HomeMy WebLinkAbout3985ORDINANCE NO _ .î1 P5 AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, amending the Kent Comprehensive Plan and its Capital Facilities Element to reflect a six-year plan for capital improvement projects (2011-2016) (CPA-2010-2). RECITALS A. The State of Washington Growth Management Act ("GMA") requires internal consistency among comprehensive plan elements and the plans from other jurisdictions, B. To assure that comprehensive plans remain relevant and up to date, the GMA allows amendments to the capital facilities element of comprehensive plans concurrently with the adoption or amendment of a city budget (RCW 36.70A.130(2)(a)(iv)). C. The City of Kent has established procedures for amending the Comprehensive Plan in Chapter L2.02 of the Kent City Code, allowing amendment of the Capital Facilities Element of the Comprehensive Plan concurrently with the adoption or amendment of the City's budget and allowing the City Council to hold the public hearing instead of the Land ! Comprehensive PIan Amendment to the Capital Facilities Element for 20 7 7-2O 76 Ca pital Improvements Use and Planning Board D. The City of Kent Finance Department has submitted proposed amendments to the Capital Facilities Element of the Comprehensive Plan to identify a six-year plan for capital improvement projects, including costs and revenue sources. E. After providing appropriate public notice, the City Council of the City of Kent conducted a public hearing on November 2, 2010, to consider the six-year plan for capital improvements and the requested amendment to the Comprehensive Plan and its Capital Facilities Element. F, On October 13, 20L0, the City provided the State of Washington the required sixty (60) day notification under RCW 36,704.106 of the City's proposed amendment to the Capital Facilities Element of the ComprehensÌve Plan, The sixty (60) day notice period has lapsed, G. On October 22, 2010, the City's SEPA responsible official adopted existing environmental documents consisting of the City of Kent Comprehensive Plan Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) Draft and Final (ENV-93-51) and a SEPA Addendum, dated October 22, 20L0. The SEPA Addendum explained that the proposed amendment would not create unavoidable impacts beyond those previously identified in the EIS. H. On December L4,20L0, the City Council for the City of Kent approved the Capital Facilities Element amendment to the Kent Comprehensive Plan (CPA-2010-2) to reflect a six-year plan for capital improvement projects (201 1-2016), 2 Comprehensive PIan Amendment to the Capital Facilities Element for 20 7 7-2O 76 Ca pita I Im provements NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: ORDINANCE SECTION 7. - Amendment. The City of Kent Comprehensive Plan and its Capital Facilities Element are hereby amended to reflect a six-year plan for capital improvement projects (2011-2016), as set forth in Exhibit "A" attached and incorporated by this reference (CPA-20L0-2). SECTION 2, - SeverabilÌty. If any one or more sections, subsections, or sentences of this ordinance are held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this ordinance and the same shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 3. - Corrections by City Clerk or Code Reviser. Upon approval of the City Attorney, the City Clerk and the code reviser are authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance, including the correction of clerical errors; references to other local, state or federal laws, codes, rules, or regulations; or ordinance numbering and section/subsection numbering, SECTION 4, - Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after the date of passage as provided by law, OOKE, MAYOR Com prehensive PIan Amendment to the Capital Facilities Element for 20 7 7 -2O 7 6 Ca pita I I m prove ments 3 ATTEST: RENDA JACOBER,CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: TO BRUBAKER, CITY ATTORN EY PASSED: /V day of December, 201.0. APPROVED: I ¿J day of December , 20t0. PUBLISHE O, /l day of December , 2010. I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordinance f,lo. 3f frí passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, and approved by the Mayor of the City of Kent as hereon indicated. BRENDA JACOB CIry CLERK P:\Clvll\Ordinance\CompPlanAmend-CapitalImprovePlan20ll.docx Com prehensive PIan Amendment to the Capital Facilities