HomeMy WebLinkAbout1816Resolution No. 1816 (Amending or Repealing Resolutions) CFN = 198-City Council Passed -10/20/09 Oppos1t1on to In1t1ative 1033 Concerning State, County, City Revenue RESOLUTION NO. _.:..../_~_J_fo __ A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washmgton, expressmg 1ts oppos1t1on to In1t1at1ve Measure No. 1033 concernmg state, county, and c1ty revenue, wh1ch IS bemg put before voters at the November 3, 2009, general elect1on. RECITALS A. Initiative Measure No. 1033 (I-1033) will be placed before voters at the November 3, 2009, general elect1on. If adopted, 1-1033 would place an mflat1onary and population-based growth limit on state, county, and City general fund revenues rece1ved from taxes, fees, and other charges not expressly approved by voters. l-1033 requ1res that revenues exceedmg the l1m1t be placed m "Lower Property Taxes Accounts" and used to reduce the followmg year's state, c1ty, or county general fund property tax lev1es. B. The Washmgton State Office of Fmanc1al Management est1mates that, 1f passed, I-1033 w1ll reduce general fund revenues by 2015 m the amount of $5.9 billion for the state, $694 million for count1es, and $2.1 billion for c1t1es. The effects of I-1033 are exacerbated dunng a recess1on because 2009 recess1onary revenues are the I-1033 baseline. I-1033 falls to address the 1mpacts of a recovery followmg an economic downturn. C. Additionally, l-1033 only excludes voter approved revenue after the date of the m1t1at1ve and does not exclude revenues previously approved by voters. The ln1t1at1ve also uses a lower 1nflat1onary mdex for the revenue lim1t 1 Opposition to Initiative 1033 Concerning State, County, City Revenue provided by the inttlative, wh1le expenditures are typ1cally based on the h1gher Consumer Pnce Index. D. I-1033 would create an unsustamable fmanc1al cond1t1on and strong d1smcent1ves for local governments to accommodate non-res1dent1al development in the1r commumt1es, smce revenues generated by economic development act1vit1es and fundmg to accommodate that growth would rapidly reduce property tax revenues for those local governments. The scope of I-1033 also mcludes revenue from federal and state grants, and revenue from services c1t1es contractually prov1de to other ent1t1es. This prov1des little mcent1ve for the federal or state government to award grants to Washington c1t1es or for c1t1es to seek revenue generatmg contracts. E. The City Council has carefully considered the direct and indirect impacts of I-1033, and concludes that 1t w1ll undermme the ab1l1ty for the state, count1es, and c1t1es to prov1de serv1ces to constituents. F. In accordance w1th RCW 42.17 .130, not1ce for the opportumty to comment on this resolut1on at the Council's October 20, 2009, meetmg was published tn advance and an equal opportunity was prov1ded for those tn favor of and those opposed to I-1033 to speak. The Council fmds that an expression opposmg I-1033 1s appropnate and m the public's mterest. NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: RESOLUTION SECTION 1. -Findings. The Kent C1ty Council adopts the foregoing recitals as 1ts fmdmgs as 1f each was set forth herem. SECTION 2. -Oppos1t10n to Imt1at1ve 1033. The Kent Ctty Council hereby expresses 1ts oppos1t1on to Imt1at1ve Measure No. 1033 concernmg state, county, and c1ty revenues that Will appear on the November 3, 2009, ballot, and encourages Kent voters to cast the1r ballots agamst th1s 1ntt1at1ve. 2 Opposition to Initiative 1033 Concerning State, County, City Revenue 5ECTION 3. -Severabtlity. If any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase of th1s resolution IS declared unconstitutional or 1nval1d for any reason, such dec1s1on shall not affect the vahd1ty of the remammg port1ons of th1s resolution. SECTION 4. -Ratification. Any act consistent with the authonty and prior to the effect1ve date of th1s resolut1on IS hereby rat1f1ed and affirmed. SECTION 5. -Effecttve Date. Th1s resolut1on shall take effect and be in force 1mmed1ately upon 1ts passage. PASSED at a regular open public meet1ng by the c1ty council of the city of ;?vt;J...-Kent, Washington, th1s ~ day of October, 2009. tL CONCURRED in by the mayor of the c1ty of Kent this d-e! day of October, 2009. ATTEST~. --... -. - APPROVED AS TO FORM: T<lli0.J2!4~b ~ 3 Opposition to Initiative 1033 Concerning State, County, City Revenue I hereby certify that this IS a true and correct copy of Resolut1on No. If' I~ passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washmgton, the P-t) ~ day of October, 2009. P \Civii\Resolutlon\I-1033-ResolutlonOpposlng doc 4 Opposition to Initiative 1033 Concerning State, County, City Revenue