HomeMy WebLinkAbout3810Ordinance No. 3810 (Amending or Repealing Ordinances) CFN=205 - Uniform Fire Codes Passed - 9/5/06 International Fire Code Amendments - Ch. 13.01 of the Kent City Code (amends Secs. 13.01.060;13.01.070;13.01.090;13.01.095;13.01.100) Amends Ord. 3691 Amended by Ord. 3840;3957 ORDINANCE NO. .3 V /0 AN ORDINANCE of the city council of the city of Kent, Washington, amending various provisions of Chapter 13 01 of the Kent City Code pertaining to the adoption of the International Fire Code. RECITALS A. On May 4, 2004, the Kent City Council enacted Ordinance No. 3691, which adopted by reference the International Fire Code, effective July 1, 2004, which was codified as Kent City Code Chapter 13.01. In addition to adopting the International Fire Code, the ordinance also amended various sections of that code to apply within the Jurisdiction of the city of Kent. B. After completing its annual review of the Kent City Code and the ,current International Fire Code, Kent's fire prevention division recommends amending various provisions of Chapter 13.01 of the Kent City Code that amended the International Fire Code. NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, ,WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: 1 International Fire Code Amendments - Ch. 13.01 of the Kent City Code ORDINANCE SECTION 1. - Amendment. Chapter 13.01.060 of the Kent City Code, entitled "Amendments to the International Fire Code - Chapter 5, Fire Service Features," is amended as follows: Sec. 13.01.060. Amendments to the International Fire Code - Chapter 5, Fire Service Features. The following local amendments to Chapter 5 of the International Fire Code, entitled `Fire Service Features," are adopted and incorporated into the International Fire Code: A. Fire service features - Fire apparatus access roads. Section 503 of the International Fire Code, entitled "Fire Apparatus Access Roads," is hereby adopted. B. Fire apparatus access roads - Dimensions. Section 503 of the International Fire Code, entitled "Fire Apparatus Access Roads," is amended by substituting subsection 503.2.1 with the following: Sec. 503.2.1 Dimensions. The following minimum dimensions shall apply for fire apparatus access roads: 1. Fire apparatus access roads shall have an unobstructed width of not less than 20 feet (6096 mm), except for approved security gates in accordance with section 503.6, and an unobstructed vertical clearance of not less than 13 feet 6 inches (4115 mm) 2. In the immediate vicinity of any building or portion thereof in excess of 28 feet in height, the fire apparatus access road shall have an unobstructed width of not less than 26 feet (7924 mm) and an unobstructed vertical clearance of not less than 13 feet 6 inches (4115 mm). 3 At least one of the required fire apparatus access roads shall be located a minimum of 15 feet and a maximum of 25 feet from each building on the premises and shall be positioned parallel to one entire side of each building. The measurement for this requirement shall be taken from the exterior wall of the building to the nearest edge of the fire apparatus access road. 2 International Fire Code Amendments - Ch. 13.01 of the Kent City Code C. Fire apparatus access roads - Bridges and elevated surfaces. Section 503 of the International Fire Code, entitled "Fire Apparatus Access Roads," is amended by substituting subsection 503.2 6 with the following: Sec. 503.2.6 Bridges and elevated surfaces. Where a bridge or an elevated surface is part of a fire apparatus access road, the bridge or elevated surface shall be constructed and maintained in accordance with specifications established by the fire code official and the City's public works director, or their designees; at a minimum, however, the bridge or elevated surface shall be constructed and maintained in accordance with AASHTO Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges. Bridges and elevated surfaces shall be designed for a live load sufficient to carry the imposed loads of a 30 or more ton fire apparatus, the total imposed load to be determined by the fire code official. Vehicle load limits shall be posted at both entrances to bridges when required by the fire code official. Where elevated surfaces designed for emergency vehicle use are adjacent to surfaces which are not designed for that use, approved barriers or approved signs, or both, shall be installed and maintained, if required by the fire code official. D. Fire apparatus access roads - Markrng. Section 503 of the International Fire Code, entitled "Fire Apparatus Access Roads," is amended by substituting bsection 503.3 with the following: Sec 503.3 Marking. Fire apparatus access roads shall be marked whenever necessary to maintain the unobstructed minimum required width of roadways. Subject to the fire code official's prior written approval, marked fire apparatus access roads, or "fire lanes" as defined in section 502.1 of the code, may be established or relocated at the time of plan review, pre -construction site inspection, and/or post