HomeMy WebLinkAbout1740Resolution No. 1740 (Amending or Repealing Resolutions) CFN = 121 -Rezones; 174-Land Use & Planning; 205 -Uniform F1re Codes Passed-11/21/2006 Amend Business License, Plannmg and Land Use, and Permit and Inspection Fees Amended by Res. 1828;1831 Repealed by Res. 1851 RESOLUTION NO. 11'-10 A RESOLUTION of the City counCil of the City of Kent, Washmgton, relatmg to the 2007 f1scal year budget and amendmg vanous fees established by past resolutions concern1ng busmess l1censes, plannmg and land use appl1cat1ons, and perm1ts and 1nspect1ons conducted under the prov1s1ons of the International Bu1ld1ng, Res1dent1al, Mechanical, and F1re Codes and the Un1form Plumbmg Code, which amendments shall be assessed and collected beg1nn1ng m the 2007 f1scal year budget. RECITALS A. The Kent City Counc1l has established a number of fees by resolution rather than by ordmance so that the fees may be adJusted by counc1l w1thout amendmg the text of the Kent City Code. However, many of these fees have not been rev1ewed or updated by council m several years. For example, bus1ness license fees have not been updated smce Resolution No. 1311 was adopted m 1992. Also, the c1ty's schedule of fees applicable to perm1ts, cert1f1cates, and mspect1ons 1ssued or conducted under the Internattonal But!dmg Code, the InternatiOnal Restdent1al Code, the InternatiOnal Mechamcal Code, the Un1form Plumbmg Code, and the InternatiOnal Ftre Code have not been rev1ewed or updated smce their adoption m 2004, and as w1th the schedule for perm1t, cert1f1cate, and mspect1on fees, the City's land use appl1cat1on fees were last updated m 2004. B. It is appropnate to amend these vanous fee schedules to more accurately reflect the true cost mcurred by the c1ty m prov1dmg serv1ces to the 1 Amend Business License, Planning and Land Use, and Permit and Inspection Fees public. Accordmgly, m order to amend these fees, 1t IS necessary to amend port1ons of Resolution Nos. 1311, 1676, 1687, and 1686, and adopt th1s replacement resolution wh1ch establishes new fee schedules concern1ng general busmess licenses, plannmg and land use appl1cat1ons, and perm1ts and mspect1ons. NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: RESOLUTION SECTION 1. -Resolution No. 1311 -Business License Fees Amended. Begmn1ng January 1, 2007, the busmess l1cense fees adopted by Sect1on 1 of Resolut1on No. 1311, adopted on Apnl 7, 1992, are amended as follows: A. B. c. General Busmess Licenses: General Busmess L1cense Renewals: Home Occupation Busmess License and Renewals $75.00 $100 00 $50.00 $100.00 $25.00 The $100.00 busmess license appeal fee established by Resolution No. 1311 shall remam unchanged. SECTION 2. -Resolution No. 1676 -Building, Mechanical, and Plumbing Perm1t Fees Amended. Sect1on 1(A)(2) of Resolution No. 1676, adopted on May 4, 2004, IS amended as follows: A. International Buildmg Code and International Res1dent1al Code - Buildmg permit and plan revtew fees. Pursuant to Sect1on 14.01.090 of the Kent City Code, the fees to be assessed for bu1ldmg perm1ts and related mspect1ons under the InternatiOnal Buildmg Code or the InternatiOnal Res1dent1al Code shall be as set forth m Exh1b1t "A," wh1ch 1s attached and mcorporated mto th1s ordmance, w1th the following mod1f1cat1ons: 2 Amend Business License, Planning and Land Use, and Permit and Inspection Fees 2. Basic plan review fees. The bas1c plan rev1ew fee, after and m add1t1on to the payment of the m1t1al standard plan rev1ew fee set forth m subsect1on (1) above, shall be a fee of