HomeMy WebLinkAbout3958Ordinance No 39sBI (Amending or Repealing Ordinances) CFN=377 - Comprehensive Plan CFN=131 - Zoning Codes CFN=1309 - Panther Lake Annexation Passed - 5/IB/20t0 Panther Lake Annexation Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map and Zoning District Map Designations oRDTNANCE No. -w AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, relating to and implementing Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map and Zoning District Map designations for the Panther Lake Annexation. RECITALS A. On December 8, 2009, the Kent City Council adopted Ordinance No, 3936, effective on July !,2OLO, approving the annexation of the Panther Lake Annexation Area (the "Annexation Area") into the City of Kent. Implementing Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map and Zoning District Map designations (together, the "Map designations") for the Annexation Area is an issue of community-wide significance that promotes the public health, safety, and general welfare of the citizens of Kent in accord with Kent City Code 12.02.010(A)(1). B. The Annexation Area is approximately 3350 acres, bounded by the City of Renton on the north (generally along Southeast L92"d Street to the Benson Road, then continuing west along Southeast 200th Street. to 100th Avenue Southeast), Big Soos Creek on the east, and contiguous with 7 Panther Lake Annexation Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map and Zoning District Map Designations Kent's existing city limits on the south and west. The Annexation Area is shown in detail on Exhibits A and B to this ordinance, C. On January 20,20L0, the City provided the State of Washington Department of Commerce the required sixty (60) day notification under RCW 36,704.106 of the City's proposed amendments to the Comprehensive Plan. The sixty (60) day notice period has lapsed. D. The City's State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) responsible official issued a Determination of Nonsignificance (DNS) (#ENV-2010-2) for the proposed Map designations on April 16, 2010. E. Subsequent to the adoption of Ordinance 3936, the City's Planning staff began work on Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map and Zoning Map designations for the Annexation Area, as outlined in section 15.09.055 KCC. The City invited comments regarding these Map designations during an open house held on January 9, 20L0, in the Annexation Area. The Land Use & Planning Board held work-shops on November 23, 2009, and January LL, 20L0, and conducted a public hearing on January 25,2010, The Economic and Community Development Committee considered the Map designation issues on September L4,2009, and February B, 2010. The Committee subsequently conducted two public hearings on March 8, 2010 and April 12, 20L0. F. On May 18, 2010 the City Council adopted the following Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map designations for the Annexation Area: Urban Separator (US); Single Family Residential, 4.5 Dwelling Units per Acre (SF-a.5); Single Family Residential, 6 DwellÌng Units per Acre (SF-6); Single Family Residential, B Dwelling Units per Acre (SF-8); Mobile Home 2 Panther Lake Annexation Comprehensive PIan Land Use Map and Zoning District Map Designations Park (MHP); Low Density Multifamily Residential (LDMF); Medium Density Multifamily Residential (MDMF); and Mixed Use (MU) as depicted in Exhibit "A" attached and incorporated herein, G. Also on May 18, 2010, the City Council adopted Zoning District Map designations for the Annexation Area of Residential Agricultural, 1 dwelling unit per acre (sR-1); single-Family Residential, 4.53 dwelling units per acre (SR-4.5); Single-Family Residential, 6.05 dwelling units per acre (sR-6); single-Family Residential, 8.71 dwelling units per acre (SR-B); Mobile Home Park combining (MHP) zoning District; Low Density Multifamily Residential, L6 dwelling unit per acre (MR-G); Medium Density Multifamily Residential, 23 dwelling unit per acre (MR-M); High Density Multifamily Residential,40 dwelling unit per acre (MR-H); and Community Commercial, Mixed-Use (CC-MU) as depicted in Exhibit "8" attached and incorporated herein, H, After considering staff analysis and public testimony, the Council adopted a Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map designation of Urban Separator (US) and corresponding Zoning Map designation of Residential Agricultural, 1 dwelling unit per acre (SR-1) for the entirety of three split- designated parcels adjacent to and including Lake Jolie. King county's designations for these parcels included a land use designation of Urban Residential Medium, 4 to 12 dwelling units per acre (um) with R-6 zoning, and a land use designation of Greenbelt (gb) with R-1 zoning. The Council acted on compelling public testimony regarding the protections offered by the Greenbelt designation for the environmental, visual, wildlife, and sensitive area characteristics of Lake Jolie while still allowing lower density single-family residential development. 