HomeMy WebLinkAbout1820Resolution No. 1820 {Amending or Repealing Resolutions) CFN = 122 -Police/Fire Departments Passed -1/5/10 Regional Fir~ Authority -Submit Formation to Voters JOINT RESOLUTION CITY OF KENT RESOLUTION NO. 1820 KCFP DISTRICT NO. 37 RESOLUTION NO. 353 A JOINT RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Kent, Wash1ngton, and the Board of Commissioners of King County F1re Protection Distnct No. 37, prov1dmg for the submission to qual1f1ed electors of the City and the Distnct, at a spec1al elect1on to be held on Apnl 27, 2010, of a propos1t1on that, pursuant to Chapter 52.26 of the Rev1sed Code of Washmgton, approves a plan to form a Reg1onal F1re Protection Service Authonty within the boundaries of the City and the District, effective July 1, 2010, to be funded by a property tax levy and a new s1x-year benefit charge. RECITALS A. The ability to respond to emergency situat1ons by fire protection and emergency med1cal service agenc1es has not kept up or progressed with commun1ty needs and special serv1ce demands. Providing an effective fire protection and emergency med1cal serv1ce system requires a collaborative partnership and responsibility among local and reg1onal governments and the pnvate sector. B. There are efficiencies that can be gamed by regional fire protect1on and emergency med1cal serv1ce delivery, wh1le mamta1nmg local control. Timely development of significant projects can best be achieved by using existing taxmg authority to address f1re protection and emergency 1 REGIONAL FIRE AUTHORITY- SUBMIT FORMATION TO VOTERS service needs, with new benefit charging authority to address critical fire protection projects and emergency serv1ces. C. The City of Kent Fire Department ("the City") and Kmg County Fire Protect1on District No. 37 ("the D1stnct") have had a cooperative partnership, striving to provide the highest level of fire and emergency medical serv1ces to the1r c1t1zens withm the confines of available resources. Th1s cooperative partnership began w1th an mterlocal agreement in 1973, which prov1ded that the City and the Distnct would remain separate entities, but would work together cooperatively. D. In 2007, the City and the District formed a Stakeholder Committee to evaluate the feas1bil1ty of creat1ng a new and separate Regional Fire Authonty to provide the fire protection and emergency serv1ces Within the boundaries of the City and the D1stnct. The members of the Stakeholder Committee included c1t1zens of the City, the D1stnct, and the City of Covington; union representatives of International Assoc1at1on of Firefighters Local 1747; busmess owners in the City, the Distnct, and Covmgton; and elected officials of the City, the District, and the City of Covmgton. In 2008, over a n1ne-month penod, the Stakeholder Committee met and completed a report recommending the creat1on of a Regional F1re Protection Serv1ce Authonty as perm1tted by Chapter 52.26 of the Rev1sed Code of Washington ("RCW"), to serve the City, the Distnct, and the City of Covmgton, and a Planning Committee was formed to accomplish this task. E. The Planning Committee met and prepared a Plan to create the "Kent Fire Department Regional Fire Authonty," and to govern and finance its operation. The Plan was approved by the City on December 8, 2009, and the D1stnct on November 16, 2009, and is formally adopted by each ent1ty pursuant to th1s Jomt Resolution. Cop1es of the Plan are available from the admm1strative offices of the City and the District. 2 REGIONAL FIRE AUTHORITY- SUBMIT FORMATION TO VOTERS -------~~-- F. Authonty to form a Regional Fire Protect1on Serv1ce Authority is authorized by Chapter 52.26 RCW. Chapter 52.26 RCW requires that in order to create a Regional F1re Protect1on Serv1ce Authonty, the Plan must be approved by the voters of the area affected by the Plan. Therefore, in accordance w1th the Plan and state law, 1t is appropriate to place before voters within the proposed service boundanes of the Reg1onal F1re Protection Services Authonty, at a special elect1on to be held on April 27, 2010, callmg for the creat1on of the Kent Fire Department Reg1onal F1re Authority, to be funded by a new s1x-year benefit charge and existing property tax levy, and the approval of the Plan, all in accordance with state law. NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, AND THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF KING COUNTY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT NO. 37, DO HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: RESOLUTION SECTION 1. -Adoption of Plan for Kent Fire Department Regional Fire AuthoritY. The City Council of the City of Kent and the Board of Comm1ss1oners of King County Fire Protection District No. 37 hereby formally adopt the Plan of the Kent F1re Department Regional F1re Authority, a true and correct copy of which is attached as Exh1b1t A and incorporated by th1s reference. SECTION 2. -Findings of Kent City Council and Kmg County Fire Protection District No. 37. The City Counc1l of the City of Kent Wash1ngton and the Board of Commissioners of King County Fire Protection Distnct No. 37 hereby fmd that 1t 1s in the best mterests of the City and the District to subm1t to the qualified electors of the City and the Distnct at a special election to be held on Apnl 27, 2010, a proposition to adopt the Plan that 3 REGIONAL FIRE AUTHORITY- SUBMIT FORMATION TO VOTERS creates the Kent Fire Department Regional Fire Authority, which if approved will be funded by a s1x year benefit charge not to exceed sixty percent of the Authority's operating budget, and a property tax not to exceed $1.00 per thousand of assessed value dunng such time as the benefit charge is collected, and not to exceed $1.50 per thousand of assessed value 1f the benefit charge IS not being collected. If approved by s1xty percent of the voters w1thm the boundanes of the authonty votmg on the ballot propos1t1on in accordance w1th RCW 52.26.060, th1s proposition would create a reg1onal f1re protection serv1ce authonty as provided 1n chapter 52.26 RCW called the "Kent Fire Department Regional Fire Authority," w1th boundaries coextensive w1th the boundanes of the City of Kent and Kmg County F1re Protection District No. 37, effective July 1, 2010. SECTION 3. -Propositton for Voter Submittal. There shall be submitted to the qualified electors of the D1stnct and the City for their ratification or reJection, at a special election on Apnl 27, 2010, the quest1on of whether or not the Kent F1re Department Reg1onal Fire Authority should be created in accordance w1th the Plan and funded w1th a six year benefit charge and property tax levy. The Board of CommiSSioners of King County F1re Protection District No. 37 and the City Counc1l of the City of Kent hereby requests the auditor of King County, as ex-offiCIO Supervisor of Elect1ons to call such election and to subm1t the following proposition at such election, in the form of a ballot t1tle substantially as follows: PROPOSITION NO. 1 The City of Kent and Kmg County F1re Protection District No. 37 have adopted a Joint Resolution approving the Kent Fire Department Regional Fire Authonty Plan ("Plan") to create the Kent F1re Department Reg1onal F1re Authonty ("Authority") w1th an effective date of July 1, 2010. If approved, this proposition would create the Authority, in accordance with the Plan, to provide fire protection and emergency medical serv1ces m the City and the District. The 4 REGIONAL FIRE AUTHORITY- SUBMIT FORMATION TO VOTERS Authority will be funded by a six-year fire benefit charge (not to exceed 60% of the operating budget) and a property tax (not to exceed $1.00 per $1,000 of assessed value). Th1s funding would replace the Distnct's ex1stmg property tax rate of $1.50 per $1,000 of assessed value, and would reduce Kent's property tax capac1ty by the tax rate collected by the Authonty. Should the Plan to create a Reg1onal Fire Protection Service Authority be approved? YES [ ] NO [ ] SECTION 4. -Authorize Continued Acts of Regional Fire Authority Planning Committee. The City Council of the City of Kent Washmgton and the Board of Commissioners of Kmg County Fire Protection D1stnct No. 37 hereby authonze the Reg1onal Fire Authonty Plannmg Committee to contmue operating on an as needed bas1s unt1l the effect1ve date of the Authority. The Regional F1re Authority Planning Committee shall be considered the govern1ng board for the purposes of RCW 52.26.230 and shall be responsible for conducting a public hearing on the benefit charge cons1stent with the requirements of RCW 52.26.230. The Planning Committee shall function as the governmg board for the purposes of carrymg out the requirements of Chapter 52.26 RCW unt1l such t1me as a new governing board 1s established on July 1, 2010, pursuant to the Plan. SECTION 5. -Pro and Con Committee Appointments. The Kent City Council and the King County Fire Protection D1stnct No. 37 Board of Commissioners hereby ass1gn to the Reg1onal F1re Authonty Planning Committee the task of appointing members to a comm1ttee to advocate voters' approval of the propos1t1on and to a committee to prepare arguments advocating voters' rejection of the proposition. SECTION 6. -Severability. If any sect1on, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase of this resolution 1s declared unconstitutional or 5 REGIONAL FIRE AUTHORITY- SUBMIT FORMATION TO VOTERS invalid for any reason, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaimng port1ons of this resolution. SECTION 7. -Rattfication. Any act consistent with the authority and prior to the effect1ve date of th1s resolution is hereby ratified and affirmed. SECTIQN B. -Effective Date. This resolution shall take effect and be in force immediately upon 1ts passage. SECTION 9. -Triolicate Originals. Three originals of this resolution are s1gned by the City of Kent and Kmg County F1re Protection District No. 37. PASSED at a regular open public meeting by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, th1s 11 day of January, 2010. CONCURRED in by the Mayor of the City of Kent this 11 day of January, 2010. ADOPTED by the Board of Commissioners of King County Fire Protection District No. 37, King County, Wash1ngton, at a regular open public meetmg of such Board on the __1_:1_ day of January, 2010, the below commissioners be1ng present and voting. ~~ COMMISSIONER {l{!