HomeMy WebLinkAbout1309f' RESOLUTION NO. I 3 0 1 A RESOLUTION of the City of Kent, Washington, relating to the Growth Management Act funds dis- bursed by the State Department of Community Development to King County as a pass-through to the City of Kent. WHEREAS, the 1990 and 1991 State Legislatures passed the Growth Management Act (hereinafter the "Act") which requires, among other things, that all jurisdictions in King County prepare comprehensive plans in accordance with its provisions, that the jurisdictions• plans be consistent, and that county-wide planning policies be adopted in 1992; and WHEREAS, funds were appropriated by the Legislature to assist local governments in implementation of the Act; and WHEREAS, in the allocation of these funds, the Washington State Department of Community Development has in turn, allocated $2,290,066 to King County general purpose governments provided that 60% of those governments, representing 75% of the County's population agree to the grant distribution formula and a joint regional strategy for growth management activities; and WHEREAS, in order to receive the 1990-1991 grant funds under the Act, the City approved all necessary elements under the Act and an interlocal agreement was executed with King County for the distribution of those funds; and WHEREAS, in order to receive funds under the Act for 1991-1992, the City must approve another interlocal agreement with King county regarding the distribution of the funds and accept the grant distribution formula and Joint Regional Strategy for 1992 as recommended by the King County Liaison Group (an interjurisdictional group of planning, public works and finance officials); NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: The City agrees that in order to be eligible for 1991- 1992 Act funds, it shall perform the following tasks: 1. Authorize the Mayor to sign the interlocal agreement with King County regarding the distribution of 1991- 1992 Act grant funds, in substantially the same form as "Attachment A: 'A Service Agreement for the Distribution and Administration of Certain Washington Department of Community Development Grant Funds under the State of Washington Growth Management Act of 1990 111 (hereinafter the "Agreement") attached hereto; 2. Perform the tasks specifically described in the Agreement for the continued fund disbursements and in order to comply with all applicable laws; 3. Participate and provide information and data as requested to accomplish the 1992 Joint Regional strategy (Attachment 1 to the Agreement); . , 4. Accept the grant allocation formula which reserves $332,000 for region-wide efforts and reduces each jurisdiction's allocation by 14.5% from the 1990-1991 formula of $35,000 minimum and a per capita allocation based upon each jurisdiction's share of the total county population (Attachment 2 to the Agreement}; 5. Designate the King county Liaison Group to coordinate the interjurisdictional work in the Joint Regional Strategy {Attachment 3 to the Agreement); 6. Perform work on growth management tasks as outlined in the Growth Management Interdepartmental Workplan (Attachment 4 to the agreement}; 7. Designate King County as the fiscal agent to: submit the application to DCD for 1991-1992 Growth Management Act grant funds on behalf of participating jurisdictions; receive DCD grant funds; distribute funds to municipal jurisdictions according to the approved allocation formula and to otherwise carry out its responsibilities as further described in the Agreement. Passed at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington this "irA day of ~~~ , 1992. ~ c~~l>y the May fo day o~ , 1992. of the City of Kent, this KELLEHER, MAYOR 3 .I ... - ":._, _v. .:.. -..... ATTEST: ----... __ .......... -. .-' . ~ / - APPROVED AS TO FORM: _/~R§EG; CITY~ I hereby certify that this is a true and correct copy of Resolution No. !E 0£ the City of Kent, Washington, 1992. gmact.res 4 ' ' I ATTACHMENT A A SERVICE AGREEMENT FOR THE DISTRIBUTION AND ADMINISTRATION OF CERTAIN WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT GRANT FUNDS UNDER THE STATE OF WASHINGTON GROWTH MANAGEMENT ACT OF 1990 THIS AGREEMENT, signed this ___ day of-------- 199 ____ by and between King County and the City/Town of ___ _ ("the Municipal Jurisdiction"). WHEREAS, the Washington State Legislature passed the Growth Management Act of 1990 and 1991 (Chapter 17), hereinafter referred to as "the Act," which requires all jurisdictions in the County of King to prepare comprehensive plans consistent with new guidelines; and WHEREAS, the Act requires that jurisdictions prepare these plans in cooperation with neighboring units of general government; and WHEREAS, the State of Washington through the adoption and administration of the Act will make funds available to local jurisdictions through the State of Washington Department of Community Development, hereinafter referred to as DCD, for expenditure during the 1991-1992 funding years; and WHEREAS, the Act directs DCD to establish funding levels for planning and technical assistance grants for counties and cities that plan under this Act and DCD has allocated approximately $2.29 million dollars to King County jurisdictions; and WHEREAS, King County and the municipal jurisdictions within King County have been designated together as a county region by DCD for the purpose of receiving DCD funds; and WHEREAS, DCD requires King County and the municipal jurisdictions within King County to develop a regional