HomeMy WebLinkAbout3919AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, amending Chapters 2.34 and 9.34 of the Kent City Code regarding inmate confinement and Kent Corrections Facility programs. RECITALS A. The Kent Corrections Facility is a nationally accredited jail which houses adult criminals charged with and convicted of misdemeanant crimes committed in the City of Kent. B. Over the years, the various departments within the City that are involved with the criminal justice system have taken great strides to work together to formulate policies to effectively manage a growing jail population. In particular, the Kent Corrections Facility has developed a number of alternatives to incarceration which are aimed at punishing offenders, keeping the community safe, and requiring the offender to give back to the community in which his or her offense was committed. These programs, which include electronic home detention, work release, work time credit and day reporting, have proven very successful and have assisted the City in managing the jail population. 1 Amendments to Ch. 2.34 KCC and Ch. 9.34 KCC Regarding Confinement and Corrections Facility Programs C. The City of Kent has determined that it would be appropriate, through this ordinance, to codify the various programs available at the Kent Corrections Facility. The City of Kent has also determined that it would be in the interests of the City to create an inmate work crew program. The work crew will be required to provide labor within the city limits of Kent in order to improve the community in which they committed a crime. The work crew will not only improve the City, but the labor will serve as a deterrent to the further commission of crime by the inmates, and will teach the inmate some amount of work ethic. D. State law permits a municipal court to require a defendant convicted of a crime to pay the costs of incarceration. The City has performed a recent study of the costs of incarcerating an inmate in the Kent Corrections Facility and has determined that cost to be $92.00 per day. It would therefore be in the interests of the City to provide a code section that establishes the cost of incarceration in order to permit the court to assess that cost. NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: ORDINANCE SECTION 1. -Amendment -Ch. 2.34 KCC. Chapter 2.34 of the Kent City Code, entitled "Municipal Court," is amended to add new sections, as set forth below, that establish a description of confinement and the costs of incarceration: Sec. 2.34.145. Confinement in general. Any person sentenced by the municipal court for a commitment or period of confinement at the Kent Corrections Facility, and who serves such commitment or confinement at the Kent Corrections Facility may, pursuant to Kent 2 Amendments to Ch. 2.34 KCC and Ch. 9.34 KCC Regarding Confinement and Corrections Facility Programs Corrections Facility policies, be eligible for corrections facility programs or incarceration alternatives as set forth in chapter 9.34 KCC; provided, the municipal court may, in its discretion, or upon the motion of any party and for good cause shown, prohibit the inmate from participating in one or more programs or incarceration alternatives. Sec. 2.34.165. Costs of incarceration. Pursuant to RCW 10.01.160, as now enacted or hereafter amended or recodified, the municipal court may, in its discretion, require a defendant convicted of a misdemeanor or gross misdemeanor to pay the costs of incarceration. The per day actual cost of incarceration in the Kent corrections facility is $92.00. SECTION 2. -Repealer -Existing Ch. 9.34 KCC. The existing Chapter 9.34 of the Kent City Code, entitled "Corrections Facility," is repealed in its entirety. SECTION 3. -Adoption -New Ch. 9.34 KCC. A new chapter 9.34 of the Kent City Code, entitled "Corrections Facility," is hereby adopted as follows: CHAPTER 9.34 CORRECTIONS FACILITY Sec. 9.34.010. Definitions. The following words, terms, and phrases shall have the following meanings: A. "Confinement" shall mean confinement within the corrections facility, or participation in a corrections facility program. B. "Corrections facility" shall mean the City of Kent corrections facility. 3 Amendments to Ch. 2.34 KCC and Ch. 9.34 KCC Regarding Confinement and Corrections Facility Programs C. "Corrections staff" shall mean employees of the corrections facility. D. "Day of work" shall mean a work day pursuant to a work crew or work time credit program, as such term is defined by corrections facility policy, but in no case shall be less than six (6) hours of work, and shall be measured from the time the person is required to arrive at the corrections facility and shall end when such person is permitted to leave. E. "Inmate" shall mean any defendant sentenced by the Kent Municipal Court or another court to serve a period of confinement in the corrections facility. F. The terms "jail," "imprisonment," or "commitment" as those terms are used in a sentencing order of the court, shall mean confinement. G. "Program" shall mean electronic home detention or monitoring, work crew, work release, work time credit, day reporting, or other corrections facility programs as authorized by City ordinance or corrections facility policy. H. "Qualifying inmate" shall mean an inmate who meets the conditions of participation in a corrections facility program as such conditions are set forth in the corrections facility policies and procedures applicable to such program. Sec. 9.34.020. Programs -Policies and procedures. The corrections facility shall establish policies and procedures for implementation of various programs. The policies and procedures shall, at a minimum, make provisions for: A. The qualifying or disqualifying factors for inmates eligible for program participation. 