({,~ COMMISSIONER 7hic£.cnit/'&ofw COMMISSIONER 6 REGIONAL FIRE AUTHORITY- SUBMIT FORMATION TO VOTERS ATTEST: c-&--?e-4- , CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: T~JZ:tleJtoo~ I hereby certify that th1s is a true and correct copy of Resolution No. 1820 passed by the City Counc1l of the City of Kent, Washington, the /'1 day of January, 2010. '_- . --.- ....... P \Civii\ResoluHon\ReglonaiFireAuthorlty-SubmltFormetlonVoters doc 7 REGIONAL FIRE AUTHORITY- SUBMIT FORMATION TO VOTERS EXHIBIT A Kent Fire Department Regional Fire Authority Plan EXHIBIT A WASHINGTON KENT FIRE DEPARTMENT "SERVING THE CITIES OF KENT, COVINGTON, AND KING COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT 37" ------ REGIONAL FIRE AUTHORITY PLAN TABLE OF CONTENTS Acknowledgement .......................................................................... 5 Strategic Opportunity ..................................................................... 7 Section 1: Needs Statement ............................................................ 9 Section 2: Definitions ..................................................................... 11 Section 3: Format1on Authonty ........................................................ 13 Section 4: Jurisdictional Boundaries ................................................. 15 Sect1on 5: Governa nee ................................................................... 19 Sect1on 6: Organizational Structure/Operations ................................. 21 Section 7: Financial ........................................................................ 23 Sect1on 8: Adm1mstrat1ve/Management/Personnel Components ........... 27 Sect1on 9: Fire Prevention, Public Education Services, Emergency Management and Fire Investigation Un1t ............................ 31 AppendiX A-Junsd1ctional Boundanes ............................................. 35 Appendix B -Fire Benefit Charge ..................................................... 37 Appendix C-Organizational Structure .............................................. 41 Appendix D -Asset Transfer ........................................................... 43 PAGE LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLANK ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Recognizing the challenges and opportunities that all fire jurisdictions are facing, the City of Kent and King County Fire D1stnct 37, through a partnership of many years, agreed m 2006, to explore the different options available in operating and funding the Kent Fire Department. In February 2008, the City of Kent and Kmg County Fire District 37 Regional Fire Protection Stakeholders Report, recommended that the City and F1re Distnct develop a Reg1onal F1re Authority (RFA) Plan. Through the efforts, ded1cat1on and professional comm1tment of the ind1v1duals acknowledged, we have completed the RFA Plan. On behalf of the City of Kent, King County F1re Distnct 37, and all Kent F1re Department personnel, I want to thank everyone who participated in creating the future vision of our organization that will ultimately provide the citizens we serve and protect an enhanced opportunity to determine the level of service they desire. Your efforts are recognized and very much appreciated. Jim Schneider Regional Fire Authority Planning Committee Members: Debbie Raplee, Kent City Council Tim Clark, Kent City Council Ron Harmon, Kent City Council Allan Barne, F1re Distnct 37 M1ke Denbo, Fire District 37 Margaret Harto, City of Covington Brian Snure, F1re D1stnct Attorney Dr. Robert McKenzie, CEO, CSI Greg Markley, Battalion Chief Mark Jones, Captain, Union President Larry Rabel, Captain Deanna Gratzer, District Secretary J1m Schneider, F1re Ch1ef 5 Regional Fire Authority Steering Committee Members: Ken Weatherill, Deputy Chief Pat Pawlak, Div1s1on Chief Jon Napier, DIVISIOn Chief Greg Markley, Battalion Ch1ef Enc Tomlinson, Battalion Chief Kevm Garlmg, Battal1on Ch1ef Larry Rabel, Captam Mark Jones, Captain Chris Martm, Captain Dave Woelber, Captam John Lytle, Captain Martin Oliver, Firefighter Margaret Martin, Executive Assistant Deanna Gratzer, District Secretary Jim Schneider, F1re Chief RFA Communications Plan Committee: Ken Weatherill, Deputy Chief Lynn Heesen, Battalion Chief Eric Tomlinson, Battalion Ch1ef Kraig Pe1guss, Captain Kyle Ohashi, Captain Bud Sizemore, Firefighter John Robbins, Firefighter Don Barbene, F1ref1ghter Deanna Gratzer, Distnct Secretary Jim Schneider, F1re Chief City of Kent: Suzette Cooke, Mayor John Hodgson, CAO Elizabeth Albertson, Councilperson Tim Cfark, Councilperson Jamie Damelson, Counc1lperson Ron Harmon, Councilperson Deborah Ranmger, Councilperson Debbie Raplee, Council President Les Thomas, Counc1lperson Robert Nachlinger, Finance Director Sue V1seth, Director Employee Services Becky Fowler, Employee Serv1ces Robert Goehnng, Fmance Bonnie Fell, Finance Kathleen Etheredge, Finance Paula Barry, Fmance Mike Carnngton, Info. Technology D1rector Curt Ryser, Information Technology Paul Dunn, Information Technology Tom Brubaker, City Attorney Pat F1tzpatnck, Deputy City Attorney Jeff Watlmg, Parks D1rector Charlie Lmdsey, Facilities 6 RFA Finance Committee: Pat Pawlak, Div1s1on Chief Jon Napier, Division Chief Greg Markley, Battalion Chief Kevin Garling, Battalion Ch1ef Mark Jones, Captam Chris Martin, Captain Dave Woelber, Captain John Lytle, Captam Martm Oliver, F1ref1ghter Margaret Martin, Executive Assistant Fire Department Planning Unit: Larry Rabel, Captain Randy Droppert, Data Integr. Coord. Mark Thompson, Tech. Integr. Coord. Jackie Y1p, Senior Systems Analyst Fire Administration: Margaret Martin, Executive Assistant Deanna Gratzer, Distnct Secretary Jane Ogren, Administrative Assistant Elrzabeth Kingery, Admrn Secretary Jennrfer Brlodeau, Admrn Secretary Knstme Hauer, Admrn Support Fire District 37: Pat Riordan, Commissioner Bill Stewart, Commrss1oner Tom Sawyer, Commissioner Allan Barne, Commissioner M1ke Denbo, Commissioner • REGIONAL FIRE AUTHORITY VISION The Kent F1re Department 1s a community partner, providing effective and sustainable f1re and EMS services that max1m1ze the resources entrusted to us to serve the needs of a changmg community. STRATEGIC OPPORTUNITY To strategically position the Kent F1re Department and King County Fire District #37, which includes the City of Covmgton, m a cost effective partnership that prov1des the commun1ty w1th effect1ve and sustainable f1re and EMS services. • Effective f1re and life sav1ng EMS serv1ce is dependent on three components o Fire Prevention • Safe buildmgs reduce fire risk, life loss, and reduce the long term cost of emergency response; o Public Education • Perfect emergency response is not possible, the public must be empowered to reduce the1r own nsk and provide time cnt1cal act1ons pnor to arnval of f1ref1ghters; o Emergency Response • Perfect prevention does not ex1st, emergency responders must arnve pnor to flashover in fire, and bram death in non-breathmg patients. • The three legs of the f1re service delivery system, f1re prevention, public education and emergency response can only be sustained w1th adequate funding o Level of Serv1ce performance obJeCtives prov1de the measure of adequate service; o Prevention, Educat1on and Response resources must be balanced to meet the Level of Serv1ce obJective and assure the most cost effect1ve delivery of serv1ce; o Adequate funding of the f1re service delivery system IS evidenced by its ab1l1ty to meet level of serv1ce performance obJectives. (Appendix A) MISSION Professionally and compassionately helping people. VALUES Be Safe Do Your Best Serve W1th Integrity Take Care of Each Other 7 • PAGE LEFT INTENTIONALL V BLANK 8 KENT FIRE DEPARTMENT REGIONAL FIRE AUTHORITY (RFA) PLAN Section 1: Needs Statement Adopted: 06-03-09 Revised: 12-08-09 1. The ability to respond to emergency s1tuat1ons by fire protect1on and emergency med1cal services junsd1ct1ons has not kept up or progressed with the community's needs and spec1al serv1ce demands; 2. Prov1dmg a f1re protection and emergency med1cal service system requires a collaborative partnership and responsibility among local and reg1onal governments and the private sector; 3. There are efficiencies to be gained by regional fire protection and emergency med1cal serv1ce delivery, wh1le ma1ntammg local control; and 4. Timely development of significant projects can best be achieved through enhanced funding options for regional f1re protection, emergency services, spec1al1zed rescue, hazardous matenal m1t1gat1on, usmg ex1stmg taxmg authonty to address f1re protect1on and emergency serv1ce needs, With new authonty to address critical f1re protect1on proJects and emergency serv1ces. 5. The City of Kent Fire and King County Fire Protection Distnct 37 have had a cooperative partnership, stnvmg to prov1de the highest level of f1re and emergency med1cal serv1ces to our c1t1zens within the confmes of available resources. 6. Cooperation and the partnership between the City of Kent Fire Department and King County F1re D1stnct 37 began w1th an mter-local agreement m 1973, prov1dmg the legal structure for the entities to remain separate but work cooperatively together. 7. In 2007, the City of Kent and Kmg County Fire District 37 completed a reg1onal fire protection stakeholders report. The stakeholders involved in that process consisted of cit1zens of the Cities of Kent and Covmgton and unmcorporated areas of Kmg County F1re District 37 It included union representatives of IAFF Local 1747, business owners in our commumt1es, and elected officials of the City of Kent, Covington and Kmg County F1re D1stnct 37. 9 8. In 2008, after a 9 month process, the Stakeholders Committee, through consensus, selected and recommended that the City of Kent and K1ng County F1re D1stnct 37 create a plan for a new entity, referred to as a Reg1onal Fire Authority, as permitted by state law. 9. To streamlme economies of scale, and diversify revenue opt1ons, the City of Kent and Kmg County Fire District 37 will be ask1ng 1ts Citizens to cons1der combmmg all functions and services provided by the two jurisdictions mto a single ent1ty, called a Regional Fire Authority. RFA Plan Revision: 1. The NEEDS STATEMENT section of The Kent Fire Department RFA Plan is subject to amendment by a ma]onty vote of the RFA Governance Board. 10 • KENT FIRE DEPARTMENT REGIONAL FIRE AUTHORITY (RFA) PLAN Section 2: Definitions Adopted: 06-03-09 Revised: 12-08-09 The defmitions in this section apply throughout the Reg1onal F1re Protection Service Plan, unless the context clearly requwes otherw1se. 1. "Board" or "Governing Board": Means the governing body of a reg1onal fire protection serv1ces authonty. 