HomeMy WebLinkAbout3972ORDINANCE NO. SIAL AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, relating to the vacation of a portion of South 268th Street, located in the City of Kent, Washington. RECTTALS A. A petition has been filed to vacate a portion of South 268th Street in the City of Kent, as legally described in Exhibit "4" and as shown in Exhibit "Br" both of which are attached and incorporated by this reference. B. The city's Public Works Department processed this petition and, after consulting with all appropriate city departments, secured technical facts regarding the proposed vacation, C. The city council fixed a time for a public hearing on the petition and the hearing was held with proper notice on August 3, 2010, and continued in the city council chambers of Kent City Hall. D, The city's Public Works Director recommended that the city council approve the petition, with conditions, Sfreet Vacation South 268th 1 E, After the public hearing on August 3, 2010, the city council approved the vacation with the conditions recommended by staff. Those conditions have since been satisfied or are the subject of a binding agreement for future performance, A copy of the agreement now executed by the Federal Way School District is attached as Exhibit C. F. The city council finds that the portion of the avenue/street sought to be vacated is: (1) a dedicated alley/street that is presently unused; (2) not abutting on a body of water and, therefore, not suitable for acquisition for port purposes, boat moorage or launching sites, park, viewpoint, recreation or education purposes, or other public use; and (3) a vacation which is in the public interest. NOW THEREFORE, THE CIry COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: ORDINANCE SECTION 7, - Recitals. The foregoing recitals are incorporated as if fully set forth herein. SECTION 2. - Vacation A portion of South 268th Street, in the city of Kent, as legally described in Exhibit *4" and as show in Exhibit "Br" both of which are attached and incorporated, is hereby vacated. SECTION 3' - Vested Right No vested rights shall be affected by the provisions of this ordinance. SECTION 4, - Severability. If any one or more section, subsections, or sentences of this ordinance are held to be unconstitutional Sfreet Vacation South 268th 2 or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this ordinance and the same shall remain in full force and effect. sEcrroN 5, - corrections by city clerk or code Reviser. upon approval of the city Attorney, the city Clerk and the code reviser are authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance, including the correction of clerical errors; references to other local, state or federal laws, codes, rules, or regulations; or ordinance numbering and section/subsection numbering. SECTION 6, - Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage as provided by law, COOKE, MAYOR ATTEST: RENDA JACOBER,LERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: BRUBAKER, CITY ATTORN EY PASSED, 3 day of 4 APPROVED: Õ day of /PUBLISHED: b day of 2010. 2010. 3 Street Vacation South 268th 2010 I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordinance No. 3î 7A passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, and approved by the Mayor of the City of Kent as hereon indicated. EAL) BRENDA JACOB ITY CLERK Sfreet Vacation South 268th 4 Federal Way School District Job No, 246-019-010 June 1 6, 201 0 EXHIBIT *A' LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR VACATION OF RIGHT OF WAY The north 30 feet of the northeast quafter of the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter of Section 27, Township 22 North, Range 4 East, WM.; EXCEPT the east 30 feet thereof; ALSO EXCEPT the west 30 feet thereof, Written by: D.LR, Checked by: M.R.B. i:\esm-jobs\246\01 9\007\document\legal-003.doc é /t c/t o J.rl$i-} L TOTEM MIDDLE SCHOOL L I \-\ PROPOSED PORTABLE BUILDINGS n I 