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HomeMy WebLinkAbout3979ORDINANCE NO. 3 Y
AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the
City of Kent, Washington, repealing Chapter 8.03
of the Kent City Code, Animal Control, with the
exception of sections dealing with the zoning code,
and adopting by reference portions of Chapter
11.04, and Chapters 11.12, 11.20, 11.24, 11.28,
and 11.32 in their entirety of the King County code
relating to the regional provision of animal care
and control services and related fees.
A. Providing animal control, sheltering and licensing services
protects the public health and safety and promotes animal welfare.
Providing these services on a regional basis allows for enhanced
coordination and tracking of public and animal health issues, consistency of
regulatory approach across jurisdictional boundaries, economies of scale,
and ease of system access for the public.
B. The City of Kent and other cities in the region have entered
into interlocal agreements with King County for the performance of these
animal services and have agreed to adopt provisions for license, fee,
penalty, enforcement, impound, redemption, and sheltering substantially
the same as Title 11 of the King County Code.
1 Animal Control Services
C. The City now intends to adopt such an ordinance to comply
with the terms of the interlocal agreement and to participate in the
regional model for animal services.
SECTION 1. -Repeal. Chapter 8.03, Animal Control, of the Kent
City Code is repealed, with the exception of the following sections:
1. 8.03.020's definitions for Domesticated Fowl, Large
Domesticated Animal, and Small Domesticated Animal;
2. 8.03.090, compliance with local zoning and health
3. 8.03.210(2), size of lot a large domestic animal can be
maintained on;
4. 8.03.210(3), number of small domestic animals that may be
maintained on a lot based on lot size; and
5. 8.03.210(4), number of domesticated fowl that may be
maintained on a lot based on lot size.
SECTION 2. -Adoption. A new section 8.03.005 is adopted as
8.03.005 King County Chapters Adopted by Reference
A. The Chapters of the King County Code listed below are
adopted by reference, as the same have been amended by King County
Ordinance No. 16861, and as they may be amended hereafter. Unless the
context indicates otherwise, "King County", "county", and "unincorporated
King County" mean the city.
2 Animal Control Services
1. Chapter 11.04 Animal Care and Control Regulations,
with the exception of section 11.04.240 regarding police department dogs,
which is not adopted because the City has a similar provision in the Kent
City Code, and with the exception of the items in subsection B though D
2. Chapter 11.12, Rabies Control;
3. Chapter 11.20, Disposition of Fowl and Rabbits
4. Chapter 11.24, Stock Restricted Area;
5. Chapter 11.28, Exotic Animals;
6. Chapter 11.32, Guard Dogs.
B. King County Code section 11.04.010(8) shall provide that if
there is a conflict between a provision of this Chapter and a provision of
the Kent City Code, the provision of the Kent City Code shall control.
C. King County Code section 11.04.510 shall provide that no
person within the city shall publish or advertise to King County residents
the availability of any unaltered cat or dog unless the publication or
advertisement includes the unaltered animal's license number, provided,
however, that nothing in this chapter shall prohibit licensed breeders from
advertising in national publications for sale of a planned litter or litters.
D. All references in Chapter 11.04 to Title 21A, which utilize Title
21.A's limits for the number of animals that may be kept in dwelling units
as threshold for certain licensing requirements, shall be replaced with a
reference to Kent City Code section 15.08.070.
E. The City shall maintain at all times available for review by the
general public in the City Clerk's office one copy of the King County code
sections adopted by reference in this Chapter.
3 Animal Control Services
SECTION 3. -Savings. The existing Chapter 8.03 of the Kent City
Code, which is amended by this ordinance, shall remain in full force and
effect until the effective date of this ordinance.
SECTION 4. -Severabi/ity. If any one or more section,
subsections, or sentences of this ordinance are held to be unconstitutional
or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining
portion of this ordinance and the same shall remain in full force and effect.
SECTION 5. -Corrections by City Clerk or Code Reviser. Upon
approval of the City Attorney, the City Clerk and the code reviser are
authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance, including the
correction of clerical errors; references to other local, state or federal laws,
codes, rules, or regulations; or ordinance numbering and
section/subsection numbering.
SECTION 6. -Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and
be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage as provided by law.
4 Animal Control Services
I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordinance No. -=----'-
passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, and approved
by the Mayor of the City of Kent as hereon indicated.
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5 Animal Control Services