2. "Participating Jurisdictions": Means the City of Kent and Kmg County F1re Protect1on District No 37. 3. "Regional Fire Authority," "Kent Fire Department RFA" "RFA": Means a mumc1pal corporation, an mdependent taxmg authonty w1thm the meanmg of Art1cle VII, Sect1on 1, of the Washmgton State Const1tut1on, and a tax1ng distnct w1thm the meaning of Article VII, Section 2, of the Washington State Const1tut1on, whose boundanes are coextensive with the City of Kent and Kmg County Fire Protection D1stnct No. 37 that has been created by a vote of the people under Rev1sed Code of Washmgton 52.26 to Implement a Reg1onal Fire Authonty Plan. 4. "Regional Fire Authority Planning Committee" or "Planning Committee": Means the adv1sory committee created under Rev1sed Code of Washmgton 52.26.030 to create and propose to part1cipatmg JUrisdictions a Reg1onal F1re Serv1ce Authonty Plan. 5. "Regional Fire Authority Plan," "RFA Plan," "Kent Fire Department RFA Plan" or "Plan": Means a plan to develop, govern and finance a Reg1onal Fire Authonty, mclud1ng, but not l1mited to, spec1f1c cap1tal proJects, f1re prevent1on serv1ces, fire suppression serv1ces, emergency med1cal serv1ces, and serv1ces for the protect1on of l1fe and property pursuant to Revised Code of Washmgton 52.26.040, and the preservation and mamtenance of existmg or future faciht1es and serv1ces. 11 RFA Plan Revision: 1. The DEFINITIONS sect1on of The Kent Fire Department RFA Plan is subject to amendment by a maJority vote of the RFA Governance Board. 12 • KENT FIRE DEPARTMENT REGIONAL FIRE AUTHORITY (RFA) PLAN Section 3: Formation Authority Adopted: 06-03-09 Revised: 12-08-09 Reference: 1. Authonty to form a Regional F1re Protection Services Authority between the City of Kent and Kmg County Fire D1stnct 37 (participating jurisd1ct1ons) IS authorized by Chapter 52.26 RCW. 2. The authority to form and operate a Planning Committee is provided by RCW 52.26.030 and 040. 3. The City of Kent and King County Fire District 37 Planning Committee mcluded three (3) members of the Kent City Council and three (3) Commissioners of King County F1re D1stnct 37. 4. The Commissioners of Kmg County Fire Distnct 37 appointed an elected official from the City of Covington to fill one of its posJtJons because 1t was the planning phase of the process, and because of the long term relationship and partnership between the F1re D1stnct and the City of Covington Th1s opt1on was agreed to by both part1es for the RFA Planning Committee process only. 5. The miss1on and goal of the Planning Committee is to develop and present to the elected officials of each partJcJpatJng junsdiction, the Kent F1re Department RFA Plan. 6. Upon development, approval and adoption of the Kent Fire Department RFA Plan by the Planning Committee, the Plan shall be presented to each participating JUnsdJctJOn's elected legislative body for approval and adoption by resolution for placement of the RFA Plan on the ballot for consideration by a vote of the people Within the boundaries of the proposed RFA. 7. Upon approval of the RFA Plan by the elected legislative body of each partiCipating JUrisdiction, the participating JUnsdictJons shall draft a JOint ballot t1tle, give not1ce as requ1red by law for ballot measures, and perform 13 other dut1es as required to put the Plan before the voters of the participating ]Unsdict1ons for approval or rejection as a single ballot measure. Activity and Operation: 1. The jomt agreement between the City of Kent and King County F1re Distnct 37 shall remain m force during the RFA planning penod. 2. Should the Kent F1re Department RFA Plan be approved by 60% of the voters of the part1c1patmg junsdictions, the Kent Fire Department Regional Fire Authority shall be formed on, July 1, 2010, in accordance with RCW 52.26.070. If the Plan 1s not approved by 60% of the voters, then operations relating to the serv1ces set forth herem shall remam unchanged. 3. Upon voter approval of the Plan, the City of Kent and King County Fire District 37 shall contmue to ex1st as Washington State Mumc1pal Corporations. The exclusive purpose of the continued ex1stence of Kmg County F1re D1stnct 37 shall be to levy and collect taxes and/or other fire district revenue to be transferred to the RFA until such time as the RFA collects its own revenues and to prov1de representation to the newly formed Kent F1re Department RFA Governance Board. 4. Upon voter approval of the Plan, it is the mtent that the City of Kent and King County Fire D1stnct 37 will cease to operate the1r own f1re departments effective July 1, 2010. At such time as Kmg County F1re District 37 no longer provides revenues or representative to the governance board it may be dissolved in accordance with RCW 52.26.120. RFA Plan Revision: 1. The formation authority section of the Kent Fire Department RFA Plan is subJect to amendment only by a revised Kent F1re Department Plan being re-submitted to the electorate for approval. 14 • KENT FIRE DEPARTMENT REGIONAL FIRE AUTHORITY (RFA) PLAN Section 4: Jurisdictional Boundaries Adopted: 07-15-09 Revised: 12-08-09 A. Reference: 1. The authority to define the jurisdictional boundaries of the Kent Fire Department F1re Authonty is provided by RCW 52.26.020(2). B. Jurisdictional Boundaries on Formation of Kent Fire Department Fire Authority: 1. If the adopted Kent Fire Department Fire Authority Plan is approved by the voters, the JUriSdiCtional boundanes of the Kent Fire Department Fire Authority (RFA) shall be the current legal boundanes of the partic1patmg jurisdictions, wh1ch boundanes are currently contiguous and are depicted on the map attached hereto and marked as Appendix "A" of th1s plan. C. Changes in Jurisdictional Boundaries After Formation of Kent Fire Department Fire Authority: 1. Boundary Changes that do not require a RFA Plan amendment. a. City of Kent annexations of areas included within the boundaries of King County Fire Protection District No. 37. Such annexat1ons will not affect the RFA since the areas will already be w1thm the RFA boundanes. Pursuant to RCW 52.26.290 there w1ll be no requ1red asset or employee transfers between the fire d1stnct and the city. b. City of Kent annexations of areas not included within King County Fire Protection District No. 37. On the effect1ve date of such annexation, the terntory annexed shall automatically be mcluded Within the boundaries of the RFA pursuant to RCW 15 52.26.090. The territory added to the RFA by such annexat1on shall be subject to the taxation, charges, and bonded Indebtedness (if approved as part of the annexation process) of the RFA. Any transfer of assets or employees that occurs as a result of annexat1on shall be between the transferring ent1ty and the RFA. c. King County Fire Protection District No. 37 annexations of areas outside the boundaries of the RFA. On the effect1ve date of such annexation, the terntory annexed shall automatically be included within the boundanes of the RFA pursuant to RCW 52.26.090. The terntory added to the RFA by such annexation shall be subject to the taxat1on, charges, and bonded mdebtedness (if approved as part of the annexat1on process) of the RFA . d. Partial merger of an area located in an adjacent fire protection district into King County Fire Protection District No. 37. On the effective date of such partial merger, the terntory merged into King County F1re Protection Distnct No. 37 shall automatically be mcluded w1thm the boundaries of the RFA. The terntory added to the RFA by such part1al merger shall be subject to the taxation, charges, and bonded mdebtedness of the RFA m the manner specified m chapter 52.06 RCW. Any transfer of assets or employees as a result of a part1al merger shall be between the mergmg d1stnct and the RFA. e. Merger of an adjacent fire protection district into King County Fire Protection District No. 37. On the effect1ve date of such merger, the terntory merged mto King County F1re Protection District No. 37 shall automatically be mcluded w1th1n the boundaries of the RFA. The terntory added to the RFA by such merger shall be subject to the taxation, charges, and bonded mdebtedness of the RFA m the manner spec1f1ed in chapter 52.06 RCW. Pursuant to RCW 52.06.085, the merger w1ll result m an mcrease m the size of the governmg board of Kmg County F1re Protection Distnct No. 37. Such increase shall not, however, alter the Governance Plan and the RFA governmg board shall st1ll have 3 representatives from the F1re D1stnct. Any transfer of assets or employees as a result of a merger shall be between the merging d1stnct and the RFA. f. Full or partial merger of King County Fire Protection District 37 into an adjacent fire protection district. On the effect1ve date of such merger, the areas withm Kmg County F1re Protection Distnct No. 37 that are merged mto the adjacent f1re protection district shall be removed from the JUrisdiCtional boundanes of the RFA. In th1s situation the RFA shall not be obligated to transfer employees or assets of the RFA and the adjacent fire protect1on distnct shall be restricted to assets and employees of the fire d1stnct, if any. g. Annexation of a portion of King County Fire Protection District 37 by a City that is not a participating jurisdiction in 16 • the RFA. On the effective date of such annexation, the territory annexed shall automatically be removed from the boundanes of the RFA. In this Situation the RFA shall not be obligated to transfer employees or assets of the RFA and the annexing City shall be restncted solely to assets and employees of the f1re d1stnct, if any. h. Annexation of areas by the City of Covington. Provided that the City of Covmgton rema1ns annexed mto Kmg County F1re Protection D1stnct No. 37, on the effective date of any such annexation, the terntory annexed shall automatically be mcluded w1thm the boundaries of the RFA pursuant to RCW 52.26.090 and RCW 52.04.091. The terntory added to the RFA by such annexat1on shall be subJect to the taxation, charges, and bonded mdebtedness (1f approved as part of the annexation process) of the RFA. Any transfer of assets or employees that occurs as a result of such annexation shall be between the transfernng ent1ty and the RFA 2. Boundary Changes that require a RFA Plan amendment. The addition of another ent1ty as a part1c1pating jurisdiction in the RFA shall requ1re a voter approved amendment to the RFA Plan. RFA Plan Revision: 1. Except as prov1ded in paragraph C.2, the JURISDICTIONAL BOUNDARIES sect1on of The Kent Fire Department RFA Plan is subject to amendment by a maJority vote of the RFA Governance Board. 