HomeMy WebLinkAbout39669RDTNANçE No. 3? 6 6 AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, amending the 2010 budget for necessary adjustments related to the Panther Lake post-annexation costs. THE CITY COUNCIL OFTHE CïTY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 7. - Budget Adjustment for Panther Lake Post-Annexation Cosfs. The 2010 City budget is amended to increase the overall budget by $6,094,051, as summarized and set forth in the attached and incorporated Exhibit A, to accommodate new positions, equipment, and related expenses that are necessary for the City to effectively provide services to the Panther Lake Annexation Area after July 1, 2010. Authorized positions are increased by this budget adjustment by 56.53 full-time equivalents (FTEs). The Finance Director is authorized to adjust the individual fund balances as necessary to implement this budget adjustment. SECTION 2. - Ratification, Any act consistent with the authority and prior to the effective date of this resolution is hereby ratified and affirmed. SECTION 3, - Severability. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance should be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect 2O7O Budget Adjustm"", ''l Pa nther La ke Post-Annexation Costf 1 the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause, or phrase of this ordinance. SECTION 4. - Corrections by City Clerk or Code Reviser. Upon approval of the City Attorney, the City Clerk and the code reviser are authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance, including the correction of clerical errors; references to other local, state or federal laws, codes, rules, or regulations; or ordinance numbering and section/subsection numbering. SECTION 5. - Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force five (5) days from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. COOKE, MAYOR ATTEST: BRENDA JACOBER,CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: TO BRUBAKER, CITY ATTORN EY 2 2O7O Budget Adjustment - Panther Lake Post-Annexation Costt PASSED: 6 day ofJune,2O1O. APPROVED, /5 day ofJune,2010. PUBLISHE o, // day of June, 2010. I hereby certify that this is a true copy of ordinance No. 3?bb passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, and approved by the Mayor of the City of Kent as hereon indicated. SEAL) BRENDA JACO CITY CLERK P: \Clvil\Ord¡nance\BudgetAdjustment-20l0PantherLakePostAnnexatlon.doc 3 2O7O Budget Adjustment - Panther Lake Post-An nexation Cost¡ CITY OF KENT Post-Annexation Budget- July 'l through December 3'l , 2010 Exhibit A Anticipated HIRE DATE ANNEXATION COSTS FTE JOB TITLE/DESCRIPTION SALARIES & BENEFITS SUPPLIES/ SERVICES TOTAL Adminislrat¡on/City Clerk1.00 07101/2010 OFF¡CE TECH. 3 - Clerk 35,122 8,781 43,9030.50 0910112010 GOVERNMENT RELATIONS COORDINATOR-Adm|n 20,659 5,165 25,8240.25 0710112010 OFFICE TECH 2 (!ncr to FT) 6,466 1,617 8,083 cosT ALLOCAï|ONS 47,252 't 1 ,813 59,065 City Council1.00 0710112010 ADMINISTRATIVEASSISïANT2-Council 0.50 09/01/20'10 GOVERNMENTRELATIONSCOORDINATOR-Council 40,489 10.122 50,6.1 1 20 165 1.50 Total Economic & Community Development1.00 07to1/2010 COMB BLDG TNSPECT.I.OO 07IOlI2O1O PLANS EXAMINER 1 .00 09/01/20 1 0 coDE ENFORCEMENT OFCR 1.OO O9IO1I2O1O ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ANALYST COST ALLOCATIONS CENSUS 50,214 53,330 32,056 31 ,926 1 14,595 12,554 13,333 8,014 7,982 28,650 62,768 66,663 40,070 39,908 143,245 Gouncil 61 148 1 Ëmployee Services0.5s 0110112010 HUMAN RESOURCES ANALYST COST ALLOCATIONS RECRUITMENT COSTS 175 53,91 1 58,668 13,478 14,667 175 000 67,389 /J.JJf, menl Finance 1.00 1.00 101o112010 07lo1/2010 22,806 45,322 145 5,702 1 1,331 68 000 724 28,508 56,653 6B ALLOCATIONS 101 127 025 Total Finance 't69 749 21 186 Fire1.00 07t0112010 F|RE tNsPEcToR 62,030 15,508 77,538 lnformation Technology 1.00 0710112010 63,273 15,8'tB 79,091 Tolal FINANCIAL ANALYST FINANCIAL ANALYST SR SYSTEMS ANALYST COST ALLOCATIONS ces 140 888 34,653 37,282 63,613 63,613 176 'l 10 1.00 Legal 0.50 '1.00 1.00 0.00 07101/2010 0710112010 0710112010 0710112010 CIVIL ATTORNEY CIVIL LEGAL ASSISTANT PROSECUTING ATTORNEY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY COST ALLOCATIONS 8,663 9,321 '15,903 15,903 43,316 46,603 79,516 79.516 eo 863 38,743 38,743 28,786 't7,B9B 9,686 9,686 7,197 4,475 49 829 780 48,429 48,429 35,983 22,373 o 2.50 Municipal Court1.00 07101120101.00 071o1/20101.00 09/01/201 01.00 1010112010 Totál JUDTCTAL SPECTALTST (CLERK) JUDTCtAL SPECTALTST (CLEnK) PROBATION OFFICER JUDTCTAL SPECTALTST (CLERK) COSÏ ALLOCATIONS 5/21/2OLo n 926 1of3 00 CITY OF KENT Post-Annexation Budgeh July 1 through December 31, 201 0 Exhibit A Anticipated HIHE DATE ANNEXATION COSTS FTE JOB TITLE/DESCRIPTION SALARIES & BENEFITS SUPPLIES/ SERVICES TOTAL Parks 1.00 0.50 1.