HomeMy WebLinkAbout3965ORDINANCE NO.31t,s AN ORDINANCE of the City of Kent, Washington, amending the 2010 City budget for adjustments up to July 1 in response to an ending fund balance shortfall in the City's 2009 budget, revised revenue projections in the 2010 budget, and reduced full-time equivalent positions. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 7. - Budget Adjustments. The 2010 City budget is amended to include budget fund adjustments for the year up to July 1, as summarized and set forth in Exhibit "4," which is attached and incorporated into this ordinance. These adjustments respond to an ending fund balance shortfall realized in the City's 2009 budget, and also reflect revised revenue projections in the City's 2010 budget. Finally, these adjustments reduce the number of full-time equivalent positions included within the 2010 budget prior to the effective date of the Panther Lake Annexation by 34.56 full-time equivalents. SECTION 2, - Severability. If any section, sentence, clause, or phrase of this ordinance should be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance. 2070 Budget Adjustment for Yea r-End Shortfa ll, Revised Revenue 1 Projection, and Reduced suz SECTION 3, - Ratifícatíon Any act consistent with the authority and prior to the effective date of this resolution is hereby ratified and affirmed. SECTION 4. - Corrections by Cíty Clerk or Code Reviser. Upon approval of the City Attorney, the City Clerk and the code reviser a authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance, including t correction of clerical errors; references to other local, state or federal laws codes, rules, or regulations; or ordinance numbering and section/subsection numbering. SECTION 5, - Effective Date. This ordinance shalltake effect and be in force five (5) days from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. OKE, MAYOR ATTEST: BRENDA JACOBER,CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: M BRU ER, CITY ATTORNEY 2O7O Budget Adjustment for Year-End Shortfall, Revised Revenue Projection, and Reduced FTEs 2 PASSED I l5 day of June, 2010. APPROVED: /5 day of June, 2010. PUBLISHE o, / I day of June, 2010. I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordinance No passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, and approved the Mayor of the City of Kent as hereon indicated. BRENDA JAC CITY CLERK P: \Clvil\Ord¡nance\BudgetAdjustment20l0-Fo12009Shortfall&EstRevenues.doc 2070 Budget Adjustment for Prior Year-End Shortfall, Revised Revenue Projection, and Reduced FTEs EAL) 3 DepartmentalReductions FTE's74,0A047,50064,72775,94322,200?1 ? ¿qq437.8653.50355,000800,00076,2331,23L,233 3.50L].,207 1.00487,400 1.007s,0002,242,705 s.s0813,036 7.5361"4.O7L 10.00338,451 3.502,953,934 29.06FTE'sPositions to beF¡lled and CostAllocet¡Õns0.531.502.003.0059,065140,724208,4542r2,!86312.746933.175,64477,53895,85425s,20t 1.00Summary of Proposed Reductions by Department2010 General Fund Budget .EXHIBIT A64% savings to Gen. Funds/27/2010ent:City CouncilAdministration/clerkEmployee ServicesFinanceEconomic & Community DevGeneral GovernmentPoliceFireMunicipal CourtPublic SafetyPublic WorksParks, Rec. & Com.Seru.lnformation TechnologyTotal Departmental ReductionsPlus:Lag in employmentO&M reductionsPre-annexation hours to annexatìonUnused flood fight fundsTotal otherTotal Reduct¡onTotal General Fund reduction in FTE'SGeneral FundReduct¡onsas of74,000106,565., 205,4s1224,397234,386526,24L1,371,o40994,644877,538172,0872,044,269625,278825,85121r3295,077,767600,000267,OOO475,000638,0001,980,0007,O57,767Replace SST loss34.56 Detail of Reductions by Department2010 General Fund BudgetChanse in FTE'S An'iountC:tv Counc¡l:Hire for Annexation Position 0 5 40,000Contract Seruices costs O S 34.000c¡tY council total 0 5 74,000Administration/clerk:Operations supplies and services 0 S 31,500Lobbyistcosts o 516,000Costallocations 0 559,065Adminìstration/Clêrk total O $106,555Emplovee Serv¡ces:Mentoring-other professional seruices O S 6,000EE Recognition-office supplies 0 5 12,299EE Recognition-other professional seruices $ Z,OOOCitywideTraining-otherprofessionalseruices o 5 44,428Rehire .53 position July 1 .53 S 67,389Costallocations 0 573,335Employee Services total: .53 . 