HomeMy WebLinkAbout1851Resolution No. 1851 (Amending or Repealing Resolutions) CFN = 186-Budget Passed -12/13/2011 Amend Busmess License, Hearing Examiner, Planning & Land Use, and Perm1t, Zoning, & Inspections Fees Repeals Res. 1311; 1524; 1594; 1676; 1686; 1740; 1828; 1831 Amended by Res. 1852 Repealed by Res. 1867 The date ["Begmnrng July 1, 1998") has led to confusion Th1s date w1ll be deleted from cover sheets of ord1nance/resolut1on reviSIOn pages This cover sheet Will be deleted on electronic pages only, no other delet1ons or changes have been made to the document-6/21/2012 A. RESOLUTION NO.--=--/ _g_5....:....f __ A RESOLUTION of the city council of the city of Kent, Washington, relating to the 2012 fiscal year budget repealing resolution Nos. 1311, 1524, 1594, 1676, 1686, 1740, 1828, 1831, and amending vanous fees established by past resolutions concernmg business licenses, plannmg and land use applications, and perm1ts and mspect1ons conducted under the proviSions of the International Buildmg, Residential, Mechamcal, Fire, and other related Codes and the Un1form Plumbing Code, which amendments shall be assessed and collected begmnmg m the 2012 fiscal year budget. RECITALS The Kent City Council has established a number of fees by resolution rather than by ordinance so that the fees may be adJusted by council w1thout amendmg the text of the Kent City Code. B. It is appropnate to amend these various fee schedules to more accurately reflect the true cost mcurred by the city in providmg serv1ces to the public. Accordingly, in order to amend these fees, it is 1 Resolution Amend Business License, Hearing Examiner, Planning and Land Use, and Permit, Zoning, and Inspection Fees l necessar{t6 repeaT prior Resolution Nos. 1311, 'i5Z4, 1594, 1676, 1686, 1740, 1828, and 1831. This replacement resolution updates the fee schedules in add1t1on to establishing new fee schedules concerning planning and land use applications, and bu1ldmg permits and inspections. c. New fees that are added to these fee schedules include a technology fee to assist 1n defraying the costs of mamtainmg modern technologies; and a provision to pass the costs of Hearing Examiner services, document recording and required publications to permit applicants whose projects incur them. Hourly rates for land use rev1ew services are also established. NOW THEREFORE, THE CilY COUNCIL OF THE CilY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: RESOLUTION SECTION 1. Repealer. The following Resolutions are hereby repealed 1n their entirety: Resolution No. 1311, relating to Busmess License Code to the Heanng Exam1ner IS hereby repealed in 1ts ent1rety; Resolution No. 1524, relating to a fee schedule for plannmg and land use applications is hereby repealed in its entirety; Resolution No. 1594, relating to a fee schedule for planning and land use applications is hereby repealed in its entirety; 2 Resolution Amend Business License, Hearing Examiner, Planning and Land Use, and Permit, Zoning, and Inspection Fees ' j Resolution No. 1676, relating to the Fee schedule under the International Buildmg, Residential, Mechanical and Fire codes and the Un1form Plumbing Code is hereby repealed m 1ts entirety; Resolution No. 1686, relating to the fee schedule and fee schedule notes for planning and land use applications is hereby repealed in its ent1rety; Resolution No. 1740, relatmg to the fees for business l1censes, planning and land use appl1cat1ons, and perm1ts and inspections under the provisions of the International Buildmg, Residential, Mechanical, and Fire Codes and the Un1form Plumbing Code is hereby repealed in 1ts entirety; Resolution No. 1828, relating to fees concernmg the deferral of certain development mit1gat1on fees is hereby repealed in 1ts entirety; Resolution No. 1831, relating to development mitigation fees to which the fee deferral lien applies is hereby repealed in its ent1rety. SECTION 2. Adopt. Business License Fees. Beginning January 1, 2012, in accordance with chapter 5.01 of the Kent City Code, annual fees for business licenses w1ll be based on the number of full and part-t1me employees employed at each business, assessed as follows: A. Number of Employees of Business 0-24 25-49 50-99 100 or more Fee $100 $200 $400 $600 3 Resolution Amend Business License, Hearing Examiner, Planning and Land Use, and Permit, Zoning, and Inspection Fees l " 1 I ~ l I B. The Home occupation business license fee is $50.00. SECTION 3. -New Fee Schedule -Hearing Examiner Fees. As authonzed by KCC Section 2.32.155, the fee that an applicant shall pay for any perm1t or approval that requires either an open or a closed record public heanng before the city's heanng examiner and the fee for any appeal of any decision or recommendation to the heanng examiner shall be in the amounts shown on Exhibits B through F. SECTION 4. -New Fee Schedule -Permit Technology Fee. As authonzed by KCC Section 3.11.010(c), beginning January 1, 2012, a technology fee will be assessed and collected on every fee established by th1s resolution 1n an