HomeMy WebLinkAbout3926ORDINANCE NO. ~3? J..(;, AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, amending Title 2 of the Kent City Code, entitled "Administration and Personnel," to reorganize City departments, offices, and boards. RECITALS A. For more than a year, Kent citizens, developers, and City staff have been reviewing the development permit review and approval process. B. As a result of that analysis, City administration determined that the permit process could be significantly enhanced if City departments were restructured so that all permit processing functions were administered from a single, unified department. C. Accordingly, the City Council has determined to restructure City departments consistent with this goal, moving all permit processing functions into a new City department to be known as the Economic and Community Development Department. NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: 1 Amend Title 2 KCC - City Departments, Offices, Boards ORDINANCE SECTION 1. -Amendment to Section 1.01.100 KCC. Section 1.01.100 of the Kent City Code, entitled "Conflict Amending Code Sections," is amended as follows: Sec.1.01.100. Conflict Amending Code Sections. A. Intent. The current version of the Kent City Code reflects an iterative drafting process that has been developed and amended over the life of the City. In particular. various councils have elected to reorganize the City's departmental structure at various times in order to meet the demands of a growing city and changing laws. Because of this ongoing process. despite best efforts. it is not always possible to capture and resolve all conflicts that may arise within the code. B. Definition of References Made. References to specific departments or specific department directors or generic references to "department" or "director" should be construed to refer to the department or director that has authority over the code subject or function in question as established in Title 2, Subtitle 2, of the Kent City Code, entitled "Departments and Offices." Any otherwise unreasonable conflict amending code sections shall be resolved in favor of the section most recently enacted. SECTION 2. -Amendment to Ch. 2.09 KCC. Chapter 2.09 of the Kent City Code, entitled "Departments," is amended as follows: CHAPTER 2.09. DEPARTMENTS Sec. 2.09.010. Established. There are hereby established departments of the City of Kent as set forth in Chs. 2.10 through 2.30 ~ KCC as follows: Ch. 2.10, Employee Services Department; 2 Amend Title 2 KCC - City Departments, Offices, Boards Ch. 2.12, Finance Department; Ch. 2.14, Information Technology Department; Ch. 2.20, Legal Department; Ch. 2.22, Police Department; Ch. 2.24, Fire Department; Ch. 2.26, Parks and Community Services Department; a-A-El- Ch. 2.28, Public Works Department-;; and Ch. 2.30, Economic and Community Development Department. These departments shall report to the Mayor, or his or her designee, unless otherwise provided in this Title 2 KCC. ·vvith the exception of the public 'Norks department 'v'v'hich shall report to the chief administrative officer or his or her designee. SECTION 3. -Amendment to Ch. 2.28 KCC. Chapter 2.28 of the Kent City Code, entitled "Public Works Department," is amended as follows: CHAPTER 2.28. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Sec. 2.28.010. Department created. There is hereby created the public works department for the purpose of performing all public works functions of the City, except for public and private development permitting functions. The department shall be supervised by the director of public works who shall serve as its director and who shall have complete charge of all of the work and who shall be responsible for hiring and supervising employees of the department. The department, through the director, shall report to the chief administrative officer or his or her designee. The divisions of the public works department which report to the director of public works are as follows: 1. Engineering; 2. Street maintenance and operations; 3. Fleet services; 3 Amend Title 2 KCC - City Departments, Offices, Boards 4. Water; 5. Sewer, storm water, and drainage utility; and 6. Solid waste ... Sec. 2.28.020. Director of public works -Position created. There is created a position known as the director of public works. Sec. 2.28.030. Appointment. The director of public works shall be appointed by the Mayor in accordance with the provisions of the City of Kent Policies and Procedures Manual solely on the basis of his or her professional qualifications with special emphasis on professional experience and education and demonstrated knowledge of accepted practices relating to the duties of his or her office. The director of public works shall report to the chief administrative officer. Sec. 2.28.040. Qualifications. The director of public vwrks shall have, or be capable of obtaining, ·.vithin a reasonable period of time after appointment, a certificate of registration 'Nith the state board of registration for professional engineers and land surveyors. The public works director must shall have the following or equivalent qualifications: he or she must be a graduate of a recognized college or university and have at least a minimum of five (5) years' experience in a supervisorymanagement engineering capacity. It is preferable, although not a requirement of the position, that the director be a graduate of a duly accredited four (4) year college or university in civil engineering and have a certificate of registration with the state board of registration for professional engineers and land surveyors. If the public works director is not a registered professional engineer, the public works director shall ensure that the deputy public works director or City engineer is a professional engineer. 