HomeMy WebLinkAbout3969ORDINANCE NO,37b AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, authorizing King County, per the Interlocal Agreement Between King County And The City Of Kent Relating To Processing Of Building Permits And Land Use Applications related to the Panther Lake Annexation Area, to charge building and land use fees per title 27 of the King County Code. RECITALS A. In November 2009, the citizens in the area of unincorporated King County known as the Panther Lake Annexation Area voted to annex to the City of Kent. The annexation will become effective on July 1, 2010 and all local governmental authority and jurisdiction with respect to the Annexation Area will transfer from the County to the City. B. The City and County agree that having County staff process various Annexation Area building permits and land use applications on behalf of the City for a transitional period will assist in an orderly transfer of authority and jurisdiction. To this end, the City and County will be entering into an interlocal agreement relating to the processing of building permits and land use applications in the Annexation Area, The interlocal agreement will require that the City adopt legislation authorizing the County to charge applicants fees in amounts currently specified or 7 Panther Lake Annexation Area King County Application Fees hereafter adopted in King County Code Title 27 for applications processed by the County under the interlocal agreement, NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: ORDINANCE SECTION 7, - Incorporation of Recitals. The preceding recitals are incorporated herein. SECTION 2, - Adopt. The Kent City Council authorizes King County to charge fees in amounts currently specified or hereafter adopted in King County Code Title 27, attached and incorporated as Exhibit "4," for applications processed by the County in accordance with the terms of the Interlocal Agreement Between King County And The City Of Kent Relating To Processing Of Building Permits And Land Use Applications ("Permitting ILA") entered into between the City of Kent and King County related to the newly annexed Panther Lake Annexation Area. This grant of authority will be effective once the Permitting ILA is fully executed and for all services provided pursuant to the Permitting ILA on or after July 1, 2010. SECTION 3. - Severability. If any one or more section, subsections, or sentences of this ordinance are held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this ordinance and the same shall remain in full force and effect, Panther Lake Annexation Area King County Application Fees 2 SECTION 4, - Corrections by City Clerk or Code Reviser. Upon approval of the City Attorney, the City Clerk and the code reviser are authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance, including the correction of clerical errors; references to other local, state or federal laws, codes, rules, or regulations; or ordinance numbering and section/su bsection nu m bering. SECTION 5, - Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passa I e as provided by law COOKE, MAYOR ATTEST: BRENDA JACOBE CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: BRUBAKE CITY ATTORNEY PASSED' l5 day of June, 2010. APPROVED: Éday of June, 2010. PUBLISHE O: & day of June, 2010, I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordinance No.3?á 7 passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, and approved by the Mayor of the City of Kent as hereon indicated. Panther Lake Annexation Area King County Application Fees 3 SEAL) BRENDA JACO CITY CLERK P : \Civll\Ordinance\KingCountyTitle2TLandUseFees.docx 4 Panther Lake Annexatíon Area King County Applicatìon Fees EXHIBIT DEVELOPMENT PERMIT FEES Title2T DEVELOPMENT PERMIT FEES Purpose - General Provisions Definitions Preapplication and Counter Service Fees Fees Zoning and Land Use Permit Schoollmpact Fees Urban Plan Development Permit Fees Appeals - Project Management Program Permit Fee Estimates A Ghapters: 27.02 27.04 27,06 27.10 27.36 27.44 27.46 27.50 27-1 (King County 3-2008) BLANK 27-2 PURPOSE . GENERAL PROVISIONS 27.02 Sections: 27.02.010 27.02.015 27.02.020 27.02.025 27.02.030 27.02.040 27.02.050 27.02.060 27.02.062 27.02.065 27.02.070 27.02.080 27.02.085 27.02.090 27.02.100 27.02.110 27.02.130 27.02j40 27.02j50 27.02.160 27.02.190 27.02.210 27.02.220 27.02.250 Chapter 27.02 PURPOSE . GENERAL PROVISIONS Purpose. Relationship to Comprehensive Plan and Growth Management Act. General provisions. Rules. Fees - due dates - late penalty - insufficient funds charge. Fee waivers. Fee assessment. Refunds. Rules for refunds of fees associated with appeal. Fee estimates for project managed permits. Code enforcement fees. Financial guarantees fee. Drainage defect and maintenance financial guarantee program fees. Expedited review fees. Generalservice fee. Contract fees. Educational services fees. Work without a permit - investigation fee. Plan revision fees. Nonpermit-related fees - addressing charge. Hourly fees. Deposits. Disaster response expenditures. Development permit technical advisory committee. 27-3 (King CounÇ 6-2009) BLANK 27-4 PURPOSE - GENERAL PROVISIONS 27.02.010 -27.02.065 27.02.010 Purpose. The purpose of this title is: to prescribe equitable fees and fee collection for all development and environmental review services provided by the department of development and environment services; and to prescribe school impact fees to cover the proportionate share of the cost of new schoolfacilities needed to serve new growth and development. (Ord. 13332 $ 55, 1998: Ord. 10662 $ 42,1s92). 27.02.015 Relationship to Comprehensive Plan and Growth Management Act. This title of the King County Code is hereby enacted to be consistent and implement the comprehensive plan in accordance with RCW 36.704. (Ord. 11623 S 1,1994). 27.02.020 General provisions. This chapter deals with provisions general to the administration of this title and includes late penalties, fee waivers, fee assessments, refunds, code enforcement fee, overtime fees, general research, and financial guarantees (Ord. 11141 S 37, 1993: Ord. 10662 S 43, 1992). 27.02.025 Rules. The department shall adopt public rules pursuant to K.C.C. chapter 2.98 to implement this title. (Ord. 15946 $ 2,2007: Ord. 14683 S 4, 2003). 27.02.030 Fees - due dates - late penalty - insufficient funds charge. A. Fees are due and payable at the time of application for service or the due date stated on the department's invoice. B. A late penalty payment equal to one percent of the delinquent unpaid balance, compounded monthly, shall be assessed on any delinquent unpaid balance. C. The department shall charge an insufficient funds charge of twenty-five dollars. (Ord. 15957 $ 1, 2007: Ord.15946 $ 3, 2007: Ord. 10662 S 44, 1992). 27.02.040 Fee waivers. The director shall have the discretion to waive allor a portion of the fees administered by the department and required pursuant to this title, provided, the waiver is warranted in the director's judgment. Any fee waiver shall be in writing and shall state a compelling need or public purpose to be served by the waiver. The need or purpose must be consistent with standards established pursuant to K.C.C. chapter2.98. (Ord. 15946 $ 4,2007: Ord. 13332 $ 56, 1998: Ord. 11141 $ 38, 1993: Ord. 10662 $ 45,1992). 27.02.050 Fee assessment. Unless othenruise required by this title, development permit and environmental review fees shall be assessed at the fee rate in effect at the time the fee is collected. (Ord. 10662 S 46, 1992). 27.02.060 Refunds. Counter service and administrative fees are not refundable. Other service fees are refundable in proportion to the amount of work performed as of the date of application withdrawal by the applicant. (Ord. 13332 $ 57, 1998: Ord. 10662 S 47, 1992). 27.02.062 Rules for refunds of fees associated with appeal. The department shall adopt public rules in accordance with K.C.C. chapter 2.98 providing for refunds of fees associated with the appeal, when an applicant is the substantially prevailing party in an administrative appeal. (Ord. 15946 S 5, 2007). 27.02.065 Fee estimates for project managed permits. The department shall, within a reasonable time, provide fee estimates to the applicant for all project managed permits. Copies of employee worksheets used in preparing binding fee estimates and fee estimate revisions shall be included along with the fee estimates. The department shall develop uniform standards and criteria for revising fee estimates in accordance with K.C.C. chapter 2.98. (Ord. 15946 S 6, 2007). 27-5 (King County 6-2009) 27.02.070 - 27.02.130 DEVELOPMENT PERMIT FEES 27.02.070 Code enforcement fees. A fee assessed at the current hourly rate shall be charged for department staff time associated with code enforcement actions on all permits and reviews covered by this title. (Ord. 13332$58, 1998: Ord. 10662$58, 1992). 27.02.080 Financial guarantees fee. A. A flat fee of two hundred five dollars shall be charged for department staff time associated with all work done in conjunction with the setting, intake and release of financial guarantees for development permits. B. A fee assessed at the department's current hourly rate shall be charged for department staff time associated with all work done in conjunction with the monitoring, inspection and enforcement of financial guarantees for development permits. (Ord. 15957 $ 2,2007: Ord. 13332 $ 59, 1998: Ord. 10662 $ 49, 1e92). 