4Í-y== 01 . iAããñ=Õ'J-'e9t É¿+ 9öaL!0t< v)J t- I\ JT _ì |ill__l T I I I L DEID RECORDED UNDIR RECORDING NO.4918219 PROPOSED 32 1 6, UTI tlEASEMENT WITH EXISTING CITY WATFRI INF S.26ATH STREET PROPOSED PSE GUY ANCHOR EASEN/ENT PROPOSED PROPFRTY LINE BETWIEN SCHOOLS ADJUSTED 55, SOUTH DTED RECORDED UNDER RICORDING NO. 491 821 I LEGEND_ PROPOSED ,10,PROPOSED 20' QWEST EASEMENT \\ UTILITY EASTMINT WITH RTLOCATED CITY WATERLINE (/)(n t(J GRASS PLAYFIELD 29GRASS PLAYFIETD oruo Jrlo'*DED ,NDER RECORDING NO. 491AyS- srAR LAKE eleuÉffiAÈt scxoor- ì L 30 30' ç I tn l¡¡3zl¡¡ì (,22-oô 32 33 34 U' utlzl¡l ozNt L --l ì'r.- JO ----ê. ezervo srneer-ARIA OI PROPOSTDL--J RrcHr oF wAY vACATToN I TAF ACADEMY R/W VACATION EXHIBIT B 31 EXHIBIT C STRËËT VACATION AGR.EËMENT' south 26$fr street setween the CiW of Kesìt and Federa! Way School Þistrict This Agreement is by and between the Federal Way School Þistrict ('D¡strict")r â political subdivision of the State of Washington, whose mailing address is 31405 LSth Avenuê 5., Federal Way, WA 98003, and the CiW of Kent, a Washingto¡ municípal corporation, whose ma¡l¡ng address is 22O 4th Avenue South, Kent,' Washington, 98032, (*Cûy?. The purpose of this Agreement is to establish the terms and conditions upon which the Public Works D¡rector will recomrnend th¿lt the City Council adopt a vacation ordinance" IEECITALS A. The Distrìct is the sole underlying fee ovvner of the City's right of way for South 268th Street between 42"ö Avenue South and 40tn Avenue South ¡n Kent, Washington, rnore specifically described in Exhibit A, incorporated by this reference, and as shawn on Exhibit B CROW'?, incorporated herein þy this reference. B. The Dístrict has petitioned for vacation of the ROW herein described and intends to place portable classrooms upon the property. C. The ROW has not been opened to vehicular travel. D. Within the ROW are a number of utility fac¡l¡ti6, including a City water utiliry line. Ë, The ROW is necessary for pedestrian tmvel between 40Ù Avenue South and 42od Aven¡ie South and to connect to a City pedestrian way in the Plat of Cambridge 6 (recorded under Klng Co. No- 6406L71) as shown on Exhibit B. F. The ROW is not required for vel¡icular travel, bnt utílity facilities must be relocated and the pedestrian way reserved and improved" Baseci upCIn the foregoing and in consideration of mutual benefits hereby acknowledged, the District and the City agree as follows: Street Vacat¡ori Agreement (Beùtßen Clty of Rent and Neml .Way Scltool District)Page 1 o{ 2 AGREEMENT 1. The foregoing Recitals are adopted into this Agreement by this reference and all referenced Exhibits are adopted into this Agreement. 2. The subject ROW may be vacated by ordinance subject to the conditions in the following paragraphs 3 through 5. 3. Prior to the placement of the portable classroom buildings, all utility facilities will be relocated off the Row by the District at District expense the terms for which shall be negotiated between the facility owners and the District to the satisfaction of the Public Works Director. 4. Prior to the placement of the portable classroom buildings, the City's water line will be relocated by the District at District expense as shown in Exhibit C and subject to approval and acceptance by the Public Works Director. An easement for the water line, access thereto and maintenance thereof will be deeded to the CiW. Exhibit D. 5. The pedestrian/bicycle pathway ("pathway") will be improved by the District at District expense at a specific location on property owned by the District to be mutually agreed upon by the District and the City. The minimum dimensions of the pathway shall be 12 feet in width and 4 inches in depth of pervious asphalt pavement. The pathway shall extend from the Plat of Cambridge 6 pathway as shown on Exhibit B, across the 42nd Avenue South right of way to 40th Avenue South. The pathway will be completed no later than the end of calendar year 20L4 at which time the District will deed the pathway easement in perpetuity to the City and transfer ownership of the improvement to the City. Pathway work will be regarded as complete upon acceptance by the Public Works Director. 