HomeMy WebLinkAbout3901ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, which relates to the 2009 fiscal year budget and amends various fees and rates established by the Kent City Code concerning water and drainage rates and fees, which fee amendments shall be assessed and collected beginning April 1, 2009, and incorporated into the 2009 fiscal year budget. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: ORDINANCE SECTION 1. - Water Utility Charges, Section 7.02.160 of the Kent City Code, entitled "Installation and Connection Charges Inside City Limits," is amended to increase the system development charges as follows: Sec. 7.02.160. Installation and Connection Charges Inside City Limits. A. Tap Charge - Connection by Water Utility. Any property owner within the city limits applying for water service shall pay in full a tap charge plus a system development charge prior to issuance of the water service permit. The tap charge will include the cost of connection and 1 Water and Drainage Rates and Fees for 2009 Budget laying the pipe from the City water main to the property line of the property to which service is desired, or at a distance of sixty (60) feet from the main toward such property line, whichever is shorter. The minimum tap charge so established for service installed by the water utility is as follows: 1. Two hundred seventy-five dollars ($275) for each five -eighth (5/8) inch by three-quarter (3/4) inch connection. 2. Three hundred twenty-five dollars ($325) for each three- quarter (3/4) inch connection. 3. Three hundred fifty dollars ($350) for each one (1) inch connection. 4. Six hundred dollars ($600) for each one and one-half (1 1/2) inch connection. 5. Eight hundred dollars ($800) for each two (2) inch connection. On any connection over two (2) inches, the minimum tap charge shall be the actual cost of the meter and installation, plus twenty-five (25) percent. B. Tap charge — Connection by licensed contractor. If the workload of the water utility as determined by the director of public works is such that the installation of the water connection would interfere with the proper operation and maintenance of the water system, the director of public works may require that the property owner employ a licensed contractor to make the connection and install the necessary line and materials except the water meter. All such water services shall meet or exceed the standards and specifications approved by the director of public works. The minimum tap charge is as follows: 1. One hundred dollars ($100) for each five -eighth (5/8) inch by three-quarter (3/4) inch connection. 2 Water and Drainage Rates and Fees for 2009 Budget 2. One hundred twenty-five dollars ($125) for each three- quarter (3/4) inch connection. 3. One hundred seventy-five dollars ($175) for each one (1) inch connection. 4. Three hundred sixty dollars ($360) for each one and one-half (1 1/2) inch connection. 5. Five hundred dollars ($500) for each two (2) inch connection. All such contractor -installed connections shall be guaranteed by the contractor for a period of one (1) year. C. System development charge. The system development charge is as follows: Meter Size Charge Effective inches Through March 31 2009 Charge Effective April 1, 2009 Less than 1 $2,600 $5,949 1 $4,627 $14,872 .1-1/2 $10,400 $29,743 2 $18,486 $47,589 3 41594 $95,179 4 $73,933 $148,717 5 $115,528 $222,932 6 $166,376 $297,434 8 $295,786 $475,894 10 $462,162 $654,354 After April 1, 2009, this system development charge will increase annually, on the first day of each calendar year,. by_,.an amount equal to the percentage increase in the Construction Price Index for Seattle -Tacoma - Bremerton for the twelve months October 31 throuah September 30 of the revious calendar year. 3 Water and Drainage Rates and Fees for 2009 Budget ■��r.■:J�wi►:J.wc+li►�����El�li►a��►:��i ulaF=�•i++�... mal ��R�.�=.�:s=.�� •-1-0 - - - : : • MI -NOL -MIL. MUM • t l�JlirlFi!•1�7�I!•lt•/�lil ��l!\•1-�■.•���r/tel■l.Il �lllR4wf1 t�\iJ■ it l Fi!•11 ��J.•J�•l�•/� l:J�w.►•l.lrl � tt /moi. �w ■w • ■lwiw/f • • • ■ - � !