27.02.085 Drainage defect and maintenance financialguarantee program fees. A minimum of one hour's fee shall be charged by the departments of natural resources and parks and transportation for any financial guarantee work performed by those departments related to storm water drainage and roadway improvements. The fee shall be less than or equal to the department of development and environmental service's current hourly rate. (Ord. 14199 $ 248, 2001: Ord. 13659 S 2, 1999). 27.02.090 Expedited review fees. Customer requested expedited review shall be charged at the department's current hourly rate, in addition to the normal review fee. lf the normal review fee is an hourly fee, then the rate shall equal two hundred percent of the department's current hourly fee. (Ord. 13332 S 60, 1998: Ord. 11141 S 39, 1993). 27.02.100 General service fee. A general service fee assessed at the department's current hourly rate shall be charged for each of the following services: A. Research performed outside the context of a pending application review;B. Professional services to other governments under adopted interlocal agreement with the jurisdiction requesting the service; and C. Project management. (Ord. 14683 $ 36, 2003: Ord. 13996 $ 11, 2000: [Ord. 13664 S 12, 1999, repealedbyOrd. 13996$13,20001: Ord. 13332$61,1998: Ord. 11141 S40, 1993). 27.02.110 Gontract fees. An applicant may elect to have a review, inspection, or permit approval completed by a department approved and hired contractor. For reviews, inspections, and permit approvals completed by a department approved contractor, the department is authorized to charge the applicant the contract amount in addition to the required review, inspection, or permit fee. (Ord. 11141 S 41, 1993). 27.02.130 Educational services fees. A. Education and training fees may be charged for classes or training provided by department of development and environmental services staff. The fees shall be charged at competitive market rates, and educational income may be less than or greater than all costs of preparing and presenting class. Class and training costs include, but are not limited to, the costs for planning, research, class preparation, class materials, notification, advertising, facility arrangements, related meetings, printing, presenting, follow-up and similar costs as applicable to the total cost of providing the service. B. Fees for classes shall range from approximately twenty-five dollars daily per attendee to one hundred thirty-five dollars daily per attendee depending upon class content, length of class and number of attendees. lndividual training may be provided at the department's current hourly rate. (Ord. 13332 S 8, 1 998). (King County 6-2009) 27_6 PURPOSE - GENERAL PROVISIONS 27.02.140 -27.02.210 27.02.140 Work without a permit - investigation fee. Whenever any work for which a permit or: application approval required under K.C.C. Title 16, 19, 20, 21A or 25 has commenced without first obtaining the required permit or application approval or has proceeded without obtaining necessary inspections, an investigation fee, in addition to the permit or application review fee, shall be collected whether or not a permit or application approval is subsequently issued. The investigation fee shall be equal to the amount of the permit or application fee required by this title. (Ord. 13332 S 10, 1998). 27.02.150 Plan revision fees. All plan revisions submitted by the applicant shall be charged a fee at the department's hourly rate. (Ord. 13332 S 12, 1998). 27.02.160 Nonpermit-related fees - addressing charge. A. The department may collect nonpermit-related fees for services including, but not limited to, making copies, providing letters of zoning certification, notarizing documents, gathering, preparing, and publishing special request reports, and providing publications. The fees shall be at actual cost to the department and shall be collected at the time services are requested. The department shall publish an annual schedule of these fees. B. Special requests concerning addressing issues that require staff time for research or site visits shall be charged at the department's current hourly rate. (Ord. 15957 $ 3, 2007: Ord. 14683 $ 37, 2003: Ord. 13332 S 13, 1998). 27.02.190 Hourly fees. A. Except as otherwise provided in subsections B and C of this section, the department's current hourly rate shall be assessed under this title at a rate of one hundred forty dollars per hour. B. Land use permits for agricultural activities on RA-zoned property for which the property owner has a current farm plan developed in conjunction with the King Conservation District or on lands within the agricultural production district shall be subject to an hourly rate of seventy dollars to a maximum of four h undred twenty-two dollars. C. Building permits for agricultural buildings shall be subject to an hourly rate of seventy dollars. D. For purposes of this section, "agricultural building" means a structure, other than a dwelling, that is:1. Located on RA-zoned property for which the property owner has a current farm plan developed in conjunction with the King Conservation District or on lands within the agricultural production district; and 2. Used in the operation of the farm for: a. Storage, maintenance or repair of farm machinery and equipment; b. The raising, harvesting and selling of crops; c. The feeding, breeding, management and sale of, or the produce of, livestock, poultry, fur- bearing animals or honeybees; d. Dairying and the sale of dairy products; e. Any other agricultural or horticultural use or animal husbandry, or any combination thereof, including the preparation, storage, processing, or sale of agricultural products raised on the farm for human use and animal use; f. Processing, treatment, packaging, and sale of agricultural products; g. Stabling or training equines; or h. Equine riding lessons and training clinics. (Ord. 15957 $ 4, 2007: Ord. 14683 $ 38, 2003: Ord. 14683 $ 5,2003: [Ord. 13664 S 2, 1999, repealed by Ord. 13996 S 13,2000]: Ord. 13332 S 9, 1 eg8). 27.02.210 Deposits. The department may require a deposit at the time of application. The deposit shall not exceed one hundred percent of the total actual or estimated cost of the review and inspection of a permit application. (Ord. 14683 $ 39, 2003: Ord. 13332 S 63, 1998). 27-7 (King County 6-2009) 27.02.220 - 27.02.250 DEVELOPMENT PERMIT FEES 27.02.220 Disaster response expenditures. Expenditures drawn from the development and environmental services (DES) fund for disaster response, which are not recovered through the assessment of fees or reimbursement from the Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA), shall be reimbursed to the DES fund by the current expense fund within twelve months of when the expenses were lncurred. (Ord.14238 S 32, 2001). 27.02.250 Development permit technical advisory committee. A. There is hereby created a development permit technical advisory committee, referred to in this section as "the advisory committee." B. The advisory committee is created to provide expert policy advice to the council on issues relating to the implementation of project management. An advisory committee structure should provide representation of a broad spectrum of ideas and interests for the citizens and businesses in the King County and meet the goal of providing representation from individuals and organizations significantly impacted by development-related King County ordinances. C. The advisory committee shall be composed of the following members:1. One representative nominated by the Master Builders Association of King and Snohomish Counties; 2. One representative nominated by the Seattle-King County Association of Realtors; 3. One representative for agricultural or forestry interests, nominated by the executive; 4. One representative for environmental interests, nominated by the executive;5. One representative from the department of development and environmental services, nominated by the executive; 6. One representative nominated by the King County Fire Chiefs Association; 7. The senior deputy ombudsman for rural affairs nominated by the council; and 8. Two representatives, one residing in the urban unincorporated area and one residing in the rural unincorporated area, nominated by the Unincorporated Area Councils. D. Each seat on the advisory committee has one vote. E. Each member nominated to serve on the advisory committee shall be subject to confirmation by the King County council. F. The advisory committee shall adopt other rules governing its operations at, or promptly after, its first meeting. G. The advisory committee shall review and recommend rules relating to: 1. Review of financial policies adopted by the department of development and environmental services pursuant to K.C.C. chapter 2.98;2. Review of a flat fee for staff members performing financial guarantee management and monitoring services; 3. Review of fee waiver procedures as outlined in financial policies adopted by the department of development and environmental services pursuant to K.C.C. chapter 2.98; 4. Establishment of an administrative appeals process for regulatory fee disputes that utilizes the hearings examiner for review of cases described in this chapter;5. Establishment of a cap on fees relating to department research conducted before a preapplication meeting ;6. Exploration of funding options that are not fee-for-service for departmental customer outreach, information requests and consultation relating to permitting, including funding from the county current expense fund; 7. Recommendations for improvements and refinements to the project management process; and 8. Determination of the necessity for the continuation of the committee; and 9. Any other applicable issues relating to the permitting operations of the department. H. Eleven copies of the advisory committee's recommendations shall be filed with the clerk of the council no later than September 15 each year, for distribution to all council members and the lead staff of the growth management and natural resources committee or its successor. (Ord. 15946 S 7, 2007). (King County 6-2009) 27-8 DEFINITIONS Sections: 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27.04.003 - 27.04.028 Chapter 27.04 DEFINITIONS 04.003 04.004 04.005 04.010 04.015 04.025 04.028 04.040 04.043 04.045 04.047 04.050 Building official. Closed record hearing. Department. Development permits. Director. lmpact fee. Environmental review. Permit fee. Project managed. Program management prog ram. Substantial prevailing party. Valuation. 