HomeMy WebLinkAbout1736Resolution No. 1736 (Amending or Repealing Resolutions) CFN = 102-Street Vacat1on Passed -11/7/2006 138th Place SE -Street Vacation RESOLUTION NO. ___.1_1""--=3'--~- A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washmgton, regarding the vacat1on of a port1on of 138th Place Southeast lymg northerly of SE 252"d Place w1th1n the plat of Country Club Village 1n Volume 171 of plats, pages 99 through 101 mclus1ve, records of K1ng County, Washmgton located 1n the City of Kent, Washmgton; and sett1ng the public heanng on the proposed street vacat1on for December 12, 2006. RECITALS A. A pet1t1on, attached as Exh1b1t A, has been f1led to vacate a port1on of 138th Place SE 1n the City of Kent, Washmgton. B. The petition 1s s1gned by the owners of at least two-thirds of the real property abuttmg that port1on of 138th Place SE to be vacated. C. The pet1t1on 1s 1n all respects proper. NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: RESOLUTION SECTION 1. -Public Heannq. A public hearmg on the street vacat1on pet1t1on requesting the vacat1on of a port1on of 138th Place SE, shall be held at a regular meetmg of the Kent City Council at 7:00 p.m., Tuesday, December 12, 2006, 1n the Council Chambers of City Hall located at 220 4th Avenue South, Kent, Washington, 98032. 1 l381h Place SE- Street Vacation SECTION 2. -Notice. The City Clerk shall g1ve proper not1ce of the heanng and cause the not1ce to be posted as prov1ded by state law, Chapter 35.79 RCW. SECTION 3. -Information. The Plannmg Manager shall obtam any other necessary 1nformat1on from appropnate departments and shall transm1t the mformat1on to the Counc1l so that the Council may cons1der the matter at 1ts regularly scheduled meetmg on December 12, 2006. SECTION 4. -Severability. If any sect1on, subsect1on, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase of th1s resolution IS declared unconst1tut1onal or mval1d for any reason, such dec1s1on shall not affect the val1d1ty of the rema1nmg port1ons of th1s resolut1on. SECTION 5. -Ratification. Any act consistent w1th the authonty and pnor to the effect1ve date of th1s resolut1on IS hereby rat1f1ed and affirmed. SECTION 6. -Effective Date. This resolution shall take effect and be m force 1mmed1ately upon 1ts passage. PASSED at a regular open public meeting by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washmgton, th1s 7 day of November, 2006. . '1 )1()1.lf_ff'~ CONCURRED m by the Mayor of the City of Kent th1s ---+-day of ~~ 2006. ATTEST: 2 1381h Place SE- Street Vacation APPROVED AS TO FORM: T~B~l{TT~ I hereby certify that th1s IS a true and correct copy of Resolution No. /730 ' passed by the City Counc1l l&r-w~ 1 2006, P \Clv1l1Resolutmn\STV AC-13SthPlaceSE~PubhcHearmg doc of the City of Kent, Washington, the _:J_ day of 3 t I It f I 1 I tl It ~ . . . .. / . ..~ · .. l'\1 ~ -': ~ . .. . . ~·1:..~ :-.. < I -g. ,~ ·. . • • o I o ' • o • • • t l381h Place SE- Street Vacation ' ~~lE~WlEfR] T3~ MAIL TO: I CITY OF}{ ENT Property Managemeni 220 S 4"' A renue Kent, W A !•8032 CITY Of KENf un CLERK ----------------- APPLICANT: N~: Pinnacle at Meridian,LLC ADDRESS: 1218 "A" st. SE AQburn, W~ 98002 PHONE: (206)853-4021 Jason STRii:ET Al'ID/OR ALLEY VACATION APPLICATION AND PETITION Dear llhyor and :Cent City Council· We, the undersigned abutting property owners, hereby respectfully request tbat certain D Alley JZ( Stre< thereby 1"' vacated described as follows (include square feet). TIIAT 'ORTION OF 133THPL S.E. DEDICATED BY Tiffi PLAT OF COUNTRY CLUB VILLAGE, REOJRDED IN VOLUME 171 OF PLATS, PAGES 99 THROUGH 101, INCUJSIVE, IN KING COUNTY, W ASHlNG fON, LYING NORTH OF THE EASTERLY PROL<•NGATION OF THE SOUTH LINE OF LOT 15, SAID PLAT CONT. \INING: ,485 SQUARE FEET MORE OR LESS. BRIEJI STATEMENT WHY VACATION IS BEING SOUGHT A ' CURREHT" ownership and encumbrance report must be obtained from a Title Cmapany ani submitted w1th tills apphcatwn that covers all the abutting properties eou:iguous to alley or street sough to be vacated. When Corporations, partnerships, etc are being signed for, and then proof of individual's authonty to s1gu for same shall also be ' ubmttted Attach a color-c<·ded map of a scale of not I= than 1" = 200' of the area sought for vacatiOn. (NOTE) Map must correspond with legal de;cnption. $150.0J Fee Pain Appra1sal Fee Paid Land Yalue Paid Deed ilCCepted Trade \ccepted TAX LOT# LOT, BLOCK & PLAT/SEC.TOWN.R.G. 78670-0140 Lot 14 Countrv Cluh Vtllage 178670-0150 Lot 15. Country Chtb Village 222205-9077 Treasurer's Receipt No.:------- Treasurer'; Receipt No.;------- Treasurer's Receipt No.:------ Date: ___________ _ Date·------------- EXHIBIT "A" ABl TTING PROPERTY OWNERS SIG 'IATURI: AND ADDRESSES _r~, ;-,,"'~ 0 Chq;fi(~•nes 252 5 138"' PL SE Ken, W A 9&042 TAX LOT LOT, BLOCK & PLAT/SEC.TOWN.RG. 178670-0140 Lot 14, Country Club Village, Vol 171/99-101 Portion of SE Y., SW Y., Sec 22, T-22N, R-5E, W.M. 178670-0150 Lot 15, Conntry Club Village, Vol. 171/99-101 Portwn of SE '!., SW V., Sec. 22, T-22N, R-5E, W.M. 222205-9077 Portion of NE Y., SW Y., Sec 22, T-22N, R-5E, W.M. LEGEND PI>.RCEL No. GRAPHIC SCALE 100 ... 0 -· 50 100 I I 50 I ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 100 ft. I I I I ' I • n.r-1--~ '"\ iiijr:;; ~~~~~¥:-~ ... -------~--~-------"' -:_,' '' ''--I .. ----------------- I '' ,, " " " " '-~