HomeMy WebLinkAbout1849Resolution No. 1849 (Amending or Repealing Resolutions) CFN = 164 -Arterial Street Program Passed -12/13/2011 2012-2017 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) RESOLUTION NO. __.:..../.=....g~tf--'1 __ A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, adoptmg the 2012 through 2017 S1x-Year Transportation Improvement Program. RECITALS A. After proper not1ce, the City Council of the City of Kent held a public heanng at the regular meetmg of the City CounCil at 7:00 p.m. on December 13, 2011, to cons1der publ1c test1mony on the City's proposed 2012 through 2017 S1x-Year Transportation Improvement Program. B. Havmg considered public test1mony to the plan, the Counc1l would like to adopt the 2012 through 2017 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program. NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: RESOLUTION SECTION 1. -Adoption. The 2012 through 2017 S1x-Year Transportation Improvement Program, set forth 1n Exh1b1t "A," wh1ch IS attached and f1led wtth City Clerk, ts hereby adopted. 1 2012-2017 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program PASSED at a regular open public meeting by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washrngton, thrs 13th day of December 2011. CONCURRED rn by the Mayor of the City of Kent this /!/ day of December, 2011. APPROVED AS TO FORM: T~J3tl~k . ........ . . -~ --.. I hereby certrfy that thrs is a true and correct copy of Resolutron No. !frlf? passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washrngton, the • t:A--/3 day of December, 2011. P \Civll\Resolutlon\SixYearTIP2017 docx 2 . -.. ~ 2012-2017 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program l i 1 ' CITY OF KENT WASHINGTON MODIFIED DRAFT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Mayor Suzette Cooke . Timothy J. LaPorte, PE, Director of Public Works 2012-2017 WA~II•I<OTON CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 2012-2017 Table of Contents: 1. Resolution adopting the 2012 -2017 Six Year TIP 2. Introduction 3. Listing of the Projects 4. Project Descriptions 5. Map of the Projects 6. Contact Information On the cover: 84th AvenueS (East Valley Highway) CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 2012-2017 This page intentionally left Blank For Resolution CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 2012-2017 Introduction What is the S1x Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)? The Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) is a short-range planning document that IS updated annually based on needs and policies identified m the city's adopted Comprehensive Plan and the 2008 Transportation Master Plan. It represents Kent's current l1st of needed projects that may beg1n work in the next six years. The document also identifies secured or reasonably expected revenue sources for each of the projects for which fund1ng is currently known. The TIP serves as a draft work plan for the development of the local transportation network. Mandated by State Law State law requires that each city develop a local TIP, that it be updated annually (RCW 35.77.010), and that 1t be submitted to the State Department of Transportation not more than thirty days after its adopt1on. It represents an important plann1ng component under the state's Growth Management Act. For cities to compete for transportation fund1ng grants from Federal and State sources, most granting agencies requ1re that proJects be mcluded in the TIP. How is the 2012-2017 TIP different from previous years? The 2012-2017'Six-Year TIP does contam substantive changes from last year's Program and 1s be1ng adopted much later in the year. In response to a mult1-year econom1c downturn wh1ch has reduced local revenues available for transportation improvements and the realization that fewer Federal and State grants will become available for local transportation projects m the near s1x-year t1meframe, Council invited a Cit1zen Advisory Committee to review the Draft 2012-2017 S1x-Year TIP. This Committee met 11 t1mes over four months and made recommendations to the full Council in September of 2011. Th1s TIP reflects the fmdmgs of the Citizen Advisory Comm1ttee recommendations by incorporatmg a number of 1ntersect1on Improvements from the Transportation Master Plan proJect list and defernng a number of the roadway Widening proJects that were on last year's TIP but have no funding 1dent1f1ed to be postponed until the next s1x-year period. Project Number 1. 2. 3. 4. s. 6. CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 2012-2017 Project Name Project Location and Extent Smith Street and Lincoln Avenue Intersection Improvements Kent Kangley Pedestrian Safety Improvements 1041h Avenue SE to 1241h Avenue SE Southeast 2561h Street Widening, Phase II SR 516 (Kent Kang/ey) to 1161h Avenue Southeast South 2281h Street/Union Pacific Railroad Grade Separation Grade separation crossmg at Union PaCific Railroad 72"d Avenue South Extension South 2001h Street to South 1961h Street South 2241h Street Extension 841h Avenue South to 1041h Avenue Southeast (Benson Road) (SR 515) Sottth 212tt. Street/Union Paeifie Railroad Grade Separation Gfflfle-separatwn o"''ssing at lltu&f'J-P&£#/f:·~ Central Avenue South Improvement Project Green River Bndge to East Willis Street (SR 516) ..• Willis Street and Central Avenue Intersection Improvements 1081h Avenue Southeast Extension Southeast Kent Kangley Road (SR 516) to Southeast 2561h Street Military Road South at Reith Road Intersection Improvement 12-. Willis Street (SR516)/Union Paeifie Railroad Grade Separatiort GFaele Sepflfation Grossing at Uniofr-Pitetlie RaiJroael (UPRR) _Smith Street and Central Avenue Intersection Improvement Intersection Operat10ns Enhancement 1.4·~~--SE 2081h Street and 1081h Avenue SE (SR 515/Benson Highway) Intersection Improvement Intersection Operations Enhancement CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 2012-2017 Project Number Project Name ProJect Location and Extent -1-So_:j._,;J,_S 2121h Street and 72"d Avenue South Intersection Improvement Intersect/on Operations Enhancement ~14.SE 2401h Street and 1041h Avenue SE (SR 515 Benson Highway) Intersection Improvement Intersection Operations Enhancement 17. West Meel<er Street Widening 641-n A'o'Cnue South to Russell Road 18. 114 iliteu v Road South Widening South 272M Street to Kent Des Moines Road (SR 516) 132"d Avenue Southeast Widening -Phase I Kent Kang/ey Road (SR 516) to Southeast 2481h Street ~16.132"d Avenue Southeast Widening -Phase II Southeast 2481h Street to Southeast 2401h Street iH:-:17. Kent Kangley Road and 132"d Avenue SE Intersection Improvement Intersection Operations Enhancement ~i!-._Ul_,~South 2601h Street and Pacific Highway South (SR 99) Intersection Improvement IntersectiOn Operations Enhancement ~JJ!._SE 2561h Street and 1041h Avenue SE (SR 515/Benson Highway) Intersection Improvement Intersection Operations Enhancement ~,.:;pn Kent Kangley Road and 1081h Avenue SE Intersection Improvement Intersect/on Operations Enhancement ~2:L_South 2121h Street and 841h Avenue South Intersection Improvement IntersectiOn Operattons Enhancement ~2_l_._Meeker Street and Washington Avenue Intersection Improvement Intersection Operations Enhancement CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 2012-2017 Project Number Project Name Project Location and Extent South 272"d Street and Military Road Intersection Improvement Intersection Operations Enhancement 28, Sottth 288tlt Street Improvements 84tn Awmue South to 9f/" Y'lay South 29. Southeast 208tlt/Sotttheast 212t1t Street Im.,rw.·ements SMte R(Jutc 1-6-1· t<r 1 08tn Attentte Southeast 3&.24. Street Preservation Program Ongoing Citywide Program 34.;5, .Residential Traffic Calming Program Ongomg Citywtde Program ar.z~_Traffic Signal Management Program Ongomg Citywide Program ·~~-~Miscellaneous Intersection Improvements Ongoing Citywtde Program Comprehensive Plan Update Ongomg Citywide Program 35..2~""~-~.Channelization (Street Markings) Improvement Program Ongomg Citywtde Program 36-.~_Bicycle System Improvements Ongomg Citywide Program ~Jl.·~~-Sidewalks, Sidewalk Repair and the Americans with Disabilities Act Compliance Program Ongoing Citywtde Program Guardrail and Safety Improvements Ongomg Citywide Program ~~"'-.Community Based Circulating Shuttles Ongomg Cttyw1de Program CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 2012-2017 Project Number Project Name ProJect Location and Extent 49.34._ -~-,~~-Transit Now Service Partnership Program Ongoing Citywide Program 4-h-35. --~Railroad Quiet Zone for Downtown Urban Center Ongoing Citywide Program •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• CITY OF KENT Modified Draft SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT #1: DESCRIPTION: 2012 Smith Street and Lincoln Avenue Intersection Improvement Widen Smith Street!Lincoln Avenue to provide a left turn lane from northbound Lmcoln Avenue/eastbound Smith Street onto northbound Lmeoln A venue The proJeet mcluck~ rceonstrnctwn of existmg cmb, gutter and sidewalk'-> along Smith Street and Lmcoln A venue. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering ............ $75,000 Right of Way Acquisllion ............... $55,000 ConsttuctiOn .......................... $593.000 TOT AL ........................................... $723,000 FUNDING SOlJRCE(S): STP, City of Kent PROJECT JVSTWICATION: This project will improve traffic flow within the Kent Urban Center and improve access to the Kent Transit Center and the downtown busmes<> distnct The left tum pocket at Smnh and Lmcoln Streets will facJhtatc the redevelopment ol a portion of Kmg County Mctlo l'ransit's Park and Rid~: Lot. AlP· Artenal Improvement Program [State]. CMAQ-CongestiOn Mtt!galton and A1r Quality [Fedetal] r ASl -Frctght ActiOn Strategy for Everett~~Ct1ttle racoma Corndor, l·MSIB --Fre1ght Mob11Jty Str<ttcgJc Investment Boa1d {State}, I lA-J·edcral l rans1t Admwl;;trnt]()n [federal], HFS-H.uard EllmmaiiOll [FedcralJ, ll ~ -lnte!hgent Trd.n,portatwn Sy:,tClll) [Feder,1!]. LID ~Local Improvement D1stnct, PW ff -Public Wort..., lru\t lund l Odrl (St<ttcL ~ fP-Surface 1 ran"pottdtton Pr•1grdm (rc,d~..raq TtA Trun.;;portatton TmJWlVemem Atr...mmt. TIB Tramportdtlon Improvement Boatd [StateJ, 1 PP-1 ransportal1on Partncr~h1p Program [State] 2 CITY OF KENT Modified Draft SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2012 PROJECT #2: Kent Kangley Pedestrian Safety Improvements 104'11 Avenue SE to I 241h Al'enue SE DESCRIPTION: Add two new pedestnan crossings of Kent Kangley Road with median refuge 1slands and Rectangular Rapid Flashing Bem:ons Rcstripe crosswalh and stop bar~ upgtade pedcsttian crossmgs to countdown message modules and Ameneans wnh Dtsabihty 1\cce:,sible (AD/\) standard pedestlian push buttons. 'I here arc a total of 8 mte1 seettono that w1ll be tmprovcd by this project and proper stgnagc Will be updated along the cntm: proJect length. Tins p1 OJed .:tl-;n include~ educatiOn and enti.>rcement elements PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engmeering ................... $74,000 Right of Way AcquisitiOn............. .. ........ $0 Construction ............................ $342,000 TOT AL ........................................... $416,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): Washington State Department of Transportation PRO.JECT JUSTIFICATION: Kent Kangley Road (SR 516) is one of the most densely populated corridors m the City The section from t041h Ave SE to \24th Ave SF 1s a congested. mixed land use. Princtpal Arterial that ts a designated truck route currently opcratmg at a Level of Serv1ce (LOS) E dunng the PM Peak rhe majority of housing along tlllS portion oJ SR 516 IS hl)lh denstty multtlamlly housing that generates a substantial amount ol pedestrian traffic. rhis sectwn of Kent Kanglcy is a h1gh boardmg area for transit and ts also a popular destination fm ~cmor cttucm due to the high concentmtmn of :,hoppmg facJhttes. banks. med1cal otlicc~ and semor housmg. The proJect mea mdudcs tvvo of the htghest col!J~ion incident locatiOns in the Cltv (I 04 1h A venue SE at 256'" Street and 1 J 61" Avenue Sl~ at Kent Kanglcy Road). The majority of colhsions repor1ed in the proJect area from 2006-2008 occurred dunng the dayhght hours vvith pede<>t11am ove1 the age of 18 Th1s proJect will 1mprove satcty thwug.h the cunou uctwn of these engmecring Improvements combined With educatiOn and enforcement. AlP-Artenallmprovement Program [Slate). CMAQ-CongesiTon MltlgaiJon and A1r Qua !tty [Federal]. FAST -Frc1ght Acl!O!I Strategy for Everett-~t'dttle-Tacoma Corndor, FMSIB -Fre1ght Mobility ~trateg1c hn·e~tment BoMd [Stale), FTA-Federal Transit Adnumst1atmn lFederal]. llfS -lla7ard Fhmmat10n [fedefdl], I fS Intelligent Transponat1on S;stcms [I ederal), LID -I ocallmprovemcnt D~>tnct, PWTF-PubiJC Worhs Trust rund Loan [Statej, ~ fP-~urtace Iran::,port.ttmn Program [Federal]. flA-l!ansportatJon Jmp1ovement Account, fiB Transporta\ton Improvement Board [State]. l PP-Tran,portal!on Partnership Program [~tate] 3 CITY OF KENT Modified Draft SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YI!:AR: 2012 PROJECT #3: Southeast 2561h Street Widening, Phase II SR 516 (Kent Kangley Road) to 116"' Avenue Southeast DESCRlPTION: Construct a three lane roadway from SR 516 (Kent Kanglcy Road) to I I 6th ;\venue SE. This plOJCCt includes bike lanes on both stdes of the roadway. The project wtll mcludc constructiOn of full-width pavmg: concrete curbs, gutters, and sidewalks; street lighting: storm dramage, land::.c<~pmg; utilities, and appwtenanccs. PRO.JECT COST: Pre!umnary Engmeenng ............ $1 ,000,000 Right of Way Acqmsltlon ............ $! ,500,000 Construction .......................... $4,500,000 TOTAI ......................................... $7,000,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent, Local Improvement Distnct, TIB PROJECT .JUSTIFICATION: Southeast 256th Street is a two-lane roadway with no curbs. gutter-; or sidewalks and a limited street hght sy:,tem. Dllling peak hom~. the roadway cannot accommodate the traf!ic volumes due to the large number of vehicles blocking the roadway while waitir1g to tum left tnto driveways. The w1denmg of St)Uthcast 256111 Stre.,;t di'>o allcvtatcs tratlic on SR 516 (Kent Kanglcy Road) a~ the two roads essentially run parallel to each other I he projett w!ll mcrcase the capacity of tim roadway by addmg new general purpose lane~ and a center (\vo-way Jell turn Jane. rhi;., project will connect the SR 515/SR 516 intersectiOn IAith the improvemenb already ex1stmg on Southea~t 2'i6111 Street east of l161h Avenue Southeast and the nnprovements along 1 16 1h A venue Sourhe,l.>t between Southeast 256'11 Street and Kent Kangley Road AlP· Arlena! Tmprovement Program [State], CMAQ-Conge•t1on Mitigation :Uld A or Quality [I ederal], FAST -Frciglll Action Strategy for Everett-Seattle-1acoma Corndor, r;vt>lB -! re1ght Mob1lrty StrJteg!e Investment Board [~tate] 11 A-rederal I ran"t Admuustrat1on [Federal], HE'i -Hazard Elmunat1on [Fedcralj, ITS fntelilgent 1 ransportat1on Sy~tcm~ [Federal], LID -Lo~.-al lmpiovement DJ<>IrKt. PWTF-Public Works 1 m!>t fund Loan f<,tJtC\ STP -Smtace TransportatiOn Program [Fedaall, TIA-Transportation improvement J\ccount, rfB- Trd.n~ponaiion Improvcmlnl Boa1J lStatej, TPP-'I ransportat10n Partner~ hlp Program [S1ate] 4 CITY OF KENT Modified Draft SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YF:AR: PROJECT#4: DESCRIPTION: 2012 South 2281b Street/Union Pacific Railroad Grade Separation (it ade Separa/wn cro.\Smg at {;'mon Paujic Rat/road Construct grade separatiOn of the !Jmon Pac1fic Rmlroad mmnlme track~ at South 228 111 Street. The project \\-Ill include the constructton of a bndgc. four-lane vehicle crossing, fl!ll-\\tdth paving, concrete cll!b'>. gutters and ~Jdcwalks. sueet ltghtmg: utihties and appurtenances PROJECT COST: Prelimmary Engmeermg .............. $1,500,000 Right of Way AcqUJsltlon ............ $2,500,000 Construction ....................... $21 ,000,000 TOT AL ...................................... $25,000,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent, Port of Seattle, FAST, FMSIB. Union Pacific Railroad PROJECT JUS1TFICA TION: The project will lead to a seamless connection between major freight handle1s and their primary destinations. rhis proJect will support freight moving through Kent to the Ports of Seattle and Tacoma, Sea rae ,\irporl and the trec\vay system. G1ade ~eparalmg thb artenal wt!l mcreasc both uul <tnd roadway capac!ly, decrease conge~hon, enhance safely and nnprovc ftcight mobthty in th1s corndor and throughout the 1 egtcm. l'lu.s proJect will pro'> ide r egtonal connect tons for thousands of busmcs~es, employets, and the 40 rrulhon squate feet of warehouse/industrial space in the valley AlP-Artenallmprovement Program [State[, CMAQ-Congest JOn MJtrgdlron and A If Quality [rederdl], I AST-rrctght A< lion Strategy for Everett~SeaH!t:~T dWnM Corm.lor. FMSIB-FrcJghl J\lobllil} Stratcgu... IHYC"itment Hoard lState], f· I A-Federal rrall:)ll Admrm~tratiOil [federal], HLS-lld7ard Llnmnatron [I ederal], ITS-lnielltgent I rall>portdtlOn System; [Federal] LID-Locallrnp!Ovement Drotuct, PWH-Publ1c Works Trust I und 1 oa11 [State], STP-Surface J ranspmiatwn Program [Federal], TIA-Tran.:;portat1on lmpro...ement Account, TJB- l'ransportattonlmprovcmcnt Board [~t.1te}, l PP-l ransportat1on Pattnershtp Progmm [Stdte] 5 CITY OF KENT Modified Draft SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2012 PRO.JECT #5: 72"0 Avenue South Extension South 20d11 Street to South !961h Street DESCRIPTION: Construct a new four-lane roadway from South 200111 Street to South 1961h Street. The project will include the crossmg of Mill Creek and construction of full-width pavmg; concrete curb<>, gutters, sidewalks, street lighting, storm dt ainaj!e, land~capmg, uttlittcs and appurtenances PRO.JECT COST: Preliminary Engineering. ,,,,., .... $250,000 Right of Way Acquisition ...... , .... ,$100,000 Construction .......................... $1,000,000 TOT AL ........................................ $1 ,350,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent PROJECT .JU~TIFICA TION: Continued development m the northern Kent industnal area, and high level<> of congestion along West Valley Highway between the South 18011' Street and South I 96 111 Street corndors, mandate additiOnal north-south artcnal capac1ty Thi~ project pwvtdcs ~ome teltd' kn South !80th Stn:ct, South 196'11 Stteet, and South 2l21h Street intersection" along \Vest Valley Iligh\vay It also provides Improved access to the South !96th St!ect cur udor frnrn mdustua! development along 721 " 1 A Hnue South by con1.trut:ting the missing hnk between South 200111 Street and South 196th Street AlP· Artenal Improvement Program [Slate], CMAQ-Congestion M1t1ga11on and A If Quahty [federal], FAST -!'le1ght Act1on ~trategy for Evcrctt-')eattle-Tacoma C'orndor, tM~lB-Fre1ght Mob1IJty Strateg1c Investment l3oard [~tate], FTA-}-ederal I ran'lll AdmmmraiiOJJ (Federal]. HES-HaLard Ehm111al10n [I'ederdl], ITS-Intelligent Transportation Systems [I ederal], LID -Lotal Improvement D1,tnu PWl F--Puhhc Works Till".t Fund I oan [~late], 'i l P-Smfm.e I ran::.portdlton Progmm [Federal}, riA-I ranspm1a\.\on lmprovemc11t r\ccount, 1 113- Transportation Improvement Board [<,tate]. TPP~ Tramportallon Partnership Programl '.it ate] 6 CITY OF KENT Modified Draft SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2012 PRO.JEC'T #6: South 2241h Street l<:'l:tension 8·/' Avenue South /u 10-1'" Avenue Southeast (Benson Rd) (SR 515) DESCRIPTION: Con~truct a three-lane road from 84111 Avenue South to 104'h Avenue Southeast (Benson Rnad) (SR 5!5), mcludmg new hmlgcs owt SR 167 and Ganison Creek. 'l he prqJect will mclude the constructiOn of full- width paving; concrete curbs, gutter~ and srdcwalks, street lighting; storm dramage: landscapmg, utilittc> and appurtenances PROJECT COST: Preltminary Engineenng .............. $3,000.000 Right otWay Acquisition .......... $4,000,000 ConstructiOn .............................. $22,000,000 TOT AL ...................................... $29,000,000 "FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent, LID J>RO.JECT .HJSTIHCA TION: The existing roadway system cannot accommodate the current or forecast cast-west traft1c volumes between Kent'~ La:,t Hill .md the tireen Rrver Valley tloor. In order to meet tr,mspmtatJOn concmTeney rcqturcmenls of the Growth Man<~gcment Act, audJtmnal east-\\l'~t , dnr;lc capacity t<> requned. lntet ~c(tions along South 208 11 '121 ih Street and James/Southeast 240 111 Street~ are also at or over capacity. It b not feastble to widen the Jamc<;/Southcast 2401h Street and South 208'111:2l2th Street 'comdms' enough to aLcommodutc torcca;,t tJ<tllic volumes wllhout additional east-\\est capacJt) because of exr'itmg development and topograplnc consttamts AlP· Artenallmprovement Program [State], CMAQ-Conge;tion MtltgatJ011 and A1r Qu.dtly [fedual], FAST-Fmght Acllo11 Strategy tor Everelt-,,edttlc-facoma Corndor, FMSIR-hetght Mobthly Stwegtc Investment Board [Stale], rT A -Federal TranSit Admtm;lra!JOJJ [Federalj, H£5-J Ia?ard Elimmat10n [f edcr.1l] ITS -lnt.:lhgcnt fransportnt10n Systems [rederal], LID --I ocdllmprovcmcnt DJst!JCt, PWI I·-Pubhc Works Tru~t fund Loan [~t.ltej, ~I p-Surfa\..C ( nmsportatJOn Program (J edeJal] ! !A -l !anspoJiafiOil lmprovL!lKilt Account, rm- Tratlsportatton Improvement Board [&late], TPP -TrrulSporta\1011 Partnershtp Program [>tate] I ,, J I 7 CITY OF KENT Modified Drnft SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPHQVEMENT PROGRAM PRO,JI'~CT #7: 8auth ltallt-StreetiBtlrlift#oR NortherN 8aotn Fe-R:n-ilr*lad Grade ----~SeetpEHIIHFtHHm---------------- ----------ffrmlt! Sepamliecn f+e:iiNYig al /Jurling-.<on N&them-Sa11/e Fe Rm!wey DESCRIPTION! Ceastruct grade separatkm-at tfie Burlington Nmthern 8ama-Fe-Railv.ny maialine traeb-at .Seuth-2: 1-th Stt~Hle-j:H{);tett-wt~l-tn<.4utie-the -eonstwctkm-Hf a bridge; s1x loae veluele crossiHgt--fuH--~ puvmg, concrete curbs, j!;Uitets, and s1devralks, a fact lit) tor btcyele-tmvel, street-ligfitmg; uti hlJes an<l-nppurlt'itftft6e57 PROJECT COST: PfeH:miRary EngiReeriDg .............. $2500,0Q() Rtght of Way AequtbtlwR .......... ~3-.000,000 Construction ............................. $2<L500Jl00 TOTAL .................................... ~OOO,OOO FUNDING 80URCF:(8): City ofKeat, FMSIB, FAST, TfB, Burlington Northem &mht--fe --------Ratlwey PROJECT dJ~U~Si-l'IH'lt-ti'<~'I+C;;,~o.:-.·1-nH<cJ)l'IN+: -T+tihffitSr-BJ*ftO*jeeeet-~ east west -ffetght--aru:l--eornmuter mobiHty i1+-the GreeR River Valley. Appmximarely--2:9;;{lGt!-vehielcs per~lay tlfWet-<m-,!.;mtth d-r1'11 ~'Cl:;-me-ltltltng-!leat!y 3,500 freighi-beatHlJ5·ffileks. The levei of !re1ght anti f!£WSengeF---ffitt-{ta Hie on the--BN8F Rit~maffi.HfiC-fs-ttlso-mereas~-IB &j}t)IOXttnarely-4fi: txatn•; pet da~ -{fratle-sepat-rt!Hltl tli'tWtde<t-·»mte ellictent fnoveR!Cflt of good.; and pto-wde,dt-;;ehttion to-the-costly prohlem--!kcongestfBfl-: :f4w--n'ttltot~d--erossmg will no longff -Impede tre1t,ihl itt!<htllier-tHtft~t--flttw Retlttetmn in t!affic cong~t;on {)ft-{ldJtH-!tJnj,7-stlcots-and reducod-ett'rltf;Rmenta! tfH!JH~€itttsed hy -f!'tlftic cnngesttBrH" <*~c-~!