HomeMy WebLinkAbout215ORDINANCE TTO. 4 { J_ An ordinance of the City of Kert,ame'nding"section 3 o�„Qrdinance. No.211 of said City. DAA' T?M CITY COUNCIL OF TTS CITY OF XFNT DO ORDAIiT A,r FOLLOWS: cO Section 1. Section three of ordinance ?.o.211 of the City of Kent, erititled, "An ordinance proposing to the cloilified electors of the City of yent,trat the said City make certa n additions to the exist- ing water works and water system,ovrned and controlled by the City, specifying and adopting a plan and systera for the proposed additions declarin_• the e stimated cost thereof, also providing for the construc- tion of said additions,in case the electors assent thereto,providing for the payment of the cost and expense of thesaid add.itions,estab- lishing a fund for such payment and for the payment of any obligations that may be outstanding asainst the said fundand any interest upon such obli;ations,by setting aside and turning into such fund the sum of four Viousan_d five hundred dollars per year from the gross receipts of the City Water works,and ,rater system, sUbmitting to t'-,e electors of _ the said City the question of the construction of the said additions,, the establishing of the s id fund, the incurring of a special indeb- tedness and issuing bonds a -ainst t'-',ie said fund in the sum of fifty ; thousand dollars,and the question of incurring a general indebtedness-,' of the said City in t,ie sum of twenty three thousand dollars, all for � the purpose of covering tl,e cost and expense of JzNxsaid additions �d to said City VTater l,rorksd w ater system. "shall be and is hereby am- ended to readlas follows,."Section 3-rA special election is hereby calldd and shall be held in -tie said City of ,;ent, on Bakday January 28th.1910 at which elect ' ionshall be submitted to the gvalifi ed electors of the said City of-_7nt,for ratification or rejection the proposition of the making of additions to t,=e exists-ig waterworks system of t?-,e said City,by t%,e acquisition of springs and ,-,rater rights, lands for right of way,for reservoir sites a;rd for storm e dcnzis,and for the pro _.ec- t��' tion of t,_e springs a.id source of supply from pollytion,ard the con- " ( striaction of an additional supply main of not less than fourteen inch- es in die-2meter,fro`m said springs to thee xistin g reservoirs,of t'i-e present city water works sys-i,em,tbe construction of ars additional res- ervoir of a capacity of not les.,, than eight hundred t' ousard f vllons, the connection of thessid gravity supply pi-,,e wit�_i Vie said reser- voirs,and with the present di stribiltin€; system of the said City,all in accordance with the provisions of section 2 of this ordianance;togvth- er with the proposition of incurring a special irde'otedness,bearing interest at not to exceed 6 per cent.per anhum,issuing bonds in tl�e sum of fifty thousand dollars, to be an obligation a,,-ainst the sum of Four Thousand Five Hundred Dollars per year to be set over from the gross revenues of the said City's/Water Works system,into a special fund,created by section 5 of this ordinance,;also the furt'rer proposi- tionto incur a general indebtedness of Vlesaid City,and issue its general bonds to bear interest at a rate not to exceed five _ger cent. per annLun, in the siu-n of twenty three thousand dollars,for the purpose of the payment of the cost and ex-cense of making said additions to sd.d additions 0 said City water ;corks system. The said election shall. J be held at the City Fall in said City,and notice thereof shall be given by tl.e sow City Clerk of said City in ;t're manner provided by lav-,. Passed January 3rd.1910. a„ � ,., Approved by t _e mayor Jan.3rd.1910. Attest _ayor. C`ty Clerk.