s1xty-four dollars C$64.00). and begmnmg January 1, 2007, shall be a fee of s1xty-nme dollars ($69.00), for each perm1t 1ssued upon a cert1f1ed bas1c plan. Add1t1onal plan rev1ew fees shall also be assessed at a rate of e1ghty-s1x dollars ($86.00) per hour. and beg1nmng Januarv 1, 2007, shall be assessed at a rate of mnety-three dollars ($93.00) per hour, or a port1on thereof for add1t1onal plan rev1ew requ1red for changes, add1t1ons, or rev1s1ons to plans. SECTION 3. -ResolutiOn No. 1676 -Building. Mechamcal, and Plumbmg Perm1t Fees Amended -Exh1b1ts Superseded. Begmnmg January 1, 2007, the attached and rev1sed Exh1b1ts A, B, and C shall supersede m the1r ent1rety Exh1b1ts A, B, and C attached to Resolut1on No. 1676. SECTION 4. -Resolution No. 1687 -Fire Permit Fees Amended -Exhibit Superseded. Begmning January 1, 2007, the attached and rev1sed Exh1b1t D shall supersede m 1ts ent1rety Exh1b1t D attached to Resolution No. 1687 wh1ch previously superseded Exh1b1t D to Resolut1on No. 1676. SECTION 5. -Resolution No. 1686 -Planning and Land Use Application Fee Schedule and Fee Schedule Notes Amended -Exh1b1t Superseded. Begmnmg January 1, 2007, the attached and rev1sed Exh1b1t E shall supersede m 1ts ent1rety Exh1b1t A to Resolution No. 1686. SECTION 6.-Savmqs. Resolution Nos. 1311, 1676, 1687, and 1686, and the fees established by those resolutions and the1r applicable exh1b1ts, wh1ch are amended by th1s resolution, shall remam 1n full force and effect unt1l the date the new fees are assessed and collected m accordance w1th th1s resolution. 3 Amend Business License, Planning and Land Use, and Permit and Inspection Fees SECTION 7. -Severability. If any sect1on, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase of th1s resolution IS declared unconst1tut1onal or mval1d for any reason, such dec1s1on shall not affect the validity of the remammg port1ons of th1s resolution. SECTION B. -Effect1ve Date. Th1s resolut1on shall take effect and be m force 1mmed1ately upon 1ts passage. However, the new fee schedules adopted by th1s resolut1on shall not take effect nor shall they be assessed and collected until January 1, 2007, wh1ch begms the 2007 f1scal year budget. PASSED at a regular open public meetmg by the c1ty council of the City of Kent, Washmgton, th1s ~( day of ~ , 2006. L1 CONCURRED in by the mayor of the c1ty of Kent thiS l.l~ ,2006. day of ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: &¥.uU1ikb 4 . ---: ....... • •• p .... Amend Business License, Planning and Land Use, and Permit and Inspection Fees I hereby certify that this IS a true and correct copy of Resolution No. /J(/() passed by the c1ty council of the CJty of Kent, Washmgton, the I day of &~,2006. P \Civil\lltsolutiOn\f"lncnase2007 A.tsolutiO~Pius.flrhlbiti-Ciun doc .... --. ----- 5 Amend Business License, Planning and Land Use, and Permit and Inspection Fees Exhibit "A" City of Kent Building Permit Fees Total valuat1on determined by bu1ld1ng off1c1al Perm1t Fee Assessed $1 00 to $500 00 $25 30 $501 00 to $2,000 00 $25 30 for the f1rst $500 00, plus $3 30 for each additional $100 00, or fract1on thereof, to and 1nclud1ng $2,000 00 $2,001.00 to $25,000 00 $74 80 for the f1rst $2,000 00, plus $15 10 for each add1t1onal $1,000 00, or fract1on thereof, to and 1nclud1ng $25,000 00 $25,001 00 to $50,000 00 $422 10 for the f1rst $25,000 00, plus $10 90 for each add1t1onal $1,000 00, or fract1on thereof, to and 1nclud1ng $50,000 00 $50,001 00 to $100,000 00 $694 60 for the f1rst $50,000 00, plus $7 55 for each add1t1onal $1,000 