HomeMy WebLinkAbout1779Resolution No. 1779 (Amending or Repealing Resolutions) CFN = 239 -City Property Passed-2/19/2008 Surplus Property-2007 Water System Utility Equipment RESOLUTION NO. I 11 '! A RESOLUTION of the city council of the city of Kent, Washmgton, determ1nmg that certain public ut1l1ty equipment IS surplus to the c1ty's needs, prov1dmg for the sale thereof, statmg the cons1derat1on to be pa1d for the equipment, and authonz1ng the director of public works to enter mto a sales agreement w1th the highest bidder. RECITALS A. The City of Kent ("City") has in its possessiOn certam equipment, described in Exh1b1t A attached and incorporated by th1s reference, wh1ch IS no longer actively in use as part of the City's public ut1l1ty system. B. The director of public works has determined that the City no longer has any use or need for that equ1pment. C. The City Council held a public heanng on Tuesday, February 19, 2008, at a regularly scheduled c1ty council meeting and mv1ted comments regardmg the City's mtention to surplus the equipment. D. RCW 35.94.040 requires that the City determine, after a public hearing and by resolution of the c1ty council that equipment originally acqu1red for public ut1l1ty purposes is surplus to the City's needs and should be leased, sold or conveyed. 1 Surplus Property -2007 Water System Utility Equipment NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: RESOLUTION SECUON 1. -Recitals Incorporated. The foregomg recitals are incorporated and fully made a part of th1s resolut1on SECTION 2. -Equipment Deemed Surplus. The utility equipment described m the attached and Incorporated Exh1b1t A, wh1ch was ongmally acquired for public ut1l1ty purposes, 1s now surplus to the City's needs and 1s not requ1red for providmg contmued public utility serv1ce. SECTION 3. -Public's Best Interest. It is in the public's best interest that th1s surplus equipment shall be sold by bid to the highest bidder. In the event the equipment IS not sold at the auction, it will be sold for scrap metal. SECTION 4. -Consideration to be Paid. The consideration to be paid for the surplus property shall be 1n U.S. dollars 1n the form of cash or cash1er's check. SECTION 5. -Authority of Public Works Director. The Director of Publ1c Works IS authonzed to enter mto an agreement w1th the highest bidder to effect the sale of the surplus property. SECTION 6. -Effective Date. Th1s resolution shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage. PASSED at a regular open public meet1ng by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washmgton, th1s /9 day of February, 2008. CONCURRED 1n by the Mayor of the City of Kent th1s / Cf day of February, 2008. Surplus Property -2007 Water System Utility Equipment ATTEST: ~~ APPROVED AS TO FORM: tSrcll~. !if:i:: I hereby certify that this is a true and correct copy of Resolution No. 1117 passed by the City Council of the City of Kent 1 Washmgton 1 the 11 day of February/ 2008. ~£!