HomeMy WebLinkAbout3939oRDTNANCE No. 3q31 AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, relating to budgets and finance and adopting the final 2010 fiscal year budget. RECITALS A. The tax estimates and preliminary budget for the City of Kent, Washington, for the 2010 fiscal year have been prepared and filed as provided by law, and the budget has been printed and distributed. B, Notice has been published in the official paper of the City of Kent setting the time and place for hearing and that notice stated that all taxpayers calling at the Office of the City Clerk would be furnished a copy of the 2010 budget. NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: ORDINANCE SECTION 7. - Budget Adoption. Pursuant to RCW 354.33.075, the budget for the 2010 fiscal year, as summarized in the attached Exhibit "4" and as set forth in the 2010 Preliminary Comprehensive Budget, which is amended by the attached Exhibit "B," all of which are incorporated into this ordinance by this reference, is hereby adopted in the amounts and for the purposes established in that budget as the final budget for the City's 2010 I 2O7O Budget Adoption fiscal year SECTION 2. - Transmittal. The finance director shall transmit a complete copy of the final adopted budget to the Division of Municipal Corporations in the Office of the State Auditor and to the Association of Washington Cities. SECTION 3. - Adjustments. City administration shall administer the Annual Budget and in doing so may authorize adjustments pursuant to RCW 35A.33.120. SECTION 4, - Severabílity. If any one or more sections, subsections, or sentences of this ordinance are held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this ordinance and the same shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 5, - Corrections by City Clerk or Code Reviser. Upon approval of the City Attorney, the City Clerk and the code reviser are authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance, including the correction of clerical errors; references to other local, state or federal laws, codes, rules, or regulations; or ordinance numbering and section/subsection numbering. SECTION 6, - Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force five (5) days from and after the date of passage and publication as provided by law. COOKE, MAYOR ATTEST: 2 BRENDA JACOBER,CLERK 2070 Budget Adoption APPROVED AS TO FORM: BRU BAKER, CITY ATTORN EY PASSED: f day of December,2OOg. APPROVED: g day of December ,2OOg. PUBLISHEO: /A day of December,2OOg. I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordinance No, 3 73? passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, and approved by the Mayor of the City of Kent as hereon indicated. BRENDA JACOB CITY CLERK P: \Civ¡l\Ord¡nance\BudgetAdopt¡on-2010.doc (sEAL) 3 2070 Budget Adoption 2A10 Budget Ordinance Exhibit A Revenues lnc (Dec) in Fund Expenditures Balance Beginning Fund Balance Ending Fund Balance GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS GENERAL FUND SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Street LEOFF 1 Retiree Benefits Lodging Tax Fund YouthÆeen Programs Capital lmprovement CriminalJustice Environmental Mitigation Community Block Grant Other Operating Projects Kent Events Center Operating Fund DEBT SERVICE FUNDS Voted LTGO Debt Special Assessment CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS Street Projects Parks Projects Other Capital Projects Technology Projects Facilities Projects PROPRIETARY FUNDS ENTERPRISE FUNDS Water Sewerage Golf Complex INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS Equipment Rental & Fire Equipment Central Services Facilities Fund lnsurance TOTAL GROSS BUDGET LESS: lnternal Service Funds Other Transfers TOTAL BUDGET lnternal Service Adjustments Use of Fund Balance TotalProgram Budget 12t3/2009 80,019,370 80,019,370 6,482,303 6,482,303 8,880,352 3,988,894 800,000 335,000 172,000 650,000 100,000 16,048,202 32,712,362 3,482,234 3,630,683 4,842,772 4,866,828 16,298,149 28,886,529 14,787,333 155,020,514 8,880,352 4,177,837 800,000 335,000 172,000 650,000 100,000 '15,942,565 35,608,948 3,121,923 3,664,580 4,916,246 5,299,216 16,193,719 28,886,529 14,787,333 158,308,376 (4,599) 105,637 (2,8e6,586) 360,311 (33,8e7) (73,474) (432,388) 104,430 1 10,665 577,374 238,663 210,548 (261,782) 989,320 225,591 (790,034) 2,060,866 4,599,798 (1,422,458) 1,745,911 288,513 475,284 3,317,615 77,452 588,442 241,763 259,917 468,861 220,992 (790,034) 2,166,503 1,703,212 (1,062,147) 1,712,014 215,039 42,996 3,422,045 5,488,514 917,961 162,100 965,021 8,577,480 3,018,125 170,892 787,000 1,080,437 700,000 