HomeMy WebLinkAbout1744Resolution No. 17 44
(Amending or Repealing Resolutions)
CFN = 122-Pollee/Fire Departments
Passed -12/12/2006
Kent F1re Department-SHB 1756 and Performance Objectives
A RESOLUTION of the City council of the c1ty of
Kent, Washmgton, authonzmg Kent's F1re Ch1ef to adopt
and annually rev1ew and amend the performance
poiJCJes, standards, and obJectives for f1re suppression,
bas1c and advanced life support serv1ces, and cnt1cal
events, as requ1red by chapter 35A.92 RCW.
A. Sect1on 2.24.010 of the Kent City Code ("KCC") created the Kent
Fire Department to prov1de certa1n emergency med1cal, f1re and rescue serv1ces.
B. Dunng 1ts 2005 session, the state Legislature adopted Substitute
House Bill 1756, now cod1f1ed m part m chapter 35A.92 of the Rev1sed Code of
Washmgton ("RCW"), which requ1red all cJtJes, mclud1ng code Cities such as the
c1ty of Kent, to establish a pol1cy wh1ch sets standards for addressmg the reporting
and accountability of local f1re departments and to spec1fy performance measures
applicable to response t1me ObJeCtives for certam maJor serv1ces.
C. This leg1slatJon requ1res that the established pol1cy contam a wntten
statement that establishes the ex1stence of the f1re department, the serv1ces
prov1ded by the department, the department's organ1zat1onal structure, the
number of employees employed by the department, and the funct1ons the
department's employees perform.
D. These new statutes also requ1re that each local f1re department
rev1ew 1ts performance, and beg1nn1ng m 2007, prepare an annual report
1 Kent Fire Department-SHB 1756
and Performance Objectives
describing compliance w1th the local standards and otherwise reportmg to the
E. As requ1red by chapter 3SA.92 RCW, the purpose and mtent of thiS
resolution 1s to recogn1ze and approve performance polic1es, standards, and
obJeCtives so as to comply w1th the 1ntent of the new leg1slat1on.
SECTION 1. -Establishment of Kent Fire Department. The City of Kent
F1re Department was off1c1ally formed m 1924, and a career f1re department was
established m 1965. The c1ty of Kent's F1re Department IS established 1n chapter
2.24 of the Kent City Code (''KCC").
SECTION 2. -Services Provided by Kent Fire Department. The munic1pal
serv1ces prov1ded by the f1re department mclude:
,; F1re suppression
,; Emergency med1cal serv1ces (EMS), bas1c l1fe support (BLS)
,; SpeCial operat1ons; hazardous response and technical rescue
,; F1re prevention/public educat1on
,; Emergency management
The c1ty of Kent does not have an airport or marine port; therefore, there
are no standards developed for a1rcraft rescue and f1ref1ghtmg, or manne rescue
and f1ref1ghtmg.
SECTION 3. -Organizational Structure of the Kent Fire Department. The
organ1zat1onal structure of the f1re department IS Illustrated by the attached
organ1zat1onal chart for the f1re department. The f1re department operates under
the cham of command structure. The f1re ch1ef IS appomted by and reports to the
mayor, who IS elected. The orgamzat10n IS governed by the c1ty council and the
public safety comm1ttee. Admm1strat1ve personnel, ch1ef off1cers, company
2 Kent Fire Department-SHB 1756
and Performance Objectives
off1cers, firefighters, volunteer personnel, and other staff personnel accomplish the
delivery of v1tal serv1ces to the public.
SECTION 4. -Employees of Kent Fire Department. On the effect1ve date
of thiS resolution, the Kent F1re Department cons1sted of 161 full-time employees,
w1th an add1t1onal seven (7) full-t1me employees employed by Kmg County F1re
DIStriCt # 37.
SECTION 5. -Serv1ce Delivery Objectives and Performance Standards. In
accordance w1th chapter 35A.92 RCW, the f1re department has established the
followmg serv1ce del1very objeCtives mcludmg response t1me performance
standards for the followmg major serv1ce components, as applicable to the c1ty of
./ 90% of the t1me m the downtown urban core area of Kent
./ 80% of the t1me outs1de of the downtown core and w1thm the Urban
Growth Boundary
./ 70% of the t1me m the rural areas outs1de of the Urban Growth
Turnout t1me: 105 seconds (1 m1nute, 45 seconds) or better 80% of the
t1me. Turnout t1me 1s 1dent1f1ed for f1ref1ghters to be fully bunkered up m
protect1ve cloth1ng pnor to m1t1at10n of the response/travel t1me.
1. Structure F1res
a. Response T1me!Travel Interval T1me for F1rst Arnvmg Enq1ne
Company: w1thm 260 seconds (4 m1nutes, 20 seconds):
./ 90% of the t1me m the downtown urban core area of
80% of the time outside of the downtown core and
w1th1n the Urban Growth Boundary
70% of the t1me m the rural areas outs1de of the
urban growth boundary
3 Kent Fire Department-SHB 1756
and Performance Objectives
b. Response Time/Travel Interval T1me for Full F1rst Alarm
Ass1gnment: w1thtn 440 seconds (7 mmutes, 20 seconds).
