HomeMy WebLinkAbout257 (2):2010 CRDINW41,01,J Anordinance of the City of 111'ent ,author izing the .-Inyor and ,ity Cl to issue bonds al;ainat local Improvement District No.1,21, created by ordinance of said city.providinr the rate of interest the s, aid bonds shall bear, tbo data, of their issue nwl of their maturity, road auVmrizing their w.le or delivery to the contractor the iiiprovement in said ili,-3trict. 1.1 GITY We 11,P CITY 0-v' i�-` i" *j") OR Al,i' A.; Oectioll 1. 'I'liat the mayor arid the city clerk- of titer City of ant be aid t'iioi are hereby autliorized an(I., directed to exec-ute sna issue loc.al ij,Iproveiaent bonds against Local Lmprove-tent t)istrict No.121 of the said City,and the property included therain,,tr.,hich div,,A%xict wwo., crea)-ted by ordinance -.o,9'7/ of said ("ity;as proviuej by law add! the ardinwices of the � aid eityO in LI,Le e, C, t i 0 bondri bo in denwaination.ei a�.; f j 1, 1 o vi a ,;oncio, riumbore,l fr,,),i I to shall be the nwi of ono hundredd dL)Ilars each, area bond nurtbort=d shall bo for t cum of sa.i,,;.t.7OndJ5 alliall be is2ued on or tiftucr the 19thd,-j, of 3'el0ruary e�4' nx:� to fter dnte l'A",and shall be pajable w"I or before five yr,, of L'ier iouue. `.1"he.), shall bear interest at thio r, -it p- of eir-Gat per cPnt.t-)er <an rlur,,t,Ilro,a I#.-i,,e do,'Le of tlieir iosuc until call,2-1 for ,.--ptont by t�le trel,,aarer of f -mid , ity,which intere3t sliaill be fifty,31hlo innutally, rind shall be evidenced by interest coupons, attached to etwh of said borids, one coupon for each interest,oll of which coupons s,�hnll 4 be cubject to the terms z,-md conditions of Vie bond to whic'n the same are titt:-tched,and if bond r�'Iiall be cnlle,; for pytrf,,j,,-at be - W. . fore the Ymturity of :in coupoll ',I.",Y bc ;tt;^Ghed said co-aijon shall be come void. vection 3., The bondz ia;tued under the provissionr� of this ordinance may be sold for cash at not 1eBs than their par value,or cnaa.y at, t;ae election of the city council be issued directly to the contractor making, the irnprovement in said oi,strict,and delivered to hi,,,I)y the 11 city Ulerk,im.'aedi&Le1y upon LIae it is sue. I. I3 'Section h. This ordiriFnce shRII take effect fives dnjvs riftor its pa�,s3sra.x,e,•�r1�r.ov,�.l ;a.iid public tion -as by 1,-„v provided. l ,aoor:ed the council -euruary bth.l' 12. J,pprove? d by the ,,ia:yor February Z)th.1512. J4tLeet t:itj Clerk