Element for 20 7 7-2O 76 Ca pita I Im provements ) 4 EXHIBIT A 2OLL - 2016 Capital Improvement Program Sources of Funding Amounts in OOO's Totaf 2OLl 2OL2 2OL3 2Ol4 2015 2016 Sources of Funds Capital Improvement Fund Utility Funds Facilities Fund General Fund Grants Other Sources Total Sources of Funds 4L,764 100,081 3,860 7,800 10,2 10 77,862 2,574 11,350 0 2,000 289 2,599 7,050 16,760 775 800 7,736 1,395 5,950 !8,225 1,040 7,25O 2,305 L,420 3,695 L9,341 590 1,250 505 549 75,625 14,895 725 L,25O 2,635 L,415 6,870 19,5 10 790 L,250 2,740 4,495 t75,577 18,801 28,456 36,545 35,655 30,190 25,930 G ra nts 6% Other Sources 10/t/o Capital lmprovement Fund 24%General Fund Fac¡lit¡es Élhd 2% Ut¡l¡ty Fun 57% EXHIBIT 4 2O11 - 2OL6 Capital Improvement Program Projects Forecast Amounts in OOO's Total 2011 2Ol2 2013 2Ot4 2015 2016 Proiects General Government Public Safety Transportation Parks, Rec & Comm Services Utilities Total Projects 3,996 195 2,000 1,260 11,350 1,991 1,295 1,300 6,360 L7,5L0 L,920 8,280 L,750 8,950 L5,645 L3,602 10,555 10,300 38,039 103,081 1,915 245 L,750 11,485 20,260 2,715 345 7,750 7,005 L8,975 1,665 195 L,750 2,979 79,341 t75,577 18,801 28,456 36,545 35,655 30,190 25,930 2 Public Safety 6% General Government 8% Tra nsportation 6% Rec & Comm Services 2r% s9% EX!"IIBIT R General Government 2O11 - 2016 Capital Improvement Program Amounts in Thousands Total 2011 2Ot2 2013 2Ol4 2015 2016 Sources of Funds CIP Revenues Facilities Revenues (Internal) King County Grant (CPPW) LTGO Bonds Total Sources of Funds Proiects Funded Facilities Centennial Center Upgrades Emergency Facility Repairs (Lifecycle) Facilities Card Access Floor Covering Replacements (Lifecycle) HVAC Lifecycle Replacements (Lifecycle) Kent Pool Improvements Kitchen Equipment (Lifecycle) Parks Maintenance Renovation Roof Repairs (Lifecycle) Sealcoat Parking Lots (Lifecycle) Senior Center Upgrades Technology Hardware Lifecycle Replacements Software Business System Replacements Tech Plan 2008 - 2072 Other General Government Communities Putting Prevention To Work (CPPW) Neighborhood Matching Grant Funds Total Projects Funded t3,602 3,996 1,997 1,920 1,915 2,7t5 1,665 7,229 3,860 45 2,468 1,195 725 1,725 790 1,075 7,04O L,075 590 t,489 L,270 775 396 2,468 140 750 150 690 1,800 150 t25 35 375 420 40 3,139 3,000 2,468 45 150 75 40 300 25 25 35 75 r25 40 50 150 45 150 75 150 300 25 25 200 300 25 25 250 300 25 25 300 100 65 65 500 500 50 50 50 150 150 50 00 25 25 65 3300 25 639 500 2,468 500 500 500 500 45 275 39 25 6 50 500 500 500 500 50 13 602 3 996 1 920 1991 915 115 1,665 3 EXHIBIT A Public Safety 2O11 - 2016 Capital Improvement Program Amounts in Thousands Sources of Funds CIP Revenues Total Sources of Funds Proiects Funded Technology Public Safety MDC Replacements Police Services AR-15 Rifles Crime Scene Van Replcmnt/Equip Upgrd Ergonomic Work Stations Pursuit Intervention Technique Equip Robotic Laser Scanning Total Station Satellite Processing of Traffic NOIs Police /Fire Training Center Annex Furniture Upgrades Citywide Driving Simulator Expansion Police/Fire Training Center Training Center Classroom Upgrades Other Public Safety Work Crew Van/Trailer Equipment Total Projects Funded Total zOLl 2OtZ 2013 2Ot4 2015 2016 10,555 195 7,295 8,280 245 345 195 10,555 195 L,295 8,280 245 345 195 L,t70 195 195 195 195 195 195 75 75 90 25 50 770 75 90 100 75O 7,89O 25 75 25 70 25 50 25 150 8,640 25 150 60 60 10,555 195 t,295 8,280 245 345 195 4 EXHIBIT â Transportation ?OLL - 2016 Capital Improvement Program Amounts in Thousands Total zOLl 2OL2 2013 2OL4 2015 2Ot6 Sources of Funds General Fund Revenues Source To Be Determined Total Sources of Funds Proiects Funded Other Transportation Sidewalk Rehabilitation and Installation Miscellaneous Asphalt Overlays Railroad Quiet Zone Total Projects Funded 10,300 2,000 300 1 750 1 750 1 7,800 2,000 2,500 800 500 7,250 500 !,250 500 1,250 500 1,250 500 750 1 750 2,600 4,700 3,000 300 r,200 500 300 500 500 500 750 500 500 750 500 500 750 s00 500 750 500 10,300 2,000 1,300 7,750 1,750 7,750 t,75O 5 ffiXI-IIBIT Parks, Rec & Comm Services ?OLL' 2016 Capital Improvement Program Amounts in Thousands Total 2011 ?OLZ 2013 2Ot4 2015 2016 Sources of Funds CIP REET2 Revenues CIP Revenues Donations / Contributions King County Grant Other Grant Source To Be Determined WA State Grant Total Sources of Funds Proiects Funded 132nd Street Park Development