOC
2822049056 TOC
2822049064 TOC
2822049154 TOC
360300000s TOC
3603600330 TOC
3603600440 TOC
3603600445 TOC
3603600450 TOC
3603600530 TOC
3603600s40 TOC
3603600s6s TOC
55L40000L0 TOC
5514000020 TOC
ss14000030 TOC
5514000040 TOC
5s14000050 TOC
ss14000060 TOC
726020000s TOC
7260200010 TOC
7260200060 TOC
7260200095 TOC
7260200tt0 TOC
7260200111 TOC
7260200LL2 TOC
7260200LLs TOC
7682800077 TOC
7682800095 TOC
7682800096 TOC
7682800100 TOC
7682800105 TOC
76828001_06 TOC
768280024s TOC
7682800246 TOC
7682800247 TOC
ParcelNumber New Land Use
7682800248 TOC
76828002s2 TOC
76828002s3 TOC
76828002s6 TOC
9443000000 TOC
t2/L4/}OLL P:\ECD GIS Data\Ggould-wessen\Projects\Midway\Ordinance\Zoning_Parcels.xls Page2