work program, hereinafter referred to as a "Joint Regional Strategy, 11 for the 1992 calendar year and beyond for implemen- tation of the Act and for the purpose of receiving DCD funds and to designate an institutional framework to coordinate the accomplishment of the Joint Regional Strategy; and WHEREAS, DCD requires King County and the municipal jurisdictions within King County to develop an allocation formula for receipt of the DCD grant funds within the county region and designate a fiscal agent to receive and distribute DCD funds according to the approved allocation formula; and WHEREAS, DCD requires that the Joint Regional Strategy and allocation formula be approved by 60% of legislative authorities of the county and municipal jurisdictions within King County representing 75% of the total population of King County; and WHEREAS, only King County and municipal jurisdictions which have adopted the Joint Regional Strategy and have agreed to the allocation formula by resolution, motion, or ordinance will be eligible to receive OCD grant funds; and wi1EREAS, in i99i King CoUl~ty and municipal jurisdictions entered into interlocal agreements for the distribution of 1990-1991 DCD Growth Management Act grant funds which included approving a 1991Joint Regional Strategy and grant allocation formula; and WHEREAS, the King County Liaison Committee, which consists of Planning Directors, Public Works Directors and Finance Directors representing King County, the City of Seattle, and other municipal jurisdictions within King County, recommends the Joint Regional Strategy and the grant allocation formula contained herein; and WHEREAS, King County has entered into a contract with DCD to serve as fiscal agent for the distribution of grant funds among King County and the municipal jurisdictions within King County; and 2 WHEREAS, in November 1991 the King County Council through the adoption of Ordinance #10182, Section 76, appropriated DCD funds for distribution to King County and the municipal jurisdictions within King County for the 1991- 1992 funding year; and WHEREAS, King County and the Municipal Jurisdiction enter into this Agreement pursuant to and in accordance with the State Interlocal Cooperation Act, RCW Chapter 39.34, for the purpose of distributing and administrating DCD funds and for the execution of activities in accordance with and under author- ity of the Act; NOW, THEREFORE, IN CONSIDERATION OF THE FOREGOING CIRCUMSTANCES AND IN CONSIDERATION OF THE MUTUAL PROMISES HEREIN, IT IS AGREED THAT: I. GENERAL AGREEMENT King County and the Municipal Jurisdiction agree to comply with the provisions of the "Joint Regional Strategy," which is attached hereto as Attachment 1 and is incorporated herein as is fully set forth, by under- taking growth management activities, including coordination of planning efforts to achieve consistency, the development of a public participa- tion process, and undertaking other coordinated planning activities as specified in the Growth Management Act of 1990 and 1991. II. ENTITLEMENT The parties agree that the allocation of funds appropriated by the State of Washington Department of Community Development ("DCD") among King County and the municipal jurisdictions within King County shall be governed by the following provisions as outlined in the Grant Allocation Formula, which is attached hereto as Attachment 2 and is incorporated herein as is fully set forth: A. By entering this Agreement the Municipal Jurisdiction is eligible to receive a direct share, hereinafter referred to as a pass- through, of DCD funds as calculated in the Grant Allocation Formula, which is based on the following principles: I. Of the total DCD grant to King County, $332,000 shall be reserved for county-wide efforts. This results in the Municipal Jurisdiction Share calculated under subsections A.2 and A.3 below being reduced by fourteen and one-half percent (14.5%). 2. The pass-through shall include a minimum amount of $35,000. 3. The remainder of the funds shall be allocated on a per capita basis based on a proportional distribution of total population with King County as determined in the April 1991 estimate by the State of Washington Office of Financial Management. 4. If the Municipal Jurisdiction is partially within King County and partially within an adjacent county, it shall have its base amount adjusted based on the proportion of its . . ----.p'"'opulation wn1cn 1S locatee~-,n-Kfng-tounty. --------d---m--· B. King County shall distribute any unallocated funds in the same manner as described in paragraph II(A)(2) above or in another manner approved by King County and a minimum of nineteen (19) municipal jurisdictions within King County. Together the popula- tion of unincorporated King County and the approving municipal jurisdictions must represent 75% of the total population of King County. . . ' c. 3 This Agreement is contingent upon the adoption of a resolution, motion, or ordinance by the Municipal Jurisdiction approving the Joint Regional Strategy and Grant Allocation Formula for DCD grant funds and of a municipal work program which outlines the Municipal Jurisdiction's implementation of the Act or the Joint Regional Strategy. III. REIMBURSEMENT PROVISIONS The parties agree that King County is the designated fiscal agent for the distribution of DCD funds under the terms of this Agreement. Within ten (10) business days after receiving each quarterly warrant from DCD, King County shall issue a warrant to the