=his-proJect win enhanee-~rn 89-iln econ~tWFator m!d--~ reg10nal conneettens--fur thousund:; of ~lC~lses, effiJ7ltlJ"*'S <mthmHmule! s AlP· Arlena! Improvement Program [~tate], CMAQ-Congc>tmn M<ttgatton and An Qllalrty [Federal], fAST-Fre1ght Actton Strategy tor Everett~Sealtle-Tacoma Corndm 1-M',IB-rre1ght Mob1hty S.tratcg1c Investment Board [~tatcJ, f r A-Federal Trdmlt Admnustra11on lFede1al], HES-Hd7ard Ehmmat10n [Federal], I fS-1ntc11Jgenl framportrlt!on <;yo; tern<; [Fcderalj, LID Local ftnp10vement DJ\tnct, PWTF-Public Worh'> rru ... t Fund Loan [State],~ rP-Surlace fransportat1011 Program rr Ldcra!], TfA-TransportatiOn Improvement Acwunt, r! Il3 - Tran'ipor1at1on Improvement Board [Stare], TPP-Transporta11on Pdrtner..,hap Program lStatej 8 CITY OF KENT Modified Draft SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2013 PROJECT #8: Central Avenue South Jmprovements Gtecn Rm.:r Bruig;e to l·a.1t Willi1 Street (.'iR 516) DESCRIPTION: Remove and rehab!IJtate the ex1sting roadway pavement to add service lite to the roadway, between the Green Rtvcr Bridge and East Wilhs Street (SR 516). This project will include the removal and replacement of C1iling pm cment sections and a full-width asphalt concrete ove1 ht} of the cntlfe roadvvay. Also included in th1s proJect ts the replacement of curbs, gutters, sidewalks and street trees, as well as mmor storm dramage improvements PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering ............ $500.000 R1ght of Way Acquisition .................. $0 Construction .. .. ................. $4,000.000 ,_f ()rl' t\ L ........................................ $4,500,000 FUNI>ING SOlJRCE(S): STP, City of Kent PRO.JECT JUSTIFICATION: The existmg pavement along thts section of Cenl!al Avenue South 1~ cxhtbiting signs of distress, as denHJll>trated by "al!tgatonng", long1tudmal cracking. and cracking of the cmbs and gutters fhc "etvice life of tim roadway has been reached, necessitating reconstructiOn of the roadway. I he Sidewalk sy,tcm IS .'>ub-.-,tandard in many locatwns and m need of replacement. AlP-Artenal Improvement Program [State]. CMAQ-Congestron Mrttg•tron and Atr Quahly [Federal]. FAS f-l'rerght Action Strategy tor Everett-~eattle-1 acoma Con tdor, I M~Il3 -rre1ght Mobthty Stratt:gtc Inve~tntent Board (State j, f 1 A hderal Transtt Admnustrattan (federat], HES-Hctzard Elnmnat10n [terlcral}, 11 ~-lntclhgcnt TransportatiOn 'iystem., [f·ederJil, I ID -L(){.al Improvement D1stnct PW fF Public Works frust I und Loan [~tatej, S fP-Surface TransportatiOn Progr,1mtredcralJ, f!A-fransporldtiOnlmpro"cment Ao...count TIS- T1ansportatmn improvement Boa1d [l)tate], TPP-TransportatiOn Pdrtn~r!!hlp Progrdm [State) 9 CITY OF KENT Modified Draft SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT#9: I>ESCRIPTION: 2014 Willis Street and Central Avenue Intersection Improvements Improve the intersection of Willis Street and Central Avenue to provide a right turn lane !rom southbound on Central Avenue to westbound Willi~ Street Project mcludes s1dewalk, curb and gutter 1eplaeement and Improvements to traflic ~tgnal ~ystem. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engmeellng . .. ......... $40,000 Right of Way Acqms1tion Construction .. .. ........ . $150,000 $260,000 TO~f AL ............................................... S450,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent, Developer Mitigation PROJECT JVSTIFICATION: This project is a tlaffic mitigation requirement for additional trips generated by the Kent Statwn Development J'he C'tty ot Kent Vvlll be unplcmenting this proJect that 1s required of the developer. AlP· Arterial Improvement Program [S\lltel CMAQ-Congest1on M1t1gation and Au Quality !Federal], FA> 1 -l're1ght Actwn Strategy for Everett-Seattle-racoma Corndor, FM~IB Fre1ght Mob11!ty Strategic ~J>estment Bo .. rd fStdtc], FTA-Federal 1 ranSJt AdmmJStrdtlon [Federal], HES-Hat.rd Ehm1nauon [federal], 1 l'S-Intelligent Tran,portatton <;ystems [Federal], I ID -Local improvement Dtslnct, P\1/lT-Public Work<, Trust hmd Loan [State], SIP-Surface Tr,msportdlton Progrdm ff ~.:dual}, TIJ\-TransportatiOn Improvement Account TIU- Trau>portatlon Improvement Board [State]. TPP-1 r•n>portallon Pdrtnerslnp Program [State) 10 CITY OF KENT Modified Draft SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT #10: DESCRIPTION: 2015 1081h Avenue Southeast Extension Southeast Kent Kanglty Road rSR 5 I 6) to Southeast 256 111 Street Con~truct a new three lane roadway from Southeast Kent Kangley Road (SR 516) to Southeast 2561h Street mdudmg 1ebuildmg the traltic signals at the mter~ectmn of Southenst Kent Kang:Jcy Road and 1 OX 1h A venue Southea~t and mstalling a new traft!c stgnal at the mtcisection of Southeast 256111 Street and 109111 Avenue Southeast The project mcludes nght turn lane~ northbound on 109 111 at Southea;.,t 256 111 Street and Southbound on l 091h at Kent Kanglcy Road. rhe plnJCCt Will also include constt uction of full wtdth pavmg; concrete curbs. gutters and Sidewalks; Shanow&, street lightmg, storm dramage; landscapmg, utilttJcs and appurtenances As part of this proJect, the ea:.tbound left-tum lane from Kent Kangley Road to Southea~t 256'11 Street wtll he ehmmated PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering ................ $200,000 Right of Way Acquisition ......... $2,000,000 ConstructiOn ............................. $! ,750,000 TOT AL ........................................... $3,950,000 FUNDING SOlJRCE(S): City of Kent PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Tlus proJect will relieve congestiOn at the Y interscct10n of I 04 111 Avenue Southeast (Benson Highway) (SR 515)/Kent Kangley Road (SR 516 )ISouthea'>t 2561h Stted by tmprovmg the traffic tlo\\ along SR 'i 16. [t Will dtmmatc the left tum pocket tl·om SR "i 16 to Southea~t 2'>6 1h Street and redirect that traffic along SR 516 to l 08 111 Avenue Southea~t. There will be a new left tum pocket constructed for motonsts Wishing to travel north on 108 111 A\ cnue ~outhcast to Southectst 2561h ';tree! By movmg thc~e left turnmg movements fmthcr to the east, away from the congested Y intersection, all dtrectwns of traffic will be able to How mme eftici<:ntly AlP-Artendl Improvement Program {State], CMAQ-C'ongc<;Uon MitigatiOn and Au Quality [Federal], FA~ T-Fre1ght Actmn Strategy for bverett-SeaUie-f dtoma Cor odor, fM~H3 -1 re1ght Mob1hty Strategl(., lnve~tmcnt Board [State], fTA-federal Tran'\lt AdmH11Siiatton [Federal], l IL~-Ilalard f~IHnmdtlon [Federal), lTS-lnt~lhgent I !Jnspottalton ~)''items f~ederaiJ, LID -Local Improvement Dt'>lncl, PWTr-Puhltc Works lllht fund [ oan [":itatt..]. 1)1 P Surface rransporlatton Progr,tm fl edcr.JI], TJA-Trd!hportc:-:IIU!l Improvement Au.ount, I 10- TransportatiOn lmpruvementi::Jo.ud [Sctate), TPP-Transportatton PartJ1er'Jh1p Program (State} ClTY OF KENT Modified Draft SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2015 PROJECT #II: Military Road South at Reith Road Intel sec tum lmp1 ovement II DESCRIPTION: Widen all approaches of Military Road South at Reith Road intersection to provide exclusive left tum lanes fm each approach, and exclusive right turn lanes for northbound and >oulhbound traffic on Military Road South and westbound traffic on Reith Road. Replace the existmg traftic signal. The proJect will mclude the constructiOn of full width pa~mg. paved shoulders. otrcetlightmg, st01m drainage, uuhlles and appurtenances PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering ................. $180.000 Right of Way Acquisition .......... $200.000 Construction ............................. $! ,800,000 'I'OTAL ........................................ $2, 180,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): TIB, C!ty of Kent. Development Mitigation hmds PROJECT .JUSTIFICATION: The level of development on the Kent West 1 Iill coupled with the growth in the Pugct Sound area and the regularly occmTing congestion along both Pacific Highway South and lntc1~tate 5 te~ult~ l!l sigrulieant cnngestwn at this intersectwn in the morning and evenmg peak homs. AlP· Artenallmprovement Program [~tate]. CMAQ-Congest ron Mrtrgalton and Arr Quality [federal], FAH-Fretght Actton Strategy for Everctt·~e,tttle·l dcoma Comdor I MSIB-Frerght Mobtltty Strategtc Investment Roard [State], Fl A-federal Transrt AdmrmstratJOn [Federal], firS~ Hdzard [Jmunahon lfederalj, I l I)-Intelhgent l ransportatlon Systems. {federatL UD -Local lnlprmemcnt D1stm.t PW1 F-Pub he \Yorks I ruse Fund Loan lStatcJ, S'J P Surtc~ce l'ran,~j.portatJon Program!Fedt:ra!J, TIA Transportat1onlmprovement 1\ccount. J lU- I ransportatwn Improvement Board fState], 1 PP-Trdllsportahon Partnership Progrilm [State] 12 CITY OF KENT Modified Drnft SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Yli:AR: 201S PROJECT #12: Willis Street-(-SIUt"')IVflion P11eifie Rnilro11d Grnde ScpamtioH- ----------<(e,;-rrttf,'£ltree-Sep(fl'-ttftefr{ 'ro1smg at Umon Pm::tlkLRcnlroad ((JPRR) DESCRIPTION: Coastruct grade-seflllfation of the Umon Faettie R-ilitfead's mamline track:; at Willie, Stteet (8R 5}6.),-.. The-prOjeet 'Nill include the-construction of a bndge~ a fum~lane~!ooEiway, fHll -wit#h ~pavrHg; concrete emtls,~~guttet::r, and mde-walk-s-; street hghtmg; utilities and,appttflemmees !'he City~will wmk w;tch W?;+}<o+!-to eneera·age provtswn of a fuctlity tor bicycle travel. PROJECT COST: Pfelimiflary Bf!gifleeriflg ............ .$2,000,000 --Right~ef~W-ay~Acquisitwfl ......................... $G ,~ ---· ·---'Ct::.oonn1!1stfFruweelt~H'71Jfl,_,.,-;;,.-;; •. -:-: ... ~ .. "' .. ""·"'"""""'''..-... '" .. "'""'":;ll$+1~8;t.01t0~0';1,0~0:~t~0 TOTAb ...................................... S2!1,009,000 FUNDING 80tiRCE(S): City,ef Kent FA8'+;--I<Ml;;1H, Port of Seattlec HB, Umon Pae1tio Rmhoo& PR{J.J.E{;+ JUSTIFICATION: 'H1is prOJect supports-et~St--west freight and commuter mo!*lity in the +1reef! R:tvef--¥a!ley. More than 26,000-velti:cles per day ttavel on W!llk~et, tacl·uffing·ovCF--800--ffel J.,HM}e!U·irttH rocks " :!'he level of -frei ~ht -tm¥1 ie orr Hk'-l+il Rm h oad mai llt!!le-f5-ttktr~in&rett&Hl!':-4e--approxtmatel-y-20 tmi ns -a ,aay--~ ~le sepataoons pwvide-a seliliion to tile t.'ttstl'y pH;hlem &f:.eonf'i''iiH7n The nHinmd crossmg wtl:f-..fle-·400:g€-f-~-ltetgllt--!lfld {;!her tmff«: .fltwr--Retlt!CitOll.'Y""'fl tfttl:l'ix· ettR~ertittn on ad_toinmg &tleel"+-tmtl-fetttH't«t envtronntetllnHffij'll'lel's tcai+SeJ by truttie eongestwn are also eltpeeted::-~~wjeet wtll <;>nhtm~ettl us mt eeooonm: -geneJOtOJ -tlfld. prov1dc · tegional conneef!On.s klr -thou~ands of' !wstflesses,-empteyetti. -eJnd-eeffifHU{efS~ AlP-Artcnallmprovement Program [State]. CMAQ-CongestiOn Mltrgallon and"" Quallty )federal) FAST~ Frc1ght Act1on ~liategy fi1r EvC!rctt-Seattle-Tacoma Comdor, f.MSIB-f'retghl Mobtilty Strdtcg.Jc Investment Boa1d l')fJ.te 1. J· fA-federal TransJt Admm1strat1on (redcralJ, Hrs-Haldrd [II mutation fFederalJ, ITS Jnte/llgenl Trdn~portJliOn Sjt>tcms [Federal]. liD -Lor...al Improvement 0Jstnct, PW J} -Publtc \\forks I Ill~ I f·und LoJn fStJtc ], STP-Surface Transportation Prog1 dill [redcral] TTA ~ Tran-.portntwn Improvement -\u ... ount TIB fran~port>~lion lmprovemcrlt Board {Siatej, TPP-lran!ipor1atJon Partnership Program [StareJ CITY OF KENT Modified Draft SrX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2016 PROJECT #13: Smith Stt·eet and Central Avenue Intersection Improvement lntersectwn Ope1 alums E'nhancements DESCRIPTION: Revise southbound and northbound tum lane assignment. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering ............... $100,000 Rtght of Way AcqUJsitwn. . .. ...... $400,000 Constmctton ..... ...... .. ............. $900,000 TOT AL ........................................ $1 ,400,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent 11 PRO.TECT JliSTIFICATION: The southbound vehicle movement is heaviest in the afternoon peak period. The predommant vehicle fl<l\\ in the peak p<..'riod is southbound on Central ;\venue and then left on Smith Street to p10ceed ea~thouml up the hill Thts revt'>tOn m lane contigttratwn. queue CUf1dCily. and twmng capacity reduces congestum. Thb project could reduce the mter'lt:clton delay in the afternoon peak period from 167 second!