construction site inspection as well as any time during the life of the occupancy. Only those fire apparatus access roads established by the fire code official can utilize red marking paint and the term "fire lane." Fire lanes shall be marked as directed by the fire code official with one or more of the following types of marking: 503.3.1 Type 1. Type 1 marking shall be installed to identify fire lanes on commercial and multi- family developments or as directed by the fire code official The following shall apply to Type 1 marking 3 International Fire Code Amendments - Ch. 13.01 of the Kent City Code 1. Curbs shall be identified by red traffic paint with a 6 inch wide stripe on the top and front, extending the length of the designated fire lane. 2 Rolled curbs shall be identified by red traffic paint with a 6 inch wide stripe on upper most portion of the curb, extending the length of the designated fire lane. 3. Lanes without curbs shall be identified by red traffic paint with a 6 inch wide stripe on the pavement, extending the length of the designated fire lane 4. The words "NO PARKING - FIRE LANE" shall be in 3 inch stroke white letters 18 inches in height, and placed 8 inches measured perpendicular from the red paint stripe on the pavement. Locations and intervals wivall be designated by the fire code official, marking will not exceed 50 feet apart. In most cases, both sides of the access road shall be marked. Where long drives are to be marked, the repetitions shall alternate sides of the drive. 5 The fire code official may require Type 1 marking for hammerhead or "Y" turnarounds or in any fire lane area that the fire code official determines has i-nrproblem parking The fire code official may require aTeaa- ype 2 marking in addition when necessary.sba44 also be lnste4ed, 503.3.2 Type 2. Type 2 marking shall be installed to identify fire lanes in one- and two-family dwelling developments, cul de sac turnarounds as required by Appendix D of the Fire Code; or as directed by the fire code official The following shall apply to Type 2 marking: 1. 1H addition te the requiFeiggents feF Type I Fnaek+ng—Type 2 marking shall also inelude the add+t+an-efrequires metal signs stating "NO PARKING - FIRE LANE" to be installed at intervals or locations designated by the fire code official s a�c-�aF'ingsignage will not to exceed 1950' feet apart, 2. The signs shall be apprexlmat* measure 12 inches in width and 18 inches in height and have red letters on a white background. 3. A metal sign shall be installed on e+t-hefboth sides of the post to face+Re traffic to ensure high visibility for motorists. Metal sSigns shall be installed—_ as required b� current Gtv of Kent Construction Standards.an eitheF 2 ineh. Fnetal popes, rvF publie pfelperty, 4 International Fire Code Amendments - Ch. 13.01 of the Kent City Code 36(a) ar (b) fain post iiistaliat'en. Sign n9eunting shall installed peF Gity ef Kent engineeFffig standard detail -6- 38- Where fife lanes aFe adjaeent te buildings a Exception: On construction sites, approved portable or temporary sign posts and bases may be used 4. Where fire lanes are adjacent to buildings or structures and when approved or directed by the fire code official, the signs may be placed on the face of the building or structure. 5. Reou+red eulde sae turnareunds sha" be ffi-af kled- 6 Reeu;red hammerhead er "lL 503.3.3 Type 3. The following shall apply to Type 3 marking: 1. Where directed by the fire code official, specific areas shall be designated and those areas are to be marked with diagonal striping across the width of the fire lane Diagonal marking shall be used in conjunction with painted curbs and/or edge striping and shall run at an angle of 30 to 60 degrees from one side to the other. These diagonal lines shall be in red traffic paint, parallel with each other, at least 6 inches in width, and 24 inches apart. Lettering shall occur as with Type 1 marking. RON Access to building openings and roofs - Required access. Section 504 of International Fire Code, entitled "Access to Building Openings and Roofs," is mended by substituting subsection 504.1 with the following: Sec. 504.1 Required access. The following points of access must be provided: 5 International Fire Code Amendments - Ch. 13.01 of the Kent City Code Access to building openings and roofs - Required access. Section 504 of International Fire Code, entitled "Access to Building Openings and Roofs," is mended by substituting subsection 504.1 with the following: Sec. 504.1 Required access. The following points of access must be provided: 5 International Fire Code Amendments - Ch. 13.01 of the Kent City Code 1. Exterior doors and openings required by this code or the International Building Code shall be maintained readily accessible for emergency access by the fire department. 2 Each tenant space provided with a secondary exit to the exterior or exit corridor shall be provided with tenant identification by business name and/or address. Letters and numbers shall be posted on the corridor/exterior side of the door, be plainly legible, and shall contrast with their background. 