27.04.003 Building official. "Building official" means the director of the department of development and environmental services or the director's designee. (Ord. 13332 S 14, 1998). 27.04.004 Closed record hearing. "Closed record hearing" means an administrative appeal to the hearing examiner of a departmental decision when the appeal is on the record with no new evidence or information allowed to be submitted and only appeal argument allowed. The record shall consist solely of a complete set of the documents relating to the facts of the department's decision. (Ord. 16026 $ 5, 2008). 27.04.005 Department. "Department" means the department of development and environmental services. (Ord. 14683 $ 6, 2003: Ord. 10662 S 51, 1992). 27.04.010 Development permits. "Development permits" mean all permits, reviews, and approvals administered by the department of development and environment services including, but not limited to, right-of-way use permits, grading permits, building permits, uniform fire code permits, subdivisions, short subdivisions, binding site plans, planned unit developments, zoning permits, master plan development permits, current use permits, boundary line adjustments, and environmental review and shoreline permits. (Ord. 10662 $ 53, 1992: Ord. 8330 $ 31, 1987). 27.04.015 Director. "Director" means the director of the department of development and environment services or his/her designee. (Ord. 10662 S 52, 1992). 27.04.025 lmpact fee. "lmpact fee" means a payment of money authorized by state law and county ordinance to be imposed upon development as a condition of development approval to pay for public facilities needed to serve new growth and development. lmpact fees include but are not limited to roads mitigation payment fees and school impact fees. "lmpact fees" do not include fees imposed to cover the costs of processing applications, inspecting and reviewing plans or other information required to be submitted for purpose of evaluation of an application, or inspecting or monitoring development activity. (Ord. 10162 $ 22, 1ee1). 27.04.028 Environmental review. "Environmental review" means all permits, reviews, and approvals administered pursuant to K.C.C. 20.44. (Ord. 10662 S 50, 1992). 27-9 (King County 3-2008) 27.04.040 - 27.04.050 DEVELOPMENT PERMIT FEES 27.04.040 Permit fee. "Permit fee" means a payment of money imposed upon development as a condition of application for or approval of development to cover the costs of processing applications, inspecting and reviewing plans or other information required to be submitted for purpose of evaluation of an application, or inspecting or monitoring development activity. (Ord. 10162 S 23, 1991). 27.04.043 Project managed. "Project managed" refers to a permit or approval that the department reviewed under the project management program. (Ord. 16026 S 8, 2008). 27.04.045 Project management program. "Project management program" means the program within the department that provides fee estimates and enhanced oversight on projects that are large or complex, and are subject to hourly permit fees. (Ord. 16026 S 7, 2008). 27.04.047 Substantial prevailing party. A permit applicant is the "substantial prevailing party" in an appeal under this title if the hearing examiner orders a reduction of the fee estimate, estimate revision or billings that is fifty percent or more of the cumulative sum that the applicant disputed before the examiner. Otheruvise, the department is the "substantial prevailing party." (Ord. 16026 S 6, 2008). 27,04.050 Valuation. "Valuation" means the determination of value made by the building official or the building official's designee. ln determining the applicable fee based on valuation, the valuation shall be determined based on current nationally recognized valuation tables, such as R.S. Means cost data publications, Dodge cost data publications or the current valuation data published by the lnternational Conference of Building Officials. ln determining the valuation for permit and plan review fees, the valuation includes the total value of all construction work for which the permit is issued, including all finish work, painting, roofing, electrical, plumbing, heating, ventilation and air conditioning, elevators, fire systems and any otherpermanentfixtures. (Ord. 15957 $5,2007: Ord. 13996$2,2000: [Ord. 13664S3, 1999,repealedby Ord. 13996, $ 13, 20001: Ord. 13332 S 15, 1998). (King County 3-2008) 27-10 PREAPPLICATION AND COUNTER SERVICE FEES 27.06.005 -27.06.010 Ghapter 27.06 PREAPPLICATION AND COUNTER SERVICE FEES Sections: 27.06.005 27.06.010 27.06.020 27.06.030 Purpose. Preapplication fees. Counter service fees - building services division. Counter service fees - land use services division 27.06.005 Purpose. The purpose of this chapter is to establish preapplication and administrative fees for the department. Preapplication fees shall compensate the department for preliminary review and evaluation of projects and for advising permit applicants before submittal of a formal application. Counter service fees shall compensate the department for land use and building counter services for application intake, calculation of fees, creation of manual and electronic files, preparing applications for routing to review stations, packaging final permits, issuance of final permits and providing fee and submittal information to applicants. Administrative fees shall be collected at the time administrative services are rendered. (Ord 14683 $ 40,2003: Ord. 13332 S 3, 1998). 27.06.010 Preapplication fees. An hourly preapplication fee, charged at the department's hourly rate, shall be charged for all professional time spent by department personnel based on an applicant's request for service. (Ord. 1a683 $ 41, 2003: Ord. 13332 S 4, 1998). 27-11 (King County 12-2007) 27.06.020 - 27.06.030 DEVELOPMENT PERMIT FEES $103.00 $205.00 $284.00 $869.00 plus, per hour after six hours $103.00 $205.00 $284.00 $483.00 27.06.020 Counter service fees - building services division.A. Group 1: small, simple, easy-to-administer applications including residential mechanical, registered plans, special inspections, fire tank, extensions, basics and basic accessories and residential revisions:B. Group 2: applications more complex than group 1, including already built construction, fire system permits, accessories to residence, signs, shell modifications, commercial mechanical, additions, mobile homes and other applications not included in groups 1 and 3:C. Group 3: applications more complex than groups 1 and 2, including new residences, small nonbuilding permits, commercial tenant improvements and revisions, permits issued "subject to field inspection" and agricultural buildings:D. Group 4: applications more complex and difficult than other groups, including small and large new commercial buildings, multifamily buildings, large nonbuilding structures or other permits with complex processing such as commercialsite plans: (Ord. 15957 $ 6,2007: Ord. 14683 $ 7,2003: Ord. 13332 S 5, 1998). 27.06.030 Gounter service fees - land use services division.A. Group 1: small, simple applications, affidavits including short plats, revisions, shoreline exemptions, right-of-way use, lot line adjustments, all extensions, road and drainage variances and other miscellaneous services:B. Group 2: applications more complex than group 1, including clearing and grading, final plats and final public utility district applications, alterations to final plats, or public utility districts and engineering plans:C. Group 3: applications more complex than groups 1 and 2, including variances, shoreline, preliminary short plats, and SAO utility exceptions:D. Group 4: the most complex applications, including preliminary plats, variances, conditional use permits, special use permits and zone and shoreline reclassifications: (Ord. 15957 $ 7,2007: Ord. 14683 $ 8,2003: Ord. 13332 S 6, 1998). (King County 12-2007) 27-12 FEES Sections: 27.10.010 27.10.020 27.10.030 27.10.040 27.10.050 27.10.060 27.10.070 27.10.080 27.10.090 27.10.110 27.10.120 27.10.130 27.10.140 27.10.145 27.10.150 27.10.160 27.10.170 27.10.180 27.10.190 27.10.200 27.10.210 2710220 27.10.230 27.10.310 27.10.320 27.10.330 27.10.350 27.10.360 27.10.380 27,10.390 27.10.400 27.10.410 27.10.420 27.10.430 27.10.450 27.10.460 27.10.500 27.10.510 27.10.550 27.10 Chapter 27.10 FEES Application review fees - applicability. Building plan review fees - revision fees - nonstandard methods or materials review fees. Building review fees - mechanical. Fire flow and fire access review - uniform fire code. Fire systems and tank reviews. Zoning, landscaping, parking. Roads variance requests requiring department of transportation review. Site engineering review. Grading or clearing site plan review. Forest practice policy compliance. Rightof-way application review. Criticalareas review. Critical areas exceptions and variances. Consolidated site review for single-family residential development. SEPA review - preparation of environmental impact statement. Shoreline review. Zoning application review. Site-specific land use amendment. Subdivision - preliminary review. Subdivision - final review. Separate lot recognitions and subdivision exemptions - recorded building envelope modification and name change request. Boundary line adjustment review. Current use permit reviews. Construction and site development inspection fees - applicability. Building construction inspection. Structural-mechanical system inspections. Fire system and fire tank inspections - conformance with approved plan. Hazardous materials and public assembly inspections. Site development inspections. Grading inspections. Clearing inspections. Zoning, SEPA, sensitive area or shoreline condition and compliance. Extensions of permits and approvals. General inspections. Mobile home fees. Condominium conversion inspections. Supplemental inspection and reinspection. Certification of compliance or completion. Partial development - preissuance construction authorization (PICA) inspections. 