HomeMy WebLinkAbout1749Resolution No. 17 49 (Amending or Repealing Resolutions) CFN = 1306-LID 362 Passed -3/20/2007 Resolution of Intent-Set Public Hearing Date RESOLUTION NO. /7 C{ 9 A RESOLUTION of the c1ty council of the c1ty of Kent, Washmgton, declanng 1ts mtent1on to order the construction of two additional lanes on East Valley Highway from SR 167 to South 212th Street and related ut11ity and streetscape improvements; and to create a local Improvement d1stnct to assess a part of the cost and expense of carrymg out those Improvements agamst the properties speCially benefited thereby, and not1fymg all persons who des1re to comment or obJect to the Improvements to appear and present their comments or obJections at a heanng before the c1ty counCil to be held on Apnl 17, 2007. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: RESOLUTION SECTION 1. It is the mtent1on of the city council of the City of Kent, Washmgton, to order the improvement of the properties w1thm the area descnbed in Exh1b1t A, attached and mcorporated by th1s reference, by the construction of two additional lanes on East Valley Highway from SR 167 to South 212th Street and related utility and streetscape Improvements, as more fully descnbed m Exh1b1t B, attached and mcorporated by th1s reference. All of the foregomg Improvements shall be in accordance w1th the plans and specJfJcatJons prepared by the City's D1rector of Public Works and may be mod1f1ed by the City as long as that mod1ficat1on does not affect the purpose of the improvements. 1 LID 362 Resolution of Intent- Set Public Hearing Date SECTION 2. The total estimated cost and expense of the Improvements IS declared to be $5,317,337 .00, approximately $669,509 of that cost and expense shall be pa1d by the City, approximately $2,224,892 of that cost and expense shall be paid by grants, and the balance thereof, an estimated $2,422,936.00, shall be borne by and assessed aga1nst the property specially benefited by the improvements to be mcluded m a local Improvement district to be established embrac1ng as nearly as practicable all the property speCially benef1ted by the improvements. Actual assessments may vary from estimated assessments as long as they do not exceed a figure equal to the mcreased true and fa1r value the improvements add to the property. SECTION 3. The city clerk is authorized and directed to give notice of the adoption of th1s resolut1on and of the date, t1me, and place f1xed for the public heanng to each owner or reputed owner of any lot, tract, parcel of land, or other property w1th1n the proposed local improvement d1stnct by ma1lmg such not1ce at least f1fteen (15) days before the date f1xed for public heanng to the owner or reputed owner of the property as shown on the rolls of the Kmg County Assessor at the address shown thereon, as required by law. This resolution also shall be published in its ent1rety in at least two consecutive 1ssues of the offiCial newspaper of the City, the date of the f1rst publication to be at least fifteen (15) days pnor to the date f1xed for the public heanng. SECTION 4. All persons who may des1re to comment m support of or ObJect to the improvements are not1f1ed to appear and present those comments or obJections at a heanng before the c1ty council to be held m the council chambers m the City Hall 1n Kent, Washmgton, at 7:00p.m. on Apnl 17, 2007, wh1ch t1me and place are f1xed for heanng all matters relatmg to the Improvements and all comments thereon and obJeCtions thereto and for determmmg the method of payment for the improvements. All persons who may des1re to obJect thereto should appear and present their obJeCtions at that heanng. Any person who may des1re to f1le a wntten protest w1th the c1ty council may do so w1thm thirty (30) days after the date of passage of the ordmance ordenng the Improvements in the event the local improvement d1stnct IS formed. The wntten protest should be 2 LID 362 Resolution of Intent- Set Public Hearing Date s1gned by the property owner and should include the legal descnpt1on of the property for wh1ch the protest IS f1led and that protest should be del1vered to the City clerk. SECTION 5. The city's Public Works Director is directed to submit to the city council on or pnor to Apnl 17, 2007, all data and 1nformat1on requ1red by law to be submitted. SECTION 6. If any sect1on, subsect1on, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase of th1s resolut1on 