17 PAGE LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLANK 18 ---------~~ KENT FIRE DEPARTMENT REGIONAL FIRE AUTHORITY (RFA) PLAN Section 5: Governance Adopted: 07-15-09 Revised: 12-08-09 Governance and Representation Reference: 1. The authority to provide governance for the Regional Fire Authority is provided by RCW 52.26.080 and RCW 52.26.090. Governing Board Structure and Operation: 1. As prov1ded by RCW 52.26.080, the RFA Governing Board shall be established and have authority as of July 1, 2010. 2. As provided by RCW 52.26.080, the governing board shall mclude six vot1ng members consisting of three (3) current, seated members from the City of Kent to be appomted by the Kent City Council and three (3) current, seated King County F1re D1stnct 37 Board of Commissioners members and one nonvoting advisory pos1t1on cons1stmg of one (1) current, seated member from the City of Covington, appomted by the Covmgton Ctty Council. 3. The RFA Governing Board shall adopt governance policies and rules for conductmg bus1ness for the RFA m accordance w1th RCW 52.26.080. 4. The RFA Governing Board shall adopt by-laws to govern RFA affairs m accordance with RCW 52.26.080. 5. The RFA Governing Board shall have all the power and authority granted governmg boards under Washmgton State law, and shall Include the power and authority to make any decisions appropnate for the RFA and for matters related to Title 52 RCW. 6. Commissioners of the Governing Board will rece1ve compensation m the same manner and under the same cond1t1ons as provided by law for commissioners of a fire protection distnct organized under T1tle 52 RCW. 19 Placement of Ballot Measures before Electorate of the RFA: 1. SubJect to state law, ballot measures may be placed on the ballot for a vote by the members of the RFA by a maJority vote of the members of the RFA Governing Board. The Board shall reach a dec1s1on of elect1on at least 30 days m advance of county f11ing deadlmes. Plan Revisions: 1. The GOVERNANCE sect1on of the Kent Fire Department RFA Plan may be amended by a majority vote of the RFA Governance Board. 20 KENT FIRE DEPARTMENT REGIONAL FIRE AUTHORITY (RFA) PLAN Section 6: Organizational Structure/Operations Adopted: 11-04-09 Revised: 12-08-09 A. Reference: 1. The authority for the RFA to establish an Organizational Structure is prov1ded m RCW 52.26.040. B. Activity /Operation: 1. Commencing the day of formation, the RFA shall be orgamzed and managed, with leadership prov1ded as show in Appendix "C" of the RFA Plan. 2. The RFA Admm1strat1ve, Operations and Prevention Division shall be orgamzed, and a cham of command be established m accordance w1th the organizational structure provided m Appendix "C" of the RFA Plan. 3. The Governing Board for the RFA shall be referred to as the Regional Fire Authonty Governing Board, as identified in Appendix "C" of the RFA Plan. 4. All current operational and service delivery aspects of the Kent Fire Department and Kmg County F1re District 37 shall be transferred over on the day of format1on. 5. Current staffmg models, standards of coverage, deployment standards, f1eld operations, command staffmg, and operational policies and procedures shall be transferred and contmued at the current level of serv1ce on day the of transfer. 6. The RFA will adopt the Kent Fire Department Standards of Coverage Document, wh1ch will define serv1ces, levels of service, standards of coverage, development standards and customer expectations of the RFA. C. RFA Plan Revision Disposition: 21 1. The Organizational Structure portion of the RFA Plan may be revised by a maJonty vote of the current s1ttmg RFA Governance Board. 22 KENT FIRE DEPARTMENT REGIONAL FIRE AUTHORITY (RFA) PLAN Section 7: Financial Adopted: 11-04-09 Revised: 12-08-09 A. Reference: 1. The authority to provide FUNDING and levy taxes for the RFA is prov1ded by RCW 52.26.050, RCW 52.26.120, RCW 52.26.140, RCW 52.26.150, RCW 52.26.160, RCW 52.26.170, RCW 52.26.180, RCW 52.30.020, chapter 84.52 RCW and chapter 84.55 RCW. 2. The authority and mechanism for the collection of taxes and the benefit serv1ce charge shall be 1n accordance w1th RCW 52.26.170, RCW 52.26.200 -.270 B. Revenues/Funding: 1. The funding for the operat1on and administration of the RFA contnbuted by each of the partic1patmg JUrisdictions for 2010 operat1ons shall be 1n an amount equal to the fundmg total approved for the fire department serv1ces m the budgets of each respect1ve participating junsd1ct1on of the RFA for the 2010 calendar year. 2. Funding for the RFA beginning in calendar year 2011 and beyond shall be accomplished by a property tax of $1.00 per thousand of taxable assessed value and a benefit serv1ce charge on all Improved properties Within the RFA service area, in1t1ally based upon the general formula and methodology provided 1n Appendix B of the RFA Plan. 3. To the extent perm1tted by law, the RFA shall contract with agencies and entities exempt from property taxes in accordance with RCW 52.30.020 and related statutes. 4. The Governing Board shall have the authonty to pursue all additional revenue sources authonzed by law includmg but not limited to revenue sources spec1f1cally ident1f1ed m Title 52 RCW that are not otherw1se addressed m chapter 52.26 RCW. 23 5. The RFA shall pay all costs of contmued operat1on of Kmg County F1re Protection D1stnct No. 37 subsequent to the format1on of the RFA C. Financial Assets Transferred: 1. Once the RFA 1s formed on July 1, 2010, King County Fire Protection District 37 shall 1mmed1ately transfer the rema1nmg funds approved for the 2010 King County F1re Protection Distnct No. 37 budget, and shall transfer all future property tax and contractual payments received at the time of rece1pt unless otherwise specifically allowed by the RFA Plan. 2. Once the RFA is formed on July 1, 2010, the City of Kent will then transfer the remaining funds approved for 2010, on a proportional basis, on the 15th and 30th of each of the six remammg months for 2010, through December 31, 2010. 3. Transfer of Project Fund accounts and Reserve Cash funds from the City of Kent and Kmg County F1re Protection District 37 as 1dent1fied in Appendix D of the Asset Transfer AppendiX, shall be transferred to the RFA on the date of the format1on of the RFA m the amount rema1mng m the accounts on the date of formation of the RFA. 4. Transfers of Real Property. a. All real property owned by King County Fire Protection District No. 37 shall be transferred to the RFA on the date of format1on of the RFA. b. The following real property owned by the City of Kent shall be transferred or leased as ident1f1ed below: i. Station 71: City of Kent shall sell to the RFA for $1, with an automatic reversionary mterest m the event the station is no longer used for RFA purposes. ii. Station 72: City of Kent shall sell to the RFA for $1, w1th an automatic reversionary mterest in the event the station 1s no longer used for RFA purposes. iii. Station 73: City of Kent shall sell to the RFA for $1, subject to any easements or other interests, with an automatic reversionary mterest m the event the stat1on is no longer used for RFA purposes. iv. Station 74/Admmlstration: City of Kent w1ll retain ownership of property and lease V2 of the space to the RFA for an amount to be determined. As a cond1t1on of the lease, the RFA Will agree to assume Y2 of the mamtenance costs of the property, except for the burn 24 tower, which the RFA will assume 100% of the mamtenance costs v. Station 75: City of Kent will retain ownership and lease to the RFA for $1/year, subJect to the nght of the City of Kent to sell the property. In the event the City sells the property, the City shall, prior to the closmg of the sale, be fmanc1ally responsible for relocatmg Station 75 to a location w1th a structure that is operationally ready and allows for an equivalent level of service to that provided from Station 75. vi. Station 76: City of Kent shall sell to the RFA for $1, with an automatic reversionary Interest 1n the event the stat1on is no longer used for RFA purposes. vii. Washington Avenue Property: City of Kent shall sell to the RFA for $1. RFA shall lease property to City of Kent for storage for $1. The RFA shall sell the property back to the City of Kent for $1 at a point when the RFA no longer w1shes to retam the property. viii. Ropes Course Property: City of Kent w1ll retain ownership and lease to the RFA for $1/year 5. Transfers of Personal Property. a. King County F1re Protection D1stnct No. 37 shall transfer all personal property, including but not limited to equipment, suppl1es, agreements, documents and records to the RFA on the date of formation of the RFA. b. Unless otherwise agreed to in an interlocal agreement, the City of Kent shall transfer for $1 all personal property used by the Kent F1re Department (adm1mstrat1on, support serv1ces, emergency management, prevent1on and Operations) including, but not limited to equipment, supplies, agreements, documents and records to the RFA on the date of format1on of the RFA. 6. Risk of Loss. a. All bu1ldmgs and equipment that have been transferred to the RFA, shall be operated, msured, and mamtamed at the expense of the RFA. D. Liabilities: 1. On the date of formation, the RFA shall assume all outstanding liab111t1es of Kmg County F1re Protect1on Distnct No. 37. 2. On the date of formation, the RFA shall assume the followmg liabilities of the City of Kent. 25 a. Except as provided below, all employment liabiht1es assoc1ated With the employee transfers as provided m Sect1on 8 of the Plan. 3. The City of Kent shall retam the followmg 11abll1t1es: a. The City of Kent will keep the hab1hty for retired and active LEOFF 1 Kent F1re Department FTE's to mclude med1cal and long term care insurance payments and any other expenses incurred by the Kent Fire Department LEOFF 1 personnel m accordance with the City of Kent LEOFF 1 Pohc1es and Procedures. b. The City of Kent will retain its Fire Relief and Pension Fund and make required pens1on payments to eligible LEOFF 1 pa rt1c1pants. c. The City of Kent shall remain responsible for the following accrued but unfunded employment liabilities: i. Between July 1, 2010, and December 31, 2011, the City agrees to pay to the RFA for vacation hours accrued and owed to a ret1nng RFA employee; provided, the amount paid shall not exceed a total of $50,000 or payment to five employees, whichever IS less. The City shall not be liable for any vacation of any RFA employee after December 31, 2011. E. RFA Plan Revision Disposition: 1. Subject to any statutory requirements for voter approval, the funding portion of the RFA Plan, including the benefit charge fund1ng formula and methodology may be rev1sed by a majority vote of the current sitting RFA Governance Board. 