HomeMy WebLinkAbout1833Resolution No. 1833
(Amending or Repealing Resolutions)
CFN = 198-City Council
City Council Rules and Procedures Repeal & Adopt
Amends Res. 1562; 1633
RESOLUTION NO. ___..!./~Y::...;'-3::::....::3=----
A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the
City of Kent, Washington, relat1ng to rules and
procedures for c1ty counCil, c1ty counCil meet1ngs,
and council comm1ttee meet1ngs.
A. The city council, pursuant to Resolution No. 1562, established
rules and procedures for the c1ty council, c1ty council meetmgs, and
meetings of council committees.
B. On November 5, 2002, the city council, pursuant to Resolution
No. 1633, passed amendments to the ex1st1ng rules and procedures that
added council president dut1es and respons1b1l1ties.
C. S1nce passage of Resolution No. 1633, the city has undergone
a reorgan1zat1on comb1nmg and renam1ng vanous council committees, and
council has determmed to change the order of 1tems on 1ts agenda. Also,
add1t1onal amendments are necessary to update current council
D. The c1ty counc1l des1res to update and revise those rules and
1 City Council
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SECTION 1. -Repealer. Resolution No. 1633 which amended
Resolution No. 1562 relatmg to rules and procedures for the c1ty counc1l,
c1ty counCil meetmgs, and counc1l comm1ttee meetmgs 1s hereby repealed
1n its ent1rety.
SECTION 2. -Applicab!litv. These rules and procedures shall
govern all meet1ngs of the Kent city council and 1ts committees unless
suspended by the c1ty council. Failure to fully conform to these rules and
procedures w1ll not render any act1on by the c1ty council or any of its
comm1ttees Invalid.
SECTION 3. -Term. The city council shall elect from its members a
president of the council during the month of January 1n the even numbered
years on or before the second regular meetmg of that month. The council
president shall serve a two-year term.
SECTION 4. -Mayor Pro Temoore. The counc1l president shall
serve as mayor pro tempore and shall pres1de at all meetmgs of the council
when the mayor IS not present. Although pres1d1ng as mayor pro tempore,
the council pres1dent shall retam all powers and nghts Inherent to a
councllmember and to the council president, 1ncludmg, Without l1m1tat1on,
votmg powers. The mayor pro tempore shall act as mayor and assume the
authonty and perform the mayor's dut1es whenever there IS a vacancy 1n
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the Off1ce of the Mayor or the mayor JS absent from the c1ty or is unable for
any reason to discharge the mayor's dutJes. The assumed dut1es shall
1nclude, but not be 11m1ted to, acting as signatory to documents requ1nng
execut1on by the mayor, Jssuing proclamations and declarations, and
extendmg offiCial recogmt1on of groups and events.
SECTION 5. -President Pro Tempore. The council president may
appoint a pres1dent pro tempore when the pres1dent IS absent. The
president pro tempore shall have the same authonty and dut1es as the
council president. If the president pro tempore has not been appomted or
IS otherwise absent or unavailable, the longest servmg counc1lmember,
e1ther by consecutive or non-consecutive terms, shall be deemed the
acting president pro tempore. If two or more council members qualify to be
president pro tempore, then the City Clerk or her or h1s des1gnee shall
select, by lottery and 1n the presence of two w1tnesses, one name from the
names of the group of eligible counc1lmembers, and the councilmember
whose name IS selected shall fill the vacant pres1dent pro tempore posJtJon.
SECTION 6. -Duties and Responsibilities. The council president
shall perform the follow1ng dut1es and responsibilities:
1. Adm1mster the council budget, mclud1ng oversight and
approval of expenditures;
2. Set the council's agenda, in coordmat1on with the mayor and
c1ty clerk's off1ce;
3. Refer proposed ordinances and resolutions to the appropnate
council committee;
4. Call for a workshop or a meeting of the council committee of
the whole, as needed;
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5. In cooperation w1th the mayor, ensure adequate council
fac111t1es, equipment and support, with council consensus;
6. D1rect correspondence on behalf of the council as appropnate,
w1th consent of counc1l;
7. Act as council liaison to the mayor's office on policy 1ssue
cons1derat1on, mcludmg elements of t1m1ng;
8. When authorized by city code or state law, nominate or
appomt the membership of each established committee or
board and the comm1ttee or board chairpersons by the th1rd
regular meet1ng of each year;
9. Substitute for an absent councilmember or des1gnate another
coune~lmember to substitute on any of the council's
committees or boards;
10. Coordmate and schedule retreats or other meetings for annual
rev1ew and update of council v1s1ons and goals for the c1ty;
11. Gather Information on regional issues and attend regional
meetings, as appropnate and applicable, to represent the
council's v1ews, or m the alternative, des1gnate other
councllmembers to represent the c1ty and the council on
spec1f1c reg1onal 1ssues or meet1ngs;