amount equal to three percent (3%) of the fee or ten dollars ($10.00), whichever is greater, w1th the exception of the exclusions listed in Exhibit A. SECTION 5. -International Fire Code Fees Established. As authorized by KCC Section 13.01.120, the fee schedule attached as Exhibit B shall govern the monetary charges assessed by the city for reviewing and processmg permit applications, for issuing permits and other approvals, and for all related mspections. SECTION 6. -InternatiOnal Building Code and InternatiOnal Residential Code -Buildmg permit and plan review fees. Pursuant to Sect1on 14.01.090 of the Kent City Code, the fees to be assessed for buildmg permits and related inspections under the InternatiOnal Building Code or the International Residential Code shall be as set forth in Exhibit C wh1ch is attached and incorporated into this Resolut1on, with the following modifications: 4 Resolution Amend Business License, Hearing Examiner, Planning and Land Use, and Permit, Zoning, and Inspection Fees I '! ' I ' I i I I -I t i 1. Standard plan review Fees. Whenever construction documents, as defined in the International Building Code and International Residential Code, are submitted for rev1ew pursuant to section 107 of the International Building Code or sect1on R106 of the International Residential Code, a plan rev1ew fee equal to s1xty-five (65) percent of the bu1ldmg perm1t fee shall be assessed. 2. Basic plan review fees. The basic plan review fee, after and in addition to the payment of the mitial standard plan review fee set forth in subsect1on (1) above, shall be a fee of sixty AiAe dollars ($69.00), aAd begmAiAg JaAuary 15, 2012, shall be a fee of seventy-six ($76.00),for each permit 1ssued upon a certified basic plan. Additional plan rev1ew fees shall also be assessed at a rate of AiAety three dollars ($93.00) per hour, aAd begiAAiAg JaAuary 1, 2012, shall be assessed at a rate of one hundred two dollars ($102.00) per hour, or a portion thereof for an additional plan review required for changes, additions, or revisions to plans. 3. Administration of basic plans. Basic plans shall be administered as follows: a. "Bas1c plans" are defined as complete plans for an entire detached single family residential buildmg, approved as such by the building official, which: (i) Are clearly marked as being approved and certified as "basic" by the building official; (ii) Bear the author's (including, but not limited to, architect, engineer, or others) acknowledgment and approval of the plans submitted for use in the construction of a number of bu1ld1ngs, w1thout any 5 Resolution Amend Business License, Hearing Examiner, Planning and Land Use, and Permit, Zoning, and Inspection Fees l l I ,, 1 ' l 1 l 1 limitation of quantity or locat1on. If any portion is designed by a licensed arch1tect or engineer, this acknowledgment shall bear the author's stamp and signature. (iii) Bas1c plan rev1ew fees shall apply only to detached single family res1dent1al bu1ld1ngs and shall apply only to the originatmg owner or applicant. (iv) Changes to basic plans which alter the exterior dimensions or structure of the building shall be treated as a new permit application. b. The process for admmistering basic plans shall be as follows: (i) Any person may apply for plan review and certification of a basic plan by filing an application for such plan rev1ew and cert1f1cat1on, along with two (2) or more complete sets of plans and the standard plan rev1ew fee. {li) Upon completion and approval of plan review, the applicant shall provide reproducible copies of complete, approved plans to the building official. c. The city's building official is authorized and empowered to interpret and determine the applicability and admin1strat1on of the provisions of this Resolution. SECTION 7. -International Mechanical Code -Mechanical permit and plan rev1ew fees. Pursuant to Section 14.01.090 of the Kent City Code, the fees to be assessed for mechamcal permits issued for the installation of 6 Resolution Amend Business License, Hearing Examiner, Planning and Land Use, and Permit, Zoning, and Inspection Fees mechanical equipment under the International Mechanical Code or the International Residential Code, as may be applicable, shall be as set forth in Exhibit D, wh1ch 1s attached and incorporated 1nto this ordinance, with the follow1ng mod1f1cations: 1. Standard plan review fees. Whenever construction documents, as defined m the InternatiOnal Mechanical Code or the International Residential Code, are submitted for review pursuant to sect1on 106 of the InternatiOnal Mechanical Code or sect1on R106 of the International Residential Code, a plan rev1ew fee equal to twenty-five (25) percent of the mechanical permit fee shall be assessed. SECTION 8. -Uniform Plumbing Code -Plumbing permit and plan rev1ew fees. Pursuant to Sect1on 14.01.090 of the Kent City Code, the fees to be assessed for plumbing permits 1ssued for the mstallation of plumbing equipment under the Uniform Plumbing Code or the International Residential Code, as may