4 Amendments to Ch. 2.34 KCC and Ch. 9.34 KCC Regarding Confinement and Corrections Facility Programs B. The manner in which inmates will be selected or ordered to participate in the program. C. The safety of the public, inmates, and corrections staff. D. The security of the inmates during program participation. E. Inmate behavioral requirements while participating in the program. F. The implications and punishmeht. of an inmate who fails to participate in a program after being ordered to do so. G. The consequences, including but not limited to the loss of good time credit, for an inmate who does not comply with the behavioral requirements and rules of the program. H. The manner in which an inmate can appeal an order by the corrections facility regarding participation in a program. I. Tools, personal protective equipment, and supplies to be utilized by program participants. J. The cost, if any, for inmates to participate in program. K. Access to sanitary facilities while performing work on the work crew program. L. Transportation to and from the work site for the work time credit and work crew programs. Sec. 9.34.030. Corrections facility programs as privilege - No right to participate -Participation may be required. A. Participation in programs shall be considered a privilege, and the inmate shall have no right to participate in such programs. There shall be 5 Amendments to Ch. 2.34 KCC and Ch. 9.34 KCC Regarding Confinement and Corrections Facility Programs no guarantee to any inmate that he or she will be permitted to participate in any program even after a date for participation is established. In the event an inmate is accepted in, or ordered to participate in, a program, and thereafter the program is not available, the inmate may be permitted to participate in another program for which he or she is eligible, subject to availability and at the sole discretion of corrections staff. B. Participation shall be conditioned upon the inmate meeting the qualifications of such program, and complying with applicable policies and procedures for such program. C. The corrections facility may, at its discretion, require an inmate to participate in a corrections facility program against his or her will. Sec. 9.34.040. Costs of programs. The City may, pursuant to resolution or through a budget ordinance, set various fees which may be required as a condition of participating in a program; provided, the corrections facility may waive the fees in order to manage the correction facility's population, or in order to make such programs available to the indigent. Sec. 9.34.050. Good time credit -Work day to jail day ratio. A. Except as provided in subsection (B) of this section, an inmate may receive good time credit for good behavior in an amount not to exceed one-third (1/3) of the confinement ordered by the court; provided, such good time credit may be taken away from the inmate pursuant to corrections facility policies and procedures. B. Any inmate who performs work on a corrections facility work crew, or pursuant to a work time credit program, shall receive credit for three (3) days of confinement ordered by the court for every one (1) day of 6 Amendments to Ch. 2.34 KCC and Ch. 9.34 KCC Regarding Confinement and Corrections Facility Programs work performed; provided, that such inmate shall not also receive good time credit on the days of work performed. Partial credit for periods of less than one (1) day may be given where the inability to complete the full day of work is not the fault of the inmate, and the inmate has otherwise complied with the program policies. Sec. 9.34.060. Electronic home detention. A qualifying inmate sentenced to a period of confinement at the corrections facility may, at the discretion of corrections staff and subject to applicable policies and procedures, serve all or a portion of his or her ordered confinement in a private residence or another qualifying residence, subject to an acceptable system of electronic surveillance. Sec. 9.34.070. Work release. A qualifying inmate sentenced to a period of confinement at the corrections facility may, at the discretion of corrections staff and subject to applicable policies and procedures, serve all or a portion of his or her ordered confinement on a work release program. Inmates participating in the work release program may, pursuant to applicable policies or procedures, spend a portion of a 24-hour period unsupervised and