HomeMy WebLinkAbout1729Resolution No. 1729 CFN = 164 -Arterial Street Program Passed -8/15/2006 2007-2012 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Plan RESOLUTION No. 17a I A RESOLUTION of the City council of the city of Kent, Washmgton, adopting the 2007 through 2012 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Plan. RECITALS A. After proper not1ce, the c1ty counc1l of the c1ty of Kent held a publ1c heanng at the regular meetmg of the c1ty council at 7:00p.m. on August 15, 2006, to consider pubhc test1mony on the c1ty's proposed 2007 through 2012 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Plan. B. Havmg cons1dered pubhc testimony to the plan, the counc1l would hke to adopt the 2007 through 2012 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Plan. NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: RESOLUTION SECTION 1. -Adoptton. The 2007 through 2012 S1x Year Transportation Improvement Plan, set forth 1n Exh1b1t "A," wh1ch IS attached and f1led w1th the City clerk, IS hereby adopted. PASSED at a re ular meetmg of the c1ty counc1l of the City of Kent, Washington th1s _(£__day of -, 2006. 1 2007-2012 Six Year Transportation Improvement Plan CONCURRED in by the mayor of the city of Kent, this /.S day of A-u1t' sf , 2006. ATTEST: ----. ·""" APPROVED AS TO FORM: /o}k~Kr.¥TY~TT~ I hereby certify that thiS IS a true and correct copy of Resolution No_:... I 1J.__ r I passed by the ctty counctl of the ctty of Kent, Washmgton, the /6 day of ~-~~~ 1 2006. P \C•v•I\Resolutlon\SixYearTIP-2007 doc ,if~(SEAL) CLERK .----.. -- .. ---/ -----~-- 2 2007-2012 Six Year Transportation Improvement Plan CITY OF KENT WASHINGTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 2007-2012 Mayor Suzette Cooke Larry R. Blanchard, Director of Public Works WASHINGTON CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 2007-2012 Table of Contents Page(s) 1. Resolution adoption the 2007-2012 Six Year TIP .......................... 0 2. Statement of Purpose .............................................................. 1 3. Listing of the Projects .......................................................... i-1v 4. Map of the Projects ............................................................ map 5. Project Descnptions ........................................................ .1 -38 6 Contact Information .............................................................. 39 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 2007-2012 PURPOSE What is the Six Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)? The Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) is a short-range planmng document that IS annually updated based on needs and policies Identified through a vanety of sources. ProJect and financial development mvolve interactions With many groups and agencies at the local, reg10nal, state and federal levels It represents Kent's current hst of needed proJects that may begm work m the next SIX years The document also Identifies secured or reasonably expected revenue sources for each of the projects mcluded m the TIP. Typically, proJects listed m the first three years of the document are shown as havmg secured fundmg or there are reasonable expectatiOns to acqmre those funds, while proJects m the last three years can be parttally funded and be seekmg fundmg partners. All projects are consistent with the City's adopted 2004 Comprehensive Plan Mandated by State Law State law reqmres that each city develop a local TIP and that It be updated annually (RCW 35. 77.010). In order for cities to compete for transportatiOn fundmg grants from Federal and State sources most granting agenc1es requtre that proJects be included m the TIP Federal grant funded and regiOnally s1gmficant projects from the first three years of the C1ty's TIP are mcluded m the RegiOnal TIP, which 1s assembled by the Puget Sound Reg10nal Council for King, Kltsap, Pierce and Snohomish Counties. The regional TIPs (RTIP) from around the state are then combmed to form the State TIP {STIP), * which IS approved by the Governor and then submitted to the Federal Highway Admmistration for their review and approval. *The State TIP (STJP) zs a three-year, fiscally constrained and prioritized program of transportatwn projects compzled from local and regwnal plans Begznmng m July 2007, the STIP zs to change to a four-year document as descnbed m the Federal Safe, Accountable, Flexzble, Ejjiczent Transportatzon Equzty Act -A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU) Projects hsted zn the ST!P are the only proJects that wzll be approved by the Federal Hzghway Admzmstratwn to unhze federal funds 1 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 2007-2012 Project Number 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Project Name Project Locatzon and Extent Clark Springs Watershed Pavement Rehabilitation Kent Kangley Road at the Clark Sprzngs Watershed) South 2771h Street Corridor Extension Wzden 116th Avenue SEfrom Kent Kangley Road (SR 516) to SE 256th St Kent Station Mitigation Projects W1den Wdhs Street at 4th Avenue and Central Avenue at Wzlhs Street Transportation Master Plan Major update of the Kent 1984 Comprehensive TransportatiOn Plan South 228 1h Street/Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad Grade Grade separatwn crossmg at Burlmgton Northern/Santa Fe Rmlroad 84 1h Avenue South Widening and Pavement Rehabilitation SR 167 to South 21 ih Street I-S/South 272"d Street Interchange Reconstruction-Phase I Provzde transit and HOV Dzrect Access between South 272"d Stand I-5 72"d Avenue South Extension South 20dh Street to South I 96th Street Smart Growth Initiative Wzden Smzth Street near Lmcoln Avenue and wzden Wzllzs at 2"d Ave South Interurban Trail Crossings Signal Interconnect West Meeker Street and West Smzth Street Southeast 2481h Street Improvements I 16th Avenue Southeast to 132"d Avenue Southeast 801h Avenue South Widening South I 96th Street to South I 88th Street CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 2007-2012 Project Number 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. Project Name Pro;ect LocatiOn and Extent Military Road South at Reith Road Intersection Improvement South 2281h Street/Union Pacific Grade Separation Grade separation crossmg at Un10n Pacific Razlroad SE 2561 h Street Widening, Phase II SR 516 (Kent Kangley Road) to 1161h Avenue SE Central Avenue South Pavement Rehabilitation Green Rtver Brzdge to East W1llts Street (SR 516) South 2281h Street Corridor-Phase III/South 2241h Street Extension 8l" A 1·enue South to 1 041 h Avenue Southeast (Benson Road)(SR515) Willis Street (SR 516) Union Pacific Railroad Grade Separation Grade separatiOn crossmg at Umon Pacific Rmlroad (UPRR) Willis Street (SR516)/Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad Grade Separation Grade separatiOn crossmg at Burlmgton Northern Santa Fe Railroad Military Road Widening South 272"" Street to South 24dh Street South 212 1h Street Union Pacific Railroad Grade Separation Grade separatiOn crossmg at Umon Pacific Razlroad South 212 1 h Street/Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad Grade Separation Grade separation crossing at Burlington Northern Santa Fe Rmlroad West Meeker Street Widening-Phase I 6lh Avenue South to the Green R1ver Brzdge West Meeker Street Widening-Phase II SR 516 to the east s1de of the Green R1ver, mcluding a new brzdge ii CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 2007-2012 Project Number 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. Project Name Pro;ect LocatiOn and Extent 1081h Avenue SE Extension SE Kent Kangley Road (SR 516) to SE 2561h Street South 272"d Street Widening-Phase II Pacific Htghway South to Mzlttary Road South SR 181/West Valley Highway/Washington Avenue Widening Meeker Street north to approxzmately the 2181h block South 2081h Street Improvements 8lh Avenue South to 96111 Way South 132"d Avenue Southeast Widening-Phase I Southeast 2881 " Street to Kent Kangley Road (SR 516) 132"d Avenue Southeast Widening-Phase II Kent Kangley Road (SR 516) to Southeast 2481 " Street 132"d Avenue Southeast Widening-Phase III Southeast 2481h Street to Southeast 2361 " Street Southeast 256 1h Street Widening-Phase III 132"" Avenue Southeast to 148111 Avenue Southeast South 1961h/192"d Street Corridor-Phase III 8l" Avenue South (East Valley Hzghway) to 1081h Avenue SE (SR 515) State Route 167 (SR 167) Widening Ctty staff engzneerzng and plannzng support of WSDOT pro;ect to wzden State Route 167 from SR 512 to South 18dh Street Bicycle and Pedestrian Improvements Ongmng cztywule program to encourage the use of non-motorzzed transportal/On modes and provzde safe routes for schoolcluldren Iii CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 2007-2012 Project Number 36. 37. 38. Project Name ProJect Locatwn and Extent Guardrail and Safety Improvements Ongozng citywzde program to ehmznate potentially hazardous roadway condttzons Community Based Circulating Shuttles Ongozng citywzde program to provzde enhanced transzt servzce within the Czty and provzde mobzhty and mdependence to Senwr Cztzzens, youth and others who prefer to move about the Ctty without an automobzle Americans with Disabilities Act Compliance Sidewalk Repair and Rehabilitation Ongomg cztywzde program to repair and/or replace pedestnan ramps in compliance wah the Federal Government's Amen cans wlfh Dzsabzlmes Act IV @ ~'::: @ ~),. '>c ~ \\, 181 ~ j ~ @ c ' '. J,)--:. ~,.··~u ......... , .c( l f ! 26 7 ;;?; -~ <l:/1 : I ~· ~ 1 33- ' p 21 22 ' . 14 •'. ~·· f 1<>«/r~' 28 So 22Bth Comdor shown as dashed hnes- precrse route not chosen subject to completron of envrronmental revrew .. :u:r:- @J~,, ' ' ,. . , • • "'"--.. 9 ~ "< ···-~1. ", .. ... ...., 11 ;;I 32 l >.,</~· ,,, ~' ~ ~f Six Year Transportation Improvement Program ••• ' Scale: 1· = 4000' Kent City limits YEAR 2007 PROJECTS ARE SHOWN IN RED YEAR 2008-2012 PROJECTS ARE SHOWN IN GREEN CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2007 PROJECT #1: Clark Springs Watershed Pavement Rehabilitation Kent Kangley Road at the Clark Spnngs Watershed DESCRIPTION: Dig out and repair areas of the roadbed that have failed. Overlay the full- width roadway with two inches of asphalt concrete and crack stab1hzmg fabric to rehabilitate this artenal. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering ................... $60,000 Right of Way AcqmsitiOn ......................... $0 Construction ................................... $300,000 TOT AL ........................................... $360,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Our Pavement Management Analysis rates this road as a critical candidate for overlay. The City IS mcreasmgly respondmg to unscheduled requests to repair potholes. High average dmly truck traffic carrymg unusually heavy loads IS acceleratmg the distressed conditions of the travel lanes, elevatmg the nsk of damage to vehicles from developmg potholes AlP-Artcnal Improvement Program [State], CMAQ-Congestion MitigatiOn and Air Quahty [Federal]. FAST-Freight 1 ActiOn Strategy for Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Comdor, FMSJB-Freight Mobility Strategic Investment BoaJd (State], FTA- Federal Transit A.dmm1stratwn [Federal], HES-Hazard EhmmatiOn (Federal], ITS -lntelhgent TransportatiOn Systems (Federal], LID -Local Improvement District, PWTF-Pubhc Works Trust Fund Loan (State], STP-Surface TransportatiOn Program [Federal], TJA-Transportation Improvement Account, TJB-TransportatiOn Improvement Board (State], TPP- TransportatiOn Partnership Program [State] CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2007 PROJECT #2: South 2771h Street Corridor Extension W1den ll61h Avenue Southeast from Kent Kangley Road (SR 516) to Southeast 2561h Street DESCRIPTION: W1den 1161h Avenue Southeast to provtde a five lane roadway, mcludmg four general-purpose travel lanes, a two-way left tum lane and a b1cycle facthty Also mcluded m th1s project will be the widenmg of the mtersection of Kent Kangley Road and !16th Avenue Southeast to add an addttional left tum lane to provtde dual left tum lanes westbound on Kent Kangley Road to southbound ll61h Avenue Southeast and a nght tum acceleratiOn lane eastbound on Kent Kangley Road from northbound !16th Avenue Southeast. The project w1ll mclude the constructiOn of concrete curbs, gutters and sidewalks; b1cycle lanes; street hghtmg; storm dramage; utthties and appurtenances. PROJECT COST: Prehmmary Engmeenng ................. $400,000 R1ght of Way AcqulS!tton ............ $1, 100,000 ConstructiOn ................................ $4,200,000 TOT AL ........................................ $5, 700,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): C1ty of Kent, LID, TIB PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The stretch of !16th Avenue between the Kent Kangley Road and SE 256th Street 1s a substandard roadway that acts as a bottleneck for those wtshmg to access the South 277th Street comdor from the north and those w1shmg to access South 256 1h Street from the south SE 256th Street, at the north end of the project, ts a major east-west comdor that connects the SR 515/SR516 mtersectton and SR 18 wtth ll61h Avenue. Traffic volumes are contmumg to mcrease and this stretch of the roadway cannot accommodate the extstmg or antiCipated future traffic volumes. In addttlon, thts stretch of !16th Avenue ts lackmg curb, gutter and sidewalk. AlP-Artenal Improvement Program [State], CMAQ-CongestiOn Mttigation and Atr Quahty [Federal], FAST-Fretght 2 Act10n Strategy for Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Corndor, FMSIB-Fretght Mobthty Strategic Investment Board [State], FTA- Federal Transtt Admtmstratwn [Federal], HES-Hazard Ehmmation [Federal], ITS-lntelhgent Transportation Systems [Federal], LID -Local Improvement Distnct, PWTF-Pub he Works Trust Fund Loan [State], STP-Surface TransportatiOn Program [Federal], TIA -Transportation Improvement Account, TIE-TransportatiOn Improvement Board [State], TPP- Transportatwn Partnership Program [State J CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2007 PROJECT #3: Kent Station Mitigation Projects Wtden Wtlhs Street at 41 h Avenue and Central Avenue at Wtlhs Street DESCRIPTION: Provide an additiOnal left-tum pocket on eastbound Willis Street to northbound 41 h Avenue Provide a right-tum pocket southbound on Central Avenue to westbound Willis Street PROJECT COST: Prehmmary Engmeering .................. $53,000 Right of Way AcqulSltiOn ................. $44,000 ConstructiOn .. . .............................. $423,000 TOT AL ........................................... $520,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent, Development Mitigation Funds, WSDOT Overlay Funds PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: These projects are traffic mitigation requirements for additional trips generated by the Kent Station development The City of Kent will be implementing these proJects reqmred by the developer. AlP-Artenal Improvement Program [State], CMAQ-Congestton MtttgatiOn and Atr Quahty [Federal]. FAST-Fretght 3 Act10n StrJtcgy for Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Corndor, FMS/13-Fretght Mobthty StrJtegtc Investment Board [State], FTA- FederJI Transtt Admtmstratton [Federal], HES-Hazard EltmmatJOn [Federal], ITS-Intelhgent TransportatiOn Systems [Federal]. LID -Local Improvement Dtstnct, PWTF-Pubhc Works Trust Fund Loan [State], STP-Surface Transportatton Program [Federal], T/4-Transportatton Improvement Account, TIB-Transportatton Improvement Board [State], TPP- Transportatlon Partnershtp Program [State] CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2007 -2009 PROJECT #:4 Transportation Master Plan DESCRIPTION: This proJect consists of a maJor update of the Transportation Master Plan mcludmg near-term and long range planning of the City's transportatwn system needs. ProJect costs will mclude consultant contracts from transportatwn plannmg, concurrency management, pubhc mvolvement, travel demand and traffic operatwns modehng and analysis of potential financmg strategies to construct, operate and maintain the City's transportation network. The proJect may mclude staff resources, hardware and software to analyze and manage the transportat10n network and develop Implementmg legislatwn and regulat10ns related to the transportatwn system PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering ................. $850,000 R1ght of Way Acqmsitlon .......................... $0 Construction .............................................. $0 TOT AL ........................................... $850.,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): CityofKent PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The City's Transportation Master Plan is more than 20 years old and needs to be brought mto compliance with current Growth Management pohc1es and practices as defined in PSRC's Destmatwn 2030, the regwn's Metropohtan Transportation Plan. The City must be in compliance w1th all State, County and Regional pohctes m order to be ehg1ble to apply for competitive transportatwn grants Likewise, the City would hke to mvest1gate methods of measunng Concurrency that would incorporate all modes of travel, better reflect the ways our commumty is changmg, engage the community in the dtscussiOn of thetr future transportat10n mvestments, and investigate vanous ways of fundmg our future transportatiOn needs. AlP-Artenal Improvement Program [State], CMAQ-CongestiOn Mitigation and A1r Quahty [Federal], FAST-Fre1ght 4 Actton Strategy for Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Comdor, FMSIB-Freight Mobility Strategic Jmestment Board [State), FTA- Federal Transit Admmistratton [Federal], HES-Hazard Elimmatton [Federal], ITS-Intelligent TransportatiOn Systems [Federal], LID -Local Improvement Distnct, PWTF-Public Works Trust Fund Loan [State], STP-Surface TransportatiOn Program [Federal), T!A-TransportatiOn Improvement Account, TIB-Transportation Improvement Board [State], TPP- Transportatton Partnership Program [State] CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2007 PROJECT #5: South 2281h Street/Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad Grade Separation Grade Separatwn crossing at Burlington Northern/Santa Fe Razlroad DESCRIPTION: Construct grade separatiOn of the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad mamlme tracks at South 228'h Street. The proJect will mclude the construction of a road overpass or underpass, full-width pavmg, concrete curbs, gutter, and sidewalks; street lighting; utilities and appurtenances. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering .............. $1 ,250,000 Right of Way Acqmsition ............ $1,000,000 Construction .............................. $17,750,000 TOT AL ...................................... $20,000,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent, TIB, FAST, FMSIB, Burlmgton Northern Santa Fe PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Rmlroad The proJect will lead to a seamless connection between maJor freight handlers and their pnmary destinatiOns. This proJect will support freight movmg through Kent to the Ports of Seattle and Tacoma, SeaTac Airport and the freeway system. Grade separating the artenal will mcrease both rml and roadway capacity, decrease congestion, enhance safety, and improve freight mobility m the comdor and throughout the regwn. This proJect will provide regwnal connectwns between thousands of bus messes, employers and 40 million square feet of warehouse/mdustnal space. The level of freight and passenger rail traffic on the BNSF Rmlroad mamline IS nsmg as a consequence of mcreased traffic m the Puget Sound area, and new Sound Transit and Amtrak service. AlP-Artenallmprovernent Program [State]. CMAQ-CongestiOn MtttgatJOn and Atr Quahty [Federal], FAST-Fretght 5 Actton Strategy for Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Corndor, FMSJB-Fretght Mobthty Strategtc Investment Board [State], FTA - Federal Transit Adm1mstrat10n [Federal], HES-Hazard Ehmmat1on [Federal], ITS-lntelhgent TransportatiOn Systems [Federal], LID -Local improvement D1stnct, PWTF-Pub he Works Trust Fund Loan [State], STP-Surface TransportatiOn Program [Federal], TIA-TransportatiOn Improvement Account, TJB-TransportatiOn Improvement Board [State], TPP- TransportatJOn Partnership Program [State] CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2008 PROJECT #6: East Valley HighwaJ (84 1h Avenue South) Improvements. SR 167 to South 21 i' Street DESCRIPTION: Widen the roadway to provide 3 general purpose lanes in each direction between South 21ih Street and South 224 1h Street. Construct new curb, gutters and sidewalks on both sides of the roadway where they don't currently exist. Remove and rehabilitate the existing roadway pavement to add service life to the roadway. Overlay the entire roadway area with asphalt concrete pavement. ProJect mcludes upgrading ex1stmg traffic signal systems as well as storm dramage Improvements. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineenng ................. $217 ,000 Right of Way Acqu!SltiOn ............... $706,000 Construction ................................ $2,41 0,000 TOT AL ........................................ $3,333,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): STP, City of Kent, TIB, LID PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: This portiOn of East Valley Highway cannot accommodate current and proposed traffic volumes that utilize this stretch to access State Route 167 and South 21th Street In addition, the ex1stmg pavement along this section of 841 h Avenue South IS showmg signs of structural distress as demonstrated by "alhgatonng", long1tudmal crackmg, and crackmg of the curbs and gutters. AlP-Artenal Improvement Program [State], CMAQ-Congestion MitigatiOn and Air Quahty [Federal], FAST-Freight 6 Action Strategy for Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Corndor, FMSIB-Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board [State], FTA- Federal Trans1t Admm1stratwn [Federal], liES-Hazard Ehmmatwn [Federal], ITS-Intelligent TransportatiOn Systems [Federal] L/D-Locallmprovcment Distnct, PWTF-Pubhc Works Trust Fund Loan [State], STP-Surface TransportatiOn Program [Federal], TlA-TransportatiOn Improvement Account, TJB-TransportatiOn Improvement Board [State], TPP- Transportation Partnershtp Program [State) CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2008 PROJECT #7: I-S/South 272"d Street Interchange Reconstruction, Phase I Provzde translt and HOV Dzrect-Access between South 272nd Stand I-5 DESCRIPTION: Phase I would reconstruct the east half of the South 272"d Street/I-S interchange to prov1de transit and HOY D1rect-Access to South 272nct Street. Sound Transtt and Kmg County Metro Transit have maJor park and nde fac1ht1es in the area wtth over 1,200 parkmg stalls Transtt and HOY traffic would be able to tum onto South 272nd Street from I-5 without weavmg through traffic on I-5. The project includes a new northbound I-5 bndge and reconstruction of approximately one- half mlle of northbound I-5. The Improvements would be constructed to match proJects on South 272"d Street that would be bmlt between Pacific Highway South (SR 99) and Mihtary Road. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering .............. $3,850,000 Right of Way Acqmsitlon ............... $170,000 ConstructiOn .............................. $30,800,000 TOT AL ...................................... $34,820,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent, City of Federal Way, King County, STP, Sound Transit, PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: TPP, WSDOT The traffic volumes at the interchange have reached the point where reconstructiOn 1s reqmred to reduce congestiOn. The new interchange wtll provtde needed capacity through the year 2030. The reconstructiOn wlll also allow Sound Transtt and Kmg County Metro Transit to operate efficiently through the Star Lake and Redondo Heights Park and Ride lots. AlP-Artenal Improvement Program [State], CMAQ-Congestion M11Iga!Jon and A1r Quahty [Federal], FAST-Fre1ght 7 ActiOn Slrategy for Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Corndor, FMS!B-Fre1ght Mob1hty Strategic Investment Board [State], FTA- Federdl Transit Admm1stratwn [Federal], HES-Hazard Ehmmat10n [Federal], ITS-Intelligent TransportatiOn Systems [Federal], LID -Local Improvement D1stnct, PWTF-Pub he Works Trust Fund Loan [State], STP-Surface Transportation Program [Federal], TIA-TransportatiOn Improvement Account, TIE-TransportatiOn Improvement Board [State], TPP- Transportatton Partncrshtp Program [State] CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2008 PROJECT #8: 72"d Avenue South Extension South 200'h Street to South 1961h Street DESCRIPTION: Construct a new four-lane roadway from South 2001h Street to South 1961h Street. The proJect will mclude the crossmg of Mill Creek and construction of full-width paving, concrete curbs, gutters, and sidewalks; street hghtmg; storm dramage; landscapmg; utJhtJes and appurtenances. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering ............... $195,000 Right of Way AcquiSition ......................... .$0 Constructwn ................................... $690,000 TOT AL ........................................... $885,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Contmued development m the northern Kent mdustnal area, and high levels of congestwn along West Valley Highway between the South I 80th Street and South !96th Street comdors, mandate additional north-south arterial capacity This project provides some rehef for South I 80th Street, South I 96th Street, and South 212th Street mtersectwns along West Valley Highway. It also provides Improved access to the South !96th Street corridor from mdustnal development along 72"ct A venue South by constructmg the missmg lmk between South 200th Street and South 1961h Street . AlP-Artenal Improvement Program [State], CMAQ-Congestwn Mittgatwn and Air Quahty [Federal], FAST-Freight 8 Action Strategy for Everett-Sedttle-Tacomd Corndor. FMSIB-Freight Mobihty Strategic Investment Board (State], FTA- Federal Transit Admmistratwn (Federal], HES-Hazard Ehmmatwn [Federal], ITS-Intelligent Transportation Systems [Federal]. LID -Local Improvement Distnct, PWTF-Public Works Trust Fund Loan (State], STP-Surface Transportation Program [Federal], TIA-Transportation Improvement Account, T!B-Transportatton Improvement Board [State], TPP- Transportation Partnership Program (State] CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT#9: DESCRIPTION: 2008 Smart Growth Initiative Wtden Smith Street to provide a left tum lane from eastbound Smtth Street onto northbound Lmcoln Avenue. The proJect mcludes the constructiOn of a new traffic stgnal at the mtersectwn of Smith and Lmcoln as well as the reconstructiOn of extstmg curb, gutter and stdewalks along Sm1th Street. Widen Wtlhs Street to prov1de a left tum lane from eastbound Willis Street to northbound znd Avenue South. Th1s proJect mcludes constructiOn of new curb, gutter and Sidewalks along znd Avenue between Wtlhs Street and Saar Street. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engmeenng ................. $225,000 Rtght of Way Acqmsition ............... $305,000 Construction .............................. $1 ,250,000 TOT AL ........................................ $1, 780,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): STP, Ctty of Kent PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: These proJects w1ll 1mprove traffic flow wtthm the Kent Urban Center and tmprove access to Kent Statwn and the downtown business d1stnct. The left tum pocket at Wtlhs and 2nd Streets w1ll 1mprove access to the C1ty's Central Busmess Distnct and stimulate economic development by providmg a direct connectiOn between downtown Kent and State Route 516 The left tum pocket and s1gnal at Smtth and Lmcoln Streets wtll factl!tate the redevelopment of a portwn of Kmg County Metro Transit's Park and Rtde Lot. AlP-Artenal Improvement Program [State], CMAQ-CongestiOn Mtttgahon and Atr Qualtty [Federal], FAST-Fretght 9 ActiOn Strategy for E•erett-Seattle-Tacoma Corndor, FMSJB-Fretght Mobtltty Strategtc Investment Board [State], FTA - Federal Transtt AdmtmstratJOn [Federal], HES-Hazard Eltmmatwn [Federal], ITS-Intelltgent TransportatiOn Systems [Federal], LID -Local Improvement Dtstnct, PWTF-Pub he Works Trust Fund Loan [State], STP-Surface TransportatiOn Program [Federal], T!A-TransportatiOn Improvement Account, TIB-Transportation Improvement Board [State], TPP- Transportatton Partnershtp Program [Stdtc J CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT #10: DESCRIPTION: 2008 Interurban Trail Crossings Signal Interconnect West Meeker Street and West Snuth Street Interconnect the existing traffic signals at the Interurban Trail crossings at West Meeker Street and West Smith Street to the Umon Pacific Rmlroad crossmgs signals at said streets. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering ................... $38,000 Right of Way AcqUisition ............... $304,000 ConstructiOn .............................................. $0 TOT AL ........................................... $342,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent, PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: This project is required in order to interconnect the existing street signals with the railroad crossing signals. It w11l ehmmate potential conflicts where traffic could back up across the railroad tracks Most of the cost of this proJect is for the Umon Pacific Rmlroad to upgrade their grade crossmg signal eqmpment to prov1de sufficient wammg time of an approachmg tram AlP-Artenallmprovement Program [State], CMAQ-Congestion MitigatiOn and Air Quality [Federal], FAST-Freight 10 ActiOn Strategy for Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Corndor, FMSIB-Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board [State], FTA- Federal Transit AdmmistratiOn [Federal], liES-Hazard Elimmatwn [Federal], ITS-Intelligent TransportatiOn Systems [Federal], LID -Local Improvement Distnct, PWTF-Public Works Trust Fund Loan [State], STP-Surface TransportatiOn Program [Federal], TIA-TransportatiOn Improvement Account, TIB-TransportatiOn Improvement Board (State], TPP- Transportatlon Partnership Program [State] CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2009 PROJECT #11: Southeast 248 1h Street Improvements 1161 " Avenue Southeast to 132"d Avenue Southeast DESCRIPTION: Construct a new three lane roadway from 1161h Avenue Southeast to 132nd Avenue Southeast which mcludes the constructiOn of full width pavmg, poss1ble b1cycle lanes, concrete curbs, gutters, and s1dewalks, street llghtmg, storm dramage, landscaping; utilities and a~purtenances. The proJect mcludes e1ther a modem roundabout at the 1161 Avenue Southeast mtersectwn or a traditiOnal traffic signal Improvements to vert1cal roadway geometry for sight distance and safety will also be addressed. PROJECT COST: Prelimmary Engmeering ................. $800,000 Right of Way Acquisition .............. $120,000 Construction ................................ $4,000,000 TOT AL ........................................ $4,920,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent, LID, Development Mitigation Funds PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Additional capacity is required to accommodate existing development in the East Hill area of the city. This proJect Will prov1de additional east- west capacity to supplement SE 240 1h Street to the north, and SE 2561h Street to the south. Whether or not bicycle lanes are added depends upon the final b1cycle route plan adopted m the TransportatiOn Master Plan. In addition, the southeast comer of SE 248 1h Street and 1241h Avenue SE IS the future s1te of the City of Kent's Public Works mamtenance facility. AlP-Artenallmprovement Program [State], CMAQ-Congestion MitigatiOn and Air Quality (Federal]; FAST-Fretght 11 Act10n Strategy for E'erett-Seattle-Tacoma Corrtdor, FMSIB-Fretght Mob Iitty Strategic Investment Board [State], FTA - Federal Transit Adm1mstrat10n [Federal], HES-Hazard Eltmmat10n [Federal], ITS-Intelhgent TransportatiOn Systems [Federal], LID -Local Improvement D•stnct. PWTF-Pubhc Works Trust Fund Loan [State], STP-Surface TransportatiOn Program [Federal], TIA-TransportatiOn Improvement Account, TIB-TransportatiOn Improvement Board [State), TPP- TransportatJOn Partnership Program [State] CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT #12: DESCRIPTION: 2010 goth Avenue South Widening South 1961h Street to South 1881h Street Widen 80th Avenue South from South 1961h Street to South 188th Street to five lanes. This will mclude four general-purpose lanes and a two-way left tum lane The project w1ll also mclude the construction of full width paving; concrete curbs, gutters, and sidewalks; street hghtmg, storm drainage, ut1ht1es and appurtenances. PROJECT COST: Prelimmary Engmeenng ................. $170,000 Right of Way Acqms1t1on ............... $350,000 Construction ................................... $630,000 TOTAL ..•.•.•................••••••..•........ $1,150,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent, LID PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The opening of the 1961h Street corridor on the south end of the project and Renton's completwn of Oaksdale Avenue South results m 80 1h Avenue South being a s1gmficant north-south corridor serving the industnal area. As a result. the increased traffic volumes along this sectwn of 80 1h Avenue South could reach the pomt where a cons1stent five lane roadway sectwn IS required to provide safe left tum access into the adJOimng properties. Further, concrete curbs and gutters are reqmred to provide control of roadway dramage and to prevent impacts to adjacent property owners. S1dewalks and street hghtmg will provide safe access for pedestnans AlP· Artenal Improvement Program [State], CMAQ-Congestton Mtt1gat10n and A1r Quahty [Federal], FAST-Fre1ght 12 Act1on Strategy for E•erett-Sedttle-Tacoma Corndor, FMS/8-Fre1ght Mob1hty Strateg1c Investment Board (State]-FTA- Federal Transit Admtnlstratton [Federal], HES-Hazard El1mmatton [Federal], ITS-Intelhgent TransportatiOn Systems [Federal], LID -Local Improvement D1stnct, PWTF-Pubhc Works Trust Fund Loan [State], STP-Surface TransportatiOn Program [Federal], TIA-Transportation Improvement Account, TJB-Transportation Improvement Board [State], TPP- Transportatton Partnershtp Program [State] CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2010 PROJECT #13: Military Road South at Reith Road. Intersectwn Improvement DESCRIPTION: Widen all approaches of Military Road South at Reith Road intersection to provtde exclusive left turn lanes for each approach, and exclustve right turn lanes for northbound and southbound traffic on Military Road South and westbound traffic on Reith Road. Replace the existmg traffic signal. The proJect WJll mclude the constructiOn of full width pavmg, paved shoulders, street hghtmg, storm dramage, ut!httes and appurtenances. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engmeering ................. $140,000 Rtght ofWay Acqmsttion ............... $160,000 Construction .............................. $! ,400,000 TOT AL ........................................ $1, 700,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): TIB, City of Kent, Developer Mitigation Funds PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The level of development on the Kent West Hill coupled with the growth in the Puget Sound area and the regularly occurnng congestiOn along both Pacific Highway South and Interstate 5 results m signtficant congestion at this mtersection m the mommg and evening peak hours. AlP-Artenallmprovement Program [State], CMAQ-CongestiOn Mtttgation and Atr Qualtty [Federal], FAST-Fretght 13 ActiOn Strategy for Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Corndor, FMSIB-Fretght Mobthty Strategtc Investment Board [State], FTA- Federal Transit AdmmtstratJOn [Federal], HES-Hazard Eltmmatton [Federal], ITS-lntelltgent TransportatiOn Systems [Federal], LID -Local Improvement Dtstnct, PWTF-Publtc Works Trust Fund Loan [State], STP-Surface TransportatiOn ProgrJm [Federal], T/4-Transportation Improvement Account, T!B-TransportatiOn Improvement Board [State], TPP- Transportatlon Partnership Program [State] CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2010 PROJECT #14: South 2281h Street/Union Pacific Railroad Grade Separation Grade Separatzon crosszng at Unzon Pacific Razlroad DESCRIPTION: Construct grade separation of the Union Pacific Railroad mainline tracks at South 228 1h Street. The project will mclude the constructiOn of an overpass or an underpass road, full-width pavmg; concrete curbs, gutters and sidewalks, street ltghtmg; uti!ttJes and appurtenances. PROJECT COST: Prehmmary Engmeenng .............. $1 ,500,000 Right ofWay Acqmsition ............ $1,000,000 Construction .............................. $19,500,000 TOT AL ...................................... $22,000,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent, TIB, FAST, FMSIB, Union Pacific Railroad PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The project will lead to a seamless connection between major freight handlers and their pnmary destmatwns This proJect will support freight moving through Kent to the Ports of Seattle and Tacoma, SeaTac Airport and the freeway system Grade separating this artenal wtll increase both rml and roadway capacity. decrease congestiOn. enhance safety, Improve freight mobiltty m this corndor and throughout the regwn Thts proJect wtll provide regional connectiOns for thousands of busmesses, employers, and the 40 million square feet of warehouse/mdustnal space m the valley. AlP· Artenal Improvement Program [State], CMAQ-CongestiOn MitigatiOn and Atr Quahty [Federal], FAST-Fretght 14 ActiOn Strategy for Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Corndor, FMS!B-Fretght Mobthty Strategtc Investment Board [State], FTA- Federal Trdnstt Admtmstratton [Federal], HES-Hazard Eilmmatwn [Federal], ITS-Intelilgent TransportatiOn Systems [Federal], LID -Local Improvement Dtstnct, PWTF-Pub he Works Trust Fund Loan [State], STP-Surface TransportatiOn Program [Federal], T!A-Transportation Improvement Account, TIB-Transportatton Improvement Board [State], TPP- Transportdtton Partnership Program [State] CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2010 PROJECT #15: Southeast 256th Street Widening, Phase II SR 516 (Kent Kangley Road) to 116111 Avenue SE DESCRIPTION: Construct a new three lane roadway from SR 516 (Kent Langley Road) to 116 1h Avenue SE mcludmg bike lanes on both sides of the roadway. The proJect will mclude constructiOn of full-width pavmg; concrete curbs, gutters, and sidewalks; street lighting; storm dramage; landscapmg; utilities; and appurtenances. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering ................ $315,000 Right of Way AcqUisitiOn ............... $435,000 Construction ................................ $3, 100,000 TOT AL ........................................ $3,850,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent, Local Improvement Distnct, TIB PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: SE 256 1 h Street is a two-lane roadway with no curbs, gutters or sidewalks and a limited street light system. Dunng peak hours, the roadway cannot accommodate the traffic volumes due to the large number of vehicles blockmg the roadway while waJtmg to tum left mto driveways The widenmg of SE 2561h Street also alleviates traffic on SR 516 (Kent Kangley Road) as the two roads essentially run parallel to each other. The proJect will mcrease the capacity of this roadway by addmg a new center two-way left tum lane This proJect will connect the SR 515/SR516 mtersect10n With the improvements already ex1stmg on SE 256 1h Street east of 116 1h Avenue SE. AlP-Artenallmprovement Program [State], CMAQ-CongestiOn MtttgatJOn and Atr Qualtty [Federal], FAST-Ftcight 15 Actton Strategy for Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Corndor, FMSIB-Freight Mobthty Strategic Investment Board [State], FTA- Federal Trans1t A.dmmistratJOn [Federal], HES-HJzard Ehmmatwn [Federal], ITS-Intel it gent TransportatiOn Systems [Federal], LID -Local improvement Distnct, PWTF-Public Works Trust Fund Loan [State], STP-Surface TransportatiOn Program [Federal], T/4-Transportation Improvement Account, TJB-TransportatiOn Improvement Board [State], TPP- Transportatton Partnership Program [State] CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2010 PROJECT #16: Central Avenue South Pavement Rehabilitation Green R1ver Bndge to East Willis Street (SR 516) DESCRIPTION: Remove and rehabilitate the existing roadway pavement to add service life to the roadway, between the Green River Bridge and East Willis Street (SR 516). This proJect w1ll mclude the removal and replacement of failmg pavement sections and a full-w1dth asphalt concrete overlay of the entire roadway. Also mcluded in th1s proJect is the selective replacement of curbs, gutters and s1dewalks as well as minor storm dramage Improvements. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering ................. $120,000 R1ght of Way Acqms1tton .......................... $0 Constructwn ............................... $1,380,000 TOT AL ........................................ $1,500,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): STP, City of Kent PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The existing paving along this section of Central A venue South is exhibiting signs of distress, as demonstrated by "alligatoring", long1tudinal cracking, and crackmg of the curbs and gutters The serv1ce life of this roadway has been reached, necessitating reconstruction of the pavement to extend the service life of the roadway, and prevent further pavement degradation. The sidewalk system IS sub-standard in many locations and in need of replacement. AlP· Artenal Improvement Program [State], CMAQ-CongestiOn MI!Igat10n and Air Quality [Federal], FAST-Freight 16 Act10n Strategy for E;erett-Seattle-Tacoma Corndor, FMSIB-Freight Mobd1ty Strategic Investment Board [State], FTA- Federal Trans1t Admmistratlon [Federal]. HES-Hazard Ehmmd110n [Federal], ITS-Intel11gent TransportatiOn Systems [Federal]. LID -Local Improvement D1stnct, PWTF-Pubhc Works Trust Fund Loan [State]. STP-Surface TransportatiOn Prog1 am [Federal], TJA-Transportation Improvement Account, TIB-TransportatiOn Improvement Board [State], TPP- TransportatiOn Partnership Program [State] CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2010 PROJECT #17: South 228 1h Street Corridor-Phase III, South 224 1 h Street Extension 84'" Avenue South to 1 04'11 Avenue Southeast (Benson Road) (SR 515) DESCRIPTION: Construct a new five-lane road from 84th Avenue South to 1041h Avenue Southeast (Benson Road) (SR 515), includmg a new bndge over SR 167, and modtfy the traffic s1gnals at the mtersectJon of South 2241h Street and 841h Avenue South. The proJect will mclude the constructiOn of full-wtdth paving; concrete curbs, gutters and sidewalks; street hghtmg; storm drainage, landscaping; utilities and appurtenances. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering .............. $1,725,000 Rtght of Way AcqmsJtJon ............ $5,525,000 ConstructiOn .............................. $21 ,500,000 TOT AL ...................................... $28, 750,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent, LID PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The existmg roadway system cannot accommodate the current and forecast east- west traffic congestion between Kent's East Hill and the Green River Valley floor. In order to meet transportatiOn concurrency reqmrements of the Growth Management Act, additiOnal east-west vehicle capacity is required. IntersectiOns along South 2081h/21ih Street and James/SE 2401h Streets are also at or over capacity It IS not feasible to wtden the James/SE 2401h Street and South 2081h/212 1h Street 'corndors' to accommodate forecast traffic volumes without addttwnal east-west capactty because of extstmg development and topographtc constramts. AlP-Artenallmprovemcnt Program [State]. CMAQ-CongestiOn Mitigation and Air Quality [Federal], FAST-Freight 17 ActiOn Strategy for Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Corndor, FMS!B-Freight Mobihty Strategic Investment Board [State], FTA- Federal Transit AdministratiOn [Federal], HES-Hazard Ehmmat10n [Federal], ITS-lntelhgent TransportatiOn Systems [Federal], LID -Local Improvement Distnct, PWTr-Pubhc Works Trust Fund Loan [State], STP-Surface Transportation Program [Federal], T!A-TransportatiOn Improvement Account, T!B-Transportation Improvement Board [State], TPP- Transportation Partnership Program [State] CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANi;PORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2011 PROJECT #18: Willis Street (SR 516)/Union Pacific Railroad Grade Separation Grade Separatwn Crossmg at Unwn Pacific Razlroad (UPRR) DESCRIPTION: Construct grade separation ofthe Union Pacific Railroad's mainlme tracks at Wtlhs Street (SR 516). The proJect will mclude the constructiOn of a railroad bndge, a four-lane roadway under-crossmg; full w1dth pavmg; concrete curbs, gutters, and sidewalks; street hghtmg; utilities and appurtenances. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering .............. $4,600,000 Right of Way AcqulSltJon ......................... $0 ConstructiOn .............................. $18,400,000 TOT AL ...................................... $23,000,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent, FAST, FMSIB, Port of Seattle, Port of Tacoma, TIB, PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Union Pacific Railroad This project supports east-west freight and commuter mobility in the Green R1ver Valley. More than 26,000 vehicles per day travel on Willis Street, mcludmg over 800 fre1ght-beanng trucks The level of freight traffic on the UP Rmlroad mamlme IS also mcreasmg to approximately 20 trams a day Grade separations provide the solutiOn to the costly problem of congestion. The railroad crossmg will no longer impede freight and other traffic flow ReductiOns m traffic congestiOn on adJoining streets and reduced environmental Impacts caused by traffic congestwn are also expected This proJect will enhance Kent as an economic generator and provide regwnal connections for thousands ofbusmesses, employers, and commuters. AlP-Arlena! Improvement Program [State], CMAQ-Congestion Mitigation and Air Quahty [Federal]; FAST-Freight 18 ActiOn Strategy for Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Corndor, FMS!B-Freight Mobl11ty Strategic Investment Board [State], FTA- Federal Transit Admimstratwn [Federal] HES-Hazard Ehmmatwn [Federal]. ITS-lntclhgent TransportatiOn Systems [Federal], LID -Local Improvement 0Jstnct, PWTF-Pub he Works Trust Fund Loan [State]. STP-Surface TransportatiOn Program [Federal] TJ 4 -TransportatiOn Improvement Account, TIE-TransportatiOn Improvement Board [State], TPP- TransportatJon Partnership Program [State] CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2011 PROJECT #19: Willis Street (SR 516)/Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad Grade Separation Grade Separation Crossings at Burhngton Northern Santa Fe Railroad DESCRIPTION: Construct grade separatwn at the Burlmgton Northern Santa Fe Ratlroad mamlme tracks at Wllhs Street (SR 516). The proJect wtll mclude the constructiOn of a rmlroad bndge; four-lane vehicle under-crossmg, full wtdth pavmg; concrete curbs, gutters, and stdewalks, street hghtmg; utilttles and appurtenances PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering .............. $3,500,000 Rtght of Way AcqUlsttlon ............ $3,500,000 Construction .............................. $12,700,000 TOTAL ...................................... $19, 700,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): Ctty of Kent, Burlington Northern Santa Fe Rmlroad, FAST, PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: FMSIB, Port of Seattle, Port ofTacoma, TIB Thts project supports east/west freight and commuter mobthty in the Green Rtver Valley. More than 26,000 vehicles per day travel on Wilhs Street, mcludmg over 800 freight-beanng trucks The level of fretght and passenger rat! traffic on the BNSF Rmlroad mamlme 1s also mcreasmg to approximately 45 trams a day Grade separat10n provtdes more effictent movements of goods and provides a solution to the costly problem of congestion The railroad crossing wtll no longer tmpede freight and other traffic flow. Reductwns m traffic congestiOn on adJoming streets and reduced environmental 1mpacts caused by traffic congestion is expected. Thts proJect will enhance Kent as an economtc generator and provtde regiOnal connectwns for thousands of busmesses, employers, and commuters. AlP-Artenal Improvement Program [State], CMAQ-CongestiOn MitigatiOn and Air Quahty [Federal], FAST-Freight 19 Action Strategy for Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Corndor, FMSIB-Freight Mobihty Stratepc Investment Board [State], FTA- Federal Transit Admmistratwn [Federal], HES-Hazard Eltmmatwn [Federal], ITS-Intel it gent TransportatiOn Systems [Federal], LID -Local Improvement Distnct, PWTF-Publtc Works Trust Fund Loan [State], STP-Surface TransportatiOn Program [Federal], TIA-Transportation Improvement Account, TJB-Transportation Improvement Board [State], TPP- Transportation Partnership Program [State] CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2011 PROJECT #20: Military Road Widening South 272"d Street to South 24dh Street DESCRIPTION: Widen Military Road South from South 272"d Street to South 2401h Street adding left tum pockets at key mtersectwns. (Note. Reith Road and South 272"ct Street mtersectwns are separate proJects and not mcluded m this proJect.) PROJECT COST: Prehmmary Engineenng ................. $230,000 Right of Way Acqmsitlon .......................... $0 ConstructiOn ................................ $2,070,000 TOT AL ........................................ $2,300,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The level of development along this section of Military Road South has reached the pomt where separated tum pockets are reqmred to provide safe tummg movements at key mtersectwns and reduce the congestiOn by separatmg the tummg movements from the through traffic. AlP-Artenal Improvement Program [State], CMAQ-Congestion Mitigation and Atr Quality [Federal], FAST-Freight 20 Action Strategy for Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Corndor, FMSIB-Freight Mobility Strategic lmestment Board [State), FTA- Federal Transit Admtnistration [Federal], HES-Hazard E!tmmation [Federal], ITS-lntelhgent Transportation Systems [Federal], LID -Local Improvement Distnct, PWTF-Pubhc Works Trust Fund Loan [State), STP-Surface TransportatiOn Program [Federal], TEA-TransportatiOn Improvement Account, TIB-TransportatiOn Improvement Board [State), TPP- TransportatiOn Partnership Program [State) CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2011 PROJECT #21: South 212 1h Street/Union Pacific Railroad Grade Separation Grade Separatton Crossmg at Umon Pacific Rmlroad DESCRIPTION: Construct grade separation ofthe Union Pacific Railroad's mainline tracks at South 21ih Street The proJect wtll mclude the constructwn of a ratlroad bndge; a six-lane roadway under-crossmg, full-width pavmg; concrete curbs, gutters, and Sidewalks; street hghtmg; utihttes and appurtenances. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering .............. $4,600,000 Rtght of Way Acquisttlon ............ $1,200,000 Constructwn . . ....................... $23,000,000 TOT AL ...................................... $28,800,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent, FAST, TIB, Umon Pactfic Ratlroad PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: This project supports east-west freight and commuter mobility m the Green River Valley Approximately 29,000 vehicles per day travel on South 21ih Street, mcludmg nearly 3,500 freight beanng trucks. The level of freight traffic on the UP Ratlroad mamhne IS also mcreasmg to approximately 20 trams a day. Grade separatwns provide the solutiOn to the costly problem of congestion. The rallroad crossing will no longer Impede freight and other traffic flow. Reductwns m traffic congestwn on adJommg streets and reduced environmental impacts caused by traffic congestwn IS also expected. This proJect will enhance Kent as an economic generator and provide regwnal connectiOns for thousands of busmesses, employers, and commuters A JP -Artenal Improvement Program [State 1, CMA Q-CongestiOn Mtl!gatwn and Atr Quahty [Federal], FAST-Fretght 21 Actwn Strategy for Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Corndor, FMS!B-Fretght Mobthty Strategic Investment Board [State], FTA- Federal Transrt Admmrstratron [Federal], liES-Hazard Ehmmatwn [Federal], ITS-lntelhgent Transportatwn Systems [Federal], LID -Local Improvement D1stnct, PWTF-Pubhc Works Trust Fund Loan [State], STP-Surface TransportatiOn Program [Federal], TIA-Transportatron Improvement Account, TJB-Transportatron Improvement Board (State], TPP- Transportatron P&tncrshrp Program (State] CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2011 PROJECT #22: South 21ih Street/Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad Grade Separation Grade Separatzon Crosszngs at Burlmgton Northern Santa Fe Razlroad DESCRIPTION: Construct grade separation at the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad mamlme tracks at South 21ih Street The proJect wtll mclude the constructwn of a railroad bndge, six-lane vehicle under crossmg; full wtdth pavmg; concrete curbs, gutters, and sidewalks; street lighting; utihttes and appurtenances PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering .............. $4,600,000 Right ofWay Acqmsttlon ............ $1,200,000 Construction .............................. $23,000,000 TOT AL ...................................... $28,800,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent, FAST, TIB, Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: This project supports east-west freight and commuter mobility m the Green River Valley Approximately 29,000 vehtcles per day travel on South 212'11 Street, includmg nearly 3,500 freight-beanng trucks. The level of freight and passenger rat! traffic on the BNSF Rmlroad mamlme ts also mcreasmg to approximately 45 trams a day. Grade separation provtdes more efficient movement of goods and provides a solutton to the costly problem of congestiOn The railroad crossmg wtll no longer Impede fretght and other traffic flow. ReductiOns m traffic congestiOn on adJotmng streets and reduced environmental Impacts caused by traffic congestiOn IS expected This proJect will enhance Kent as an economic generator and provtde regiOnal connections for thousands of busmesses, employers and commuters. AlP-Artenal Improvement Program [State], CMAQ-CongestiOn M1t1gat10n and A1r Quahty [Federal], FAST-Fre1ght 22 Act10n Strategy for Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Corndor, FMSJB-Frc1ght Mobd1ty Strategic Investment Board [State], FTA- Federal Transit AdmmistratJOn [Federal], HES-Hazard Ehmmatwn [Federal], ITS-Intelhgent TransportatiOn Systems [Federal], LID -Local Improvement Distnct, PWTF-Public Works Trust Fund Loan [State], STP-Surface TransportatiOn Program [Federal], TJA-Transportation Improvement Account, TJB-TransportatiOn Improvement Board [State], TPP- Transportatwn Partnership Program [State] CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2011 PROJECT #23: West Meeker Street Widening-Phase I 64 1h Avenue South to the Green Rzver Brzdge DESCRIPTION: Widen West Meeker Street to provide a five lane roadway, including four general purpose travel lanes, a center left tum lane, bicycle lanes, a pedestnan s1gnal at the Riverbend Golf Course, and modifications to the ex1stmg traffic s1gnal system at the mtersectwn of West Meeker Street and Russell Road. The proJect will mclude the constructiOn of full-w1dth pavmg, concrete curbs, gutters and sidewalks; landscapmg; street !tghtmg, storm dramage, utilities and appurtenances. PROJECT COST: Pre!tmmary Engmeenng ................. $920,000 Right of Way Acqmsition ............ $1,040,000 ConstructiOn ................................ $3,220,000 TOT AL ........................................ $5,180,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The level of development along this section of Meeker Street has reached the pomt whereby a consistent five lane roadway segment is required to accommodate through traffic. Existmg traffic volumes west of the intersectiOn of 64th Avenue South mdicate the need for a five lane sectiOn to accommodate additional development. Sidewalk and b1cycle Improvements will provide additional mcentive to encourage a safe and attractive walkmg and bikmg environment, promote alternative modes of travel, and facilitate access to scemc and recreatiOnal facilities. AlP-Artcnallmprovement Program [State], CMAQ-Congest10n M1t1gat10n and A1r Quahty [Federal], FAST-Fretght 23 Act1on Strategy for Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Corndor. FMSJB-Frctght Mob1hty Strateg1c Investment Board [State], FTA- Federal Transit Admm1strat1on [Federal], HES-Hazard Ehmmatton [Federal], ITS-Intelligent Transportdtlon Systems [Federal], L/D-Locallmprovement D1stnct, PWTF-Pubhc Works Trust Fund Loan [State], STP-Surface Transportation Program [Federal], TIA-Transportation Improvement Account, T!B-TransportatiOn Improvement Board [State], TPP- Transportatlon Partnership Program [State] CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2011 PROJECT #24: West Meeker Street Widening-Phase II SR 516 to the east stde of the Green Rtver, zncludzng a new bndge DESCRIPTION: Wtden West Meeker Street between SR 516 and the Green Rtver to provtde a five lane roadway, includmg four general purpose travel lanes, a center left turn lane, and btcycle lanes. Construct a second two lane bndge for westbound traffic wtth a btke lane and sidewalk over the Green River parallel to the existmg structure and convert the existmg bndge to one-way eastbound with an eastbound bike lane The proJect will mclude construction of full width pavmg, concrete curbs, gutters and sidewalks, street hghtmg, storm dramage; utilities and appurtenances. PROJECT COST: Prehmmary Engineering ................ $920,000 Rtght of Way Acqmsition .......................... $0 ConstructiOn ................................ $4,000,000 TOT AL ........................................ $4,920,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The level of development along this section of Meeker Street has reached the pomt whereby a consistent five lane roadway ts reqmred to accommodate through traffic. Existmg traffic volumes mdicate the need for five lanes to accommodate addttional development. Sidewalk and bicycle improvements will provide addttwnal mcentive to encourage a safe and attractive walkmg and btcyclmg envtronment, promote alternative modes of travel, and facthtate access to scemc and recreatiOnal facthttes. AlP-Artenal Improvement Program [State], CMAQ-CongestiOn M1t1gat10n and A1r Quahty [Federal], FAST-Fre1ght 24 ActiOn Strategy for Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Corndor, FMSJB-Fre1ght Mobli1ty Strategic Investment Board [State], FTA- Federal Transit Admm1strat10n [Federal], liES-Hazard Ehmmat10n [Federal], ITS-Intelhgent Transportation Systems [Federal], LID -Local Improvement D1stnct, PWTF-Pub he Works Trust Fund Loan [State], STP-Surface Transportation Program [Federal], TJA-TransportatiOn Improvement Account, TIB-TransportatiOn Improvement Board [State], TPP- Transportatwn Partnership Program [State] • CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2011 PROJECT #25: 1081h Avenue SE Extension SE Kent Kangley Road (SR 516) to SE 2561h Street DESCRIPTION: Construct a new three lane roadway from SE Kent Kangley Road (SR 516) to SE 256 1h Street mcludmg rebmldmg the traffic s1gnals at the mtersectwn of SE Kent Kangley Road and 1 08 1h Avenue SE and mstalhng a new traffic s1gnal at the mtersectwn of SE 256 1h Street and 1 09 1h Avenue SE The project includes nght tum lanes northbound at 256 1h Street and Southbound at Kent Kangley Road. The project wdl also mclude constructwn of full width pavmg; concrete curbs, gutters and s1dewalks; street hghtmg; storm dramage; landscapmg; ut1ht1es and appurtenances. As part of th1s proJect, the eastbound left-tum lane from Kent Kangley Road to 256 1h Street w1ll be elimmated. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering ................. $120,000 Right of Way AcqulSltwn ............... $860,000 Constructwn ................................ $1 ,040,000 TOT AL ........................................ $2,020,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: This project wtll reheve congestion at theY intersection of 1041h Avenue SE (Benson Htghway) (SR 515)/Kent Kangley Road (SR 516)/SE 256 1h Street by tmprovmg the traffic flow along SR 516. It w1ll ehmmate the left tum pocket from SR 516 to SE 256th Street and redtrect that traffic along SR 516 to 1 08 1 h A venue SE. There Will be a new left tum pocket constructed for motonsts wtshmg to travel north on 1 osth Avenue SE to SE 256 1 h Street By movmg these left tummg movements further to the east, away from the congested Y mtersectton, all dtrectwns of traffic wdl be able to flow more effictently Th1s extenswn wtll also prov1de another way for East Htll restdents to have dtrect access to the busmess-by-pass route and better access to the commercial area south of the Kent Kangley Road1104 1h Avenue SE mtersectton AlP-Artenal Improvement Program [State]; CMAQ-Congestton Mitigatton and Atr Quality [Federal], FAST-Fretght 25 Actwn Strategy for Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Corndor, FMS!B-Fretght Mobil tty Stratcgtc Investment Board [State], PTA - Federal Transit Admmtstratwn [Federal], HES-Hazard Ehmmatwn [Federal], ITS-Intelhgent Transportatton Systems [Federal], LID -Local Improvement Dtstnct, PWTF-Public Works Trust Fund Loan [State], STP-Surface Transportation Program [Federal], TIA-Transportation Improvement Account, TIB-TransportatiOn Improvement Board [State], TPP- Transportanon Partnership Program [State] CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2012 PROJECT #26: South 272"d Street Widening, Phase II Pacific H1ghway South to M1htary Road South DESCRIPTION: Add two HOV lanes and left-tum lanes at intersections from Pacific Highway South (SR 99) to Military Road South. Construction will mclude full width pavmg, concrete curb, gutter, and sidewalks, street hghtmg; storm dramage, utilities; traffic signals; and appurtenances. The proJect also mcludes widening the roadway under the I-5 bridges. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering .............. $1,290,000 Right of Way AcqulSltiOn ............ $1 ,260,000 ConstructiOn .............................. $! 0,100,000 TOTAL ...................................... $12,650,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent, TIB, Washington State Transportation Partnership Account. PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Federal, Sound Transit Traffic volumes between Pacific Highway South and Military Road South have reached the pomt where Improvements supportmg HOV -added capacity are reqmred to reduce congestion at the intersectiOns and reduce backups approachmg I-5. The HOV lanes will provide access to the Star Lake Park and Ride lot and the Redondo Heights Park and Ride lot. Adding HOV lanes and HOV access to I-5 supports vanous county and City of Federal Way transportatiOn and transit improvement proJects. AlP-Artenallmprovement Program [State], CMAQ-CongestiOn MitigatiOn and Air Quahty [Federal], FAST-Freight 26 Action Strategy for Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Corndor, FMSJB-Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board [State], FTA- Federal Transit Admtnistratton [Federal], HES-Hazard Eltmmation [Federal], ITS-Intelhgent TransportatiOn Systems [Federal], LID -Local Improvement Distnct, PWTF-Publtc Works Trust Fund Loan [State], STP-Surface TransportatiOn Program [Federal], TJA-TransportatiOn Improvement Account, TJB-Transportation Improvement Board [State], TPP- Tranoportation Partnership Program [State] CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT #27: DESCRIPTION: 2012 SR 181/West Valley Highway/Washington Avenue Widening Meeker Street north to approxzmately the 2181h block Widen the existing five lane road to seven lanes to include three lanes in each dtrection and a center tum lane and mstall a traffic stgnal at the mtersectwn of West Valley Htghway and South 238th Street. The proJect wtll include the constructiOn of full-wtdth paytng; concrete curbs, gutters and sidewalks, street hghtmg; storm dramage; landscaping, utilities and appurtenances PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering ................. $860,000 Rtght of Way Acqmsttlon ............ $4,700,000 Construction ................................ $9,100,000 TOT AL ...................................... $14,660,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent, STP, TIB, WSDOT PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: SR 181/West Valley Highway/Washmgton Avenue is a major north- south route through the City and an Important truck route for fretght movmg between the manufactunng, industnal and warehousmg center of the Green Rtver Valley and the regional fretght comdors. This route IS seven lanes wtde both north and south of the proJect segment. Wtth increasmg traffic volumes from the expected growth m both the fretght and commute segments, the wtdenmg ts needed to reduce congestiOn at mtersectwns and reduce backups approachmg SR 167 and South 21ih Street. AlP-Artenallmprovement Program [State], CMAQ-CongestiOn Mtl!gatwn and A•r Quahty [Federal], FAST-Fre1ght 27 Act10n Strategy for Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Corndor. FMSIB-Freight Mobillly StrategiC Investment Board [State], FTA- Federal Transit AdmmistratJOn [Federal], HES-HaLard Ehmmat10n [Federal], ITS-Intelligent TransportatiOn Systems [Federal], LID -Local Improvement D1stnct. PWTF-Public Works Trust Fund Loan [State], STP-Surface TransportatiOn Program [Federal], TIA-TransportatiOn Improvement Account, TJB-Transportation Improvement Board [State], TPP- Transponatwn Partnership Program [State] CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2012 PROJECT #28: South 2081h Street Improvements 84th Avenue South to 96th Way South DESCRIPTION: Rehabilitate the existing pavement to add additional service life to the roadway from 84th Avenue South to 96th Way South. This proJect will widen the existmg roadway to two 14 foot lanes wtth the addition of concrete curb, gutters, sidewalks, storm dramage and IllummatiOn. The proJect will rebmld fatlmg roadway sections near 93'J Avenue and add a left tum lane from eastbound I 08 1h Street to northbound 92nd Avenue South Retammg walls and guardrails Will be added as needed. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering ................. $190,000 Right of Way Acqmsttion ............... $110,000 ConstructiOn ............................... $2,200,000 TOT AL ........................................ $2,500,000 FU~DING SOURCE(S): Ctty of Kent PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: South 208 1h Street between 84 1h Avenue South and 96 1h Way South is a substandard narrow two-lane roadway that connects 84th Avenue (East Valley Highway) With SE 208 1h Street Thts sectiOn of roadway cannot accommodate the ex1stmg and anticipated traffic volumes and iS expenencmg pavement and roadway failures that reqmre repair. Widenmg of the roadway will necessitate the mstallat10n of retammg walls and guardrails. AlP· Artenal Improvement Program [State], CMAQ-Congestion Mitigallon and Atr Qualtty [Federal]; FAST-Freight 28 Action Strategy for E;erett-Seattle-Tacoma Corndor, FMSIB-Freight Mobihty Strategic Investment Board [State], FTA- Federal Transit Admmistration [Federal], HES-Hazard Eltmmatton [Federal], ITS-Intelltgent Transportatton Systems [Federal], LID -Local Improvement Dtstnct, PWTF-Publtc Works Trust Fund Loan [State], STP-Surface Transportatton Program [Federal], TIA-Transportatton Improvement Account, TIB-Transportatton Improvement Board [State], TPP- Trdnsportatton Partnership Program [State] CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2012 PROJECT #29: 132"d Avenue Southeast Widening-Phase 1 Southeast 288'" Street to Kent Kangley Road (SR 516) DESCRIPTION: Widen 132"d Avenue Southeast to provide a five lane roadway, including four general purpose travel lanes, a center left tum lane, and a b1cycle fac1hty, mod1fymg the ex1stmg traffic s1gnal system at the intersectiOn of Kent Kangley Road. The proJect will include the construction of full width pavmg, b1cycle lanes, concrete curbs, gutters, and s1dewalks; street hghtmg; storm dramage, landscapmg; utilities and appurtenances. PROJECT COST: Prehmmary Engmeering .............. $1 ,600,000 R.lght of Way Acqmsitwn ............ $2,000,000 Construction ................................ $? ,800,000 TOT AL ...................................... $11,400,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): C1ty of Kent PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The level of development along this section of 132"d A venue has already reached the pomt whereby a consistent five lane roadway section 1s deSlfable to provide safe left-tum access mto adjommg properties and accommodate forecast traffic volumes. The south end of 132"d Avenue Southeast prov1des alternative access to SR 18 Ex1stmg traffic volumes that exceed 20,000 ADT (near the intersection of 132"d Avenue Southeast and Kent Kangley Road) pomts to a five lane sectiOn Sidewalks and bicycle lanes w!ll prov1de mult1modal access to adJacent land uses. AlP-Artenal Improvement Program [State], CMAQ-CongestiOn MitigatiOn and An Quality [Federal), FAST-Freight 29 Actwn Strategy for Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Corndor, FMSJB-Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board [State], FTA- Federal Transit AdministratiOn [Federal], HES-Hazard Elimmation [Federal]. ITS-Intelligent TransportatiOn Systems [Federal], LID -Local Improvement Distnct, PWTF-Public Works Trust Fund Loan [State], STP-Surface fransportatwn Program [Federal], TlA-TransportatiOn Improvement Account, TJB-Transportation Improvement Board [State], TPP- Transportation Partnership Program [State] CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2012 PROJECT #30: 132"d Avenue Southeast Widening-Phase II Kent Kangley Road (SR 516) to Southeast 2481h Street DESCRIPTION: Widen 132"d Avenue Southeast to provide a five lane roadway, including four general purpose travel lanes, a center left-tum lane, and a bicycle fac1hty; mod1fymg the ex1stmg traffic s1r,al systems at the mtersect1ons of Kent Kangley Road and Southeast 256t Street. The proJect w11l mclude the constructiOn of full-Width paving, b1cycle lanes, concrete curbs gutters and s1dewalks, street hghtmg, storm dramage, utthttes; and appurtenances. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engmeering .............. $3,000,000 R1ght of Way Acqmsltion ............ $2,400,000 Construction .............................. $14,800,000 TOT AL ...................................... $20,200,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): C1ty of Kent PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The level of development along th1s section of 132"ct Avenue has already reached the pomt whereby and consistent five land roadway sect10n 1f des1rable to provide safe left-tum access mto adJoming properties and accommodate forecast traffic volumes. Ex1stmf traffic volumes that exceed 20,000 ADT (near the mtersect10n of 132" Avenue southeast and Kent Kangley Road) pomt to a five lane sectiOn S1dewalks and b1cycle lanes w11l prov1de multtmodal access to adJacent land uses AJP-Artenal Improvement Program [State), CMAQ-Congestion M1t1gatton and A1r Quahty [Federal], FAST-Fre1ght 30 Act10n Strategy for Everett·Seattle-Tacoma Corndor, FMSJB-Fre1ght Mob1hty Strateg1c Investment Board [State], FTA- Federal Transit Admm1strat10n [Federal], HES-Hazard Ehmma!lon [Federal], ITS-Intelligent TransportatiOn Systems [Federal], LID -Locallmprovemcnt D1stnct, PWTF-Public Works Trust Fund Loan [State], STP-Surface TransportatiOn Program [Federal], TIA-TransportatiOn Improvement Account, TJB-TransportatiOn Improvement Board [State], TPP- TransportatiOn Partnership Program [State] CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2012 PROJECT #31: 132"d Avenue Southeast Widening-Phase III Southeast 2481h Street to Southeast 2361h Street DESCRIPTION: Widen 132"d Avenue Southeast to prov1de a five lane roadway, mcludmg four general purpose travel lanes, a center left-tum lane, and a b1cycle facility, mod1fymg the existing traffic s1gnal system at the mtersectwn of Southeast 240th Street. The proJect w1ll include the constructiOn of full- Width pavmg, b1cycle lanes; concrete curbs, gutters, and s1dewalks; street hghtmg, storm drainage, uhhhes and appurtenances. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering .............. $1 ,600,000 R1ght of Way Acqmsltion ............... $700,000 Construction ................................ $8, 100,000 TOT AL ...................................... $10,400,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): C1ty of Kent PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The level of development along th1s section of 132"d A venue has already reached the pomt whereby a consistent five lane roadway section is des1rable to prov1de safe left-tum access to adJommg properties and accommodate forecast traffic volumes. Sidewalks and b1cycle lanes will prov1de mulhmodal access to adJacent land uses. AlP-Artenal Improvement Program [State], CMAQ-CongestiOn M1t1gatwn and A1r Quahty [Federal], FAST-Fretght 31 Actwn Strategy for Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Corndor, FMS!B-Fre1ght Mob1hty Strategic Investment Board [State]. FTA- Federal Transit Admm1stratton [Federal]. HES-Hazard Ehmmatwn [Federal], ITS-lntelhgcnt TransportatiOn Systems [Federal], LID -Local improvement D1stnct, PWTF-Pubhc Works Trust Fund Loan [State]. STP-Surface TransportatiOn Program [Federal]. T!A-Transportation Improvement Account, T!B-TransportatiOn Improvement Board [State], TPP- Transportatwn Partnership Program [State] CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT #32: DESCRIPTION: 2012 Southeast 2561h Street Widening-Phase III 132"" Avenue Southeast to 1481h Avenue Southeast Widen Southeast 256 1h Street to provide a three-lane roadway, includmg two general-purpose travel lanes, a center left-tum lane, and a bicycle facility, modifymg the existmg traffic signal systems where appropriate. Construct a new bndge crossmg at Soos Creek and elevate Southeast 2561h Street approaches above the 100 year flood plam. The proJect will mclude the constructiOn of full-width pavmg, bicycle lanes, concrete curbs, gutters, and sidewalks; bndge, street hghtmg, storm dramage, utilities and appurtenances PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering .............. $2,300,000 Rtght of Way Acquisition ............... $900,000 ConstructiOn .............................. $11,600,000 TOT AL ...........••...•.•.•...•••.••••.•.... $14,800,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): Ctty of Kent PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The level of development along this sectiOn of Southeast 256 1h Street has already reached the pomt whereby a consistent three-lane roadway sectiOn ts reqmred to provide safe left-tum access mto adJotmng properties and accommodate forecast traffic volumes With the widenmg of Southeast 256 1 h Street, the bndge at the east end of the proJect would need to be replaced and elevated above the 100 year flood plam. Sidewalks and bicycle lanes will provide safe access for pedestnans and cyclists The east end of Southeast 256 1h Street provides an alternative access to SR 18. AlP-Artenal Improvement Program [State], CMAQ-Congestwn Mtttgai!On and Atr Quahty [Federal], FAST-Fretght 32 Achon Strategy for Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Corndor, FI,JSJB-Fretght Mobthty Strategtc Investment Board [State], FTA- Federal Transtt Admtmstratwn [Federal], f!ES-Hazard Ehmmatwn [Federal], ITS-Intelhgent TransportatiOn Systems [Federal], LID -Local Improvement Dtstnct, PWTF-Pub he Works Trust Fund Loan [State], STP-Surface TransportatiOn Program [Federal], TIA-TransportatiOn Improvement Account, TIE-TransportatiOn Improvement Board [State], TPP- Transportatwn Partnership Program [State] CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2012 PROJECT #33: South 1961h/192"d Street Corridor-Phase III 84 112 Avenue South (East Valley Htghway) to 1 081h Avenue SE (SR 515) DESCRIPTION: Construct a new five lane roadway from 84 1h Avenue South (East Valley Highway) to 108 1h Avenue SE (SR 515); mcluding a new bridge over SR 167. ProJect will mclude the constructiOn of full-width pavmg; concrete curb, gutter and sidewalks; street hghtmg; storm dramage; landscapmg; ubhbes and appurtenances. PROJECT COST: Prelimmary Engineering .............. $5,700,000 Right of Way AcqulSltlOn ............ $5,700,000 ConstructiOn .............................. $28,600,000 TOT AL ...................................... $40,000,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent, LID, STP, TIB PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Traffic volumes on existing east-west corridors will exceed the adopted standards If forecasts of economic and residential growth on the East Hill of Kent andJunsdictlOns to the east of Kent contmue as predicted by state and regional plannmg agencies AdditiOnal roadway capacity must be found to accommodate this growth w1thm the urban growth boundanes. This proJect supports GMA poliCies, helps the City meet Its Concurrency Standards, and augments prev10us investments m this comdor by extendmg Its usefulness as a freight comdor and maJor east-west connectiOn. AlP-Artenal Improvement Program [State], CMAQ-Congestion Mittgatton and Atr Quality [Federal), FAST-Fretght 33 Actwn Strategy for Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Corndor, FMSJB-Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board [State), FTA- Federal Transit AdministratiOn [Federal], H£S-Hazard Ehmmation [Federal], ITS-Intelligent TransportatiOn Systems [Federal], LID -Local Improvement Distnct, PWTF-Pub he Works Trust Fund Loan (State], STP-Surface Transportatton Program [Federal] TIA-TransportatiOn Improvement Account, TIB-TransportatiOn Improvement Board [State], TPP- TransportatiOn Partnership Program [State] CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT #34: DESCRIPTION: 2007-2012 State Route 167 Widening Wtden SR 167 from SR 512 to South J8dh Street City of Kent Engineering and Transportation Planning staff support towards the Washington State Department of Transportation's proJect to widen State Route 167 from State Route 512 to South 1801h Street. This proJect IS to mclude an additiOnal general purpose lane in each direction and to complete the HOY system. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering .............. $1 ,200,000 R1ght ofWay Acqmsition ......................... .$0 Construction .............................................. $0 TOTAL ........................................ $1,200,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): WSDOT, City of Kent PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: While this Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) project is a multi-million dollar Improvement consisting of State and RTID fundmg, the C1ty of Kent has provided, and will provide, hundreds of hours of transportation plannmg, data gathenng, and preliminary engmeering m support of this critical transportation corndor The congestion on SR 167 resultmg from inadequate capacity creates spillover congestion onto Kent artenals and Jeopardizes the future of our local and regiOnal economy. Kent IS the second largest warehouse/distnbutwn center on the west coast, containing over 40 million square feet of warehouse/industnal space. Many Kent busmesses ship to natiOnal and mternatwnal customers and need reliable travel time to the ports With the planned extension of SR 167 to the Port of Tacoma and planned completion of SR 509 connecting Kent to the Port of Seattle, this proJect would complete the freight corndor, shiftmg thousands of daily truck tnps from I 5 and SR 18 to SR 167. AlP-Artenal Improvement Program [State], CMAQ-Congestion MitigatiOn and Air Quality [Federal], FAST-Freight 34 Action Strategy for Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Corndor, FMSIB-Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board [State], FTA- Federal Transit Administration [Federal], f/ES-Hazard Ehmmanon [Federal], ITS-Intelligent Transportation Systems [Federal], LID -Local Improvement Distnct, PWTF-Public Works Trust Fund Loan [State], STP-Surface Transportation Program [Federal], TIA-TransportatiOn Improvement Account, TIB-Transportation Improvement Board [State], TPP- Transportation Partnership Program [State] CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2007-2012 PROJECT #35: Bicycle and Pedestrian Improvements Ongozng Cttywzde Program DESCRIPTION: Make miscellaneous improvements to the city's pedestrian network and b1cycle routes as Identified m the Nonmotonzed Element of the TransportatiOn Master Plan. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering ................... $60,000 Right of Way Acqms1t10n .......................... $0 Construction ................................... $562,000 TOT AL ........................................... $622,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): C1ty of Kent PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: This proJect can help ach1eve the City's transportatiOn goals for Improvmg mobility and safe access for walkmg and bicyclmg. The proJect complies with the City's Commute Tnp Reduction Ordmance by promotmg non-motorized travel to employment centers, commercial distncts, transit statwns, schools and civic centers, and recreatiOnal destmatwns. Walkmg can be a practlcal altematlve to drivmg, especially for short tnps and contnbutes greatly to neighborhood quahty and vitality. Pedestnan Improvements to streets, mtersectwns, sidewalks, and other facihties can Improve access and safety. Such facilities are particularly Important for children, semor citizens, and people with d1sabiht1es. This proJect also leverages opportumties to enhance safe walkmg routes to schools for children. AlP· Artenal Improvement Program [State], CMAQ-CongestiOn Mitigation and Air Quality [Federal], FAST-Freight 35 Actwn Strategy for Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Corndor, FMSJB-Fre1ght Mob11Ity Strategic Investment Board [State], FTA- Federal Transit Admm1strat10n [Federal], HES-Hazard EIImmatwn [Federal], ITS-lntelhgcnt TransportatiOn Systems [Federal], LID -Local Improvement D1stnct, PWTF-Public Works Trust Fund Loan [State], STP-Surface TransportatiOn Program [Federal] T!A-TransportatiOn Improvement Account, TIB-TransportatiOn Improvement Board [State], TPP- Transportation Partnership Program [State] CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2007-2012 PROJECT #36: Guardrail and Safety Improvements Ongozng Cztywzde Program DESCRIPTION: Make miscellaneous guardrail improvements each year to enhance motonst safety. Candidate proJects mclude Frager Road and 1001 h Avenue Southeast (near the 22600 block). Upgrade ex1stmg guardrail end- treatments as mandated by State and Federal regulatwns. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering ................... $20,000 Right of Way Acqms1t10n .......................... $0 Construction ................................... $175,000 TOTAL ........................................... $195,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent, HES PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Th1s project is mandated by compliance with Federal and State regulatwns and the reqmrement to ehminate potentially hazardous roadway cond1t10ns. AlP-Artenal Improvement Program [State], CMAQ-Congestton Mtllgatwn and Atr Quahty [Federal], FAST-Freight 36 Action Strdtegy for Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Corndor, Flv!S!B-Fretght Mobiltty Strategtc Investment Board [State], FTA- Federal Transit Admimstrdtion [Federal], HES-Hazard E!tmmatton [Federal], ITS-lntelhgent TransportatiOn Systems [Federal], LID -Local Improvement Oistnct, PWTF-Pub he Works Trust Fund Loan [State], STP-Surface Transportatton Program [Federal], TIA-Transportatton Improvement Account, T!B-Transportatwn Improvement Board [State], TPP- Transportatton Partnership Program [Stdte] CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2007-2012 PROJECT #37: Community Based Circulating Shuttles Ongomg Otywzde Programs DESCRIPTION: Contmue to prov1de enhanced transit serv1ce to meet the needs of the commumty through the use of fixed-route shuttle serv1ce, w1th demand- responsive routmg capab1hties. Routes 914/916 serve the Kent Trans1t Center, Reg10nal Just1ce Center, Kent C1ty Hall, Green River Commumty College's Kent campus, and local shoppmg and medical fac1ht1es. The City plans to add two new routes to demonstrate the value of cuculator transit service connectmg residential areas of the east and west hills w1th the regional bus and commuter train services at the Kent Transit Center. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineenng ............................ $0 Right of Way Acqms1t1on .......................... $0 ConstructiOn ................................... $840,000 TOT AL ........................................... $840,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): C1ty of Kent, King County, ITS PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Routes 914/916 provide mob1hty and mdependence to many of the c1ty's semors and reduce the need for expensive ACCESS service for many wheelchmr-hft service tnps Commumty c1rculatmg shuttles encourage the part1c1patwn of all ages, all economic groups, all phys1cal ab!htles, and virtually all of our commumty m everyday CIVIC hfe w1thout the isolatwn and pollutwn of the automobtle for every tnp Commuter shuttles enhance the reg10nal transit/tram serv1ce by provtdmg the vital lmk from the home to the Transtt Center and from the Transit Center to the workplace, encouragmg people to leave thetr vehtcles at home, avmdmg the cold start tmpacts to mr quahty and reducmg congestion on local streets AlP-Artenal Improvement Program [State), CMAQ-CongestiOn M1t1gatton and A1r Quahty [Federal], FAST-Fre1ght 3 7 ActiOn Strategy for Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Corndor, FMS!B-Fre1ght Mob1hty Strategic Investment Board [State], FTA- Federal Transit Admm1stratwn [Federal]. HES-Hazard Ehmmatwn [Federal], ITS-Intelhgent TransportatiOn Systems [Federal), LID -Local Improvement D1stnct, PWTF-Pub he Works Trust Fund Loan [State], STP-Surface TransportatiOn Program [Federal), TIA-TransportatiOn Improvement Account, T!B-TransportatiOn Improvement Board [State), TPP- Transportatwn Partnership Program [State] CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT #38: 2007-2012 Americans with Disabilities Act Compliance Sidewalk Repair and Rehabilitation Ongozng Cztywzde Program DESCRIPTION: Reconstruct and repair existing sidewalks and curb ramps and install new truncated domes and hard-surfaced sidewalks to Implement and reqmrements of the Federal Amencans with Disabilities Act (ADA) consistent with the findings of the Nonmotonzed Element of the Transportation Master Plan. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering ................ $200,000 Right of Way Acqmsition .......................... $0 Construction ................................ $!, 750,000 TOTAL ........................................ $1,950,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: This proJect IS mandated by Title II of the Amencans with Disabilities Act. Title II reqmres that a public entity must evaluate Its services, programs, policies, and practices to detenmne whether they are m compliance with the nondiscnmmation reqmrements of the ADA. The ADA reqmres that an ADA Transztwn Plan be prepared to descnbe any structural or physical changes required to make programs accessible The City of Kent has conducted a self evaluation and prepared a Translfwn Plan mcludmg a pnontlzed list of proJects to bnng Itself mto compliance with the Federal ADA regulations. This program begms workmg on that list of proJects to reconstruct and repair the City's sidewalk and street/sidewalk transitiOn zones for accessibility for all citizens. AlP-Artenal Improvement Program [State], CMAQ-Congestmn Mitigation and Air Quahty [Federal], FAST-Freight 38 ActiOn Strategy for Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Corndor, FMSJB-Fre1ght Mobility Strategic Imestment Board [State], FTA- Federal Transit Admmistratmn [Federal], HES-Hazard Ehmmatton [Federal], ITS-Intelligent TransportatiOn Systems [Federal], LID -Local Improvement Distnct, PWTF-Pubhc Works Trust Fund Loan [State], STP-Surface TransportatiOn Program [Federal], TIA-Transportation Improvement Account, TIB-TransportatiOn Improvement Board [State], TPP- Transportatmn Partnership Program [State] CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 2007-2012 WASHINGTON For more information or additional copies of this document contact: Steve Mullen, Transportation Engineering Manager City of Kent, Public Works, Eng1neenng 220 Fourth Avenue South Kent, WA 98032-5895 (253) 856-5585 smullen@ci.kent.wa.us 39