be applicable, shall be as set for in Exhibit E, which is attached and incorporated mto th1s Resolut1on, w1th the following modif1cat1ons: 1. Whenever construction documents, plans, specifications, engineering calculations, diagrams or other data are submitted for rev1ew pursuant to sect1on 103 of the Uniform Plumbing Code or section R106 of the InternatiOnal Residential Code, a plan review fee equal to twenty-five (25) percent of the plumb1ng permit fee shall be assessed. SECTION 9. -Construction. Land Use and Development Fees. Pursuant to chapters 6.03, 6.06, 6.07, 7.02, 7.04, 11.06, 12.01, and other authorizations elsewhere in the Kent City Code, the applications, perm1ts, approvals, rev1ew, inspection and other fees for vanous construction, land use and development act1ons shall be as shown m the attached Exhibit F. 7 Resolution Amend Business License, Hearing Examiner, Planning and Land Use, and Permit, Zoning, and Inspection Fees j "I I l 1 ' ' ~ ' -1 ,,_ ' l 5ECTION 10. Annual Consumer Price Index (CPI) Adjustment. On the first day of each calendar year, all fees, rates and charges established in this resolution will adjust by the Consumer Price Index (CPI), specifically the CPI-W Seattle-Tacoma-Bremerton, measured from June 1 through June 1, if the CPI-W reflects an upward adjustment from the prev1ous annual June to June penod. Fees shall move in increments of not less than $.50 and shall be rounded down for amounts from $.01 through $.24 and from $.51 through $. 74 and shall be rounded up for amounts from $.25 through $.49 and from $.75 through $.99. If the year to year change 1n the CPI-W does not result in a change in any fee, rate or charge, that fee, rate, or charge will be subJect to a cumulative calculation by add1ng the annual CPI-W annual adJustments since the last effective change and implementmg an adjustment accordmg to the increments established in this section. Th1s sect1on and 1ts related CPI adjustments will not apply, however, to any Section 4 Permit Technology fees. 5ECTION 11. -Savings. Resolution Nos. 1311, 1524, 1594, 1676, 1686, 1740, 1828, and 1831, and the fees established by those resolutions, shall remam 1n full force and effect until the date the new fees are assessed and collected in accordance with this resolution. SECTION 12. -SeverabilitY. If any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase of this resolution is declared unconstitutional or invalid for any reason, such decis1on shall not affect the val1dity of the remaining port1ons of this resolut1on. SECTION 13. -Effective Date. This resolution shall take effect and be in force beginning January 1, 2012. 8 Resolution Amend Business License, Hearing Examiner, Planning and Land Use, and Permit, Zoning, and Inspection Fees I I i ~ I 1 ' j 1 ' I 1 PASSED at a regular open public meeting by the city council of the city of Kent, Washington, th1s /.3t:f...-day of December, 2011. tN CONCURRED in by the mayor of the city of Kent this /'/ day of December, 2011. APPROVED AS~~ T~KER, CfTY ATTORNEY -.. --.. ~ . ------ I hereby certify that this is a true and correct copy of Resolution No. Jcf5 k_!assed by ~e c1ty council of the c1ty of Kent, Washington, the 13 day of AVLu-e~_A---' , 2011. P•\OvU\Resoluboi}\Fee Fl.eJOIUtloti F1nai1Joc:X -. - BRENDA JACOBER, CLERK ! ~ -' 9 Resolution Amend Business License, Hearing Examiner, Planning and Land Use, and Permit, Zoning, and Inspection Fees I I I ' ~ i Exhibit A Technology Fee Exceptions Excluded from technology fees: 1. F1re permit fees for fireworks stands or displays; 2. Fire review fees under Exhibit "B" of this resolution; 3. Appeals; 4. Code text amendments, comprehensive plan map or text amendments, pre-appl1cat1on conferences, public notice boards and zone map amendments (rezones) under Exhibit "F" of th1s resolution; and 5. Fees l1sted under "Other mspect1ons and Fees" 1n Exh1b1ts "B," "C," "D," and "E" of th1s resolution, except that a technology fee w1ll be assessed and collected for each Adult Fam1ly Home licensing inspect1on under Exhibit "C." ' ' ! ' I J ~ .j 1 1 ' ' j ' ' Exhibit "8" City of Kent Fire Permit Fees Permit Issuance Fees: Fee Issuance of each annual perm1t under the f1re code $62 00 Issuance of each annual fire protection system perm1t, per bu1ldmg $81 00 Issuance of a res1dent1al home heatmg fuel tank removal perm1t, per appl1cat1on $81 00 Issuance of a fireworks permit for a fireworks stand, per application $100 00* Issuance of a fireworks perm1t for a fireworks display, per application $100 00* *rate f1xed by state regulations Development Plan Review and Permit Fees: Fee F1re Prevention Perm1ts- Plan Rev1ew Fee 65% of permit fee Per bu1ldmg permit fee valuat1on table, Perm1t Fee Exh1b1t C of th1s Resolut1on Rev1ew of Bwldmg Perm1ts- S1ngle-Fam1ly Plan Rev1ew 15% of the perm1t fee ($54 mm1mum fee) Commercial Plan Rev1ew 20% of the perm1t fee ($54 mm1mum fee) Rev1ew of Land Use App/1cat1ons- Boundary Lme Adjustment $61 00 B1ndmg S1te Plan $100 00 Short SubdiVISIOn $100 00 Other S1te Plan Rev1ews $49 00 Prel1m1nary