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An ordinance providing for the improvement of the streets and alleys and portions thereof in the Cita- of Kent,described as follows,towit: First Street from its intersection with Gowe Street to the north line of Willis Street;t)le alley between lst.and 2nd.Strects from its intersection with Meeker Avenue to the north lire of Titus Street; Second Street from its intersection with Shin- Avenue to the north line of Willis Street;Third Street from its intersection with Gowe Street to the north line of Willis Street;Fo-rth Street from its intersection with Shinn Avenue to the north line of Willis Street;the alley between Shim Avenue and Harrison Street from its intersection with Fourth Street to its intersection with Second Street; Harrison strec,t from its interse­tion viith Fourth StrAct to the west line of Second Street;Meeker Avenue from its intersection with Fourth Street to the west line of Second Street and from the intersection with Second Street to its inter- section with the alley between First and ';'econd Streets;r'owe Street from its intersection with Fourth '"treet to its intersec- tion with First Street,by p acing lateral sewers in ai,d along the same to connect with and discharge into the Shinn Avenue trunk sewer;creating a local improvement district and providing for the assessid,ent of the cost of such improvement a,,-ainst and upon the property incl,_1d6dj, in such district. * * * ir" * * * _x * * * * * THE CITY COUPCIL OF TI -TE CITY Or 10AINT DO ORDAIY AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Lateral sew_,rs shall be laid and constructed as in this section described,in and along the portions of the streets and alleys named And described in this section as follows: Beginning at the intersection of Shinn Avenue and Second Strect run south alozig Second Street with a 14 inch sewer pipe from the Shinn Avenue trunk sewer,a distance of 314 feet to Harrison Streot thence south alo}gig Second "treet witha ten inch sewer pipe a dis- tance of 240 feet to Meeker Avenue,thence east along Meeker Aven- ue with an eight inch sewer pipe,a distance of 161 feet to the alley between First and Second Street;thence south along said alley with an eight inch sewer pipe,a dictance of 243 feet to Gowe S 4reet, thence east along; said Gowe Street with an eight inch Sewer pipe, a distance of 161 feet to the center of First Street; Thence south along First Street with an eip.1-t inch sewer pipe, a distance of 1115 feet to the nor -ch line Willis Street,also; Beginning at the intersection of Meeker Avenue with Second Street,run south on Second Street with an eight inch sewer pipe, a ditance of 1368 feet to the north line of Willis Street also; Beginning at the intersection of Fourth Streetand Sl,inn A�erue run south from the Shinn Avenue trunk sewer,on Furth Stre.;t with a ten inch sewer pipe a distance of 532 feet to an intersection with Meeker Avenue,thence south on Fourth Street with an eight inch sewer pipe a distance of 1368 feet to the north line of Willis Street,also; Beginning at the irtersecticn of Fourth Street with t',e Alley between Shin:: Avenue and Rarrison StreE:t run thence east along; said alley with an eight inch sewer pipe, a distance of 611 feet to the west line of Second Street,also; Beginning; at the intersection of Fourth and Harrison Streets run east along Harrison Street with an eight inch seiv­r pipe a distance of 611 feet to thr west line of Second Street,also; Beginning; at the intersection of Fourt Street and I�":eeker Avenue run east along Ivlec;ker Avenue with an eir~ht inch sewer pipe 611 feet to t�;e west line of Second Street,also; Beginning; at the intersection of Fourth and Gowe Strects,run east along Gowe Street with an eight incli sewer pipe a distance of 611 feet to the west line of Second Street,also; Beginning at the intersection Crowe Street, and Third '!treet,riln s6uth on Third Street with an eight inch sewer pipe a distance of 1115 feet to the north line of Willis Street,also; Beginning at the intersection of Gowe street with the alley between First and Second Streets,run south along said alley with and eight inch seiner pipe, a distance r,,f 393 feet to the north line of Titvs Street. Said sever pipes to connect at the paints of intersection and form continuots lines with st%fficient grade from the free ends thereof to disckhrge into the said main trunk sewer in Shinn avenue at the point of connection V-ere`:rithtand all of the s aid sewer lines shall connect with and discl_2arge into the said trunk sewer. Section 2. There ihall be and is hereby created a local irlprove- ment district to be knovn as,"Local Improvement Sewer District No 101",which shall include all of tl,e lands and lots ,tracts and par- cels lying within the following; boundaries,towit: Beginning at the nortl, west corner of lot nine in block sixteen of Yesler's First Ad(lition to Kent,run thence east along the south marginal line of Shinn Avenue to the north east corner of lot nine in block four of said addition,thence south to the south east cor- ner of lot sixteen of said block four,thence east to the so%V11 east corner of lot one in