HomeMy WebLinkAbout160r U 4 '� 5 o. ��1 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 i v • r'. L. i- 9� TT� ^^ jkg� . ORDINANCE _,N'O.L - _ finance of the To,•rn of Kent,dividinf; it into two building districts, establishing f ire li_nits,and prescribing; materials am mode of construction of buildings t>>erein. BF I^ ORDAI'T'D �Y THF CO771�TC2 OF T TOi d OF Section 1. 1'ha t t*he `"oi,m of Kent re and is h,.-reby divided into t',r;o b,: 1d1n1 r districts�v� ic'_ sj,all be � nown as First and Seco_,-hd b; 1dinE diotr�ctsl re—spectively. T�)_e�r shall_ comprise areas and Y)o bounded as hereinafter prescribed or as t"Le,r ma- hlc;re;,ft: r be clia,n, ed ordinance. All build -Lig ol,erations within, the saia cii.311-ric "s shall conform to t1he special req, irements for builclin,;s in such disr.ricts,as well. as to the f;eneral re(fuire- meiZts taut are new,,ed it t' --.e oruinances of t;:o sai.d tCN711. Section 21. Hereafter,i ,h 1 c.e un_la.;rful for an:, person or persons to ereci:,construct,cu,,-se to l,e erected or constrl,cted, or cause to be rei-oved froi, one place to ar.ot'rer within or into the doistrict bounded as 1�ereinafter descrined,any irrooden ings or str' (;Lures, except as hereinafter prescribed, tc> it: Re -inning at the intersecticn of tl]e center lines of Second Stree" and NueIer Aven;lB, rie21fi1Ti�' t1 ence east c.i .,. ; t?P; center lire of lrF.eker Aj-r�ni;e to its irtersect.r'r i;,iit t' -_e center line f' t,' 1 l Ca ., n t ; C, l - e 7, o� ( ,. ...�r rl � �iri�; t ��roh�t,�. blocks ���id 10 of +,��( �aslhington Central L. ,)_'ove ,.lit Com,)�,n rI s First A(_,6 _ `7 n'i 7:0 Kent, therce co' -t'. along t''e cente- lite of a.lJ ti % Il ey to its int ci'soction vui',h tl:e coater lir-ie of Tit,:s StrL't, l'.e-rce vicst L117ri t_'_� center lino of said Tit zo Street to Its intersect ton ;;itli the center line of that certain alley rr.nnint; t'.-Iroii-h block 3 of Yes1Qr's First Addition to Kent, tl ence i ortl) alone; the ce t^r lig;:.' of to its intorseetior .Title the center linls of Bowe Street,thence west alonL tlhe center line of Gowe Street to its intersection with the center line of `second Street,tTicncc port; -1 al0l,_L�, tlLe center line of Second Street to the P oint of bel:1,inring. Said descrlbf-u district sl,_i11 1,_ereaf_ ter be desig- n,t,,ed the "First Building; District". Section 3. All btrildin,-,s hereaf teY Erected or constructud v"ithil I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ]5 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 261 27 28 29 30 31 or :r:oved upon lot- � -lards lying, wit'l-in tr)e territor-T of the said First BitlldinL; District, steal have outside walls of brick, stone,concrete or otj, er fire; proof ,r,-taterials cf mifficient siren ena thicknesc> to r,,iake Vie same safe and strong, and steel]. have roofs of till , slate, tar rind gravel, o,. other fire proof materials All fronts of bta_Llainf_;s in tl,c said District small be made of no,nc(.),ir,iistible viatorials,except t -!e doors and sE,.sh. All outside �va.l:ls s}iall be rl;n up a', leas,, two fuc , above ttnc roofs a1, all ijoints and shall thoroughly separate all wood work v.,hore, t];ere is any on opl,osite sides of t),e v.al:l. Section 4. It shE,11. be ttiilatitiful to malco wooden additions to b',?i1dinEs now standinE; in thE: said District;but, rci)airs of ings,altei--acioils of in(,side wocdirvork,and of store fronts in "hl;_,. inL;s now s-carjdinL; in saia distrIct,not cha,n6ing the gcneral o, t side plan of t - he btu.-.lding,wi1l be y�Ear. ittEd. to .-se rvectian 5. It shall be unlawful,41 i,_iidinL-, cloth for ,.apf,r i1C�lf � ing within r 111joii al I ildir�r �iit�li,i t;ie 3a:id d!strictC,wi4 Se tion 6. l:L tl� t ;.or•t ioii ff the s id town no', included in the First BuildinL,, District s -,,all r,(i included in and consti-- tete tr!e 7,ecorid Briidir,, T)i-irict. Section 7. Any person violat int; any cl provisions of t111110 orcina-oc.e shall be fii—�cd ir, any s,;m riot exceeding $100.004 ter✓ ��� off--' I