HomeMy WebLinkAbout3984ORDINANCE NO. 3f g+ AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, relating to budgets and finance and adopting the final 20LL fiscal year budget. RECITALS A, The tax estimates and preliminary budget for the City of Kent, Washington, for the 2011 fiscal year have been prepared and filed as provided by law, and the budget has been printed and distributed, B. Notice has been published in the official paper of the City of Kent setting the time and place for hearing and that notice stated that all taxpayers calling at the Office of the City Clerk would be furnished a copy of the 2011 budget. NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: ORDINANCE SECTION 7, - Budget Adoption. Pursuant to RCW 354.33.075, the budget for the 20Lt fiscal year, as summarized in Exhibit "4" and as set forth in the 20LL Preliminary Comprehensive Budget, which is amended by Exhibit "8," all of which are incorporated into this ordinance by this reference, is hereby adopted in the amounts and for the purposes established in that budget as the final budget for the City's 20tL fiscal year. 1 2077 Budget Adoption SECTION 2, - Transmittal. The finance director shall transmit a complete copy of the final adopted budget to the Division of Municipal Corporations in the Office of the State Auditor and to the Association of Washington Cities, SECTION 3. - Adjustments, City administration shall administer the Annual Budget and in doing so may authorize adjustments pursuant to RCW 35A,33.120. SECTION 4, - Severability. If any one or more sections, subsections, or sentences of this ordinance are held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this ordinance and the same shall remain in full force and effect, SECTION 5, - Effectlve Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force five (5) days from and after the date of passage and publication as provided by law. COOKE, MAYOR ATTEST: BRENDA JACOBER,CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: 2 TO BRUBAKER, CITY ATTORNEY 2077 Budget Adoption I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordinance No, _ 3*¡ ç4 passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, and approved by the Mayor of the City of Kent as hereon indicated, u*:ãq'L-- PASSED, 4 day of APPROVED: /Ll day of PUBLISHE o: I î day of 010 2010 2010 a_8 BRENDA JACOBER, CITY CLERK (sEAL) P: \Clvil\Ordinance\Ordinance BudgetAdoption-201 l.docx 3 2077 Budget Adoption 2011 Budget Combined Operating Statement Revenues Expenditures lnc (Dec) in Fund Balance Beginning Fund Balance Ending Fund Balance GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS GENERAL FUND Excluding Annexation Annexation SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Street LEOFF 1 Retiree Benefits Lodging Tax Fund Youth/Teen Programs Capital lmprovement Criminal Justice Environmental Mitigation Community Block Grant Other Operating Projects Kent Events Center Operating Fund DEBT SERVICE FUNDS Voted LTGO Debt Special Assessment CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS Street Projects Parks Projects Other Capital Projects Technology Projects Facilities Projects PROPRIETARY FUNDS ENTERPRISE FUNDS Water Sewerage Golf Complex INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS Equipment Rental Central Services Facilities Fund lnsurance TOTAL GROSS BUDGET LESS: lnternal Service Funds lntrafund Transfers Other Transfers TOTAL BUDGET 61,586,454 12,722,747 5,170,421 1,035,077 161,100 897,904 13,301,729 2,839,625 404,207 848,557 1,153,831 1,000,000 9,039,938 3,988,894 2,000,000 600,000 1,334,000 22,544,643 44,028,149 3,222,234 3,746,209 5,095,327 5,301,596 18,635,330 26,965,190 17,077,937 20,468,182 156,146,663 62,219,629 12,827,491 4,793,227 970,1 69 158,500 908,206 9,163,696 3,552,637 283,261 848,557 1,1 14,831 1,000,000 9,039,938 4,077,937 2,000,000 600,000 1,334,000 22,320,036 51,690,814 2,897,295 3,937,322 5,082,083 5,047,608 17,91 1,894 26,965,190 17,077,937 20,468,182 159,267,722 (633,175) (104;744) 377,194 64,908 2,600 (10,302) 4,138,033 (713,012) 120,946 39,000 224,607 (7,662,665) 324,939 (191,1 13) 13,244 253,988 723,436 (2,028,845) 654,314 7,222 73,583 (8,21 