Municipal Jurisdiction for an amount equal to one quarter (to the nearest dollar) of the total amount the Municipal Jurisdiction is entitled to receive according to the Grant Allocation Formula. IV. USE OF FUNDS: GENERAL PROVISIONS A. Funds provided to the Municipal Jurisdiction under this Agreement shall be used solely for activities undertaken to fulfill the requirements of the Act and to implement the Joint Regional Strategy. B. The Municipal Jurisdiction agrees to conduct the appropriate citizen participation activities as required by the Act, Section 14. Such activities shall include the broad dissemination of proposals and alternatives, opportunity for written comments, public meeting after effective notice, provisions for open discus- sion, communication programs, information services, and considera- tion of and response to public comments. V. ROLE OF THE LIAISON GROUP The parties agree that the King County Liaison Group (Attachment 3), which consists of the planning directors, public works directors, and finance directors or their designees from King County, the City of Seattle, and other municipal jurisdictions within King County, shall serve as a joint forum for the review and recommendation of policy matters and state requirements to the legislative authorities of King County and the municipal jurisdictions within King County. The parties hereby agree that the Liaison Group shall prepare for DCD an annual regional progress report which describes accomplishments of the Joint Regional Strategy. VI. RESPONSIBILITIES AND POWERS OF THE MUNICIPAL JURISDICTION The Municipal Jurisdiction shall have the following responsibilities and powers: A. The Municipal Jurisdiction shall propose to its legislative authority a local work program which includes an examination of its role in recognizing and addressing regional or county-wide needs through a coordinated funding approach with King County and other municipal jurisdictions. B. The Municipal Jurisdiction shall prepare an annual progress report in accordance with ~he primary objectiv~s and re~uirements cf the Act, Section 19. The Municipal Jurisdiction's annual progress report shall be sent to the Office of the Manager, King County Planning and Community Development Division, 707 Smith Tower Building, 506 Second Avenue, Seattle, Washington 98104. C. The Municipal Jurisdiction shall exercise its discretion in deter- mining the use of its pass-through funds in a manner consistent with the Act and the Joint Regional Strategy including the Munici- pal Jurisdiction's local policies. \ ~ 4 D. The Municipal Jurisdiction agrees to propose to its legislative authority activities and budgets for inclusion in the implementa- tion of the Joint Regional Strategy. E. The Municipal Jurisdiction shall send representatives to partici- pate actively in technical forums for the purpose of accomplishing the Joint Regional Strategy. F. The Municipal Jurisdiction shall prepare and submit to King County for transmittal to DCD a short written description of high prior- ity growth management work program projects upon which the Munici- pal Jurisdiction intends to begin work during the period between July 1, 1991 and June 30, 1992. This description shall include reference to work program projects which implement the Joint Regional Strategy. G. The Municipal Jurisdiction undertaking activities and/or projects with DCD funds distributed under this Agreement retains full civil and criminal liability as though these funds were locally gener- ated. H. The Municipal Jurisdiction shall fully comply with the State Environmental Policy Act. I. The Municipal Jurisdiction shall maintain accounts and records, including personnel, property, financial, and programmatic records, and other such records as deemed necessary, to ensure proper accounting for all project funds and compliance with this Agreement. All such records shall sufficiently and properly reflect all direct and indirect costs of any nature expended and services provided in the performance of this Agreement. These records shall be maintained until June 30, 1994, unless a longer retention period is required by law. VII. RESPONSIBILITIES AND POWERS OF KING COUNTY King County, by and through its employees, agents, and representatives, agrees to: A. Obtain and present to the liaison Group all applicable State and DCD policy guidelines, special conditions, and format requirements related to the implementation of the Joint Regional Strategy and related to the administration of the grant funds distributed pursuant to the Act, Section 20. B. Prepare and present to DCD the annual progress report regarding the implementation of the Joint Regional Strategy as required by DCD pursuant to the Act, Section 19. C. Identify supplemental sources of funding to increase the ability of King County and the municipal jurisdictions within King County to carry out effective growth management activities. D. Prepare reports, organize meetings and technical forums/work groups as needed for the liaison Group to assist in the implemen- tation of the Joint Regional Strategy. VIII. GENERAL TERMS A. This Agreement for the 1991-1992 fund distribution shall be effec- ----~ -------t-tve-~-dtrty--t, iifl-' -tirn:n:rgtr---dumr-3fJ, tin~--The -pal"t1e-s-artno\ofl ettge; -- however, that commitments to accomplish the Joint Regional Strat- egy do not terminate with this Agreement. The parties agree to use their best efforts to work with DCD to secure additional funding beyond the 1991-1992 funding period and to execute subse- quent agreements. B. The King County Council through the adoption of Ordinance #10182, Section 76 appropriated DCD funds for distribution to King County _......