1s declared unconst1tut1onal or invalid for any reason, such deciSIOn shall not affect the validity of the remammg portions of th1s resolution. SECTION 7. -RatificatiOn. Any act consistent w1th the authonty and pnor to the effect1ve date of th1s resolut1on 1s hereby rat1fied and affirmed. SECTION B. -Effecttve Date. Th1s resolution shall take effect and be m force 1mmed1ately upon 1ts passage. PASSED at a regular open public meet1ng by the c1ty council of the City of Kent, Washington, th1s .2o day of ff~ , 2007. CONCURRED in by the mayor of the c1ty of Kent this c!20 day of 7J1cvveh , 2007. ATTEST: . --- 3 LID 362 Resolution of Intent- Set Public Hearing Date 4 LID 362 Resolution of Intent- Set Public Hearing Date Exhibit A LI.D. Boundary Description LI.D. 362 -East Valley Highway Improvements (SR 167 to S. 212th Street) Those port1ons of the southeast quarter and the northeast quarter of Section 12, Township 22 North, Range 4 East, W.M., and the southwest quarter and the northwest quarter of Sect1on 7, Township 22 North, Range 5 East, W.M., all m Kmg County, Washmgton, descnbed as follows: Commencmg at the southwest section corner of sa1d Section 7; thence northerly, along the line common to sa1d Sect1ons 7 and 12, to the easterly prolongation of the south lme of Lot 2, Kent Short Plat SP 75-1, recorded under Kmg County Recordmg Number 7503310529 and the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence westerly, along sa1d prolongation and the south l1ne of sa1d Lot 2, to the west I me of sa1d Lot 2; thence northerly, along the west lme of sa1d Lot 2 and 1ts northerly prolongation, to the south I me of Lot 3, Kent Short Plat SP 76- 31, recorded under Kmg County Recordmg Number 7705090836; thence westerly, along the south lme of sa1d Lot 3, to the east lme of Lot 2 m sa1d short plat; thence northerly, along the east line of sa1d Lot 2 to the north line thereof; thence westerly, along sa1d north I me, to the east lme of Lot 1, Kent Short Plat SP 79-13, recorded under K1ng County Recordmg Number 8001151017; thence northerly, along sa1d east lme, to the north line of sa1d Lot 1; thence westerly, along sa1d north l1ne, to the east lme of Lot 5, Shinn's Home Add1t1on to Kent, as recorded m Volume 7 of Plats, page 22, records of Kmg County; thence northerly, along sa1d east lme, to the north lme of sa1d plat; thence westerly, along the north lme of sa1d plat, to the easterly margin of the Burlington Northern and Santa Fe Railroad nght of way; thence northerly, along sa1d easterly margm, to the westerly prolongation of the centerline of vacated South 218th Street; thence easterly, along sa1d prolongation and centerline, to the west lme of Lot 3, Kent F1ve Acre Tracts as recorded m Volume 10 of Plats, page 19, records of Kmg County; thence northerly, along sa1d west lme, to the north lme of sa1d Lot 3; thence easterly, along sa1d north l1ne, to the east lme of Lot A, Kent lot Line AdJustment LL 94-13, recorded under Kmg County Recordmg Number 9406070431; thence northerly, along sa1d east line to an angle pomt m sa1d east lme; thence contmumg along sa1d east lme, westerly to an angle pomt m sa1d east lme; thence northerly, along sa1d east lme and 1ts northerly prolongation to the north margm of South 215th Street; thence westerly, along sa1d north margm, to the west line of Parcel 4, Kent Short Plat SP 77-38, recorded under Kmg County Recordmg Number 7811080733; thence northerly, along sa1d west lme, to the north lme of sa1d short plat; thence easterly, along the north line of sa1d short plat, to the west lme of the Clow-Kmght Kent Short Plat recorded under Kmg County Recordmg Number 7611180568; thence northerly, along sa1d west lme, to the north line of sa1d short plat; thence easterly, along sa1d north lme and 1ts easterly prolongation, to the west lme of sa1d Sect1on 7; thence southerly, along the west lme of sa1d Sect1on 7, to the north line of the south 767.62 feet of Government Lot 2 m sa1d Section 7; thence easterly, along sa1d north lme; to the east lme of the west 755.65 feet of sa1d Government Lot 2 as descnbed m Kent Lot Lme AdJustment LL 91-8 , recorded under Kmg County Recordmg Number 9106110299; thence southerly, along sa1d east lme and 1ts southerly prolongation to the south lme of Lot 10, Shmn's Cloverdale Add1t1on to Kent as recorded m Volume 6 of Plats, page 52, records of Kmg County; thence westerly, along sa1d south l1ne, to the west line of the