00, or fract1on thereof, to and 1nclud1ng $100,000 00 $100,001 00 to $500,000 00 $1 ,072 10 for the f1rst $100,000 00, plus $6 05 for each add1t1onal $1,000 00, or fract1on thereof, to and 1ncludmg $500,000 00 $500,001 00 to $1,000,000 00 $3,492 10 for the f1rst $500,000 00, plus $510 for each add1t1onal $1,000 00, or fract1on thereof, to and 1nclud1ng $1,000,000 00 $1,000,001 00 and up $6,042 10 for the f1rst $1,000,000 00, plus $3 40 for each add1t1onal $1,000 00, or fract1on thereof Other lnspect1ons and Fees: For 1nspect1ons outs1de of normal bus1ness hours (m1n1mum charge-two hours) $93 00 per hour Re1nspect1on fees assessed when work for wh1ch an 1nspect1on 1s requested IS not complete, when requ1red corrections have not been made, when work 1s not access1ble, or when the permit or approved plans are not made read1ly available $93 00 per hour Add1t1onal plan rev1ew reqUired by changes, deferred submittals, add1t1ons, or rev1s1ons to plans $93 00 per hour lnvest1gat1on fee when work 1s commenced pnor to obta1n1ng reqUired Bu1ld1ng, mechanical, or plumb1ng perm1t.. 100% of permit fee Appeal f1hng fee $215 00 Exhibit "B" City of Kent Mechanical Permit Fees Perm1t Issuance Fees. 1 For the 1ssuance of each mechan1cal permit .......................•..•...................... $29 00 2. For 1sswng each supplemental permit for which the ongmal permit has not exp1red, been canceled, or finalized $9 00 Umt Fee Schedule 1. For each forced-air or grav1ty-type furnace or boiler, 1ncludmg ducts and vents attached, up to and mclud1ng 100,000 Btu/h (29 3 kW) $18 00 2. For each forced-a1r or grav1ty-type furnace or bo1ler, mcludmg ducts and vents attached, over 100,000 Btu/h (29 3 kW) ........ .. .. .. $23 00 3 For each floor furnace, suspended heater, recessed wall heater or floor-mounted heater, 1nclud1ng vent $18 00 4 For each appliance vent not Included m an appliance perm1t $9 00 5 For repa1r of, alterat1on of, or add1t1on to each heat1ng appliance, refngerat1on un1t, coolmg unit, absorpt1on un1t, or each heat1ng, cool1ng, absorption, or evaporat1ve cooling system, 1nclud1ng controls, regulated by the mechanical code or res1dent1al code $17 00 6 For each boiler or compressor 7 8 9. 10 11. 12 13 • to and 1nclud1ng 3 horsepower (1 0 6 kW), or each absorption system to and 1nclud1ng 100,000 Btu/h (29 3 kW) .......... $18 00 • over 3 horsepower (10 6 kW) to and 1ncludmg 15 horsepower (52 7 kW), or each absorption system over 100,000 Btu/h (29 3 kW) to an 1nclud1ng 500,000 Btu/h (146 6 kW) . $33 00 • over 15 horsepower (52 7 kW) to and mclud1ng 30 horsepower (105 5 kW), or each absorption system over 500,000 Btu/h (293 1 kW) to and mclud1ng 1 ,000,000 (293 1 kW) $46 00 • over 30 horsepower (1 05 5 kW) to and 1ncludmg 50 horsepower (176 kW), or each absorption system over 1,000,000 Btu/h (293 1 kW) to and 1nclud1ng 1,750,000 (512 9 kW) ..... $69 00 • over 50 horsepower ( 176 kW) or each absorpt1on system over 1,750,000 Btu/h (512 9 kW) For each a1r-handling un1t to and 1ncludmg 10,000 cub1c feet per m1nute (cfm) (4,719 Lis), 1nclud1ng ducts attached thereto, wh1ch 1s not a port1on of factory assembled appliance or un1t for wh1ch a perm1t 1s requ1red • over10,000cfm(4,719L/s) ............... .. For each evaporative cooler other than portable type For each ventilation fan connected to a s1ngle duct For each vent1lat1on system wh1ch 1s not a port1on of any heatmg or a1r-cond 1t1onmg system author1zed by a perm 11 For each hood served by mechan1cal exhaust, 1ncludmg the ducts for such hood ..... For each domestic-type mcmerator . . . . .. . ............................. . For each commerc1al or 1ndustnal-type 1ncmerator . $115 00 ........ $1300 . . . ..... $23 00 $13 00 $9 00 $13 00 $13 00 $23 00 $18 00 (CONT.) Exhibit "B" City of Kent Mechanical Permit Fees Un1t Fee Schedule (cant) 14 For each mechanical appliance or p1ece of equ1pment regulated by the mechanical code or the res1dent1al code, not classed 1n other appliance categones, or for wh1ch no other fee 1s listed 1n th1s table ........... $13 00 15 For each fuel gas or fuel 011 p1p1ng system of one to f1ve outlets . ......... ..... ... $7 00 16 For each add1t1onal p1p1ng system outlet, per outlet $2 00 Other lnspect1ons and Fees For 1nspect1ons outs1de of normal business hours (m1n1mum charge-two hours) .. .. . ... $93 00 per hour Re1nspect1on fees assessed when work for wh1ch an 1nspect1on 1s requested 1s not complete, when requ1red correct1ons have not been made, when work IS not accessible, or when the perm1t or approved plans are not made read1ly available $93 00 per hour Add1t1onal plan rev1ew requ1red by changes, deferred submittals, add1t1ons, or rev1s1ons to plans $93 00 per hour lnvest1gat1on fee when work 1s commenced pnor to obta1n1ng requ1red build1ng, mechamcal, or plumb1ng perm1t ........ 100% of permit fee Appeal fil1ng fee . $215 00 Exhibit "C" City of Kent Plumbing Permit Fees Perm1t Issuance Fees: 1 For the 1ssuance of each plumb1ng permit $25 00 2. For 1ssu1ng each supplemental perm1t for wh1ch the ong1nal permit has not exp1red, been canceled or fmalized ..... $13 00 Umt Fee Schedule For each plumbing f1xture on one trap or a set of f1xtures on one trap, mcludmg water, dra1nage p1p1ng and backflow protect1on therefore $9 00 2 For each bu1ld1ng sewer and each trailer park or mob1le home park sewer $18 00 3 Ra1nwater systems-per dra1n (1ns1de bu1ld1ng) $9 00 4. For each water heater and/or vent .................. ... .. ............................ $9 00 5. For each 1ndustnal waste pretreatment mterceptor including 1ts trap and vent, except k1tchen-type grease Interceptors functioning as f1xture traps $9 00 6. For each 1nstallat1on, alteration or repa1r of water p1p1ng and/or water treatmg equ1pment, each $9 00 7 For each repa1r or alteration of dramage or vent p1p1ng, each f1xture $9 00 8. For each lawn spnnkler system on any one meter mclud1ng backflow protect1on dev1ces therefore $9 00 9 For atmosphenc-type vacuum breakers not 1ncluded 1n 1tem 8 1 to 5 vacuum breakers $7 00 over 5 vacuum breakers, each $2 00 10 For each backflow protective dev1ce other than atmosphenc-type vacuum breakers 2 1nch (51 mm) d1ameter or smaller $9 00 over 2 1nch (51 mm) d1ameter $18 00 11 For each graywater or recla1med water system $50 00 12 For each med1cal gas p1p1ng system for a spec1f1c gas 1 to 5 mlets/outlets over 5 Inlets/outlets, each Other Inspections and Fees $62 00 $7 00 For 1nspect1ons outs1de of normal busmess hours (m1n1mum charge-two hours) . . . . .. $93 00 per hour Re1nspect1on fees assessed when work for wh1ch an mspect1on 1s requested 1s not complete, when requ1red correct1ons have not been made, when work IS not accessible, or when the perm1t or approved plans are not made read1ly available Add1t1onal plan rev1ew requ1red by changes, deferred submittals, add1t1ons, or rev1s1ons to plans Investigation fee when work IS commenced pnor to obta1n1ng requ1red bu1ld1ng, mechanical, or plumb1ng perm1t Appeal f11ing fee $93 00 per hour $93 00 per hour 100% of permit fee $215 00 Exhibit "D" City of Kent Fire Permit Fees Permit