3. An approved access walkway shall be provided to connect fire apparatus access roads to exterior openings. 4. All rescue windows shall be accessible by a 35 - foot ground extension ladder placed so that the inclination of the ladder does not exceed 70 degrees. An area of discharge, 36 inches in all directions around the base of the ladder, shall be provided. Ladders and associated areas of discharge shall be located within the property lines. 5. All occupancies shall be required to provide approved life safety rescue access, as defined in section 902 of this code. Exception: Group U occupancies. 6. The provisions of this subsection shall apply if, at the time of the first permit application, the county assessed valuation for the building(s) subject to the permit application will increase by more than 50 percent due to alterations or repairs to the building(s) within any 70 month time period. Additions to an existing structure shall be considered new construction and subject to the provisions of this section. If additions to an existing structure cause a building to meet the area, number of floor levels, or units that would subject a new building to the requirements of this section, the entire building will then be required to comply with this section. See. 588.1.1 Emisiting men eanfirtning hydrantsi. At seetlen, is replaced, it shall this n. be Feplaeed with a hydFant 6 International Fire Code Amendments - Ch. 13.01 of the Kent City Code F++. Fire protection water supplies — Installation requirements. Section 508 of the International Fire Code, entitled "Fire Protection Water Supplies," is amended by substituting subsection 508.5.7 with the following: Sec 508.5.7 Installation requirements. All fire hydrants shall be installed in accordance with the specifications established by the fire code official or his or her designee, or at a minimum, in accordance with the latest NFPA, APWA, or AWWA standards. In addition, unless modified by written decision of the fire code official, the following requirements shall apply to all building construction projects: 1. All fire hydrant piping, valves, and related appurtenances shall be approved by the City's public works department. 2. The fire hydrant installation and its attendant water system connection shall conform to the City's specifications and design and construction standards 3. An auxiliary gate valve shall be installed at the main line tee to permit the repair and replacement of the hydrant without disruption of water service. 4. All hydrants shall be plumb, plus or minus 3 degrees, to be set to finished grade with the bottom flange 2 inches above the ground or curb grade and have no less than 36 inches in diameter of clear area around the hydrant for the clearance of hydrant wrenches on both outlets and the operating nut. 5. The largest port shall face the most likely direction of approach and location of the fire apparatus while pumping as determined by the fire code official. Distance from the pumper port to the street curb shall be no further than 10 feet. 6. The lead from the service main to the hydrant shall be no less than 6 inches in diameter. Any hydrant leads over 50 feet in length from the water main to hydrant shall be no less than 8 inches in diameter. 7 International Fire Code Amendments - Ch. 13.01 of the Kent City Code 7. All hydrants installed in single family residential areas shall be supplied by not less than 6 inch mains and shall be capable of delivering 1,000 gpm fire flow over and above average maximum demands at the farthest point of the installation. 8. All hydrants shall have at least 5 inch minimum valve openings, "O" ring stem seal, two 21/2 inch national standard thread hose ports, one 41/2 inch steamer port with national standard threads or otherwise determined by the fire code official. In addition, all hydrants shall meet AWWA standards for public hydrants and be of a type approved for use in the City by the City's public works department. 9. All pipe shall meet the City standards as determined by the public works department. Piping located entirely within private property and maintained by the property owner shall meet the requirements and be approved by the fire code official. The fire code official may approve any piping material that has been tested and approved by a nationally recognized testing laboratory. 10. The maximum distance between hydrants in single family use district zones shall be 600 feet. 11. The maximum distance between hydrants in commercial, industrial, and apartment (including duplex) use zones shall be 300 feet. 12. Lateral spacing of hydrants shall be predicated on hydrants being located at street intersections. 