HomeMy WebLinkAbout1791Resolution No. 1791 (Amending or Repealing Resolutions) CFN = 1309 -Panther Lake (Potential) Annexation Passed -5/20/2008 Panther Lake Annexation Area-Information Gathenng RESOLUTION NO. / 7 (/ A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, requesting that City staff gather mformat1on regarding the potential annexation of the Panther Lake area and present that Information at a future Council meeting. RECITALS A. The Growth Management Act (GMA) establishes that cities are the primary providers of urban services and encourages cit1es and count1es to work together to define the l1m1ts of potential annexation areas. The Kmg County county-w1de plannmg policies established in compliance with the GMA encourage the annexation of large urban unincorporated areas by 2012. B. The City of Kent, in conjunction with its neighboring jurisdictions and Kmg County, has determmed the lim1ts of its Potential Annexation Area(PAA). The area known commonly by the City as the Panther Lake area (and to the County as Kent Northeast PAA) lies w1thm the City of Kent's PAA, and the City has undertaken preliminary study of the financial, land use, and service impacts of annexation of th1s area to the City. NOW THEREFORE, THE CllY COUNCIL OF THE CllY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: 1 Panther Lake Annexation Area- Information Gathering RESOLUTION SECTION 1. -Information Gathering Regarding the Panther Lake Annexatton Area. The Kent City Council directs staff to: A. Develop an interlocal agreement between the City of Kent and King County which outlines the mutual responsibilities of both junsd1ct1ons as they pertain to the potential annexat1on of the Panther Lake area. B. Develop a public outreach program for d1ssemmation of factual information to the res1dents of the annexation area, as well as information for ex1stmg City residents. C. Conduct further studies of the financial, regulatory, land use, and service delivery impacts of annexation of the Panther Lake area, potentially including opmion surveys of area residents. D. Analyze and prepare a timeline that outlines the necessary steps for a potential annexation election tentatively set to occur in 2009. SECTION 2. -Results Presented to Council. Upon its completion of the tasks outlined in Section 1 above, staff shall present its results to the City Council at a future meeting in conJunction with authorization to proceed forward to a Notice of Intent to the King County Boundary Review Board to annex the Panther Lake area and any other steps provided by law to conduct the annexat1on election. SECTION 3. -Severability. If any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase of this resolution 1s declared unconstitutional or invalid for any reason, such dec1s1on shall not affect the val1d1ty of the remaining port1ons of this resolution. 2 Panther Lake Annexation Area- Information Gathering SECTION 4. -Ratification. Any act consistent w1th the authority and prior to the effective date of this resolution is hereby ratified and affirmed. SECTION 5. -Effective Date. Th1s resolution shall take effect and be in force Immediately upon 1ts passage. PASSED at a regular open public meeting by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washmgton, this ,22 fit day of May, 2008. 4 CONCURRED in by the Mayor of the City of Kent this ;ltJ day of May, 2008. ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: .... -.. --/ ... I.... • ... .... ,. "' .::: .:.. .::. --.. · .... · ..... , .. -.... _ .... ~ ............ , .. I hereby certify that this is a true and correct copy of Resolution No. I '17/ passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washmgton, the ;2()-1-A day of May, 2008. -,_ P \C•vii\Resolutlon\PantherlakeArmexatlon·lnfoGamlrl~ doc "::.., ------_ -:::. -::,....-~-,_ -._/ --- d!t~CLERK 3 Panther Lake Annexation Area- Information Gathering