12. Serve as a counc1l focal pomt for council, mayor, and staff;
13. D1scern coune~lmembers' areas of Interest and/or expertise.
SECTION 7. -Regular Meetings. The council's regular meetings will
occur at the t1me, date and place established m Chapter 2.01 of the Kent
City Code.
SECTION B. -Soecia/ Meetmgs. Spec1al meet1ngs shall be held as
prov1ded by law at the t1mes des1gnated by council.
4 City Council
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SECTION 9. -Pres1dtng Officer at Meetmgs. The mayor shall be the
pres1dmg officer for all meet1ngs of the council. If the mayor is not
present, the council president shall be the pres1dmg off1cer. In the absence
of the mayor and council president, the president pro tempore shall be the
pres1dmg off1cer.
SECTION 10. -Forfeiture of Office. Pursuant to RCW 35A.12.060, a
counc1lmember shall forfe1t off1ce 1f he or she fa1ls to attend three
consecutive regular meet1ngs of the council without bemg excused by the
SECTION 11. -Quorum. At all meetings of the council, a majority
of the full counCil membership, or not less than four coune~lmembers, shall
constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
SECTION 12. -Majoritv Vote. Act1on by the city council requires
the affirmative vote of a maJonty of members attending a meetmg, except
where otherwise requ1red by applicable law.
SECTION 13. -Execut1ve SessiOns. The City council may hold
executive sess1ons dunng a regular or special meet1ng to consider matters
as perm1tted pursuant to applicable law. No off1c1al act1on shall be taken
dunng any execut1ve sess1on. No member of the c1ty council, employee of
the c1ty or any person present dunng an executive sess1on shall disclose to
any other person the content or substance of d1scuss1on which took place
dunng the sess1on, unless a maJonty of the council authonzes that
disclosure. Executive sess1ons, to the extent permitted by law, shall be
limited to members of the c1ty counc1l, the mayor and staff, and other
persons that the c1ty council invites.
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SECTION 14. -Agendas. Only 1tems that have been previously
discussed by council committee shall be put on the agenda for a council
meetmg, unless approved by the council president or pres1dent pro
tempore. The order of busmess of all meet1ngs of the council shall be as
1. Call to order/Flag Salute
2. Roll Call
3. Changes to the Agenda
4. Public Commun1cat1ons
5. Publ1c Heanngs
6. Public Comments
7. Consent Calendar
8. Other Busmess
9. B1ds
10. Reports from Standmg Committees, Staff and Special
11. Executive Sess1on and action after Executive Session
12. AdJournment
SECTION 15. -Public Comment. No person shall address the
council Without the permiSSIOn of the pres1dmg off1cer except dunng the
th1rd, f1fth, and s1xth orders of bus1ness set forth m Sect1on 14 above.
: When addressmg the council, each person shall proceed to the speaker's
pod1um, unless otherw1se d1rected by the pres1d1ng off1cer, and state h1s or
her name and address for the record. If comment IS offered under the
s1xth order of busmess, the speaker w1ll also state the subJect of h1s or her
comment. Remarks Will be l1m1ted to the t1me allocated by the pres1d1ng
officer for each speaker. All remarks shall be pertment to the stated
subJect matter and shall be addressed to the pres1d1ng off1cer and the
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council as a whole and not to any member 1nd1v1dually. The s1xth order of
busmess is intended to allow persons to speak on any 1ssue of concern to
that person, but it is not an open public forum, and IS subject to
restnct1ons imposed 1n th1s resolution and by applicable law. No questions
shall be asked of a councilmember or member of the city staff Without the
permiSSIOn of the pres1d1ng off1cer.
