HomeMy WebLinkAbout212Z /-Z' ORDINANCE NO. An ordinance providing for the improvement of of that portion of First Street extending from and including the north half of its in- tersection with Titus Street to and including its intersection with Meeker Avenae;also Meeker [venue from its intersection with First Street to a point which is three hundred feet west/from the west marginal line of "econd Street in the City of Kent,by paving the same with vitrified pavinE, brick,restin,_, upon a sand cushion,supported by a concrete foundation%six inches in thickness,of a standard mix- ture of Portland Cement,gravel and sand,said°j)aving to exten-'� from gut- ter to gutter; also by placing gutters on either side of the said paving; for itsifull leng:A,constructed of similar materials; also, by placing curbs of concrete inside of the ru''ters for the full length of the s ante, such curbs to be of materials similar to the foundation of the said paving,but to be covered with a, esnoothcoat of cement and sand only; creating a local improvement district and providing for the issue and sale of local improvement district bonds to raise funds for defraying the expense of such improvementjand further providing for the assessment of the property included in the said local i#L- provement district,to create a fund for the payment of t.esaid bonds. THE CITY COUNCIL OF T ,rT C I TY OF KEYT DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The following portions of First Street and Meeker Avenue in the City of Kent, shall. be improved by paving the same with vitri- fied bricktlaid uponja sand cushion supported by a concrete found atin six inches thick,eonstructed of a standard mixture of Portland Cement sand and gravel,said paving to extend from gutter to gutter;by placing gutters along either side of the said paving for the full length there- of,of similar materials as the paving; also by plaein�bs m -the inside of the gutters for the full length thereof, to b6_ c'onstr ted' of concrete similar to that used for the said paving foundation,except that it shall. be covered with a coat of sand and cement. only and fin- ished smooth; towit: V On First Street from and including the north half of its intersection with Titus Street to and including its intersection with Meeker Avenue, On Meeker Avenue from its in�ersect6on with First Street to a point which is three hundr" feet west of the west marginal line of Second Street; said improvement�o be made and completed according; to the plans and specifications prepared by the City4En,­-ineer,which are on file in the office of the City Clerk,riarked, "Filed December k 1909" which plans and specifications are hereby adopted as and for the plans and specifications for the construction of the said improvement. r-/Assessiaents shall be made and levied upon all of the lots and parcels of land abuttingupon the said portiolis of thesaid streets to be so improvedf axed ben fitted by the said improvement as providedVby the hews of the state of Washington for the payment of the costs and a xpense of said imy-)rovement and fl the payment of the local improvement dis- trict bonds which shall be issued as hereinafter provided. Section 2. There is hereby established a local improvement district, to be designated ,"Local Improvement District No.100."which shall in- clude all of the property froffiting on the portions of the said First Street and Meeker Avenue,which are to be impr oved,and w hich are described in section one4pf this ordiancetto the distance back from from the said streete,where platted in blocks,to thelcenter of the blocks and where not platted to the distance of 120 feet; and the tota'tl, cost of the said improvement shall be taxed and assessed upon all the property included in thesa•i,d local improvement district,in proportion to the benefits derived by said improvement,and such assessment shall shall. include the cost of improving all street corners and intersect -6 tionstas provided by the laws of Nash ington. Section 3. local Improvement District 'ponds, shall be issued against Said i=Wement district in an amount sufficient to pay for the whole of the cost of the said improvement and all incidental expenses tlereof,less svc! amount as shall he paid upon tie assessment prior to the time of t 4 nuance of said bonds.,T'ne saidl bon'ds shall be payable on Or before five years after the date of Vair is-ue,and shall bear interest at the rate of not to exceed 8 per cent.per annum,payable. annualy upon all unpaid portions of the said bonds. Provision for the issue,n9gatiation and sale of the said fonds, o1° for their delivery to he contractorin case his contact provides for p?- -, l t i n conds: 11 , e be made by ordinance to he hereafter pa :"set by Ve City Council, Section 4. Upon the tahinS effect of this crKinancefs0e Pit,- Clerk shall publish - a notice callinj for bids or proDosals for making said imp7ovement,_,­!--f,c'II -notice Vall be published in three succesnive issues Of the City Official Teuppaper, and shall nyie a date on or before which such bids or proposals will be received by the City Clerk,uhich ds shall befbetween the date of the last publication of sych notice and the next raEularneeting of the Cit- Council; said bids shall name a price for makinE the said improar Inent if payment therefor be made in cash,and also a price for thIs,,,nie if -payi.ient bmd e ae in said al locim- pr07ement distrilt bonds. At the neTt reEular meeting of the council after thedate of the last publication of thesaid notice,the bids receiv- ed shall be openeland conside-ed by Ve cWncil,and if any satisfactory bit be re-eived, t"e contract shFil be awarded to the bidder mkkinq such bid. Eids must be accompanied by cash or a certified check in the SUT-1 eT,al to 2 per cant.of tte amount Of the bidlas a guaranty of the good faith of the bidder. i Section 5. Upon the letting of Ve said contractAtVe City Clerk siall prepare an assessment roll, c'tear ging up to the proyert,­­- in tI-e s aid im- provement district,the total cost of the said imprgvement,and assessing each lov and parbel of land in the4did/Mstrict proportfbnal to the benefits received fuum the improvement,and so soon as said assessment roll shall be prepared shall_ .ca- -se a notice to be published.in three, successive issues Of Ve City Official Yewppaper,to the effect that such assessment roll has been prepared and is on file in the -office of the City Clerk,that protests a7ainst the sac"Imay be made and filed - with the Citg Cierk,at any time on or tefore a date W-_ereiin na_-ned,zj7,.-_,:L,3h which date stall be �etween thedate of the last P-blication of the said notice and the next reEular meeting of the City Council,and that the said asses smentYroll_ will be presented to the City Council at its next regular meetinZ after the date Of the last publicaMon f said no- ' Ke date of -�v7hich meeting sNall he given in naid nNice;and that tice at sich meeting all Drot:Sts a�ainst the said assessment ral_ will be heard anddetermined by the City Council. At the meeting hedl by the City Council an the date named in thesaidot not at some later date to which theVouncil may adjourn,the council shall proceed to hear and determine any and all objections,if any,to thes aid assessment roll ' and shall by ordinance duly passed adopt thesaid .assess m ent roll as prepared by the City Clerk or as by the council amended,if amended,and �:�ial:e and levy the assessmentas therein provided, providing -arach oreli- nance that the said assesments may be paid in five annual installamnty.- and covering as well the interest which wi'l,accrue upon unpaid install - inter st 0allbe at the rate of eight per cent.per annum. when the said assessment roll shall have been heard and determined and the assessment made and levied,a copy thereafiduly certified by the City Clerk shall be shall be turned over to td City Treasurer,who shall thereupon cause a notice to be published in two consecutive issums of the City Official Newspaper,tc the effect that the said assessment rollis in his hands and that the lots and parcels of land in thesaid improvement district may be redeemed from from such assessment at any time within thrty days after the date of the last publication of such notice which dat Qnall be named in said notice. Section 6. Til esaid improvenent shall he =grad d under the supervision of the City env ineer, who shall he the judge Of the materials and workmanddp b_:!t no work Vall he done upon Ve same until Ve bonds issued against the saidrtist7ictare sold and paid for VV unless the Payment of"the contractorKs made in such bondsvin which case he work may be commenced,,,, Soon as the bond and conVact are executed and nyproved. .-asscO'. -L'Ire Co-dncil on the 7"Ll". "I"O"\7 13, a r uin City'