1,2e5) (213,546) (114,003) 6,333,942 177,971 237,254 (1,275,923) 163,709 7,692,139 (1,907,267) 2,843,743 62,031 7,393 2,555,100 5,700,667 73,227 (1,651 ,651) 719,222 9,822 63,281 (4,073,262) (926,558) 6,943 276,250 (1,275,923) 388,316 19,474 (1,582,328) 2,652,630 75,275 261,381 3,279,536 (88,943) 965,296 876,353 220,657,972 223,779,031 (3,121,059) 8,012,714 4,891,655 1't/3012010 (3,121,059) 8,012,714 4,891,655 CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON 2011 Budget Ordinance Exhibit B Revenues E nditures lnc (Dec) in Fund Balance Beginning Fund Balance Endlng Fund Balance GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS GENERAL FUND Excluding Annexation Remove One-Time Pool Cover Credit Parks Baseline Adjustments Remove Council Computer Equip Add Econ & Comm Dev lntern Add Parks Temp Part Time Salaries Total Excluding Annexation Annexation Remove Fire Budget Add YouthÆeen Scholarship Fund TotalAnnexation SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Street Public Safety Retiree Health Lodging Tax Fund YouthÆeen Programs Capital lmprovement Fund Neighborhood Grant Matching Total Capital lmprovement Fund CriminalJustice Environmental M itigation Community Block Grant Other Operating Projects ShoWare Operating Fund ShoWare Lifecycle Project Total ShoWare Operating Fund DEBT SERVICE FUNDS Voted LTGO Bonds Special Assessmenl CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS Street Projects lncrease Asphalt Overlays Railroad Quiet Zone Total Street Projects Parks Projects Paths & Trails Move Project to Showare Operating Fund Total Parks Projects 61 ,673,152 (86,698) 62,'131,911 62,743 (86,698) (2,520) 22,199 (458,759) 6,333,842 5,875,083 91 994 61,586,454 12,722,747 62,219,629 (633,175) (87,000) 6,333,842 177,971 5,700,667 90,97112,809,747 (32,256) 50.000 12,722,747 12,827,491 (104,744) 177,971 73,227 5,170,421 1,435,077 161,100 897,904 13,301 ,729 4,793,227 970,1 69 158,500 908,206 9,138,696 377,194 64,908 2,600 (10,302) 4,163,033 (2,028,845) 654,314 7,222 73,583 (8,211,295) (1,ô51 ,651) 719,222 9,822 63,281 (4,048,262) 25.000 13,301,729 9,163,696 4,139,033 (9,21 1 ,295) (4,073,262) 2,839,625 404,207 848,557 1,153,831 700,000 300.000 3,5s2,637 283,261 848,557 1 ,1 14,831 700,000 300.000 (713,012) 120,946 39,000 (213,546) (114,003) 237,250 (1,275,923) (926,558) 6,943 276,250 (1,275,923) 1,000,000 1,000,000 9,039,938 9,039,938 4,077,837 (1,275,923) (1,275,923) (88,943) 965,296 876,353,8949883, 800,000 700,000 500,000 800,000 700,000 500,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 890,000 10,000 1300.000) 890,000 10,000 1300.000) 11130/2010 600,000 600,000 ctTY oF KENT, WASHTNGTON 2011 Budget Ord¡nance Exhibit B Revenues Expenditures lnc (Dec) in Fund Balance Beginning Fund Balance Ending Fund Balance Other Capital Projects Move Project to Technology Projects Total Other Capital Projects Technology Projects Public Safety MDC Replacements Total Technology Projects Facilities Projects Move Projects to Facilities Fund Total Facilities Projects PROPRIETARY FUNDS ENTERPRISE FUNDS Water Sewerage Add annexation drainage revenue Total Sewerage Fund Golf Gomplex INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS Equipment Rental Central Services Facilities Fund Expediture Reductions Due to RFA HVAC / Kent Pool Repair Projects Total Facility Fund lnsurance TOTAL GROSS BUDGET LESS: lnternalService Funds lntrafund Transfers Other Transfers TOTAL BUDGET 195,000 195,000 1 ,139,000 195,000 1,139,000 195.000't,334,000 1,334,000 325,000 1325.000) 325,000 1325.000) 22,544,643 43,107,055 921.094 22,320,036 51,690,814 224,607 (8,583,759) 163,709 7,682,139 388,316 (901,620) 44,028,149 3,222,234 3,746,209 5,095,327 4,976,596 325.000 51,690,814 2,897,295 (7,662,665) 324,939 7,682,139 (1,907,267) 19,474 (1,592,329) 3,937,322 5,082,083 4,983,419 (260,81 1) (191,.113) 13,244 (6,823) 2,843,743 62,031 7,393 2,652,630 75,275 570 325 .ooo 5,301,596 '18,635,330 224,657,972 26,965,190 17,077,937 20,468,182 5,047,608 17,911 ,894 223,779,031 253,988 723,436 (3,121,059) 7,393 2,555,100 I,012,714 261,381 3,278,536 4,891,655 26,965,190 17,077,937 20,468,182 1 56,146,663 159,267,722 (3,121 ,059) 8,012,714 4,991 ,655 1113012010