4 Amend Title 2 KCC - City Departments, Offices, Boards Sec. 2.28.050. Responsibilities -Duties. The director of public works shall organize and supervise each division that reports to him or her pursuant to KCC 2.28.010 in the most efficient manner possible so that the interests of the citizens of the City shall be best served. The director of public works shall coordinate engineering done for the City by consultants and have ultimate responsibilities for all such projects. The director of public works shall create an effective working relationship between the I department of public works and all other City departments. The director of public works shall supervise each of the divisions reporting to him or her and make periodic reports to the chief administrative officer. Sec. 2.28.060. Powers and duties. The general powers and duties of the director of public works shall be to: 1. Supervise and assist in the engineering, surveying, and drafting work involved in public works and improvements of the City or its utilities such as preparation of estimates, plans, specifications, reports and recommendations, and public improvements. 2. Supervise the keeping of plans, plats, maps, drawings, dedications, final estimates, and specifications relating to City projectsaffairs. 3. Be responsible to the Mayor for the construction, inspection, and repair of public streets and City-owned utilities, and provide technical and advisory engineering assistance to other departments of the City. Sec. 2.28.070. Salary. The salary of the director of public works shall be that as established in the City's annual budget. SECTION 4. -Repealer of Ch. 2.29 KCC. Chapter 2.29 of the Kent City Code, entitled "Offices," is repealed in its entirety. SECTION 5. -Amendment to Ch. 2.30 KCC. Chapter 2.30 of the Kent City Code, entitled "Planning Office," is amended as follows: 5 Amend Title 2 KCC - City Departments, Offices, Boards CHAPTER 2.30. ECONOMIC AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENTPLANNING OFFICE Sec. 2.30.010. Department Created. The economic and community development department is created for the purpose of performing all public and private permitting and development review functions. The economic and community development department director shall supervise the department and shall have complete charge of all of the work in the department and shall be responsible to hire. supervise, and discipline department employees. The department. through the director, shall report to the chief administrative officer or his or her designee. The functions of the economic and community development department shall be as follows: A. Community planning: B. Permit processing: C. Development engineering: D. Building code development review and inspection: E. Critical Areas and stormwater development permitting review: F. Code enforcement: and G. Economic development. Sec. 2.30.020. Economic and Community Development Director -Creation and Appointment. The position of economic and community development director is created and shall be subject to appointment by the Mayor in accordance with the provisions of the City of Kent Policies and Procedures Manual. Sec. 2.30.030. Qualifications. The economic and community development director must have the following or equivalent qualifications: he or she must be a graduate of a recognized college or university and 6 Amend Title 2 KCC - City Departments, Offices, Boards have at least five (5) years' experience in economic and community development permit processing or similar fields. 2.30.040. Duties and Powers. The economic and community development department director shall have the following duties and powers: A. With the exception of those aspects of permit issuance pertaining to the fire code under the supervision of the fire department, to examine, review, condition, deny, or approve all aspects of public and private development permits issued by the City, including public and private street, utility, and other infrastructure construction. B. To operate all economic development functions within the City to encourage and support new residential and business development and redevelopment. C. To operate the duties and responsibilities of the planning division, as specified in this chapter. D. To implement the building codes, under the state Building Code Act, when examining, modifying, conditioning, approving, or denying building plans and when conducting building inspections. E. To collaborate with affected departments on inspections of all development extensions or connections to public utilities. F. To conduct code enforcement of all areas of the City code that implement the duties and powers vested in the economic and community development department. Sec. 2.30.050. Salary. The salary of the economic and community development director shall be that as established in the City budget. 7 Amend Title 2 KCC - City Departments, Offices, Boards Sec. 2.30.060949. Planning Division -&Authority. The City Council hereby declares its intention to perform all planning functions under Chapter 35A.63 RCW regarding planning and zoning in code cities. Sec. 2.30.061™· OffieePlanning Division Created. There is created the planning divisioneffiee, which shall serve as the City planning agency in conjunction with the land use and planning board. The planning divisioneffiee shall perform planning and zoning functions, conduct plan reviews and issue building and development permits, enforce building codes, .,_and perform other duties as established by the City Council. The divisioneffiee shall be supervised by the economic and community development directorplanning manager. Sec. 2.30.063™· Planning Division Duties and responsibilities Office. The planning divisioneffiee shall have the following duties and responsibilities. A±. The planning divisioneffiee shall be responsible for all planning matters, including, but not limited to, comprehensive plan formulation and amendments, annexation zoning, and the zoning code, subdivision code.1- and other assigned codes. It shall be the duty of the planning divisioneffiee to set the agenda for the land use and planning board hearings, workshops, and meetings.;_7 to prepare all materials, such as agendas, staff reports.1-and special reports for the land use and planning board.;_7 to collect, and to analyze and use technical data to determine logical matters of urban development within the City. The planning divisioneffiee shall be responsible for preparing and updating the comprehensive plan and preparing amendments to the zoning code, the subdivision code.1-and any other related codes or ordinances . .6.