13. The appropriate water authority and the fire department shall be notified in writing of the anticipated date the hydrant installation and its attendant water connection system will be available for use. Fire protection water supplies — Notification. Section 508 of the trona/ Fire Code, entitled "Fire Protection Water Supplies," is amended by ing a new subsection 508.6 as follows: Sec. 508.6 Notification. The owner of property on which private hydrants are located and the public agencies that own or control public hydrants must provide the fire code official with the following written service notifications: Sec. 508.6.1 In-service notification. The fire code official shall be notified when any newly installed hydrant or main is placed into service. 8 international Fire Code Amendments - Ch. 13.01 of the Kent City Code Sec. 508.6.2 Out -of -service notification. Where any hydrant is out of service or has not yet been placed in service, the hydrant shall be identified as being out of service and shall be appropriately marked as out of service, by a method approved by the fire code official. H3. Fire protection water supplies - Dead-end mains prohibited. Section 508 of the International Fire Code, entitled "Fire Protection Water Supplies," is amended by adding a new subsection 508.7 as follows: Sec. 508.7 Dead-end mains prohibited. When appropriate, all water mains in any project shall be looped AE. Fire protection water supplies - Building permit requirements. Section 508 of the International Fire Code, entitled "Fire Protection Water Supplies," is amended by adding a new subsection 508.8 as follows: Sec. 508.8 Building permit requirements. No building permit shall be issued until all plans required by this section have been submitted and approved in accordance with the provisions of this section. No construction beyond the foundation shall be allowed until all hydrants and mains required by this section are in place and approved. Fire department access to equipment - Identification. Section 510 of the tional Fire Code, entitled "Fire Department Access to Equipment," is amended by substituting subsection 510.1 with the following: Sec. 510.1 Identification. The following identification requirements shall apply to access to equipment 1. Fire protection equipment and fire hydrants shall be clearly identified in an approved manner to prevent parking and/or other obstructions. 2. Entrances to rooms containing controls for air- conditioning systems, sprinkler risers and valves, or other fire detection, suppression, or control elements shall be identified for the use of the fire department. 3. Approved signs are required to identify fire protection equipment and equipment location. Signs 9 International Fire Code Amendments - Ch. 13.01 of the Kent City Code shall be constructed of durable materials, permanently installed, and readily visible. 4. All fire department connections shall have a sign approved by the fire code official. The sign shall speeify the type ef water based fiFe prateetion system it sei=ves and the buildtigg areas seFved. S. All majig ntiz..1 ..I. es and eeti......1 ..Ives Fe ,. speeif�lng what the valves eantizel. ml have signs te- indicate whieh type ef water based fline SECTION 2. - Amendment. Section 13.01.070 of the Kent City Code, lentitled "Amendments to the International Fire Code - Chapter 9, Fire Protection Systems," is amended as follows: Sec. 13.01.070. Amendments to the International Fire Code - Chapter 9, Fire Protection Systems. The following local amendments to Chapter 9 of the International Fire Code, entitled "Fire Protection Systems," are hereby adopted and incorporated into the International Fire Code as if fully set forth therein. Fire protection systems - Scope and application. Section 901 of the itional Fire Code, entitled "General," is amended by substituting subsection 01.1 with the following: Sec. 901.1 Scope and application. The provisions of this chapter shall apply to all occupancies and buildings, shall specify where fire protection systems are required, and shall apply to the design, installation, inspection, operation, testing, and maintenance of all fire protection systems; however, nothing contained in this chapter shall diminish or reduce the requirements of any duly adopted building codes, including state and local amendments, or other city ordinances, resolutions, or regulations. In the event of any conflict in requirements among these codes, ordinances, resolutions, or regulations, the more stringent provision shall apply. 10 International Fire Code Amendments - Ch. 13.01 of the Kent City Code B. Fire protection systems - Alterations and additions. Section 901 of the International Fire Code, entitled "General," is amended by adding a new subsection 901.1.1 as follows: Sec. 901.1.1 Alterations repairs; and additions. The provisions of this chapter shall apply to additions and substantial alterations to existing buildings regardless of use when such addition or substantial alteration plus the existing gross floor area equals 10,000 or greater square feet. For purposes of this section, a substantial alteration shall be defined as an alteration that costs 50 percent or more of the current assessed value of the structure and impacts more than 50% of the gross floor area. subseetlen shall apply if, at the tinge ef the first peFffilt appIieatienthe eeunty assessed valuat+en ferthe , ............. ... ..