HomeMy WebLinkAbout3769Ordinance No. 3769 (Amending or Repealing Ordinances) CFN=377 - Comprehensive Plan Passed - 11/15/2005 Urban Density Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map and Zoning Designations ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, amending Comprehensive Plan land use and zoning map designations as a result of the City's urban density study, which analyzed, parcels of real property located throughout the City of Kent that had low density zoning and land use designations. (CPA -2004-5). RECITALS 1. General Recitals 1.1. The City of Kent passed Ordinance No. 3698, an update to the City's Comprehensive Plan, on July 20, 2004 per the requirements of the Growth Management Act (GMA). RCW 36.70A.130(4). To address the issue of providing appropriate urban densities within the City, the City Council passed Resolution No. 1680 on June 15, 2004, requesting that Planning Services analyze this issue in accord with the update to the Comprehensive Plan. Recogmzmg the importance of this issue, the City Council then passed Resolution No. 1694 on December 14, 2004, declaring an emergency to pursue revision to the Comprehensive Plan in regard to the urban density study. 1.2. The urban density study involved considering amendments to parcels of real property with Comprehensive Plan land use map designations of Single -Family one (1) unit per acre (SF -1), and Single -Family three (3) units per acre (SF -3). The study also involved reviewing parcels of real property with zoning map designations of Single -Family one (1) unit per acre (SR -1), Single -Family two (2) units per acre (SR - 2), and Single -Family three (3) units per acre (SR -3). The parcels reviewed were Urban Density Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map and Zoning Designations located throughout the City, but were categorized for ease of reference into four study areas: Area A — Green River, Area B — North East Hill, Area C — South East Hill, and Area D — Lea Hill. These study areas were in turn divided into sub areas. See Exhibit 1, Attachment A, incorporated by this reference, for a map depicting the four study areas and fourteen subareas. 1.3. On May 12, 2005, August 16, 2005, and September 7, 2005, the City provided the required sixty (60) day notification under RCW 36.70A.106 to the state of Washington regarding the City's urban density study. Comments from the state were incorporated into the record. 1.4. The City's State Environmental Policy Act responsible official issued a Determination of Nonsignificance (#ENV -2005-38) for the proposed land use and zoning map amendments as well as corresponding text amendments on August 12, 2005. 1.5. The urban density study began its public participation campaign with a series of open houses to apprise citizens of the issues surrounding the study and obtain input from citizens regarding the issues to be addressed by the study. These open houses were held at various locations throughout the City on November 4, 2004; November 9, 2004; November 10, 2004; and January 6, 2005. 1.6. Also as part of the information gathering process for the urban density study, workshops were held by the City's Land Use and Planning Board on the following dates to review land use history, environmentally sensitive areas, infrastructure, building capacity, urban separator maps, and other topics related to analyzing appropriate urban densities: October 25, 2004; January 10, 2005; January 24, 2005; February 28, 2005; and June 13, 2005. The Land Use and Planning Board also held public hearings on the following dates to solicit comments from the public 2 Urban Density Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map and Zoning Designations regarding the urban density study in general and specifically the various land use and zoning map options being considered as well as the corresponding text amendments: March 28, 2005; April 4, 2005; August 22, 2005; and September 12, 2005. On September 19, 2005, the Land Use and Planning Board made recommendations on appropriate urban densities to the City Council for all four study areas. 1.7. During the urban density study, the City's Planning and Economic Development Committee was provided information regarding the study during its meetings on August 15, 2005; September 19, 2005; and October 17, 2005. The Committee considered the Land Use and Planning Board's recommendation at its meeting on October 17, 2005, and forwarded its own recommendations to the full City Council. 1.8. Prior to a final vote on the urban density issue, the full City Council held workshops regarding the urban density study on October 18, 2005, and November 1, 2005. At its regularly scheduled meeting on November 1, 2005, the City Council voted to adopt amendments to the land use and zoning maps as well as corresponding text amendments. 1.9. These amendments reflect the City Council's understanding that the concept of urban density is driven by GMA's goals related to urban growth, reducing sprawl, and ensuring the availability of affordable housing. RCW 36.70A.020(1), (2), and (4). At the same time GMA recognizes the importance of open space, protecting the environment, and providing a variety of residential densities. RCW 36.70A.020(4), (9) and (10). The Council takes very seriously its duty to the citizens of Kent to harmonize these goals in planning for the future of the City of Kent given the particular needs and circumstances of the City of Kent. With this Ordinance, the City Council has exercised its statutorily granted discretion while staying within the framework provided by GMA. RCW 36.70A.3201. 3 Urban Density Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map and Zoning Designations 1.10. The local circumstances in the City of Kent provide sufficient capacity to meet all our 2022 housing targets and leaves additional capacity to accommodate Kent's share of King County's future growth forecast. Kent encourages and stimulates urban growth through its varied land uses: single-family residential, multifamily residential, mobile home parks, commercial, urban center, mixed use, neighborhood services, industrial, and manufacturing/industrial centers. The variety of land uses also provides for compact urban growth. With this ordinance, the City will have less than ten (10) percent of its land in low density residential designations. 2. Study Area A — Green River Orillia Subarea (Al) 2.1. The Orillia subarea (Al) within Study Area A - Green River contains approximately 157 acres and is located on Kent's valley floor north of South 212th Street and abutting the Green River. The area is mostly undeveloped with some single- family residences. For this subarea, the City Council adopted the comprehensive plan land use and zoning map amendments as shown on Attachment B-1 incorporated herein. The King County tax parcel numbers for the affected real property within the Orillia subarea are listed in Attachment C incorporated herein along with their former and newly adopted designations. King County tax parcel number 0222049045 has more than one land use and zoning designation, therefore, a more detailed map of this parcel is found in Attachment C-1 and C-2 incorporated herein. The adopted alternative maintains low density land use and zoning designations on property that is environmentally constrained or publicly owned, and applies higher densities to properties not environmentally constrained. 