Issuance Fees: Fee Issuance of each annual perm1t under the f1re code $62 00 Issuance of each annual f1re protection system perm1t, per bu1ld1ng $81 00 Issuance of a res1dent1al home heanng fuel tank removal permit, per appl1cat1on $81 00 Issuance of a f1reworks perm1t for a f1reworks stand, per application $100 00* Issuance of a f1reworks perm1t for a f1reworks display, per application $100 00* • rate f1xed by state regulations Development Plan Review and Permit Fees· Fee Ftre Prevent1on Permtts- Plan Rev1ew Fee 65% of perm1t fee Per bu1ldmg permit fee valuat1on table, Perm1t Fee Exh1b1t A of Resolution No Rev1ew of Bu!ldmg Permtts- S1ngle-Fam1ly Plan Rev1ew 15% of the permi!fee ($54 m1mmum fee) Commerc1al Plan Rev1ew 20% of the permi!fee ($54 m1n1mum fee) Rev1ew of Land Use Appllcattons- Boundary L1ne Adjustment $61 00 B1ndmg S1te Plan $100 00 Short SubdiVISion $100 00 Other S1te Plan Rev1ews $49 00 Preliminary Plat $331 00 Res1dent1al Vanances $39 00 Other Project Approvals $59 00 SEPA Checklist $71 00 SEPA Checklist as Part of a Project $36 00 ReqUiring Heanng Exam1ner Approval $106 00 Other Inspections and Fees: Fee Each hydrant flow request (m1mmum two hour charge) $93 00 per hour lmt1al f1re and life safety 1nspect1on for new bus1ness, per appl1cat1on $54 00 InspectiOns outs1de of normal bus1ness hours (m1n1mum two hour charge) $93 00 per hour Remspect1on fees assessed when work for wh1ch an 1nspect1on IS requested 1s not complete, when reqUired corrections have not been made, when work IS not accessible, or when the permit or approved plans are not made read1ly ava1lable $93 00 per hour Appeal f1l1ng fee $215 00 Penalty Fees: Fee Falling to mark or ma1nta1n the markmg of a des1gnated f1re lane $162 00 Exhibit "E" City of Kent Planning and Land Use Fees Permit Application Type Fee Notes Accessory Dwell1ng Umt $54 (1) Appeal of Admm1strat1ve Interpretation I DeciSIOn $215 Appeal of SEPA Determ1nat1on $215 Appeal of Short Plat $215 Bmdmg S1te Plan $539 Bmdmg S1te Plan Mod1f1cat1on $323 I $431 (2) Code Text Amendment $539 I $1,616 (12} (13) Comb1mng D1stncts $1,616 (12) Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment $1,616 (12) Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment $1,616 (12} Conditional Use $2,154 (15) Downtown Des1gn Rev1ew $215 I $539 (3) (16) Lot L1ne Adjustment $323 (4) Lot L1ne Ehmmat1on $108 (5) M1xed Use Des1gn Rev1ew $539 (16) Mult1-Fam1ly Des1gn Rev1ew $539 + $11 /un1t (16) Mult1-Fam1ly Dwelling Tax Exempt1on-Cond1t1onal Apphcat1on $150 + $25/unlt (18) Mult1-Fam1ly Dwelling Tax Exemption-Fmal Application $150 (19) Mult1-Fam1ly Tax Exempt1on Appeal-Cond1t1onal, F1nal, Extens1on $100 Mult1-Fam1ly Tax Exemption Extension of Cond1t1onal Cert1f1cate $100 Tentat1ve Planned Umt Development Plan $269 Planned Un1t Development Plan $2,693 + $SO/un1t Planned Umt Development Plan Mod1f1cat1on $269 I $808 (6) Plat Modif1cat1on/Aiterat1on M1nor ~ of plat fee Mmor/Major Major Y:z of plat fee (17) Pre-Application Conference $269 Public Not1ce Board $108 (7) SEPA Checklist $269/$754 (8) SEPA Modif1cat1on $81 I $269 (9) SEPA Exempt Determination $215 SEPA Environmental Impact Statement $2,154 + depOSit (1 0) Shoreline Cond1t1onal Use $1,292 (15) Shoreline Exempt Determmat1on $215 Shoreline Substantial Development $1,077 Shoreline Vanance $808 (15) Short Plat (2-4 lots) $808 Short Plat (5-9 lots)-Tentat1ve Plat $269 Short Plat (5-9 lots)-Prelim mary Plat $2,154 + $54/lot (CONT.) Exhibit "E" City of Kent Planning and Land Use Fees Permit Application Type Fee Notes Short