27-13 (King County 12-2007) BLANK 27-14 FEES 27 .10.010 - 27.10.040 27.10.010 Application review fees - applicability. Plan review fees shall compensate the department for the plan review necessary to determine compliance with approved plans, adopted uniform codes and other county regulations. The fees may be based on valuation and may be fixed, hourly or a combination thereof. The fees shall be collected to compensate the building services and land use services divisions for the review of: A. Commercial and residential building permit applications under K.C.C. chapters 16.04, 16.70, 16.74, 16.78 and 17.04 and K.C.C. Titles 20 and 214; B. Grading and clearing permit applications under K.C.C. chapter 16.82 or its successor; C. Shoreline permit applications and exemptions under K.C.C. Title 25 or its successor; D. State Environmental Policy Act compliance under K.C.C. chapter 20.44 or its successor; E. Critical areas under K.C.C. chapter 21A.24 or its successor; F. Preliminary and final subdivisions and short subdivisions under K.C.C. Title 194 or its successor; G. Binding site plan review under K.C.C. Title 194 or its successor; H. Boundary line adjustments under K.C.C. Title 19A or its successor; andl. Variance requests, conditional use permits, zone reclassification requests, special use permits and temporary use permits under K.C.C. Title 214 or its successor. (Ord. 15957 $ 8, 2007: Ord. 13332 $ 16,1998). 27.10.020 Building plan review fees - revision fees - nonstandard methods or materials review fees. A. Fees for the review of buildings and structures, including additions and modifications, shall be calculated using the current valuation table and fee rate table published by the lnternational Conference of Building Officials or other current nationally recognized standards. For those items not covered by the valuation table, the department shall use other current nationally recognized publications, such as R.S. Means cost data or Dodge cost data, to determine the valuation and use the current lnternational Conference of Building Officials fee rate tables or other current nationally recognized standards to determine the amount. The building official shall establish the final valuation. The fee charged shall be at sixty-five percent of the calculated amount, unless othenryise specified in this title. B. Revisions to a permit application shall be charged at the current department hourly rate. C. Additional plan review required when issuing a basic permit from a registered plan shall be charged at the department's current hourly rate. D. Additional review required for applications using nonstandard methods, materials, or design shall be charged at the department's current hourly rate in addition to the standard fees. (Ord. 14683 $ 42, 2003: Ord. 13996$3,2000: [Ord. 13664$4, 1999,repealedbyOrd. 13996,S13,2000]: Ord. 13332S17, 1998). 27.10.030 Building review fees - mechanical. Mechanical review fees are distinguished by residential mechanical systems and commercial mechanical systems. Residential mechanical system fees shall be charged a flat fee of one hundred thirty{hree dollars if the review is necessary. Commercial mechanical system fees shall be calculated based on the current valuation and fee rate tables published by the lnternationalConference of Building Officials. (Ord. 15957 $ 9, 2007: Ord. 14683 $ 9, 2003: Ord. 13996 $ 4,2000: [Ord. 13664 S 5, 1999, repealed by Ord. 13996 $ 13, 2000]: Ord. 13332 S 18, 1998). 27.10.040 Fire flow and fire access review - uniform fire code. A flat fee shall be charged for uniform fire code review as follows:A. Commercial buildings (excluding large) $314.00B. Commercialrevisions/multifamily $332.00C. Large commercial $543.00D. Single-family residential $181.00E. Short subdivisions $139.00F. Subdivisions $211.00G. Boundary line adjustments $78.00H. Other applications $72.00 (Ord. 15957 $ 10,2007: Ord. 14683 $ 10,2003: Ord. 13332 S 19, 1998). 27-15 (King County 12-2007) 27.10.050 DEVELOPMENT PERMIT FEES 27.10.050 Fire systems and tank reviews. A fee shall be charged to cover the costs of the department to review fire systems and tank systems as follows:Svstem FeeA. Fire alarm systems1. One to four zones $193.002. Each additionalzone $36.003. Each addressable panel $688.004. Plus for each device $2.75B. Fire extinguishing systems $386.00 (plus for each nozzle) $Z1.OOC. Automatic sprinkler systems1. Commercial- each riser $368.00 (plus for each head or plug) $3.752. Residential- each riser $296.00 (plus for each head or plug) $2.50D. Standpipe systems1. Class I $386.002. Class ll $386.003. Class lll $1,064.004. Each outlet for Class I or ll $72.005. Fire pump $344.00E. Flammable or combustible liquids storage tanks:1. Underground, first tank $193.00 (plus each additionaltank) $104.002. Above ground, each tank $193.00F. Hazardous materials storage tanks:1. Less than 500 gallons - each $260.002. 500 to 1,199 gallons - each $528.003. 1,200 gallons or more - each $786.00G. Liquefied petroleum tanks1. Less than 500 gallons $193.002. 500 - 9,999 gallons $386.003. 10,000 gallons or more $761.00H. Gaseous oxygen systems1. Less than 6,000 cubic feet $117.002. 6,000 - 1 1,999 cubic feet $215.003. 12,000 cubic feet or more $386.00l. Nitrous oxide systems $205.00 (plus each outlet) $16.00J. Medical gas systems1. Gaseous system $41 1.00 (plus each outlet) $16.002. Liquefied system $884.00 (plus each outlet) $16.00K. Hazardous material recycling systems:1. I 10 gallons or less per day capacity $260.002. More than 110 gallons per day capacity $787.00L. Vapor recovery systems: (per tank)1. Phase I - tank truck and tank $210.002. Phase ll - vehicle fueled and tank $261.00M. Cryogenic tanks (each) $210.00 (King County 12-2007) 27-16 FEES 27.10.050 N cc. DD. Flammable liquids devices:1. Spray booths-updraft (each)2. Dip tank (each) 3. Spray booths-downdraft (each) 4. Flow coaters (each) 5 Mixing/handling room Fiberglass work systems:1. Spray or chopper booth2. Lay-up areas Organic peroxide storage facility Explosives storage magazines:1. Class I2. Class ll Compressed natural gas systems (each) Liquefied natural gas systems High piled storage racks Smoke removalsystems High rise emergency evacuation plans Commercial candle holding devices Computer rooms Floor or layout plans required by the fire code for public assembly, special sales, outdoor storage of flammable liquids in drums or indoor storage of combustibles Fire clearances when requested of the fire marshal including but not limited to the following:1. State funding of school projects 2. State or federal school, hospital, nursing home, rehabilitative facilities or custodial facilities accreditation3. State licensing of mini-day care, day care, foster home, boarding home4. State liquor license5. State gambling license6. Specialout-of-occupancyuses7. County house moving permits B. Fire clearance for King County business license Approval of carpet samples or decorative materials Special inspections for occupancy determinations or change of use requirements Requested preliminary inspections Each retest or reinspection of a fire protection or hazardous materials system prior to acceptance of the system, issuance of a permit or issuance of a certificate of occupancy (the first test or inspection will be made without charge) Witnessing tests of used underground flammable liquids storage tanks before installation lnvestigating and processing leaking underground storage tanks or hazardous materials spills and the subsequent containment and recovery of lost product Underground piping to flammable or combustible liquid storage tanks $210.00 $188.00 $350.00 $398.00 $519.00 o. P. o. R. S. T. U. V. W X. z, $350.00 $408.00 $408.00 $408.00 $260.00 $398.00 $758.00 $398.00 $408.00 $408.00 $260.00 $408.00 $398.00 $260.00 $260.00 $260.00 $260.00 $260.00 $260.00 $260.00 $260.00 $260.00AA. BB. EE. FF. GG. $260.00 $260.00 $528.00 $260.00 - current hourly rate $260.00 27-17 (King County 12-2007) 27.10.050 - 27.10.060 DEVELOPMENT PERMIT FEES HH. lnstallation, removal or abandonment, or any combination thereof, of flammable or combustible liquid storage tanks:1. First tank (commercial) $260.002. Each additional tank (commercial) $135.003. Contractor's permit for removal or abandonment of residential underground fuel tanks (annual) $181.00ll. Witnessing tests of underground flammable or combustible liquid storage tanks for tank tightness $260.00JJ. Conducting fire flow tests or analysis $929.00KK. Fuel tanks for oil burning equipment:1. Commercial $193.002. Residential $93.00LL. Monitoring transmitters $261.00 (plus each device) $2.75 MM. Sprinkler system supply mains (public main to sprinkler riser) (each) $260.00NN. Emergency or standby power systems $260.00OO. Plan review of construction fire safety plans $260.00PP. Confidence testing of fire protection systems OO. High rise fire system review $260.00RR. Fire protection plan review:1. Review of either water main extension, or replacement, or both $278.00 (plus per hydrant) $78.002. Review of hazardous material management plan $543.00 (Ord. 15957$11,2008: Ord. 14683$11,2003: Ord. 13996$5,2000: [Ord. 13664S6, 1999,repealedby Ord. 13996, $ 13, 20001: Ord. 13332 S 20, 1998). 