away from the corrections facility while performing work for the inmate's employer or an agency or party for which such the inmate is performing community service. The inmate shall spend the nonworking hours at the corrections facility. Sec. 9.34.080. Work time credit. A qualifying inmate sentenced to a period of confinement at the corrections facility may, at the discretion of corrections staff and subject to applicable policies and procedures, serve all or a portion of his or her ordered confinement on a work time credit program. Inmates participating in the work time credit program may, pursuant to applicable policies or procedures, spend a portion of a 24-hour period away from the corrections facility and under limited 7 Amendments to Ch. 2.34 KCC and Ch. 9.34 KCC Regarding Confinement and Corrections Facility Programs supervision while performing work on a voluntary basis for the City or a qualifying community service agency. The inmate shall spend the nonworking hours at the corrections facility. Inmates performing community service pursuant to the work time credit program shall receive community service credit towards the payment of their financial obligations to the court. Sec. 9.34.090. Day reporting. A qualifying inmate sentenced to a period of confinement at the corrections facility may, at the discretion of corrections staff and subject to applicable policies and procedures, serve all or a portion of his or her ordered confinement on a day reporting program. Inmates participating in the day reporting program shall, pursuant to applicable policies or procedures, spend the day under supervision at the Kent Corrections Facility, or at some other location as set forth in corrections facility policy, and spend the remainder of the 24- hour period unsupervised at an approved private residence, subject to conditions as set forth in the corrections facility's policies and procedures. Sec. 9.34.100. Work crew in general-Types of work performed -Limitations. A. In General. A qualifying inmate sentenced to a period of confinement at the corrections facility may, at the discretion of corrections staff and subject to applicable policies and procedures, serve all or a portion of his or her ordered confinement on a work crew program. Inmates participating in the work crew program may, pursuant to applicable policies or procedures, spend a portion of a 24-hour period performing work under the supervision of the corrections facility at on-site or off-site locations. The inmate shall spend the nonworking hours at the corrections facility or under limited or no supervision at another location as permitted by corrections facility policy. 8 Amendments to Ch. 2.34 KCC and Ch. 9.34 KCC Regarding Confinement and Corrections Facility Programs B. Types of work. A work crew program may be utilized to perform the following types of work: 1. Garbage, litter, debris, and junk removal from municipal, state, and federal property, including but not limited to roadways, roadway easements, sidewalks, trails, open space, wetlands, shorelines, waterways, steep slopes, parks, and public facilities. 2. Removal and maintenance of invasive and undesirable vegetation and leaves from municipal, · state, and federal property, including but not limited to roadways, roadway easements, sidewalks, trails, open space, wetlands, shorelines, waterways, steep slopes, parks, and public facilities. 3. Removal of snow, sand, dirt, and debris from municipal, state, and federal property, including but not limited to roadways, roadway easements, sidewalks, trails and public facilities. 4. Graffiti removal and repair on state, federal, and municipal property. 5. General maintenance and repair of municipal, state, and federal property. C. Performance of work for other public agencies. The work crew may perform work at the request of other public agencies. The corrections facility may, at its discretion, require the public agency to pay a fee for the utilization of the work crew. D. Performance of work for private parties or non-profit agencies. The work crew may perform work that more than incidentally benefits private parties or non-profit agencies on the condition that the private party or non-profit agency reimburses the City of Kent for the costs of providing the work crew and the private party or non-profit agency assumes all risk and liability exposure of having the work crew perform the work; provided, 9 Amendments to Ch. 2.34 KCC and Ch. 9.34 KCC Regarding Confinement and Corrections Facility Programs that at the discretion of corrections staff, reimbursement may not be required when the work performed primarily benefits the poor and infirm. E. Performance of bargaining unit work. The City of Kent will not utilize a work crew to perform work that is within the body of work of a recognized City of Kent union, without the prior agreement of City of Kent union that owns the body of work. Sec. 9.34.110. Inmate responsible for portion of medical care costs. A. Payment responsibility. Each inmate confined in the corrections facility shall be responsible for payment of a portion of the cost to provide