> per vehicle to Ill seconds per \Chtclc. AlP-Artenallmprovement Program [~tate]. CMAQ-Congest ron Mltrgatlon and Air Quality [f-ederal], FAS I --frcrghl Actron ~tmtcgy for Eve<elt-;,edttlc-1 acoma Corndor, FMSIIl-I re~gllt Mobrhty Stratcgrc lnvc<tmcnt Board [State], FTA-Federal Transrt Admrm>ltdtron [Federal], HES -/lnLctrd Elunmallon [1:-ederal], JTS-Intelligent r ranspartat10n S)''\ttnh [fcdcrl'll], LID -I ocal Improvement DJstnct, PWl r-Public Works Tmst Fund Loanl':itatej, S JP-Surfat.e TJnnspmtntJon P1ograrn [I ed1.1d!] ll;\ -I ransportatJOn lrnpHJWrnellt Accounl, TIB- I rnnsportatJon Improvement Bo.ml !Statcl, TPP-T!ansportatlon Partne1sh1p Program (State] 14 CITY OF KENT Modified Draft SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT #14: 2016 SE 208th Street and 108th Avenue SE (SR 515/Bcnson Highway) lntcrsc.-tion lmpron·mcnt lmer.1ectton Operatwn.1 Enham:ements DF:SCRIPTION: Add dual southbound left storage lane on 1081h Avenue SE, wtden the receiving lane on SL·. 2081h St, and modify the signal phasing. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering ................... $60,000 Right of Way Acquisttion ............ $75,000 Construction ................... .. . . . . $575.000 TOT AI , ........................................... $700,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent PRO.JF:CT .JUSTIFICATION: State Route 515, also known as The Aen~on Highway or l081h Avenue SE, ts the pnmary north south route on the Fast 11!11 and ~o:rvcs as a l1ldJOr tlanstt route Wtth fow to five lanes 111 tis cunent configuration, this roadway ha\ been w1dened to It'> practical hmtt:o. Improvements to inter~ection~ along the c01ridor can have poslttve cffech on cmndor congestwn and 1m prove ciTictency 1 his proJect would add queumg capm:ity for tlw >outhhound left tum movement while continuing to provide two lanes of through travel It could reduce th<: mter;:;~:cllon delay in the afternoon peak penod by more than 600 vehicles pet how. AlP· Artenallmprovement Program [State). CMAQ-Conge> liOn MltlgotJOn and Air Qnnhty [I cdeml), /·AS l -Frelght Ad Jon Strategy for Everett-Sedttle-J'acoma Corndor, FM~IB ~ Fn.1ght Mob1hty StrattgiL fnw~tmcnt Board [.Statej, r1 A-Fedeml 'lran:,1t AdmmJstratJon (Federal}, HES Hazard l:hmtnat1011 [l·ederal], 1'1 S-Intdl1gent ]ramportJtlon Sy\lCm'> (Fctlcral], LfD-LoJ..al Improvement Dhtm...t, PWTF-Pubhc Works Trt!Sl Fund Loan [Statc1, Sl P-Surface framportatwn Program (f·ederall, riA -frdmportnuon Improvement Actount, I H3- Transportatwn lmpJOvemcnt Board [~tate], I PP-1 ransportatJon Partnership Program {Stale] i 1 15 CITY OF KENT Modified Draft SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PRO.JECT #15: DESCRIPTION: 2016 S 2lih Street and n•<~ Avenue South Intersection Improvement Intersectum Operafwns Enhancements Add southbound dual left turn lanes and restripe not1hhound lane contiguratwn PRO.JECT COST: Preliminary Engmecnng .................. $60,000 Rtght of Way Acquisttion. . . .. $125,000 Construction ............................. $505.000 TOTAL ........................................... $690,000 F'UNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent PRO.JECT .JUSTIFICATION: Kent is an important freight dtstribution center in the Puget Sound Region. The efficient movement of freight. through and wtlhm the City is critical to Kent's economil: health With the completion of the tina! road segment ot 72"d A venue South between South !96th St1 eel and South 200 1h Street, 72"d Avenue South becomes a key trctfht corridot and tim mtersection of two impottant tiel!lht corndms (72"' Ave S and S 212'11 Street) tak.e~ on a htghl; ~Igmiicant role m rclu:vmg the congestion often found on West Valley 1/rghway at peak penods. Tht~ improvement reduces future ~outhhounJ vehicle queumg ,md conge~twn and has the potential to 1mprove mter~eet ton delay frnm 193 seconds per vehicle to 63 seconds per vehicle AlP· Artenallmprovement Program [State], CMAQ-Conge<tton Mlttgatton and A1r Quality [Fcdeml]. FA~ r-hetghl Actton Strategy for Everelt-Scattle-TaLoma Corndor, f\1SIU-freight Mohthl)' Strategic fnve.:;tment Board (State], FTA-Federal 'I ran'i!t Admuustration [Federal]. HES-Hazard l:-Jrmmatron [l-edcr..JI], Il S-Intelligent Tran<>portatron Sy">tcm~ (Federal], LID -Local Improvement Dt<,tncl, PWTF-Pub he Work~ Trust fund Loan fStctte], STP ~Surface Transportation P10gram li edcJal]. J JA -I ramportatton frnprovemtnt Account, I 113 -- Tran'iportatJOn Improvement Board (State], TPP-fransportahon Partnero;;lup Program [State] 16 CITY OF KENT Modified Draft SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PRO.JECT #16: DESCRIPTION: 2016 SE 2401h Street and t041h Avenue SE (SR 515/Benson Highway) lntenection Impro\> ement Jnter.lt'ctwn Ope1 atwn1 l·.nhancements Add dual northbound and southbound left turn lanes. Add northbound and southbound ttght tu1 n pockets Modtf; stgnal phasing. PROJECT COST: Prelinunary Engineering ............. $120,000 R1ght of Way Acquisition .............. $275,000 Construction ......................... $1.205,000 "'f01'AL .......................................... S I ,600,000 FlJN DING SOlJRCE(S): City of Kent PROJECT .lliSTIFICA TION: !04th Avenue SE (SR 515. also known as The Benson Highway). is the primar; north south route on the East I Ill! and serve~ as a ma101 transit route. With four to live l<mes in lls cun ent configura! ton, thb roadwny has been wtdcncd to tts practtcal limits Improvement'> to mterscctiom along the con tdm can have po:,ttiw cftccts on corndor conge~lwn and improve eftictency. '!Ius proJeCt would add quemng ulpacJty for both the northbound and southbound left turn movements while continumg tn prov1dc two lanes of thtough travel ft could reduce tht-l!lteJsectwn delay in the afternoon penk rcnod from an a\ t:ragc II 0 seconds per vehicle to about 56 ~cconds per vehtcle. AlP-Arterial Improven~ent Program [State], CMAQ-Congest1on !VhtlgaliOn and Aor Quality [Federnl], FAST-freight ActiOn %ategy for EverettRSeattlew I acoma Corndor, fMSIB-fre1ght Mob1hty ':)trdteglc lm-c-;tmen! Bonrd [State) FTA-Federal Tnm3!1 Adnumst1atwn [hder~JIJ~ HES-H<Llard Elnnm.thon lFcdcral], ITS -Intelligent fransponatton Sy)tem<> lfederalt LID -Lo1..al Improvement D1stnct, P'W J r-Pubht. Work!. Trust Fund I oJn f~tate]. STP Surface TransportatiOn Pwgram [I ederal), 1JA-rramportd.lJOn Jmprovuncnt Account, TIB- TransportatiOn Improvement Bodn.l rstdtc], TPP-Transport.1t1on Partne1sh1p Program [State] CITY OF KENT Modified Draft SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ¥EAR: 2016 J!R(-)JI<;f;lc4f¥f+-----~t-Meekff Sh·eet Witlening -6-11"-At'Cmw South-fe.-1~11--!ffltffl 17 DESCRIPTIO*.---Wtden 1Nest Meeker-Stteet to provtEle a five lafle roadway, i~K-~-ffflfl' general pufVOO€-ttavel Innes,-a eemeHefi4t!Ht-liltle, hJCyde -lnfle5, und Hl<:xhfi€atltltl'l ttl-tfle-e1HStl~ftie ;ngnal ;;ystt-"flr--ilt-the-tntert;eetion e.f West-Meeker &treet and Ru·,t.di--I.ffiatl..---!lte-f)Wject--wHl include-tile ee-tt:otflit.'-1-ifffl-ef-full wtdth p<Wtng;, eo net etc curb c., gutters nnd side·Nalks; ffirldscapmg; street lighting: st01m drainnge; utihl!e~ppurtenances PROJECT COSTt Prelimiflary &gifleering ................. $350,000 --------R*+jig~h~t Bf Way Acquisttien-o ......... $! ,000,000 ------bConstniction-... . ...... ; ............... $3,000.0{)0 TOTA.I, ........................................ .$4,350,000 fi'UNDING SOURCE(S): -City of Kent PIWJEGf Jt-Js:r.J.F«-;ATIONT--~ kwel-ef aw~el<>pment along this seotiml of Meek-er Street has t cached the potnt-whereby a eonSJst~-41ve ffittC-{i:ffidway sep.men! 1~1 requtre<l-te !t€€-ffil1H1H~--Ih!'ffitgft-t-wJIIe Extsting-4Taf!ie-w~umes •,vest -ef--1-he tHtC!'iect!&u IH--64 111 Avenue Souti+-Biffie.ate the neCI!--fut-.a-ti-velane seettBfl ~()fttntodate---addttte-nill development--StdC-'Wi:!l-k nnti---Blcy<-'k !fftytrevements will fffl:W-!tle-iidditH>ool-tftcentwtHo eR£tturt;ge H-S!I'te und nHmctf.ve. wa!~md h*mg-env !rolmtcnt pwtllffle il !tern attve--tR<)de&-&F tttwet,-ilfltHElcJillilte ncce!JS l&S€t!-!lic-tll1d-FWt'e!ttttHWI !itellltt~ AlP· Arlena! Improvement Program [State], CMAQ-Congest ton MUtgatlon and AI! Quality [Federal], FAST-Fre1ght Action Strategy for Everett-Seattle~Tacoma Corrtdor, FM~II3-rre1ght Mob1l1ty Strategic Inve~lment Bodrd [State], rTA-r cdcral Trans!( Adnumstrat1on [Fcde!ttl]_ Hl S-Ha1ard I~Jmunat1on lr'ederal],l I~-lntclhgent Transportation System\ [Federal}, UD -Local Improvement D1stnc...t, P\VTr-Puhll'.- Work.., Trust fund Loan [~tateJ, SIP Sm fdce Tramportaflon Progrdrn [I edcral], TIA-TramportatJon Improvement Acwunt, fiB- 1 ran ... portatJOn Jmprovement BoMd [State], 1 PP-J ransportdtJOn Partnetsh1p Program [~ttltcJ 18 CITY OF KENT Modified Drnft SIX YEAR TRANSPORT,A~TION IMPROVEMRNT PROGRAM YEAR: 20!6 PIW,mCT #18: Militttry Rood ooudt Widening -----------Stm~'ff1 c'•l/rt•e.'lo Ken/ De.1 .Weme.~ Rlfflti.{SR-J-Jij) DESCRHL'f.ION: Tins project-wi+l-widett Milttary Road tiom-lwHtn-m"d-&treet to Kent Des Memes--Road addmg a eel'ltef-left turf! lmie;-l:>ieyd~-Hmes,eurh. gutter ~tdcw;tll<. --i\ls& meiuded-is the eonstfuetitm--of--swrm dramage ltHf*Ovement and illummation system itHflt&vements -(No~fhe Rett-h Road intersection IS a ~;epacate ~ altd·l'> tl&Htlefi~i-s-projeet-1 PROJECT COST: Prelimiflary Engineeriflg ............. .$2,009-;GOO ght of Way Aeqmslt!OR ............ $1 ,00\},00G Construetlott .............................. $15,500,000 'J'OTAI, ...................................... l§ 18,500,000 FUNDING 80fJRCE(S): City of Kent:;-Development Mitigation runds;--Tffi. vn~ JUSTIFICATION! The level of development along +hls section of Military Road South has reae!ied a point whet"C-a sepurate eeRier two way left {~;mt-lane-+'l-~ Omtflg-pertlt tr-ttflk flow ho-!Hf<; the !0-!tdway Ctlllnt'lt ac;;ontmudat-t'-1-he ttaf!ie volumes due te ttl~ large number of vehi.,~ookmg the toadv.ay \\aitmg to make left turns ~elton·; of .VItltttn-y R{md-ar"ll--lucking tl!lk'\hllk:, and aFH!tletj'tlttte-storm dmmuf!e s;ysh:'tlt- AlP-Artenallmprovement Program [State], CMAQ-Conge<liOil M•Hgat1on and A1r Qua lily [Federal), FAST-Fre1ghl Action Sirategy for Everelt-Seatlle-1 a com• Corndor rMSIB-Fre1ght Mobility ~trateg1c Investment Board [~tate], FTA-Federal T•anm Admtmstratton [l ederal], HE~-H,uard ElunmatJon [I ederaiJ, ll S-Intclhgent l r(m~portatton ~ystems [federal], I ID -I ocallmprovemcnt Dtstnct PWTf-Publtc Wotko. Jm.;;;t Fu111.J Loan l~tatcj, ':!I P -Surfa(,e CI ram.port.ttmn Program [Federal], TIA I ranspmtat10n JmpJovcment A(.CO\ml, TIB- Transportation Improvement Board [State], I PP-Trano;;portataon Partn~.-rshtp Program [~tatcJ 19 CITY OF KENT Modified Draft SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2016 PROJECT #19: 132"d Avenue Southeast Widening-Phase I Kent Kangley Road (.\'R 516) 10 Southerw 2-18'h Street DESCRIPTION: Wtden 132"d Avenue Southeast to provide a five lane roadway, mcludmg toUI general purpose travel lanes, a center left-turn lane, and a h1cthty for btcycle tra;cl, modifying the cxtsting traffic stgnal sr,stem'i at the inteJ sect ton~ of Kent Kanglcy Road and Southea~t 256 1 ' Street The piOJeCt w!ll mclude the constl uctton of full-\\ idth pavmg, bH.:ycle lanes; concrete em bs. gutters and sidewalks; stn:et hghtmg, storm dramage, uttltttcs, and appurtenance~ f>ROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineenng .......... $3,800,000 RtghtofWay Acquistl!on. .. ... $3,100,000 Construction . . ....................... $ 1 8.200,000 TOTAI ....................................... $25,1 00,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent PROJECT JUSTIHCATION: The level of development along thrs section of 132"0 Avenue has already reached the point whereby a constslent five land road\\ay section ts needed to provide safe left-tum acce;,s mto adjoining piOpertles and accommodate forecast traffic volume!