26 KENT FIRE DEPARTMENT REGIONAL FIRE AUTHORITY (RFA) PLAN ~SIR£ > ' Otst'l1 Section 8: Administrative/Management/Personnel Components Adopted: 11-04-09 Revised: 12-08-09 A. Reference: 1. The authority for the RFA to establish and provide Administrative, Management and Personnel components is prov1ded in RCW 52.26.040 and RCW 52.26.100. B. Activity /Operation: 1. The RFA shall be organized as provided in Appendix C of the RFA Plan. 2. The existmg staff of the participating agenc1es shall transfer to the RFA to fulfill ass1gned duties as outlined 1n the organ1zat1onal structure m AppendiX C. All current FTE's of the City of Kent F1re Department and King County F1re Protection D1stnct 37 shall be transferred on the day of formation at the1r current rank, grade and seniority. 3. Unless otherwise noted in the RFA Plan, the transfer of authority and the admm1strat1on and management of the RFA shall be seamless and shall mit1ally model the current admin1strat1ve and management components of the Kent F1re Department. 4. All current employee agreements, collective bargaining unit agreements, outstanding labor issues, personal service contracts, and any other contracts or agreements pertaming to work, dut1es, services or employment With the City of Kent F1re Department and Kmg County Fire Protection D1stnct 37, shall be transferred over with all personnel on the day of formation. Any consolidation of employees into one of the existmg labor agreements must be mutually agreed upon by the labor un1ons and each of the participating JUnsdictlons prior to the July 1, 2010, implementation date of the RFA. 27 5. The City of Kent LEOFF Board will continue to oversee LEOFF 1 benef1ts for said personnel in accordance w1th the City of Kent LEOFF 1 Policies and Procedures. 6. The administrative staff of the RFA shall be the current members of the Kent F1re Department admm1strative staff. All current admmistrative and business functions, agreements, documents, operations, and polic1es and procedures from the Kent F1re Department shall transfer over to the RFA unless otherwise noted in this plan. 7. The current Kent F1re Department and King County F1re District 37 staff ass1gned to support serv1ces, logistics, supply, fleet maintenance and facilities shall be transferred over to fulfill the duties of those services outlined m the organ1zat1onal structure m Appendix C. 8. Effective July 1, 2010, the following employee services and benefit administration funct1ons of the RFA shall be provided by the RFA: Recruitment and Hmng, Labor Relat1ons and Negotiations, Risk Management including Labor and Industries t1me-loss, Liability and Property Insurance and all adm1nistrat1ve funct1ons related to the Family Med1cal Leave Act (FMLA), the Fam1ly Care Act (FCA), and all other state and federal employment and labor laws. Effect1ve July 1, 2010, the RFA will contmue to participate m the City of Kent Health care plans as 1dentif1ed m the current collective bargammg agreements which mclude med1cal, dental and v1sion coverage. In addition, the RFA will cont1nue to participate m the Wellness program and the Employee Assistance Program as administered by the City of Kent. All costs related to these plans Will be pa1d for by the RFA pursuant to an mter-local agreement between the RFA and the City of Kent. Effective July 1, 2010, the RFA will contmue to use the Kent Civil Service Commission and the City of Kent Civil Service Exammer. The costs related to these services will be paid for by the RFA pursuant to an 1nter-local agreement between the RFA and the City of Kent .. 9. Effective July 1, 2010, all accounts payable and accounts rece1vable serv1ces shall be provided by the RFA. 10.Effect1ve July 1, 2010, all payroll services shall be provided by the RFA. 11.In 2010 and 2011, the City of Kent shall provide the RFA With information technology (IT), phone serv1ces, and mformat1on management (IM) serv1ces. The RFA shall contract for such services pursuant to an mter-local agreement between the RFA and the City of Kent begmning July 1, 2010, m order to provide seamless, up-to-date IT, phone, and IM services for the RFA. 28 12.In 2010 and 2011, facility maintenance services shall be provided to the RFA by the City of Kent. Yard mamtenance serv1ce will not be prov1ded by the City of Kent, and w1ll be the respons1bil1ty of the RFA. The RFA shall contract for such serv1ces begmning July 1, 2010, pursuant to an mter-local agreement between the RFA and the City of Kent m order to provide seamless repa1r, mamtenance and readiness operat1ons of the RFA facilities. 13.In 2010, the current fuel procurement and associated fuel services shall be prov1ded by the City of Kent pursuant to an mter-local agreement between the RFA and the City of Kent. The RFA will have the opt1on to contract for such serv1ces beginning January 1, 2011. 14.The RFA shall provide its own legal serv1ces effective July 1, 2010. RFA Plan Revision Disposition: 1. The adm1n1strat1ve, management and personnel portion of the RFA Plan may be rev1sed by a majority vote of the current sittmg RFA Governance Board. 29 PAGE LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLANK 30 ~ WAIHIMO,.ON KENT FIRE DEPARTMENT REGIONAL FIRE AUTHORITY (RFA) PLAN Section 9: Fire Prevention, Public Education Services, Emergency Management and Fire Investigation Unit Adopted: 11-04-09 Revised: 12-08-09 A. Reference: 1. The authonty for the RFA to establish and prov1de F1re Prevention, Public Education, Emergency Management and F1re Invest1gat10n components is prov1ded in RCW 52.26.040, RCW 52.26.090(2), RCW 52.12.031 (3),(6) and (7) and chapter 39.34 RCW. B. Activity /Operation: 1. EXISTING SERVICE PROVIDERS: 1.1. The City of Kent, through the Kent Fire Department currently provides the followmg services w1thin the boundanes of the City of Kent: a. F1re Prevention Serv1ces pursuant to RCW 19.27.050; b. F1re Investigation Serv1ces pursuant to RCW 43.44.050 and chapter. 51-54 WAC; c. Emergency Management Serv1ces pursuant to chapter 38.52 RCW; and 1.2. The City of Kent currently prov1des the following services Within the City of Covmgton pursuant to contract: a. Fire Prevention Services; and b. Fire Investigation Services. 1.3. King County Fire Protection District No. 37 currently provides the following services within the boundanes of the City of Kent and w1thm the District (mcluding Cov1ngton): a. Public Education Services. 31 1.4. King County currently provides the following services within the boundaries of Kmg County Fire Protect1on D1stnct No. 37 (excludmg Covington). a. F1re Prevention Serv1ces; b. Fire Investigation Services; and c. Emergency Management Services. 1.5. The City of Covington currently provides the following services w1thm the boundanes of Covmgton. a. Emergency Management Services. 2. SERVICE PROVIDERS FOLLOWING RFA EFFECTIVE DATE: 2.1. FIRE PREVENTION SERVICES a. On the effect1ve date of the creat1on of the RFA, Fire Prevention Services w1thm the boundanes of the RFA shall be prov1ded as follows: (i). Within the City Kent. The RFA w1ll provide F1re Prevention Serv1ces to the City of Kent pursuant to an mter-local agreement to be negotiated prior to the effect1ve date "Kent Inter-local." (ii). W1thm the City of Covmgton, the RFA mtends to provide F1re Prevention Services to the City of Covmgton pursuant to an mter-local agreement between the RFA and Covmgton "Covington Inter-local." (iii). The RFA Will cred1t or transfer to the City of Kent, revenue generated for f1re prevention serv1ces rendered by the RFA for the City of Covington, pursuant to the "Kent Inter-local" (iv). W1th1n unmcorporated King County. Kmg County shall prov1de F1re Prevention Serv1ces. 2.2. FIRE INVESTIGATION SERVICES: a. On the effective date of the creation of the RFA, F1re Invest1gat1on Services w1thm the boundanes of the RFA shall be provided as follows: (i). Within the City Kent. The RFA will provide Fire Investigation Serv1ces to the City of Kent pursuant to an inter-local agreement to be negot1ated pnor to the effective date "Kent Inter-local." (ii). W1th1n the City of Covington. The RFA mtends to provide Fire Investigation Services to the City of Covington pursuant to an 32 inter-local agreement between the City of Kent and Covington "Covmgton Inter-local." (iii). Within unincorporated King County. King County shall provide Fire Invest1gat1on Serv1ces. 2.3. EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT SERVICES. a. On the effect1ve date of the creation of the RFA, Emergency Management Serv1ces withm the boundanes of the RFA shall be prov1ded as follows: (i). Within the City Kent. The RFA w1ll provide Emergency Management Serv1ces to the City of Kent pursuant to an inter- local agreement to be negotiated prior to the effective date "Kent Inter-local." (ii). Within the City of Covington. Covington shall remain the provider of ·Emergency Management Serv1ces. (iii). Within unincorporated King County. King County shall remain the prov1der of Emergency Management Serv1ces. 2.4. PUBLIC EDUCATION SERVICES. a. On the effective date of the creation of the RFA, the RFA shall prov1de Public Educat1on Services throughout the JUnsd1ct1on of the RFA. 3. TRANSITION OF SERVICES. 