HomeMy WebLinkAbout145ORD INANCL 110. An ordinance providing for the licensing of circuses, ( side-shows, m(nageries, shooting galleries, fortune tellers, fakirs, hypnotists and other exhibitions: B4 IT ORDt, MD BY THE COUNCIL OF THL T0''WN OF ", NT: Sec. I. Any person, firm or corporation, society or association conducting in any building, tent, inclosure or other place tem- poratily used for the purpose of exhibitions, exhibitions of natural or artificial curiosities; freaks or attractions, shall pay u license fee of five dollars (45.00) per day's Sec. II. Astrologers, sears, palmists, fortune tellers, or any other fakir, shall pay a license fee of five dollars (95.00) per day. Sec. III. ' Any so -,called hypnotist or mesmerist shall pray a license f e e of seven dollars and fifty cents (47.50) for ,each and every public hypnotic or mesmeric entertainment or exhibition given by him or her,and any display or exhibition of any subject while under the alleged influence of hypnotism or mesmerism in any show window, public place outside the hall or room where such enter- tainment or exhibition shall be given is absolutely prohibited. Sec. IV. Shooting galleries shall pay a license fee of one dollar (41.00) per day , or fifteen dollars, (;)15.00) per month, pay► - able in advance. Sec. V. Merry -ego -rounds, riding g"lleries and other similar amusements, not otherwise provided for herein, shall pay sa li- cense fee of two dollars (►2.00) per day. See. VI. The proprietor, manager or agent of any circus or m�nag- ery held in any building or inclosure, tent or other place to which an entrance fee is charged, shall pay twenty-five dollars- ("'1025.00) ollars - ("'25.00) per day, payable in advance. j.� f�+a� ae% Sec. VII. The proprietor, manager or agent of any side-show held in any building or inclosure, tent or other place to which an en- trance fee is charged shall pay ten dollars (10.00) per dray, pay- able in advance. Sec. VIII. All other games, exhibitions, plays, shows, entertainments and Amusements to which an entrance fee is charged, and not here- in before enumerated and provided for, shall pay a license fee of ' 1 dollars 00) per day. Sec. IX. This ordinance shall repeal all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith. Passed June 1904. i�pproved June 1904. kayor Attest City Clerk.