HomeMy WebLinkAbout1800Resolution No. 1800 (Amending or Repealing Resolutions) CFN = 239 -City Property (Excluding Fire Stations) Passed-2/17/2009 Surplus Surface Water Ut1hty Property-2009 Resolution RESOLUTION NO. I 9 ~ 0 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, determmmg that certam buildings and ecology blocks on surface water utility property are surplus to the City's needs, that such buildmgs and ecology blocks may be conveyed, and establishmg the consideration therefore. RECITALS A. The City of Kent ("City") surface water utility owns five buildings and approximately one hundred and eighty four (184) ecology blocks on city real property located at 24955 Frager Road S. in King County as approximately shown on Exh1b1t 1. B. The City's Public Works Director has determmed that the buildings and ecology blocks are surplus to the needs of the c1ty and, in fact, are negative Improvements as the property IS designated for surface water utility use. C. Fair market value or the cost of removal for the buildings will be determined by responses to a published Request for Offers to Purchase. The Director has determined that the cost of the removal of the ecology blocks is equal to or exceeds any residual value. 1 Surplus Surface Water Utility Property 2009 Resolution D. RCW 35.94.040 requires that the City determine, after a public hearing and by resolution of the City Council, that the buildings and ut1l1ty blocks herein descnbed, ongmally acqu1red with public utility funds, are surplus to the City's needs and should be leased, sold, or conveyed. E. The City Council held a public hearing on Tuesday, February 17, 2009 at a regularly scheduled City Counc1l meetmg and inv1ted comments regarding the City's intention to surplus and convey ownership of the bu1ldmgs and ecology blocks herein descnbed. NOW THEREFORE, THE CilY COUNCIL OF THE CilY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: RESOLUTION SECTION 1. -Recitals Incorporated. The foregomg recitals are incorporated and fully made a part of th1s resolution. SECTION 2. -Buildings and Ecology Blocks Deemed Surplus. The buildings shown approximately on Exh1b1t 1 along w1th approximately one hundred eighty four (184) ecology blocks, ongmally acquired w1th public utility funds, are not needed for ut11ity purposes and are deemed surplus to the c1ty's needs. SECTION 3. -Public's Best Interest. It is in the public's best interest that ownership of the buildmgs and ecology blocks be conveyed so that they can be removed from the property m preparation for 1ts use for ut1l1ty purposes. It 1s further in the public's best interest that the buildings be relocated intact 1f possible so long as they are lawfully situated w1thin a reasonable time, if relocated Within the c1ty limits. 2 Surplus Surface Water Utility Property 2009 Resolution SECTION 4. -Consideration to be Paid. Consideration for the removal of the buildmgs will be established by responses/ if any/ to the City's Request for Offers to Purchase the buildings. Consideration IS not required for the ecology blocks, g1ven that they have no net market value. SECTION 5. -Authority. The Publ1c Works Director is authorized to convey ownership of the buildmgs and to mmim1ze to the extent possible both the cost of removing them and the 1mpact of such removal on landfill capac1ty 1 upon fmal terms and cond1t1ons acceptable to the City Attorney. The Director 1s authonzed to demolish by public works contract any of the buildings that are not subject to sale. Buildings will be sold upon the condition that they will be lawfully Situated w1thm a reasonable time if relocated w1thin the City l1m1ts and upon the condition that there are no warranties. The Publ1c Works D1rector 1s further authorized to transfer ownership of the ecology blocks/ to convey them for another City use 1 or to otherwise dispose of them in the public mterest. SECTION 6. -Effect1ve Date. This resolution shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage. PASSED at a regular open public meet1ng by the City Council of the City of Kent1 Wash1ngton 1 this /7 ltv day of ..._ /eJw_~ 1 2009. !:L CONCURRED in by the Mayor of the City of Kent this 17 day of \, ~aAAf 1 2009, ATTEST: ~tZL 3 Surplus Surface Water Utility Property 2009 Resolution BRENDAJACOBER,C APPROVED AS TO FORM: Ti~J?et~kRNEY / -. ~ -/ --·. ' -........... -._.~-... _ . .. ............. I hereby certify that this is a true and correct copy of Resolution No. L ?~ 0 passed by the City Counc1l of the City of Kent, Washington, the 17-rlv day of "'".:felr-uu¥ , 2009. P \Ctvti\Resolut1on\SurplusProperty-Frager Road docx ................. --/ ..... --... -_:: .. _ .. -. .. ...::. .:. ..:.. -.--......_ ---.. --/~ ....... _ ... -.- 4 Surplus Surface Water Utility Property 2009 Resolution e 50 0 50 100 scALE: 1" = 1 oo· LOWER GREEN RIVER PROPERTY ACQUISITION/ DOWNEY FARMSTEAD RESTORATION ECOLOGY BLOCKS (TYP) 6 s~ CE.'\ CITY OF KENT ~s~CALE~~,b· -~,~oob' ==d ENGINEERING DEPARTNENT DATE ,2/2008 I I EXHIBIT 1