•ii11���17�1:1�:1�►.l��gw��ll�/<l■ll■�■�►wiw ff However, if (a) the City's fire marshal has required that, in conjunction with the City's issuance of a single-family residential building permit, the applicant must install a fire sprinkler system, and (b) the need for a meter size greater than three-quarters (3/4) of an inch is based solely on the fire marshal's requirement that the sprinkler system be installed, the single-family residential permit applicant shall pay only the system development charge listed above for a meter less than one (1) inch in diameter. It is not the City's intent to require an applicant to pay a higher system development charge when the larger meter size is needed 4 Water and Drainage Rates and Fees for 2009 Budget only in the unusual event of a fire demand rather than for normal daily user demand. D. Installation of undersized meter. If an undersized meter is installed, a deduction will be allowed from the above charges, including system development charges, which will reflect the difference in cost between the undersized meter and the regular size meter. All service material (including water meter) will remain the property of the City. E. Tap change. If the tap is changed to one of a larger size, the cost and expense of such charge must be paid before the larger size tap is installed. F. Paving replacement — Charge. If it becomes necessary during the installation of such connection on a time and material basis to break and replace either concrete or blacktop paving, then in each instance an additional charge shall be made to cover the cost of such repair. SECTION 2. — Monthly Demand Charge for Water Service Withrn the City Limits. That portion of section 7.02.300 of the Kent City Code, entitled "Water Rates Within the City," which pertains to the monthly water rates and demand charges assessed to water customers within the city limits of Kent is amended to increase the demand charge as follows: Sec. 7.02.300. Water Rates Within The City. A. Water rates. The following staggered rates apply during the time periods listed below. Within each time period, the lower rate applies per one hundred (100) cubic feet of water used for up to or equal to seven hundred (700) cubic feet, and the higher rate applies per one hundred (100) cubic feet of water used in excess of seven hundred (700) cubic feet: 5 Water and Drainage Rates and Fees for 2009 Budget Effective Date October 1 - April 30 May 1 - September 30 Charge Effective April 1, 2009 <_ 700 ft3 > 700 ft3 S 700 ft3 > 700 ft3 12/31/1999 $1.24 $1.69 $1.64 $2.09 01/01/2003 $1.30 $1.77 $1.72 $2.19 01/01/2004 $1.37 1$1.86 $1.81 $2.30 01/01/2005 $1.44 $1.95 $1.90 $2.42 All rates are also subject to a monthly demand charge for service and meter, which is as follows: Meter size (inches) Charge Effective January 1, 2007 Charge Effective January 1, 2008 Charge Effective April 1, 2009 Charge Effective January 1, 2010 5/8 x 3/4 $3.76 $5.26 6.05 6.96 1 $4.19 $8.94 10.28 t1l.82 1 1/2 $5.64 $13.641$ 5.69 18.04 2 $6.84 $18.09 JZ0.80 123.92 3 $23.85 $38.35 $44.10 $50.72 4 $28.72 $46.47 $53.44 54.59 6 $48.03 $69.03 79.38 91.29 8 $64.25 $88.50 Ja8.51 101.79 10 $84.53 $113.03 129.98 JL49.48 6 Wafer and Drainage Rates and Fees for 2009 Budget Meter size Charge Effective January 1, 2011 Charcie Effective January 1, 2012 Charge Effective January 1, 2013 Charcie Effective January 1, 2014 inches 5L8 x 34 8.00 9.20 10.58 12.17 1 $13.59 15 63 $17.97 $20.67 1 1 2 $20.75 123.86 JZ7.44 J11.56 2 $27.51 31.64 J36.38 41.84 3 158.33 $67.08 $77.14 Ja8.71 4J62.78 572.208$ 3.03 125.48 6 $104.98 1120.73 $138.84 JL59.66 8 JU7.06 t114.62 $154.81 JLZ8.03 10 1171.90 197.69 J227.34 $261.44 B. Lifeline customers. The City Council will establish eligibility criteria for lifeline customers. For lifeline -qualified water service customers, the following rates apply for water use per one hundred (100) cubic feet: Effective Date January 1 - December 31 12/31/1999 $0.45 01/01/2003 $0.47 01/01/2004 $0.49 01/01/2005 $0.51 All lifeline rates are also subject to the monthly demand charge for service and meter as set forth in subsection (A) of this section. C. Rate adjustment, 1. Subject to the right of access and inspection by a representative of the City, water service customers of the City may apply for a one (1) time rate adjustment for any single billing period under the following circumstances: 7 Wafer and Drainage Rates and Fees for 2009 Budget a. An accidental water leak has been discovered on the subject property; or b. A water line failure has occurred on the subject property; or C. An unexplained, abnormal water meter reading has occurred on the subject property even though subsequent City inspection of the water meter indicates that the meter is functioning properly. This rate adjustment shall not exceed fifty (50) percent of the difference between the total amount of the billing period sought for adjustment minus the customer's average water usage. For the purposes of this subsection, the "average water usage" shall be computed by determining the total volume of water consumed, under normal use conditions, during the preceding twelve (12) months and dividing that total volume by the number of times the City would typically read the customer's water meter in a twelve (12) month period. 