____ __ --- ,. ' 5 and the municipal jurisdictions within King County for the 1991- 1992 funding year; C. It is recognized that amendments to this Agreement may become necessary, and such amendment shall take place only when the parties have executed a written addendum to this Agreement. IX. EVALUATION AND MONITORING A. The records and documents with respect to all matters covered by this Agreement shall be subject to inspection, review, or audit by King County so authorized or as requested by DCD during the performance of this Agreement and until June 30, 1994, unless a longer retention period is required by law. B. The Municipal Jurisdiction agrees to cooperate with any monitoring or evaluation activities conducted by King County that pertain to the subject of this Agreement. The Municipal Jurisdiction agrees to allow King County, DCD, the State Auditor, and/or any of their employees, agents, or representatives to have full access to and the right to examine during normal business hours and as often as King County may deem necessary, all of the Municipal Jurisdic- tion's records with respect to all matters covered by this Agree- ment. King County and/or any of its employees, agents, or repre- sentatives shall be permitted to audit, examine, and make excerpts or transcripts from such records and to make audits of all invoices, materials, payrolls, and record of matters covered by this Agreement. King County will give advance notice to the Municipal Jurisdiction in the case of fiscal audits to be conducted. C. The results and records of said evaluation shall be maintained and disclosed in accordance with RCW Chapter 42.17. X. HOLD HARMLESS A. King County assumes no responsibility for the payment of any compensation, wages, benefits, or taxes to or on behalf of the Municipal Jurisdiction, its employees, or others by reason of this Agreement. The Municipal Jurisdiction shall protect, indemnify and save harmless King County, its officers, agents, and employees from and against any and all claims, costs, and losses whatsoever occurring or resulting from (1) the Municipal Jurisdiction's failure to pay any such compensation, wages, benefits, or taxes; and (2) the supplying to the Municipal Jurisdiction of work, services, materials, or supplies by municipal employees or others in connection with or in support of the performance of this Agree- ment. B. The Municipal Jurisdiction further agrees that it is financially responsible for and shall repay King County all indicated amounts following an audit exception which occurs due to the negligence, intentional acts or failure for a~y reason to comply with the terms of this Agreement by the Municipal Jurisdiction, its offi- cers, employees, agents, or representatives. This duty to repay King County shall not be diminished or extinguished by the prior termination of this Agreement pursuant to Section VIII or Section IX. C. The Municipal Jurisdiction shall protect, defend, indemnify, and save harmless King f.ounty ind the State of Washington, their offi- cers, employees, and agents from any and all costs, claims, judg- ments, or awards of damages, arising out of or in any way resulting from the negligent acts or omissions of the Municipal Jurisdiction, its officers, employees, or agents. The Municipal Jurisdiction agrees that its obligations under this subparagraph extend to any claim, demand, or cause of action brought by or on behalf of any employee of the Municipal Jurisdiction against King County, its officers, agents, or employees, and includes any judg- ment, award, and cost arising therefrom, including attorney fees. ---- 6 King County shall protect, defend, indemnify, and save harmless the Municipal Jurisdiction, its officers, employees, and agents from any and all costs, claims, judgments, or awards of damages, arising out of or in any way resulting from the negligent acts or omissions of King County, its officers, employees, or agents. King County agrees that its obligations under this subparagraph extend to any claim, demand, or cause of action brought by or on behalf of any employee of King County against the Municipal Juris- diction, its officers, agents, or employees, and includes any judgment, award, and cost arising therefrom, including attorney fees. Claims shall include, but not be limited to, assertions that the use or transfer of any software, book, document, report, film, tape, or sound reproduction or material of any kind, delivered hereunder, constitutes an infringement or any copyright, patent, trademark, trade name, or otherwise results in unfair trade practice. D. The Municipal Jurisdiction shall provide King County with evidence of general liability insurance with limits of no less than $1 million per occurrence to provide coverage for claims for injuries to persons or damages to property which may arise from, or in connection with the performance of work hereunder by the Municipal Jurisdiction, its agents, representatives, employees, or subcon- tractors. If the Municipal Jurisdiction is self-insured for this requirement, a certification of self-insurance shall constitute compliance with this section. XI. TERMINATION A. Either party may terminate this Agreement with cause, in whole or in part, prior to the date specified in Section VIII, upon thirty (30} days