6. This Agreement shall be effective as of the last date below executed CITY OF KENT FEDERAL WAY SCHOOL DISTRICT ?.t3.10 P:\Civil\Files\OpenFiles\1526-Street Vacât¡ons\Agreement Federal Way SD.docx Street Vacation Agreement (Beb¡veen City of Kent and Federat Way Schoot District) Page 2 of 2 By Its Dated Federal Way School District Job No. 246-019-010 June 16,2010 EXHIBIT "Æ' LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR VACATION OF RIGHT OF WAY The north 30 feet of the northeast quafter of the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter of Section 27, Township 22 North, Range 4 East, W.M.; EXCEPT the east 30 feet thereof; ALSO EXCEPT the west 30 feet thereof, Written by: D.LR. Checked by: M.R.B. i:\esm-jobs\246\01 9\007\document\legal-003.doc ¿/t c/t " ¡"fiÌi$il L L TOTEM MIDDLE SCHOOL ft ø I T I\ _lT I z- ô.=fl'< Ë==ñ=ôo_lØtLoglz.t <I-_LIØ);o-xYØL[loa< DTID RICORDED UNDER i ne coRorNc No. 4s 1821 9 I I I PROPOSED PORTABLE LDINGS \\ \\ PROPOSED 20, UTILITY EASEMENT WITH RELOCATED CIry WATERLINE GRASS PY\YFIF,LD I ì L--- T I I I It__ _ tl /PROPOSED 32.16, UTILITY EASEMINT WITH EXISTING CIÏY WATERLINE S.26ATH STREET PROPOSED PSI GUY ANCHOR EASEN/ENT PROPOSED PROPIRTY LINE BETWEEN SCHOOLS ,^,D,Jl.JSTED 5i:' SOlJTl l DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDIf\IG NO. 49.1 821 I LEGEND PROPOSED 1 O' OWEST EASEMENT lj (./) (n x (_) GRASS PLAYFIELD -l 29 f- ;; l-- 30' 31 34 . /-r DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDTNG NO. 491 821 9 srAR LAKE e¡-euÉ¡¡rnÈ.l scxool-f.-...--..--- IL, --_=¡---J I v, utfz t¡l ui l¡lÐ2l¡¡I (, =2-oô 32 33 L ì.-I ttII ozNt 30 /ì -/ ARIA OF PROPOSTDL--l RrcHT ot wAy vACATtoN I s.272ND STREET TAF ACADEMY R/W VACATION EXHIBIT B EXHIBIT D WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO: City of Kent 220 Fourth Avenue South Kent Washington 98032 Attn : Englneering/Property Services Grantor EEI\^t tÁt^v e,^u I rìrcTÞtrr rÉf I n Grantee : Citv of Kent Abbreviated Legal Þescription: PORfiON OF THE SW QUARTER OF SECTION 27, TOWNSHIP 22 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST, WILI-AMETTE MERIDIAN, CITY OF KENT, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. Additional Legal Description on page 4 of Document Assessor's Tax Pa rce I Nos. 27 220 49L52, 27 22049026, 27 ZZA49 LIZ STR:SÉCTTON 27. TÕWNSHIP ?? NÕRTH . R.ANGE 4 EAST Project Name: TAF ACADEMY PORTABLE CLASSROOMS 2010 UTILITY EASEMENT ( M UNTCTPAL CORPORATION ) THIS INSTRUMENT made this_day of 20-_by andbetween'FEDERA icipal corporation hereinafter called "Grantors" and CITY oF KENT, a municipal corporation of King County, State of Washington, hereinafter called "Grantee": WITNESSETH: That said Grantors for and in consideration of mutual benefits and/or other valuable conslderatlon receipt of whlch is hereby acknowledged by said Grantors, do by these presents grant, bargain, sell, convey, and confirm forever unto the said Grantee, its successors and/or assigns, an exclusive easement for utilities with necessary appuftenances, including use of incidental areas immediately adJacent for the lnstallatlon, operatlon, malntenance, extending, construction, altering, reconstructing and repair over, through, under, across and upon the following described property situated in King County, Washington, more particularly described as follows: Refer to Exh¡bit "p-1" attached and made a pãrt hereto The said Grantee shalf have the right without prior institution of suit or proceedlng at law, at times as may be necessary, to enter upon said property and immedíate adjacent areas with the neçessary equipment for the purposes of altering, installation, operation, maintenance, extendlng, constructing, repair