2. This rate adjustment is permitted on a one (1) time basis only and can only be applied to one (1) billing period. To be eligible for this rate adjustment, the affected water system must be owned by or subject to the exclusive control of the customer and be located between the City's water meter and owner's residence or structure. The bill sought for adjustment must exceed two (2) times the customer's highest usage in any single billing period during the twelve (12) months prior to the billing period sought for adjustment. 3. Following a request for rate adjustment provided under this subsection, the City's finance director, or his/her designee, shall review the request and determine whether or not to adjust the customer's monthly billing. In order to make a proper determination, City staff shall be entitled to access, inspect and approve the customer's water system repair prior to granting a rate adjustment. 8 Water and Drainage Rates and Fees for 2009 Budget 4. If approved, the City shall make this rate adjustment by issuing a credit to the customer's account after verification of leakage or water system failure, inspection of water meter and water system, where applicable, and verification of corrective repairs. All repairs shall occur within thirty (30) days of application to the City. 5. The owner may request reconsideration of the decision of the finance director, or his/her designee, by the City Council through the City Council's operation committee. SECTION 3. - Monthly Demand Charge for Water Service Outside the City Limits. That portion of section 7.02.310 of the Kent City Code, entitled "Water Rates Outside City," which pertains to water rates and the monthly demand charges assessed to water customers outside the city limits of Kent is amended to increase the demand charge as follows: Sec. 7.02.310. Water Rates Outside City. A. Water rates. The following staggered rates apply during the time periods listed below. Within each time period, the lower rate applies per one hundred (100) cubic feet of water used for up to or equal to seven hundred (700) cubic feet, and the higher rate applies per one hundred (100) cubic feet of water used in excess of seven hundred (700) cubic feet: Effective Date October 1 - April 30 May 1 - September 30 S 700 ft3 > 700 ft3 S 700 ft3 > 700 ft3 12/31/1999 $1.64 $2.09 $2.00 $2.46 01/01/2003 $1.72 $2.19 $2.10 $2.58 01/01/2004 $1.81 $2.30 $2.21 $2.71 01/01/2005 $1.90 $2.42 $2.32 $2.85 All rates are subject to a monthly demand charge for service and meter which is as follows: 9 Wafer and Drainage Rates and Fees for 2009 Budget Meter size (inches) Charge Effective January 1, 2007 Charge Effective January 1, 2008 ChaEgg Effective April 1, 2009 Charcie Effective January 1, 2010 inches 5/8 x 3/4 $3.76 $5.26 6.05 6.96 1 $4.19 $8.94 $10.28 J11,82 1 1/2 $5.64 $13.64$15.69 27.44 $18.04 2 $6.84 $18.09 20.80 $23.92 3 $23.85 $38.35 144.10 $50.72 4 $28.72 $46.47 la.44 54.59 6 $48.03 $69.03 JZ2.38 $91.29 8 $64.25 $88.50 i8s.51 ILQ1.79 10 $84.53 $113.03 129.98 J149.48 Meter size Charge Effective January 1, 2011 Charge Effective January 1, 2012 Charge Effective January 1, 2013 Charge Effective January 1, 2014 inches 5/8 x 3/4 $8.00 9.20 10.58 $12.17 1 $13.59 $15.63 17.97 20.67 1 1 2 ILCL7523.86 27.44 31.56 2 IZZ.51 131.64 $36.38 141.84 3 158.33 167.08 $77.14 $88.71 4 162.78 $72.20 $83.03 $95.48 6 $104.98 120.73 $138.84 159.66 8 $117.06 J134 62 $154.81 1178.03 1 171.90 197.69227.34 261.44 B. Lifeline customers. The City Council will establish eligibility criteria for lifeline customers. For lifeline -qualified water service customers, the following rates apply for water use per one hundred (100) cubic feet: 10 Water and Drainage Rates and Fees for 2009 Budget Effective Date 3anuary 1 - December 31 12/31/1999 $0.48 01/01/2003 $0.50 01/01/2004 $0.53 01/01/2005 $0.56 All lifeline rates are also subject to the monthly demand charge for service and meter as set forth in subsection (A) of this section. C. Rate adjustment. 