2.2. Five (5) of the Orillia subarea parcels have been redesignated from a low density land use designation of SF -1 and a low density zoning designation of SR -1 to an urban density land use designation of Single Family eight (8) units per acre (SF -8) 4 Urban Density Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map and Zoning Designations and an urban density zoning designation of Single Family eight (8) units per acre (SR- M 2.3. One (1) parcel, publicly owned and adjacent to South 212`h Street maintains the existing SR -1 zoning and OS land use designations. Fifteen (15) parcels privately owned, maintain their low density SR -1 zone and amend the SF -1 land use designation to US. 2.4. The low density designation in the Orillia subarea, SR -1 zoning and Urban Separator (US) land use, have been adopted after thorough analysis of the existing conditions, the Comprehensive Plan's Goals and Policies, the King County Countywide Planning Policies (CPPB), and GMA. The Comprehensive Plan — Land Use Element defines US as follows: [L]ow density lands that define community or municipal identities and boundaries, protect adjacent resource lands, rural areas, and environmentally sensitive areas, and create open space corridors within and between urban areas which provide environmental, visual, recreational and wildlife benefits. Land Use Element, page 43. The Comprehensive Plan Goal LU -31 further provides for the establishment of these US areas: Establish Urban Separators to protect environmentally sensitive areas, including lakes, streams, wetlands, and geologically unstable areas such as steep slopes, to create open space corridors that provide environmental, visual, recreational and wildlife benefits within and between urban growth areas, and to take advantage of unusual landscape features such as cliffs or bluffs and environmentally unique areas. Further detail is provided in Policy LU -31.4 and LU -31.6, which elaborate on when to establish US to include "links between" and "protection of, sensitive areas, public parks, open spaces or trails, ... floodplain, ... unstable slopes, regionally or 5 Urban Density Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map and Zoning Designations locally significant resource areas, fish and wildlife habitat and other unique environmental features." The Policies reinforce linking the City's US with those in "adjacent cities and unincorporated King County to create a regional approach to Urban Separators." 2.5. The application of US is further supported in the Comprehensive Plan's Park & Open Space (P&OS) Element where all of the policies associated with Goal P&OS-3 reinforce the City's interest in establishing "an open space pattern that will provide definition of and separation between developed areas, and provide opens space linkage among park and recreation sources." 2.6. The environmental conditions that, in part, support the US designation in the Orillia subarea include a large inventoried wetland (approximately 232 acres) that extends well beyond the boundaries of this subarea. Johnson Creek flows through this wetland and has been reported to contain juvenile salmon. The Green River Valley is flanked on both sides by very steep wooded hillsides (gaining 400 feet in elevation). Along the western edge of this subarea, the hillside provides a relatively continuous habitat corridor for a myriad of urban wildlife, as well as a visual break in the urban form. The riparian habitat of the Green River, the large wetland, and the adjacent steep wooded hillside create a complex corridor running north/south, and by extension through the Grandview (A2) and Riverbend (A3) subareas, it connects to the Lower Green River Agricultural Production District (APD) located to the south in unincorporated King County. The APD is designated as "rural" and connects with Urban Separators located to the east and mapped in King County's CPPs. 2.7. The Green River flows through the Orillia subarea and is designated as a River of Statewide Significance. It supports Chinook Salmon and Coho Salmon, endangered and candidate species respectively, as well as various birds, animals, and reptiles that are dependent on, or benefit from, this complex riparian habitat. 6 Urban Density Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map and Zoning Designations 2.8. Frager Road is located on the Green River's dike and is designated in Kent's Shoreline Master Plan as "scenic and recreational" due to its beautiful rural scenery and its use as a recreational path. Frager Road is small remnant of Kent's rural past. It is closed to through traffic and the "scenic and recreational" designation limits direct access from new development onto Frager Road and requires a substantial setback to maintain the recreational and scenic quality of the road. The adopted low density designations ensure that Frager Road continues to provide recreational opportunities and is protected from upgrading to urban standards. 2.9. The regulations applicable to a parcel having a land use designation of US and a zoning designation of SR -1 provide necessary additional protection to the critical areas in additional to the City's Critical Areas Ordinance (CAO) found in Chapter 11.06 of the Kent City Code (KCC). The US land use designation ensures that development is clustered, adding another fifty (50) percent open space to landscapes protected by the CAO. The lower density decreases the overall impacts of human encroachments on the critical areas. 2.10. Outside of the City's Comprehensive Plan, the City's establishment of Urban Separators is also supported in the King County CPPs (2004 edition) and GMA. The CPPB Community Character and Open Space (D) support local jurisdictions efforts to identify and establish Urban Separators: These open space lands and corridors or greenways should be selected and preserved to form an interconnected system regionally and within jurisdictions locally...." "On an individual basis, jurisdictions should strive to identify, establish and protect open space lands of local significance that also complement, adjoin or enhance the regional system. 7 Urban Density Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map and Zoning Designations The City's adoption of US land use and SR -1 zoning designations in the Orillia subarea compliments and adjoins the existing regional system of opens space lands located to the south. 2.11. The GMA also empowers cities to identify open space corridors. RCW 36.70A.160 encourages jurisdictions to "... identify open space corridors within and between urban growth areas. They shall include lands useful for recreation, wildlife habitat, trails, and connections of critical areas ..." The GMA goal for open space and recreation in RCW 36.70A.020(9) supports the concept of both open space and urban separators where it states "[r]etain open space, enhance recreational opportunities, conserve fish and wildlife habitat, increase access to natural resource lands and water, and develop parks and recreations facilities." In conjunction with the land use and zoning designations adopted for the Grandview (A2) and Riverbend (A3) subareas, the US and Open Space (OS) land use designations connect the Lower Green River APD located south in unincorporated King County, establishing a regionally significant open space corridor that has previously not been provided protection. 3. Study Area A — Green River Grandview Subarea (A2) 3.1. The Grandview Subarea (A2) of Study Area A — Green River is approximately 421 acres located on the valley floor south of South 212th Street and north of South 230th Street. The Green River is the eastern boundary and the landscape rises up to the west onto the hillside that flanks the valley. The valley floor portion is primarily undeveloped land, with some single-family residences, a commercial greenhouse operation, a soils manufacturing and distribution operation, and a large machinery staging area. The gentle slopes of the western hills contain a residential Planned Unit Development (PUD) called "Riverview." On the southwestern portion of the hill there is a portion of the Kent Highlands landfill closed and maintained by Seattle public utility as a Superfund site. 8 Urban Density Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map and Zoning Designations 3.2. For the Grandview subarea, the City Council adopts the comprehensive plan land use and zoning map amendments as shown on Attachment B-2 incorporated herein. The King County tax parcel numbers for the affected real property in the Grandview subarea are listed in Attachment D incorporated herein along with their former and newly adopted designations. King County tax parcel numbers 1522049166, 1522049167, 1522049165, 1022049207, 1522049066, and 0002000010 have more than one land use and zoning designation per parcel, therefore, more detailed maps of these parcels are found in Attachment D-1 through D-6 incorporated herein. The adopted alternative supports higher density land use and zoning designations for properties not environmentally constrained and low density designations for those that are constrained. 