HomeMy WebLinkAbout1728Resolution No. 1728
CFN = 1300-LID 359
Passed -8/1/2006
["Beginning August 1, 2004"]
Resolution of Intent-LID 359
A RESOLUTION of the city council of the city of
Kent, Washmgton, declanng 1ts mtent1on to order the
construct1on of roadway Improvements, sanitary sewer
1mprovements1 water mam Improvements, and a storm
water detention pond; to create a local Improvement
d1stnct to assess a part of the cost and expense of
carrymg out those Improvements aga1nst the properties
speCially benef1ted by the proJect; and to not1fy all
persons who des1re to ObJect to the format1on of th1s
local Improvement d1stnct and 1ts attendant
Improvements to appear and present the1r obJeCtiOns at
a heanng before the c1ty council to be held on
September 5, 2006.
WASHINGTON, as follows:
SECTION 1. The c1ty counc1l of the c1ty of Kent, Washmgtonr mtends to
order the Improvement of the properties w1thm the area descnbed 1n Exh1b1t A,
attached and mcorporated, by the construction of roadway Improvements, san1tary
sewer Improvements, water mam Improvements, and a storm water detent1on
pond, as more fully descnbed m Exh1b1t B, attached and mcorporated.
All these Improvements shall conform with the plans and spec1ficat1ons
prepared by the City's D1rector of Public Works and may be mod1f1ed as long as that
mod1f1cat1on does not affect the purpose of the Improvements.
SECTION 2. The total est1mated cost and expense of the Improvements IS
declared to be $6,7021 000; approx1mately $4,686,802.40 of that cost and expense
to be pa1d by the c1ty and from grants, and the balance (an est1mated
1 Resolution of Intent -LID 359
$2,015,197.60) to be borne by and assessed aga1nst the property spec1ally
benefited by the Improvements. Th1s proposed local Improvement d1stnct w1ll
mclude, as nearly as practicable, all property specially benefited by the
Improvements. Actual assessments may vary from est1mated assessments so long
as those assessments do not exceed the mcreased true and fa1r value that the
Improvements add to the property.
SECTION 3. The c1ty clerk 1s authonzed and d1rected to g1ve not1ce of the
adoption of th1s resolut1on and of the date, t1me, and place f1xed for the public
heanng to each owner or reputed owner of any lot, tract, parcel of land, or other
property w1thm the proposed local Improvement d1stnct by ma1l1ng appropnate
not1ce at least fifteen (15) days before the date f1xed for the publiC heanng to the
owners or reputed owners of the property as shown on the rolls of the K1ng County
Assessor at the address shown on the rolls, as requ1red by law.
Th1s resolut1on also shall be published m 1ts ent1rety m at least two (2)
consecutive 1ssues of the off1c1al newspaper of the c1ty, the date of the f1rst
publ1cat1on to be at least f1fteen (15) days pnor to the date f1xed for the public
SECTION 4. All persons who w1sh to comment m support of or object to
the format1on of the proposed local Improvement d1stnct and 1ts attendant
Improvements are not1f1ed to appear and present those comments or obJeCtions at
a heanng before the c1ty counc1l to be held m the counc1l chambers 1n the Kent
City Hall located at 220 4th Avenue South 1n Kent, Washmgton, at 7.00 p.m. on
September 5, 2006, wh1ch t1me and place are f1xed for heanng all matters relatmg
to the Improvements, for rece1v1ng all comments and objections, and for
determ1n1ng the method of payment for the Improvements. All persons who w1sh
to object should appear and present the1r objections at that heanng. Any person
who WIShes to f1le a wntten protest w1th the c1ty council may do so w1thm thirty
(30) days after the date of passage of the ordmance ordermg the Improvements m
the event the local Improvement d1stnct IS formed. The wntten protest should be
s1gned by the property owner(s) and should Include the legal descnpt1on of the
property for wh1ch the protest IS flied and should be delivered to the c1ty clerk.
2 Resolution of Intent -UD 359
SECTION 5. The c1ty's Director of Public Works IS d1rected to submit to the
City counCil on or pnor to September 5, 2006, all data and mformat10n requ1red by
law to be submitted.
Passed at a regular open publ1c meetmg by the c1ty council of the c1ty of
Kent, Washmgton, th1s 1st day of August, 2006.
Concurred 1n by the Mayor of the city of Kent th1s .J..!!:day of August,
~~ -----
Spec1al Counsel and Bond Counsel
3 Resolution of Intent -LID 359
Exhibit A
L.I.D. Boundary Description
L.I.D. 359 -116th Avenue S.E. Street and Utility Improvements
That port1on of the northwest quarter of Sect1on 28, Township 22 North, Range 5 East, W.M.
