HomeMy WebLinkAbout1760Resolution No. 1760 (Amending or Repealing Resolutions) CFN = 121 -Rezones Passed -6/5/2007 Res1dent1al Rezones Moratonum Renewal A. RESOLUTION NO. I 7 bO A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washmgton, relatmg to res1dent1al zonmg and comprehensive plan map des1gnat1ons and adoptmg f1nd1ngs of fact renew1ng a moratonum on the f1l1ng of rezones and other dependent land use appl1cat1ons for real property w1th smgle-famlly res1dent1al zon1ng and/or s1ngle-fam11y res1dent1al comprehensive plan map des1gnat1ons that are not of equal dens1ty or otherwise do not match (Dkt 2006-4). RCW 35A.63.220 authonzes c1t1es to adopt moratonums. On December 12, 2006, the Kent City Council adopted Resolut1on 1746 1mposmg a moratonum upon the f1l1ng of rezones and other dependent land use appl1cat1ons for real property w1th smgle-fam1ly res1dent1al zonmg and/or smgle-fam1ly res1dent1al comprehensive plan map des1gnat1ons that are not of equal dens1ty or otherw1se do not match. After a public heanng on February 6, 2007, Resolution 1748 was adopted keepmg the moratonum 1n effect unt1l m1dn1ght June 12, 2007. B. Dunng the moratonum, city staff, the community, the Land Use and Plannmg Board, the Plannmg and Economic Development Committee, and the c1ty council have been researching, rev1ewmg, and prov1dmg comment to help resolve the 1ssue of unequal or unmatched res1dent1al des1gnat1ons. C. As a result of the above study, on May 15, 2007, the c1ty council voted to approve amendments to the City's zonmg and comprehensive plan map des1gnat1ons. An ord1nance adopt1ng these amendments was passed on June 5, 2007, and w1ll go mto effect th1rty (30) days after passage (Reconc1l1at1on Ord1nance). Because the ReconC1I1at1on Ordmance w1ll not be 1n effect unt1l after the exp1rat1on of the moratonum, c1ty staff IS requestmg renewal of the moratonum unt1l the effective date of the Reconc11iat1on Ordmance. 1 Residential Rezones Moratorium Renewal D. Pursuant to RCW 35A.63.220, a public hearmg was held on June 5, 2007, to cons1der renew1ng the moratonum. The City council has cons1dered all comments and matenals presented and f1nds that the protection of health, safety, and welfare supports renewmg the moratonum on the f1lmg of rezones and other dependent land use applications for real property w1th smgle-fam1ly res1dent1al zonmg and/or smgle-fam1ly res1dent1al comprehensive plan map des1gnat1ons that are not of equal dens1ty or otherw1se do not match. The moratonum w1ll be renewed unt1l the effect1ve date of the Reconc1l1at1on Ordinance. The spec1f1c zomng and correspondmg comprehensive plan map des1gnat1ons affected by th1s moratonum are ident1f1ed 1n Resolution No. 1746. Th1s moratonum shall not apply to any application for a land use perm1t or approval that has vested by the effective date of th1s moratonum. NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: RESOLUTION SECTION 1. -ReCitals Incorporated. The rec1tals set forth m th1s resolution, resolution 1746, and resolut1on 1748 are Incorporated as 1f fully set forth and are adopted as Fmd1ngs of Fact. SECTION 2. -Renewal of Moratonum. Based on the Fmdmgs of Fact adopted m Sect1on 1, the c1ty counc1l concludes that 1t 1s necessary for the moratonum enacted m Resolution 1746 to be renewed unt1l the effective date of the Reconc1l1at1on Ordmance adopted on June 5, 2007. Dunng the moratonum, no appl1cat1ons shall be f1led for rezones and other dependent land use appl1cat1ons for real property w1th smgle-fam1ly res1dent1al zomng and/or smgle-fam1ly res1dent1al comprehensive plan map des1gnat1ons that are not of equal dens1ty or otherwise do not match. The spec1f1c zonmg and correspondmg comprehensive plan map des1gnat1ons affected by th1s moratonum are 1dent1f1ed m Resolution No. 1746. 2 Residential Rezones Moratorium Renewal SECTION 3. -Severabi!tty. If any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause, or phrase of th1s resolut1on IS declared unconst1tut1onal or 1nval1d for any reason, such dec1s1on shall not affect the valid1ty of the remammg port1ons of th1s resolution. SECTION 4. -RattftcatJOn. Any act cons1stent w1th the authonty and pnor to the effective date of th1s resolution IS hereby rat1f1ed and affirmed. SECTION 5. -Effecttve Date. Th1s resolut1on shall take effect and be 1n force 1mmed1ately upon 1ts passage. PASSED at a regular open public meetmg by the City Counc1l of the City of Kent, Washmgton, th1s S day of c;)=~ , 2007. CONCURRED 1n by the Mayor of the City of Kent th1s ---"'(p'--day of June, 2007. ATTEST: A.,..£./~"~ 'BRENDA JACOBER, CITY~X __ ........ __ -- -: ..... _ ........ -- APPROVED AS TO FORM: ro{.~Kr.~~~ I 7 L O I hereby certify that th1s IS a true and correct copy of Resolution No. -'--'CJ"'----''--passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washmgton, the 5 day of June, 2007. P \CI~ii\R~~Iutlon\Resldentla1Re4ones-MoratonumRenewal doc ' - x:3't.e ... ~. ~ ~ 'BRENDA JACOBER,CicLERK 3 Residential Rezones Moratorium Renewal