HomeMy WebLinkAbout1716Resolution No. 1716 ["Beginning August 1, 2004"] CFN = 1301 -SE 227th Pl. Sanitary Sewers-Public Hearing Date on Proposed LID Passed -3/7/2006 LID 360 RESOLUTION NO. ----'-/_1.;....__/_b_ A RESOLUTION of the city council of the city of Kent, Washington, declanng its 1ntent1on to order the construction of an 8" sanitary sewer system w1th 6" s1de sewer stubs to the property lme for each of the twelve properties included in the proposed local Improvement district and to create a local improvement d1stnct to assess a part of the cost and expense of carrying out those Improvements against the properties spec1ally benefited thereby, and not1fy1ng all persons who des1re to obJect to the improvements to appear and present their obJections at a heanng before the City counCil to be held on Apnl 4, 2006. RESOLUTION THE CTTY COUNCIL OF THE CTTY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. -Improvements. It IS the intent1on of the c1ty counCil of the City of Kent, Washington, to order the improvement of the properties within the area descnbed in Exhibit A, attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof, by the construction of an 8" sanitary sewer system w1th 6" side sewer stubs to the property line for each of the twelve properties included in the proposed local 1 SE 227" Pl. Sanitary Sewers- Public Hearing Date on Proposed LID improvement district, as more fully described in Exhibit B, attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof. All of the foregoing Improvements shall be in accordance with the plans and specifications therefor prepared by the d1rector of public works of the c1ty and may be mod1fied by the City as long as that modification does not affect the purpose of the improvements. SECTION 2. -Estimated Cost and Exoense. The total estimated cost and expense of the Improvements IS declared to be $216,000 and all of that cost and expense shall be borne by and assessed aga1nst the property speCially benefited by the improvements to be included m a local Improvement district to be established embrac1ng as nearly as pract1cable all the property speCially benefited by the Improvements. Actual assessments may vary from estimated assessments as long as they do not exceed a figure equal to the mcreased true and fa1r value the improvements add to the property. SECTION 3. -Nottce. The c1ty clerk IS authorized and d1rected to g1ve not1ce of the adoption of this resolution and of the date, time and place fixed for the public heanng to each owner or reputed owner of any lot, tract, parcel of land or other property within the proposed local improvement district by mailing such notice at least fifteen days before the date fixed for public hearing to the owner or reputed owner of the property as shown on the rolls of the Kmg County Assessor at the address shown thereon, as required by law. The city clerk also is authonzed and directed to give not1ce of the adoption of this resolut1on and of the date, t1me and place fixed for the public hearing to each owner or reputed owner of any lot, tract, parcel of land or 2 SE 227" Pl. Sanitary Sewers- Public Hearing Date on Proposed UD other property outside of the proposed local improvement district that is required by the Federal Housmg Administration as a condition of loan qualification to be connected to the proposed improvements, by ma1lmg such notice at least 15 days before the date fixed for the public hearing to the owner or reputed owner of the property as shown on the rolls of the County Assessor at the address shown thereon, as required by law. Th1s resolut1on also shall be published in its entirety m at least two consecutive issues of the official newspaper of the City, the date of the first publication to be at least 15 days prior to the date fixed for the public heanng. SEcnON 4.