east one acre of Lot 9, Shinn's Cloverdale Add1t1on; thence southerly, along sa1d west l1ne and 1ts southerly prolongation, to the southerly margm of South 218th Street; thence easterly, along sa1d southerly marg1n, to the west lme of Lot 12, Shmn's Cloverdale Add1t1on; thence southerly, along sa1d west line, to the north lme of Lot 13, Shmn's Cloverdale Add1t1on; thence easterly, along the north lme of sa1d Lot 13 and Lot 16 m sa1d plat, to the east lme of the west half of sa1d Lot 16; thence southerly, along sa1d east lme, A-1 LID 362 Resolution of Intent- Set Public Hearing Date to the easterly prolongation of the south lme of Lot 5, Sh1nn's Cloverdale Add1t1on; thence westerly, along sa1d prolongation and the south lme of sa1d Lot 5, to a pomt 485 feet east of the northwest corner of Lot 4, Shmn's Cloverdale Add1t1on; thence southerly, along the east lme of the west 485 feet of sa1d Lot 4, to the south lme of sa1d Lot 4; thence westerly, along sa1d south lme, to the east lme of the west 277 feet of Lot 3, Sh1nn's Cloverdale Add1t1on; thence southerly, along sa1d east lme to the northerly margm of South 222"d Street; thence westerly along sa1d marg1n and 1ts westerly prolongation, to the west line of sa1d Sect1on 7; thence southerly, along sa1d west I me to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. A-2 LID 362 Resolution of Intent- Set Public Hearing Date Exhibit B Description of Improvements L.I.D 362 -East Valley Highway Street and Utility Improvements (SR 167 to S. 212th Street) Roadway Improvements: Currently, East Valley H1ghway is a 5 lane road w1th 2 lanes in each direction and a center turn lane. A th1rd through lane ex1sts at some locations but tapers back to 2 lanes. The proJect w1ll Improve and rehabilitate East Valley H1ghway to the City pnnc1pal artenal standard. The roadway Improvements mclude: • W1denmg to 7 lanes (3 lanes each d1rect1on w1th a center turn lane). • Installation of cement concrete Sidewalks where Sidewalks do not currently exist and replacement of ex1stmg Sidewalks where the road IS bemg w1dened. Included IS Sidewalk mstallat1on on the north s1de of S. 2161h Street from East Valley H1ghway to approximately 565 feet west of the center line of East Valley H1ghway to connect to the ex1stmg Sidewalk. • Detenorated port1ons of the existmg roadway pavement will be removed and replaced. • The ent1re roadway area Will rece1ve an asphalt overlay. • Catch basms and storm drams, dnveway approach aprons and curb and gutter will be replaced where necessary. • Traff1c s1gnals Will be mod1f1ed and upgraded to accommodate the Widened road. • Ex1sting ut11it1es and other Improvements such as f1re hydrants, power poles, street light poles, mailboxes, fences and s1gns w1ll be relocated or adJusted as necessary. • New channelization • Traffic s1gnmg • New 1lluminat1on system. • Add1t1onal storm dramage includmg storm water detention and water quality fac11it1es. • Street trees and hydroseedmg • Temporary eros1on and sedimentation control facilities during construction. East Valley H1ghway (aka 841h Ave. S.) FROM SR 167 Sanitary Sewer Improvements: TO S. 2121h Street E1ght currently unserv1ced propert1es w11l rece1ve e1ght mch diameter samtary sewer extensions and/or SIX mch diameter stubs to the property lme. Water Main Improvements: Three currently unserv1ced properties Will rece1ve e1ght mch diameter water stubs from the ex1st1ng water mam to the property lme. B-1 LID 362 Resolution of Intent- Set Public Hearing Date CERTIFICATION I, the undersigned, City Clerk of the City of Kent, Washmgton (the "C1ty"), hereby cert1fy as follows: 1. The attached copy of Resolut1on No. £l11 (the "Resolut1on") 1s a full, true and correct copy of an Resolution duly adopted at a regular meet1ng of the City Council of the City held at the regular meetmg place thereof on March 20, 2007, as that Resolution appears on the mmute book of the City; and the Resolution w1ll be m full force and effect immediately followmg 1ts adoption; and 2. A quorum of the members of the City Council was present throughout the meeting and a ma]onty of those members present voted m the proper manner for the adoption of the Resolution. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this .:2D day of March, 2007. CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON 5 ~" , __ /-\·'. ; ,' r y -~··J, ......... ~ ·· . . - '"' : ,- LID 362 Resolution of Intent- Set Public Hearing Date