>. Exbtmg tu1ftk volumes that exceed 20.000 ADT (near the mtcrsection of l32"a Avenue southeast and Kent Kangley Road) neces'>ltate a live lane sectton Stdcwalk-; and bu:;vcle tactltltes v>IIl prov1d..: multnnodal ac.:eo> to adJacent l;md uses AlP • Ar len<ll Improvement Program [State], CMAQ-Congestion Mitigation and Alr Quahty [Federal], FAST-Fre1gh1 Actton Stralegy tor Everett-Sedttlc:" I ,leoma Corndor, fMSlB-fre1ght Mobility Strategtc Investment Board \~tate], FTA-Federal frat1s1t Admmmra11on [federal), HES-fla7Jrd rl1ntmat10n [Federal] I fS-Intelhgent I ransportatwn Sy~tems [I ed~.ral], LID -Local fmprovement D1stm.t PW T I P11bhc Work'l Tru~t Fund Loan lStat\!j, STP-Sutf&w 1 ransport&t!On Progrcun lFedcr .. liJ, IIA-Transportal/On Improvement Account 1 JB - TransportatiOn Improvement Board (',tJte}, TPP-fransportatton Pctrtner~hlp Program (State] 20 CITY OF KENT Modified Draft SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT #20: DESCRIPTION: 2016 132"d A"cnue Southeast Widening-Phase II Southea>f 2.f8'h Street to Southeast 2.fti11 Street Widen 132"d Avenue Southeast to provide a five lane roadway, including four general purpose travel Janes, a center left-turn lane. and a hH.:ycle facJhty, mod1fymg the c-.:istmg traffic ~1gnal system at the mlerse(tJon of Southeast 240'11 Street. The proJect Vvlll mclude the con,.tructwn of full- Width pavmg; bicycle Janes. concrete cUI bs, gutters. and Sidewalks, street hghtmg, ~torm drmnage, utilities and appurtenances. PROJECT COST: Prelimmary Engmeermg ............ $750,000 Right of Way Acquisttion .......... $1 ,500,000 Construction .............. . ......... $4,750.000 TOTAL ........................................ $7,000,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent PRO.JECT JUSTIFICATION: The level of development along this sectton of l32"d Avenue ha~ a heady reached the pomt whereby a con~tstent five lane roadwdy seclton is needed to pro\'llk 'ale ld1-tmn acces~ to adJmmng properties and accommodate forecast t1 ailic volumes Sidewall-.~ and biC) clc far:\ltttc~ will provide multimodal access to adJacent land uses. AlP· Artenalltnj>rovement Program ('>tate]. CMAQ-Congestton Mtttgatton and Alf Qualtl) (Federal], FAST-frctght Actton Strategy for Ever~tt-S~dttl~-'1 awma Comdor, FMSIB ~ Frc1ght Mobthty \)tlategH ... Inve\tmenl Board [!)u1tc], FI A-Federal Transit Admuustratwn fFederal), liES-lJd7Md I·hmmatton [l cderall, 11 S-Intl'lhgcnt fr.tnspolta!lon :-.,ystem~ (f-ederal}, lllJ Lncdl Improvement D1stnct, PWTf-Public Works hust l·und Loan [')tatcj, ({ rP-SurfdLC TidJl~portatmn Pwgram [I ederafl, IIA-fransportal!on Improvement Account, fiB- fransponatwn Improvement Bodrd [State], J PP~ fransportatJOn Partnership Program [State] 21 CITY OF KENT Modified Draft SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2017 PRO.JECT #21: Kent Kangley Road and 132nd Avenue SE Intersection Improvement lntersectum Operaf/(Jn\' Enhancements DESCRIPTION: Add northbound and southbound dual left turn lanes PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering ............... $85,000 R1ghtofWay Acquisition .... , ..... $175,000 Construction ....... . .... $940,000 TOTAL ........................................ $1,200,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Kent Kangley Road is a Prmcipal Arterial with over 32.000 dally vehicle trips on. 132"" Avenue SE IS a Mmor Artcnal With ovc1 14.000 daily veh1cle tnps. The demand on both roads 1s anticipated to gro\1 m the next decade as growth m households ami JObs on Kent's East Hill contmues to develop Over the next 20 year~ the growth of tmffie on l32"d Avenue is projected to grow at an avcmgc rute of 0.8% per year. Thi~ means the demand on the roadway would be 20% lugher by 2030 The mtetsectwn of the~e two key road\\ays become~ a chokepoint fen both local and regional commuter~ !'lm, 1mprovcment reduce~ e:-.1stmg and future southbound congestwn, It has the poten!Jal to 1educe the intersect1on del a) from l 09 seconds per vehicle to 44 second~ per ve!Hcle AlP· Altenal Improvement Program [State], CMAQ-Congest ron Mrtrgatron and Arr Quahty [Federal], FA~T-frerghl Actron ~tmlegy for E\'erett-Seattle-filcoma Coutdor, rM~lB ~ Fretght Mobil tty ~t1ategtc [me...,tment Board [Stdtej, n A-rederdl I r~m-.lt Adnum-,trdtlon lfederfll]. HE<i Hazard Ehrnmat1on (I cder.-Jij ITS-Intelligent I ran~portalton 5y~tem., [Fcderd!J, LID -Local Improvement D1stnd, PWtT-Public Work~ 1 rust f-<und l onn f';tatc], S1 P -'>urface Transportation Program (I ederall. TIA Tranwortatton Improvement t\cco!Jnl, l lR- Transportation Improvement Board [~tate], TPP-Transportat10n Partnershtp Program [State] 22 CITY OF KENT Modified Draft SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMJ>ROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2017 PROJECT #22: South 260 1h Street and Pacific Highway South (SR 99) Intersection Improvement lntenectlmJ Operatum.1· Enhancements DESCRIPTION: Add westbound dual left turn lanes. Add eastbound right tum pocket. Mmhi) s1gnal phasmg PRO.JECT COST: Preliminary Engmeering ............... $1 00,000 Right of Way Acquisition .......... $250,000 ConstructiOn ............................ $900,000 TOTAL ........................................ $ I ,250,000 FUNDING sm·RCE(S): C1ty of Kent PROJECT .JUSTIF'I CATION: S 260th Street provides one of the few duect conncctwns between the Pacific Highway eorndor and the downtown City Core South 260th is a multimodal corndor wlw:h accommodates veh1de;., pedestrians, bicyclists and bus traltic. As the \1idway area rcde\elopo, into a more commercia!IJ esidential m1xcd-usc zone, the traftic connectwns to the M1litary Road netghbmhood and connectwns to the valley retml and CIVIC center need to be updated to highest cl11crcncy ·r ht~ intersedwn l!llpiOvcmcnt reduces tliture westhound vehtcle quemng and congestion ol ovc1 500 \ clueles per hour and improves the intetsectton del<ty tl om 180 seconds per \ chtcle (3 mmutcs) to approxanatdy R7 s~:cond::. per Vt!hic lc m the PM Peak. Pcnod AlP· Arlena! Improvement Program [State], CMAQ-Congest1011 MitJgatJon and Alf Quahly [Federal], FAST-Fre1ght Action ~trategy far Evcrett~Scattlc~Tacoma Comdor, FMSlB-Fre1ght Mobility 5trategJC lnve~lnlent Board [State], Fl A Federal I Jans1t Adrmm~tralJon fFederdl]. HE~-lldl.trd LIJmmat1on [I ederall, ITS-Inlei!Jgent Trarlsportatlon Systems[! edcra!J, IJD -l oc.aJ Improve1nent Dl'\tnct, PWTr-PubliC \\-ork'l l'ru:.t Fund ( oan [State} ') l P-Surface Tran'>portahon Prog1am trederdlj liA-lransportdtlon Improvement AC(,Ulllll, TIB- 1ran~port<lt!Oll Improvement Board {State], TPP Tran'l.portatiOrl Partner<ihlp Program [~tate] 23 CITY OF KENT Modified Oraft SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2017 PROJECT #23: SE 256'11 Street and 104 1h Avenue SE (SR 515/Benson Highway) Intersection Improvement Intenect/on Operatwm Enhancements DESCRIPTION: Add northbound right tum lane. Modify signal phasing PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineermg ................ $30,000 Right of Way Acquisllion .............. $150.000 ConstructiOn ........... . ................ $220,000 TOT AL ........................................... $450,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): Cny of Kent PRO.JI<:CT .JlJSTIFICATlON: At the confluence of two state highway~ (SR 516 and SR 515) thts mter<,ectwn experience\ congestton Jmmg most tunes of' the Jay. 1\ppwxtmatcl.) 33.000 datly vehicle trips me traveling ea~t/we~t on SR 'i 16 (Kent Kangley) whe1e It meets SE 256th Street and l 04th Avenue SE at what 1s common!) known as the Kent Kangh.:y "Y" To help facilitate the northbound movement at this mtersectwn. thts proJeCt wtil JWOVJde a dedicated right turn lane f01 traffic tlowing eastbound on SE 25nth Street or onto Kent Kangley Road This proJect al-;n pnwides some s1gnal tmprovcments (upgrades) to allow changes to the signal tmung and phasmg at th1s mterscction. The combmed improvement~ are estimated to reduce dday on the 1101 thbound ~cgmcnt fiorn 156 se..:ond>. per >clucle to 86 second~ pc1 vchtcle m the peak penod AlP· Atlonal Improvement Program [State]. CMAQ-CongesfiDn Mltlgat!On and AIT Quality [Federal], fA'T-Fre1ght ActiOn Strategy for J..-veJctt-~cattle-1 acomd Comdor, f'MSJB -I rc1ght Mob1hty Strategic lnvc<,tmenl Board {Statej, I l A-fedcra11 r,mslt AdmmJstratmn [FedcraiJ, H~'i-H<wml t.lumnatxon [FedefJt), l [ S -lntclhgcnt Tran\portalton ~Y'~(em~ (F~tkml) LID -Locallmpiovement D1stnct, PW [ f Pubhc Work~ Tru<>t rund L o.m [')tateJ ~ l P-Surface TransportatiOn Program [l'cderal], TJA-Tramportat1on Tmprovement Ac~.-ount, 1 IB- Transportation Improvement IJoMJ j)tatel, I'PP-1 rdn~portJI!Oll Pdrtnership Program [State] CITY OF KENT Modified Draft SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2017 PRO.JECT #24: Kent Kangley Road and l081h Avenue SE Intersection Improvement lmenectton Operallml\' Fnhancement.1 UESCRIPTION: Add eastbound and westbound dualleil tum lanes. Add ea~tbound nght turn pocket. Change northbound nght turn phasmg. Complete traffic s1gnal 1 eplacement. PROJECT COST: Prelimmary Engineenng ............. $80,000 R1ght of Way AcqmsJtlon ................. $75,000 Construction ......................... $1 ,045.000 TO"l'/\L .......................................... $1 ,200,000 I<'UNI)IN(; SOt:RCE(S): City of Kent 24 PROJECT JUSTrFICATION: Thts proJect is needed to support the cap1tal improvement proJect adding a new I 08 111 Street or l 09'11 Street connection between Kent Kanglcy Road and SE 25611 ' Stteel i\nothe1 ~tudv looked at "vmtous altemat1vc-, to tlu;., inte1section and road addJtion If the 108 111 1J09'11 proJect goe~ forward, 1t would then set up the need tor furthe1 adJustments to the ope1at1ons on Kent Kangley Road. l'lus proJect adJres~e~ those 1mpacb Tlus project would keep the delay at tlm mtcrscctwn a! 92 seconds pet veh1ck or les~ which b wtthm the City's adopted Level of Sen, lee Standard, LOS F. AlP-Arterial Improvement Program [State]. CMAQ-Congestion M11iga!ton and A1r Quality [Federal], r AST-fre1ght Action Strategy for Fverett-<ied!tle-facnma Corndor, FMSJB-Fre1ght Mob1hty Strategic lm·estment Board [Statej, ITA-Fedewl fran!)Jt Adm11m.tr.ttmn [federal]. I If& -Jla7ilfd [JnnmatJon [federal], II S-Intelligent Tmnsportat1on 'i)'<>tcm~ [hderalJ, LID -I ocal Improvement Dl'ilntt, P\\'TF-Publ!c Works !rust I und Lodn l)tateJ, ~I P-~urt<1cc (IdmportatJOn Progrdm [f~..-dLral], TTA-Tran'iportatiOn Improvement Account, liB- I'ransportatJon Improvement Board [.:,late]. I PP-I ram.portatJOH Pdrtnertohlp Pwgram [St.tlt::] 25 CITY OF KENT Modified Draft SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2017 PROJECT #25: South 212 1h Street and 84th Avenue South Intersection Improvement lnter.\ection Opera/lOll\ l·:nlwncements DESCRIPTIO;\!: Extend eastbound left tum lane and add northbound and southbound dual left turn lanes. Modify signal phasing. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineermg ............. .