27.10.060 Zoning, Iandscape, parking. Review for compliance with zoning, landscape, parking and shoreline master program standards shall be charged fees as follows:A. Each review of small projects such as residential additions, mobile homes, signs, shell modifications, tenant improvements and other small or simple applications: three hundred sixty-two dollars base fee plus department's current hourly rate after two and one half hours. B. Review of all other projects including new residential construction, large buildings, small and large nonbuilding structures and multifamily buildings, commercial site plans and other large, complex projects, including grading permits or other development permits: department current hourly rate. (Ord. 15957 S 12, 2008: Ord. 14683 $ 43, 2003: Ord. 14683 $ 12, 2003: Ord. 13996 $ 6, 2000: [Ord. 13664 $ 7, 1999, repealed by Ord. 13996, $ 13,20001: Ord. 13332 S 21, 1998). (King County 12-2007) 27-18 FEES 27.10.070 - 27.10.080 27.10.070 Roads variance requests requiring department of transportation review. Roads standards variance requests requiring department of transportation review shall be charged fees as follows and others shall be charged a fee at department's current hourly rate.A. Review by King County department of transportation: $942.00B. Review by King County department of development and environmentalservices: Hourly rate (Ord. 15957$ 13,2007: Ord. 14683$ 13,2003: Ord. 13332S22, 1998). 27.10.080 Site engineering review. Site engineering review includes review for code compliance with road design, drainage, erosion and sedimentation control, and right-of-way improvements. Review fees shall include a base fee and an hourly charge at the department's current hourly rate. Fees for short subdivisions, subdivisions or planned unit developments, right-of-way use, clearing or grading, and drainage plans shall include a deposit and an hourly charge at the department's current hourly rate.A. Commercial buildings $869.00 plus hourly rate after six hoursB. Residential buildings Basic Review $362.00 Standard Review $725.00 Complex Review $t ,449.00C. Subdivisions, short subdivision and Current department hourly planned unit developments, rightof-way rate use and grading and clearing permits (including alteration or vacation of final short plats and plats) D. Preconstruction meetings and Current department postpermit issuance inspections or hourly rate monitoring (Ord. 15957 $14,2007: Ord. 14683$44,2003: Ord. 14683$ 14,2003: Ord. 13332S23, 1998). 27-19 (King County 12-2007) 27.10.090 DEVELOPMENT PERMIT FEES 27.10.090 Grading or clearing site plan review. Grading or clearing site plan review includes review for compliance with King County grading and clearing code requirements, and with the surface mine interlocal agreement. Grading or clearing site plan review shall include a base fee plus the department's current hourly rate as follows: Disturbed Acres Base Fee Hourlv FeeA. Grading or clearing permit application base review - residential development not subject to state environmental policy act review 0.0 to.20 $414.00 N/A .21 to 1.0 $580.00 After 6 hours Over 1.0 $1,014.00 After t hoursB. Grading or clearing permit application base review - residential development subject to state environmental policy act reviewC. Grading or clearing permit application base review - non-residential N/A $1,014.00 After t hours $725.00 $2,173.00 $4,347.00 $5,796.00 $8,694.00 $11,592.00D. Review of other residential development permit applications or consultation with customer N/A $414.00E. Review of other non-residential development permit applications One-half the base feeF. Plan revision fee N/A $290.00G. Hazardous tree removal or other miscellaneous grading or clearing N/A NoneH. Moratorium Basic relief N/A $435.00Complex N/A $1,739.00l. Adjustment to grading or clearing basefees Base fees may be doubled for work started without a permit 15957$ 15,2007: Ord. 14683$45,2003: Ord. 14683$ 15,2003: Ord. 13332$24,(Ord 0.0 to.20 .21 to 1.0 1.01 to 5.0 5.01 to 10.0 10.01 to 20.0 Over 20.0 After 7 hours After 17 hours After 32 hours After 42 hours After 62 hours After 82 hours No hourly One-half the hourly credits After 4 hours Hourly After 4 hours After 14 hours 1ee8). (King County 12-2007) 27-20 FEES 27.10.110 - 27.10.145 27.10.110 Forest practice policy compliance. A forest practice policy compliance fee shall be charged for all professional time spent by departmental personnel at the department's current hourly rate. (Ord. 13332 S 26, 1998). 27.10.120 Right-of-way application review. Right-of-way application review including revisions shall be charged a base fee and hourly charge as follows: four hundred thirty-five dollars plus hourly after three hours at department's current hourly rate. (Ord. 15957 $ 16, 2007: Ord. 14683 $ 17, 2003: Ord. 13332 s 27, 1998). 27.10.130 Gritical areas review. Critical areas review fees shall be charged a base fee and hourly charge as follows: Base fee Hourlv feeA. Residential initialsite inspection $290.00 No hourlyB. Residentialreview1. With department as consultant Flat fee No hourly established following initialsite inspection2. With preferred consultant Group 1: Simple, less complex development proposals, such as additions, improvements, grading or clearing on a single-family residential site, and shoreline exemption on a single-family residential site Group 2: More complex development proposals, including single-family residential.3. With other consultant $725.00 (flat fee)No hourly $1,304.00 (flat fee)No hourly Deposit based on project manager's estimate Hourly C. Review of a residential application for work Hourly done without a permit D. Nonresidential review $725.00 Hourly after five hours*E. Postissuance inspections and monitoring HourlyF. Critical areas inquiries or designations Hourly *Hourly fee deposits based on the project manager's estimate. (Ord. 15957$ 17,2007: Ord. 14683$46,2003: Ord. 14683$ 18,2003: Ord.14187 S4,2001: Ord. 13332 s 28, 1ee8). 27.10.140 Gritical areas exceptions and variances. Critical areas exception and variances shall require a deposit, based on the project manager's estimate, and charge a fee based on the department's current hourly rate. (Ord. 14683 $ 47, 2003: Ord. 13332 S 29, 1998). 27.10.145 Consolidated site review for single-family residential development. The fee for the consolidated site review for single-family residential development under K.C.C. 21A.24.550 shall be one thousand eight hundred fifty dollars. The department may charge additional fees for activities not covered by the consolidated review, including, but not limited to, review to determine consistency with conditions established by the consolidated review, building permit review, inspections and mitigation. (Ord. 15063 S 2, 2004). 27-21 (King County 12-2007) 27.10.150 -2710.230 DEVELOPMENT PERMIT FEES 27,10.150 SEPA rev¡ew - preparat¡on of env¡ronmental impact statement. A. State Environmental Policy Act review fees for environmental check lists, environmental impact statements, mitigated determinations of nonsignificance and supplemental reviews shall be an hourly charge at department's current hourly rate. B. Preparation of an environmental impact statement shall be charged at actual cost to the department including consultant costs, administrative costs and cost of review by other county departments and governmentalagencies. (Ord. 13332 S 30, 1998). 27.10.160 Shoreline review. Shoreline application fees shall require a deposit and charge an hourly fee based on the department's current hourly rate. (Ord. 13332 S 31, 1998). 27.10.170 Zoning application review. Zoning application reviews shall require a deposit and an hourly fee based on the department's current hourly rate, except as otheruvise specified herein. Transfer of development rights (TDR) Sending Site Certification Applications to qualify a proposed sending site and determine the number of rights available for transfer per application in accordance with K.C.C. chapter 214.37 shall be based on the current hourly fee to a maximum of five hundred dollars. (Ord. 14683 $ 19, 2003: Ord. 14190 S 39,2001: Ord. 13332 S 32, 1998). 27.10.180 Site-specific |and use amendment. Applicant generated site-specific land use map amendments shall be charged an application fee of one thousand five hundred dollars. lf the amendment is implemented as part of the comprehensive plan amendment process, the application fee will be credited toward the zoning reclassification fee, provided that the application for zoning reclassification is filed within one year of the effective date of the land use map amendment. (Ord. 13332 S 33, 1998). 27.10.190 Subdivision - preliminary review. Preliminary subdivision, short subdivision or planned unit development review including initial applications, revisions and alterations shall require a deposit and be charged an hourly fee based on the department's current hourly rate. (Ord. 13332 S 34, 1998). 