3.3. The eleven (11) parcels abutting South 212th Street are redesignated from low density SR -3 zoning and SF -3 land use to an urban density SR -8 zoning and SF -8 land use. Tax parcels located in the southwestern portion of the subarea at the crest of the hillside are changed from low density SR -3 zoning and SF -3 land use to Community Commercial Mixed -Use (CC -MU) zoning and Mixed -Use (MU) land use. This parcel is surrounded by Community Commercial and General Commercial zoning to the west. The slope is gentle in this area and there are no environmental constraints, with the exception of its proximity to the landfill. CC -MU and MU designations complement the surrounding land uses, and the 228th corridor will provide adequate traffic capacity. The remaining parcels being granted an urban density are either developed, vested, or have PUD applications pending. These are redesignated from low density SR -3 zoning and SF -3 land use to urban density SR -4.5 zoning and SF -4.5 land use. 3.4. The low density designation in the Grandview subarea, SR -1 zoning and US or OS land use, have been adopted after thorough analysis of the existing conditions, the Comprehensive Plan Goals and Policies, the King County CPPs, and 9 Urban Density Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map and Zoning Designations GMA. The use of US is supported by the City, King County, and GMA policies as outlined for the Orillia subarea. The low density designations for this subarea become part of a larger regional open space corridor that links to the Lower Green River APD and King County Urban Separators mapped in the CPPB. 3.5. Two (2) of the parcels located along South 212th Street are entirely constrained by wetlands and are redesignated from SR -1 zoning and SF -1 land use to SR -1 zoning and US land use. All properties located along the hillside to the west change from SR -3 zoning and SF -3 land use to SR -1 zoning and US land use. The hillside is dominated by forty (40) percent or greater slopes and the parcels are either publicly owned or have had their density transferred to an existing PUD. The one exception is a privately owned parcel of approximately 2.95 acres constrained by forty' (40) percent or greater slopes with the exception of approximately 1000 square feet. The low density designation reflects the parcel's limited capacity to sustain structures. The publicly owned parcels are amended from their low density designations to SR -1 zoning and US land use with the exception of a future park which maintains the SR -1 zoning and OS land use designation. 3.6. The closed Kent Highlands land fill is located on approximately sixty (60) acres of a one hundred (100) acre site. Based on a remedial investigation, the land fill was closed, monitoring standards were established, and regulatory controls were put into place to ensure public safety from runoff and out -gassing of methane. King County requires protection against methane migration for any building within 1,000 feet of a landfill that is generating methane. Restrictive covenants recorded against the real property would preclude future uses of the site that might damage the containment, control, treatment, or monitoring systems, and could also include requirements for continued operation and maintenance of these systems. The use of US is supported by the environmentally sensitive (toxic) condition of much of this land. 10 Urban Density Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map and Zoning Designations 4. Study Area A — Green River Riverbend Subarea (A3) 4.1. The Riverbend subarea in Study Area A — Green River is approximately 404 acres located on the valley floor south of South 230th Street with the southern boundary being Meeker Street and the eastern boundary being the Green River. The subarea rises up to the west until it ends at SR -516. The valley floor portion is primarily undeveloped land with a few single-family residences, a commercial nursery operation, and City of Kent park land. The northwestern portion of the hill contains a portion of the closed Kent Highlands landfill. 4.2. For the Riverbend subarea, the City Council adopts the comprehensive plan land use and zoning map amendments as shown on Attachment B-3 incorporated herein. The King County tax parcel numbers for the affected real property in the Riverbend subarea are listed in Attachment E incorporated herein along with their former and newly adopted designations. King County tax parcel numbers 0002000001, 0002000010, 2322049010, 2322049027, 2322049011, and 9316000000 have more than one land use and zoning designation per parcel, therefore, more detailed maps of these parcels are found in Attachment E-1 through E-5 incorporated herein. The adopted alternative supports higher density land use and zoning designations for properties not environmentally constrained and low density designations for those that are constrained. 4.3. This gently sloping portion of the Kent Highlands landfill has the potential for development once the landfill contamination has been mitigated. This portion of the closed landfill has potential views making it appealing for development, and the capacity prepares the City for additional growth in the decades to come. These parcels are redesignated from low density SR -1 zoning and SF -1 land use to an urban density of Townhouse/Condo (MRT-16) zoning and Low Density Multifamily (LDMF) land use. 11 Urban Density Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map and Zoning Designations 4.4. This alternative supports the US land use designations for lands that are significantly constrained by slopes of forty (40) percent or greater contain wetlands and are part of the Green River Floodway and riparian habitat. The Riverbend subarea contains a complex habitat made up of the Green River's riparian habitat and adjacent steep wooded slopes that flank the valley. Together they function as part of a larger regional corridor that stretches from the Orillia (Al) and Grandview (A2) subareas south to the Lower Green River APD and then east to King County's Urban Separators mapped in the CPPs. The size, function, and high rank order of value contained within the Orillia (Al), Grandview (A2), and King County's APD justify the low density designation of SR -1 zoning and US land use. The Onllia subarea recitals in this ordinance contain additional details supporting the use of the US land use designation. A large portion of the Green River also lacks dikes in this subarea, warranting a Federal Emergency Management Act (FEMA) designation of floodway. 4.5. This alternative supports the OS land use designation for lands dedicated to recreation such as the golf course, fishing hole, ball fields, ice arena, and the City's Parks Maintenance Shops. The designation of SR -1 zoning and OS land reflects the publicly owned nature of the parcels and their use as a recreational and vital public facilities. The Orillia subarea recitals in this ordinance contain additional details supporting the OS land use designation. 