HomeMy WebLinkAbout1782Resolution No. 1782 (Amending or Repealing Resolutions) CFN = 585 -Earthworks Sculptures/Mill Creek Park Passed-3/18/2008 H1stonc Landmark Nom1nat1on Approval Earthworks RESOLUTION NO. /Jg .A A RESOLUTION of the city council of the city of Kent, Washmgton, approvmg the nommation of Mill Creek Canyon Earthworks for further evaluation by the landmark des1gnat1on and preservation commiSSIOn under Chapter 14.12 of the Kent City Code. RECITALS A. Chapter 14.12, Landmark Designation and Preservation, of the Kent City Code (KCC) was enacted by the Kent City Counc1l to designate, preserve, and perpetuate those sites which reflect significant elements of the city of Kent's cultural, ethnic, soc1al, econom1c, pol1t1cal, architectural, aesthetiC, archaeological, engineering, h1stonc, and other hentage. A historic landmark des1gnat1on is mtended to foster c1vic pnde 1n the beauty and accomplishments of Kent's past; to stab1l1ze and Improve the econom1c values and vitality of Kent's landmarks; and to protect and enhance the Kent's tounst industry by promoting hentage-related tourism. Th1s Chapter prov1des that a nommat1on may only proceed through the nommat1on process with the Landmark and Hentage Commission 1f it first rece1ves approval from the Kent City Council. KCC 14.12.080. B. Herbert Bayer's Mill Creek Canyon Earthworks (Earthworks) located 1n M1ll Creek Canyon Earthworks Park has been nommated for des1gnat1on as a h1stonc landmark under Chapter 14.12. KCC. The owner of the Earthworks, the City of Kent, IS supportive of this historic landmark 1 Historic Landmark Nomination Approval Earthworks nomination, and has asked that the nomination be allowed to proceed through the procedures established by Chapter 14.12 KCC. C. Herbert Bayer is recognized as a remarkable designer within the fields of typography, exhibition des1gn, product des1gn, sculpture, and photography. H1s fmal environmental work in Kent's Mill Creek Canyon Park is a designed landscape composed of a vanety of topographic features, pathways, water features and lawns wh1ch function together as a publ1c park, stormwater detention dam, and landscape artwork. The 2 V2 acre site is located 1n the northeast corner of the Park. D. The Earthworks is one of only two proJects bu1lt 1n association with the groundbreaking 1979 Kmg County Arts Commission's Earthworks: Land Reclamation as Sculpture symposium. Today 1t is recognized as a leadmg example of public art and public part1c1patJon. The Earthworks is remarkably well-preserved and mamtams the strong feeling of "a walk through sculpture" desp1te stresses from a quarter-century of flooding, dynamic disturbance, and normal wear and tear. Overall, the Earthworks has sustamed minimal change smce 1ts construction in 1982. The Earthworks exceptional significance merits a wa1ver of the standard forty ( 40) year old requirement for designation as a histone landmark. NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: RESOLUTION SECTION 1. -Reotals Incorporated. The foregomg recitals are incorporated and fully made a part of this resolution 2 Historic Landmark Nomination Approval Earthworks SECTION 2. -Approval of Landmark Designation Nomination. The Kent City Council, per KCC 14.12.080, approves the nom1nat1on of Herbert Bayer's Mill Creek Canyon Earthworks located 1n Mill Creek Canyon Earthworks Park for further processmg by the Landmark and Hentage Commission. SECTION 3. -Effective Date. Th1s resolution shall take effect and be m force 1mmed1ately upon its passage. PASSED at a regular open public meet1ng by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, th1s If: day of )Yuuu-~ , 2008. CONCURRED in by the Mayor of the City of Kent this ;g day of ~~ ,2008. APPROVED AS TO FORM: fuWAe/IAU:L _l hereby certify that this is a true and correct copy of Resolution No. I 7 o~ passed by the City Counc1l of the City of Kent, Wash1ngton, the / ~ day of , 2008. ~~~ BRENDA JACOBER, CITY LERK P \CIVII\~solutum\HistO[tt:Erese~tiOAApprovaiOfNomlnatlon·EarthwoksPark doc 3 Historic Landmark Nomination Approval Earthworks