1. Subject to the right of access and inspection by a representative of the City, water service customers of the City may apply for a one (1) time rate adjustment for any single billing period under the following circumstances; a. An accidental water leak has been discovered on the subject property; or property; or b. A water line failure has occurred on the subject C. An unexplained, abnormal water meter reading has occurred on the subject property even though subsequent City inspection of the water meter indicates that the meter is functioning properly. This rate adjustment shall not exceed fifty (50) percent of the difference between the total amount of the billing period sought for adjustment minus the customer's average water usage. For the purposes of this subsection, the "average water usage" shall be computed by determining the total volume of water consumed, under normal use conditions, during the preceding twelve (12) months and dividing that total volume by the number of times the City would typically read the customer's water meter in a twelve (12) month period. 11 Water and Drainage Rates and Fees for 2009 Budget 2. This rate adjustment is permitted on a one (1) time basis only and can only be applied to one (1) billing period. To be eligible for this rate adjustment, the affected water system must be owned by or subject to the exclusive control of the customer and be located between the City's water meter and owner's residence or structure. The bill sought for adjustment must exceed two (2) times the customer's highest usage in any single billing period during the twelve (12) months prior to the billing period sought for adjustment. 3. Following a request for rate adjustment provided under this subsection, the City's finance director, or his/her designee, shall review the request and determine whether or not to adjust the customer's monthly billing. in order to make a proper determination, City staff shall be entitled to access, inspect and approve the customer's water system repair prior to granting a rate adjustment. 4. If approved, the City shall make this rate adjustment by issuing a credit to the customer's account after verification of leakage or water system failure, inspection of water meter and water system, where applicable, and verification of corrective repairs. All repairs shall occur within thirty (30) days of application to the City. 5. The owner may request reconsideration of the decision of the finance director, or his/her designee, by the City Council through the City Council's operation committee. SECTION 4. - Storm and Surface Water Utility Charges. Section 7.05.090 of the Kent City Code relating to the City's storm and surface water utility and entitled "System of charges," is amended as follows: Sec. 7.05.090. System of charges. A. There is hereby imposed a system of charges on each parcel of real property within the City served by or to which is available for service the 12 Water and Drainage Rates and Fees for 2009 Budget storm and surface water utility established by this chapter. The charges are found to be reasonable and necessary to fund administration, planning, design, construction, operation, maintenance, repair, improvement, and replacement of all existing and future storm and surface water facilities, including the accumulation of reserves and the retirement of any associated debt. B. The following charges are hereby established for all parcels of real property in the City: 1. Residential parcels. The Effective 3anUaFY 1, 2007, th-e single-family residential rate shall be as follows: Charged in Dollars Per Month Per R id ntial Dwelling Effective January 1, 2007 Effective April 1, 2009 Effective January 1, 2010 Effective January 1, 2011 2.57 plus the basin - $8.75 $10.06 $11.57 specific charge of subsection (13)(5) of this section. Effective January 1, 2012 Effective January 1, 2013 Effective January 1, 2014 13.31 $15.30 t17.59 twe dellar-s and fifty seven eents ($2.57) per- ffienth for- eaeh paFeel having one (1) residential dwelling plus the basin specific charge of subsectleri The basin specific charge set forth under subsection (B)(5) shall apply to residential dwellings through March 31 2009 but shall be eliminated after that date. 13 Water and Drainage Rates and Fees for 2009 Budget 2. Agricultural and undeveloped parcels. Agricultural parcels shall be charged the monthly residential parcel rate. Undeveloped parcels shall not be charged. 