5. Study Area A — Green River West Hi11 Subarea (A4) 5.1. The West Hill subarea in Study Area A — Green River is comprised of approximately 114 acres of land scattered over the west hill of Kent, with a small (portion of land located on the Green River valley bottom. The existing uses vary from single-family residences, to protected private open space associated with multifamily development, to public open space. 12 Urban Density Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map and Zoning Designations 5.2. For the West Hill subarea, the City Council adopts the Comprehensive Pplan land use and zoning map amendments as shown on Attachment B4 incorporated herein. The King County tax parcel numbers for the affected real property in the West Hill subarea are listed in Attachment F incorporated herein along with their former and newly adopted designations. King County tax parcel numbers 2822049066 and 2722049149 have more than one land use and zoning designation per parcel, therefore, more detailed maps of these parcels are found in Attachment F-1 and F-2 incorporated herein. The adopted alternative supports higher density land use and zoning designations for properties not environmentally constrained and low density designations for those that are constrained. 5.3. The adopted zoning and land use designations reflect the existing uses and associated designations. The parcels located along the northern portion of this subarea that are exclusively single-family homes are redesignated from low density SR - 3 zoning and urban density SF -6 land use to urban density SR -6 zoning and SF -6 land use. In the western portion of the subarea, the section of the Royal Skies Apartments property with low density designations of SR -1 zoning and SF -1 land use is amended to urban designations of Medium Density Multifamily (MRM) zoning and Medium Density Multifamily (MDMF) land use, which are the same as the remainder of the developed property. Similarly, in the southeastern portion of the subarea, the section of the Victoria Ridge Apartments property with a low density designations of SF -2 zoning and OS land use is amended to urban designations of Low Density Multifamily Residential (MR -G) zoning and Low Density Multifamily (LDMF) land use, which is identical to the zoning and land use map designation of the remainder of the developed property. 5.4. The large publicly owned area located at the eastern edge of this subarea is amended from SR -2 zoning and OS land use to SR -1 zoning and OS land use. This area is located on both the valley bottom land and on steep, forty (40) percent or 13 Urban Density Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map and Zoning Designations greater, slopes of wooded hillside that flank the valley. This wooded habitat is very unusual within the highly altered landscape of the Green River valley. The property also abuts the rural Lower Green River APD. The complexity of the environment connection with the APD, and the visual separation from the upland land uses provided by the parcel support the designations of SR -1 zoning and OS land use. 6. Study Area B — North East Hill Springbrook Subarea (Bl) 6.1. The Springbrook subarea (B1) within Study Area B — North East Hill is approximately 36 acres located generally on the crest of the hill located east of the Green River Valley. The subarea is predominately single-family residences on relatively large parcels. For the Springbrook subarea, the City Council adopts the comprehensive plan land use and zoning map amendments as shown on Attachment B-5 incorporated herein. The King County tax parcel numbers for the affected real property in the Springbrook subarea are listed in Attachment G incorporated herein along with their former and newly adopted designations. Right-of-way existing in this subarea has more than one land use and zoning designation, therefore, a more detailed map is found in Attachment G-1 incorporated herein. 6.2. This alternative reflects existing conditions and expands the use of the low density US land use designation. Parcels located on the hillside change from SR -2 zoning with SF -3 land use and from SR -3 zoning with SF -3 land use to SR -1 zoning with US land use designations. The analysis of existing land use, environmental constraints, and infrastructure identified private properties constrained by steep slopes. These slopes are wooded and function as part of a larger system of forested hillsides that frame the Green River Valley. These private properties are primarily surrounded by Urban Separators to the north in the City of Renton and east in unincorporated King County that connect to Renton's Watershed located about 1,500 feet to the east of the Springbrook subarea. The existing environmental conditions and surrounding land 14 Urban Density Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map and Zoning Designations uses outside the city support the land use map designation of US, along with the City's Comprehensive Plan Goals and Policies, CPPB, and GMA. Further details are provided in the recitals for the Orillia subarea. The location of the steep wooded slope next to existing land use designations of US would add to the regional effort to connect lands that function as open space, while maintaining the opportunity for development. The parcels meet the definition of Urban Separator because they protect "...environmentally sensitive areas, and create(s) open space corridors within and between urban areas...." There would be an overall increase and benefit to the environment and wildlife by ensuring a low density, clustered pattern of development. 6.3. For the areas near SR -167 and a creek (City ownership as ROW), the existing zoning and land use map designations change from low density SR -2 zoning with Industrial (I) land use and low density SR -2 zoning with Manufacturing & Industrial Center (MIC) land use to the adjacent zoning and land use map designations of General Commercial (GC) zoning with Commercial (C) land use, and Limited Industrial (M2) zoning with Manufacturing/Industrial Center (MIC) land use. 7. Study Area B — North East Hill Garrison Forks Subarea (B2) 7.1. The Garrison Forks subarea (132) within Study Area B — North East Hill is approximately 174 acres located on the edge of the eastern plateau that flanks the Green River valley and is dominated by ravines and slopes, wetlands and creeks. The northern portion is relatively undeveloped with a few single-family residences and a historic cemetery. The remainder is nearly fully developed with single-family homes and a city park. 7.2. For the Garrison Forks subarea, the City Council adopts the Comprehensive Plan land use and zoning map amendments as shown on Attachment B-6 incorporated herein. The King County tax parcel numbers for the affected real 15 Urban Density Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map and Zoning Designations property in the Garrison Forks subarea are listed in Attachment H incorporated herein along with their former and newly adopted designations. 7.3. This alternative assigns designations based on vested development rights, public ownership, and existing single-family land uses, and provides urban density where appropriate. Properties located north of South 208th Street are redesignated from low density SR -1 zoning and SF -1 land use to urban density SR -4.5 zoning and SF -4.5 land use. The historic cemetery west of 92nd Ave and north of South 212th Street changes to SR- 4.5 zoning and SF -4.5 land use 7.4. Parcels with a low density designation of SR -2 zoning with SF -3 land use and SR -3 zoning with SF -3 land use are redesignated to an urban density of SR -4.5 zoning and SF -4.5 land use. The majority of these developed properties are single- family residences on 1/4 to 1/3 acre lots. The new designation reflect existing uses. 7.5. The large parcel located between South 212th Street and South 208th Street is amended from SR -1 zoning and SF -1 land use to SR -1 zoning and US land use. This area contains steep slopes and wetlands. It will function as a visual and environmental corridor within the City of Kent. The clustering opportunity allowed by US will help development while providing additional necessary protection to the resources. 