$130,000 R1ght of Way AcquisJtron .............. $420.000 ConstructiOn ... . ................... $1,250,000 TOT AL .................... , ................... $1 ,80{.,000 FUNI>JNG SOlJRCE(S): City of Kent PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: This intersection experiences congestwn during most times of the day. Both road~ arc Prmnpa! Artcnah and e.1ch cm11e~ ov.:r 25.000 vduclc tnps per day The demand on both of these roads ~~ expected to grow 111 the next decade as growth m both freight movement and re~Jdenl!al <.k~\·clopment 111 Kent'~ l·alley continues to develop llus project also provtdcs ~ome signal tmprovement<; (upgrades) to al!o\v change<; to the signal timing and phasing of th1s intersecl!on 'I he improvements would reduce congcsllon becau~e of hedvy demand for left turn movement» It IS anticipated that these improvements could reduce the mtcrscction delay to as httle as 47 seconds pc1 vchide. AlP· Arlerral Improvement Program [~tale], CMAQ-Conge<tton Mlllgatton and A If Qualily [Feder <II], FAST-Frctght Acllon Stratcg~ for Evelett~')cattte~facoma Corndot l M',IB-I rct~ht Mobthty ';trntcgtc lnve,tment Board (State], l'TA redcral Tran'\tt Admtmstrahon [federal], HES -llazan! ElmunatJon fl'edeJa!J l I~-Jntclhgcnt l'ramportatlOn Systems {tcdctal], I /0 -f ot..allmprnvement Dl".tnct PWTF-Public Work~ 1 ru~t l unJ Lu,m lStatc.-j ~ 1 P-Surface I mnspm1tltlon Program [FcdcralJ, ffA -1 ransportat1on Improvement A\.LOUilt I 113- Transponm10n Improvement Bomd IStatej, I PP-Tran~porta11on Partnership Program [State] 26 CITY OF KENT Modified Draft SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAI~: 2017 PROJECT #26: Meeker Street and Washington Avenue Intersection Improvement fnteneL rwn Opet atwm Enhancenwnls DESCRIPTION: Add eastbound and westbound nght turn pockets. Extend left turn storage pockets. Modtf)' signal phasmg PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engincermg ................... $60,000 Right of Way Acquisttwn ............... $150,000 Construction ........ ..... .......... . .... $550,000 TOT AL ........................................... $760,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent PRO.JECT JUSTIFICATION: This is one of the bus1est interseclwns in the Ctty. Washington Avenue ts a Pnnc1pal Arteual and 'v1eeker Street 1'i a lVhnor Arterial J hey each carry about 25,000 vehtcle trips pel day at th1s location Much of the veh1cle volume on Washington Avenue is truck tnps headed for the regional h1ghways and the Ports of ~catlle and Tacoma At the same time, internal automobtle, btcyclc, and pedestrian ttaffic betv.een the west side of Kent and the Downtown City Center needs to maneuver through tlns busy mtersedmn 'J he~e improvement<> w11l have the gteatc~t ellect on improvmg the efficiency of that cast/west movement It 1s antlc!pattd that these Improvements could reduce the inter~eclion delay to as little as 57 seconds pet vehicle AlP· Artcnal Improvement Program [Srote), CMAQ-Conges1ton Mtllgat10n and AIT Qualrtv [Federal), FAST-freight Act ron 5trategy for Everett~Seat1le-Tacoma Comdor, fMSIB-fre1ghl Mobility 'Strategu:, lnve;,tmcnt Bo~nd [Stale], FTA-Federal Trans1t Adm1n1<.,tmtmn [rederal], HES-HdlJrd Elunmat10n [fecJeralj, llS-Intclhgent lranspor1atJon Sy;,tems fl ederaiJ, LID -local Improvement D1stnct, P'WTr-Public Work::. l'ru'>t fund Loan [State], STP-Surtdi..C Tran~portatton Program [f t:deral], IIA-Transportation fmprovemenl Account, 1 IB- Iran')portat10n Improvcmenl Board [State], TPP-Trausportauon Partncrsl11p Program [Stdte) 27 CITY OF KENT Modified Draft SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT #27: 2017 South 272"d Street and Military Road Intersection Improvement Intel ,\e( tum Operatum,\ Fnhanccment,\ DESCRIPTION: Add a southbound through lane at the intersectiOn Mo<hfy signal phasing. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering ................... $20,000 R1ght otWay Acquisition. . .. .............. $0 Construction .............................. $240,000 TOT AL ........................................... $260,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent PROJECT JllSTIFICA TION: The increased development on the Kent West Hill combined with the lack of altemattvc north/>outh artenab places significant local congestion on l'vhlitary Road On those occa~tons when the State l iiglmay Sy,tem (1-5 and/or State Route-99, aka Pacific llighway South) break~ down, Military Road becomes the alternative ()[chotec t(lr r..::gwnal dtversion tra!Tic. fh1~ prOJC!.l reduces extstmg and futute ~outhbound congestion. AlP· Artenal Improvement Program [~tate], CMAQ-Conge,tiOn Mitigation and A!f Qoahty [Federal], FAS !'-Fre1ght A<HOll Strategy for l:verett-\eJUk-l awma Corr1dor, FMSJB-fre1ght MobJI!ty ~tral,glc fnve.;;tnH.nt Board f~tiltc], Fl A-Feder(1l I fdmlt Adn11ni'itratJOn [Federal], I\E~ -lld?ard Fhmmat1on [Federal I, IT~-lntelligenl l ransportatlon ~ystem:.ll eder<tl), Lll.) -Local hnprovement DJ!:.tnct, PW1 f-Pubhc Works I rust fund loan rstale], STP-Surf.1ce franspmiatJOn Program [I cdcraiJ, l lA-flansportat1on Improvement Account, I lB- TransportatiOn !mprovemcnr Board {Slate], TPP-Transportallon Partnership Program [':!tate] 28 CITY OF KF;NT Modified Draft SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION-~IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2017 PRO.JECT #18: Seuth 2D8 11t Street lmprevements ---8~'" Avemte-SelflfH&-9fi"'-Wt~y ?;euth DESCRIPTION: Rehabilitate the existiAg pavement to add-004ttiooal--sewiee life to the tettt!wa->t-ffom 84 '" Avenue SoltttHB -9f/h-Wfty South --1 IWr-tH-flt~-vrtH widen the exwting roadway to two 14 tool lanes V.'lth--the-athll!wn of etmetet~-t'-l:trl~tlt eu, sidewalks ,--stefm--tlratn age and 1 lluH1maHon. --+he preteet •.vtll rebutlcl-fatttf!g-tOathvuy sectJDns-ne~g'd -Avenue m1d -add-a left. llll'll -J~from Ci:WlOOUHd 2fl8th -street to-northbound '!2"d-A:v~ South. Retuinmg walb and guard~aitswm be added as needed. PR.QJEtT COST: Prehmmery Eftgmeertng ... . ......... $250,000 "-------,RKJll!g~h:t-t &o~f\¥11,H.J' awy'-AAettuisi !ion .............. $150,000 Constmet1on ............................ -Q,&OO;OOO --------+TOTAh ....................................... SJ,lO!t;I)OO I<'UNDING SOUR('E(S)! City-&~ PR-<MECT JYS+IFJCATION: -Sotttlt~W&m Street betv.een 84"' Avenue--8etfltH!ntt-9t;"' Wuy South-ts ft Sll00tan4m:l-~-tw\}-fane-roudwa} thut:-e~:mneets--&4111 1\'.enue (East Valley Highway} wttfl ooutheast 208'h St1eet Hus-secttt~roudway ettRRo4-iiG£ommodute the ext'ltmg~ll:fKl-aHtt€-iputetl hnffic volumes-~ expe-Hetlaflg pavement -and roud'rvay tiulures-that req~ure repmr Wttle!t!!tjt:-~r--wil!--neeessJta!<:l-the m:~lallatton of-retaming wuHs-ilfttf""ttliftMtWi AlP-Artenal Improvement Program [State], CMAQ-Conges11on Mitigation and A If Quality [Federal]. FA~T-Fre1ght Act"'" ~uatcgy for Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Comdor, l·:vtSIB ~ hetght MobJhly Shateg1c Investment Bo11rd [SU1te], I rA-Federall rdll!:.JI AJmuustmtron [h:deral}~ HC~ -llcttard Llmunat1on [federal], I I<}-lntelhgcnt Tran<:.portahon Sy~tem"> [redetalj, LID -Lm.al Improvement D1stnct, PW fF-Public 'Workt~ Tru">t Fund I Odll 1:-:atateJ, SIP-~urtace l rdmportatton Program [Federal], TIA -· Transpotta11on Improvement .1\ccount, TIB- Tran,portatlon Improvement Board [>late], fPP-Trdmpurldtltm Partnership Progiant [State] 29 CITY OF KENT Modified DFaft SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMI':NT PROGR,-\M YEAR: 101-, PROJECT #19: Seutllea~t 2Q8th~flt-Street lmprwlemeots ,)'tale IWHie-Ui 7 Itt I Ob'11 Awm~r'!o-tt!hetttif DESGIUP+JgN: W1den Southeast 2081"12+ih -Street between State Rottte-167-and-+O&!l! Ave11ue Smt~tte Rm-tte 515) +&-provffie-a-ftve-te s1x June roadv.ay, tncffidmg He'"' g,enetal-ptH}I~~"-tli!vd-J.afles, fret:>nter le l Httt n .Jiute-where-neees&aPr and--a -tootl-tty fi:~l:€-ye-1-e-travel. Alse-tneffiued 111 this prOJe<,'-t-wJII be un!ffi+Vements Itt the tnrer:;ectitm-tlf Southeast 2081h Street ami I 081h -Aventte -l'n+1tt-ltei¥.t~t*O:Jeet \\<ill mclude#!e--c~J f Cull witltlt-jmVtfig.· CO!J:Cl ele-<JUfl}s,-gutters and sidewu!lw; street I ightiflg~ sterftHlttttttttget-ul!lttles, nnd-nppttHenanees. P-ROJECT-roST: Preliminary Etlgineering .............. $\ ,500.000 --------Rtght of Way Acquist~"' ---:$-1,600,000 ----~(b~fflOIF*lSltltf'ltUei!OR-.,,,,." ---~, ........ $9 ,000,000 TOTAL ...................................... $1-l~OO FUNDING SOURCE(S): ---bity-ef Kent PROJI<:CT JUHIFICA TIONr -Seuthea~tltl2+2!l! 8beet is geRemlly a 4-lane roadway that etmt!eets the KeRf vaHey !loor to KeRt':; Ea-st H1U urea Dufmg-peilk-t-mvel-heur&, the roadway eatmot <H:commodntec "*+:.tmg-m-amkapated futtH-<' ~~~demg a..iettttmu! geneml purf:JOOC-tmve! Innes nnu a center lett tHm.Jinw-whefe neeessaty w1ll pHwtdt; utkhth}!lal t'!tS:/-west-volume cnp<tcrl:y"lt} aeetnnmodate t'1TH!1 fit': EltltHttHtte-l!a lfio veiDffiC-'r-" ~wtt!Mrand bicycle lartes-\\<tl+trwvi<le multunodal uecess to adfacent land l:ffle&: AlP-Arterial Improvement Program [State], CMAQ-Congeslton Mrtrgatron and All Quahty [federal]. f AS]'-rrerght ActiOn 'tratcgy for Lvcn .. tt-'::icattlc· f acoma Corndor, FM')IB-Fre1ght Molllllly Stmteg1c Inve'>tment Board [Statcj, FTA-Feder<'~ I rrans1t AdmlfllblratiOII [Federal], l iL::,-Ila?ard llnmnat10n 1rcdcral), I 1 ")-Intelligent Transport.111on ~)'stem~ [1-cderJ\l 1 lD I ocallmprovement D1stnct, P\VfF-Pub he Works 'I rust t und I oan [<;taJt:], <;TP-Surtacc fransportat1on Program [J edeJ<~I], I JA-I r<1mporta1Jon Improvement Account, I m- transportatiOn fmprovement Board [~late]~ TPP--TransportatiOn Pallner1)hlp Progrdm [Stdlt..J 30 CITY OF KENT Modified Draft SIX YEAR TRANSI)ORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT #30: J>ESCIUPTION: 2012-2017 Street Preser·vation Program Ongomg Citywtde Profirwn Projects that maintain the existing transportation system hy overlaymg, rehahthlatmg, and rccon;,tructing the cxtsting. asphalt and conctetc' >ll ccts throughout the Ctty. PRO.JF:CT COST: Prelim mary Engineermg ... . ....... $1 ,500,000 Right of Way Acquisition................... . ... $0 Construct10n ......................... $23,700.000 TOT AL .................................................... $25')200,00() FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent PROJECT JlJSTIFICATION: The City assessed the condttion of Its street network in 2008. It was found that many of the streets exhibtt delieJCncics that reflect they are beyond the1r expected performance IJ f'e and in need of' a maintenance or n:habilttation overlay, or some <ll11ount of t<::construclton MorcovcL histoncally. the amount of pavement resurtacmg, rehabllttanon, and reconstrm:twn monies the City has budgeted each year ha~ been insufficient to address the dclicicncics ot 1ts street network fnsuffic11.:nt budget~ to perform th15 nece~sary work tesults m mote expenMve mamtcnance and rchabllttation optwns. AlP · Artenallmprovement Program [State], CMAQ-Congest ron Murgatron and A11 Qualuv [Federal], r AST-Frerght Act ron 5trategy for Eveft!tt~~eattle:~ l awm.1 C'orndor f·MSIB ~ fre1ght Mob1hty i)trategll.. Invt...<,tnu .. n\ Boa1J {Sta1e\, Fl A-i ede1al I'iaHSI\ Adnmmhatmn (h:derzl). HES-Hazard Lllmlntttlon [I·ederalj, 11 S ~Intelligent fransportahon '-)ystcms ffedeJalJ, liD -Local Improvement D1~!nct, PW I I·-Public Work:-. 1 rust I und loan [StateJ, STP-Surtace frar1sportat1on Pwer<~m LJ cderal] IIA-I ran~portat1011 Improvement Account, TrB - TranspOJtatiOJJ lrnpwvement Board [State], 1 PP--Tramp011atton Partner~lup Program [State] 31 CfTY OF KENT Modified Draft SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2012-2017 PROJECT #31: Residential Traffic Calming Program Ongomg Cityt11de Progwm DESCRIPTION: This project will develop and 1mplement residential traffic calming throughout the C1ty on a priority basis as funding allows. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering ................. $750,000 Right of Way Acquisition ................... $0 Construction ....... .. ............. ... $! ,050,000 TOT AL ........................................ $1 ,800,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The program was originally established m 1999 to addres~ traffic concerns on resJdentJal streets The City Council recently adopted a re\ 1scd Trame Calnnng Program m mder to make inforrned, systematic, dee1sions about actmns to conect those concerns There ha~ been a ~uhstantia! increa~e m tequest;; to the City for installat10n of phy~tL,tl dev1cc' wnhm th.o last couple of )car~ that resulted in a s1gmficant mcrease m the number of ~peed and volume <>tud!