5205,451lmnâat fô Oôêrãiiônsln¡tial recruitment for position in-houseReduce facil¡tator for counc¡l retreatCut assoc. memberships, Kent 4Health expenseAllocate â portion of State lobbyist to util¡tiesAllocate costs to other fundsnone - program cut ¡n 2009none - program cut in 2009none- program cut ¡n 2009none- program cut ¡n 2009no new staff for annexation, serv¡ce level ¡mpactsAllocate costs to other funds Department/Prosram/Position Chanse in FTE'S AmountLaw Depãrtment:Operational Supplies and Services 0 5 13,464Outsìde Counsel Budget O 5 2,479Reh¡re 1.50 pos¡tions July 1 1.5 5158,625CostAllocations. 0 S49,BZ9Law Department total 1.5 $224,397Finance:Operational suppl¡es and services O $ ZZ,?OORehiretwoposit¡onsJulyl 2.Q S 85,161Finance Departmenttotal: 2.0 $ZS4¡40Economic & Communitv DeveloÞment:Operating Expenses N/A 5100,068Development Eñgineer Supervisor 0 5 66,391Projectcoordìnator O S47,036Rehire 3 positìons July 1, 3.0. $169,501Cost Allocations 0 S143,245Economic and Community Development tota¡ 3.0 5526,247lmbâai tô C)bêrâtion<none - reduction in available budgetReduce ability to hire outside attorneysReduce staff for annexat¡on - service level impactsAllocate costs to other fundsnone - reduction in available budgetno new staff for ênnexat¡onAllocate costs to other fundsOperating expensesTransfer from General Fund to PW utìl¡ty projects fund¡ng.Loss of Project Coordinator for ECD to utilitiesOne new position for annexationAllocate costs to other funds Department/Program/PositionPOLICE:Accreditation to Civil¡an managerTraffic School Budget SupplementSeiz-ed Asset Budget SuppìementLieutenant PositionCadet Program ElìmînatìonPersonnel SgtSpec¡al lnvestigations Off¡cers reducedRehire 5.00 positions July 1Police totalFire Department:Admin¡strative StaffOvertime reductionDay Shift PersonnelAnnual Firefi ghter PhysicalsTraÌning Expenses and TravelReplacement Fire hoseApparatus Ma¡ntenance - fuel and suppliesUniformsChange in FTE'S AmountlmDact to OÐerationsRetain accred¡tat¡on at PD and CKCFLoss of emphasis OT ãnd traff¡c equipmentReduce equìpment purchased with seized assetsDep. Chief and Chief share workload through 2010Dirersity hiring and recru¡tment reducedMove to Patrol; annex staffing and reduce new hireReduce SIU Un¡t from 6 to 4; officers to patrolReduced staff for annexation - service level impactAllocate costs to other fundsTransfer of 3.5 staff pos¡tions to FD #37Redeploy staff to reduce overtimeMove 4 pos¡t¡ons from days to shiftReduction of annual firef¡ghter physicals for 2010Reduce tra¡ning to mandated amountDeìay purchase offire hoseReduction in fuel budgetReduce replacement un¡forms000Szs,oooSloo,oooSEs,oooSso,ooo54s,oooSso,oooSloo,ooo$3o4,772S994,644S136,86352so,oooS1s9,603S 4e,347S ss,782S 2r-,s63S 3o,ooos 26,9100005.05.03.50000000 DeÞartment/Proeram/Position Chanee in FTE'S AmountHydrantProgramSummerTemps 0 .$15,745SuppressionEquipment 0 S14,000Supplies/Eouip/Seruices O 5 39,787Rehire 1 oosition July 1 1.0 S 77,538Fire total +.s Sg77,53SMunicioal Court:Operational supplies and services .5 2?