advance written notice of the termination to the other party. B. If at any time during the term of this Agreement, either (1} the State of Washington terminates King County's DCD grant status, or otherwise acts to terminate, reduce, modify, or withhold its grant funding to King County, or (2} any necessary appropriations of funds for the Municipal Jurisdiction are not made to King County by the State of Washington, or are revoked or withheld, then King County may terminate this Agreement upon giving thirty (30} days written notice to the Municipal Jurisdiction. The parties acknowledge that, except as otherwise specifically provided for herein, King County shall in no event be responsible for the payment of any funds to the Municipal Jurisdiction. King County, as the official fiscal agent, shall have the authority and respon- sibility to ensure that upon termination of this Agreement, any remaining DCD funds are made available in the manner described in paragraph II(C} above and in accordance with state regulations, or returned to DCD. C. Nothing herein shall limit, waive; or extinguish any right or remedy provided by this Agreement or law that either party may have in the event that the obligations, terms, and conditions set forth in this Agreement are breached by the other party. XII. REDUCTION OF FUNDS 1n the event~ th~t ~there is a reduct-nm oi' fund~s~by the Sta--te-of Washing;. ton or DCD, and 1f such funds are the basis of this Agreement, then either the provisions of Section XI, Termination, shall be effective, or King County and the Municipal Jurisdiction may reduce their respective scopes of work or budget under this Agreement. ----------~ . , -- 7 XIII. SEVERABILITY In the event any term or condition of this Agreement or application thereof to any person or circumstances is held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect other terms, conditions, or applications of this Agreement which can be given effect without the invalid term, condition or application. To this end the terms and conditions of this Agreement are declared severable. XIV. RECAPTURE PROVISION A. In the event that DCD elects to recapture funds from either King County or the Municipal Jurisdiction for failure to expend grant funds in accordance with state law and/or the provisions of this Agreement, King County reserves the right to recapture such funds on behalf of DCD in an amount equivalent to the extent of noncom- pliance. B. Such right of recapture shall exist for a period not to exceed three (3) years following termination of this Agreement. Repay- ment by the Municipal Jurisdiction of such funds under this recap- ture provision shall occur within thirty (30) days of demand. Funds recaptured by King County shall be returned to DCD. In the event that King County is required to institute legal proceedings to enforce the recapture provision, or is required to participate in legal proceedings as a result of the Municipal Jurisdiction's noncompliance with the provisions of this Agreement, or is required to reimburse the State of Washington for the cost of legal proceedings, then King County shall be entitled to reim- bursement of its costs from the Municipal Jurisdiction, including reasonable attorney's fees. In the event that King County institutes legal proceedings to enforce the recapture provision, and the outcome of such proceedings is that the Municipal Jurisdiction did not expend Act grant funds in violation of state law or the terms of this Agreement, the Municipal Jurisdiction shall be entitled to reimbursement of its costs and reasonable attorneys' fees from King County. XV. NONDISCRIMINATION There shall be no discrimination against any employee or independent contractor paid by any funds which are the subject of this Agreement or against any applicant for such employment because of race, religion, color, sex, age, sexual orientation, handicap, or national origin. This provision shall include, but not be limited to the following: employ- ment, upgrading, demotion, transfer, recruitment, advertising, lay-off or termination, rates of pay or other forms of compensation, and selec- tion for training. The Municipal Jurisdiction and any independent contractor paid by funds which are the subject of this Agreement shall comply with the require- ments of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended. XVI. RIGHTS TO OTHER PARTIES It is understood and agreed that this Agreement is solely for the bene- fit of the parties hereto and conveys no right to any other party. XVII. GOVERNING LAW AND FILING This Agreement shall be construed and enforced in accordance with, and the validity and performance hereof shall be governed by, the laws of the State of Washington. This Agreement shall be filed with the city clerk of the Municipal Jurisdiction, the King County Records and Elec- tion Division, and the State of Washington Department of Community Development. ·- 8 XVIII. ADMINISTRATION A. King County's representative shall be ---------------------- Address: Phone: B. The Municipal Jurisdiction's representative shall be fr"~ N. ~~tter-:=.1\'o\N\" PI..-.\A."'-'4~ f\AAit\~1e.v Address: 2.2.0 5. 4 1"" Phone: XIX. ENTIRE AGREEMENT/WAIVER OF DEFAULT Waiver or breach of any provision of the Agreement shall not be deemed to be waiver of any other or subsequent breach and shall not be construed to be a modification of the terms of this Agreement unless stated to be such through written approval by both parties hereto, which approval shall be attached to the original Agreement. KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON King County Executive APPROVED AS TO FORM: approved as to form only by King County Prosecuting Attorney per memo dated December 12. 