HomeMy WebLinkAbout1743Resolution No. 17 43
(Amending or Repealing Resolutions)
CFN = 1305-Events Center
Passed -12/12/2006
Kent Events Center and GC/CM Process -Final Determination
RESOLUTION NO. -'-/_,7_lf.:.,_3-=---
A RESOLUTION of the City council of the City of
Kent, Washmgton, establishmg the council's fmal
determmat1on to use the General
Contractor/Construction Manager alternative contractmg
procedure 1n accordance w1th Ch. 39.10 RCW 1f counc1l
dec1des to des1gn and construct the Kent Events Center.
A. Ch. 39.10 RCW authonzes and establishes the requirements for use
of alternative public works contracting procedures. As a mun1C1pal1ty With a
population greater than 70,000, the c1ty of Kent IS an el1g1ble mun1c1pal1ty under
Ch. 39.10 RCW.
B. One of the alternat1ve public works contractmg procedures
authonzed by Ch. 39.10 RCW 1s the General Contractor/Construction Manager
(GC/CM) procedure. The GC/CM procedure allows the c1ty to negot1ate a
max1mum allowable construction cost to be guaranteed by the GC/CM f1rm.
C. On November 7, 2006, the city council adopted Resolution No. 1739
which declared the c1ty counc1l's prel1mmary determmat1on to use the GC/CM
procedure for the des1gn and construction of the Kent Events Center and
scheduled a heanng to sol1c1t public comment on the GC/CM procedure before the
Public Works Committee on December 4, 2006. The public heanng was conducted
on th1s date and the Public Works Comm1ttee rece1ved no objeCtions to usmg the
GC/CM procedure for the Kent Events Center, and no one spoke or urged agamst
th1s proposed determ1nat1on.
1 Kent Events Center and GC/CM
Process -Final Determination
D. The c1ty council has determined that the use of the GC/CM
procedure and negot1at1ng a max1mum allowable construction cost w1ll serve the
public mterest by prov1d1ng a substantial f1scal benef1t, g1ven the speed w1th wh1ch
the proJeCt must be constructed and the l1m1ted funds available for the proJect.
Add1t1onally, because of the complex1ty and scale of the proposed proJect, the
public w1ll be further benefited by hav1ng the contractor ass1st 1n craftmg the f1nal
des1gn to ensure construction cost feas1b11ity.
E. The c1ty's Events Center proJect meets the cntena 1n Ch. 39.10 RCW
for use of the GC/CM contractmg procedure 1n that the proJect costs w1ll exceed
Ten Million Dollars ($10,000,000.00), proJect 1mplementat1on Involves complex
schedulmg requirements, and GC/CM mvolvement dunng the des1gn stage IS
cnt1cal to the proJect's fmanc1al success.
SECTION l. -Incorporation of ReCitals. The precedmg rec1tals are
Incorporated here1n.
SECTION 2. -Final Determination. For all the reasons stated 1n the above
rec1tals, the c1ty counc1l hereby establishes 1ts fmal determ1nat1on to use the
General Contractor/Construction Manager procedure for the f1nal des1gn and
construction of the City of Kent's Event Center proJect.
SECTION 3. -Appeal Period. Pursuant to RCW 39.10.030(3) this
resolution constitutes the c1ty council's fmal determmat1on to use the alternative
b1d process. Th1s resolution IS subJect to appeal to supenor court w1th1n thirty (30)
days from the date th1s resolution 1s adopted. Not1ce of any appeal must be
prov1ded to the c1ty w1thm seven (7) days from the date th1s resolution 1s adopted.
SECTION 4. -Severabtlity. If any sect1on, subsect1on, paragraph,
sentence, clause or phrase of th1s resolution 1s declared unconst1tut1onal or mval1d
2 Kent Events Center and GC/CM
Process-Final Determination
for any reason, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remammg port1ons
of th1s resolution.
SECTION 5. -RatificatiOn. Any act cons1stent w1th the authonty and pnor
to the effective date of th1s resolution IS hereby rat1f1ed and affirmed.
SECTION 6. -Effect1ve Date. Th1s resolution shall take effect and be m
force 1mmed1ately upon 1ts passage.
PASSED at a regular open public meet1ng by the c1ty counc1l of the City of
Kent, Washmgton, th1s 1'2-day of December, 2006.
CONCURRED m by the mayor of the City of Kent thiS
December, 2006.
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3 Kent Events Center and GC/CM
Process -Final Determination
I hereby certify that th1s 1s a true and correct copy of Resolution No. I 7'13
passed by the c1ty council of the c1ty of Kent, Washington, the /"'2--day of
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4 Kent Events Center and GC/CM
Process-Final Determination