7.6. The properties south of South 212th Street owned by the City of Kent are amended to a designation of SR -1 zoning and US land use. These properties are part of a fisheries enhancement project for Chinook Salmon, which are known to spawn within Garrison Creek. They will function as a visual and environmental corridor within the City of Kent. Garrison Creek Park is redesignated from SF -2 zoning and OS land use to SF -4.5 zoning and OS land use. All the properties being proposed for an US or OS land use map designation contain either steep slopes, wetlands, or ravines with creeks 16 Urban Density Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map and Zoning Designations that support salmonid fisheries or are parks. They also connect north and south to nearly continuous wooded slopes that flank the Green River valley and that ultimately connect to Urban Separators within unincorporated King County to the south. 8. Study Area B — North East Hill Lower East Hill Subarea (133) 8.1. The Lower East Hill subarea of Study Area B — North East Hill is approximately 52 acres and is located along the slope of the eastern plateau that flanks the Green River valley. The area is dominated by single-family residences on varying sized lots. This subarea, the City Council adopts the comprehensive plan land use and zoning map amendments as shown on Attachment B-7 incorporated herein. The King County tax parcel numbers for the affected real property in the Lower East Hill subarea are listed in Attachment I incorporated herein along with their former and newly adopted designations. King County tax parcel number 1822059379 has more than one land use and zoning designation, therefore, a more detailed map is found in Attachment I-1 incorporated herein. 8.2. This alternative changes the low density zoning use designations of SR -2 and SR -3 to urban zoning designations of SR -4.5. The land use designations are amended from SF -6 to the corresponding urban designation of SF -4.5. Existing flexible development regulations will accommodate a maximum density on the odd shaped lots that are constrained by slope. 9. Study Area C — South East Hill Mill Creek Park Subarea (Cl) 9.1. The Mill Creek Park Subarea in Study Area C — South East Hill is approximately 131 acres dominated by a deep ravine and steep slopes located along the eastern plateau that flanks the Green River Valley. The publicly owned parcels contain Canyon Creek Park and the upland pond. There are seven (7) privately owned parcels 17 Urban Density Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map and Zoning Designations with three (3) having single-family residences located on the steep slope of the hillside flanking the Green River Valley. 9.2. For the Mill Creek Park subarea, the City Council adopts the Comprehensive Plan land use and zoning map amendments as shown on Attachment B-8 incorporated herein. The King County tax parcel numbers for the affected real property in the Mill Creek Park subarea are listed in Attachment J incorporated herein along with their former and newly adopted designations. King County tax parcel numbers 3022059019, 3022059061, 3022059062, 3022059063, 3022059064, 3022059065, and 3022059066 each have more than one land use and zoning designation, therefore, more detailed maps are found in Attachment J-1 through J-7 incorporated herein. 9.3. This alternative reflects the environmental significance of the affected parcels to the surrounding larger system and adopts low density land use and zoning designations of either SR -1 zoning with OS land use, or SR -1 zoning with US land use. The publicly owned parcels function as a park and open space, which is supported by the Comprehensive Plan. The portion of the privately owned land designated SR -1 zoning and US land use is steeply sloped, forty (40) percent or greater, and is part of a larger, more complex system (i.e., steep wooded slope that flanks the Green River valley). When considered together with the larger environmentally sensitive landscape beyond the subarea, the low density designation recognizes the benefits to the urban setting of the wildlife habitat and open space. The US is adjacent to a designated Urban Separator in unincorporated King County. See the Orillia subarea recitals for further details on US. Further to the west is a OS designation that ultimately transitions into the rural Lower Green River APD. 18 Urban Density Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map and Zoning Designations 10. Study Area C — South East Hill Upper Mill Creek Subarea (C2) 10.1. The Upper Mill Creek (C2) subarea in Study Area C —South East Hillis approximately 80 acres and is located primarily on the plateau east of the Green River Valley with a small portion located on the flanking hillside. It contains small wetlands and creeks, publicly and privately owned lands, two elementary schools, a city park, a large open space, and single-family residences. 10.2. For the Upper Mill Creek subarea, the City Council adopts the comprehensive plan land use and zoning map amendments as shown on Attachment B-9 incorporated herein. The King County tax parcel numbers for the affected real property in the Upper Mill Creek subarea are listed in Attachment K incorporated herein along with their former and newly adopted designations. King County tax parcel numbers 3222059205, 3022059001, and 3122059011 each have more than one land use and zoning designation, therefore, more detailed maps are found in Attachment K-1 through K-3 incorporated herein. 10.3. This option changes all low density zoning designations of SR -2 zoning and SR -3 land use to an urban density of SR 4.5 zoning and SF 4.5 land use. The very steep forested slopes along the western portion of the subarea that are publicly owned and associated with the 277th Corridor would maintain the SR -1 zoning and change the land use map designation from SF -1 to US. The privately owned lands located in the southwest of the subarea maintain the existing SR -1 zone and change the SF -1 land use designation to US. The proposed US designations for public and private lands is supported by their proximity to unincorporated King County's Urban Separator, Open Space, and Agricultural designations located in the north, south, and west of the affected properties. These amended US designations are supported by the environmentally sensitive steep wooded slopes, equal to or greater than forty (40) percent, that extend beyond the subarea. The privately owned lands located to the 19 Urban Density Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map and Zoning Designations south (i.e., the dog leg) are under one ownership and total 17.4 acres, with approximately 6.6 developable acres. US clustering would allow for density transfer and a higher net density of nearly three (3) dwelling units per acre if access is made available. The Pine Tree Park changes from low density SR -2 zoning with OS land use to urban density SR -4.5 zoning with OS land use. Details supporting the OS designation are found in the recitals for the Orillia subarea 11. Study Area C — South East Hill Benson Subarea (C3) 11.1. The Benson subarea (0) in Study Area C — South East Hill is approximately 166 acres located within the gentle rolling plateau of Kent's East Hill. It contains mostly single-family residences with scattered small wetlands and creeks. There are churches, an elementary school, and a couple of city parks. For the Benson subarea, the City Council adopts the comprehensive plan land use and zoning map amendments as shown on Attachment B-10 incorporated herein. The King County tax parcel numbers for the affected real property in the Benson subarea are listed in Attachment L incorporated herein along with their former and newly adopted designations. King County tax parcel numbers 7830800294 and 7830800295 each have more than one land use and zoning designation, therefore, more detailed maps are found in Attachment L-1 and L-2 incorporated herein. 