-,2'33Protemexpense 0 $L4,OOOTrial Court Grant Revenue O $ 40,000Rehire L.53 positions July 1 1.53 5 72,196Municipal Courttotal 1.53 5L72,087Public Works:Admin¡strative Secretary 1 1-0 S Lf,2O7Rehire 10.0 positions July 1 10.0 5530,125costallocations 0 S83,946Public Works total 11.0 5625,278Parks. Recreation ãnd Communitv Serv¡ces:Kent Commons Operation 1.0 5 45,OOOKent Mer¡d¡an Pool 0 S 20,000lmôâ.t tÕ C)ôêreliônqElim¡nate summer hydrant temp programReduction in equipment replacementReduction in supplies and seruicesReduced staff for annexat¡on - service level împactnone - reduction in avaÌlable budgetMerge court calendars - larger calendarsUse to offset General Fund Court costsReduced staff for annexation - service level impactAllocate costs to. other fundsElim¡nate vacant þos¡t¡onReduced staff for annexat¡on - service level impactAllocate costs to other fundsEl¡m¡nat¡on of the Facility Coord¡nator posit¡onReduce the city contribution to AMG by 25% Department/Program/PositionChanse in FTE'S Amountlmoact to ODerationsRecreation div¡sion 0 S 50,000 Lag unfilled Recreat¡on Manager Pos¡tionRecreation division 0 S 40,000 Reduce subsidy ofspotlight Series events beginning Fall 2010Recreation dìvision O S 63,400 Reduce Summer Event/cornucop¡a Day expensesRecreation division 0 5 SO,OOO Cost Recovery Enhancements - Multiple areasRecreationdivision ò S fz,OOO ProgramGu¡de-Reducepubl¡cationto(2) GuidesperyearFacil¡ties Division O S 45,OOO Kent Pool - unant¡cipated rebate from the ESCO/Pool Cover project.Park Operations 0 S 49,000 Transfer (1) current FTE from General Fund into NPDES funding.R¡verbend Goìf Coursê 0 5120,000 Charge internal costs to golf courseRiverbendGolfCourse 0 S60,000_ EliminateexemptionfromadmissîonstaxtogolfHumanservices O $35,OOO HoldfillingHscoordinatorþosit¡onto2011AnÌmal Control 0 -5102,000* Total Cost 5145,500 (Panther Lake Budget to cover S43,5OO)Rehire 3.50 pos¡t¡ons July 1 3.50 5245,577 Reduced stafffor annexation -service level impactCost allocat¡ons 0 S 92,874 Allocate costs to other fundsTotal Parks, Rec. and Com, Services 4.5 5825,851hlerr4þ¡lccb¡eþe\ôOperational supplies and serv¡ces o $ 75,000 none - reduction in available budgetRehìre1.ó0pos¡t¡onsJulyl 1.0 S T9,09l Reducedstaffforannexat¡on-servicelevel impactCost allocat¡ons 0 5176,110 Aìlocate costs to other fundsGrand total all departments 34,56 $5,077,767 C¡TY OF KENT 2010 Operating Budget FTE Reductions EXHIBIT A These positions will be removed from the City's 2010 Operating Budget and re-hired into the Annexation Budget FTE DEPARTMENT JOB TITLE 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.53 2.00 1.00 1.00 0.50 1.00 1.53 100 0.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 200 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 c mmun ng nspector Plans Examiner Code Enforcement Officer Human Resources Analyst Financial Analyst Fire lnspector Senior Systems Analyst CivilAttorney Civil LegalAssistant Judicial Specialist (Clerk) Planning & Development Manager Field Supervisor MainÌenance Worker 3 Program Coordinalor - Senior Center Public Education Specialisl Police Patrol Officer Administrative Assistanl 1 Signal Technician Maintenance Worker 4 - Street Maintenance Worker 3 - Street Maintenance Worker 2 - Street Field Supervisor - Street Mechanic 2 - Fleet JOB TITLE Economic &Community Dev Economic &Community Dev Employee Services Finance Fire lnformation Technology Legal Legal Municipal Court Parks Parks Parks Parks Police Police Police Public Works Public Works Public Works Public Works Public Works Public Works 29.06 LAYOFFS FTE DEPARTMENT Fire Fire Fire Parks 4.50 ELIMINATE VACANT POSITIONS FTE DEPARTMENT Administrative Assistant 2 Administrative Secretary 2 Supply/l nventory Specialist Program Coordinator JOB TITLE 1.00 1.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 Public Works Administrative Secretary 1 1.00 34.56 GRAND TOTAL sl27/2oro