SECTION 16. -Public Demeanor. No one shall use any
impertment, degrading or slanderous language directed to the presiding
off1cer, counc1lmembers, mayor, staff or other member of the publ1c, and
no one shall otherwise engage 1n disruptive behavior. The pres1d1ng off1cer
may remove any person for d1srupt1ve behav1or at council or council
' committee meet1ngs. D1srupt1ve behav1or shall constitute grounds for
removal from the council chambers at the council's d1rect1on.
SECTION 17. -Added Agenda Items. A member of the public,
council or mayor may ask that an 1tem be considered by the c1ty council,
even 1f 1t is not 1dentif1ed on the formal agenda, by ra1s1ng the 1ssue dunng
changes to agenda. That 1tem shall then be considered w1th the approval
of the counc1l.
SECTION 18.-Mayor Parttcmatwn. The mayor may address the
council on any matter or participate in the debate of any question,
provided the mayor shall f1rst call upon the council president or any other
councllmember designated by the counc1l pres1dent to take the cha1r dunng
the mayor's part1c1pat1on.
SECTION 19. -Counctlmember Conduct. While the council 1s in
sess1on, whether at a counc1l or council comm1ttee meet1ng, all its
members must preserve order, decency and decorum at all t1mes and no
7 City Council
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member shall, by conversation or otherwise, delay or Interrupt the
proceedmgs or the peace of the meeting, nor d1sturb any member wh1le
speak1ng, or refuse to obey the order of the presiding off1cer. The
members of the city counc1l may repnmand another councllmember for
disorderly conduct and, upon wntten charges entered upon by mot1on, may
·expel a member from the counc1l meetmg by two-thirds (2/3) vote of the
membership of the council 1n attendance at that meeting.
SECTION 20. -Voting. Discussion by council members shall relate
to the subJect matter at hand and shall be relevant and pertment. Every
counc1lmember, unless disqual1f1ed by reason of a conflict of mterest or as
otherw1se prov1ded by law or excused by the council, shall cast h1s or her
vote upon any matter put to vote by the legislative body. Any
councilmember who abstains from votmg shall be deemed to have not
voted on that 1tem. At the request of the pres1d1ng officer or of any
member, any quest1on shall be noted upon by a roll call and the md1v1dual
votmg results shall be recorded by the c1ty clerk 1n the m1nutes.
SECTION 21. -Summoned to Meetings. Every city off1c1al or
employee who shall fall to report to the council at t1mes and 1n a manner
requested by the counc1l, shall be summoned 1n accordance w1th the
direction of the counc1l.
SECTION 22. Ordmances. ResolutiOns and Contracts
Presentation. No ordinance, resolution, contract document or other matter
shall be presented to the counc1l unless ordered by a maJority of the
council, referred by a counc1l committee, requested by the mayor, or
subm1tted by the City attorney unless otherw1se approved by the counc1l
president. All ordmances, resolutions, contract documents and other
matters shall be approved as to form by the c1ty attorney and shall be
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examined and approved by the department head or h1s or her duly
authonzed representative having JUriSdiCtion over the subJect matter of the
ordinance, resolution, contract document, or other matter.
SECTION 23. -Parliamentary Rules. The city attorney shall act as
parliamentanan and adv1se the pres1d1ng officer on 1nqu1nes concerning
parliamentary procedure. The pres1d1ng officer shall rule on 1ssues of
parliamentary procedure, unless overruled by a maJonty of the
counc1lmembers present. Robert's Rules of Order shall govern the
del1berat1ons of the council except when 1n conflict With any section herein.
SECTION 24. -Suspending the Rules. When the suspension of a
rule is requested, and no obJeCtion IS offered, the presiding off1cer shall
announce that the rules are suspended and the council may proceed
accordmgly. When there 1s an obJection to suspending the rules, it shall
requ1re a vote of maJonty plus one of the members present to suspend the
SECTION 25. -Commtttees Established. The council establishes
the following f1ve standing committees, each of wh1ch shall cons1st of three
coune~lmembers, one of which shall act as comm1ttee cha1r. The council
president, by the conclusion of the second regular meeting after the
meeting where he or she IS elected, shall appoint committee members and
comm1ttee cha1rs for approximately two-year terms, reserving the nght of
the council pres1dent to remove committee members and comm1ttee cha1rs
and to reappoint new councilmembers to fill those positions.