and reconstructing of said utilities or making any connections therewith without incurring any legal obligation or liability therefore; providing that said altering, installation, operation, maintenance, extending, constructing, repair and reconstructing of said utllitles shall be accomplished in such a manner that the private improvements existing within this easement area including said incidental areas shall not be disturbed or destroyed, or in the event they are dlsturbed or destroyed, they will be replaced ln as good a condition as they were immediately before the property was entered upon by the Grantee. The Grantor shall retain the ríght to use the surface of thls easement including sald incldental areas so long as said use does not interfere with the uses heretofore defined. Under no circumstances shall any cement concrete or any structures be placed or erected on this easement. Grantor shall not change the surface grades, except as approved in advance by said Grantee, in any manner which would unreasonably ínterfere with lngress, egress and access by said Grantee and/or adversely affect the exlstlng utility and/or the utility to be installed therein. This exclusive easement shall be a covenant running with the land forever and shall be bindíng on the Grantor's successors, heirs, and asslgns. GRANTOH:GRANTOH: by þy Itc STATE OFWASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING ) ) ss. ) On this day of and for the State of Washington, personally appeared 20* before me a Notary Puþlic in and to me known to Þe the _ and of FederalWay School Dlstrict #210,a Washington municlpal corporation that executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged it to be the free and voluntary act of said rnunicipal corporation, for the uses and purposes mentloned in this lnstrument and on oath stated that they were authorized to execute sa¡d instrument APPRCIVED AS TO FORM: Kent Law Department i:1esm-jobsl246l01 9l00Tldocumentllesal{08.doc Notary Saal Must Aprp,at Wlthln Thls 8ox lN WIINE$S WiEREOF,l have hereunto set my hand and official seal that day and year llrst above wdtten. NOTARY PUBLJC, in and for the State of Washington, reslding at My appointment expires E5M @ o g Federal Way School District Job No, 246-019-010 June 1 5, 201 0 EXHIBIT "D.1" LEGAL DESCRIPÏON FOR UTILITY EASEMENT That portion of the southwest quafter of Section 27, Township 22 North, Range 4 East W.M., in King County, Washington, more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at the northwest corner of Lot 28 of the Plat of Cambridge 6, as recorded under Recording No. 6496171; THENCE along. the westerly line of said lot, being coincident with the easterly margin of unopened 42nd Avenue South, S 00'57'46" W, 49,92 feet; THENCE N 89"17'36" W 30.00 feet to the westerly margin of said 42nd Avenue South and the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE N 89'17'26'W,320.41 feet; THENCE N 44"17',26',W,73,65 feet; THENCE N 89'17'26'W,229,97 feet to the easterly margin of 40th Avenue South; THENCE along said easterly margin, S 01"01'31'W 22.83teel; THENCE S 88"57',57" E, 5.60 feet; THENCE S 00'59'19" W, 9,30 feet; THENCE S 8917'26' E,79,98 feet; THENCE N 00"42'.34" E,12.16 feet; ESM Federål Wãy l8l S 333rd St, Sldg C. Ste 210 Federôt Way, WA 98003 253.838.ól l3 lel ËSM Ëvêrelt ESM E.stêrn Washlngton 221! W Dotarwôy Rd, Sle I Ett€nsburg, WA 90926 509.9ó2.2ó00 lel 877.9ó2.2ó08 toll free 5O9.962.2611 lax I 0l 0 SE Eve.ett Matl Way. Ste 203 Everett. wA 98208 ¿25.297.9900 lel 253.838.?l 04 tax 425.297.99ø1 rex Civil Énginepring Lðnd Surveying 30 Ls3er Scånnìng Lônd Pl¿nniñg Landscap¿ Archilecturè Gt5 wwv/. Ês mc ivil.co m Federal Way School District June 15,2010 Page 2 THENCE S 89"17',26', E,136.28 feet; THENCE S 44"17'26' E,73.65 feet; THENCE S 89"17'26' E,328.61 feet to said westerly margin of 42nd Avenue South THENCE along said westerly margin, N 00"57'46' E, 20,00 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; Written by: D.LR. Checked by: M.R.B. i:\esm-jobs\246\01 9\007\document\legal-007.doc 6ltslt o ¡låñÞ tr=M Bldg C, Ste 21O Federal Way, WA 98OOg EXHIBIT D-2 TO ACCOMPANY LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR UTILITY EASEMENT A PORTToN 0F THE SE 1/4 THE SW 1/4 sEcïtoN 27,1. 