3.1. In order to effectuate the transition of services identified above, the following shall occur on the effect1ve date of the RFA: a. The City of Kent Fire Department staff on July 1, 2010, assigned to the F1re Prevention and Emergency Management DIVISions, shall be transferred over to the RFA. b. The RFA Fire Prevention and Emergency Management Divisions shall be organized as prov1ded in Appendix C of this RFA Plan. c. The City of Kent agrees to des1gnate the Ch1ef and F1re Marshal of the RFA as the Ch1ef and Fire Marshal of the City of Kent. d. The City of Covington has agreed to designate the Ch1ef and F1re Marshal of the RFA as the Chief and Fire Marshal of the City of Covmgton. e. Unless otherwise noted in the RFA Plan, or the inter-local agreements referenced herein, the transfer of authonty and the Fire Prevention and Emergency Management Div1s1ons of the RFA shall 33 be seamless and shall initially model the current Fire Prevention and Emergency Management Div1s1ons of the Kent Fire Department. f. The City of Kent and the City of Covington will retam code enforcement authority m accordance w1th Washington State Law within their respect1ve JUriSdiCtions and, except as provided in the Kent and Covington Inter-locals shall provide the necessary legal and pollee support for enforcement of code enforcement ISsues. g. The City of Kent and the City of Covington will retain fire mvestigation authority m accordance w1th Washmgton State Law within the1r respective JUnsd1ct1ons and, except as prov1ded m the Kent and Covington Inter-locals shall prov1de the necessary legal and police support for enforcement of f1re mvest1gation issues. h. The City of Kent and the City of Covington will retain emergency management authonty in accordance w1th Washington State Law and, except as prov1ded m the Kent and Covmgton Inter-locals, shall provide legal and pol1ce support as needed to prov1de emergency management serv1ces 4. Other Service Providers. 4.1. All current automatic aid and mutual afd agreements and any other contractual serv1ces agreements, documents, or memorandums currently in place w1th the City of Kent and King County F1re Distnct 37 shall be transferred over on July 1, 2010, to provide continuous, seamless readiness and emergency services coverage. C. RFA Plan Revision Disposition: 1. The f1re prevention, emergency management, public education and fire mvestigat1on serv1ces port1on of the RFA Plan may be rev1sed by a majonty vote of the current s1ttmg RFA Governance Board. 34 • F~re Stations OKentCoty Limits .:::!Covington Coty Limits C:JF~re Oostroct 37 0 0 5 2 3 APPENDIX A Jurisdictional Boundaries 4 35 Proposed Kent Regional Fire Authority Sout~ing founty, WA Stattons 71 to 78 ·---..... --• ~ r lfiiiiJ ""'{Major Streets N A PAGE LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLANK 36 APPENDIX B Fire Benefit Charge Kent Fire Department -Fire Benefit Charge -(FBC) Formula The F1re Benefit Charge (FBC) was authorized by State Law m 1987 upon voter approval and must be reasonably apportioned to the serv1ces afforded to the property. Therefore, assessed value 1s not used in determmmg the FBC, mstead the Kent F1re Department uses property type, property use, and associated nsk increasers (see def1n1tion of hazard factors) or risk reducers (see spnnkler and alarm discount) m determmmg the FBC amount for each structure. The pnmary factor of the formula is based upon the amount of "required f1re flow" or water needed to extmguish a fire, the number of firefighters and equipment needed to effectively del1ver the required f1re flow and their associated cost for f1ght1ng a f1re m the type and s1ze of structure bemg assessed. As structure s1ze or f1re loadmg w1thin a structure increases, the need for requ1red f1re flow, f1ref1ghters, and equ1pment also mcreases. The benefit charge 1s based upon the Insurance Services Office (ISO) requ1red f1re flow formula and considers these factors. Therefore, the Kent F1re Authonty Governance Board has adopted the followmg formulas for the benefit charge: One and two family buildings vArea * 18 * CF * ERF * CPG *Sprinkler Discount= FBC Multi Family buildings vArea * 18 * CF * ERF * CPG * Spnnkler and Alarm Discount = FBC Commercial buildings vArea * 18 * CF * ERF * HF * CPG *Sprinkler and Alarm Discount= FBC Definitions: ~ vArea: yArea is the square root of the total square feet of the buildings over 400 square feet located upon the property. > CF = Category Factor: The category factor Is based upon building type and size. This information is obtained from the King County Assessor database for each building subject to the FBC. Category factors are listed below: One and two family buildings: Mobile Home = 0. 75 Smgle Family = 0.80 Condom1mum = 0.80 Multi-family buildings: < 15,000 sq ft = 1.60 < 50,000 sq ft = 3.25 < 140,000 sq ft = 6.70 < 200,000 sq ft = 8.60 ~ 300,000 sq ft = 11.10 > 300,000 sq ft = 14.25 37 APPENDIX B Fire Benefit Charge Commercial buildings Commercral 1 = 1.00 < 4, 000 sq. ft. Commercral 2 = 1 20 < 10,000 sq ft. Commercral 3 = 1 40 < 30,000 sq. ft. Commercral 4 = 1.50 <100,000 sq. ft. Commercral 5 = 2.05 <200,000 sq. ft. Commercral 6 = 3.00 >200,000 sq. ft. ~ ERF = Effective Response Force. The effectrve response force factor is relatronal to the srze of force in firefighters and equipment needed to deliver the requrred frre flow. One and two family building ERF < 1,800 sq ft = 1 < 2, 700 sq ft = 1 1 < 3,600 sq ft = 1.35 < 5,000 sq ft = 1.65 > 5,000 sq ft = 2.25 Multi-family building ERF Three unrts or more = 1.5 Commercial building ERF .:s. 8,000 sq ft = 1.18 .:5. 20,000 sq ft = 1. 75 < 30,000 sq ft = 2.65 > 30,000 sq ft = 4.00 ~ HF = Hazard Factor: The hazard factor represents the degree of risk caused by the use, processrng, or storage of hazardous materrals withrn a buildrng. The hazard factor reflects the need for larger and/or more specialized effectrve response forces. Hazard factors are determined from use and risk classifrcatrons found rn the Natrona! Fire Protection Assocration's (NFPA) Standard 13 (Standards for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems). Hazard Factors Lrght Hazard Ordmary Hazard -1 Ordrnary Hazard -2 Extra Hazard -1 Extra Hazard -2 = 1.00 = 1.10 = 1.20 = 1.30 = 1.40 ~ CPG = Cost Per Gallon: Is the relative cost of providrng the required fire flow per gallon durrng a frre incident. CPG rs a balancrng factor used as an adJustable multrplrer to frnely tune the FBC calculatron across all propertres to reach precrsely the desired target FBC amount. 38 APPENDIX B Fire Benefit Charge Estimated 2010 CPG = 0. 0 197678 (estimated unt1l adopted and presented at public heanng as requ1red by RCW 52.26.230) :> Senior Citizen Discount: By State law, semor discounts for the FBC are applied at the same percentage of discount as those g1ven for regular property taxes. Th1s mformat1on IS obtained from and mamtamed by Kmg County's property and tax records. FBC b1llmgs Will be reduced by the quahfymg sen1or d1scount amount. :> Sprinkler and Alarm System Discount: (7.5 to 15%) Fire spnnkler systems 1n combmat1on w1th alarm systems will receive a 7.5 to 15 percent reduction dependmg upon system capab1l1ty. Part1al coverage systems may not qual1fy for a discount. Alarms are categonzed as local (alertmg only the occupants of the bu1ldmg) and momtored (alertmg both occupants and the fire department) Sprinkler & Alarm Discounts One and two fam1ly bu1ldmgs: F1re spnnklers No alarm d1scount th1s category Mult1-fam1ly and commerCial bu1ldmgs F1re spnnklers F1re spnnklers and manual local alarm F1re spnnklers and automatiC local alarm F1re spnnklers and manual monitored alarm F1re spnnklers and automatic mon1tored alarm = -7.5% = -7.5% = -9.5% = -10.5% = -12.5% = -15.0% :> Mobile Homes: Kmg County does not adequately maintain square feet data for mobile homes. The average mob1le home size has been determined to be 1075 square feet. :> Minimum Square Footage: The FBC w1ll not be applied to parcels with a total improvement square footage of less than 400 sq. ft. FBC Formula Examples: (note all CPG factors are estimated until adopted and presented at publtc hearing as required by RCW 52.26.230) *** Example 1: 2500 square foot smgle fam1ly bu1ldmg (no sprinklers). (Area * 18 * CF * ERF * CPG ) -Spnnkler Discount = FBC ( 50 * 18 * .08 * 1.1 * 0.197678)-0% = $156.56 Example 1a: 2500 square foot single family building (with sprinklers). (Area * 18 * CF * ERF * CPG ) -Spnnkler Discount = FBC ( so * 18 * .08 * 1.1 * 0 197678)-7.5% = $144.70 *** 39 APPENDIX B Fire Benefit Charge Example 2: 13000 square foot apartment bu1ld1ng (no sprinklers or alarm). ( Area * 18 * CF * ERF * CPG ) -Spnnkler & Alarm Discount = FBC (114.02 * 18 * 1 60 * 1.50 * 0 197678) -0% = $973.69 Example 2a: 13000 square foot apartment bu1ld1ng (sprinklers and auto monitored alarm). ( Area * 18 * CF * ERF * CPG ) -Sprinkler & Alarm Discount = FBC (114.02 * 18 * 1.60 * 1.50 * 0.197678)-15% = $827.64 *** Example 3: 100,000 square foot commercial building (light hazard and no sprinkler or alarm). (Area * 18 * CF * ERF * HF * CPG) -Spnnkler & Alarm Discount= FBC (316.23 * 18 * 2.05 * 4 * 1.0 * 0.197678)-0% = $9226.73 Example 3a: 100,000 square foot commercial bUildmg (light hazard and with sprinkler & auto monitored alarm) (Area * 18 * CF * ERF * HF * CPG) -Spnnkler & Alarm Discount= FBC (316.23 * 18 * 2.05 * 4 * 1.0 * 0.197678)-15% = $7,842.72 Example 3b: 100,000 square foot commercial bu1ld1ng (extra hazard 2 and no sprinkler or alarm). ( Area * 18 * CF * ERF * HF * CPG) -Spnnkler & Alarm Discount= FBC (316.23 * 18 * 2.05 * 4 * 1.4 * 0.197678) -0% = $12,917.42 Example 3c: 100,000 square foot commercial bUildmg (extra hazard 2 with sprinkler & auto monitored alarm). ( Area * 18 * CF * ERF * HF * CPG) -Spnnkler & Alarm D1scount = FBC (316.23 * 18 * 2.05 * 4 * 1.4 * 0.197678)-15% = $10,979.80 *** Rev1sed: 01/05/2010 40 41 ---~------ APPENDIX C Kent Fire Department Organizational Structure 42 nn -- PAGE LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLANK 43 APPENDIX D City of Kent Project Accounts The following are identified Fire Department Project Accounts, and their current estimated balances as of June 30, 2009 that we are recommending to not transfer to the RFA, but to stay with the City of Kent: • M200088 Breathing Apparatus Cylinders-The RFA w1ll fund the future SCBA purchases; the City of Kent would reta1n net $272,473 • V00025 BLS Transport-RFA Planmng, net $14,128 • 510033500 Fleet Fire Equipment-Emergency Repair Fund $202,879 • F20018 Fire Security Fences-Net $50,223 • F20060 Remodel Washington Avenue Property-$140, 405 • Total estimated project revenue going to the City of Kent-$680,108 The following are identified fire department project accounts, and their current estimated balances as of June 30, 2009, that we are requesting to be transferred to the RFA effective July 1, 2010, with the actual balance on June 30, 2010 being transferred: • 1000.34600.0045 Community Fund (Donations from Clt1zens) Current Balance $5,887 • M20044 Fire Radio Equipment -no funding by the City 1n 2010, the RFA would fmd the $125,000 1n 2010 Current Balance Transferred $109,618 • V00020 Physical Fitness (Contract) Current Balance Net $46,150 • V00075 Training Equipment Current Balance Net $73,565 • F00015 Fire Maintenance Shop Renovation, current account Bob will release so we can order PPE this year, pay for SAFER grant, and order PPE for 2010 Current Balance Net $263,526 Total est1mated funds as of June 30, 2009 that would be transferred to the RFA, with the fund balances on June 30, 2010 $498,746 44 PAGE LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLANK 45 lire l)eplll'lmtm Capllal- At of o.cetnber31,. 