Adopt-A-Park Volunteer Program Architect/En gineeri n g Briscoe Park Renovation Clark Lake Development Clark Lake Land Acquisition Community Parks Reinvestment Prgrm Community Sports Fields Downtown Gateways, Phase 2 Eagle Creek Park Development Eagle Scout Volunteer Program East Hill Park Land Acquisition Eastridge Park Renovation Event Center Lifecycle Garrison Creek Renovation Grant Matching Funds/Land Acq. Green Tree Park Renovation House Demolition Huse Property Development International Parks Acq./Development Kent Memorial Park Renovation Kent Parks Foundation Kiwanis Tot Lot #3 Renovation Lake Fenwick Park Renovation Lake Meridian Park Ren, & Master Plan Life Cycle - Trails Life Cycle Park System Major Entries into Kent Master Plans Meridian Glen Renovation 21,805 2,175 90 760 1,155 3,904 8,250 865 25 15 t70 80 105 3,985 500 15 t75 555 130 1,000 5,650 500 15 180 5 150 2,450 4,950 550 15 235 50s 3,230 2,000 4,230 300 15 2,L25 300 15 5 155 2,300 38,039 7,260 6,360 8,950 11,495 7,005 2,979 5 34 500 2,700 240 50 150 1,050 2,000 600 7,600 750 1,000 210 700 100 1,800 750 375 100 150 1,150 50 200 150 75 7,200 3,200 54 7,730 250 150 50 100 40 10 35 150 1,000 35 150 35 40 40 10 40 10 100 100 0 1,000 100 3,300 150 100 200 150 r,700 40 10 150 50 1,000 100 4,000 150 300 40 10 1,000 100 100 35 35 200 25 25 50 25 50 25 100 25 1,000 25 7,200 35 500 200 25 100 300 750 75 100 25 300 300 300 300 300 o75757575 25 25 25 25 75 9 50 25 9 0 0 9 346 0 346 50 25 1,20O 2,000 99 346 346 50 50 25 25 50 9 346 50 25 6 25 LË,XþIIBIT R Parks, Rec & Comm Services 2O11 - 2016 Capital fmprovement Program Amounts in Thousands Mill Creek/Greenway Plan & Renovation North Meridian Park Renovation Old Fishing Hole Renovation Panther Lake PAA Park Acquisition Park and Open Space Plan Pine Tree Park Renovation Regional Trails - Levy Program Riverwal k/Riverview Park Development Russell Road Playground S 272nd St Neighborhood Park Dev Salt Air Vista Park Renovation Scenic Hill Park Renovation Springwood Park Improvements Urban Forestry Program/Green Kent Valley Flr Athletic Complex Acq & Dev Van Doren's Park Improvements West Fenwick Park Renovation West Hill Park Development Wilson Playfields Acq/Renovation Total Projects Funded 75 50 250 400 170 775 180 185 200 725 200 150 400 25 50 770 130 200 100 50 350 2,100 60 500 300 1,585 7,920 500 100 10 150 50 50 350 10 500 10 2,000 10 350 200 25 130 100 10 10 150 1,500 1,820 500 38,039 7,260 6,360 8,950 11,485 7,005 2,979 150 85 100 7 FHHIBIT R Utilities 2O11 - 2OL6 Capital Improvement Program Amounts in Thousands Total ?OLL 2OI2 2013 2Ol4 2015 2OL6 Sources of Funds Water Revenues Sewer Revenues Drainage Revenues Source To Be Determined Total Sources of Funds Proiects Funded Stormwater Management NPDES Miscellaneous Drainage Improvement Drainage Infrastructure Replacements Lake Fenwick Miscellaneous Habitat Improvements Green River Levee Repair Upper Mill Creek Dam Improvements South 228th Drainage Bypass Mill Creek Pump Station Mill Creek @ lames Flood Protection Green River Natural Resource Center Central Avenue Storm Drainage Sanitary Sewer Miscellaneous Sewer Replacements Water Supply & Distribution Miscellaneous Water Improvements Tacoma Pipeline Guiberson Reservoir Replacement Kent Springs Transmission Main Repair Meeker Street Pump Station Seismic Improvements Large Meter & Vault Replacement Easements/Land Acquisitions Rock Creek Mitigation Projects Security Improvements Hydrant Replacement Program Automated Meter Reading East Hill Maintenance Facility Total Projects Funded 3,345 1,600 6,405 8,425 s00 7,835 750 7,285 500 tL,725 750 7,790 500 9,935 750 39,57L 4,100 56,47O 3,000 4,930 500 9,465 750 7,796 500 11,045 103,081 11,350 17,510 !5,645 20 260 18 975 19 347 1,540 1,590 15,000 500 1,080 77,0O0 2,500 3,200 1,000 4,900 3,200 5,000 8,750 7,300 7,345 0 0 500 476 10,500 1,500 50 150 3,000 3,000 240 265 900 240 265 2,000 500 530 2,500 250 265 2,500 260 265 2,900 270 265 3,200 280 265 3,500 550 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,0002,500 2,500 7,75O 650 3,345 4,000 800 2,400 1,000 500 4,300 1,000 2,2O0 1,000 4,000 4,ro0 1,600 500 500 500 500 500 1,750 650 750 750 L,750 2,000 t,750 2,000 L,75O 2,000 100 85 1,500 300 10 30 100 90 2,000 300 10 30 100 95 2,000 300 10 30 1,000 750 100 100 2,500 300 10 30 1,000 750 100 106 2,500 300 10 30 1,000 103,081 11,350 t7,st} L5,645 20,260 79,975 L9,347 I ffiX[4IEIT A