27.10.200 Subdivision - final review. Final subdivision, short subdivision or planned unit development review including alterations or vacations shall require a deposit and be charged an hourly fee based on the department's current hourly rate. (Ord. 13332 S 35, 1998). 27.10.210 Separate lot recognitions and subdivision exemptions - recorded building envelope modification and name change request. Separate lot recognitions and subdivision exemptions shall be charged an hourly fee based on the department's current hourly rate. Modification of a recorded building envelope or request for name change shall be charge a fixed fee as follows:A. Modification of building envelope $725.00B. Name change $241.00 (Ord. 15957 $ 18,2007: Ord. 14683 $ 20,2003: Ord. 13332 S 36, 1998). 27.10.220 Boundary line adjustment review. Boundary line adjustment fees shall be five hundred eighty dollars plus an hourly charge after four hours at the department's current hourly rate. (Ord. 15957 S 19, 2007: Ord. 14683 $ 21, 2003: Ord. 13332 S 37, 1998). 27.10.230 Gurrent use permit reviews. A fixed fee for the processing of current use permits shall be charged as follows:A. Farm and agriculturalland classification $181.00B. Open space and timber less than twenty acres $241.00C. Open space and timber greater than twenty acres $483.00 (Ord. 15957 $ 20, 2007: Ord. 14683 $22,2003: Ord. 13332 S 38, 1998). (King County 12-2007) 27-22 FEES 27 .10.310 - 27.10.320 27.10.310 Construction and site development inspection fees - applicability. Construction and site development inspection fees shall compensate the department for inspections necessary to determine compliance with adopted uniform codes and other county regulations. The fees may be based on valuation as defined in this title, fixed, hourly or a combination thereof. Fees shall be collected for reinspections and supplemental inspections, as well as being collected to compensate the building services and land use services divisions for inspection of: A. Commercial and residential buildings, additions, and under K.C.C. chapters 16.04,16.70,1674 and 16.78 and K.C.C. Titles 20 and21A; B. Grading and clearing sites under K.C.C. chapter 16.82; C. Site development, which is roads and drainage and erosion control, under K.C.C. Titles 9 and 14; D. Shoreline permit approvals under K.C.C. Title 25; E. State Environmental Policy Act condition compliance under K.C.C. chapter 20.48; F. Zoning condition compliance under K.C.C. Title 214; and G. Monitoring drainage and sensitive area conditions. (Ord. 13332 S 39, 1998). 27.10.320 Building construction inspection.A. Permit fees for the inspection of buildings and other structures, including additions and modifications, shall be calculated from the current valuation table and the current fee rate table published by the lnternational Conference of Building Officials or other current nationally recognized standards. For those items not covered by the valuation tables, the department shall use other current nationally recognized publications such as R.S. Means cost data and Dodge costs data, to determine the valuation and use the current lnternational Conference of Building Otficials or other current nationally recognized standards fee rate tables to determine the amount. The building official shall establish the final valuation. The permit fee charged shall be one-hundred percent of the calculated amount, unless othenryise specified in this title. B. Additional inspections required for applications using nonstandard methods, materials, or design shall be charged at the department's current hourly rate in addition to the standard fees. C. On single family residence construction sites to ensure required erosion control measures are in place and functioning, the limited site inspection fee shall be thirty-five dollars, plus the department's current hourly rate beyond 0.25 hours. lf the department determines erosion problems are present on the construction site, additional inspections shall be charged at the department's current hourly rate. (Ord. 14683 $48,2003: Ord. 13996$8,2000: [Ord. 13664S9, 1999,repealedbyOrd. 13996$13,2000]: Ord. 13332 s 40, lee8). 27-23 (King County 12-2007) 27.',10.330 DEVELOPMENT PERMIT FEES 27.10.330 Structural-mechanical system inspections. Fees shall be collected to cover the costs to the department of performing inspections of residential and commercial structural-mechanical systems. Structural-mechanical system inspections shall be as follows: A. All separate residential mechanical systems for which inspections are required: one hundred thirty-three dollars. B. Commercial mechanical fees shall be calculated based on the valuation and fee rate tables published by the international conference of building officials or other current nationally recognized standards. For those items not covered by these valuation tables, the department shall use other nationally recognized publications, such as R.S. Means cost data and Dodge cost data, to determine the valuation and use of the international conference of building officials fee rate tables or other current nationally recognized standards to determine the amount. (Ord. 15957 $ 21,2007: Ord. 14683 $ 49, 2003: Ord. 14683 $ 23, 2003: Ord. 13332541,1998). (King County 12-2007) 27-24 FEES 27.10.350 -27.10.380 27.10.350 Fire system and fire tank inspections - conformance with approved plan. Fees shall be charged to cover the costs of physical inspections to assure that projects are constructed in accordance with approved plans as follows. A. Fire alarm systems1. One to four zones $193.002. Each additional zone $41.003. Each addressable panel $588.004. Plus each device $3.50 B. Fire extinguishing systems $425.00 plus for each nozzle $23.00 C. Automatic sprinkler systems Each riser $391.00 plus for each head or plug $1.10 D. Standpipe systems1. Class I $425.002. Class ll $425.003. Class lll $1,170.004. Each outlet for Class I or ll $80.00 E. Liquefied Petroleum Tanks1. 1 to less than 125 gallons for residential No Fee2. 125 to less than 500 gallons $231.003. 500 to less than 10,000 gallons $315.004. 10,000 gallons or more $620.00 F. lnspection of either water main extension, or replacement, or both $185.15 plus per hydrant $52,35 G. Monitoring transmitters $261.00 plus each device 92.75 H. Sprinkler system supply mains (public main to sprinkler riser) (each) $278.00 lnspections for situations not listed above shall be charged two hundred fifty-seven dollars per system or apparatus, as appropriate. (Ord. 15957 $22,2007: Ord. 14683 $ 24,2003: Ord. 13996 $ 9,2000: [Ord. 13664 S 10, 1999, repealed by Ord. 13996 $ 13,20001: Ord. 13332 S 42, 1998). 27.10.360 Hazardous materials and public assembly inspections. Uniform fire code inspections, mitigations and code enforcement fees shall be based on the department's current hourly rate, with the following exceptions:A. Fireworks stands and displays Maximum allowed under chapter 70.77 RCWB. Liquefied petroleum gas serving single fami!residences N/CC. Parade floats N/CD. Use of candles for ceremonial purposes by churches or nonprofit groups N/C (Ord. 1a6B3 $ 25, 2003: Ord. 13332 S 43, 1998). 27.10.380 Site development inspections. Fees for site inspections of construction of roads and drainage systems, landscaping and other site improvements and review of changes to approved plans shall be an hourly charge at department's current hourly rate. (Ord. 13332 S 46, 1998). 27-25 (King County 12-2009) 27 .10.390 - 27.10.410 DEVELOPMENT PERMIT FEES 27.10.390 Grading inspections. Grading inspection includes review for compliance with King County grading code requirements, and with the surface mine interlocal agreement. Grading inspections shall be based on the department's current hourly rate with a minimum number of hours as follows: Area in AcresA. Field monitoring or lnspection of grading residential site:B. Field monitoring or lnspection of grading nonresidential site two hours two hours four hours four hours eight hours eight hours twelve hoursC. Miscellaneous inspections1. Reclamation bond release inspection:2. Reinspection of nonbonded actions: (Ord. 15957 $ 23, 2007: Ord. 14683 $ 26, 2003: Ord. 13332 S 45, 1998) $332.00 $332.00 NA Minimum NA 0.00 to 0.10 0.11 to 0.30 0.31 to 1.00 1.01 to 5.00 5.01 to 10.00 10.01 to 20.00 over 20.00 27.10.400 Clearing inspections. Clearing inspection includes review for compliance with King County grading code requirements and with the surface mine interlocal agreement. Clearing inspection shall be based on the department's current hourly rate with a minimum number of hours as follows: Area in Acres MinimumA. Field monitoring or lnspection of clearing residentialsite: NA NAB. lnspection of clearing nonresidential site: 0.00 to 0.20 two hours 0.20 to 2.00 four hours over 2.00 four hours (Ord. 13332 S 44, 1998). 