~~~ BRENDAJACOBER 1 CI CLERK P \Civll\Resolutlon\Sur;»usPr1>'Pt!rt1':~007-WaterSystemEqulp doc 3 Surplus Property-2007 Water System Utility Equipment .. No. 4 10 3 11 41 1 59 12 246 6 8 86 11 3 1 74 2 45 110 7 2 17 13 76 3 7 27 16 5 1 4 2 1 11 24 12 8 282 8 8 40 1 9 5 29 9 5041f Water Department Warehouse Inventory Exh1b1t "A" Description Unit Cost MU/122184 Adapt1r $ 5 66 MU/122134 Adaptor $ 3.63 MU/122133 Adaptor $ 3.79 MU/H150694 Coupling $ 5.39 MU/H150693 Coupling $ 6.50 MU/15460L44 Coupling $ 3.95 MU/1545044 Coupling $ 3 95 MU/15460L33 Coupling $ 2.32 MU/1545033 Coupling $ 2.84 MU/15530L44 Couplinq $ 4.53 MU/15530L33 Coupling $ 2.32 MU/1542533 Coupling $ 2.84 MU/154043 Coupling $ 2.37 MU/14200L44 Coupling $ 7.43 MU/14200L33 Coupling $ 4.06 MU/H15380334 Tee $ 10.35 MU/H15380333 Tee $ 4.16 MU/154054 Un1on $ 3.65 MU/154053 Umon $ 2.34 MU/H150083 Valve $ 13.23 MU/H150084 Valve $ 19.37 MU/H150254 Valve $ 9.98 MU/Hl50004 Valve $ 11.61 MU/H150003 Valve $ 7.47 MU/H100136 Valve $ 27.95 MU/H102574 Valve $ 10 42 MU/H142554 Valve $ 14.31 MU/H142866 Valve $ 31.59 MU/H142654 Valve $ 7 44 MU/H90007 PRY $ 55.00 FO/F11014 Valve $ 18.98 FO/V4212W Resetter $ 26 16 FO/V4218W Resetter $ 31.82 FO/PTF1 Adaptor $ 2 95 FO/PTF2 Adaptor $ 4.68 FO/PTMl Adaptor $ 2.58 FO/PTP2 Adaptor $ 4.39 BA/BP Bottom Plates $ 3.64 ROC/SRR3 Registers $ 10.00 ROC/SRR4 Registers $ 27.67 ROC/SRRS/8 Reg1sters $ 9.59 KE/KlOES Shaft $ 51.75 FT/lBCRL Meter Box $ 14 75 FO/VBR6 R1ser $ 16 85 RI/925L Lid $ 11.32 Rl/925-1 L Lid $ 12.50 GP/3TC P1pe $ 0.21 P OperatJons/OperatlonsAdmln/Userdata/Admln Shortcuts/Water/Water Warehouse Inventory 2007 --~~------ -~----~ Extended Cost $ 22.64 $ 36 30 $ 11.37 $ 59.29 $ 266.50 $ 3 95 $ 233.05 $ 27.84 $ 698.64 $ 27 18 $ 18.56 $ 244.24 $ 26.07 $ 22.29 $ 4.06 $ 765.90 $ 8.32 $ 164.25 $ 257.40 $ 92.61 $ 38.74 $ 169.66 $ 150.93 $ 567.72 $ 83.85 $ 72.94 $ 386.37 $ 505.44 $ 37.20 $ 55.00 $ 75 92 $ 52.32 $ 31.82 $ 32.45 $ 112.32 $ 30.96 $ 35.12 $ 1,026.48 $ 80.00 $ 221.36 $ 383 60 $ 51 75 $ 132 75 $ 84 25 $ 328 28 $ 112.50 $ 105.84 5321f PP/PKTL-7 Lmer 2 MH/SCVF2 Valve 31 GF/K66 Elbow 50 GF/L66 Elbow so GF/L44 Elbow 1 GF/L76 Elbow 1 GF/L75 Elbow 35 GF/N6X2.5 Nipple 25 GF/N6X3.5 Nipple 30 GF/N6X3 Nipple 35 GF/N6X4.5 Nipple 35 GF/N6X4 Nipple 30 GF/N6X5.5 Nipple 35 GF/N6XS Nipple 20 GF/N6XC Nipple 20 GF/N4X2 5 Nipple 15 GFXN4X2 Nipple 5 GF/N4X3 5 N1pple 10 GF/N4X4.5 Nipple 15 GF/N4X4 Nipple 15 GFXN4XS.S Nipple 10 GF/N4XS Nipple 3 SBV/V304C42 Valve 11 SBF/62C5 Un1on 2 SBF/66C32 Coupling 13 SBF/66C52 Couplmg 13 SBF/68C32 Coupling 9 SBF/68C52 Coupling 18 SBF/169C52 Elbow 16 SBF/60C3 Sleeve 16 SBF/60CS Sleeve 21 SBF/60C10 Sleeve 16 SBF/61C3 Nut 23 SBF/61C5 Nut 12 SBF/61C10 Nut 3 PS/IVFF3 Valve 4 PS/IVMF3 Valve 1 MU/LSCVF3 Valve 2 PS/IVFM4 Valve 3 PS/IVFF4 Valve 1 DR/BFVFM3 Valve 2 PS/IVMM4 Valve 1 IF/D1AC Cap 1 IF/D2AC Cap 1 IF/HF3 Flange 15 GF.N7X3.5 Nipple 25 GF/N7X4.5 Nipple 20 GF/N7XS Nipple Water Department Warehouse Inventory Exh1b1t "A" $ 16.11 $ 128.46 $ 1.88 $ 3.42 $ 0.64 $ 4.39 $ 2.50 $ 1.25 $ 1.35 $ 1.30 $ 1.45 $ 1.40 $ 1.55 $ 1.50 $ 0.42 $ 0.25 $ 0 24 $ 0.28 $ 0.32 $ 0.29 $ 0.77 $ 0.32 $ 6.12 $ 1.66 $ 0.43 $ 1.30 $ 0.90 $ 1.08 $ 1.66 $ 0.05 $ 0.08 $ 0.38 $ 0 14 $ 0.32 $ 0.95 $ 99.65 $ 105.15 $ 584.80 $ 179.03 $ 172.67 $ 110.00 $ 184.43 $ 3.35 $ 28.00 $ 65.00 $ 0.76 $ 1.90 $ 0.99 P Opera~ons/OperatlonsAdmln/Userdata/Admln Shortarts{Water/Water Warehouse Inventory 2007 $ 8,570.52 $ 256.92 $ 58.28 $ 171.00 $ 32.00 $ 4.39 $ 2.50 $ 43 75 $ 33.75 $ 39.00 $ 36.25 $ 49.00 $ 46.50 $ 52.50 $ 8 40 $ 5.00 $ 3.60 $ 1 40 $ 3.20 $ 4.35 $ 11.55 $ 3.20 $ 18.36 $ 18.26 $ 0.86 $ 16.90 $ 11 70 $ 9.72 $ 29.88 $ 0.80 $ 1.28 $ 7.98 $ 2.24 $ 7.36 $ 11.40 $ 298 95 $ 420.60 $ 584.80 $ 358.06 $ 518.01 $ 110.00 $ 368.86 $ 3.35 $ 28.00 $ 65.00 $ 11.40 $ 47.50 $ 19.80 5 10 20 10 110 20 25 2 I 1 l 3 I 7 Water Department Warehouse Inventory Exhibit "A" GF/N3X3.5 Nipple $ 0.72 GF/N3X4.5 Nipple $ 0.80 GF/N3X5 5 Nipple $ 0.85 GF/N3X5 Nipple $ 0.80 GF/U66Umon $ 3.13 GF/U44 Umon $ 0.95 GF/U33 Umon $ 0.61 GF/UOO Umon $ 19.28 Total Water Department Equipment Cumm1ns NT270GS 150 KW Generator Senal #10453288 $35,ooo I Neotronics Gas Detectors Senal #4213749 Obsolete/No Value Senal #12113386 Obsolete/No Value Serial #04213746 Obsolete/No Value Neotronics Minigas Detectors Serial #10644240001 Obsolete/No Value Senal #10644240002 Obsolete/No Value Senal #10644240003 Obsolete/No Value Senal #14000228 Obsolete/No Value Senal #1400190 Obsolete/No Value Senal #017MA03805 Obsolete/No Value Senal #017MA03806 Obsolete/No Value $500.00 I 1 Onan (1978) Model #ATUED60-3/5505B Transfer sw1tch for above Generator I I Senal #0770230664 I $5oo.oo I Neotronics Gas Detector Senal #11214480 Obsolete/No Value I 9 Neotronics Minigas Detectors Senal #038MA05558 Obsolete/No Value Senal #038MA05557 Obsolete/No Value Senal #10645930001 Obsolete/No Value Senal #10645930002 Obsolete/No Value Senal #12300126 Obsolete/No Value Senal #12300139 Obsolete/No Value P·Operaoons/OperationsAdmln/Userdata/Admln Shortcuts/Water/Water Warehouse Inventory 2007 $ 3.60 $ 8.00 $ 17.00 $ 8.00 $ 344.30 $ 19.00 $ 15 25 $ 38.56 $ 20,817.87 I 10 Water Department Warehouse Inventory Exh1b1t "A" Senal #017MA03803 Obsolete/No Value Senal #017MA03804 Obsolete/No Value Senal #017MA03807 Obsolete/No Value Utilities Department Radio Equipment Motorola Radios Model #F65538 Senal #469SSZ0174 Obsolete/No Value Model #C7223A Serial #224SJY7176 Obsolete/No Value Model #0723A Senal #224SHW1066 Obsolete/No Value Model #1561A Senal #403SHW1066 Obsolete/No Value Model #F6553C Senal #469SWJ0005 Obsolete/No Value Model #C1561A Senal #4038JJ2223 Obsolete/No Value Model #C1561A Senal #403SJJ2222 Obsolete/No Value Model #Cl531A Serial #A33SJJ2220 Obsolete/No Value Model #F6553C Senal #469SWJ0004 Obsolete/No Value Model #F3023B Senal #275SRW3414 Obsolete/No Value P Operatlons/OperabonsAdmln/Userdata/Admln Shortcuts/Water/Water Warehouse Inventory 2007