11.2. This alternative raises the density to reflect the surrounding land uses and zoning designations and the availability to infrastructure. There is adequate capacity for additional development. In the northwest section of the subarea, parcels are being redesignated from low density SR -3 zoning and SF -3 land use to an urban density of SR -8 zoning and SF -8 land use. In adjoining area in the northeast section of the subarea, parcels are being redesignated from low density SR -3 zoning and SF -3 land use to an urban density of SR -6 zoning and SF -6 land use. The remaining properties modify an SR -6 zoning designation with a non -corresponding low density 20 Urban Density Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map and Zoning Designations SF -3 land use to an urban density of SR -8 zoning with a SF -8 land use designation. The higher density designations are supported by the accessibility to infrastructure and reflect the surrounding higher density land use and zoning map designations and existing uses. All aspects of infrastructure support the higher density. Morrill Meadow and East Hill Parks maintain the OS land use map designation and change the zoning from SR -3 to SR -8. The OS land use designation is supported by Kent's Comprehensive Plan. Similarly, recent publicly purchased lands intended for park use are changed from a low density designation of SR -3 zoning and SF -3 land use to an urban density SR -8 zoning and an OS land use map designation. 12. Study Area C — South East Hill Clark Lake Subarea (C4) 12.1. The Clark Lake subarea (C4) in Study Area C — South East Hill is approximately 152 acres located within the rolling landscape of the Kent's East Hill plateau. This subarea contains single-family residences and a city park surrounding Clark Lake. There are two other parcels located to the east of Clark Lake that are also within this subarea. One is owned by King County and operates as a stormwater detention facility and the other is owned by Puget Sound Energy and operates as an electrical sub -station. For the Clark Lake subarea, the City Council adopts the comprehensive plan land use and zoning map amendments as shown on Attachment B-11 incorporated herein. The King County tax parcel numbers for the affected real property in the Benson subarea are listed in Attachment M incorporated herein along with their former and newly adopted designations. 12.2. This alternative reflects the existing land uses while acknowledging that privately owned land is developable and is supported by existing infrastructure. The publicly owned properties around Clark Lake change from a low density designation of SR -1 zoning and OS land use to an urban density of SR -4.5 zoning while maintaining the OS land use designation. The zoning does not change the dedicated use of passive 21 Urban Density Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map and Zoning Designations recreational open space and the OS land use designation is supported by Kent's Comprehensive Plan. 12.3. The privately owned lands around Clark Lake change from a low density designation of SR -1 zoning and SF -1 land use to an urban density of SR -4.5 zoning and SF -4.5 land use. The parcels in the eastern portion of this subarea owned by Puget Sound Energy and King County are redesignated from the low density designations of SR -1 zoning and SF -1 land use to an urban density of SR -8 zoning and SF -8 land use to reflect the higher density designations of the surrounding zoning and land uses. 13. Study Area C — South East Hill Soosette Creek Subarea (C5) 13.1. The Soosette Creek subarea (C5) in Study Area C — South East Hill is comprised of approximately 40 acres located within the gentle sloping landscape of Kent's East Hill. This subarea contains single-family residences and a single parcel in the northern portion of the subarea that is owned by King County and operates as a stormwater detention facility. There are some small wetlands and creeks within the subarea. 13.2. For the Soosette Creek subarea, the City Council adopts the comprehensive plan land use and zoning map amendments as shown on Attachment B- 12 incorporated herein. The King County tax parcel numbers for the affected real property in the Soosette Creek subarea are listed in Attachment N incorporated herein along with their former and newly adopted designations. 13.3. This alternative increases density that is commensurate to surrounding zoning and land use designations. Parcels with a low density designation of SR -3 zoning and SF -3 land use are change to an urban density of SR -4.5 zoning and SF -4.5 land use. The affected parcels are only slightly constrained by critical areas and the 22 Urban Density Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map and Zoning Designations CAO will protect these sensitive systems. The new designations reflect the surrounding higher density designations. The parcel located north of Kent-Kangley with a low density designation of SR -1 zoning and SF -1 land use is changed to an urban designation of SR -8 zoning and SF -8 land use. The affected parcel is owned by King County and maintained as a regional stormwater basin. The proposed higher density reflects the surrounding zoning and land use map designations and existing uses. 14. Study Area C — South East Hill Big Soos Creek Subarea (C6) 14.1. The Big Soos Creek subarea (C6) in Study Area C — South East Hill is comprised of approximately 345 acres located generally along Big Soos Creek. The affected parcels within this subarea were designated US and zoned SR -1 by the Kent City Council in March 2001 under Ordinance No. 3551. This land use designation has been mapped as part of the King County CPPs. Kent's public lands within the Urban Separators are part of the regional Soos Creek Trail system and are designated with an SR -1 zone and OS land use. The subarea is dominated by single-family residential development on large sized lots and one mobile home park. There are also several public parks within the eastern portion of the subarea. 14.2. For the Big Soos Creek subarea, the City Council adopts the comprehensive plan land use and zoning map amendments as shown on Attachment B-13 incorporated herein. The King County tax parcel numbers for the affected real property in the Benson subarea are listed in Attachment O incorporated herein along with their former and newly adopted designations. King County tax parcel number 2622059044 and 2622059188 has more than one land use and zoning designation, therefore, a more detailed map is found in Attachment 0-1 and 02 incorporated herein. 23 Urban Density Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map and Zoning Designations 14.3. This alternative maintains existing SR -1 zoning and US or OS land use designations. The land use map designation of Urban Separator was adopted by Ordinance 3551 after extensive public process and analysis. The analysis and reasoning for these designations are contained in that Ordinance and its supporting documentation, which are adopted by reference and incorporated herein. The US designation is also supported by CPP objectives and GMA goals RCW 36.70A.020 (9) and (10). Any change to this land use map designation is restricted by the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Element policy LU -31.2, which "[o]nly allow[s] amendments to the Urban Separator policy at the time coinciding with King County's twenty (20) year review of its 1994 Policy Update of the Comprehensive Plan or by Kent City County [Council] initiation because of pending danger or public safety." 