27.10.410 Zoning, SEPA, sensitive area or shoreline condition and compliance. Postapproval or postdevelopment monitoring or inspection, or both, for p-suffix conditions, or compliance with conditional use permits, special use permits, State Environmental Policy Act conditions, shoreline development permit conditions, sensitive areas conditions, drainage conditions or other conditions or mitigation associated with project approval shall be charged at the department's hourly rate. (Ord. 13332 S 47, 1998). (King County 12-2009) 27-26 FEES 27j0.420 27.10.420 Extensions of permits and approvals. Permit and approval extension fees shall be charged to cover the costs of administering permit extension applications and for final inspections. The hourly rates where applicable shall be charged at the department's current hourly rate.A. Final lnspections1. Single-family residential $301.002. Allother permits $423.00B. AII other extensions (more than final inspection):1. Single family residential $423.002. Temporary mobile home $217.003. Temporary hardship mobile home $133.004. Allother building permits $369.00 plus hourlyC. Mechanicalpermits:1. Single Family residential2. Other permits finalonly3. Other permits full mechanical system inspectionD. Fire system permits: 1. Single family residential2. Finalandcorrectioninspections3. Fullfire inspectionE. Sign permits F. Short plats G. Extensions of clearing permits: 1. Field monitoring or inspection of clearing residential site2. Field monitoring/inspection of clearing nonresidential siteH. Extensions of grading permits:1. Field monitoring or inspection of grading residential site -two-hour minimum2. Field monitoring or inspection of grading nonresidential site:a. commercial, multifamily, and multilot sites - four-hour minimumb. industrialormineralextractionsites:l. Right-of-way use permits J. Conditional use permitsK. VariancesL. Shoreline permits (Ord. 15957 $24,2007: Ord. 14683 $ 50,2003: Ord. 14683 $ 27,2003: Ord $133.00 9241.00 20% ol original permit fee $151.00 $241.00 20% of original permit fee $151.00 $175.00 $200.00 plus hourly $400.00 plus hourly $200.00 plus hourly $400.00 plus hourly $905.00 plus hourly Hourly Hourly Hourly $670.00 plus hourly 13332 S 48, 1998). 27-27 (King County 12-2007) 27.10.430 -27.10.460 DEVELOPMENT PERMIT FEES 27.10.430 General inspections. A flat fee shall be charged to cover the costs of inspection services when buildings are damaged, require code compliance and verification, are being relocated or demolished.A. Damage from fire, flood, earthquake, wind or other disasters 9217.00B. Minimum housing code $217.00C. Relocation of structure 9217.00D. Demolition inspection $217.00 (Ord. '15957 $ 25, 2007: Ord. 14683 $ 28, 2003: Ord. 13332 S 49, 1998). 27.10.450 Mobile home fees. A flat fee shall be charged to cover the costs associated with mobile home setup inspections.A. Mobile home permit inspection $380.00B. Temporary mobile home $302.00C. Temporary mobile home/hardship $302.00D. Noninsignia mobile home $302.00 (Ord. 15957 $ 26, 2007: Ord. 14683 $ 29, 2003: Ord. 13332 S 50, 1998). 27.10.460 Condominium conversion inspections. lnspections of condominium conversions shall charge a fee to cover the costs of plan, code updates, monitoring of relocation assistance and other administrative requirements. The fees shall consist of a base fee of four hundred thirty-five dollars plus an hourlyfee based on the department's current hourly rate. (Ord. 15957 $27,2007: Ord. 14683 $ 30,2003: Ord. 13332 S 51, 1998). (King County 12-2007) 27-28 FEES 27.10.500 -27.10.550 27.10.500 Supplemental inspection and reinspection. Supplemental inspection and reinspection fees shall be charged if inspections are required in addition to what would normally be required. Supplemental inspection fees shall be hourly and reinspection fees shall be fixed.A. Supplemental inspections: department's hourly rate with a minimum one and one-half hour charge.B. Reinspections:1. Residential $223.002. Allother $483.00 (Ord. 15957$28,2007: Ord. 14683$31,2003: Ord. 13996$ 10,2000: [Ord. 13664S 11,1999, repealed by Ord. 13996 $ 13, 20001: Ord. 13332 S 52, 1998). 27.10.510 Gertification of compliance or completion. Certificates of compliance or completion shall require a fixed fee to cover the administrative and clerical costs to the department of processing and issuing the certificate.A. Temporary occupancy permit per building or tenant space $344.00B. Occupancy permit when more than one building per permit $344.00C. Occupancy permit for individual condomíniums or other portions of building $157.00D. Letter of completion for shell construction when more than one building per $344.00 permit (Ord. 15957 $ 29,2007: Ord. 14683 $ 32,2003: Ord. 13332 S 53, 1998). 27.10.550 Partial development - preissuance construction authorization (PICA) inspections. A flat fee of nine hundred sixty-six dollars shall be charged for inspections of construction under partial development, preissuance construction authorization. (Ord. 14683 $ 51, 2003: Ord. 14683 $ 33, 2003: Ord. 13332 S 54, 1998). 27-29 (King County 12-2007) BLANK 27-30 ZONING AND LAND USE PERMIT 27.36.030 - 27.36.040 Chapter 27.36 ZONING AND LAND USE PERMIT Sections: 27.36.030 Site-specific land use map amendment fee. 27 .36.040 Site-specific shorelines redesignation fee. 27.36.030 Site-specific Iand use map amendment fee. Applicant generated site-specific land use map amendments shall be charged an application fee of one thousand five hundred dollars. lf the amendment is implemented as part of the comprehensive plan amendment process, the application fee will be credited toward the zoning reclassification fee required pursuant to K.C.C. 27.36.020, provided that the application for zoning reclassification is filed with one year of the effective date of the land use map amendment (Ord 13147 S35, 1998). 27.36.040 Site-specific shorelines redesignation fee. A site-specific shorelines redesignation, whether generated by an applicant or initiated by motion, is subject to application and review fees as provided in this title. The property owner shall be responsible for payment of the fees unless the council approves an appropriation ordinance to fund the review. lf the propefi owner does not agree to payment of the fees, the redesignation shallnot be processed. (Ord. 13687 $ 8, 1999). 27-31 (King County 12-2007) BLANK 27-32 SCHOOL IMPACT FEES 27.44.010 -27.44.100 Chapter 27.44 SCHOOL IMPACT FEES Sections: 27.44.010 School impact fees. 27.44.010 School impact fees. A. The following school impact fees shall be assessed for the indicated types of development: SCHOOL DISTRICT SINGLE FAMILY MULTIFAMILY oer dwell inq unit per dwellinq unit Auburn, No.408 $5,433 $1,185 Enumclaw, No. 216 7,789 3,127 FederalWay, No. 210 3,832 2,144 Fife, No. 417 2,903 1,660 Highline, No. 401 0 0 lssaquah, No. 411 3,344 0 Kent, No.415 5,394 3,322 Lake Washington, No. 414 7 ,040 1,813 Northshore, No. 417 0 0 Riverview, No.407 5,648 2,233 Snoqualmie Valley No. 410 2,687 1,033 Tahoma, No. 409 7,708 2,817 B. The county's costs of administering the school impact fee program shall be sixty-five dollars per dwelling unit and shall be paid by the applicant to the county as part of the development application fee. C. The school impact fees established in subsection A. of this section take effect January 1, 2010. (Ord. 16311 S 13,2008: Ord. 15965 $12,2007: Ord. 15636 $ 11,2006: Ord. 15331 $ 10,2005: Ord. 15076 $ 11,2004: Ord. 14802 $ 12,2003: Ord. 14525 $ 13,2002: Ord. 14258 S 13,2001: Ord. 14009 $ 13,2000: Ord. 13686 $ 1, 1999: Ord. 13673 $ 14, 1999: Ord. 13338 $ 14, 1998: Ord. 12928 $ 13, 1997: Ord.12532 $ 13, 1996: Ord. 12063 $ 12, 1995: Ord. 11569 S 11,1994: Ord. 11148 S 3, 1993: Ord. 11037 S 6, 1993: Ord. 10982 $ 3, 1993: Ord. 10790 $ 3, 1993: Ord.10722 $ 4, 1993: Ord. 10633 $ 3,1992: Ord.10472 $ 3, 1992: Ord. 10470 $ 3, 1992: Ord. 10162 S 20, 1991: Ord. 10122 S 2, 1991). 27-33 (King County 12-2009) BLANK 27-34 URBAN DEVELOPMENT PERMIT FEES 27.46.010 Chapter 27.46 URBAN PLAN DEVELOPMENT PERMIT FEES Sections: 27.46.010 Urban plan development permit fees. 27.46.010 Urban Plan Development permit fees. Fees shall be assessed and collected to compensate King County for the review and monitoring of all urban plan development permit and associated applications when combined in a single coordinated review, pursuant to the provisions of K.C.C. Title 214. Such fees compensate for preapplication review, application, and monitoring and compliance.A. Preapplication fees. Preapplication fees shall compensate the department for preliminary review and evaluation of urban plan development permits and for advising the permit applicant prior to the submittal of a formal application for a permit. Preapplication fees shall be collected at the time preapplication review services are rendered and shall be an hourly charge at the department's current hourly rate. B. Urban plan development permit application fees. Urban plan development application fees shall be an hourly fee to cover the costs of application intake, development of a scope of work and all work performed under the scope of work. A deposit shall be made at the time of application as a guarantee of work billed in arrears. The hourly fee shall be billed monthly. The scope of work shall include a complete description of the required reviews and products to be prepared by all affected county agencies, or contract agents for such agencies, specifying the amount and type of work task up to the final decision on the all urban plan development permit by the council. The scope of work shall be agreed upon in writing by the applicant and the department before starting any review work on the all urban plan development permit application.C. Urban plan development monitoring and compliance fee. An hourly monitoring and compliance fee shall be collected to compensate the department for reviews, inspections, and project management activities associated with the approved all urban plan development permit. The fee will be used for determining, ensuring, and enforcing compliance with conditions placed on the all urban plan development or as required to maintain monitoring of specific conditions or compliance with other county code requirements. (Ord. 13332 $ 62, 1998: Ord. 10662 S 37, 1992). 