HomeMy WebLinkAbout3980oRDINANce No. 31 Po AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, amending Section 7.04.280 Kent City Code to adJust the schedule of charges for sewer rates for increases for King County METRO mandatory services. RECITALS A. The city is obligated by contract to send all of its wastewater for treatment to King County METRO which bills its costs for services to the city to be passed through to city customers. B. The King County Council has increased METRO rates for 2011 due to increased costs. The city will increase rates solely to pass through the METRO increases. C. Starting with the month of January, 2011, for single family residential dwellings and 1nd1v1dually-metered mult1-fam1ly dwellings, monthly rates will increase by $4.20 plus the associated twenty-five cent utility tax increase. The total monthly charge will increase from $48.26 to $52. 71 (9.2%) for these service types. 1 Sewer Rate Increase Amend KCC 7.04.280 D. Single family residential/lifeline rates will also increase by 9.2°/o, increasing from $44.40 1n 2010 to $48.49 in 2011. E. All other service types, primarily commercial and industrial, will increase by 9.2 percent from $6.44 to $7.03 per 100 cubic feet of water used. F. The Public Works Committee has recommended that these increases, including applicable ut1l1ty tax, be passed along to the City's customers. NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: 2 Sewer Rate Increase Amend KCC 7.04.280 ORDINANCE SECTION 1. -Amendment. Section 7.04.280 of the Kent City Code is amended as follows: 04 2&0 ~cheduJe or £barges far 1erv1ee The f.ollowmg samtary sewer seMce charge~ for $Cl"V1ce msule the city limits ate m effect on the dates and m the amounts hsted below Sewer serv1ce charges for customers res1d1ng oul&1de the city shall be the charges as on tile '" the <1ty olork's offi<e Type of Serv100 S.mgle-famlly re11dent1al dwelling, u defined m Ch 15 02 KCC 2 Two-family or mt1lt1plc-famtl}' res1den11al dwcUmg,, as defined m Ch 15 oi KU', e•ohun1t oeparaJely meter~i! 11lll charged Smgle famtly res1dent1al/hfel ine chg1b1l1tj cntcna for the hfelme uUIU} rate set forth in K.CC 7 01 080 Charge per Month Effeett¥e lllmugh IJ..>ttmlJ<of;;I 1004 ~ 5'H< G8~< 4 All mberthan 14-H P"'" 100 l!!'IY~.!'. iJP!'S l.)J.ng) ""~"•feet!"" 'ltRf!le-trtr111ly HlOHtk ...... 1 .. 1.,ul shall be bLllcd m accordance Wllh th( cons .. mptlon of water and at the foHowrng rare, except that uo monthly bill shall be less than the smgle-farn1l; res1dent1al rates~ forth 1n sen.ice l)'pe No 1 f<ftet"l-t.,e en l••n.uy-f, Wll< S449per IQ() e<tltte feel per monfh. g....,... Eff'edI¥e-un f-.Ilt'X"ttvelfttt f-fl:ec>-li 1H.f'fl tltH.'HJt;h. ffNru•_< l&llltHfy-1, lfttlll8l'fl, fflllll>f}-1, Janunry I Effective on l:'P)ilJlui!J~ ~OOI> WG7 21JOI! lOO'l January l 20!0 .L1!!U $4826 m.11 $4826 54440 $4-8'31"'f!OO i;; 13-per-IW ,. 57 per 100 f~9">-per~OO $(i 44 per 100 17.Ql.JM ~tibte-f-t"" """"' ..... per (lttbte feel-Jlff .. ibte-f...i1,.. 0001 c feet per l'!O_l;!lblc momh RH!-nth -· moiwh-month fii'-1~~1 llUUllh SECTION 2. The adJusted fees are for services beginning January 1, 2011. 3 Sewer Rate Increase Amend KCC 7.04.280 SECTION 3. -Savings. The existing section 7.04.280 of the Kent City Code, which is amended by this ordinance, shall remain in full force and effect until the effective date of this ordinance. SECTION 4. -Severability. If any one or more sections, subsections, or sentences of this ordinance are held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such dec1s1on shall not affect the val1d1ty of the remaining portion of this ordinance and the same shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 5. -Corrections by Citv Clerk or Code Reviser. Upon approval of the City Attorney, the City Clerk and the code reviser are authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance, including the correction of clerical errors, references to other local, state or federal laws, codes, rules or regulations; or ordinance numbering and sect1on/subsect1on numbering. SECTION 6.-Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be m force thirty (30) days from and after its passage a"Qlaw. ATTEST: RNEY 4 E OOKE, MAYOR .-_ .................... .... --/ .. .. -~ --.... -... · Sewer Rate Increase Amend KCC 7.04.280 PASSED: /? day of November, 2010. APPROVED: //p day of November, 2010. PUBLISHED: /'f day of November, 2010. I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordinance No. 31f 0 passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washingto , and approved by the Mayor of the City of Kent as hereon indicated. P \Clvil\Ordmance\SewerCharge-lncrease Ordinance 11-2010 docx 5 ... ·---..... ,,.. . ---_. "' r _. -----... ,, ..... ... ...... .... ......... -· ""' ... ,,, ~- Sewer Rate Increa Amend KCC 7.04.2