1991 c\gma\agmtKent ~~ ctYQrTown APPROVED AS TO FORM: ATTACHMENT 1 KING COUNTY JOINT REGIONAL STRATEGY 1992 Background: The lnterjurlsdlctlonal coordination required by the Growth Management Act has been undertaken In King County through the establishment ofT echnlcal Forums and Public Works Work Groups In 1991. These Inter- jurisdictional activities will be coordinated through the Liaison Group, which consists of planning, public works and finance directors of Seattle, suburban cities and King County, and Is chaired by Lois Schwennesen, King County Parks Planning and Resources Director. The Planning Directors Association and Public Works Direc- tors wlll continue to work In conJunction with the Liaison Group to oversee lnterjurisdlctlonal efforts. The rec- ommended grant distribution formula reserves $86,000 for regional funding to support staffing of the interjurls- dlctlonal Technical Forums and Work Groups. Primary Activities for 1992 include: 1. Countywide Planning Policies: JRS ReESHB 1025 requires countywide planning policies to be adopted by July, 1992 according to an agreed-upon process. The recommended grant distribution formula reserves $246,000 for regional funding to support this effort. Actions: According to the process agreed to by King County jurisdictions, a Growth Management Planning CouncU of King County, an lnterjurlsdlctlonal group of elected officials, will recommend poli- cies to King County. Following King County adoption, the policies wUI be submitted to cities for ratifi- cation. King County Executive staff wlll prepare policy alternatives for review by the Liaison Group (see Attachment). · · Milestones: GMPC begins meeting Recommendation on Urban Area pattern Draft Policies to Cities for Review Final Recommendations to King County King County Adoption Ratification by cities Dec 1991 Feb 1992 Aprll1992 May 1992 June 1992 July 1992 Products: Countywide Planning Policies on elements required by ReESHB 1025, locally based dispute resolution process, and public participation/Input on Countywide policies. 1 December 19, 1991 2. · Urban Growth Areas JRS Background: The Urban Growth Area Technical Forum established In 1991 will continue Its work In 1992. King County and cities wUI participate In the Technical Forum and provide Information and data as requested to aid In recommendations for Urban Growth Area for the county and for Individual cities. An Interim Urban Growth Area established under the Growth Management Act by King County OrcJI- nance 9849, adopted In March, 1991, Is recognized as preserving options for: the final designation of Urban Growth Areas In 1993. · 1991 Accomplishments: Agreed on a process and criteria for designating urban growth areas ldentffied data required to support Urban Growth Area designation 1992 Objectives: Oversee the collection and analysis of land use and level of service data (Ongoing) Review preliminary draft policies (March 1992) Review and propose methods to encourage urban growth (AprU 1992) Propose draft urban growth areas (August 1992) Prepare draft map of alternative city urban growth areas (September 1992) . Review recommended UGA and policies (November 1992) Contributing Products From Other Technical Forums And Work Groups: The work and products of other Work Groups and Technical Forums contribute to the objectives of the Urban Growth Area designation process by providing Information and recommendations on Infra- structure level of service and flnanclng, land capacity, fair share of affordable housing, and open space systems for community separators. The groups also provide Information-sharing and encourage con- sistency between jurisdictions In preparing Comprehensive Plan elements required by the Growth Management Act. King County and cities will participate In the Work Groups and T echnlcal Forums and will provide Information and data as requested to assist In the completion of products and objec- tives of the groups. DetaUed work plans for each Technical Forum and Work Group have been pre- pared and presented here In summary form. Transportation Work Group 1991 Accomplishments: Agreed to a common process for travel demand forecasting and worked with PSRC In developing land use and transportation models. Researched methodologies for arterials and transit, and will have agreement on conceptual level of service approach.· 2 December 12, 1991 JRS 1992 Objectives: Establish a coordinated and consistent arterial level of service standard and work with Metro to set a transit level of service tied to land use actions (preliminary standards-February 1992, Final standards- June, 1992) Develop future estimates of travel demand based on land use alternatives (preliminary forecasts-March 1992; Revised forecasts-July 1992} Establish a process for estimating transportation needs based on levels of service and demand esti- mates. Assess adequacy (August 1992) and develop a process for reevaluating or reassessing alter- native actions for achieving adequacy (September 1992) Analyze financing adequacy and develop strategies to finance alternative land use/transportation scenarios. (preliminary-February, 1992; Final-August, 1992) Data Resources Technical Forum 1991 Accomplishments: Agreed on a method to estimate residential capacity of