-Comments or Objections. All persons who may desire to comment in support of or obJect to the improvements are not1fied to appear and present those comments or objections at a hearing before the city council to be held in the counCJI chambers in the city hall in Kent, Washmgton, at 7:00 p.m. on April 4, 2006, wh1ch t1me and place are fixed for heanng all matters relatmg to the improvements and all comments thereon and objections thereto and for determinmg the method of payment for the improvements. All persons who may des1re to obJect thereto should appear and present their objections at that hearing. Any person who may desire to file a wntten protest with the c1ty council may do so withm 30 days after the date of passage of the ordmance ordenng the Improvements m the event the local Improvement distnct JS formed. The written protest should be signed by the property owner and should include the legal descnpt1on of the property for which the protest IS filed and that protest should be delivered to the c1ty clerk. 3 SE 227" Pl. Sanitary Sewers- Public Hearing Date on Proposed UD SECTION 5.-Data Submittal. The city's director of public works is directed to submit to the city counc1l on or pnor to April 4, 2006, all data and information required by law to be submitted. SECTION 6. -Effective Date. This resolution shall take effect and be 1n force immediately upon its passage. PASSED at a regular open public meeting by the city council of the c1ty of Kent, Washington, this 7 day of March, 2006. CONCURRED in by the mayor of the city of Kent this _ _,_1_ day of March, 2006. ATTEST: ~?rf~ Spec1al Counsel and Bond Counsel ODMA\PCOOCS\SEADOCS\50636092\1 ••••••• •• •• .. . • • • / 'IYa:s\ ~ I 0 , :~·.;" ~ H4~c<J} ;I •• ,• ....... ~ . .. . •' .. ' .¥ ••••••••• I 1 I I~ 4 SE 227th Pl. SanitarySewers- Public Hearing Date on Proposed UD CERTIFICATION I, the undersigned, City Clerk of the City of Kent, Washmgton (the "City''), hereby certify as follows: 1. The attached copy of Resolution No./'7/6 (the "Resolution'') is a full, true and correct copy of an Resolution duly adopted at a regular meetmg of the City CounCil of the City held at the regular meeting place thereof on March 7, 2006, as that Resolutton appears on the minute book of the City; and the Resolutton wtll be m full force and effect immediately followtng its adoption; and 2. A quorum of the members of the City Council was present throughout the meettng and a maJonty of those members present voted m the proper manner for the adoption of the Resolutton. 2006. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand thts _2_ day of March, CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON • I II" I I It... ~ / . . . • • • .. · rr "--""' s··. """' . .. ... ~~ .. ./ . . ... . ' .. ,., ... .... ·~e-o'!!~·/ . ' •' ..... . . . . .. . .. . .... .. . 5 SE 227" Pl. Sanitary Sewers- Public Hearing Date on Proposed LID Exhibit A LID 360 Lots 1 through 6, inclusive, and Lots 8 through 13, inclusive, in the plat of Sunny Hill, as recorded 1n Volume 70 of plats, page 41, records of King County, Washmgton. EXHIBIT "B" L.I.D. 360 SE 22ih Place Sanitary Sewer (1161h Ave. SE to Approximately 535 feet East) SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEME~TS The proposed project is the construction of an 8" sanitary sewer system with 6" side sewer stubs to the property !me for each of the 12 properties mcluded m the L.I.D. boundary The construction will include 8" sanitary sewer at the following locations. SE 227'h Place FROM Ex1sting manhole approximately 95 feet west of 116 1h Ave. SE Approx1mately 500 feet East of 1161h Ave. SE \Des1gn\SE 277TH PL SS LID\dwg\VJC MAP dwg, 2/3/2006 4.47'07 PM ~~~ :rn ~~· ;:1-(l)o:::g Ill .... --< ~..:~.m(')o >(j)• -"1 ~-fNZ~ ~ :I: ~:pi :i:r>-1-< <::t:-5:,., rn.,:r,:.~ (l)l'"'"tJ~ • )> :;J r" (') ~ -lm 0 0'1 Ul Q 'T'1 -1 . m )> en -4 - 0 ,., ;' "' ;! "' z ""' t; 0 ~ " ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ N ~..2:_r ~~ -~~-, ~ ;.:_.........__,__ I ' ' l I ' ~---: L ------~~ 1 r ~-"-'iL ----L--=-}_:·~~: ~}~ J '' ' !--1_c_' __:f-.~:>! c_q:1i o If j , 'II ~~ ~--r --> -~L"""T. __ _ ' L_ !::.~ ---r--,-----------1 - ' ! -~·--! ~ -1 r-'- I i ,,~-,-,~·---, !__,, '·--i I I I I I -_-:.;· _j! _=-=""-"-~----= : -~-i i -I, ' .-----'--r Lr I \ --t 1<-1 1 r-,~; -----\ I \ I L~~ I . ·---1 l------~ • i : ----~ <1-----<> I ' I ~·~------. i ! ! ' I ~---L.____._ __________ - • * i r---i . I ·----___ j I I I \ i I ! i (------;----...,.. ---- MANHOLE QUESTIONNAIRE RESPONSE: PROCEED WITH LID FORMATION CITY OF KENT ~ £NGIN£ERING DEP ... RTM£NT 400 W. GOWE ST • I([NT. WA.. 98032 SANITARY SEWER LID BOUNDARY MAP S.E. 227TH PLACE (116TH AVE. S.E. TO 550FT. EAST) FESRUARY. 2006