--. ..........., VG IGqUII C. Fire protection systems - Standards. Section 901 of the International Fire Code, entitled "General," is amended by substituting subsection 901.6.1 and Table 901.6.1 with the following: Sec. 901.6.1 Standards. Fire protection systems shall be inspected, tested, and maintained in accordance with the National Fire Protection Association ("NFPA") standards listed in Table 901.6.1 below Table 901.6.1 FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM MAINTENANCE STANDARDS SYSTEM STANDARD Carbon dioxide fire -extinguishing systems NFPA 12 Clean agent fire -extinguishing systems NFPA 2001 Dry chemical fire -extinguishing systems NFPA 17 11 International Fire Code Amendments - Ch. 13.01 of the Kent City Code Emergency power systems NFPA 110 & NFPA 111 nirn Fire alarm systems NFPA 72 Fire doors NFPA 80 Foam fire -extinguishing systems NFPA 11 Halogenated fire -extinguishing systems NFPA 12A Portable fire extinguishers NFPA 10 Smoke -control systems NFPA 92A Underground fire lines and hydrants NFPA 25 Water-based fire protection systems NFPA 25 Water -mist systems NFPA 750 Wet chemical fire -extinguishing systems NFPA 17A D. Fire protection systems - Records. Section 901 of the International Fire Code, entitled "General," is amended by substituting subsection 901.6.2 with the following: Sec. 901.6.2 Records. Records of all system inspections, tests, and maintenance fege�ed—fir t+�e International Fire Gede and the FefeFeneed s`andafds siawill be maintained 3 wears by the building owner -as required by the International Fire Code and the referenced standards. A copy of each inspection, test, or maintenance record shall be forwarded to the fire code official within 30 days of the date the inspection, test, or maintenance occurred. JE. Fire Protection Systems - Definitions. Section 902 of the International Fire , entitled "Definitions," is amended by adding the following three definitions: FIRE FLOW. A measure of the sustained flow of available water for firefighting at a specific building or within a specific area at 20 pounds -per -square -inch residual pressure. FIRE WALL. An approved wall of not less than 4 hour fire -resistive construction with no openings, which extends vertically from the foundation to terminate in a parapet not less than 30 inches above the roof, and which extends horizontally to the furthest projection of any portion of the building or to a point 30 inches beyond the intersecting exterior wall, whichever is 12 International Fire Code Amendments - Ch. 13.01 of the Kent City Code furthest. As an alternative to the horizontal requirements, such fire wall may be extended a minimum of 30 inches along both sides of the intersecting exterior wall, provided there are no projections beyond the intersecting exterior wall. LIFE SAFETY RESCUE ACCESS. Unobstructed access to all floor levels and each roof level of a building on not less than 20 percent of the building perimeter by utilizing a 35 foot ladder. An alternate method would be at least 1 stairway enclosure with exit doorways from each floor level and with a door opening onto each roof level which conforms to the requirements of the International Budding Code. F. Automatic sprinkler systems - Where required. Section 903 of the International Fire Code, entitled "Automatic Sprinkler Systems," is amended by supplementing subsection 903.2 with the following: Sec. 903.2 Where required. Approved fire sprinkler systems shall be installed as follows: 1. In all buildings without adequate fire flow as required by this code. Exception: Group U Occupancies. 2 All new buildings and structures with a gross floor area of 10,000 or more square feet (929 mz), or where this code provides a more restrictive floor area requirement, and shall be provided in all locations or where described by this code. Exception: Spaces or areas in telecommunications buildings used exclusively for telecommunications equipment, associated electrical power distribution equipment, batteries, and standby engines, provided those spaces or areas are equipped throughout with an automatic fire alarm system and are separated from the remainder of the building by a wall with a fire -resistance rating of not less than 1 hour and a floor/ceiling assembly with a fire -resistance rating of not less than 2 hours. 3. Where this code requires the installation of an automatic sprinkler system to protect an occupancy within an otherwise non-sprinklered building, then automatic sprinkler protection will be required throughout the entire building. 4. When the required fire apparatus access roadway grade is 12 percent or greater. 13 International Fire Code Amendments - Ch. 13.01 of the Kent City Code G. Automatic sprinkler systems - Group A-3. Section 903 of the International Fire Code, entitled "Automatic Sprinkler Systems," is amended by supplementing subsection 903.2.1.3 with the following: Sec. 903.2.1.3 An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided for Group A-3 occupancies where one of the following conditions exists: 1. The fire area exceeds 12,000 square feet (1115 mz). 