land under current plans In Incorporated and unincorporated King County. Initiated data work In each jurisdiction to estimate residential capacity and produced a map Identifying capacity by census tract, jurisdiction and planning area. 1992 Objectives: Produce redevelopment ca~city data and mapping (January 1992) Integrate critical areas data to refine land capacity estimates and support delineation of urban separa- tors (February, 1992) Compare land capacity results with growth forecasts for 2010 (May, 1992) Integrate capital facilities and utilities data with land capacity and forecast data to support UGA desig- nation (June-November, 1992) Determine a unit of measurement for consistency In analyzing and mapping data. Critical Areas Technical Forum 1991 Accomplishments: Produced King County Model Ordinance Package to be used as a resource to jurisdictions In the development of policies and regulations to meet Interim GMA requirements Produced a matrix Identifying which jurisdictions currently regulate critical areas and resource lands 3 December 12, 1991 JRS Established subregions for achieving consistency In critical areas and resource lands protection, and convened sessions to share technical Information on each critical area/resource land defined by the GMA. 1992 Objectives: Produce a countywide map of major critical areas and resource lands (March, 1992) Identify the relationship between critical areas, open space corridors and Urban Growth Areas (April, 1992) The Critical Areas Technical Forum will conclude Its regular meetings In April, and will convene as needed later In 1992. Surface Water Work Group 1991 Accomplishments: Identified data format and needs to support and coordinate with other Technical Forums and County- wide Planning Policies Discussed compatible approaches to developing mandatory elements of the capital facilities plans Initiated Inventory 1992 Objectives: Produce guidelines for coordinated levels of service (January, 1992) . Develop surface water criteria for Countywide and municipal Urban Growth Area designation. Prepare recommendations for service provision In annexation areas. (May, 1992) • Develop financing strategies and propose land use reassessment mechanisms for Incorporation Into capital facilities plans. (May, 1992) Affordable Housing Technical Forum This forum will be established In 1992 to Identify regional needs for affordable housing, recommend Implementation measures for countywide planning policies, and provide technical assistance and Information In the preparation of each jurisdiction's comprehensive plan housing element. 1992 Objectives: Define and quantify countywide housing need, Including housing for low and moderate households, special needs, and first-time home buyers (February 1992) Survey jurisdictions on existing housing units, existing and projected needs, and priorities for future programs; produce a menu of strategies to develop and preserve affordable housing (April 1992) Evaluate Urban Growth Area alternatives for Impact on affordable housing (June 1992) 4 December 12, 1991 Evaluate and recommend Implementation mechanisms to b8 adopted at the local and regional levels to achieve consistency with countywide affordable housing policies. (July 1992) . Develop monitoring and evaluation measures to determine success In meeting housing needs and countywide policies for distribution of affordable housing (October 1992) Sewer Work Group 1991 Accomplishments: Coordinated collection of update 'information and available sewer comprehensive plans, CIPs, and adopting ordinances from King County sewerage agencies 1992 Objectives:(Prellmlnary) Organize facility Inventory data (March 1992) Assessment of sewer system and UGA Impacts (August 1992) Identification of long term sewer agency facUlty needs (September 1992) Prepare need/costjrevenue analysis for financial capacity determination (October 1992) Water Work Group 1991 Accomplishments: Completed Initial assessment of relationships between water supply, federal safe drinking water regu- lations and land use 1992 Objectives: Publish draft Seattle Water Department comprehensive regional Water Supply Plan and DEIS, which addresses water supply Issues for the majority of existing and future urban areas, and covers a thirty year plan~lng period (April, 1992) Finalize water supply demand forecasts and programs and projects needed to meet projected demand for the thirty year planning period (July 1992) 3. Public Involvement JRS The Countywide Planning Policies process includes a public participation contract that will be funded and managed lnterjurisdlctlonally. The public Involvement element will include public meetings throughout King County where comments and opinions on growth management will be elicited. A report of the comments received will be prepared for the Growth Management Planning Council to assist In Its consideration of recommended policies. Individual jurisdictions' work programs include public participation elements. 