medical care to him or her while subject to confinement in the corrections facility. B. Medical care costs. Each inmate confined in the corrections facility shall be financially responsible for payment of fifteen dollars ($15) each time he or she is provided medical care; provided, that a portion of this fee may be waived in the event medical staff determines the inmate has a chronic condition that requires treatment at regular and frequent intervals, or an inmate was provided medical care more than one (1) time during any one (1) day for the same condition. In addition, each inmate shall pay ten dollars ($10) for each course of prescription medication that is prescribed to the inmate. In the event an inmate requires transport by ambulance to a medical care facility, he or she shall pay the actual costs billed to the City for such transport. C. Notification. An inmate shall be notified that in the event he or she is provided medical care while confined in the corrections facility, he or she shall be responsible for payment of a portion of the cost of that care. The inmate shall also be notified that by receiving medical care, he or she 10 Amendments to Ch. 2.34 KCC and Ch. 9.34 KCC Regarding Confinement and Corrections Facility Programs agrees that the costs set forth in this section may be collected by the court, and that those costs will be added to any other amount owing to the court, or, in the alternative, that the costs may be collected by seizing the inmate's currency that is being held by the corrections facility, by utilizing the services of a collections agency, or by any other legal means. D. Proof of care. In the event the City chooses to utilize the Kent Municipal Court to collect medical care costs, the City shall submit to the court a document that identifies the inmate's name, date of birth, the date medical care was provided, and the name of the provider to establish that medical care was provided and that the defendant owes a portion of the medical care costs to the City. E. Forfeiture of inmate property. At the discretion of the corrections facility, and as an alternative to other collection methods, the corrections facility may seize a portion of the United States currency that has been identified and recorded as inmate property during an inmate property inventory. To this end, all United States currency in the possession of an inmate, which is recorded upon booking, shall be subject to forfeiture to cover the costs of medical care; provided, that prior to forfeiture, the corrections staff shall provide the inmate with an opportunity to a hearing to contest the forfeiture of the currency. F. Appeal. An inmate may appeal the assessment of medical care costs; provided, the quality of medical care, the manner in which the medical provider administers medical care, and the timing of medical care shall not be subject to appeal. In the event the inmate wishes to appeal the assessment of medical care costs, he or she must provide written notice to the corrections facility within five (5) days of receiving such care. The written notice shall state the date the care was provided and must contain a detailed explanation of the reasons for appealing the assessment 11 Amendments to Ch. 2.34 KCC and Ch. 9.34 KCC Regarding Confinement and Corrections Facility Programs of costs. In the event the court has been utilized to recover such costs, the inmate's written notice shall be delivered to the court, and the court shall set a hearing to permit the inmate to contest the assessed medical care costs. In the event the court was not utilized to collect medical care costs, the corrections facility shall, in accordance with its administrative appeal process, set an administrative appeal. At any appeal hearing, the inmate shall bear the burden of proving, by a preponderance of the evidence, that he or she is not responsible for the costs. G. No denial of medical care. Under no condition shall medical care be denied or delayed due to an inmate's inability to pay the fees set forth in this section; provided, that nothing in this section shall prevent the City from taking steps to collect medical care costs after care is provided. SECTION 4. -Severability. If any one or more section, subsections, or sentences of this ordinance are held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this ordinance and the same shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 5. -Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage as provided by law. ATTEST: 12 Amendments to Ch. 2.34 KCC and Ch. 9.34 KCC Regarding Confinement and Corrections Facility Programs APPROVED AS TO FORM: PASSED: ___ day of June, 2009. APPROVED: _ _,___day of June, 2009. PUBLISHED: f!_O day of June, 2009. I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordinance No. -"""'---__,__,~ passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, and approved by the Mayor of the City of Kent as hereon indicated. P:\Clvil\Ordlnance\SentenclngOrdinance-JallPrograms&IncarceratlonCosts.doc 13 Amendments to Ch. 2.34 KCC and Ch. 9.34 KCC Regarding Confinement and Corrections Facility Programs