3. Other parcels. a. The charge for all other parcels except residential parcels, agricultural parcels and undeveloped parcels shall be based upon: (1) The total amount of impervious surface as expressed in equivalent service units (an equivalent service unit ESU) has been determined to be two thousand five hundred (2,500) square feet of impervious surface or any fraction thereof); and (2) The percentage of impervious surface area on each parcel. b. The charge for all such parcels shall be computed; (1) By multiplying the total number of ESUs on each parcel by the parcel's impervious multiplier established in subsection (3)(c) below; and (2) Multiplying the results by the sum of the single- family residential rate, if any. C. Impervious multipliers are hereby established: (1) Percentage of impervious area per parcel (impervious surface/total surface x 100) Impervious multiplier 1 to 40 1 41 to 60 1.2 61 to 80 1.4 81 to 100 1.6 (2) Impervious multipliers correlate the hydraulic impact of a parcel to its percentage of impervious surface per parcel. The multiplier for the average single-family residence is established as one (1). 14 Water and Drainage Rates and Fees for 2009 Budget The multiplier linearly increases as the percentage of impervious area increases. The final category has a multiplier of one and six -tenths (1.6) which reflects the hydraulic impact on the drainage system compared to the that impact of an average single-family residence. 4. Road systems. The impervious surface area for City roads shall be assessed thirty (30) percent of the charge established in subsection (13)(3) of this section for impervious service areas. 5. Basin -specific charges. The City shall have all lawful powers and authorities to fix, alter, regulate and control charges within specific basins and subbasins. The purpose of the power and authority granted in this section is to provide for charging parcels of one (1) basin or subbasin for improvements, studies or extraordinary maintenance which specifically and solely benefit the property owners thereof. The following basin - specific charges shall be assessed and collected through March 31, 2009 . 15 Water and Drainage Rates and Fees for 2009 Budget Charged in dollars per equivalent service unit, EWper month Basin Effective Date January 1, 2007 Effective Date January 1, 2008 Westside O $0.10 $1.68 K, L, M, D, E, F, P & N $0.15 $1.68 Eastside Mill Creek Upper (G) $4.27 $4.27 Lower (A) $5.05 $5.05 Valley Det. (Q) $5.05 $5.05 Garrison Creek Lower (B) $2.12 $2.12 Upper (J & Y) $1.94 $1.94 Direct (C) $2.23 $2.23 Soos Creek (H) $4.35 $4.35 15 Water and Drainage Rates and Fees for 2009 Budget Effective April i 2009, these basin specific charges shall no longer apply, and the City will assess and collect the new single-family residential rate established in KCC 7.05.090(B)(1). The boundaries of the described basins are generally indicated on Attachment A to Ordinance No. 3461, which is on file with the City Clerk. The boundaries of the basins and subbasins are generally defined and on file in the City Clerk's Office. The detailed definitions thereof are reflected on maps filed in the engineering division of the public works department, which are available to the public for review and/or copying during normal business hours. 6. Water quality charges. a. The City hereby authorizes and declares its intent to establish, , a water quality charge which may be added to any or all of the above rates. The purposes of such a charge will be to finance monitoring, testing, treatment and control of pollutant discharges into the storm and surface water system, including the exercise of all lawful enforcement powers of the City. A plan for developing such charges, and a schedule and budget for this project, shall be submitted to the City Council for review and approval before enactmentsystern of water pollution charges fer starm and surf -ace water t:un 8 fFeng all parcels of real PFeperty in the Gity shall be develeped within two within ninety (90) days of adeptian ef this ehapte b. Such charges should be based upon appropriate indices of pollutant discharges which approximate each parcel's contribution to the problem of water quality within storm and surface water facilities including all receiving waters. 