-2-. Under the direction of the economic and community development director, =Fthe planning divisioneffiee shall advise the Mayor and City 8 Amend Title 2 KCC - City Departments, Offices, Boards Council on planning matters. The planning divisione-ffiee may carry out special projects at the request of the City Council which requests shall be forwarded to the economic and community development departmentplanning office through the office of the Mayor . .C.3. The planning divisionagency shall be responsible for all planning matters, including, but not limited to, comprehensive plan formulation and amendments, annexation zoning, zoning code, subdivision code.1-and other assigned codes. It shall be the responsibility of the planning divisiondepartment office to prepare the plans and codes for these planning matters and the responsibility of the land use and planning board to hold public hearings on these plans and codes when advised to do so by the planning divisiondepartment office. The planning divisione-ffiee shall forward items for consideration to the land use and planning board. _The land use and planning board, after holding one (1) or more public hearings, shall forward its recommendation on the planning office's proposals to the City Council for final action. The Council may hold public hearings and perform other related functions on specific planning matters in addition to or in lieu of delegating this function to the land use and planning board. Sec. 2.30.065989. Pian n i ng =D~iv"'"'i'""'s:.::..;io"'"'n..._ __ __,__P"""la::..:n...,n:..::.:i'"""'n~g directormar1ager -Position created£ 8ftd salary, and appointment. There is hereby created the position of City planning directormanager who shall be appointed by the economic and community development directorchief administrative officer or his or her designee, in accordance with the provisions of the City of Kent Policies and Procedures Manual solely on the basis of professional experience, education.1-and demonstrated knowledge of accepted practices relating to the duties of the divisione-ffiee. The salary of the planning director shall be that as established in the annual City budget. All references in the Kent City Code to the planning managerdirector with respect to the functions of the 9 Amend Title 2 KCC - City Departments, Offices, Boards planning divisione#iee as set forth in this codechapter, shall mean the planning directormanager. Sec. 2.30.06799. Planning Division -Planning director - Qualifications. The planning director manager must have the following or equivalent qualifications: he or she must be a graduate of a recognized college or university and have at least three (3) years' experience io_as--a municipal planning.planner or similar field as deemed appropriate to the position by the appointing authority. Sec. 2.30.069400. Planning Division -Planning director - Duties and responsibilities Matlager. A. The planning directormanager shall be in charge of the planning divisione#iee. The planning directormanager shall prepare an annual planning program and an annual budget to implement this program. The divisione#iee shall represent the Citye#iee before government agencies and the public as deemed necessary. The planning directormanager or a designated planning staff member shall be present at all City Council and land use and planning board meetings and public hearings. The planning directormanager shall perform such other duties as the economic and community development directorchief administrative officer may direct or as may be required by the laws of the state. B. The planning directormanager, or his or her designee, shall act as the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) responsible official as set forth in Ch. 11.03 KCC. See. 2.30.110. Salar·,-. The salary of the planning manager shall be that as established in the annual city budget. Sec. 2.30.070. Building official -Position created and appointment. There is hereby created the position known as building 10 Amend Title 2 KCC - City Departments, Offices, Boards official. The building official shall be appointed by the economic and community development director in accordance with the provisions of the City of Kent Policies and Procedures Manual on the basis of professional experience, education, and demonstrated knowledge of accepted practices relating to the duties of the office. Sec. 2.30.072. Building Official -Qualifications. The building official must have the following or equivalent qualifications: he or she must be a graduate of a recognized college or university, have at least three (3) years' experience in the field of building and land development, be familiar with the international and uniform building codes, or have experience in a similar field as deemed appropriate to the position by the appointing authority. Sec. 2.30.074. Building Official -Duties and powers. It shall be the duty of the building official to examine building plans and perform building inspections as prescribed by the Kent City Code. The building official shall perform such other duties as the economic development director, or his or her designee, may direct or as may be required by the laws of the state. SECTION 6. -Repealer of Ch. 2.40 KCC. Chapter 2.40 of the Kent City Code, entitled "Building and Development Services Office," is repealed in its entirety. SECTION 7. -Repealer of Ch. 2.42 KCC. Chapter 2.42 of the Kent City Code, entitled "Permit Center," is repealed in its entirety. SECTION 8. -Severability. If any one or more section, subsections, or sentences of this ordinance are held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this ordinance and the same shall remain in full force and effect. 11 Amend Title 2 KCC - City Departments, Offices, Boards SECTION 9. -Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage as provided by law. ATTEST: /BRENDA JACOBER, 9l7 APPROVED AS TO FORM: +ct~lli~ ~NEY PASSED: APPROVED: _J(_(jj._,_ day of August, 2009. t;A_, tf day of August, 2009. I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordinance No. 1 d lo passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, and approved by the Mayor of the City of Kent as hereon indicated. h A, .c ~s=J/ii ~(SEAL) /~DA JACOBEiR, CITY CLERK P:\Clvil\Ordinance\Reorganizatlon-EconomicDevelop&CommDevelp.docx 12 Amend Title 2 KCC - City Departments, Offices, Boards