2008 I Un~ Objoct -· .... nit -IU Aoqulrod Ref Doe --pt!oool .._.o ... -~ ,.,..,_._. UnitNumbtr Serlll......, t.Jood 9100 20100 2070 2070 9100!100 I/1/I!J6tJ Fire Station B O..dftll-400 60000095 9100 20100 2071 2071 91003100 1{1/1964 F'11e Stat•on 111. 4th 8c. Crow Deed 11'0144-64 64000094 9100 20100 201% 2071 91003!00 12/31/199112-902 1986 ... bl~ S.fMy londiOvy 91002129 9100 20100 2013 2073 '91003100 12/31/1991 :n-902 West Hdl Stat1on 1~ Public S.foty -lOllY q1002149 9100 20100 201• 2074 ~UOOllOO ll/3111992 1986 Public Bond 1:ssue 92002506 9100 20100 201S 201S 91003100 12/31/1996 12·\!lS Fire Station m 96003094 9100 20100 2016 21176 91003100 8/31/1991 08-610 F~St;it•ORI72 9700WB1 9100 20100 3200 11200 g1Q031CIO 12/31/2007 1!56544 Fire tand·W'asbin«toft illlft., M20050 n Total Land ;::;: Buld~rtp < 9100 20200 2193 21.n 9100!100 12/31/2001 Bulkllnp ~fir& 3100 BlDG 0 9100 20200 2215 2215 91003!00 1/l/l9f/$ Fire Station 111 --O.WSt 65000097 ... 9100 20200 22.1.5 22.16 91001100 1/l/1911 Flf'eStat\onll 1m~ 71000098 "' 9100 20200 2217 2217 91003100 l/1/1!11'1 Fire Stat1on #1 Add•tron 74000099 ID 9100 20200 2218 2218 91003100 l/1/l'TlS Fire StiiltiOI"J 1 Tower 76000100 :I 9100 20200 2219 2219 91003100 l/l/1976 Ftte Station 3 Addlt10t1S 76000101 .. 9100 20200 2220 2220 91003100 l/l/1980 Buildulp-1980 f1re Equipment "'OJ«t 3321,1'o< MS« Soomlnify 110000122 "'I 9100 20200 22%1 2221 91003100 12/31/1985 12·650 fJJe Trainmg factll\y 8500101• 5' )> 9100 20200 22.%2 2222 9100'3100 12/31{199113-901 F«e hdlltyiM~*"'s Pto)Qtt 331~ 8?001479 Ill "a 9100 20200 2223 2223 91003100 12/3>/1991 13-903 eullt-ln Fln! fqUipmeftt "'"ject 3329 870010110 :::I"':J 9100 20200 2224 2224 91003100 12/ll/199112·902 Stllt1on 71 Remodel MSJI-86 Public Sllfetyt,ovy 91002158 O.m ~ 9100 20200 22:5 = 91003100 12/3>/1992 1986 Pubbc Bond HStJe MSJI-86 Public Safetvt.ovv 92002507 IIIZ en 9100 20200 222i 222~ 91003100 12/29/1995 Statron 74 fmergeney Pow.r 95003017 -c 9100 20200 2217 22V 91003100 12/3>11996 12·&15 Fire Statfott 1S Main BulldlnJJ 96003094-1 :r:. .... 9100 20200 2221 2228 91001100 9/30/1996 135729 Sttticw. 76 S.tatrway W/towtr Stat\on76 ll$103126 Ill)( 9100 20200 2229 2229 9100!100 12/ll/1997 StattOn 73,~ Power<ieneratOtS MSO 8700il476 Ill 9100 20200 2230 = 1llC03100 12/31/200111862 StattOn 74 Pha~ 2 F20044 ~c 9100 20200 2661 2661 91003100 12/31/1991 12-902 1986 Pu"l< Safety Botld...., MSJI-86 PublleSilfetyt.<M 91002129-1 Ill 9100 20200 2662 2662 91003100 12131/199112·902 Wtm Hrtl F1n'!' Station MSJI-86 Public SOfoty lOllY 91002149-1 -1 9100 20200 2663 2663 91003100 12/31/1996 12-BlS Firt Station 7S Shed ll$103094-2 ., 9100 20200 2664 2664 91003100 813>/1997 08-610 Rm Statton 72. Bulldine 97003031-1 Ill TotaiBtlillllnp :I Ill 5ite Improvements ;' 9100 20300 2289 2289 91003100 12/31/2001 S'rtt ll'nPT'O¥e-Fire 3100SITE 9100 20300 229& 2296 91003100 12/31{1992 1986 PubtJC Safety Sorld IsSue 92002508 ., 9100 20300 2297 2297 91003100 12/31/1994 12·902 Fife Station Sealccat Jrnprov om 90002199 ~ 9100 20300 2293 2298 91003100 6/15/1995 120891 StatiOt'l 71. 7llrt\!)f'tAitmefttl So<•"'lets.--Colllll 96003211 Q. 9100 20300 2299 2299 91003100 12/31/1999 12·900 Fire Stat1an lrn~ M99 !l900001 9100 20300 23CIO 2300 91003100 12/31/2roll 12·SIIl Fire Preventton MoW F24 9100 20300 '"' 2666 91003100 12{31/1991 12-SKn We-~:t HHI Stat1on. aa& Publle SOfoty llcncl lOllY 9100218-2 Total Sl-. .............. l<julpntent 5100 204110 " &1 51003.500 12/31{1991 13-901 Pterce Enpid llppl07'12 95001487 .. 1 5100 204110 63 63 51003500 12{31/1991 13·903 Suburban c,,...,..._ """"723 9S001U7·3 5100 204110 " 64 51003500 12/31/1992 66759 Moblk! Command RV MGO A.,.7 .. 95002512 4C084XG2912lG02lS 5100 20400 6!1 69 51003500 12/31{1~2 59703 Pleruo Eng;a!d """"n7 95002077-1 4077200071l5 5100 204110 :m 70 51003500 12/31/1992 59703 Pierce Enpld A.,.ns 95002077-2 5100 204110 71 71 5100!500 12/3>11992 51599 Fo.-d Aid car ... d_V_ Appll136 9S002078-1 .6.74312 5100 20481) 12 n 51003500 12/31{1992 51599 l'o<d.WCot Road""""··--737 95002473-2 B Unit Ob]«t A~tl -· RospBU Acquired Ref Doe ....... Desa1ptlaft 1 -Dftcriplton z ....... OHalpllan 1 Unlt---5100 20400 73 73 51003SOO 121'1/1993 11-7lll huN H ...... Manrdous ltesponseVeNcle App#760 95002673 5100 20400 ,. 14 51003500 111/l!i95 Public Eduatron TraRt-r Appll711 95003014 5100 20400 75 75 51003500 11/15/1995 118643 1995 Ford FlSO & ~ -· Fl504)(.4 Appl164 950D2M2 2fDICF~ 5100 20400 16 16 51003500 7/lS/1991;13400 Com~d Mcdt.rit-Radi6 Model CSI-2100 96003279 525 5100 20400 81 81 51003500 7/31/1996 128425 Amkus.Tooi!O Model GH25-Xt.2S,lOC:X.o.c-104 96003281 12ll247334S/960453ZI1 5100 20400 89 89 51003500 8/15/l99S 134066 Mol>le Ootl T..,.,... Model fStDT(2)/ aszD(l] 9fl0032I2 9100T/FS1498 5100 20400 !r7 97 51003500 10/31/1!196 1!19161 105'-LodderTnK!< Appi71S !160031178 44KFT64891WZ183ZI 5100 20400 103 103 51003500 121'111!196 134049 Breathing Apparatus EQulpmet'lt 50-3'-%003077 5100 20400 lOt 104 51003500 121'1/1996 12-815 1989 ,.terCe Pump~~r App#73(t 96003090 IP9CT02l8KA040808 5100 20400 lOS 105 51003500 121'1/1996 12-815 1987 P~~ Pumper App#717 96003091 IP9Cl02D511A040171 5100 20400 107 107 51003500 121'1/1996 12-815 1986 Ford Ard car App# 716 96003093 2fot<f3716GCA7313f 5100 20400 uo 110 51003500 8131/19!17 08-610 1916 P\tn::e Tanker APP#714 9'1003017 40163 5100 20400 112 112 51003500 8/31/1997 08-610 1995 Road Rescue Aid Cll' App#763 97003029 A26819 5100 20400 113 113 51003500 8/31/1997 OHIO 1919 P.erce Eng 1M Akt Clr Appll729 97003030 40806 5100 20400 118 118 51003500 4/13/1998 1SS307 1998FordE>ped-SNft CommafldefVel*tlr App0724 91001872 lFMPUl!l9Wl.B443SS 5100 20400 119 73 51003500 12/31/1998 U!htbar/VI<F -Appl760 98003587 'TI 5100 20400 120 120 51003500 12/31/1998 Tetn PrDjKtor Model# XGA P600 98009902 3300418 -· ~ 5100 20400 121 121 51003500 121'1/1998 Pon•bi<FkeExtT_,. Symuon 7702a.«<IOO 98003903 80023E C, B001I4 I Ill 5100 20400 124 124 51003500 12/31/1fi8 1989 Engme/lod & EqultomeM Pierce~ App073Z 911003901 \IIN#40810 ~ 5100 20400 125 125 51003500 121'1/1998 1993 SUbut...., & Equl-App11700 98Cl03909 'V1N#71S71 n 5100 2j)400 127 129 51003500 6/ll/19!19 172'193 Sockets For Air Rig App0701 99004359 -· 5100 2j)400 129 129 51003500 6/15/1999 172722 Mobile Aff Supply Fre1Chtri1'Hlf App0701 99004257 -!!!.,. 5100 20400 1813 1817 51003500 12/YJ/ZOOO 194508 Vehlde OlbonoU AstroVan~ *7636 ,., 5100 20400 2066 2066 SlOCBSOO 10/2312«)2 PV44111 Aid car & Equipment M20089, M2CICa2 App170l 111"1:1 -'=' 5100 20400 2067 2067 51003500 12/31/2005 IE38S23 Aid tar & Equtpment M20032 Appll703 111m 5100 20400 2747 2747 51003500 12/31/ZOOS J08523 PJerte OuanttJm F'n Enallll M20032 Appii710,..,.....m tDZ ..... 5100 20400 2748 2748 51003500 12/31/2005 JOSS23 Aid Car & Equ11'rnent MZ0032 Appl704 !ric 5100 20400 2862 2162 51003500 12/31/2005 108523 2004 Plet'Cl! Quantum Pwnpet M20032 APJ14712,..,..enm ~~-~ 5100 20400 3011 2747 51003500 12/31/2005 1(38523 Pk!rc~ Quantum Fire EnJ(ne M20032 Appll706 .., >< 5100 20400 3022 2747 51003500 12/31/2005 IE38523 Pierce Quantvm f"lft Engine M20032 Appll708 lllc 5100 20400 3023 2747 51003500 12/31/2005 108523 Pierce Quantum Ftre Encine M20032 App#766 ~ 5100 20400 3024 2747 51003500 12/31/2005 IE38523 pwc. Quantum Flre En&iM' MZ0032 Appl 767 Ill .... 5100 20400 3()45 3045 51003!00 4/17/2005 PV162180 l'lor<oQua""""Loddei'TIIt< 713 repiKes 734 tD 5100 20400 304& 3046 51003500 5/1/2005 PV163231 2006 Dodp Quad Cab .... 711 .. pla«1705 .., 5100 20400 3067 3067 51003500 7/6/2006 PV168079 Mo~>le Lifts snon Stfltii·Konl-of<l .., tD 5100 20400 3165 3165 51003500 5/25/2007 1£56544 A1rTrucil Com~r MZ0035 Appff701 Q. 5100 20400 3261 32'61 51003500 5/29/2008 Hydraulic !zftlcation Toal Holmatro frtri Tool 5100 20400 3295 3295 51003500 12130/2008 Fit Test Madtme 9100 20400 2515 2515 91003100 12/31/198116749 HVAC5.,-Mo<lel0li!CQ048310 810001A4 T1733.37.J.WN UNIT 9100 20400 2516 2$16 91CJQ]:1QO 12/11/1984 10793 F3SO MultJ..Ser'lrice Vthk:le cab Chassk,Body.lllht .. 84000119 2FOHF2818FCA328Sol 9100 2<>100 2517 2517 91003100 12/31/1987 13-908 Fire Fa<llty Equlomoot ProJect 3315 871101632 9100 20400 2518 2518 91003100 3/5/1988 40509 Water Tri And Pump 200 Gol nbefg..,. !18001615 1681-37-R1QS 9100 20400 2519 2519 91003100 11/20/1988 44067 Alf Compre!~r HR1CJJ.2S~ 91002130 R30C020250 9100 20400 2520 25ZO !11003100 6/14/1989 52661 Telephone System 91002132 9100 20400 2521 2521 91003100 S/31/1990 67174 M•ll Drill uthe EMCO (Mode lo AOSb'il) 9100214.1 9100 20400 2522 2522 91003100 3/13/1990 62395 fledron~ Paalnl ,.._ 91002152 9100 20400 ZSZ3 2523 91003100 2/14/1990 62366 TolephoMSymm 91002154 9100 20400 2524 2524 91003100 'J/14/1990111630 WritlnS...-Weyellnterm~tlonal ~ 9100USS 9100 lOoOOO 2525 2525 91003100 1/31/1989 59775 ,-.phone SysteM Fire Station 71 91002159 910C 20400 2526 2526 91003100 6/15/1992 83789 Rld.o Equll'rnent M60-Mobile Comm•nd POJt 92002371 910C 20400 2527 2527 91003100 121'1/1992 6241t Hunt Tool & Acct'SSOI'IeS 92002384 3&20019, 362R003 9100 20400 2528 2528 91003100 12/31/1992 6965<0 Tetep_E_ 92002457 9100 20400 2~ Z5l9 91003100 121'1/19926"'6$ Flm-To--~ SbdeTdftlfer 92002458 223751500022 B t.Wt Object -· -· lmpiU ~""' Ref-AssotO..Crlptlooll -Description z A,... Desmplloto S UnltN1011ber Sortoi Numbor 0100 20400 2530 2530 !11003100 12/31/1992 624:!6 Telephone Cabllns/Wirtnr 92002459 9100 20400 2531 2531 91003100 12/31/1992 67116 Telephone-SysteM 92002460 9100 20400 2532 2532 91003100 12/31/1992 1S086 Telephone Ett01Pment 92002462 9100 20400 2S!U 2533 !11003100 12/31/1992 71495 Pagmg System 92002464 9100 20400 2534 2534 91003100 12/31/1992 69645 Mult1-M~x berose Eq\litu11ent 92002466 9100 20400 2535 2535 91003100 12131/1992 32505 Mob,1e command Modulto (2X) 92002479 CAIJtlrnff 9100 20400 2536 2536 91003100 12!3l/>992 3028!1 1987 SubtJrt:um 92002480 1GNGV26JOHF170905 9100 20400 2537 2537 91003100 12/31/1992 82674 Ml$c 800 RadtO Equipment 92002482 9100 20400 2538 2538 91003100 12/31/1992 84199 MOTSysttM:f. 92002484 9100 20400 2539 2539 91003100 6/15/1992 91156 Radio Ac«sson<!