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 10lo'112010 07t0112010 0710112010 07t0112010 071o112010 1010112010 PLANNING & DEV MANAGER FIELD SUPERVISOR MAINTENANCE WORKER 3 PROGRAM COORDINATOR-SENIOR CENTER I MO ïPT (2) - Parks Mtc PLANNING & DEV COORD COST ALLOCATIONS OTHER SUPPLI ES/SERVICES PUBLIC DEFENSE 42,798 25,599 42,584 50,640 35,000 24,481 74,139 58,000 75,000 10,700 6,400 10,646 12,660 8,750 6,120 18,535 53,498 31 ,999 53,230 63,300 43,750 30,601 92,674 58,000 75,000 NT Police 1.00 1.00 1.00 .1 .00 1.00 '1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.23 0.00 0210112010 02/0112010 0210112010 021ü12a10 0210112010 0210112010 03/01/201 0 03/01/20 1 0 03/01/201 0 03115/2010 03/1 5/201 0 07101/2010 07t0112010 0710112010 07101/2010 0710112010 0710112010 0B/o112010 .00 .00 .UU .00 .00 POLICE PATROL OFFICER POLICE PATROL OFFICER POLICE PATROL OFFICER POLICE PAÏROL OFFICER POLICE PATROL OFFICER POLICE PATROL OFFICER POLICE PATROL OFFICER POLICE PATROL OFFICER POLICE PATROL OFFICER POLICE PATROL OFFICER POLICE PATROL OFFICER PARKING ENFORCEMENT (incr. to .75) POLICE OVERTIME PUBLIC ËDUCATION SPECIALIST POLICE PATROL OFFICER - Patrol POLICE PATROL OFFICER - Patro| ADMIN ASSISTANT 1 POLICE PATROL OFFICER COST ALLOCATIONS COST ALLOCATION - CORRECTIONS VEHICLES JAIL COSTS VALLEY COMM 63,191 63,191 47,465 47,465 47,465 47,465 52,846 52,846 52,846 52,846 52,846 6,591 145,000 46,081 56,839 57,114 36,140 47,595 49,1 66 11,520 14,210 14,279 9,035 11,899 12,766 273,000 1 10,000 131 ,000 87,500 25,000 63,191 63,191 47,465 47,465 47,465 47,465 52,846 52,846 52,846 52,846 52,846 6,591 1 45,000 57,601 7't,049 71,393 45,175 59,494 61 ,932 273,000 110,000 1 31 ,000 87,500 25,000ARMAMENT UNIFORMS &IPMENT IO.ZJ Parks Facilities 1 DEPRECIATION s/27/2oro 2of3 CITY OF KENT Post-Annexation Budget- July 1 through December 31,2010 Exhibit A Anlicipated HIRE DATE ANNEXATION COSTS FTE JOB TITLE/DESCRIPTION SALARIES SUPPLIES/ & BENEFITS SEFVICES TOTAL Public Works 0.53 07/0112010 1.00 071012010 1.00 0710112010 1.00 07101t2010 1.00 0710112010 1.00 07101120101.00 07lul2a101.00 07101120101.00 07101/20101.00 07t01120101.00 07101120101.00 07101120101.00 07101120101.00 07101120101.00 07to1120101.00 07101120101.00 07101120101.00 0710112010 0710112010 OFFICE TECHNICIAN 3 (3) OFFICE TECHNICIAN 3 (3) ENGINEER 3 - Design{3) CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR - Const(3) ENGINEER 3 - Transportation(3) SIGNAL TECHNICIAN - Transporation (3) MAINTENANCE WORKER 4 - Drainage Fund. MAINTENANCE WORKER 3 - Drainage Fund- SIGNAL TECHNICIAN - Transporation MAINTENANCE WORKER 4 - Street MAINTENANCE WORKER 3 - Street MAINTENANCE WORKER 2 - Street MAINTENANCE WORKER 2 - Street FIELD SUPERVISOR - Street MAINTENANCE WORKER 3 - Street FIELD SUPERVISOR - Street MECHANIC 2 - Fleet (cost alloc 66.3%) MAINTENANCE WORKER 4 - Street COST ALLOCAÏIONS STREET MAINTENANCE VEHICLES 22,130 35,845 59,532 49,549 55,430 44,780 41,981 38,902 47,759 45,715 42,261 34,861 36,1 16 51 ,432 42,075 51,275 44,683 42,981 47,818 160,446 5,533 8,961 14,883 12,387 13,858 1 1,195 10,495 9,726 11,940 11,429 10,565 8,715 9,029 '12,858 10,519 12,819 11 ,171 10,745 Õo, I ¿o 27,663 44,806 74,415 61,936 69,288 55,975 52,476 48,628 59,699 57,144 52,826 43,576 45,1 45 64,290 52,594 64,094 55,854 53,726 83,946 260,446 7 TOTAL OPERATING BUDGET - Post-Annex. July 1 - Parks Facilities Capital CAPITAL Total TOTAL BUDGET - Post-Annexation July 1 - December 31 , 2l $ 4,609,217 $ 1,384,834 $ 6,094,05156.53 e) (1) Positions Filled or Being Filled - Approved with Pre-Annexalion Budget (2) lncìudes the 15.5 FTE's from lhe Pre-Annexation Budget (3) These posit¡ons will be changed to Maintenance Workers 2 & 3 FTE Reconciliation 56.53 29.06 Total Annexalion FTEs Less: Reduction to City FTEs Net lncrease to Total FTE Count27.47 s/27 /2070 3of3