3 Panther Lake Annexation Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map and Zoning District Map Designations NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CIry OF KENT,WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: ORDINANCE SECTION 7, recitals are incorporated by this reference The foregoing SECTION 2,- LdWt. pursuant to Chapte r I2.e2 of the Ke nt CityCode, section 15,09 .055 of the Kent City Code, and RCW 36. 7OA.Ifollowing Comprehe nsive plan Land Use Map designations a 30 the for the panther La ke Annexation Area as shown on Exhibit re established and incorporated herein by this reference: "4" attached Family Residential, 4.5 Dwelling Units Urban Separator (US); Síngle Residential, 6 Dwelling Units per Acre Per Acre (SF-4,5); Singte Family Dwelling Units per Acre (SF_B); (SF-6); Single Family Residential, Multifamily Residential (LDMF); Mobile Home park (MHp);Low Density (MDMF); and Mixed Use (MU), Medium Density Multifamily Residential SECTTON 3,Adopt.Pursuant to the Kent City Code section15.09.055 the foftowing Zoning District Map designations are establishedfor the panther Lake Annexation Area as shown on Exhib¡t ..8,, attachedhereto and incorporated herein b y this reference:Residentia I Agricultural,1 dwelling unit per acre (SR-1); units per acre (SR_a.5); acre (SR-6); Single_Fami B); Mobile Home park Multífamily Residential, S ingle-Family Residential,4.53 dwelling Single-Famify Residential, 6.05 dwel ling units perly Residential, 8.71 dwelling units per acre (SR_Combining (MHp) Zoning District;Low Density 16 dwelling unit per acre (lvlR_G);Medium Density23 dwelling unit per acre (MR_M High Density) Multifamily Residential, pa nther Lake An nexationCo m p re h e n s ive pt a n La n à-'U;- n;; pand Zoning District Màp Designations B Multifamily Residen tial, 40 dwellin commerciar, Mixed-use (cc-Mu). unit per acre (MR-H); and community SECTI,N 4, _ Severability. If any one or more section,subsections' or sentences of this ordinance are herd to be unconstitutionaror invarid, such decision sha, not affect the varidity of the remainingportion of this ordinance and the same sharr remain in fu, force and effect. SECTION 5. approval of the City Attor authorized to make correction of clerical errors; codes, rules, section/subsection ATTEST: RENDA JACOBER,CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: î€Y,the City Clerk and the codenecessarycorrections to this ordinance references to other local, stateor regulations;or ordinance nunumbering. KE , MAYOR reviser are including the or federal laws, mbering and sECTroN 6' - Effective Daft. This ordinance sha, take effect andbe in force on July I,2OI0, which is no sooner thaand after its passage, approvar, and pubrícation. n thirty (30) days from 5 panthe c o m p r e h e' rZ',ï ! "í, r' Í i: :i ir"f ;;: ;and Zoninøpistrict UlpDesignations Upon TOM BRUBAKER, CITY ATTORNEY PASSED | /y' day of APPROVED: /l day of PUBLISHE O: å I dAY Of 2010. ,20t0. 2010. I hereby certify thatthis is a true copy of Ordinance No. .215K passed by the city council of the city of Kent, washington, and approved by the Mayor of the City of Kent as hereon indicated. SEAL) BRENDA JACO , CITY CLERK 6 Panther Lake Annexation Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map and Zoning District Map Designations Legends€lPanther Lake Annexation AreaKent Gonversionffi oS (open Space): us (urban separator)SF-4.5 (Single Family,4.5 DUA)', SF{ (Single Family, 6 DUA), I SF-8 (Single Family, S DUA)N MHP (Ànobite Home Park)I f-Ofvlf (Low Density Multifamily)" i tÐllf (Medium Density Multifamily)çNS (Neighborhood Services)ffi MU (Mixed-Use)SoosßIôôßìIß\l11.-,.-ril 0'l -l:lIr1.-:"Ì-:,:'/lù2CreekûC_!:MiddleGatisonfurisø¿tH(oqr'272lrôo1SN0\_+=,GarrisonSouth))Exhibit A:AdoptedPanther LakeAnnexationGomprehensivePlanLand Use MapDesignationsCity of KentPlannirq DivisbnApril23,2010 Panther Lake Anrexat¡on AreeSingle-Family (SR-1)S¡ngle-Family (SR-3)S¡ngle-Family (SR4.5)Single-Family (SR-6)Single.Family (SR-8)Duplex Multifamily (MR-D)Townhouse/Condo (MRT-1 2)'¡l.1fi øw nn"use/C ondo (M RT- 1 6)Low Density Multifamily (MR-G)Med¡um Density Multifamily (MR-M)ffi Hign Density Mult¡family (MR-H)ft,\ uonite Home Park (MHP)Neighborhood Conven¡encæ Commercial (NCC)Communily Commercial (CC),fly] Community Commercial/Mixed Use (CC-MU)Commercid Manufacturing I (CM-1)Off¡ce (O)Limited lndustrial (M2)ELegend0Big SoosCreekGrantCleekGaryôSE 192Merid¡an, ParkBôDßi\ù192 sTStMiddleForkGarrisonCreekGanisonParkCreek('0 0.1250.25 0.5-l)!CûI$SN\orkFSouthGarrisonExhibit B:Adopted PantherLakeAnnexationZoning DistrictsMapDesignationsCity of KentPlanning DivisionMay 18, 2010