HomeMy WebLinkAbout3952ORDINANCE NO 3qsa- AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, amending the Capital Facilities Element of the City's Comprehensive Plan (CPA-2009-1(A)), relating to inventories of streets and bridges and the 2008 Transportation Master Pla n, RECITALS A. November 18, 2008, the City Council approved the 2008 Annual Docket Report. Included on the dockets was this amendment to the Capítal Facilities Element of the City's Comprehensive Plan that revises the inventory of streets and bridges and updates language to reference the 2008 Transportation Master Plan, B, The Growth Management Act ("GMA") requires the City to establish procedures governing amendments to the Comprehensive Plan that limit amendments to once each year unless certain circumstances exist, RCW 36.704.130(2). This amendment is part of the annual amendment process and is made in accord with Kent City Code 12.02.050. C. On January B, 20L0, the City provided the State of L Comprehensive PIan Amendment Capital Facilities Element cPA 2OOe-t(A) Washington with the required sixty (60) day notification under RCW 36.70A.106 of the City's proposed amendments. No comments were received. D. On March 1,20L0, the SEPA Responsible Official determined the proposal is procedural in nature and no further SEPA review is required. E. The Land Use & Planning Board considered the amendments at a workshop on January tL,20L0, and held a public hearing on March B, 2010. The Economic and Community Development Committee also considered the matter on April L2,2OL0. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CIry OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: ORDINANCE SECTION 7. - Incorporation of Recitals. The preceding recitals are incorporated herein, SECTION 2, - Amendment. The Capital Facilities Element of the City of Kent's Comprehensive Plan is amended as attached and incorporated as Exhibit "4" to update the inventory of streets and bridges and references to the Transportation Master PIan. SECTION 3, - Severability. If any one or more sections, sub- sections, or sentences of this ordinance are held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this ordinance and the same shall remain in full force and effect. 2 Comprehensive PIan Amendment Ca pital Facilities Element cPA 2OO9-7(A) SECTION 4, - Corrections by City Clerk or Code Reviser. Upon approval of the City Attorney, the City Clerk and the code reviser are authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance, including the correction of clerical errors; references to other local, state or federal laws, codes, rules, or regulations; or ordinance numbering and section/subsection numbering, SECTION 5. - Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after the date of passage as provided by law. , MAYO RO TËA re,"1 ATTEST BRENDA JACOBE ITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: BRU , CTry ATTORNEY Comprehensive Pla n Amend ment Ca pita I Facilities Element cPA 2OOe-rG) 3 PASSED | 4 day of May, 2010. APPROVEo, 4 day of May, 2010, PUBLISHEO, 7 day of May, 2010. - I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordinance No. 3-ì 5 rl*, passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, and approved by the Mayor of the City of Kent as hereon indicated, ) BRENDA J ER, CIry CLERK P:\Civil\Ordinance\CompPlanElementAmendCapitalFac¡litiesElementStreetlnventory.docx 4 Comprehensive PIan Amendment Capita I Facilities Element cPA 2OO9-7(A) ExrllBlrÀ Q.,ge I ol ¿ l\J Tacoma P5 Pipeline project will provide a sufficient supply of water for frrture peak demand for the next twenty years. TR.A,NSP ORTATIO N FÄCILITMS WithintheCifytherea¡ecity,state,county,andprivateroads@.of those that the Cify maintains are citv a¡d state streets totalins 240.38 centerline milesr-tåer+lhereare48ffi92lanemilesof@rteriaIs;I1l=13{l#_lanemilesofMinor Arterials; {*9.*tl49éE lane miles of Collector..,$hegls ; and 240.3 124-18* lane miles of Residential r€adslfiggll. There are also *ine-fog¡!99!_(91.Ð bridges in Kent. A complete assessment of transportation facilities is considered in the Comprehensive Plan Transportation Elernent, and in the êemprehe*ii'*e-'Transportation_lv!95þ¡ PlanfT\4PIrvhjchggs a"@dgp!g{ in ?g04Jug 2008. Figurog 9#aa4-9.3throueh 9.24 found in the Transportation Element illustrates Kent's exi stin g and p I an ned fransportation facil ities. PUBLIC EDUCATION FÄCILITMS AND LE\¡ELOF'-SERVICE Most of Kent's residential areas are served by the Kent School District No. 415. The Renton School District serves students from an area of Kent near the north city limits, and Keni s{udents residing along the western cify limits attend Federal Way Schools or Highline Schools. Kent students residing along the southern city limits might attend Aubum Schools. Most school dishicts also have historically considered acceptance of transfer requests or waivers for sh:dents residing in households located outside of district boundaries. Detailed inventories of school district capital facilities and levels-of-service are contained in the Capital Facilities Plan (CFP) of each school dishicl Thp CFPs of the Kent, Aubum and Federal TVay School Districts have been adopted as part of the City's Capital Faiilities Element. Updates of the CFPs of these three (3) districts reflect changes in their ClPs, and school impact fees assessed on residential development within Kent are adopted annually. CFPs for other school districts serving Kent households are incorporated by reference, although no school impact fees are collected by ttrese school dishicts for residential development within Kent. Estimated total student en¡ollment fìgures of Kent's Planning Area households for each school district are provided in ihe Table 8.7 below. Locations of schools within the Kent School Dist¡'ict and the boundaries of other school districts serving Kent's Planning A¡ea are illushated in Figure 8.6. Table 8.7 ESTIMATED STITDENT E NRO LLMENT 8-30 Kent School Distict Aubum School District Federal way School Dish'íct Highline School Districi Renton School Disfict Estimated Total Kent Planning Area Resident Student Enrollment l6,g0g 108 1,912 314 s6 Capital Facilities Exf{rBlrÀ pugu L ol L Policy CF-29.6: Develop and implemenl a water rate struclure that promores the fficientuse ofwater. TRANSPORTATION SERVICES & F.ACTLruIES GOÄLS & POLICMS I ff,e goals, policies, and-levels-of-service (LOS) and inventories ¡elated to the provision of transportation services and facilities are contained in the Transportation Element of this Comprehensive Plan-and the Transportation Master Plan @ ESSENTIÄL PUBLIC FÄCILITIES GOALS & POLICIES The City of Kent has established siting criteria for essential public facilities, which are defìned by the State in RCV/ 36.70A-200(1) to "include those facilities that a¡e fypically difficult to site, such as airports, state education facilities and state or regional transportation facilities as defined in RCW 47.46.140, state and local cor¡ectional facilities, solid waste handling facilities, and in-patient facilities including substance abuse facilities, mental health facilities, group homes, and. secure communily transition facilities as defined in RCtiV 71.09.020.' The following goals and policies reaffirm Kent's commitment to a fair process for locating such facilities. Goal CF-30: The City shall particípate in a cooperative inter-jurísdictíonal process to determine siting of essenlial publicfacilities of a county-wide, regíanal, or state-wide natt¿re. Policy CF-30.I: Proposals for siting essentíal publìc facilities wíthin the C,ity of Kent or wirhin the City's growth boundary shall be reviewed for corsistency with the City's ComprehersÍve Plan during the inìtial stages of the proposal process. Policy CF-30.2: ÞY'hen vvarranted by the special character of the essenfiatfacility, the City shall appþ the regulatiors and críteria of Kent Zoning Code Sectíon 15.04. 150, Special ttse combining distrícÍ, to applications for sítíng such facilitíes to ins.uqe adequate review, inc[udíng public participation Condítions of approval, includìng design conditions, conditiors, shall be imposed upon such uses in the interest of the welfare of the Cíty and the protection of the erwÌronment. 8-5 ÌCapilal Facilities