\:~ and reqmred numerous public meetings !'his program w1l! allow for adequate ttaffic studtes to keep up \\ ith the increased demand, supp111 t staff resources to perl\mu the stuzhcs and \\Ork with residents toward resolving 11 affic concerns. and fund the purchase, mstaHatton and construction of phy<>tcal devices for restdentml traflic cal mmg. AlP· Arlena! Improvement Program (State], CMAQ-Congestlon M!trgatron and Arr Quality (l'edeml]. fAST-l'rerght Act ron Stratcg} tor Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Comtlor. FMSIB-Fre1g,ht Vlob1hty Strateg,1c Inve-stment Hoard [StJ.te], I I A-redera! I rmlS1t Adnumst1 <lt1on [! ederat l HFS ~ Ha~-ard .. tJmmatJon [Federal], ITS-Intclhgent fransportal!Oil Sysh:m~ II·ederal], LID-! neal Tmprovement D1stnct, PW 1 r-Publ1c Works 1 ru~t lund I 01111 [.~tatel, 'iTP-.'-Jurface fran.;;portauon ProgHml[federalJ, TIA-J'ranspmtatmn Improvement Account, TJB- 1 r,m))portatton lmprovement Board (State] 1 PP Transportalton PMtncrshtp Program {~tate! 32 CITY OF KENT Modified Draft SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2012-2017 PROJECT #32: Traffic Signal Management Program Ongomf{ ( 'lly\\ ~tie Program DI<~SCRIPTION: This program will analyze intersections for potential mstallatwn of tral!ic :;1gnals or other traffic conttol to msure safe and efficient usc of the ex1~ting and planned tran~portation network. Analysi8 of turn movements and colli~ion h1stotj WJII be used to pnontize new traffic signal installatiOns. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering ................. $600.000 R1gbt of Way Acquis1t10n ................. .$0 ConstructiOn , ....... , .............. $3,600,000 T<Yf AL ........................................ $4,200,000 l<'lJNDING SOURCE(S): Cll)' of Kent PROJECT .HJSTIFICA TION: Historically, the City justifies the need tor two new traffic ~ignals per year to meet safety nnd mob1hty need:-.. rhis prog1am budgets for proJects needed to meet the mcrcao.mg demand for signalized mter~ecllon conh ol and tlw constant ncc:d li:1r tJaffic counts to monitor Vt'hiclc volumes and behavtor lt al>o ~upports the tcplacemcnt of old, outd.ttcd lmtfic signal cqmpmcnt at currently Signalued mtcrsections. !'he pnonues li:>r trallic ~ignab will be set by tumsportation system s1gnal warrant stud1es which mclude 5tudJcs of volumes, collJ>ion l11~tmy, pedestn<~n mobility needs, and tnad\hty geomet1y Thb program also help~ the City mamtam level of serv1cc standards ne<.:cbsary to mamla!ll (,Oncut rcncy as required b)' the Growth Management Act. AlP-Artenallmprovement Program [State], CMAQ-Congestton Mttigalton and AIC Qualtty [Fedeml], FAST-J'retght Action Strategy for Everettw~eattle-I'acoma Con1dor f tv1')JB-rre1ght Mob1hty StrilttgJc Investment Bo.ud [~t.tte], t TA-Federal 'I ram.Jt Adrrnmstrdtlon {l e-deral], HES-Hazard Ehmm.iiiOn [FedeiJ!j, I I:-,-lntelhgent I rampt.lrtatJOn S)'>!tm.'. [J.<edernl], UD -LO\..al lmpro\oCI11Cilt D1stnct PWl I·-Public Work<> fru<:t Fund f oan (State], ::-:. TP ~ ~urfal.-e fran:,portatton Pwf?rarn [f edr;:ral] TJA I rdnsportat!On Improvement Altount, TfB- TransportatiOn lmprovement 13oard tStatel, l PP-1 r<msportat10n Pnrtnersl11p Progr dill fStntc] 33 CITY OF KENT Modified Draft SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2012-2017 PROJECT #33: Miscellaneous Intersection Improvements Ongomg ('i(p.vide Program DESCRIPTION: Improve miscellaneous intersections withm the City to accommodate future traffic volumes. Provides for improvcmenb to the operatiOnal dfiw:ncy of the ro;.~dway >.ystcm includmg rcchanncltLatlon, stgnmg, '>ignal coordmatwn programs. transit stgnal pnonty. Intelligent Transportation Sy~tems. stgnal upgtddeo; such a~ pwtecti\e/penmsstvc pha-;ing_ and LED 5tgnal mdtcattons upgrades PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering . ..... . .... $45,000 Rtght of Way Acquisition ..................... $0 Construct 1011 • • • .. .. .. .... .. .... .. .. ... $25 5, 000 TO'I'A L ........................................... SJOO,OOO FUNDING SOURCR(S): City of Kent PROJF.C'T JUSTIFICATION: The Transportation Master Plan identified several inter<;ections that will need to be Improved to accommodate future traffic volume~. 'I hesc mtcr~cctwns arc spread throughout the City ami arc not mcludcd a<> separate proJects within thts 6-Ycat TIP. lncreasmg the capactty and cfiicwncy of the C'>J<>tmg roadway system through opetatlonal ttnprovemcnts tS a very cost eftcct1vc element of the tran~portdt wn p10g1 mn AtP • Artcnal Improvement Pr<>gram [State], CMAQ-Congestion Mitigation and A If Qual1ly [fedeml], fAST-fmght Acl1on qtrategy for Everett-Seattle-'! <Jcoma C'omdor, f'M~JB-~retghl MobJflty Strategtc: lnvestmciH Board fStatel, f lA-Federal J rans1t AdmmtslraliOJ1 [fedcralj, HES-HllLcUd Llumn<'~twn [rederd!j, !'! S -lntelltgent Tran~portatwn Sy,:,tems U ederal], LJD ~Locallmprovement D1~!J 1ct, P\V n -Pub he Works Trust rund Loun [SrateJ, S l P-~urtace 1 ran,<;,portJhon Program rFederalJ, TJA -Transport11twn Improvement Account liB- rransportauon lmptovement Doard [~tateJ, I PP-J ransportdt!On Partncrshjp Program [State] 34 CITY OF KENT Modified Draft SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2012-2017 PROJECT #34: Comprehensive Plan 1Jpdate Ongomg ( 'llyl! 1(/e l'1 og1 am DESCRIPTION: Tht~ project consists of an update of the TransportatiOn Element of the City·, Comprehensive Plan and the rransportation Master Plan indudmg near-term and long range plannmi! of the City's tran;,portatwn ,ystern neecb Project costs include consultant contracts tor transportatiOn planmng, concun ency management. pubhc involvement, travel demand and traffic operations modelmg am! analy:ii> of p()lenttal linancmg ~tt<~tcgtes tn construct, opewtc and mamtam the City's ttansportation network The p!OJcct mcludes ~talT re:-.omces, h;mh,arc and soft\\iarc to analyze, manage and momtor the tran~portatlon network. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering ............. $450,000 Rtght nf Way Acqmsition ........ .. .... . .. $0 Construction ......... .......... .. ................. .. $0 T01' AL .............................................. S45(l,f){)ft FUNDIN<1 SOlJRCE(S): City of Kent PROJECT .llfSTU'ICA TION: The City's 2008 Transportation Master Plan Jdenttficd the C1ty's transportation o.y~tem nt:cds out to the year 2030 but was ba,ed on the City's 2004 Comprehen'.Jve Plan Th1s pwjcct will support the City's 2014 Compichen~Jve Pl,m Update by mcorporatmg the City·~ updated hou~ehold and joh~ torecasto. mto future tran~portatJOn demJnd rnodellorccast ~ccmuw~ and develop poss1ble transportatiOn altemat1ves to accommodate the new growth projel'ltom. The Cit) must be in compliance with all state. county and regional po]JcJc;, m order to be eligible to apply f01 competitive g1anh. The Cit) endcavot<, to ma'\nnizc transportatiOn cffictency, mvcsttgate methods of mcasunng concunenc~ that incorporate all modes of travel, better reflect5 the ways our commumt:r is changmg, engages the commumty in dJscus~tcm, ahout future transportation investments, and mvestigates vanous ways of fundmg our future tr:m~po!latwn need\ AlP· Aitenallmprovernent Program [Stale], CMAQ -Congeslion MlligaiJon and A1r Quality [Federal], FAST-Frc1ght ActiOn Strategy tor Everett~~eatttr.:~Tdl...umc. Corndor, FMSIB -Fre1ght Mob11\(~ Str{\teg1c Investment HoJ.rd ('-,tate], F I A-Federal I rans1t Admm1strat1on [Federal}, H[S-Hazard Llimmatron [f·ederalJ, I I~-Intelligent Tramportat1011 Systems [l'ede1al] LID -I o .... .tl lmprovemt:nl Dl<;tfll..l, PWTF-Pub/1c Works 'I rn~l} und Loan f:-..t.nel S 1 P-')urface l TdlbJ10rtatton Program (fede1alj TIA-fianspOJtatJon Improvement Account, TlB- I Ja!l'iportatiOn Improvement Hoard f~tateJ, 1 PP-f ransporlatJOil Par1nerslup Program [~tate! 35 CITY OF KENT Modified Draft SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2012-2017 PROJECT #35: Channelization (Street Markings) Improvement Program Ongomg Cti)'H'ide Program DESCRIPTION: ProVllle street marking projects throughout the City to separate and tegulate contltctmg movements. deJlne paths of travel, and taeihtatc safe and orderly movement on City Streets. PRO.JKCT COST: Prehmmary Engmecring ......... . ..... $40,000 Rtght of Way Acquisitton ......................... $0 ConsttucttOn ................................ $494,000 TOT AL ........ -. .................................... ,.$534,000 FU~DINC SOURCE(S): City of Kent PROJECT JlJSTIFlC AT! ON: This ongoing program maintains and updates the channelizatiOn throughout the City. The Ctty has I ,648,863 lmcm feet (Lf) of channeltzatwn stnpiug, 445,300 rai~ed pavement marking~. 22.01:: f.l7 otT curb and 7.179 Ll ot pamted C curb, Channelu:atton helps to limit conflict point~ and dneets rnoton~t~ through meas of complexlly. 'I hcse markmgs are also used to ddincat.: left tum storage yueue area;, and deccleratwn meas fm right tummg vehicles This proJect preserves the capacity and crtictency of the C'.!Slmg roadway ~)'Stem. AlP • Anenallmprovemenl Program [State], CMAQ -Congestion Mt!Jgallon and Air Quahty [rederal], FAS r-rrctght Action ~trategy tl>r Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Comdor l·MSlB-height MobJilty Shateg1c Investment BoMd {')tatel, l1 A federal frans1t Adnum~tratJOll ffcderal]. HE~-HaLard Elnmnalion !Federal], ITS -Intelligent Transponatwn System; fl'ederal), LID -Local Improvement DJStllct. I'Wll -Public Work11 l'ru'1t rund Loan [State], 'iTP o;.;urface Tran()pmtlltlon Progmm {l·eder<~l] fiA-1 ran">portatlon Impro .. emcnt A'\..cmmt, ! lB- lran<:.portdtiOn Improwmcnt Board [State], 1PP -fransportlHIOO Partnership Program fStatcj 36 CITY OF KENT Modified Draft SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2012 · 2017 PH.O.JECT #36: Bicycle System Improvements Ongomf{ CI~1W1de Program DESCRIPTION: Make miscellaneous improvements to the ctty's btcycle routes as tdentified in the Nonmotonzed Chapter (Chapter !1) of the adopted Tramportat10n Master Plan ( l 'vii'). Btcyc!e lanes arc part of mdtvtdual street nnpwvemcnt pltlJCCts and each of those plUJect> would be 1tcnm.cd !ndtv!dually. l he co~ts of those bike lanes added to TMP Stteet proJects ate e<.tunatcd <tl approximately $40.000.000 and are not ret1ecteu here Tlu~ protect ~~ 101 shared lane stripmg and stgnmg. and fm the extenston of the shared-u~c path network. PRO.mcr COST: Preliminary Engineering ................ $108,500 Right of Way Acquisition ........ $72,500 Constmction ................................. $723,500 TOTAL ........................................... $904,500 Fl'NDlNf; SOURCE(S): City of Kent PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The 2008 Transportation Master Plan Nonmotott!:ed System Study proposed a netwot k of shared lane wut.:s on transportatiOn corn,lor~ throughout the ctty to help connect the btcyde system. Lane markmgs anJ sign po;,tings can tnl(mn motorist' ,wd cycltsts of those corndors best ~uited for stgnificant bike use. These shared-lane facilttte;, can ptovtdc cnttc,tllmkages to maJor cychng activtty centers and connectwns to the ~hared uoe path systems. l'111s proJect can help achieve the City's goals for tmpmvmg mobility. reducmg vehtcle tnps, mcrea~ing phy~tc,ll exct ct~c. and tmprovl!lg tt at1\portatJon connectedness. AlP· Artenal Improvement Program [State], CMAQ-Congestion Mttlgatmn and Air Qual tty [federal], FA ~T-Fretght Actton Strategy for Everett~Scallle~ Tacoma CoT!Idor, l-MSIB-} reJght Mobll1ly Stratcg1c Investment Board !5tatef, ll A-federdl I ransrt Admmrstrat10n [Federal], HES-Hazard Elimmatton [Fedetalj, I I'-lntelltgent rran;portallon System; [Federal] LID -1 ocal Improvement DJ>tnct. PW I l -Publrc Workc; fru<;t lund l oan [~tate], STP-Surface Transportation Program [J.edera!J, 11A-Tran'\porratJOn lmpro"ernent A<.count, riB - TramporlatiOn Improvement Board [State], TPP-fran'>portatJOn Partnchhlp Program [State] 17 CITY OF KENT Modified Draft SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YFAR: 2012-2017 PROJRCT #37: Sidc\talks, SidC\\alk Repair and the Americans with Disabilities Act Compliance Program Ongmng C!tywl(/.; Program DESCRIPTION: Systematically construct new sidewalks as identified in the Transportation Master Plan as the lltghc'>tlfllgh Priorities throughout the Ctty Reconstruct and repair existing sidewalks and curb ramps and install new truncated domes and hard- surfaced side>Aalb to Implement the reqUirements of the l'cdctal Americans 'A ith Dtsab!ltttcs Act ( 1\DA) con;,tstent wtth the findings of the Nonmotonlcd Chapter (Chapter 6) of the 2008 Transportation Ma~ter Plan. PRO.JECT COST: Prelimmary Engineering ................. $500,000 Rtght of Way Acquisttlon ............. $250,000 Constructwn ............................. $2,250,000 TOT AL ........................................ $3,000,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent PROJECT .JllSTIFICA TION: This project is mandated by Title I1 of the Amencans wtth Dtsabtlities Act. Title II reqwres that a public enttty must evaluate its services, programs. polictes, and prac!lccs to dckrmme l'llhcthcr they are in compliance wtth the nondisc11mination requncment<> of' the ADA. The ADA n;qune' that an 4.DA Twnltfwn Plan be ptepared to de~cribe any structural or phy~tcal changes required to make pwgrams accessible f'hc City has conducted a self-evaluatwn and prepared a Tran.1tt1on Plan including a pnontm:d list of proJects to bnng Itself mto compliance wtth the Federal ADA regulations. rhts pwwmn begms working on that list ol proJects to construct and rcpmr the Ctt) 's btdevvalk and street/sidewalk transttwn zones for acc..:ss1btltty i()r all u~crs and begms to address the pcdestnan improvements idcntitlcd 111 the l'ranspm tatton Master Plan. 1 hts plOJCCt can help ad11eve the Ctty'; goah fm unpwving mobtlity, teducing vehicle tnps, increasmg phy;ical activtty. and ltnplo\ lllg transportatwn connectedne,, AlP-Artenallmprovement Program [State), CMAQ-Congestion Mll!gation and /ur Quahty [Fcdcralj, FAST-rre~ght A ell on Strategy hlf Everett-Seattle~ I acoma Cormlor, fMSIB ~ rrerght Mob1hty StJ~llquc lme,.tment Bo.1rd [St.ttcJ, FTA-Federal I rm11l:Jf Adnunl~lrdtron !redera!], HCS -1 la.::ard Ehmm<ltron fredcral], ITS-Intelligent I r ansportat1on Sy;;!cms I f"ederall, I ll J Lot.al Improvement D1stnct PWlT -Puhh" Wofi..s Trust Fund Loan [~tatel s 1 p-~urfacc Transpor)dUOil Progrctlll fh~derill}, llA-Tr.lmporiJtiOJI lmproHment Account rm- Trml~portatJon Improvement Board [State), TPP-Transpona11on Pfl1tner~h1p ProgramlSt.tte) 38 CITY OF KENT Modified Draft SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2012-2017 PROJECT #38: Guardrail and Safety Improvements Ongomg C!t)MUie P1ogl{}m DESCIUI,TION: Make mbcellaneous guardrail improvements each year to enhance motorist ~arety Canchdate proJects mcludc hager Road, SE 240 1h !1481h Avenue Southeast hiilsn!e. Lake Fenwick Road north or S 272"'1 Street. and 1001h A H~nuc Southc;1st. Upgtade existing guardrail end-treatment:, as mandated by State and Federal regul,ttions PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering .................. $20,000 Right otWay AcquJSJtlon ...................... $0 Con<;truction ....................... $175.000 TOTAL ........................................... $195,000 FUNDIN(; SOVRCE(S): City of Kent. liES PROJECT Jl.!STIFICA TION: This project is mandated by compliance with Federal and State regulations and the requirement to eliminate potcntwlly hazardous roadway conditions AlP· Anenal Improvement Program (Slate], CMAQ-Congestron Mttlgalton and Air Quality [Fedorol], FAST-fretght Aclmn ~tr,ucgy for Everett-Seattle-facoma Comdor, I MSIB-Fre1gh1 Mobility %ateg1c lnvcsllnent Board [~late], FT A-federal I ransll Adnm11stra1wn [Federal], HES Hazard Ellmmai!On [federalj, ITS-Intelbgent TransportatiOn Systems [Fcderj1l]. ! JD ~Locallmpwvcment D1stnct, PW n-Pubhc Worls Trust Fund Loan {State), STP-Surface I'ran;;p~)rtahon Pmg1am if ederal), riA-'I ransport~nmn Improvement A.ccmm1, 1 IB- Tram,portat!on improvement Board l~tatej, l PP-1 rdnsportaoon Part11ersh1p Program !State} 39 CITY OF KENT Modified Draft SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2012-2017 PRO.JECT #39: Community Based Circulating Shuttles Ongomf( Cllyll'lde !'rograrm DESCRIPTION: Continue to provide enhanced transtt service to meet the needs of the community through (he usc nf fixed-route shuttle service, wtth demand-responsive routing capabilities. Routes 9!4/916 serve the Kent Transit Center Regtonal Justice Cen(et, Kent C'Jty HalL Green River Community College's Kent campus, and local ~hoppmg and medical faciltt!es The Route 918 shuttle connects the C1ty'~ manufacturmglmdustrial center with the rcgwna! bus and commuter tiam services at the Kent l'ransit Center. PRO.JECT COST: Pn:hminary Engineering ........................... $0 Right of Way Acqmsition ........................ $0 ConstructiOn ........ $252,000 TOT A 1, ........................................... $252,000 ~FUN DING SOVI~CE(S): City of Kent, CMAQ, Kmg County, ITS PHOJECT JUSTIJ<'I('ATION: Routes 914/916 provide mobility and independence tu many of the city's seniors and reduce the need tot expenstvc ACCESS -;erv1ce tm m.1ny wheelchair-hit service tnp'> Community cuculatmg shuttles encourage the par!Icipatwn ot all ages, all cconomtc group>., aU phystcal abtllttes, and VIrtually aU of our commumty m everyday CIVIC hfc without the 1-,olatwn and pollution of the automobile for every tnp. Comrnutet shuttles enhance the regwnJ.I ttansttltram service b; pto\ tdmg the vital hnk from home 01 \\ork to the Transit Center, encouragmg people to travel \vithout then personal vcllldcs --thus avoiding the cold-start tmpact5 to ait quahty and teducmg congestiOn on local streeh. AlP-Artenal Improvement Program [Slate], CMAQ-Congeslwn M1t1gal1on and A If Quality [Federal], FAST-Fre1ghl Action Strategy for F.vere!t~Seattle·lacorna C'orrrdor, f-MSJB-rre1ght MobJhly StrdlCgiC fnvc.;;tmell! Board lStat~t FJ A-I'ederal frans1t J\dmmr:.tratiOn (Federal], JIE', -llaLard Llrmmatlon [hderal), IrS-lntellrgent I ransportcttrorl S)<>tems fJ cderal], LID-/ oc.JI fmproverncnt D1s1nct PWI F-Publrc Works I rust I und Loan [Statej, ~I P-Surtace 'I ranspor tatwn Progtam fl cdcra!J, IIA-Tra.nsportatron Improvement Account, fiB- 'lramportauon lmpro\'ement l3o.ud [~t.Jte], 1 PP~ lr.ul:::.pollJIJon PMtnerslup Program [St.tte} 40 CITY OF KENT Modified Draft SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2012-2017 J>ROJECT #40: Transit Now Service Partnership Program Ongomg Cl(ywide Progrum DESCRIPTION: Transit Now is a voter-approved King County Metro Transit program wh1ch pHJVtde> mccntives for local JUnS<hcllons to tmprovc local tlansit operatwm h:v entermg tnto a direct Jinancwl partncr~hip wtth MctJo lor provtdmg addttwnal setvJce. 'V!elro w111 match a partner'<> contribution on a 2 l b.1:;i~ [ ran~ll Nmv rcqUJres a mmunum contributiOn from the partner of $100.000 per ycm for tive (5) years to add a new route Kent has entered mto partner,htp w1th Metro to provtde new servtce to The Lakes and Riverview neighborhood:, and to pwvide the mtssing lmk between the Kent Transtt Center and maJor worksJtcs m the valley mdustrial area. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering .............. $! ,000.000 Right of Way Acquisition .... .... ..... $0 Construction ....... ... . .. ... . . . .... .. . . ...... $0 TOT AL ........................................ $1,000,000 FliNDING SOllRCE(S): City of Kent, King County. Commute Trip Reduction Program (CTRl Employers PRO.JF:CT JUSTIFICATION: Transit service (bus and tram} between Kent and downtown Seattle ~~ generally competitive with automobile drivrng during the commute hour~ Transit scr \ 1ce wrthm Kent and between Kent and its neighboring JUrisd!ctJOns has senous deliclcncic~ Due to low hcquerK) tram1t ts Simply not a vtablc optiOn for travelers who need to make a lnp dunng the midday, commutel'i workmg non- tradmonal shtfts. and pe,lk hour commuters who arc concemed thai there is no safety net seJvtce -,!wuld they need to travel dunng the m1dday. fhcsc partncrshtp propo~als allow us \o buy OUJ waj rnto p111\ tdlllf' additional <,etvicc to our commun1ty that we would not otherwise be able to obtain. AlP-Artenal ~nprovement Program [Stale], CMAQ-Congestion Mrtiga!ron and Air Quah!y [Federal], FAW-Frergh! Ac!u>n Sirategy tor Evere!!-Sea!!lo-Tacorna Comdor, l·MSIB -lre>ghl Mobrllty ~lratcgJC lnve;tment BoMd [State!, F r A-I ederal "/ ran>~t AdrnrnJStratron [Fcderalj. HES-Ha7ard ~hmmalloll [Federal] IrS -lntellrgerll Tra1J>portal10n '>}'fern; [Federal]. LID-Locallmprovemen! IJJ<tnct. PWH-Public Worts 1 ru~t l und r o:m [\tJie), S fP ')urface Tran9portat1on Program {federal], IIA-lramporliltJon Improvement Acwunt, I fB- TransportatiOn Improvement Board [St<JteJ, TPP --TransportatiOn Partnership Program [State] 41 CITY OF KENT Modified Draft SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YI<:AR: 2012-2017 PROJECT #41: Railroad Quiet Zone for Downtown Urban Center On?;O!tt?; Cuyw1de P10gram BESCRIPTION: Establishment of a railroad quiet zone for the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Ratlroad (Bl\SF) track-; and the Umon PaCltic Rai!toad (UPRR) track:; through the City of Kent rhe grade crossmgb to be included m the qmet /one on the BNSF railroad mmnline are. S 2591h Stteet. Willts Str..;et, ritus Street, Oowe Sttcet, Y[eckcr Street, Smith Str..;et. Jame~ Street, and S 2!21h Street. fhe grade ciossmgs included m the quiet zone tor the !JPRR mamhnc tracks arc· \\ Ilhs Street (SR 516). W Smtth Street, W Meeker Sheet, W James Stlect, S 228th S ds ')t2'11 s·· tt cet, an , _ , trcct PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering ........... $3,500,000 Right of Way Acquisition ........................ $0 Constntction . .. ........... .. . ................... $0 TO']' A L .... , •..•.....••.•......•.•..•.•..•..... S3,500,000 FUND IN(; SOURCE(S): City of Kent, Federal Rail Administration, FllWA PRO.JECT JUSTIFICATION: Locomotive engmeers begin sounding the train-mounted horn approximately V. mile tt·om the llltcr~eetion of a htgbway/railroad crossmg: This warnmg dl;!vicc is an et1cctivc deterrent to accidents at gt <ttlc crossmg;, but exposes the local community to ~igmficant levels of no1sc that ot1en deprecate:; the quality of life tor tho;,e ltvmg clo<;e<,t to the wilroad tacil!tie~ AlP-Artenallrnprovement Program [State], CMAQ-Congest ton Mtttgallon and Air Quality [Federal]. FA~T-Fretghl Act ton ~tralegy for Everett~~eattle~Tacoma Corndor FMSIB-J.re1ght MobJlJiv StJategJc investment Board l5tateJ, l l A-J edcra1 Tran~11 AdnwustratJon trcderal], BES-Hanud Umunatton {Federal], ITS-lntel!1gent Tr,msportatton Sy~tems [Federal!. UD -Lor....allmprovetnent Dl<>tn<-t. P\\lll -Pubhc Works Trust Fund Loan [State], ~! P Surfc~te Tramport~tJon Program [Federal], TI;\ -TransportatiOn Improvement AL-wunt, TIB- Transportal lOll Jmprovemenl Board r~tateJ, 'I PP-Tran<;por!Jtlon Partner:'! hlp Program rstateJ CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 2012-2017 This page intentionally left Blank For MAP CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 2012-2017 KENT WASHINGTON For more information or additional copies of this document contact: Steve Mullen, Transportation Engineering Manager City of Kent, Public Works, Engineering 220 Fourth Avenue South Kent, WA 98032-5895 (253) 856-5585 smullen@ci kent.wa us