5,521,727 906,893 159,000 915,652 9,315,698 3,538,584 170,892 787,000 1,085,036 700,000 (33,2'f 3) 1 1,068 3,100 49,369 261,782 (520,459) (188,943) 1 ,833,203 1,644,260 198,694,376 201,982,238 (3,287,862) 20,681,380 17,393,518 (726,e03) 3,287,862 157,581,473 (726,e03) 157,581,473 (3,287,862) 20,681,380 17,393,518 CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON 2010 Budget Ordinance Exhibit B Revenues lnc (Dec) in Fund Expenditures Balance Beginning Fund Balance Ending Fund Balance GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS GENERAL FUND Redistribution of Departmental/Program Cuts: Parks Program Reductions Reduce Facilities Fund Allocation: Resource Center Other Facility Fund Savings Property lnsurance lncrease Cost Allocation lncrease transfer from Youth/Teen Sale of Land - Public Works TotalGeneral Fund SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Street Public Safely Retiree Health Lodging Tax Fund Youth/Teen Programs lncreased transfer to General Fund: For YouthÆeen programs Total Youth/Teen Programs Capilal lmprovement Fund CriminalJustice Environmental Mitigation Community Block Grant Other Operating Projects Kent Events Center Operating Fund DEBT SERVICE FUNDS Voted LTGO Bonds Special Assessment CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS Street Projects Parks Projects Other Capital Projects Technology Projects Facilities Projects 80,019,370 80,019,370 80,270,282 (427,450) 26,538 150,000 80,270,282 (235,449) (1 1 1,426) (56,377) 2,340 150,000 (1e2,001) 111,426 56,377 (2,340) 26,538 6,482,303 6,482,303 (192,001) 111,426 56,377 (2,340) 26,538 6,482,303 6,482,303 5,488,514 917,961 162,100 5,521 ,727 906,893 159,000 (33,213) 1 1,068 3,100 1 10,665 577,374 238,663 77,452 588,442 241,763 965,021 889,114 75,907 210,548 286,455 26,s38 (26,538)(26,538) 965,021 915,652 49,369 210,548 259,917 8,577,480 3,018,125 170,892 787,000 1,080,437 700,000 8,880,352 3,988,894 8,315,698 3,538,584 170,892 787,000 1,085,036 700,000 261,782 (520,459) (261,782) 989,320 225,591 (7s0,034) 468,86.1 220,992 (7e0,034) (4,5ee) 8,880,352 4,177,837 800,000 335,000 172,000 650,000 100,000 (188,943) 1 ,833,203 1,644,260 800,000 335,000 172,000 650,000 100,000 121312009 CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON 2010 Budget Ordinance Exhibit B Revenues lnc (Dec) in Fund Expenditures Balance Beginning Fund Balance Ending Fund Balance PROPRIETARY FUNDS ENTERPRISE FUNDS Water Property lnsurance lncrease Cost Allocalion TotalWater Fund Sewerage Property lnsurance lncrease Cost Allocation Reduce Facilities Fund Allocation Total Sewerage Fund Golf Complex Property lnsurance lncrease Cost Allocation Reduce Facilities Fund Allocation TotalGolf Complex INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS Equipment Rental Central Services lncrease Cost Allocation to General Fund Reallocation of Departmental Reductions Reduce Facilities Fund Allocation Total Central Services Fund 3,482,234 3,121,923 360,31 1 (1 ,422,458) (1,062,147) 3,630,683 16,048,202 15,935,441 7,124 112,761 2,060,866 (7,124) 2,173,627 (7,124) 16,048,202 32,712,362 15,942,565 35,608,948 (2, 260 (260) 105,637 2,060,866 896,586) 4,599,798 (260) 260 2,166,503 1,703,212 (260) 260 32,712,362 3,482,234 35,608,948 (2,896,586)4,599,798 (1,422,458) 1,703,212 3,121,249 2,122 (1,448) 360,985 (2,122) 1.448 (1,061,473) (2,122) 1,448 4,831,772 11,000 3,664,580 4,907,249 11,000 (2,003) (33,8e7)1,745,911 288,513 1,712,014 (75,477) 11,000 (11,000) 2,003 213,036 1 1,000 (1 1,000) 2,003 Facililies Fund Redistribution of Departmental/Program Cuts 4,916,246 (73,474) 5,487,846 (8,794) 56,154 (55,990) (43e,504) 8,794 (56,154) (181 ,514) 55,990 35,780 8,794 (56,154) (181 ,514) 55,990 4,942,772 5,048,342 (181 ,514) 288,513 475,284 215,039 180,000 Property lnsurance lncrease Cost Allocation Reduce Facilities Fund Allocation Energy Savings-Reduced Gas & Electric Reduce Project Budget: Roof Repairs (Lifecycle) Total Facility Fund lnsurance lncrease Cost Allocation Property lnsurance lncrease Total lnsurance Funds TOTAL GROSS BUDGET LESS: lnternal Service Funds Olher Transfers TOTAL BUDGET lnternal Service Adjustments Use of Fund Balance Total Program Budget (180,000)180,000 4,866,828 16,230,149 68,000 5,299,216 16,125,719 68,000 '104,430 68,000 (68,000) (432,388) 475,284 42,896 3,317,615 3,422,045 68,000 (68,000) 16,298,149 198,694,376 28,886,529 14,787,333 16,193,719 201,982,238 104,430 (3,287,862) 3,317,615 20,681,380 3,422,045 17,393,518 28,886,529 14,787,333 155,020,514 158,308,376 (3,287 ,862) 20,681 ,380 17,393,518 (726,903) 3,287,862 't57,581 ,473 (726,e03) 157,581,473 12t3t2009