HomeMy WebLinkAbout1832Resolution No. 1832 (Amending or Repealing Resolutions) CFN = 822 -Histoncal Preservation Passed-8/17/2010 Histone Landmark Nomination Approval Saar Pioneer Cemetery-Resolution A. RESOLUTION NO. / g' _3d- A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washmgton, approv1ng the nommat1on of Saar Ptoneer Cemetery for further evaluation by the City of Kent Landmarks Comm1ss1on under Chapter 14.12 of the Kent City Code. RECITALS Chapter 14.12 of the Kent City Code (KCC), entitled "Landmark Des1gnat1on and Preservation," was enacted by the Kent City Council to designate, preserve, and perpetuate those sites which reflect sign1f1cant elements of the c1ty of Kent's cultural, ethn1c, soc1al, econom1c, pol1t1cal, architectural, aesthetic, archaeological, eng1neenng, h1stonc, and other heritage. A histone landmark des1gnat1on IS Intended to foster civ1c pnde 1n the beauty and accomplishments of Kent's past; to stab1l1ze and improve the econom1c values and v1tal1ty of Kent's landmarks; and to protect and enhance the Kent's tounst Industry by promotmg hentage- related tounsm. Th1s Chapter provides that a nommat1on may only proceed through the nommat1on process w1th the City of Kent Landmarks Comm1ss1on If 1t f1rst rece1ves approval from the Kent City Council KCC 14.12.080. IJ fi 1 ., ' Historic Landmark !lf Nomination Approval Saar Pioneer Cemetery -Resolution B. The Saar Pioneer Cemetery, located above SR 167 on South 212th Street m Kent, has been nom1nated for des1gnat1on as a histone landmark under Chapter 14.12 KCC. The owner of the Cemetery, Kent United Methodist Church, 1s supportive of this h1stonc landmark nommat1on, and has asked that the nom1nat1on be allowed to proceed through the procedures established by Chapter 14.12 KCC. c. The Saar Pioneer Cemetery is the resting place for area I citizens dating back to 1873 when an early settler, Margaret Olmsted Saar was mterred on property owned by Peter Saar. The land subsequently became a community graveyard and persons from all walks of l1fe were buned there, mclud1ng notable area settlers, founders and res1dents. There are five confirmed Civil War veterans and one veteran of World War One. The Cemetery became 1nact1ve m 1949. The Cemetery occupies approximately one acre w1th an est1mated two hundred bunal s1tes. D. The bas1s for the nommat1on of Saar P1oneer Cemetery is Sect1on 20.62.040(5) of the K1ng County Code wh1ch is adopted by reference in Chapter 14.12 KCC and provides that a property Will be el1g1ble for des1gnat1on 1f "[A] cemetery that denves 1ts pnmary significance from graves of persons of transcendent Importance, from age, from diStinctive des1gn features, or from assoe~at1on With histone events." NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: RESOLUTION SECTION 1. -ReCitals Incorporated. The forego1ng recitals are Incorporated and fully made a part of th1s resolution. Historic Landmark I Nomination Approval Saar Pioneer Cemetery -Resolution 2 SECTION 2. -Approval of Landmark Destgnation Nominatton. The Kent City Counc1l, per KCC 14.12.080, approves the nommat1on of the Saar Pioneer Cemetery for further processing by the City of Kent Landmarks Commission. SECTION 3. -Severability. If any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase of this resolution IS declared unconstitutional or invalid for any reason, such decision shall not affect the val1d1ty of the remammg port1ons of th1s resolution. SECTION 4 -Ratification. Any act consistent with the authority and prior to the effective date of th1s resolution IS hereby rat1f1ed and affirmed. SECTION 5. -CorrectiOns by Ctty Clerk or Code Revtser. Upon approval of the City Attorney, the City Clerk and the code rev1ser are authonzed to make necessary corrections to this resolution, mcludmg the correct1on of clencal errors; references to other local, state or federal laws, codes, rules, or regulations; or resolution numbering and sect1onjsubsect1on numbenng. SECTION 6. -Effecttve Date. This resolut1on shall take effect and be 1n force 1mmed1ately upon 1ts passage. PASSED at a regular open public meeting by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, th1s /7 t~ay of ~ , 2010. 3 Historic Landmark Nomination Approval Saar Pioneer Cemetery -Resolution ' . I tL . 17 day of CONCURRED tn by the Mayor of the City of Kent this a~ ,2o1o. ATIEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: &Mu~d;?ctTY~b- . . ... ' -.. .: .:.. .:... -... : ' I hereby certify that thts is a true and correct copy of Resolutton No. I I;; 3 ;__ passed by the City Counctl of the City of Kent, Washtngton, the /Z ~day of Clog~ , 2010. ' CLERK P. \Civii\Resolutlon\HistorlcPreservatlonApprovaiOfNomlnatlonSaarCemetery docx 4 Historic Landmark Nomination Approval Saar Pioneer Cemetery -Resolution