said block four,thence south to the north east corner of lot six in block thr-e of said addition,thence east along the south line of Gowe Street to the right of way of the Northern Pacific Railway,thence south along the west line of said right of way to the north line of Willis Street,thence west along the north line of Millis Street to the south west corner of lot two in block twenty of said Addition,thence north to the north west corner of lot six in block eigi,teen of said addition,thence in a straight line to the south west corner of lot ten in block in block fifteen of said addition,thence north to the point of beginning. And the City Council do find and hereby set forth and declare that all of the lands included within the said boudaries are approximate to or abut upon and are contiguous to the streets and alleys to be so improved. Section 3. The cost and iMAXrAV&Jdx expense of the imp,ovem.ent provided for in, section one of this ordinance shall be asses4ar,,-aind; and upon all of the property in the said Local Improvement District G-jrocvided for in section 2 of this ordinance, to be levied inaccord- ance with the last general assessment of the land within said dis- trict for City Purposes,exclusive of the improvem.ents,not exceed- ing the benefits to be derived from such inr)rove7,1ent,such assessment to be a special tax uTon the property in said district. Section 4. The trunk sewer in Shinn Avenue has been and is by the City Council found and declared to be a good and sufficient outlet for the lateral sewers and the sewer district ordered, established and created by this ordinance. Sect' ion 5. The improvement provided for it t] -,is ordinance s1•,all be built, laid and constructed according to t',e plans and specifi- cations heretofore adopted therefor by the City Council in ordinanae No. of the said City. Section 6. Upon the taking effect of this ordinance the City Clerk shall p,.blisb a notice in three successive issues of the City Official NIewspaper,calling for bide or proposals for making on or before the improvements provided for in this ordinance,naming a dateAwhdnh such bids will be receited by the City Clerk,which date shall be between the date of the lest publication of such notice and the next regular meeting of the City Council;said bids shall name a pries for making the said improvement,to be paid in warrants drawn against the local improvement fund of the said local improvement district, and at the next regular meeting of the City Council after the last publication of the said notice,the City Council shall proceed to open and consider said bids,and if any bid be found satisfactory sh"ll proceed to award tTie contract to the person makin such bid. Bids }dust be acoom )aniecl by cas11 or a certified check for 2 per cent of the amount of the b6d,as a guaranty of gooc faith of the bidder. Section 7. T}pon the letting of the cont ract the City Clerk shall forthwith prepare an assessment roll,charging up to the property in said local improvement district the total cost and expense of nicking said i provement,and assessing each lot and parcel of land accordtLg to the last general assess--ment levied for City Purposes within said district,exclusive of improvements,not exceeding in any case the benefits derived to such lot from the said improvecAaent,and so so6n as said assessment roll shall be prepared shall. cause a notice ., to be published in three successive issues of the City Official newspaper,to the effect thatsaid assessment roll has been prepared and is on file in the office of the City Clerk,and that protests a ,;ainst the s azne may be made and filed with the City Clerk at any time on or before a date therein named,whic'n date shall be between the last publication of the said notice and next regular meeting of tha City Council; and that the said assessment roll will be presented to the City Council at it next regular meeting after the date of the last publication of said notice,xkiwk thed ate o:P Which meeting shall be given in said notice, and that at such meet- ing an;; and all protests will be heard and d etermi,-!ed lay the City Council. At the meeting held by the City Council upon tine date nam- ed In said notice or a-� some later date to which the col7nc it may ad- journ, the CouvIcil shall. _;proceed to hear ar-id d etemmine any and all objections to the said assessment roll,and s'iall by ordinance duly passedadopt tleFsaid assessment roll. a; prp_xed by the City Clerk or as by tr.em amended, if it be a7nended, and make and levy t'ze assess- ment as therein provided. Section 8. Then the said assessYnent roll shall have been duly a- dopted by the City Council and Vo4 asset.;s-,ient/made and lefied,o provied by section 7, of this ordinance,a copy di ly ceri,ified by the City Clerk s,zall be truned over to tie City Treasurer,and he shall cause a notice to be published in the City Official Newspaper in two succes.:ive issues tr-eraof,to the effect that the said assessment roll is in his :rands for collection and all assess- ments will become delihquent if not paid within sixty days after the date ofr the last publication of such notice,nami.ng the date* y" C," . , , y '