F1rst alarm ass1gnment mcludes 16 f1ref1ght1ng personnel and
adequate apparatus/equipment for the InCident:
./ 90% of the t1me m the downtown urban core area of
80% of the t1me outs1de of the downtown core and
w1thtn the Urban Growth Boundary
70% of the t1me 1n the rural areas outside of the
Urban Growth Boundary
a. Response Time/Travel Interval T1me for BLS: F1rst un1t w1th
"f1rst response" or higher cert1f1cat1on: w1th1n 260 seconds (4
mmutes and 20 seconds):
./ 90% of the t1me 1n the downtown urban core area of
80% of the t1me outs1de of the downtown core and
w1th1n the Urban Growth Boundary
70% of the t1me 1n the rural areas outs1de of the
Urban Growth Boundary
b. Response Time/Travel Interval T1me for Full First Alarm
Assignment w1thtn 440 seconds (7 m1nutes, 20 seconds).
F1rst alarm ass1gnment tncludes 5 f1ref1ght1ng personnel and
adequate apparatus/equipment for the 1nc1dent
./ 90% of the t1me 1n the downtown urban core area of
80% of the t1me outside of the downtown core and
w1thm the Urban Growth Boundary
70% of the t1me in the rural areas outs1de of the
Urban Growth Boundary
c. Response Time/Travel Interval T1me for ALS: w1thtn 8
m1nutes 90% of the t1me as prov1ded by Ktng County MediC I,
an outs1de agency, under standards adopted by K1ng County.
d. Response T1me/Travel Interval T1me for BLS Transport:
w1thm 9 m1nutes and 59 seconds 100% of the t1me, as
prov1ded by AMR and Tn-Med Ambulance Compan1es.
4 Kent Fire Department -SHB 1756
and Performance Objectives
3. Technical Response (Hazardous Matenals and Technical
Rescue/Spec1al Operat1ons
1. Response T1me. Hazardous Matenals Operations Level: F1rst un1t
w1th "operations" level tra1ned personnel or higher, 2.60 seconds (4
mmutes and 2.0 seconds):
./ 90% of the t1me m the downtown urban core area of Kent
./ 80% of the t1me outs1de of the downtown core and w1th1n the
Urban Growth Boundary
70% of the t1me 1n the rural areas outside of the Urban
Growth Boundary
2. Response T1me. Hazardous Materials Technician Trained: First unit
w1th level a tramed personnel w1thm 555 seconds (9 mmutes and 15
./ 90% of the t1me 1n the downtown urban core area of Kent
./ 80% of the t1me outside of the downtown core and Within the
Urban Growth Boundary
70% of the t1me 1n the rural areas outs1de of the Urban
Growth Boundary
3. Response T1me. Full Effect1ve Response Force (Zone 3 Haz Mat
Resoonse): assembled 1n 1800 seconds (30 mmutes):
./ 90% of the t1me m the downtown urban core area of Kent
./ 80% of the time outside of the downtown core and w1thm the
Urban Growth Boundary
70% of the t1me m the rural areas outs1de of the Urban
Growth Boundary
1. Response T1me. Techmcal Rescue/Special Operat1ons Level: F1rst
un1t w1th "operations" level tra1ned personnel or higher, 260 seconds
(4 m1nutes and 2.0 seconds):
./ 90% of the t1me m the downtown urban core area of Kent
./ 80% of the t1me outs1de of the downtown core and w1thm the
Urban Growth Boundary
5 Kent Fire Department-SHB 1756
and Performance Objectives
70% of the t1me 1n the rural areas outside of the Urban
Growth Boundary
2. Response T1me. Techn1cal Rescue/Cert1f1ed Personnel: On scene
w1th1n 555 seconds (9 m1nutes and 15 seconds):
v' 90% of the t1me m the downtown urban core area of Kent
v' 80% of the time outs1de of the downtown core and w1thm the
Urban Growth Boundary
70% of the t1me m the rural areas outs1de of the Urban
Growth Boundary
3. Response Time, Full Effective Response Force (Zone 3 Techmcal
Response): assembled m 1800 seconds (30 mmutes) ·
v' 90% of the t1me m the downtown urban core area of Kent
v' 80% of the time outside of the downtown core and w1thm the
Urban Growth Boundary
70% of the t1me 1n the rural areas outs1de of the Urban
Growth Boundary
SECTION 6. -Annual Report. The fire department w111 prepare an annual
report wh1ch meets the requirements of RCW 35A.92.040.
SECTION 7. -Term DeflmttOns. The def1n1t1ons of terms used w1thm th1s
resolution, such as "turnout t1me," "travel mterval t1me," and "f1re suppressiOn,"
shall be as those terms are defmed m chapter 35A.92 RCW.
SECTION 8. -Severab11itv. If any sect1on, subsect1on, paragraph,
sentence, clause or phrase of th1s resolut1on 1s declared unconst1tut1onal or mvalid
for any reason, such dec1s1on shall not affect the valid1ty of the rema1n1ng port1ons
of th1s resolut1on.
SECTION 9. -Ratification. Any act cons1stent w1th the authonty and pnor
to the effect1ve date of th1s resolut1on IS hereby rat1f1ed and affirmed.
6 Kent Fire Department -SHB 1756
and Performance Objectives
SECTION 10. -Effective Date. Th1s resolution shall take effect and be in
force 1mmed1ately upon 1ts passage.
PASSED at a regular open public meetmg by the City council of the c1ty of
Kentr Washmgtonr th1s ft?-. day of December1 2006.
CONCURRED in by the mayor of the City of Kent th1s
December, 2006.
I d. day of
'. ---. ~ ---
I hereby cert1fy that th1s IS a true and correct copy of Resolution No. L7'{Y
passed by the c1ty counc1l of the City of Kent, Wash1ngtonr the I CJ..... day of
December, 2006.
P \CIVII\Resah.ttlon\F•n~PerformanceObjel;tlvu-SHB1 75a-CLEAH 6oc:
. -
-~ .... . .. . -
7 Kent Fire Department -SHB 1756
and Performance Objectives