Plat $331 00 Res1dent1al Vanances $39 00 Other Project Approvals $59 00 SEPA Checklist $71 00 SEPA Checklist as Part of a Project $36 00 Requ1nng Heanng Exam1ner Approval $106 00 Other Inspections and Fees: Fee Each hydrant flow request (m1n1mum two hour charge) $102 00 per hour ln1t1al fire and l1fe safety mspect1on for new busmess, per application $54 00 Inspections outs1de of normal bus1ness hours (m1mmum two hour charge) $102 00 per hour Exhibit "B" Continued City of Kent Fire Permit Fees Add1t1onal1nspect1ons requ1red when work for which an 1nspect1on 1s requested IS not complete, when requ1red corrections have not been made, when work IS not accessible, when the permit or approved plans are not made read1ly available when requestmg Temporary Cert1f1cate of Occupancy (TCO) or Certificate of Occupancy (CO) approval, or when requestmg mspec!lons requ1red for llcensmg and/or cert1f1cat1ons (One hour m1n1mum charge) Add1t1onal plan rev1ew required by re-subm1ttals, changes, deferred submittals, add1t1ons, or rev1s1ons to plans One re-subm1ttal Will be Included m the plan rev1ew fee (One hour mm1mum charge) Appeal f1ilng fee Penalty Fees: Falling to mark or mamta1n the marking of a designated f1re lane $102 00 per hour $102,00 per hour $237 00 Fee $162 00 Exhibit "C" City of Kent Building Permit Fees Total valuation determmed by building offJcJal $1 DO to $500 00 $501 00 to $2,000 00 $2,001 00 to $25,000 00 $25,001 00 to $50,000 00 Permit Fee Assessed $27 83 $27 83 for the first $500 00, plus $3 63 for each additional $100 00, or fraction thereof, to and mcludmg $2,000 00 $82 28 for the f1rst $2,000 00, plus $16 61 for each additional $1,000 00, or fract1on thereof, to and 1ncludmg $25,000 00 $ 464 31 for the f1rst $25,000 00, plus$ 11 99 for each additional $1,000 DO, or fraction thereof, to and 1ncludmg $50,000 DO $50,001 00 to $100,000 00 $ 764 06 for the first $50,000 00, plus $8 31 for each add1t1onal $1,000 00, or fract1on thereof, to and mcludmg $100,000 00. $100,001 00 to $500,000 00 $1,179 56 forthefirst$100,000 00, plus $6 66 for each add1t1onal $1,000 DO, or fract1on thereof, to and 1ncludmg $500,000 00 $500,001 00 to $1,000,000 00 $3.843 56 for the first $500,000 00, plus$ 5 61 for each additional $1,000 00, or fract1on thereof, to and mcludmg $1 ,000,000 00 $1,000,001 00 and up Other Inspections and Fees· $6,648 56 for the first $1,000,000 00, plus $3 74 for each add1t1onal $1,000 00, or fract1on thereof For 1nspect1ons outs1de of normal business hours and Adult Family Home licensmg mspect1ons (m1n1mum charge-two hours) .. .... . $102 00 per hour Remspect1on fees assessed when work for which an mspect1on 1s requested Js not complete, when requ1red correct1ons have not been made, when work JS not accessible, or when the permit or approved plans are not made readily available $102 00 per hour Additional plan rev1ew requ1red by changes, deferred submittals, additions, or revJsJons to plans $102.00 per hour lnvestJgatJon fee when work 1s commenced pnor to obta1mng required 8UJid1ng, mechan1cal, or plumbing perm1t 100% of perm1t fee Appeal f1l1ng fee $237 00 Exhibit "D" City of Kent Mechanical Permit Fees Permit Issuance Fees 1 2 For the 1ssuance of each mechan1cal permit For 1ssu1ng each supplemental permit for wh1ch the ongmal perm1t has not exp1red, been canceled, or fmal1zed Unit Fee Schedule 1 For each forced-air or gravity-type furnace or boiler, including ducts and vents $32 00 $10 00 attached, up to and mclud1ng 100,000 Btu/h (29 3 kW) $20 00 2 For each forced-a1r or grav1ty-type furnace or bo1ler, mcludmg ducts and vents attached, over 100,000 Btu/h (29 3 kW) $26 00 3 For each floor furnace, suspended heater, recessed wall heater or floor-mounted heater, 1nclud1ng vent $20 00 4 For each appliance vent not Included man appliance perm1t $10 00 5. For repa1r of, alterat1on of, or add1t1on to each heat1ng appliance, refngerat1on un1t, cooling un1t, absorpt1on un1t, or each heatmg, cool1ng, absorption, or evaporative cooling system, 1ncludmg controls, regulated by the mechanical code or res1dent1al code .. $19 00 6 For each boiler or compressor • to and mclud1ng 3 horsepower (1 0 6 kW}, or each absorption system to and 1nclud1ng 100,000 Btu/h (29 3 kW) $20 00 • over 3 horsepower (10 6 kW) to and 1nclud1ng 15 horsepower (52 7 kW), or each absorption system over 100,000 Btu/h (29 3 kW) to an mclud1ng 500,000 Btu/h (146 6 kW) . . ...... ................ $37 00 • over 15 horsepower (52 7 kW) to and mclud1ng 30 horsepower (105 5 kW), or each absorption system over 500,000 Btu/h (293 1 kW) to and mclud1ng 1,000,000 (293 1 kW) $51 00 • over 30 horsepower (105 5 kW) to and 1nclud1ng 50 horsepower (176 kW), or each absorpt1on system over 1,000,000 Btu/h (293 1 kW) to and 1ncludmg 1,750,000 (512 9 kW) ...... $76 00 • over 50 horsepower (176 kW) or each absorpllon system over 1,750,000 Btu/h (512 9 kW) $127 00 7 For each a1r-handlmg un1t to and 1ncludmg 10,000 cub1c feet per mmute (cfm) (4,719 Lis), mclud1ng ducts attached thereto, wh1ch IS not a port1on of factory assembled appliance or un1t for wh1ch a permit IS requ1red • over 10,000 cfm (4,719 Lis) 8 For each evaporative cooler other than portable type 9 For each venlllat1on fan connected to a smgle duct 10 For each vent1lat1on system wh1ch IS not a port1on of any heat1ng or a1r-cond1t10n1ng system authonzed by a perm1t 11. For each hood served by mechamcal exhaust, 1nclud1ng the ducts for such hood 12 13 For each domestic-type mcmerator For each commerc1al or 1ndustnal-type mc1nerator . .. $15 00 $26 00 $15 00 $10 00 $15 00 $15 00 $26 00 $20 00 j i l I j I j I f J I ~ . ,, ~ 1 ' (CONT.) Exhibit "D" City of Kent Mechanical Permit Fees Un1t Fee Schedule (cont l 14. 15 16 For each mechamcal appliance or p1ece of equ1pment regulated by the mechanical code or the res1dent1al code, not classed 1n other appliance categones, or for wh1ch no other fee 1s listed m th1s table For each fuel gas or fuel 011 p1p1ng system of one to f1ve outlets For each add1t1onal p1pmg system outlet, per outlet Other Inspections and Fees· For 1nspect1ons outs1de of normal busmess hours $15 00 $8 00 $3 00 (m1n1mum charge-two hours) $102 00 per hour Remspect1on fees assessed when work for wh1ch an mspect1on IS requested IS not complete, when requ1red correct1ons have not been made, when work IS not accessible, or when the perm1t or approved plans are not made read1ly available $102 00 per hour Add1t1onal plan rev1ew requ1red by changes, deferred submittals, add1t1ons, or rev1s1ons to plans $102 00 per hour Investigation fee when work IS commenced pnor to obta1mng requ1red bu1ldmg, mechan1cal, or plumbing perm1t 100% of permit fee Appeal f1l1ng fee $237 00 ~ ,, Exhibit "E" City of Kent Plumbing Permit Fees Permit Issuance Fees 1 2 For the Issuance of each plumbmg perm1t For 1ssu1ng each supplemental permit for which the ong1nal permit has not expired, been canceled or finalized $28 00 $15 00 Un1t Fee Schedule 1 2. 3. 4 5 6. 7 8 9 10 11 12 For each plumbing f1xture on one trap or a set of fixtures on one trap, including water, dra1nage p1p1ng and backflow protection therefore $1 0 00 For each bu1ld1ng sewer and each trailer park or mobile home park sewer $20 00 Ra1nwater systems-per dra1n (1ns1de bu1ld1ng) $10 00 For each water heater and/or vent $1 0 00 For each 1ndustnal waste pretreatment Interceptor 1nclud1ng 1ts trap and vent, except kitchen-type grease Interceptors funct1onmg as f1xture traps $10 00 For each mstallat1on, alterat1on or repa1r of water p1pmg and/or water treat1ng equ1pment, each For each repa1r or alteration of dramage or vent p1p1ng, each f1xture For each lawn spnnkler system on any one meter mcludmg backflow protection $10 00 $10 00 dev1ces therefore $1 0 00 For atmosphenc-type vacuum breakers not Included 1n 1tem 8 1 to 5 vacuum breakers $8 00 over 5 vacuum breakers, each $3 00 For each backflow protective dev1ce other than atmosphenc-type vacuum breakers 2 1nch (51 mm) d1ameter or smaller $10 00 over 2 mch (51 mm) d1ameter $20 00 For each graywater or reclaimed water system $55 00 For each medical gas p1p1ng system for a spec1f1c gas 1 to 5 Inlets/outlets over 5 mlets/outlets, each $69 00 $8 00 Other Inspections and Fees For 'nspect1ons outs1de of normal business hours (m1n1mum charge-two hours) .............. $102 00 per hour Remspect1on fees assessed when work for wh1ch an Inspection 1s requested IS not complete, when requ1red corrections have not been made, when work 1s not accessible, or when the permit or approved plans are not made read1ly available Add1t1onal plan rev1ew requ1red by changes, deferred submittals, additions, or rev1s1ons to plans lnvest1gat1on fee when work IS commenced pnor to obta1n1ng requ1red bu1ldmg, mechamcal, or plumb1ng perm1t .. Appeal f11ing fee $102 00 per hour $102 00 per hour 100% of perm1t fee $237 00 Exhibit "F" City of Kent Planning. Development Engineering. Public Works. and Land Use Review Fees Effective 1/1/2012 Table 1 Public Planning Devel. Eng. Works Total Perm•t Aoolication Tvoe Fee Fee Fee Fees Notes Accessory Dwelling Un1t $54 $54 (1) Adm1n1strat1ve Determmat1on Letter $100 $100 Appeal of Adm1mstrat1ve Interpretation I Dec•s•on $215 $215 Appeal of SEPA Determ•nat•on $215 $215 Appeal of Short Plat $215 $215 81nd1ng S1te Plan -Prel1m1nary $539 $1,980 $2,519 81nd1ng S1te Plan Mod1f1cat•on $323/ $431 $550 $873/$981 (2) $539/ Code Text Amendment $539/ $1,616 $1,616 (10) (11) Comb1n1ng D1stncts $1,616 $1,616 (10) Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment $1,616 $1,616 (10) Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment $1,616 $1,616 (10) Concept Meetmg Rev1ew No charge No charge No charge Cond1t1onal Use $2,154 $550 $2,704 (13) Actual Document Recording Fees Actual cost Cost (20) $270 I Downtown Des1gn Rev1ew $215/ $539 $55 I $110 $649 (3) (14) Fee Deferral L1en $202 $202 (18) Heanng Exam~ner-Conduct of Heanng and Preparation of DeCISIOn Actual cost Actual cost (16) Hourly rate $100 $110 $110 Lot Line AdJustment $323 $440 $440 $1,203 Lot Line Ellm~nat1on $108 $110 $110 $328 M1xed Use Des1gn Rev•ew $539 $110 $649 (14) $539 + $649 + Mult1-Fam1ly Des1gn Rev1ew $11/umt $110 $11lumt (14) Mult1-Fam1ly Dwelling Tax Exemption - Appl1cat10n $1,000 $1,000 Mult1-Fam1ly Dwelling Tax Exemption - Fmal Application $1,000 $1,000 (17) Mult1-Fam1ly Tax Exemption Appeal - Cond1t1onal, Final, Extens1on $215 $215 Mult1-Fam1ly Tax Exempt1on Extens1on of Cond1t1onal Cert1f1cate $50 $50 Mult1-Fam1ly Tax Exemption -Contract Amendment $500 $500 $2,693 + $6,763 + Planned Un1t Development Plan $50/un•t $4,070 $50/un•t Planned Umt Development Plan $489/ Mod1f1cat1on $269 I $808 $220 I $880 $1,688 (4) Exhibit "F" City of Kent Planning. Development Engineering. Public Works. and Land Use Review Fees Effective 1/1/2012 Table 1 Public Planning Devel. Eng. Works Permit Application Type Fee Fee Fee Total Fees Notes Plat ModifJcatJon/ Alteration Mmor. '14 of plat Mmor. 'I• of plat Minor/Major fee fee Major· 112 of plat Major 112 of plat fee fee (15) Pre-Application Conference $269 $269 PubliC NOtiCe Actual cost of publicat1on (21) Public Not1ce Board $108 $108 (5) $330 I $550 $599 I SEPA Checklist $269 I $754 $1304 (6) $55 I $110 $136 I SEPA ModificatiOn $81 I $269 $379 (7) SEPA Exempt DetermJnatJon $100 $100 SEPA Environmental Impact $2,154 + Statement $2,154 +depOSit depOSit (8) Shoreline Conditional Use $1,292 $330 $1,622 (13) Shoreline Exempt Determmat1on $215 $110 $325 Shorelme Substantial Development $1,077 $330 $1,407 Shoreline Vanance $808 $330 $1,138 (13) Short Plat (2-4 lots) -Prelimmary $1,100 $1,908 Plat $808 Short Plat (5-9 lots) -Preliminary $1,980 $4,134 + Plat $2,154 + $54/lot $54/lot Short Plat-Fmal Plat or Fmal Bmdmg $1,100 $880 $3,596 + S1te Plan $1,616 + $22/lot $22/lot S1gn Permit $162 $55 $217 (19) Spec1al Home Occupation Permit $323 $323 (13) $7,840 + SubdiVISIOn -Prelimmary Plat $3,770 + $54/lot $4,070 $54/lot $2,970 $2,640 $7,764 + SubdiVISIOn -F1nal Plat $2,154 + $22/lot $22/lot $55 I $110 I $55 $163 I $108 I $269 I $379 I Temporary Use $162 $217 (9) Temporary S1gn $81 $81 Vanance-Admm1strat1ve $323 $110 $433 Vanance -Single Fam1ly Dwelling $323 $55 $378 (13) Vanance-S1gn & Other than Smgle Family Dwellmg $2,154 $110 $2,264 (13) WTF Admm1strat1ve Permit $323-$323 WTF Conditional Use $2,154 $220 $2,374 Zone Map Amendment (Rezone) $2,154 $2,154 (10) (12a- $27 I $54 I 12e) Zomng Perm1t I Site Plan Rev1ew $27 I $54 I value value (14) Exhibit "F" City of Kent Planning. Development Engineering. Public Works. and Land Use Review Fees Effective 1/1/2012 Table 1 TABLE 1 NOTES: Two (2) re-submittals of the plans are included with the rev1ew fees described in Table 1. Additional re-submittal reviews, whether attributed to the application's act1on or inaction, shall be charged at the hourly rate listed in Table 1. (1) The fees are applicable for an attached accessory dwelling unit, an mterior accessory dwelling unit or for a detached accessory dwelling umt in a single- family residential zone. The fee mcludes the cost of the Plannmg Serv1ces Office record1ng of the accessory dwellmg unit covenant documents with King County. An accessory living quarters in a commemal or industnal zone IS subject to the applicable construction value-based fee. (2) Any changes to an approved, but unrecorded Bmding Site Plan is subject to the $323 fee for a modification to a Bindmg S1te Plan. Any changes to a recorded Binding S1te Plan are subJect to the $431 fee for a mod1ficat1on to a B1nd1ng S1te Plan. (3) The planning $215 and engineering $55 review fees are applicable to minor alterations and Improvements. The planning $539 and eng1neering review $110 fees are applicable to all new buildings, redevelopment, and major alterations and improvements. (4) Any minor change to an approved Planned Unit Development Plan is subject to the plannmg $269 and engineering rev1ew $220 fees for a modification. Any major change to an approved Planned Umt Development Plan 1s subject to the plannmg $808 and eng1neenng rev1ew $880 fees for a modif1cat1on. (5) The Plannmg Director has the authority to change this fee as needed to cover City expenditures. (6) The planning $269 and engineering review $330 fees are applicable only to SEPA review of construction of one smgle family dwelling on an md1v1dual parcel. All other SEPA checklist applications are subJect to both the planning $754 fee and the engmeenng rev1ew $550 fee. (7) The planning $81 and engmeenng rev1ew $55 fees are applicable only to mod1f1cat1ons to a SEPA determmation for one single family dwelling on an ind1v1dual parcel. All other modif1cat1ons to a SEPA determmation are subject to the planning $269 and engmeering review $110 fees. ' ~ ·! Exhibit "F" City of Kent Planning. Development Engineering. Public Works. and Land Use Review Fees Effective 1/1/2012 Table 1 (8) $2,154 fee plus a depos1t, equal to the estimated cost of contract services necessary to complete the EIS process, must be submitted to the City. Planning (9) Temporary Use Permits 0-30 days .......................... $108 31-90 days ........................ $269 Extens1ons beyond 90 days .. $162 Eng Rev. $ 55 $110 $ 55 (10) Application requires public hearings. If multiple permit applications which requ1re the same heanng procedure are subm1tted at the same time, the applicant w1ll be charged the full fee for the permit appl1cat1on w1th the highest fee and 50% of the established fee for each of the other perm1ts eligible for a consolidated review and hearing. (11) The $539 fee IS applicable to amendments to Single Family Residential zones only. Amendments to all other zoning d1stncts or sect1ons of the zon1ng code are subject to the $1,616 fee. (12) a) b) c) The $27 fee is applicable for Minor Single Family Dwelling Construction on an existmg dwell1ng such as a deck, minor addition of less than 25% of existing floor area, intenor remodel or accessory building of 500 square feet or less on the same lot as the ex1stmg dwelling. The $54 fee is applicable for Major Smgle Fam1ly Dwelling Construction on an existing dwellmg such as major add1t1on of more than 25% of ex1sting floor area or an accessory building of more than 500 square feet on the same lot as the existmg dwelling. All new single fam1ly dwelling construction in a residential zone is subJect to the following fee schedule: Building Services Construction Valuation Planning Fee $0 -$74,999 ................................... $ 54 $75,000-$124,999 ........................... $108 $125,000-$224,999 ....................... $215 Over $225,000 ................................ $323 Engineer Eng. Rev•ew Insp. Fee Fee $275 $110 $275 $110 $275 $110 $275 $110 d) All new buildings, tenant improvements, an accessory living quarters in a commercial or industrial zone and other construction and -----~--~----------------------- Exhibit "E" Citv of Kent Planning. Development Engineering, Public Works, and Land Use Review Fees Effective 1/112012 Table 1 development activity, other than single family dwelling construction, is subject to the follow1ng fee schedule: Bu1ldmg Services Construction Valuation Planning Fee $0-$99,999 ................................... $ 359 $100,000-$249,999 ......................... $ 718 $250,000 -$499,999 ....................... $1,077 $500,000 -$999,999 ....................... $1,436 $1,000,000-$4,999,999 .................. $2,154 $5,000,000-$10,000,000 ................ $2,872 Over $10,000,000' .......................... $3,590 Engineer Review Fee $330 $330 $330 $330 $330 $330 $330 Eng. Inso. Fee $55 $55 $55 $55 $55 $55 $55 e) The zoning permit fee for those development projects for which no building permit IS requ1red but wh1ch requires s1te plan review and a zoning perm1t, shall be based on the value of the proposed development to be undertaken. The value of the proposed construction/ development shall be determined based on professional est1mates by a licensed engineer, architect, landscape designer or contractor. These est1mates may 1nclude, but are not lim1ted to, grade and f1ll of the site, pavmg, placement of ut111t1es, lighting, landscaping, and other s1te Improvements. The combined total of the cost est1mates for all development on the s1te shall be the established value bas1s for the zon1ng permit fee [as listed in 12c or 12d categones above as appropnate]. (13) Appl1cat1on requ1res a public hearing before the Hearings Examiner. If multiple permit applications wh1ch requwe a Hearing Exam1ner dec1s1on are subm1tted at the same t1me, the applicant will be charged the full fee for the permit application w1th the h1ghest fee and 50% of the established fee for each of the other permits eligible for a consolidated rev1ew and heanng. (14) Appl1cat1on fees may be reduced by 75% if the application IS for a m1xed-use building. Fee reduction applies to site plan review/zonmg permit, m1xed use des1gn review, mult1-fam1ly des1gn rev1ew and downtown design review. Fee wa1vers do not apply to SEPA, short plat, subdiVISIOn or other permit requests associated with the development of a s1te, nor does fee reduction apply to m1xed use development where the commercial and residential uses are not located within the same building. Exhibit "F" City of Kent Planning. Development Engineering. Public Works. and Land Use Review Fees Effective 1/1/2012 Table 1 (15) Plat alteration fees are determined after review whether the changes requested are minor or maJor. A minor change IS done adm1n1strat1ve and the fee is 25% of the cost of the origmal prelimmary plat fee. A major change requires a publ1c heanng or meetmg and the fee is 50% of the cost of the ongmal preliminary plat fee. A public not1ce board IS requ1red for a maJor alteration. (16) For applications that require a public heanng before the city's Heanng Exam1ner, the project appl1cant is respons1ble for 100% of the Heanng Exam1ner's hourly fee and associated expenses. Payment m full shall be submitted to the City pnor to release of the Hearing Exammer's dec1s1on. Th1s requ1rement shall not apply to appeal hearings. (17) These funds are distributed to the King County Assessor's Office by the City. (18) A fee deferral lien may be used in association with buildmg permits and water