22 N., R. 4 E., W.M., KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON POINT OF COMMENCEMENT DEED RECORDED UNDER RECoRD|NG NO. 491821 S.268TH STREET LOT 28 ô Lr.Jz L¡lIo z_:) JO I Ø lrJ:lz lU J.l"o\t JOB NO. DRAWING NAME DATE ; DRAWN : SHEFI 1 OF 1 30 2+6-01 9-01 0 SR-05 06- 1 5-201 0 D.L.R. (o LLI()Aal É.-m<-lF22.-<^-(oOE? r, O clòıH ¡- É.f o_ 1 0 S. 27OTH STRE ET8 IB SR-O5.DWG (UNoPENED) o r.o SCALE: 1":120' (o Nr.) U) Ufz tu ozNrt UTILITY EASEMENT TRUE POINÏ OF BEGINNING I ililt tffi tiltlllil ilil ilil llilt illll lllll ltil til lill lill lllll l]l lllr 2øLØØ9ØrøøØ150 PACIFIC NU TII ORD 78.øø PAGE-øøI OF ø17ø91ø1/2ølø |øiøl KING COUNTY, IJÊ WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO: City of Kent 220 Fourth Avenue South Kent, Washington 98032 ATTN: CITY CLERK WASHINGTON STATE COUNTY AUDITOR/RECORDER'S COVER SHEET Document Title¡ City of Kent Ordinance No. 3972, Relating to Vacation of Portion of S. 268th Street Grantor¡ City of Kent, a Washington municipal corporation Grantee: The Public Abbreviated Legal Description:The north 30 feet of the northeast quarter of the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter of Section 27, Township 22 North, Range 4 East, W.M; Except the east 30 feet thereof ALSO EXCEPT the west 30 feet thereof Additional Legal Description .on Exhibit "4" of document. Assessor's Tax Parcel ID No. N/A Project Name: Ordinance No 3972 Document Datel August 3,20L0 Ð+5ln-ç ldu rloglma.tts) ïgra fittrd ftx ßrÅrd i*y tsruilic å{orthwost Titlo r* c{lü'rrrrïsdaibn or¡ly. it hås not b0rf ¡n¡¡nråßed es $c proper exgflnh¡ r,* *r rio Ss sfuc,t unr¡l!*th Ordinance 3972 Page 1 of 1 STATE OF \ryASHINGTON, COUNTY OF KING }AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATIONPUBLIC NOTICELinda M Mills, being ûrst duly sworn on oath that she is the LegalAdvertising Representative of theI(ent Reportera weekly newspaper, which newspaper is a legal newspaper ofgeneral circulation and is now and has been for more than six monthsprior to the date of publication hereinafter referred to, published inthe English language continuously as a weekly newspaper in KingCounty, Washington. The Kent Reporter has been approved asa Legal Newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State ofWashington for King County.The notice in the exact form annexed was published in regularissues of the Kent Reporter (and not in supplement form) which wasregularly distributed to its subscribers during the below stated period.The annexed notice, a:PublÍc Noticewas published on August 6,2010CITY OF KENTNOTICE OF ORDINANCESPÀSSED BY TIIECITY COUNCILThe following is a summary ofordinances passe<l by the KentCity Council on August,3, 2010:ORDINANCE NO. 3972AN ORDINANCE of the CityCouncil of the City of Kent,Washington, relating to thevacation of a portion of South268th Street, located in the Citvof Kent, Washington.Effective Date:September 2, 2010Each ordinance will take effect30 days from the date of passage,unless subjected to referendum orvetoed by the Mayor, or unlessotherwise noted. A copy of thecomplete text of any ordinancewill be mailed upon request to theCity Clerk.Brenda Jacober,CMC, City ClerkPublished in the Kent Reponeron August 6, 2010. #392727.The fullthe sumLegal Advertising Representative, Kent ReporterSubscribed and sworn to me this 6th day of August, 2010amountof the fee charged for said foregoing publication is$z3.96. ' oØ)aÆ*-Millsr___ììì.;'ïl'lxl,,u,:s t;rl.¡¿$ìì' l\X,,),.G'izr,t *,.:-.iþo':t'í", 2,Z i: 2z=':, ,""" ^ - Jt^\ -: P í'. -',....^. '."*tòO1s) -S. _'s t.,rÀ1.._:_-Number:inCP.OWashingtonState of Washington, Residing