2. The fire area has an occupant load of 300 or more. 3. The fire area is located on a floor other than the level of exit discharge. 4. Dance halls where the total gross floor area exceeds 5,000 square feet (465 mz). H. Automatic spnnkler systems - Speculative use warehouses. Section 903 of the International Fire Code, entitled "Automatic Sprinkler Systems," is amended by gadding the following new subsection 903.2.8.3: Sec. 903.2.8.3. Speculative use warehouses. Where the occupant, tenant, or use of the building or storage commodity has not been determined or it is otherwise a speculative use warehouse or building, the automatic sprinkler system shall be designed and installed in accordance with the following: 1. The design area shall be not less than 5,600 square feet (520 m2). 2. The density shall be not less than that for class IV non -encapsulated commodities on wood pallets, with no solid, slatted, or wire mesh shelving, and with aisles that are 8 feet or more in width and up to 20 feet in height. 3. SpicinideF piping that is 4 i9ehes and laFgeF in width shall be used and the struetufal engineef Of Fee and dead 'eads. I. Automatic sprinkler systems - Alarms. Section 903 of the International Fire Code, entitled "Automatic Sprinkler Systems," is amended by substituting subsection 903.4.2 with the following: Sec. 903.4.2 Alarms - Exterior notification. Approved audible alarm devices shall be connected to 14 International Fire Code Amendments - Ch. 13.01 of the Kent City Code every automatic sprinkler system. Such sprinkler water - flow alarm devices shall be activated by water flow equivalent to the flow of a single sprinkler of the smallest orifice size installed in the system. Alarm devices shall be water -motor operated and shall be provided on the exterior of the building in an approved location at each riser or riser group Exception: NFPA 13D and NFPA 13R sprinkler systems may utilize an electrically operated alarm bell on the exterior of the building in an approved location at each riser or riser group, provided that the electrically operated alarm bell cannot be silenced during water flow 903.4.2.1 Alarms - Interior notification. Actuation of the automatic sprinkler system shall actuate interior audible/visual notification appliances as outlined in PjFP 77_ at all exits F. -ern a'I floors ef where a fline I aFFH system :_._ta!!=d International Fire Code section 907.10. The F i c aI, systeng et fiea+. is s II iia.. n T p rvvlUG the If an E -existing non -conforming system's control panel or communicator is replaced the �.Ir,.e�placement system must meet this requirement when toe -installed. u n+eater—ar-e Exception: NFPA 13D and NFPA 13R siffinkleF is - installed, the the F.-e alarng system et F eat... JIIUII L,all .de the ..t..- ^+F + -Structures under 7,000 square feet unless otherwise required by the International Fire Code. J. Fire alarm and detection systems - General. Section 907 of the International Fire Code, entitled "Fire Alarm and Detection Systems," is amended Ito add subsection 907.1.3 as follows: Sec 907.1.3 Fire detection system. In addition to any requirement of subsection 907.2 or 907.3, all occupancies exceeding 7,000 square feet gross floor area shall be required to provide an approved automatic fire detection system Fire walls as noted in the International Building Code shall not be considered to separate a building to enable deletion of the required fire detection system unless the fire walls are as defined in section 902 of this code. 15 International Fire Code Amendments - Ch. 13.01 of the Kent City Code Exceptions: 1. Group U Occupancies. 2. Occupancies protected throughout by an approved/monitored automatic sprinkler system can delete heat detectors from the system. 3. One and two family residences. K. Fire alarm and detection systems - Duct smoke detectors. Section 907 of the International Flre Code, entitled "Fire Alarm and Detection Systems," is amended to repeal Exception 1 in subsection 907.12. The amended subsection 907.12 reads as follows: Sec. 907.12 Duct smoke detectors. Duct smoke detectors shall be connected to the building's fire alarm control panel when a fire alarm system is provided. Activation of a duct smoke detector shall initiate a visible and audible supervisory signal at a constantly attended location. Duct smoke detectors shall not be used as a substitute for required open area detection. Exception: In occupancies not required to be equipped with a fire alarm system, actuation of a smoke detector shall activate a visible and an audible signal in an approved location. Smoke detector trouble conditions shall activate a visible or audible signal in an approved location and shall be identified as air duct detector trouble. SECTION 3. — Amendment. A new section, section 13.01.090, is added to the Kent City Code, entitled "Amendments to the International Fire Code — Appendix