$-800 Sotsttm 92002488 9100 20400 2540 2540 91003100 12/31/1992 96m Mise 800 Radto £qutpment 92002490 9100 20400 2S4l :1.541 !ll003100 12/31/1993 fuel Tan\1: facl1tV 93002674 9100 20400 2542 2542 gl003100 12/3011994 117640 HPV~~ 03(MISA 94002843 9100 20400 2543 2543 91003100 9~1994115053 Ughtbars W1th OpbCOmS 3MOPTTCOM 94002liSS 9100 .20400 2544 25<4 91003100 9/15/199§. 122194 Exttlc:at10n T Qol .. ...., vnot s,.-m ... ~-9S<l02948 9S0501n9S06294(1 9100 20400 2545 2545 91003100 9/lS/1995 122193 Extrication Tool Power UnH, Stnad•, Oolters 9S002949 940401995062920 "TI 9100 20400 2546 2546 91003100 6/30119\15 122165 Siding. Stataon 7-4 95003015 ::I 9100 20400 2547 2547 9100UOO 9/3011994 113198 lbdio Head Set$ 95003016 9100 20400 2548 25.48 91003100 1/31/1996 129059 t>ro Cl'IKk SC8A Test 8tftdt Fite Stotloo t75 96003108 PS-5!1) Ill ::I 9100 20400 2549 2549 91003100 12/31/l996 12-902 Oeflbrltlators I Modules M79 96003275 n 9100 204ClO 2550 2550 91003100 12/31/1997 Breathing Apparatus Cvlnden M88 91003413 iii' )lo 9100 20400 2551 2551 91003100 8/1/19\18 IS73Z Rescue Tool Amku$ GH2S-lll. 9800lS8S -9100 20400 2552 25S2 91003100 12/ll/1998 165931 V!dto Edrtmg Equipment 980039113 ,.., 9100 204ClO 2553 2553 91003100 12/14/1999 1J!0136 Moblfe Breathing Air System 99004294 {II'Q 9100 20400 2554 ;1554 91003100 12/31/1999 169460 Trotter Treadrrull 1171, V20 99001447 Ill m olio 9100 20400 2SSS 2555 91003100 12/31/1999 169460 Trotter Treadmill V78,\120 99004462 IDZ co 9100 20400 2556 2556 91003100 12/31/1999 166no Brake Lathe M.chine V78 -lire 9100 20<00 2557 2557 91003100 12/31/1999 180726 TrottPr 710T Treadmill V20 99004464 -I lot 9100 20400 2558 2558 91003100 U/31/2001 11$62 Thef111allmeglns: Cemen M20031 .., >< 9100 20400 2559 2559 91003100 11/23/2000 111SU8 Trott(!r TreadiT'Irtf Mude1710T R0)c.()61730356 Ill c 9100 20400 2560 2560 91003100 ·~ooo l8S126 Trotter Trc!3drt'HII Model?lO't RO:l-061730348 :I 9100 20400 2561 2561 91003100 12/31/2000 12-592 Fire SCBA 9ottle!. -Ill 9100 20400 2673 2613 91003100 12131/1991 12-902 New Cotr!Pf@SSOt Mods AirSvpr:tOrtVehide 91000154 £37AitV96763-1 ;' 9100 20400 2674 2674 91003100 12/31/1996 12 815 Otflbriflatlol'l £qtnpment Fire SW.on tt?S 96003094-3 .., 9100 204ClO 2675 2675 91003100 8/31/1997 08-610 Equlpmetrt ~Fire StatiOn trn 91003431-1 .., 9100 20400 2743 2675 91003100 12/31/2002 J£13n4 Hunt Tools Ml0027 tD 9100 204ClO 2at5 281S 9100l100 l2/311200S Jt21206 SCBA T-.tllooe!o/Flll-M00078 Fife Sui>,.._ Q. 9100 20400 2924 2924 91003100 12/31/2004 J£3()143 Tram.n.1 Ctnttt 8urn ~ M20086 9100 20400 2994 2SS8 9100l100 12/31/2005 1£38523 ThermallmiiP&C<~mMM•l M20090 9100 20400 2995 28:15 91003100 12/31/2005 J£33523 SCBA A1r Comprnsor -9100 20400 3043 3043 91003100 4/20/2000 PV24949 Precor C966i Treadmlfl StatiOn 75 9100 20000 3044 3044 91003100 4/20/2006 PV22949 Precor C9G& Treadmilf -loft 'II 9100 20000 3102 3102 91003100 12/26/2006 0\1!1()$6 ThE>rmallmag~ng Camera 9100 20000 3164 3164 91003100 S/3!2007 OVIl-4474 FR £ng1n~ Tr.11nmg Sn......., 9100 20400 3300 3300 91003100 12/31/2008 JE65&;4 fire Hoses--2007 M20091 9100 20400 3311 33ll 91003100 12/31/lOOS JE65634 ReJ)Iacenw:nt F'tre Hose M20024 9100 20400 3313 !U13 91003100 12/31/2008 1£65634 Thtnn!llmqing OrN!IIi M2009J Total Equipment C'MP -Work m Pfoar't'H SIOO 21000 CWIP CWIP 51003500 A1d Ciilr -Ar,)p 105 M20033 9100 21000 CW1P CWIP 91003100 Fir~ RadiO Equipment M20044 9100 21000 CW1P CWIP 91/IOSlOO Breatlunr Apparatus Cylnlers M20088 S4GD 21000 CWIP CWII' Fire ,._ll'ltf!Qnc:e Shop Rena¥ F(]OOIS I I J ! M i j H lm 8i l ~ iHj li~!l ~~2, rll.:l • 0 Lf~.l § i I i;n JQ\001 huf . ~ UHi In~ • N N N~ ~§§!§! ...... .. .. ! I ! ~ E IS .. ll! i APPENDIX D Financial Assets Transferred 49 APPENDIX D Apparatus Transfers Over 1 Ton City of Kent Apparatus Transferring to the RFA-Over 1 Ton Vehicle# Year Make/Model VIN Division/Unit 701 1999 Fre1ghtllner A1r Un1t 1FV6HLCB1XHA78436 Operations 702 2003 Road Rescue Aid Car 1HTMRAAM13H555076 Operations 703 2003 Road Rescue A1d Car 1HTMRAAM33H555077 Operations 704 2005 MedTec Aid Car 1HTMRAAL56H211388 Operations 705 2007 MedTec Aid Car 1HTMRAAL37H486498 Operations 706 2001 Pierce Quantum Pumper 4P1CT02S51A001533 Operations 708 2001 P1erce Quantum Pumper 4P1CT02SZ1A001534 Operations 710 2004 P1erce Quantum Pumper 4P1CT02H44A004034 Operations 711 2006 Dodge Ram P1ck-up 3D7LX38C46G244771 Operations 712 2005 P1erce Quantum Pumper 4P1CU01H65A004696 Operations 713 2006 P1erce Tiller Aenal 4P1CUOH37A006814 Operat1ons 714 1986 P1erce Tender 1P9CT01JPGA040163 Operations 715 1996 Smeal Aenal 44KFT6489TVVZ18328 Operations 716 2009 Kentucky Trailer Under Construction Operations 717 2009 P1erce Quantum Sky-Boom To be purchased July 2009 Operations 722 2009 Peterb1lt Tractor To be purchased July 2009 Operat1ons 724 1998 Ford Expedition 1FMPU18L9VVLB44365 Operations 726 2007 Tra1l Blazer Decon Trailer Operations 727 1989 P1erce Lance Pumper 1P9CT01JOKA040772 Operations 728 1989 P1erce Lance Pumper 1P9CT02JOKA040785 Operations 729 2006 Top Hat Tra1ler Pump Simulator Operat1ons 730 1989 P1erce Lance Pumper 1P9CT02J8KA040808 Operat1ons 732 1989 P1erce Lance Pumper 1P9CT02J8KA040810 Operations 733 1983 Portable Generator VVA720165 Operations 744 1990 Bounder by Fleetwood 4CDB4XG29L2100215 Operations 760 1990 Hackney Isuzu Haz Mat JALM7A1N4M3200640 Operations 764 1995 Ford F350 Flat Bed 2FDKF38F2SCA66302 Operations 766 2001 P1erce Quantum Pumper 4P1CT02521A001535 Operations 50 APPENDIX D Apparatus Transfers Under 1 Ton Staff City of Kent Vehicles Transferring to the RFA-Under 1 Ton Vehicle# Year Make/Model VIN Division/Unit 756 Tork-L1ft Foam Trailer Operations 7102 2006 Ford Exped1t1on 1FMPU16566LA68964 F1re Administration 7104 2006 Ford Exped1t1on 1FMPU16516LA68967 F1re Administration 7106 2007 Ford Exped1t1on 1FMFU16537LA65176 F1re Prevention 7122 2006 Ford Exped1t1on 1FMPU165X6LA68966 F1re Administration 7203 2006 Ford Exped1t1on 1FMPU16586LA68965 Emergency Management 7204 2008 Ford F250 Pick-up Truck 1FTSW21R68ED99835 Operat1ons (Log1st1cs) 7205 2008 Ford F250 P1ck-up Truck 1FTSW21R28ED99833 F1re Investigation 7206 2008 Ford Escape Hybnd 1FMUC59379KB00458 Public Information Off1cer 7218 2005 Dodge Grand Caravan 1D4GP23R85B130705 LOgiStiCS 7231 2006 Chevolet Silverado Pick-up 1GCEC19V76E225819 LogiStiCS 7516 2008 Ford F250 Pick-up Truck 1FTSW21528EA62933 F1re Training 7603 1998 Dodge Caravan 1B4Gr 44L6WB678442 F1re Training 7606 2000 Ford Crown VIctoria 2fAFP71WOYX197966 F1re Tram1ng 7608 1998 Jeep Cherokee 1J4FJ2858WL226443 F1re Prevention 7610 2000 Chevrolet Lumna 2G1 WL52J3Y 1285435 F1re Prevent1on 7611 1995 Ford3/4 Ton P1ck-up 1FTHX26G8SKA36752 Operat1ons (Tows Boat) 7612 1995 Chevrolet 8 Pass. Van 1GNEL19W9SB216227 F1re Prevention 7614 2001 GMC Safan Van 1GKEL19W21B515831 Fire Prevention 7619 2001 GMC Safan Van 1GKEL19W71B515856 F1re Tra1mng 7620 2001 Ford Crown VIctoria 2FAFP71W41X181338 Log1st1cs 7621 1995 GMC Safan Van 1GrDM19W2SB543120 Logistics 7624 1997 Ford Taurus 1FALP52U6VA209241 Emergency Management 7627 1997 Ford Taurus 1FALP52UXVG222698 F1re Prevent1on 7630 1999 Jeep Cherokee 1J4FF2851XL610521 F1re Prevention 7633 2000 Ford Ranger 4x4 1FTZR15X8YPB20396 f1re Prevention 7634 2000 Ford Ranger 4x4 1FTZR15X6YPB20395 f1re Prevention 7635 2000 Jeep Cherokee 1J4FF2855YL219518 Fire Invest1gat1on 7636 2000 Chevolet Astra Van 1GCDL19W7YB185413 Public Educat1on 51 Location Stat1on 71 Stat1on 72 Stat1on 73 Stat1on 74 Stat1on 75 Metal Bwld1ng Stat1on 76 Dnll Tower Pollee/Fire Tra1mng Center Address APPENDIX D Station Transfers City of Kent-6 Stations City of Kent 504 W. Crow Street, Kent, WA 98032 25620 140 Ave. SE, Kent, WA 98042 26512 Military Road S., Kent, WA 98032 24611 116 Ave SE, Kent, WA 98030 15635 SE 272 Street, Kent, WA 98042 15635 SE 272 Street, Kent, WA 98042 20676 72 Ave. S., Kent, WA 98032 24523 116 Ave. Se, Kent, WA 98030 24523 116 Ave. Se, Kent, WA 98030 Vehicle Maintenance Fac11ity 20678 72 Ave. S., Kent, WA 98032 Future F1re Stat1on S1te 407 N. Washington Ave., Kent, WA 98032 52 Parcel# Lot Size Building Size 9197100092 1.05 acres 10,858 Sq. Ft 2722059161 0.92 acres 7,772 Sq. Ft 2722049014 7.00 acres 13,000 Sq. Ft 2022059126 8.66 acres 26,653 Sq. Ft 3522059180 4.18 acres 13,775 Sq. Ft 3522059180 See St. 75 1,350 Sq. Ft 6314400101 2.80 acres 13,104 Sq. Ft 2022059126 See St. 74 4,652 Sq. Ft 2022059126 See St. 74 See St. 74 6314400101 See St 76 10,865 Sq. Ft 5436200503 1.22 acres 3,464 Sq, Ft APPENDIX D King County Fire District 37 Staff KCFD #37 Vehicles Transferring to the RFA-Under 1 Ton Vehicle# Year Make/Model YIN Division/Unit 700 1993 Chevolet Suburban 1GCGK26N8PJ371578 Vehicle Maintenance 707 2003 Ford P1ck-up 1FTSX31P3EC91395 Vehicle Maintenance 709 2003 Ford Exped1t1on 1FMPU16L63LC14452 Operations 7100 2008 Ford F250 PICk-up Truck 1FTWW31558EC53950 Emergency Management 7202 2008 Ford Escape Hybnd 1FMCU59H48KD75523 F1re Prevent1on (Pianmng) 7625 2000 Chevolet Astra Van 1GNEL19WOYB184695 F1re Prevention (Planning) 7628 1997 Chevolet Astra Van 1GCDM19W5VB216621 Public Educat1on 7629 1998 Jeep Cherokee 1J4FJ68S8WL230516 Cns1s Intervention Coordinator 7632 1999 GMC Safan Van 1GKEL19W4XB536852 Emergency Management 9904 2006 Ford Exped1t1on 1FMPU16576LA72747 Admn1strat1on/Support Serv1ces 9912 2006 Wells Carge Tra1ler 1VVC200E2854058325 Public Educat1on KCFD #37 Vehicles Transferring to the RFA-Over 1 Ton Vehicle# Year Make/Model YIN Division/Unit " 718 2009 P1erce Quantum Sky-Boom To be purchased 2009 731 1989 P1erce Lance Pumper 1P9CT02JXKA040809 Operations 735 2008 Wooldndge 20' Boat Operations 754 1991 Rescue Boat & Tra1ler Operat1ons 767 2001 P1erce Quantum Pumper 4P1CT02S21A001561 Operations KCFD #37 Trailers Being Transferred to the RFA Vehicle# Year Make/Model YIN Division/Unit 7101 Hallmark Shelter Trailer Emergency Management 7201 CERT Trailer Emergency Management 53 APPENDIX D King County Fire District 37 KCFD #37 Facilities Transferring to the RFA KCFD #37 Location Address Parcel# Lot Size Building Size Stat1on 77 20717 132 Ave. SE, Kent, WA 98042 422059095 1.98 acres 15,900 Sq. Ft Stat1on 78 17820 SE 256 Street, Kent, WA 98042 2422059064 3.10 acres 17,685 Sq. Ft Emergency Management 24523 116 Ave. Se, Kent, WA 98030 2022059126 See St. 74 1,200 Sq. Ft Emergency Management 24523 116 Ave. Se, Kent, WA 98030 2022059126 See St. 74 200 Sq. Ft. Emergency Management 24523 116 Ave. Se, Kent, WA 98030 2022059126 See St. 74 160 Sq. Ft. Future F1re Stat1on S1te -79 Parcel A 822059042 Future F1re Stat1on S1te -79 Parcel B 822059121 54