14.4. This alternative also maintains the SR -1 zoning and OS land use designations for publicly owned lands. These designations are supported by Comprehensive Plan Goals and Policies regarding publicly owned lands with a recreational function. 15. Study Area D — Lea Hill Impoundment Reservoir Subarea (DI) 15.1. The Impoundment Reservoir subarea (1)1) in Study Area D —Lea Hillis approximately 156 acres of incorporated land located in the Lea Hill area of unincorporated King County. The subarea is located upland from and between the Green River Valley and Soos Creek Valley on gently rolling terrain. 15.2. For the Impoundment Reservoir subarea, the City Council adopts the comprehensive plan land use and zoning map amendments as shown on Attachment B-14 incorporated herein. The King County tax parcel numbers for the affected real property in the Impoundment Reservoir subarea are listed in Attachment P incorporated herein along with their former and newly adopted designations. King County tax parcel number 7867000046 has more than one land use and zoning 24 Urban Density Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map and Zoning Designations designation, therefore, a more detailed map is found in Attachment P-1 incorporated herein. 15.3. This alternative maintains the existing recently adopted designations. The City Council, via Ordinance No. 3685, in April of 2004 designated the northern approximately 65 acres SR -3 zoning and SF -3 land use, and designated the southern approximately 91 acres as SR -1 zoning and US land use. At that time the City Council found that the large highly classified wetland that forms the headwater of Olsen Creek and which drains into salmonid habitat required the additional protection of lower density designations. The analysis and reasoning for these designations are contained in that Ordinance and its supporting documentation, which are adopted by reference and incorporated herein. NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: ORDINANCE SECTION 1. — Recitals Incorporated as Findings. The foregoing recitals, which are incorporated by this reference, constitute the council's findings on this matter. SECTION 2. — Amendment. The land use map and zoning designations for the parcels of real property identified as the Onllia subarea in Study Area A — Green River are redesignated as shown in Exhibit 2, Attachments B-1, C-1, and C-2 for the parcels of land listed in Attachment C. SECTION 3. — Amendment. The land use map and zoning designations for the parcels of real property identified as the Grandview subarea in Study Area A — Green 25 Urban Density Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map and Zoning Designations River are redesignated as shown in Exhibit 3, Attachments B-2, and D-1 through D -6I for the parcels of land listed in Attachment D. SECTION 4. — Amendment The land use map and zoning designations for the parcels of real property identified as the Riverbend subarea in Study Area A — Green River are redesignated as shown in Exhibit 4, Attachments B-3, and E-1 through E-5 for the parcels of land listed in Attachment E. SECTION S. — Amendment. The land use map and zoning designations for the parcels of real property identified as the West Hill subarea in Study Area A — Green River are redesignated as shown in Exhibit 5, Attachments B-4, F-1 through F-2 for the parcels of land listed in Attachment F. SECTION 6. — Amendment. The land use map and zoning designations for the parcels of real property identified as the Springbrook subarea in Study Area B — North East Hill are redesignated as shown in Exhibit 6, Attachments B-5 and G-1 for the parcels of land listed in Attachment G. SECTION 7. — Amendment. The land use map and zoning designations for the parcels of real property identified as the Garrison Forks subarea in Study Area B — North East Hill are redesignated as shown in Exhibit 7, Attachment B-6 for the parcels of land listed in Attachment H. SECTION 8. — Amendment. The land use map and zoning designations for the parcels of real property identified as the Lower East Hill subarea in Study Area B — North East Hill are redesignated as shown in Exhibit 8, Attachments B-7 and I-1 for the parcels of land listed in Attachment I. 26 Urban Density Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map and Zoning Designations SECTION 9. — Amendment. The land use map and zoning designations for the parcels of real property identified as the Mill Creek subarea in Study Area C — South East Hill are redesignated as shown in Exhibit 9, Attachments B-8 and J-1 through J-7 for the parcels of land listed in Attachment J. SECTION 10. —Amendment. The land use map and zoning designations for the parcels of real property identified as the Upper Mill Creek subarea in Study Area C — South East Hill are redesignated as shown in Exhibit 10, Attachments B-9 and K-1 through K-3 for the parcels of land listed in Attachment K. SECTION 11. — Amendment. The land use map and zoning designations for the parcels of real property identified as the Benson subarea in Study Area C — South East Hill are redesignated as shown in Exhibit 11, Attachments B-10, L-1 and L-2 for the parcels of land listed in Attachment L. SECTION I2. — Amendment. The land use map and zoning designations for the parcels of real property identified as the Clark Lake subarea in Study Area C — South East Hill are redesignated as shown in Exhibit 12, Attachment B-11 for the parcels of land listed in Attachment M. SECTION 13. — Amendment. The land use map and zoning designations for the parcels of real property identified as the Soosette Creek subarea in Study Area C — South East Hill are redesignated as shown in Exhibit 13, Attachment B-12 for the parcels of land listed in Attachment N. SECTION 14. — Amendment. The land use map and zoning designations for the parcels of real property identified as the Big Soos Creek subarea in Study Area C — South East Hill are redesignated as shown in Exhibit 14, Attachments B-13, 0-1 and 0-2 for the parcels of land listed in Attachment O. 27 Urban Density Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map and Zoning Designations SECTION 15. — Amendment. The land use map and zoning designations for the parcels of real property identified as the Impoundment Reservoir subarea in Study Area I D — Lea Hill are redesignated as shown in Exhibit 15, Attachments B-14 and P-1 for the parcels of land listed in Attachment P. SECTION 16. — Amendment. The Comprehensive Plan land use and zoning maps are to be amended to reflect the designations in this ordinance. SECTION 17. — Savinzs. The existing chapters and sections of the Kent Code, which are repealed and amended by this ordinance, shall remain in full force effect until the effective date of this ordinance. SECTION 18. — Severability. If any one or more section, subsections, sentences of this ordinance are held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this ordinance and the same remain in full force and effect. SECTION 19. — Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage as provided by law. ,•A raNOMtr�� ATTEST: BRENDA JACOBER4tITY CLERK 28 Urban Density Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map and Zoning Designations CITY ATTORNEY PASSED: 16' day of , 2005. APPROVED: day of , 2005. PUBLISHED: _Zq— day of r/ , 2005. I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordinance No.73 b 7 passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, and approved by the Mayor of the City of Kent as hereon indicated. 