16 Water and Drainage Rates and Fees for 2009 Budget 7. Undeveloped parcels shall be subject to all charges established under this section upon developmentof a parce4. Development shall be determined by the date of issuance of a building permit or any other permit for development purposes or as otherwise established by the director of public works. SECTION 5. - Rates Within Drainage District. Section 7.05.120 of the Kent City Code, entitled "Rates Within Drainage Districts," is amended as follows: 7.05.120. Rates within drainage districts. Through March 31, 2009, the storm and surface water utility charges imposed upon all parcels within the City which are also being assessed, according to the records of the King County assessor, by drainage district number 1 or drainage district number 2 shall be reduced by the amount equal to such assessments upon the providing of adequate proof thereof to the finance director or designee. The maximum reduction allowed in any one (1) year shall be limited to the storm and surface water utility charge imposed for that year. Effective April 1 2009 these rate reductions shall no longer apply. SECTION 6. - Connection Fees. Section 7.05.160 of the Kent City Code, entitled "Connection Fees," is amended as follows: Sec. 7.05.160 Connection fees. Connection fees shall be assessed against an owner of real property at the time of issuance of a development permit for any onsite storm or surface water drainage structure or facilities which attach or connect to, or otherwise drain into, the system of drainage facilities as defined in KCC 7.05.050 or where any additional surface or storm water run-off is generated and delivered or transported through either natural or person -made watercourses to the 17 Water and Drainage Rates and Fees for 2009 Budget utility's system of storm and surface water facilities. The connection fees assessed and collected through March 31, 2009, shall be as follows: Basin Connection charge in dollars per month per acre G 12.50 I 11.25 A 13.75 B 12.50 C & A 1.25 All others (except Basin H) 0.0 Effective April 1 2009 the connection fee assessed and collected b the City under this section shall terminate and the City will assess and collect a drainage systems development charge in accordance with KCC 7.05.165. As of December 31, 1999, and effective through March 31, 2009, for Basin H only (the Soos Creek Watershed, generally), the charge per connection will be a flat fee of four hundred dollars ($400) per equivalent service unit -E . Effective April 1 2009 the City will no longer assess and collect basin specific charges. The basins are as defined under KCC 7.05.090(B)(4). The charge in effect through March 31, 2009, is calculated by the number of months from the date of adoption of this chapter to the date of issuance of the development permit, and the acre represents the area of the property being developed. All connection fees collected by the storm and surface water utility shall be placed in a separate revenue account for the storm and surface water utility. 1s Wafer and Drainage Rates and Fees for 2009 Budget SECTION 7. - Drainage Systems Development Charge. Chapter 7.05 of the Kent City Code relating to the City's storm and surface water utility is amended to add a new section, section 7.05.165, entitled "Drainage Systems Development Charge," as follows: Sec. 7.05.165. Drainage SystemsQevglopment Charge. Effective April 1, 2009, the City shall assess and collect a drainage systems clevelol2ment charge against all new development or redevelopment in the amount of one thousand and seven hundred and eighty-seven dollars ($1,787) per ESU as defined in KCC 7.05.090(B)(3). This drainage system development charge will increase annually, on the first day of each calendar year, by an amount equal to the percentage increase in the Construction Price Index for Seattle -Tacoma -Bremerton for the twelve month period October 1 through September 30 of the previous calendar year. All drainage system development charges collected by the storm and surface water utility shall be placed in a separate revenue account for the storm and surface water utility. SECTION S. - Severability. If any one or more section, subsections, or sentences of this ordinance are held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this ordinance and the same shall remain in full force and effect. 19 Water and Drainage Rates and Fees for 2009 Budget SECTION 9. - Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force five (5) days from and after its passage as provided by law. However, the fees amended by this ordinance shall not be assessed and collected until April 1, 2009, and are included in the 2009 fiscal year budget. ATTEST: BRENDA JACOBER, CITY LERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: TM BRU AKER, CITY ATTORNEY PASSED: l day of 2008. APPROVED: day of _ , 2008. PUBLISHED: day of _ , 2008. I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordinance No. 7 a passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, and approved by the Mayor of the City of Kent as hereon indicated. = - AL) = - BRENDA JACOBER, CLERK P \Civ810rdtnance\Budget; 0l 9-UriNryFeEInc�eases dost 20 Water and Drainage Rates and Fees for 2009 Budget