perm1ts assoc1ated with s1ngle family res1dent1al homes built for resale. Any fee deferral l1en shall 1nclude the dramage system development fee, water system development fee, transportation m1tigat1on payments, and traffic impact fees (19) The engineering fee only applies to freestanding s1gns, not wall mounted signs. (20) The applicant shall pay all document recording fees charged by King County, and all admimstrative fees charged by the t1tle company for processing. Payment m full shall be submitted to the City before documents are sent for record mg. (21) For applications that require public notice, the applicant shall reimburse the City for 100% of publ1cat1on and ma1lmg costs. Reimbursement shall be pa1d to the City pnor to ISsuance of the final deciSIOn. ·' ~ • I ! i Exhibit "F" Citv of Kent Planning. Development Engineering. Public Works. and Land Use Review Fees Effective 1/1/2012 Table 2 Review /Intake Inspection I Permit Application Tvoe Fee Issuance Fee Total Fee Notes Civil Construction -Non-Res1dent1al $10 560 $8 030 $18 590 Civil Construction -Minor $1 210 $990 $2 200 (1) Civil Construct1on -Plats $11,100 $8 030 $19 130 Civil Construction -Short Plats $2 200 $2 310 $4 510 Cnt1cal Areas -Reasonable Use or Vanance $1 540 $0 $1 540 Cnt1cal Areas -M1t1gat10n Plan, Momtonng $880 I $1 320 $0 $880 I (2) Report Restoration Rev1ew $1 320 $660 I Cnt1cal Areas -Report Rev1ew $660 I $880 $0 $880 (2) Demolition Permit $220 $220 $440 Dev1at1on Request to Construction Standards $495 $110 $605 Grade and Fill -MaJor-T1er 1 $440 $660 $1100 (3 a) Grade and Fill -Ma1or -T1er 2 $660 $880 $1 540 (3 a) Grade and F1ll -Ma10r -T1er 3 $880 $1 760 $2 640 (3.al Grade and F1ll -Major -T1er 4 $1100 $2 640 $3 740 (3.a) Grade and Fill -Minor $330 $330 $660 (3 a) Grade and F1ll -Minor (SF Onlvl $110 $110 $220 (3 b) Heanng~ Examiner Actual Cost Actual Cost (4) Hourly Rate $110 $110 Record inQ Fees Actual Cost Actual Cost (5) Sewer -Cert1f1cate of Ava1lab11ity $165 $55 $220 Sewer -Perm1t $55 $275 $330 (6) Street Cut Perm1ts $220 $330 $550 (7) Street Use Perm1ts $110 $165 $275 Water -Cert1f1cate of Ava1lab11ity $165 $55 $220 Water -Perm1t $55 $275 $330 Water Backflow Insoect1on $0 $110 $110 Exhibit "F" Citv of Kent Planning, Development Engineering, Public Works, and Land Use Review Fees Effective 1/1/2012 Table 2 TABLE 2 NOTES: Two (2) re-submittals of the plans are included with the review fees described in Table 2. Additional re-subm1ttal rev1ews, whether attributed to the application's action or inaction, shall be charged at the hourly rate l1sted m Table 2. (1) The fee applies to work, residential or non-residential, with a construction valuation of less than $50,000. (2) The lower fee is applicable only to rev1ew of a cntical area on one single family residential parcel only. The higher fee IS applicable for plats, short plats, and non- residential applications and parcels. (3) Grade and Fill a. follows: The quant1t1es and rev1ew thresholds for Grade and Fill permits are as Grade and Fill Quantity Cleared or New or Replaced Tier Disturbed Area Hard Surface 0 cy-49 cy 0 sf-6,999 sf 0 sf-1999 sf 0 so cy-499 cy 7,000 sf-<3/4 acre 2,000 sf-4,999 sf Mmor 500 cy -4,999 cy 3/4 ac-<1 ac 5,000 sf-<1 ac 1 5,000 cy-49,999 cy 1 ac-<2.5 ac 1 ac-<2.5 ac 2 50,000 cy-99,999 cy 2.5 ac-<5 ac 2.5 ac-<5 ac 3 100,000 cy and larqer 5 ac and larger 5 ac and larger 4 i * I ) 1 , -J ' 1 l b. The Minor Single Family Grade and Fill fees apply to work performed on j one single family residential parcel of 6,999 sf or less only. Short Plats, Plats, and '~ other proJects spanning multiple parcels fall mto the other categones. Exhibit "F" City of Kent Planning. DeveloPment Engineering. Public Works. and Land Use Review Fees Effective 1/1/2012 Table 2 (4) For applications that require a public hearing before the city's Hearing Examiner, the proJect applicant IS responsible for 100% of the Hearing Exam1ner's hourly fee and associated expenses. Payment in full shall be submitted to the City pnor to release of the Heanng Exammer's decision. Th1s requirement shall not apply to appeal hearings. (5) The applicant shall pay all document recording fees charged by King County and all administrative fees charged by the title company for processing. Payment 1n full shall be submitted to the City before documents are sent for recording. (6) Side sewer permit Inspection I Issuance Fee may be reduced by 50% if the work 1s an emergency repair only. New mstallations, grease Interceptors, and similar work is subJect to the full fee listed in the table. (7) Street Cut Permit Review and Inspection Fees may be reduced by 50% if the following critena are met: a. The location of the work is behind the curb and gutter (if any), or outside the pavement surface (if no curb and gutter ex1st), and b. The size of the disturbed area is 50 square feet or less, and c. The work is in front of a smgle family residential zoned parcel only, and d. There is no traffic control plan required, and e. The work is not bemg done by a franchised utility company.