Plat (5-9 lots)-F1nal Plat $1,616 + $22/lot S1gn Perm1t $162 Spec1al Home Occupation Perm1t $323 (15) SubdiVISion-Tentat1ve Plat $269 SubdiVISion -Prel1m1nary Plat $3,770 + $54/lot SubdiVISion -Fmal Plat $2,154 + $22/lot Temporary Use $108 I $2691$162 (11) Temporary S1gn $81 Vanance-Adm1n1strat1ve $323 Vanance-S1ngle Fam1ly Dwell1ng $323 (15) Vanance-S1gn & Other than Smgle Family Dwelling $2,154 (15} . WTF Adm1n1strat1ve Perm1t $323 WTF Cond1t1onal Use $2,154 Zone Map Amendment (Rezone) $2,154 (12} (14a-14e) Zonmg Perm1t I S1te Plan Rev1ew $27 I $54 I value Zonmg Determ1nat1on I Compliance Letter CITY OF KENT PLANNING AND LAND USE FEE SCHEDULE NOTES (Effective October 21, 2004) $54 (1) $54 fee IS applicable for an attached accessory dwelling umt, an intenor accessory dwelling unit or for a detached accessory dwelling un1t 1n a s1ngle-fam1ly res1dent1al zone The fee Includes the cost of the Plann1ng Serv1ces Off1ce recording of the accessory dwelling un1t covenant documents w1th K1ng County An accessory liv1ng quarters 1n a commerc1al or 1ndustnal zone IS subject to the applicable construction value-based fee (2) Any changes to an approved, but unrecorded B1nd1ng Site Plan are subject to the $323 fee for a mod1f1cat1on to a B1nd1ng S1te Plan Any changes to a recorded Bind1ng S1te Plan are subJect to the $431 fee for a mod1f1cat1on to a B1nd1ng S1te Plan. (3) The $215 fee IS applicable to m1nor alterations and Improvements. The $539 fee is applicable to all new buildmgs, redevelopment, and maJor alterat1ons and Improvements (4) Fee Includes the cost of the Plann1ng Services Off1ce record1ng of the lot line rev1s1on documents w1th K1ng County (5) The $108 fee 1s applicable to the elimination of lot lines between two or more parcels 1n the same ownership The fee Includes the cost of the Plann1ng Serv1ces Off1ce record1ng of the lot line rev1s1on documents w1th Kmg County All other types of lot line adJustments, except for a lot lme el1m1nat1on, are subject to the lot line adjustment fee schedule. (16) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) Any mmor change to an approved Planned Unit Development Plan is subject to the $269 fee for a modification Any major change to an approved Planned Unit Development Plan IS subject to the $808 fee for a modifJcatJon The Planning Manager has the authority to change th1s fee as needed to cover C1ty expenditures The $269 fee IS applicable only to SEPA rev1ew of construction of one s1ngle fam1ly dwelling on an indiVidual parcel All other SEPA checklist applications are subject to the $754 fee The $81 fee IS applicable only to modifications to a SEPA determination for one single fam1ly dwell1ng on an indiVIdual parcel. All other modifications to a SEPA determ1nat1on are subject to the $269 fee $2,154 fee plus a deposit, equal to the est1mated cost of contract serv1ces necessary to complete the EIS process, must be submitted to the c1ty (11) Temporary Use Perm1ts 0-30 days ............................... $108 31-90 days .............................. $269 Extens1ons beyond 90 days.. . . . $162 (12) Application requ1res public heanngs. If multiple perm1t appl1cat1ons which requ1re the same heanng procedure are submitted at the same t1me, the applicant Will be charged the full fee for the perm1t application w1th the h1ghest fee and 50% of the established fee for each of the other perm1ts eligible for a consolidated rev1ew and heanng (13) The $539 fee IS applicable to amendments to S1ngle Fam1ly Res1dent1al zones only Amendments to all other zon1ng d1stncts