B, Fire -Flow Requirements for Buildings," as follows: Sec. 13.01.090. Amendments to the International Fire Code — .ppendix B, Fire -Flow Requirements for Buildings. The following local mendments to Appendix B to the International F/re Code, entitled "Fire -Flow irements for Buildings," are hereby adopted and incorporated into the r)ational Fire Code as if fully set forth herein. A. Fire -Flow Requirements for Buildings — Accessory Group U buildings. on 8105 of the International Fire Code, entitled "Fire -Flow Requirements for Idings," is amended by adding a new subsection B105.1.1: 16 International Fire Code Amendments - Ch. 13.01 of the Kent City Code Sec. 6105.1.1 Accessory Group U buildings. Section B105.2 will not apply to accessory group U buildings if all of the following conditions apply: 1. The residence and accessory group U building aggregate gross floor area does not exceed 3600 square feet. 2. The residence meets the fire flow requirements of section B105.1. 3. The residence and accessory group U building meet the requirements of sections 503.1.1 and 508.1.1. 4. The location of the accessory group U building is at least 10' from any building and at least 5' from the property line. SECTION 4. - Amendment. A new section, section 13.01.095, is added to the Kent City Code, entitled "Amendments to the International Fire Code - !Appendix C, Fire Hydrant Location and Distribution," as follows: Sec. 13.01.095. Amendments to the International Fire Code - Appendix C, Fire Hydrant Location and Distribution. The following local amendments to Appendix C to the International Fire Code, entitled "Fire Hydrant (Location and Distribution," are hereby adopted and incorporated into the International Fire Code as if fully set forth herein. A. Number and Distribution of Fire Hydrants. Section C105 of the International Fire Code, entitled "Distribution of Fire Hydrants," is amended by substituting Table C105.1 with the following: 17 International Fire Code Amendments - Ch. 13.01 of the Kent City Code TABLE C105.1 NUMBER AND DISTRIBUTION OF FIRE HYDRANTS FIRE -FLOW REQUIREMENT (gpm) MINIMUM NUMBER OF HYDRANTS AVERAGE SPACING BETWEEN HYDRANTS8,b•` (feet) MAXIMUM DISTANCE FROM ANY POINT ON STREET OR ROAD FRONTAGE TO A HYDRANT' 1,750 or less 1 600 300 2,000-2,250 2 450 225 2,500 3 450 225 3,000 3 400 225 3,500-4,000 4 350 210 4,500-5,000 5 300 180 5,500 6 300 180 6,000 6 250 150 6,500-7,000 7 250 150 7,500 or more 8 or more' 200 120 For SI. 1 foot = 304 8 mm, 1 gallon per minute = 3 785 L/m a Reduce by 100 feet for dead-end streets or roads b Where streets are provided with median dividers which can be crossed by fire fighters pulling hose lines, or where arterial streets are provided with four or more traffic lanes and have a traffic count of more than 30,000 vehicles per day, hydrant spacing shall average 500 feet on each side of the street and be arranged on an alternating basis up to a fire -flow requirement of 7,000 gallons per minute and 400 feet for higher fire -flow requirements c Where new water mains are extended along streets where hydrants are not needed for protection of structures or similar fire problems, fire hydrants shall be provided at spacing not to exceed 1,000 feet to provide for transportation hazards d Reduce by 50 feet for dead-end streets or roads e One hydrant for each 1,000 gallons per minute or fraction thereof 18 International Fire Code Amendments - Ch. 13.01 of the Kent City Code SECTION 5. - Amendment. Section 13.01.100(E) of the Kent City Code, entitled "Minimum specifications - Turning radius," is amended as follows: Sec. 13.01.100. Amendments to the International Fire Code - Appendix D, Fire Apparatus Roads. E. Minimum specifications - Turning radius. Section D103 of the International Fire Code, entitled "Minimum specifications," is amended by substituting subsection ID103.3 with the following: Sec D103.3 Turning radius. The fire apparatus access road shall have a -2330 foot minimum inside turning radius and a 4550 foot minimum outside turning radius. The radius must be measured from the travel lane edge, unless otherwise approved. SECTION 6. - Severability. If any one or more section, subsections, or sentences of this ordinance are held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this ordinance and the same shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 7. - Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in thirty (30) days from and after its ATTEST: JACOBER, AS TO FORM: BRUBAKEI7, CITY ATTORNEY 19 provided bylaw. International Fire Code Amendments - Ch. 13.01 of the Kent City Code PASSED: day of September, 2006. APPROVED: 5 day of September, 2006. PUBLISHED: day of September, 2006. I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordinance No.39'/D passed by ,the city council of the city of Kent, Washington, and approved by the mayor of the city of Kent as hereon indicated. P 1 vdkOrtllnanml 13 01-In[emtlRm O e en.menL•13nnal Eoc BRENDA JACOBER, COYCLERK 20 International Fire Code Amendments - Ch. 13.01 of the Kent City Code