27-35 (King County 12-2007) BLANK 27-36 Sections: 27.50.010 27,50.020 27.50.030 27.50.040 27.50.050 27.50.060 APPEALS - PROJECT MANAGEMENT PROGRAM PERMIT FEE ESTIMATES 27.50 Chapter 27.50 APPEALS - PROJECT MANAGEMENT PROGR.AM PERM¡T FEE ESTIMATES 27.50.070 Necessary conditions. Fee estimate dispute - procedure - appeal. Fee estimate or estimate revision appeal - procedure - burden - decisions. Notice of completion or permit issuance. Permit billing fees - appeal. Project managed permit or approval - appeal - combined notice and statement of appeal- fee waiver request - procedure - notice - decisions. Non-project managed permit or approval - appeal - fee waiver request - procedure - notice - decisions. Permit billing fees appeal - procedure - burden - decisions. Limitations on appeal - subject matter. Billing fee disputes for billings issued between January 1,2004, and March 17,2008 - deadlines. 27.50.080 27.50.090 27.50.100 27-37 (King County 3-2008) BLANK 27-38 APPEALS - PROJECT MANAGEMENT PROGRAM PERMIT FEE ESTIMATES 27.50.010 - 27.50.050 27.50.010 Necessary conditions. A permit applicant may appeal to the hearing examiner permit fee estimates, including estimate revisions, issued by the department under the project management program only if: A. The department required the applicant to pay in advance all or a portion of the fee estimate; and B. The applicant had first filed a fee estimate dispute with the director, who denied all or a portion of the applicant's request. (Ord. 16026 S 10,2008). 27.50.020 Fee estimate dispute - procedure - appeal. An applicant disputing a fee estimate must do so in writing filed with the department not later than seventeen days after the date that the department mailed the fee estimate letter or estimate revision to the applicant. Within fourteen days after the applicant files the fee estimate dispute with the department, the department shall mail the director's decision on the fee estimate dispute to the applicant. The director's decision shall be final unless the applicant then files a written combined notice and statement of appeal with the director, together with the required appeal fee, not later than seventeen days after the department mailed the director's decision to the applicant. The applicant may only appeal an adverse decision, in which the director has denied all or a portion of the applicant's dispute. The department shall foruvard a copy of the combined notice and statement of appeal to the hearing examiner. The department shall also preserve the record, and comply with the appealprovisions in K.C.C. 20.24.090.D. (Ord. 16026 S 11,2008). 27.50.030 Fees estimate or estimate revision appeal - procedure - burden - decisions. The examiner shall conduct a closed record hearing on the appeal of a fee estimate or estimate revision. The burden is on the applicant to demonstrate that the fee estimate or estimate revision is unreasonable. The examiner shall affirm the decision of the director unless the examiner determines that the director's decision was unreasonable. Upon determining that a decision of the director was unreasonable, the examiner shall modify the fee estimate, order the department to modify the fee estimate in accordance with the examiner's ruling, or provide such other relief as reasonably necessary. The examiner's decision is final. lf the examiner determines that the applicant is the substantial prevailing party, the department shall refund the appealfee. (Ord. 16026 S 12,2008). 27.50.040 Notice of completion or permit issuance. Except where the department imposed no permit fee, the department shall provide the applicant, either in person or by United States mail, with a written notice of completion or permit issuance document when it has completed all necessary work on any building or land use permit or approval. The notice of completion or permit issuance document shall inform the applicant of the right to appeal permit billings under this chapter and shall provide notice of the appeal deadlines established in this chapter. (Ord. 16026 S 13, 2008). 27.50.050 Permit billing fees - appeal. An applicant may appeal to the hearing examiner permit fee billings issued by the department. On project managed permits and approvals, the applicant may only appeal after the department has provided a notice of completion or permit issuance document. On non- project managed permits and approvals, the applicant may only appeal after the department has issued an adverse decision by the director on a fee waiver request under K.C.C . 27.02.040. The applicant may not challenge a permit fee estimate or estimate revision in any appeal provided for by this section. (Ord. 16026 S 14,2008). 27-39 (King County 6-2009) 27.50.060 - 27.50.090 DEVELOPMENT PERMIT FEES 27.50.060 Project managed permit or approval - appeal - combined notice and statement of appeal -fee - procedure - notice - decisions. A. An applicant appealing any billing on a project managed permit or approval must file a written combined notice and statement of appealwith the director, together with the required appeal fee not later than twenty-one days after the date the department issues the written notice of completion or permit issuance document to the applicant. The department shall foruvard the combined notice and statement of appeal to the hearing examiner. The department shall also preserve the record, and comply with the appeal provisions outlined in K.C.C. 20.24.090.D. B. The director shall respond to the combined notice and statement of appeal filed under this section within twenty-one days after the combined notice and statement is filed with the department. The director shall determine whether to grant, partially grant, or deny the billing appeal. The department shall mail the director's decision to the applicant and the examiner. lf the director grants the appeal of the billing, the examiner shall dismiss the appeal and the department shall refund the applicant's appeal fee. lf the director partially grants or denies the applicant's billing appeal request, the examiner shall conduct an open record hearing, and affirm, modify or reverse the decision of the director. (Ord. 16026 $ 15, 2008). 27.50.070 Non-project managed permit or approval - appeal - fee waiver request - procedure - notice - decisions. A. Before appealing any billing on a non-project managed permit or approval, an applicant must first file a fee waiver request as provided in K.C.C. 27.02.040, no later than twenty-one calendar days after the department issues the notice of completion or permit issuance document. Within fourteen days after the applicant files the fee waiver request with the department, the department shall mail the director's decision on the fee waiver request to the applicant. B. The director's fee waiver decision is final unless the applicant then files with the director a combined written notice and statement of appeal of the billing, together with the required appeal fee, not later than twenty-one calendar days after the department mails the fee waiver response. The department shall fonivard the combined notice and statement of appeal to the hearing examiner. The department shall also preserve the record. The examiner shall conduct an open record hearing, and affirm, modify or reverse the decision of the director. (Ord. 16026 S 16, 2008). 27.50.080 Permit billing fees appeal - procedure - burden - decisions. ln an appeal of department billings under sections K.C.C. 27.50.050, 27.50.060 and 27.50.070, the burden is on the applicant to prove that the particular billing or fee was unreasonable or inconsistent with this title. lf the applicant fails to meet that burden, the examiner shall affirm the decision of the director. lf the examiner determines that a particular billing or fee was unreasonable or inconsistent with the provisions of this title, the examiner shall modify the fee or billing, order the department to modify the fee or billing in accordance with the examiner's ruling, or provide such other relief as reasonably necessary. lf the examiner determines that the applicant is the substantial prevailing party, the department shall refund the appeal fee. The examiner's decision is final. (Ord. 16026 $ 17, 2008). 27.50.090 Limitations on appeals - subject matter. ln an appeal under this chapter, the applicant may only challenge the department's application of the development permit fees provided for in this title to the applicant's permit and approval. The applicant may not challenge in an appeal under this chapter the development permit fees as adopted by the council and codified in this title, or any other King County Code requirement, including any land use provision. (Ord. 16026 S 18, 2008). (King County 6-2009) 27-40 APPEALS - PROJECT MANAGEMENT PROGRAM PERMIT FEE ESTIMATES 27.50.100 27.50.100 Billing fee disputes for billings issued between January 1,2004, and March 17, 2008 - deadlines. A. Applicants with fee disputes on billings that the agency first issued between January 1,2004, and March 17,2008 may, for one year after March 17,2008, commence billing appeals under this chapter. B. For any project managed permit or approval, the applicant must, within the one-year period under subsection A. of this section, file a notice of appeal together with the required appeal fee. The applicant must also file a statement of appeal no later than thirty days after filing the notice of appeal. C. For any non-project managed permit or approval, if the applicant has not done so already, the applicant must, within the one-year period under subsection A. of this section, file a fee waiver request, in accordance with K.C.C. 27.02.040. The applicant must then file a timely appeal together with the required appealfee, as provided in K.C.C. 27.50.070. (Ord. 16026 S 19,2008). 27-41 (King County 3-2008) BLANK 27-42