9 City Council
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1. Operations Committee. The operat1ons comm1ttee generally
shall cons1der all matters related to the general f1scal and fmanc1al
cond1t1ons and operations of the c1ty. This comm1ttee shall also cons1der all
pol1cy matters related to personnel, mcludmg, but not l1m1ted to, salary
ranges and step schedules, pos1t1on classification, ment system
development and other 1tems 1n coordmat1on with the operat1ons
department and other departments as appropriate. This is not to be
construed as a limitation or mfnngement upon the executive powers of the
2. Parks and Human Services Committee. The parks and human
services committee generally shall cons1der all matters related to plannmg
and 1mplementat1on of City fac1l1t1es, parks and recreation programs and
act1v1t1es m the c1ty, and human serv1ces programs and act1vit1es in the
c1ty, mcludmg coord1nat1on of programs and act1v1t1es w1th affected school
3. Econom1c and Commun1ty Development Committee. The
economic and commun1ty development comm1ttee generally shall consider
all matters related to community growth and development mcluding, but
not limited to economic development, perm1t Issuance for land use and
construct1on development, and planning of the phys1cal, economic, j
aesthetic, and soc1al development of the c1ty.
4. Public Works Committee.
generally shall consider all matters
The public works comm1ttee
related to plannmg, design,
construction, Improvement, extension, mamtenance and operat1on of
transportation and street systems, trans1t, water, sewer, storm, solid waste
and other utilities, franchises, and other related matters.
10 City Council
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5. Public Safety Comm1ttee. The public safety committee
generally shall cons1der all matters related to pol1ce and fire safety,
mcludmg, but not l1m1ted to, law enforcement, emergency response
serv1ces, f1re mspect1on, f1re Investigation and general dispatch services.
SECTION 26. -Duties and Responsibilities. The council comm1ttees
shall cons1der all matters referred to them whether w1th1n or outside of a
spec1f1c committee's general focus area. All proposed ordinances or
resolutions and other matters for council consideration shall f1rst be
discussed by, or referred to, the appropnate council comm1ttee, unless
otherwise des1gnated by the council pres1dent; provided, however, the
council shall not be demed the nght to refer the subject to a committee or
workshop for further cons1derat1on. Matters not otherw1se des1gnated shall
be ass1gned for cons1derat1on to a council meet1ng, workshop or to the
appropnate council committee by the council president, in consultation w1th
the mayor. Each committee cha1r shall report to the council the f1nd1ngs
and/or recommendations of the committee.
SECTION 27. -Quorum. No comm1ttee shall act in the absence of
a quorum. At the request of the comm1ttee cha1r the council pres1dent,
any other councilmember may s1t on any committee when necessary to
constitute a quorum or to fill a vacancy.
SECTION 28. -Committee of the Whole. Counc1l workshop
meetings constitute regular meetings of the full council. Public input shall
be permitted at council workshops at the d1scret1on of the City council.
SECTION 29. -Committee Reorgamzation. The city council, upon a
vote of the maJonty of 1ts membership, may reorgan1ze and rearrange the
membership of stand1ng committees, including the discontinuance of any
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stand1ng or special comm1ttee and the reassignment of 1ts dut1es and
functions to another comm1ttee or committees, together with the
establishment of spec1al, temporary and ad hoc committees.
SECTION 30. -Savings. If any section, subsect1on, paragraph,
sentence, clause or phrase of th1s resolution IS declared unconst1tut1onal or
invalid for any reason, such dec1s1on shall not affect the val1d1ty of the
. remaming port1ons of th1s resolution.
SECTION 31. -RatificatiOn. Any act cons1stent with the authority
and prior to the effect1ve date of this resolution IS hereby ratified and
SECTION 32. -Corrections bv City Clerk or Code Reviser. Upon
approval of the City Attorney, the City Clerk and the code rev1ser are
authorized to make necessary corrections to th1s resolution, mcludmg the
correction of clencal errors; references to other local, state or federal laws,
codes, rules, or regulations; or resolution numbenng and
sect1on/subsect1on numbenng.
SECTION 33. -Effective Date. Th1s resolution shall take effect and
be in force Immediately upon 1ts passage
PASSED at a regular open public meeting by the City Council of the
City of Kent, Washmgton, th1s /7~ day of ~ , 2010.
12 City Council
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CONCURRED 1n by the Mayor of the City of Kent th1s /1 day of a'!J& .d; , 2010.
I hereby certify that th1s IS a true and correct copy of Resolution No.
L£33 passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washmgton, the
/7tlv dayof ~ ,2010.
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