5 December 12, 1991 4. Assistance To Small Cities JRS Cities are encouraged to combine resources when appropriate or engage the services of neighboring jurisdictions to complete work required by the Growth Management Act. In 1991, six cities contracted with King County's Environmental Division to produce critical areas maps as required by the GMA. The cities of Hunt's Point, Clyde Hill, Yarrow Point and Medina jointly contracted with consulting firms for GMA work. Skykomish Is receiving assistance from King County In preparing work plans and contract management . . The small city perspective Is particularly valuable In the deliberations of the Liaison Group, and Dan Drentlaw, Enumclaw Planning Director, Is a member of that group. The Liaison Group wllldentlfy technical assistance resources that wHI be avaBabJe to small cities upon request lndlvlduaJ jurisdiction work plans are to Include plans for combining resources with other cities and/or assJstlng neighboring small cities as appropriate. 6 December 12, 1991 r L" • laJSOD ~ Group ... ..\thu:lu)u·aH : "t • • •• -'\ .:~ .. Growth Management Gounty-wid~·~lanning Policy[:~-' ··\:·'\· (CPP) Development,'~Adoption~' & Ratification ·l,l? Inter- jurisdictional Teruo ~Encutbe Committee or Uabon Group) (1'P •tloprd thlt (J'P ••••• tft"oaunenchl bf }uiJ I; br Jtiut:b JO •• ••••••• •••••••• crl" b.T itt..J 15 ltJ ci~ for •·••·•••••••••• ( ,-----) ! Public \ ratilic•tioD / •• •• ~ ., GMI'C .,. ( Review }... fGMPC'L.,._ King County ( Seattle & .\ -\p~+ .! ~ Council \ Suburban i ·.. .·· \ c· . I ···•······•···· •.. ataes .: . Coordinator . . . ··... .. .. ·· : ············· i ············ .. . . . c· .. / aty, ·-.. i publk \ . . ~ . \comment! .. . ... •·.•. . .. ·· ········· •Review by City and County legislative authorities and Public JC/BB 10/18/91 . .. ·-J ATTACHfoiENT 2 o Growth Management Act Grant, 1991-92 Allocations to King Count Jurisdictions King County-countywide allocation $2,290,066 Base S35,000 NO:JC:JR Amount reserved for countywide efforts ($332,000) Countywide dec19 Amount for distribution among jurisdictions $1,958,066 reduction 14.5::C ======================================================================================================= Jurisdiction 1991 Base Per Capita Total Grant SS Diff 90 to 91 Population Percent fn 90 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Algona 1,757 ·0.11X $29,926 11171 $31,097 $36,279 ($5,182) Auburn 33,280 2.16X $29,926 22, 1n 52,098 60,389 (8,291) Beaux Arts 287 0.02X $29,926. 191 30,117 35,219 (5,102) Bellevue 87,900 5.70:< $29,926 58,562 88,488 101,085 (12,597) Black Diamond 1,505 0.10X $29,926 1,003 30,929 36,123 (5,194) Bothell 12,630 0.82X $28,956 8,414 37,371 42,416 (5,045) Carnation 1,265 o.oax $29,926 843 30,769 35,933 (5,164) Clyde Hill 2,980 0.19X $29,926 1,985 31,911 37,297 (5,386) Des Moines 17,480 1.13X $29,926 11,646 41,5n 46,516 (4,944) Duvall 3,020 0.20X $29,926 2,012 31,938 36,810 c4,8n> Ern..mclaw 7,450 0.48X $29,926 4,963 34,889 39,751 (4,862) Federal \Jay 70,660 4.58X $29,926 47,076 77,002 82,565 (5,563) Hunts Point 505 0.03X $29,926 336 30,262 35,375 (5,113) Issaquah 7,860 0.51X $29,926 5,237 35,163 40,494 (5,331) Kent 39,650 2.57:< $29,926 26,416 56,342 62,835 (6,493) King County 531,881 34.49X $29,926 354,355 384,281 417,750 (33,469) Kirkland 40,590 2.63:< $29,926 27,042 56,968 63,028 (6,060) Lake Forest Par 4,030 0.26X $29,926 2,685 32,611 37,082 (4,471) Medina 2,970 0.19X $29,926 1,979 31,905 37,201 (5,296) Mercer Island 21 ,·190 1.37:< $29,926 14,117 44,043 50,337 (6,294) Hilton 695 0.05X $3,804 463 4,267 4,869 (602) Normandy Parle 6,730 0.44:< $29,926 4,484 34,410 39,922 (5,512) North Bend 2,590 0.17:< $29,926 1,n6 31,652 36,799 (5, 147) Pacific 4,690 0.30:< $29,926 3,125 33,051 38,033 (4,982) Redmond 37,460 2.43X $29,926 24,957 54,883 61,333 (6,450) Renton 43,000 2.79:< $29,926 28,648 58,574 64,247 (5,673) SeaTac 22,830 1.48X $29,926 15,210 45,136 52,843 (7, 707) Seattle 518,000 33.59X $29,926 345,107 375,033 408,060 (33,027) Skykomish 275 0.02X $29,926 183 30,109 35,181 (5,072) Snoqualmie 1,545 0.10X $29,926 1,029 30,955 36,149 (5, 194) Tukwila 14,630 0.95X S29,926 9,747 39,673 43,044 (3,371) Yarrow Point 965 0.06X $29,926 643 30,569 35,732 (5, 163) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,542,300 $930,540 $1,027,526 $1,958,066 $2,190,697 ($232,631) =====================================~===================================================···=========== Note: Bothell and Kilton receive a proportionate share of the base amount, based on the portion of population in King County. KING COUNTY PLANNING/PUBLIC WORKS/FINANCE LIAISON GROUP Public Works Bill Guenzler, Bellevue 462-4061 FAX 637-5272 Carol Osborne, Redmond (alternate) 882-6460 FAX 882-9700 Ross Earnst, Tukwila 433-0179 FAX 431-3665 Lynn Guttman, Renton (alternate) 235-2569 FAX 235-2513 Philip Keightley, Federal Way 661-4131 FAX 661-4129 Frank Currie, Auburn (alternate) 931-3010 FAX 931-3053 Gary Zarker, Seattle 684-5000 FAX 233-3887 Paul Tanaka, King County 296-6500 FAX 296-3749 Lou Haff (alternate) 296-6590 FAX 296-0655 Planning Larry Springer, Federal Way 661-4102 FAX 661-4129 ATTACHMENT3 Eric Shields, Des Moines (alternate) 878-8626 FAX 824-6975 Dan Drentlaw, Enumclaw 825-3591 FAX 825-7232 Sandra Davis, Mercer Island (alternate) 236-5300 FAX 236-3651 Roberta Lewandowski, Redmond 882-6447 FAX 869-0148 Rob Odle, Bellevue (alternate) 455-6880 FAX 637-7115 Gary Lawrence, Seattle 684-8056 FAX 684-5360 Elsie Crossman (alternate) 684-8056 FAX 684-5360 Lois Schwennesen, King County 296-7503 FAX 296-8686 Miriam Greenbaum (alternate) 296-8658 FAX 296-0119 Finance Dan Clement, Renton 235-2558 FAX 235-2513 Pat Dugan, Auburn (alternate) 931-3033 FAX 931-3053 Joanne Sylvis, Mercer Island 236-3555 FAX 236-3651 Lenda Crawford, Redmond (alternate) 882-6424 FAX 867-7657 METRO Ron Posthuma 684-1007 FAX 684-1677 I I f I 2 ~ ~ § ~ ~ i{ t ;r ~ l ~ ~ ~ ~ I § ~ f i J • • . ~ ~ t 1 i . 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