or sect1ons of the zomng code are subject to the $1,616 fee. (14) a) b) The $27 fee IS applicable for Mmor S1ngle Fam1ly Dwell1ng Construction on an ex1st1ng dwellmg such as a deck, mmor add1t1on of less than 25% of ex1st1ng floor area, mtenor remodel or accessory bwld1ng of 500 square feet or less on the same lot as the existing dwell1ng The $54 fee IS applicable for MaJor S1ngle Fam1ly Dwell1ng Construction on an ex1st1ng dwell1ng such as maJor addition of more than 25% of ex1stmg floor area or an accessory bwldmg of more than 500 square feet on the same lot as the ex1st1ng dwell1ng c) All new single family dwelling construction in a residential zone is subject to the following fee schedule Development Services Construction Value: $0-$74,999$50 ........................... . $75,000 -$124,999 .................... .. $125,000-$224,999 Over $225,000 $54 $108 $215 $323 d) All new buildings, tenant improvements, an accessory liv1ng quarters in a commercial or mdustnal zone and other construction and development actiVIty, other than smgle fam1ly dwelling construction, IS subject to the follow1ng fee schedule Development Serv1ces Construction Value $0-$99,999 .................................... $359 $100,000 -$249,999 . ................. $718 $250,000-$499,999 ..... . .. ..... $1,077 $500,000-$999,999 $1,436 $1,000,000-$4,999,999 ........ $2,154 $5,000,000-$10,000,000 .. $2,872 Over $10,000,000 ....................... $3,590 e) The zonmg perm1t fee for those development proJects for wh1ch no bu1ldmg perm1t 1s requ1red but which requ1res s1te plan rev1ew and a zon1ng perm1t, shall be based on the value of the proposed development to be undertaken The value of the proposed construction/ development shall be determined based on professional est1mates by a licensed eng1neer, architect, landscape des1gner or contractor These est1mates may 1nclude, but are not lim1ted to, grade and fill of the s1te, pav1ng, placement of ut11it1es, lighting, landscapmg, and other s1te improvements The comb1ned total of the cost est1mates for all development on the s1te shall be the established value bas1s for the zon1ng perm1t fee [as listed 1n 14c or 14d categor~es above as appropriate] (15) Application requ1res a public hear~ng before the Hearings Examiner. If multiple permit applications wh1ch requ1re a HE decis1on are submitted at the same t1me, the applicant will be charged the full fee for the perm1t application w1th the h1ghest fee and 50% of the established fee for each of the other perm1ts elig1ble for a consolidated rev1ew and hear~ng (16) Application fees may be reduced by 75% 1f the application IS for a m1xed-use bu1ld1ng. Fee reduct1on applies to s1te plan rev1ew/zon1ng permit, m1xed use des1gn rev1ew, mult1-fam1ly des1gn rev1ew and downtown des1gn rev1ew Fee wa1vers do not apply to SEPA, short plat, subdiVISIOn or other perm1t requests assoc1ated w1th the development of a s1te, nor does fee reduction apply to m1xed use development where the commerc1al and res1dent1al uses are not located w1th1n the same bu1ldmg ( 17) Plat alteration fees are determined after rev1ew whether the changes requested are m1nor or maJor. A m1nor change IS done admtn1strat1ve and the fee IS 0 27 the cost of the or1g1nal preliminary plat fee A maJor change reqwes a public hear1ng or meetmg and the fee IS 0 54 the cost of the or1g1nal preliminary plat fee A public not1ce board IS requ1red for a maJor alteration (18) The max1mum fee shall be $539. (19) These funds are d1str1buted to the King County Assessor's Office by the City.