HomeMy WebLinkAbout219Aa ordinance Of the City of Kentiproviding for the issuance of 8 QqO00.00. general bonds of the City;for the purpose of construe-, I ting additional to works,jursuant to an election held her on Vanuary 23th,1910,and ordinance No.211 and amendments thereto, THE CITY COUNCIL OF T17, CITY OF ElIT DO OlDlll AS FOL7070: Section I. That pursuant to the prq7isitit s of Ordinance Yo.211,and its amendment embodied iin. Ordinance _T,,,Tc.21*1Leretof ore adopted by the-,,: assent of more than three fifths of the qValifed toters of said City voting at an election held thereinjair the 28th.day of January A.P,19%t there be issued the genTal bonds of thesaid City in thesun of Twenty Three Thousand Dollars for the puryose of making additiona to the existing city water works andwater system,to be owned by the Municipality :as provided in said ordinances,, Section 2. That such bonds be coupon bonds of the denomination of one thousand dollars eanh,numberea from one upwards,consecutively, bearing date February ist.191o2payable twenty years after their date or at any tms after ten years from their date at the pleacure of t,.hhe said ;moi ty;they shall bear inters at the rate of five per-cent.per annum from date until paid,payable semiannually on the Ist.day of Februaqand August of each year;that the interest accruing on thezai bonds shall be evidenced bycoupons maturing upon the several days when such interest beyomes pxyqb;j,xq& that such bonds and each coupon shall be signed by the mayor and attested by the clerk under theseal of the City. Section & That such bonds and coupons shall be in substantiall 117 the following form: (Form of bond) TITI TEM STATES OF STATE OF 7ASHINGTOY,00UYTY OF KIXG. CITY OF KENT, No- $100o 0o 07':' _"_Y'7'L 77,,'�Z r. county Kimg and StVa of Wishinqton,haraby acknowledgen Itself to owe and,. for value received promises to a.to 1;."ne, b-e­rer n't'' Tallars,lawful mcney o.,.,. Tc'-'-'Ute,�,d StUas on tho lot, any of Febryary 00,1230,or at the the na,d:City atan `0 time b0orn that date t,!:z, the 31st.day of Tanvary A.7,192%, with interest Wreon "t the raw of the date hereof until paid,payvble samlannunily an the latmid ay (af. Febryarl ard August of each year i -7,p -on prusentution ana awrrteen aer 01.1: We annexed coupons an they savermily Pat to prasupt jaF=t of this band,bat! aforessid,the full faith uradit an? razourcon of the said City arr� hereby Irrevocably pledged. This bond in Usned for tNa purpose of snzplying the naid City of 7ont with atri. ticnal vaterworks and ater trallec by tionail nitygm-nd pursnant tc a plan a 5yatem ansentpr. a to "I three f if thz of tic qwal= od -Toters of caid Cit t'll- '17 Vatins at OD a Oction halt f er C. fV21 complianco with prooer ardinarnes duly pazzad,allraved and publizhod,anat, an not of tho .aa oginInKre of tho State of f1shi gton,entAled,Q An act authr, izing Cities M towns to canstructloondm.,mn to,saintnin, conduct %na c,ernte aertain public utilitleet. J. or madez of Znynent Wcrsf ar,rapaalirg Q! Moto in can- llth,WQ9, And it K hereby raoited and cortifled that all andacts requirsd by Ian, to axlstptn be,or W'-'lhto� d in the 15surmce of this band,hmwt' becn,hava existed and have bamn parformed in due forc­. ,_aac., the including this bond does not exceed any 7;y -J'Lz 04 that true,correat and copies of a idl aott�O'."'­ t' -1,-',-o' coo directing t,"..rc , ion of amid plan or system to the qyalifled vaWs of said 107 for ratification or rejantlan,%nd of a zlgna4 statement by the mayor and clerk showing the result of said Metier.. are prime d hzreon,and such copies are hereby duly authenticated, IN TESTIlOZY 7HER202 the said City of Eent:by its City Council, has caused this bon? to be Agned by its mayor and attested by its clerk,under the sea! thereof,this lst,&ay of Tabruary A.D.1910. Wor, At te s t: Mrz- (Form of coupan) ;t3 2 - " 0. (0, IF77 On the Ist,day laf -------- 19—Whe City of Kent'in King county, ThshinFton,wili pay to the WTsr horeof,twenty five dollarslat for interest due that day on its Zenaral bond dated February MAW. yor., Attest: Section 4. That an act,antitied,"An act a�thoriz.ng Cities and towns P"o construct,00ndamn and to,naintain, conduct and operate cartain plblic utilitica,providing for modes We t"'.erof '''liat horawith.and doolar- or,rejealing all acts oorf ing an asarEcncy" :approved March, U0.211 and 21B;of the City of Kent$the some boing the ordinances dirseting the ou missiozi of the plan or system of awitional water works to be paid for with the proceeds of thesale of thes aid bende,to the qualif ad voters of said Cityfpr ratification orrejectian,shall be printed on each o f vaid � c,dto : ' R c«r i tS Y 2 bu ' copy of a signed s i em btr.',' u�otand WW±%wk hwwi :ahe aoClt of said �dn"t -vcN Wn,b4l�.. g undersignod,W.E.Karrill and L, ,Pw .: `,'wa? raspectivolyxnaror a Mark of the e ..ic, of i ... . nt s :-.,, the s L , v` a and c au f ,�.`� ;? ,. ,da v certify and .. L iR, .. sa that , yh,„ o .... ,.. cf , ,. .., Y,.a i,..: tion _ !.fes an v „d ! o 28th.day of M?.>r. ry 19 1 0 _.,{..n the said Oity,fcr e ^ o zw_. :o o.plan and system of additional vCr works for .vk' ld Mw.,;J' � .ZIE_. v t iw a:."^ .a. a' ,- .,...,L..we;a z ., € do i �,�> ;. and ratification o,,{, said plan n aa r..oy ... , s nr, ...~u,!, .. Vii% ��, w.5,. ca a> t ."..W.... c", slacHan have bean duly canvassed by thO City Council of s, i d{. ,ter =e.. .. ths result d,. ur. '4^d t. o »J'_...asherein sr . r/fwvdf g, / u'x k »,sirW a 1 Ca _ t. ,P e%a, ., "�. �a v kelt t,,. \a„ w3a "+, � ..1> h� t � �wr"wt°>...ii .>� r H r o- G , ..... N.. .;. .' date, amount, interest, t €" wham it! beya. d ..u�ax"' Amory bond s,,,xec e_<.,., >o .d o. sol under ?-i.de*roh : J „ as c >k nof santlonef tho act referredto, section ,".toi,i. A- That a , 4.,. ..l _, bonds s�'t... ` ,, : 44,.a 'r Site e.r- \ �. , s. 'r..a xe,s nE, : «ti'ad a,., korni`""31 I, Provided,as ,,.k'oon after mow . #5,,. passage an w p bi c ati tr,u`n : e e #:,, f as mu," a.- 1q -4 z "l,` e{ tin, :,.zan: the u wsaw wb wat yen the raceJON ^ o the ju.. 4,i....a e +*co ,utvt,i. ctaof c e agreed tc..: a, ':S,Iw d the scam not 11 s : It { being .w APa0valre of thozaid bonds At test:. r R