HomeMy WebLinkAbout214ORDI,ZKNCE ATO. , 1 Li AN ordinance of the City of Kent,providing for the improvement of the east side of that portion of Railroad kvenue,in the said City,lyr ing between the north line of Lot 5 in block 2 of Kent,produced to the west and the south line of said lot 5 block 2 produced to the west,'oy laying,and constructing thereon a standard wooden sidewalk com-plying wit'n the provisions of the ordinances of the said City. THE CIT C COJNCIL OF Tri CITY OF 1GTI T DO ORDAII�j' AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The following portion of Railroad Avenue in the City of Kent,sh.all be improved by laying a wooden sidewalk along the east side thereof,complying with the regulations of the ordinance of the City; Beginninr; at a point in said street where the north line of Lot 5 in block 2 of hent produced to the west intersects t, -e said Railroad Avenue,running thence south to a point where the south line of said Lot 5 in block 2 ,produced to the west intersects the said Railroad Avenue. Said imrrovement to be made ard completed according to Mani and specifications prepared by the City En-ineer,which are on file in the c f ice of the City Clerk,marked, "Filed Dec. A.D.1909. "which plans and specifications are hereby adopted for the construction of said improvement. An assessment s'nall be made and levied upon all of the lots and par- cels of land abutting cpon the east side of said street and upon the said improvement,and benefitted by the said i.rprovepient as provi- ded by law,for the payment of the cost and ex1,ense of said improvement Section 2. There is hereby created a local iEn-prcvelnent district to be known as "Local Improvement District Yo.102."which shall include all of the property fronting on the east side of that portion of said ]railroad to be so improved, to the distance back from the s aid street or Avenue,to the center of the block;and the total cost of the said improvement shall be taxed and assessed tpon and against the prop- erty included in the said a sessment district. Section 3. Upon the taking effect of tills ordinance, the -City Clerk shall publish a notice calling; for bids or proposals for making the said improvenent,wLich shall be published in three SUCCeSSi7e iS-UeS of the City Official 7ewspaper,and shall name a date upon or before which bids will be received by the City Clerk, which date shall he between the date of the last publication of said notice and the next meetinZ of the City Council;said bids shall name a price fcr making said improve "epi t,to be paid for inwar ramts drawn against the local improvenent fTnd of said local improvement district,an . d at the next regular meeting of the City Council after the date of the last pub- lication of said notice tie City Council shall proceed to open and consider%h the bids received,and act upon the sane and if any bid prove to be satisfactory shall award the contract to the bidder maktng the sa:ae. 7,ids mus be accompanied hy cash or a certified check for five dollars, to insure the goond faith of the bidder. Section 4. Upon the letting of the contract the City Clerk shall forthwith prppare an assessment roll,charging up to the property in said local improvement district the OKI cost and expense of making said improv ementand assessing each lot and parcel in thesaid distadt according tothe benefits d2rived,and so soon as said assessment roll is prepared shall publish a notice in the City Official Yewspaper to the affect that the said assessment rail is preparea and on file in his office,and that the same will be heard and d e termined. by the City Council at a regular meeting thersof,thedate of which meet- ing shall appear in said notice,and that protests X±Ik ka against the said assessment may be filed with thesaid City Clerk on or before the noon hour of the date on which said hearing will be had. Said notice snall be published in two conseettive issues of the City Offi- cial newspaper next prior to the date of hearing said assessment roll. Upon the date named insaid notice,or at some later date to which the Same may be by the council adjourned the City Council shall proceed to hear and determine the said assessment roll,and shall by crdimanee du y passed adopt the as-essment roll as reported by the City Clerk vr as amended by the Council,it' so amended land_ make and levy the as- sessment as therein provided. The'zi tlie s aidassessmzent- roll shall been heard an, d det, er-in ined 2 a, -nd t-Ine assess.,_ent, 27,-_,ade ai--c levieda, copy thereof duly car"ified by t ­_,,_e City Cier-? be turned over I'Go the Clt-Treasurer,,,,rhc s1lall tl-,.ereu.].ion -b 1I - Ii s- -L! a notice in t"-je official news -l -a -per that -the said assessL.-oent r-11 is in his ha_ -rids for clllection,ai,d must be paid *wi-chin sixty o d a�7's froLn- the date of the --,-irzz!t --pul-lic-atio-n olf su,ch not -ice or -L-Ihe, sazrie 'tecc.me 6elinc,-:ent. T'hesaia notice s -h -all 'be pub3is-hed ir. t7, -c consecttive issues of t7 e City Of­_'IcJa' `Te -w -p p er. W 41