and the northeast quarter of Sect1on 29, Township 22 North, Range 5 East, W.M., all 1n K1ng
County, Washmgton, descnbed as follows:
Commencmg at the northeast corner of sa1d Sect1on 29; thence S00°56'55''W, along the
east l1ne of sa1d Sect1on 29, a distance of 660 21 feet to the southeast corner of the
northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of sa1d Sect1on 29 and
the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence N88°03'55"W, along the south lme of sa1d
subdiVISIOn, 655.92 feet to the west l1ne of the east half of the northeast quarter of the
northeast quarter of sa1d Sect1on 29; thence S00°35'16"W, along sa1d west I me, 165.60 feet
to the south l1ne of the north half of the north half of the south half of the east half of the
northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of Said SectiOn 29; thence S88°06'42"E, along
sa1d south l1ne, 654 87 feet to the east lme of the northeast quarter of sa1d Sect1on 29;
thence S00°56'55"W, along sa1d east line, 165.05 feet to the south lme of the north half of
the southeast quarter of the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of sa1d Section 29;
thence N88°09'29"W, along sa1d south lme, 366.75 feet to the east lme of the west 287.00
feet of the east half of the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of sa1d Sect1on 29;
thence S00°35'16"W, along sa1d east lme, 330.74 feet to the south lme of the northeast
quarter of the northeast quarter of sa1d Sect1on 29, thence N88°15'05"W, along sa1d south
I me, 36 61 feet; thence SOl 0 06'30"W 325.20 feet; thence N89°01'18"E 178.31 feet; thence
S02°40'13"W 181.41 feet to the northeasterly margm of SR 516 (a.k.a. Kent-Kangley
H1ghway), thence S61 °05'12"E, along sa1d northeasterly margm, 259.70 feet to the east
line of sa1d Sect1on 29; thence contmu1ng S61 °05'12"E, along sa1d northeasterly margm,
580 16 feet to the east I me of Lot 1, Kmg County Short Plat, KCSP 382004R, recorded under
Kmg County Recordmg Number 8509090500; thence N02°17'22"E, along sa1d east lme,
227.16 feet; thence N87°42'38"W, along the north lme thereof, 203 15 feet to the
southwest corner of Lot 7 of Seven Oaks Terrace, as recorded m Volume 142 of Plats, pages
42 and 43, records of K1ng County, thence N02°17'4l"E, along the west lme of sa1d plat,
656.48 feet to the south lme of the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of sa1d
Sect1on 28 and an angle pomt m the west lme of sa1d plat; thence NQQ057'50"E along the
west lme of Seven Oaks DIVISIOn 1, as recorded m Volume 127 of Plats, pages 3 and 4,
records of Kmg County, a distance of 660.20 feet to the south lme of the northwest quarter
of the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of sa1d Sect1on 28; thence N88056'39"W
along sa1d south lme, 330.24 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING.
Exhibit A
Exhibit B
Description of Improvements
L.I.D 359 -116th Avenue S.E. Street and Utility Improvements
Roadway Improvements:
The roadway Improvements include widening to 5 lanes ( 2 lanes each directton with a
center turn lane), btke lanes, curb and gutter, stdewalk, channeltzatton, stgnmg, storm
drainage tncludmg stubs to the adJacent properties, street lighttng, street trees and
undergrounding of overhead power and telephone wtres. Also tncluded IS wtdentng on Kent
Kangley Road at the 1ntersect10n wtth 116'h Avenue to provtde for addtttonal turn lanes. The
proJect also includes the purchase of addtttonal nght of way to accommodate the wtdentng.
116TH Ave S.E. Kent Kangley Road (SR 516)
Kent Kangley Road approximately 300 feet west
of 116th Ave. S.E.
(There are no street assessments along Kent Kangley Road.)
Sanitarv Sewer Improvements:
approximately 140 feet
south of S.E. 256th Street
(L.I D. assessments are to
approximately 660 feet
south of S.E. 256th Street)
approximately 970 feet
east of 116th Ave. S. E.
The proJect cons1sts of mstalltng an etght-inch dtameter santtary sewer collectton system
complete wtth manholes to servtce all properties Within the L.I.D. boundary not currently
servtced by santtary sewer Stx-tnch dtameter stde sewer stubs from the matn ltne to the
property lmes at the street are also Included For properties where future multiple
connecttons are anttctpated, the appropnate number of stubs are tncluded. Where there IS
anttctpated stgntftcant future development, an etght inch stub 1s tncluded.
Water Main Improvements:
Stubs and servtces from the extsting water matn to accommodate future development wtll
be mstalled to the edge of the nght of way. Thts work mcludes one tnch servtce lines for
antiCipated future lots or where requtred, an etght mch stub for a mam ltne extensiOn.
Storm Water Detention:
A storm water detentton pond wtll be constructed at the northeast corner of 115th Avenue
S.E and S.E 259th Place Included IS purchase of property for the pond.
Exhtbtt B
I, the unders1gned, c1ty clerk of the city of Kent, Washmgton (the "c1ty"), hereby
cert1fy as follows:
1. The attached copy of Resolution No. /70! 't/ (the "Resolution") 1s a full, true
and correct copy of an Resolution duly adopted at a regular meetmg of the c1ty council of
the c1ty held at the regular meetmg place thereof on August 1, 2006, as that Resolution
appears on the mmute book of the c1ty, and the Resolution Will be m full force and effect
1mmed1ately followmg 1ts adoption.
2. A quorum of the members of the c1ty council was present throughout the
meeting and a ma]onty of those members present voted m the proper manner for the
adopt1on of the Resolut1on.
50697468 1
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand th1s _L_ day of August, 2006.
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