9�x� (SEAL) BRENDA JACOBE , CITY CLERK P %Civil\ORDINANCE\UrbwMens ty do J 29 Urban Density Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map and Zoning Designations EXHIBIT 1 zi E ` = _ G � — Onllia Al Grandwew �' ;' Lower East Hil s " Riverbend k—Al M Creek j l`No Urban Density Study Study Areas us Subareas Le end S nn brook B1 STUDY AREAS _ LOW DENSITY ZONING Single -Family 1 du/acre (SR -7) Single-Famlly 2 du/acre -2) (SR Single-Famdy 3 du/acre (SR -3) Garrison Forks B2) C/IT\YLIMITS BI Soos Creek (C6 Clark Lake (C4 {;3 Area.0 LFl -i-Soni* taO, Hill ;3 -- ; Ln ..» fCD �"-x- . ,l I� �t N , �- -,f E -C 7 Uv C5i r` .,. i _ ,�, U y� Impoundment Reservoir (D1)i Q Y P {gsWPband~ymaps_cuuw1ea . EXHIBIT 2 % % Urban Density Study ` CPA -2004-5 Orilha Subarea zodAg ak LOW tke DMWmMOM DOWIS ICBHT xoSmn CL CL Q 00 S No Change From SR-1/SF-1 = O N �+ � From SR-IIOS To SR-8/SF-8 r E (Subarea Al) (Subarea Al) a� .Q E cu � Z u lgialurbmdm itAnap o"k_Novt apr Attachment C - Parcel List Green River Study Area - A Willa Subarea - Al Urban Density Study - CPA -2004-5 Kent City Council Approved - November 1, 2005 Note: Tax parcel with a suffix of (s) means the parcel has a split zone or land use desgnabon. ExisOng Approved Tax Parcel Zoning Land Use Zoning Land Use 0322049102 SR -1 SF -1 SR -1 JUS 0222049045(s) SEE MAP - C1 & C2 SEE MAP -C1 &C2 0222049026 SR -1 SF -1 SR -1 US 0322049023 SR -1 SF -1 SR -1 US 0322049024 SR -1 SF -1 SR -1 US 0222049026 SR -1 SF -1 SR -1 US 0222049018 SR -1 SF -1 SR -1 US 0222049030 SR -1 SF -1 SR -1 US 1022049001 SR -1 SF -1 SR -1 US 1122049007 SR -1 SF -1 SR -1 US 1022049003 SR -1 SF -1 SR -1 US 1122049007 SR -1 SF -1 SR -1 US 1022049184 SR -1 SF -1 SR -1 US 1022049175 SR -1 SF -1 SR -1 US 1122049008 SR -1 OS SR -1 OS 1022049185 SR -1 SF -1 SR -1 US 1122049070 SR -1 OS SR -1 OS 1022049186 SR -1 SF -1 SR -1 US 2632000025 SR -1 SF -1 SR -8 SF -8 2632000020 SR -1 SF -1 SR -8 SF -8 2632000015 SR -1 SF -1 SR -8 SF -8 2632000010 SR -1 SF -1 SR -8 SF -8 2632000005 SR -1 SF -1 SR -8 SF -8 1022049003 SR -1 SF -1 SR -1 JUS Green River Study Area (A) Split Zoning or Land Use OrMia Al Subarea Designations VQVV S 204th St a / LO ■ i O t d D ♦ u / 'C eco �JE� Q /l From SR-1/SF-1 To A40/AG-R v No Change Legend c U Existing•• A-10/AG-R • CITY LIMITS ZONING/LAND USE -0 C ® BUILDINGS, E SPLIT PARCEL /KE U = From SR-1/SF-1 KE T nnnn Plennin9semces as � TO SR-1/US June 2005 No Soele Green River Study Area (A) Orillia (Al) Subarea of me From SR-1/SF-1 To SR-1/US Split Zoning or Land Use o 0 N f XTEN v N � i 100 e / INE o a Q Legend = U CITY LIMITS tn ZONING/LAND USE ® BUILDINGS, SPLIT PARCEL E U = CU �KEWT + as Plammg Services Scale June 2005 No Scale EXHIBIT 3 - i — Urban Density. Study From SR-I//SF-1 y CPA -2004-5 `f e UA% Grandview Subarea t� t z0ft a Land Use From F SF -31 DelOne To SR-1�)-8 Des (Subarea A2) From SR �..� To SR -1N F-3 v� (Subarea Q:> From SR3/0S From S To SR•11ius �- To SR-1/OS (Subarea A2),i 1 ) (Subarea A2) r t From SR-1/SF-1 O > - - To SR -1/ CL L ``3 (Subarea ) Q, rom SR / - , R-3 & SR-1/OS Q N From SR-3/SF o SR-I/U = o m' To S -1/US (subarea �U-1/SF-1 p N C To R /US V V E cu From S F 1IU > To CC- 1 \(Subarea (Subarea A2) a.wbenae ampmaw ca. _Nw1 aw Attachment D - Parcel Lest Green River Study Area - A Grandview Subarea - A2 Urban Density Study - CPA -2004-5 Kent City Council Approved - November i, 2005 Note: Tax parcel with a suffix of (s) means the parcel has a split zone or land use. Existing roved Tax Parcel Zoning Land Use Zoning Land Use 2632000115 SR -3 SF -3 SR -8 SF -8 2632000110 SR -3 SF -3 SR -8 SF -8 2632000105 SR -3 SF -3 SR -8 SF -8 2632000100 SR -3 SF -3 SR -8 SF -8 2632000095 SR -3 SF -3 SR -8 SF -8 2632000090 SR -3 SF -3 SR -8 SF -8 2632000085 SR -3 SF -3 SR -8 SF -8 2632000080 SR -3 SF -3 SR -8 SF -8 2632000125 SR -3 SF -3 SR -0.5 SR -4.5 2632000070 SR -3 SF -3 SR -8 SF -8 2632000121 SR -3 SF -3 SR -8 SF -8 1122049010 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SR -4,5 2632000205 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 2632000075 SR -3 SF -3 SR -8 SF -8 1022049006 SR -1 SF -1 SR -1 US 1122049011 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4 5 SF -4.5 1022049200 SR -1 SF -1 SR -1 US 1022049189 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4 5 SF -4.5 2632000295 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 1022049005 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4 5 SF -4.5 2632000195 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4 5 SF -4.5 2632000200 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 1022049113 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4 5 SF -4 5 1022049190 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 1022049211 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4 5 SF -4.5 1022049208 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4 5 SF -4.5 1122049013 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 8879000050 SR -3 SF -3 SR -1 US 1022049045 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 1022049070 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 1022049205 SR -3 $F-3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 7533010010 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 1022049209 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 1022049198 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4 5 SF -4.5 8879000005 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 1022049199 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 1022049015 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4 5 SF -4.5 4180160000 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 7533010020 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 7533000020 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 7533000010 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 1022049062 SR -3 SF -3 SR 4.5 SF -4 5 Attachment D - Parcel List Green River Study Area - A Grandview Subarea - A2 Urban Density Study - CPA -2004-5 Kent City Coundl Approved - November 1, 2005 Note: Tax parcel with a suffix of (s) means the parcel has a split zone or land use. Existing roved Tax Parcel Zoning Land Use Zoning Land Use 1022049100 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 102204.ESMT SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 8879000040 SR -3 SF -3 SR -1 US 8879000039 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 102204.ESMT SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 1022049030 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 7297900000 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4 5 SF -4.5 8879000041 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 102204.ESMT SR -3 SF -3 SR -4 5 SF -4.5 1022049030 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4 5 SF -4 5 8879000023 SR -3 SF -3 SR -1 US 8080950000 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4 5 SF -4.5 7237570000 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 1022049031 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 1853100000 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4 5 SF -4.5 1022049152 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 1022049031 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4 5 6838100000 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 1022049152 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 1022049212 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4 5 SF -4.5 1522049166 s SEE MAP - D SEE MAP - D1 1022049206 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 8582850000 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4 5 SF -4.5 8879000022 SR -3 SF -3 SR -1 US 1022049210 SR -3 OS SR -1 OS 1522049167(s' SEE MAP - D2 ISEE MAP - D2 5422900000 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 3224700000 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 1522049168 SR -3 SF -3 SR -1 JUS 1522049165(s' SEE MAP - D3 SEE MAP - D3 1522049169 SR -3 SF -3 SR -1 JUS 1522049002 SR -3 SF -3 CC -MU IMU 0002000011 SR -3 SF -3 SR -1 JUS 1022049207(s SEE MAP - D4 SEE MAP - D4 1522049066(s SEE MAP - D5 SEE MAP - 05 10002000010(s SEE MAP - D6 & E1 SEE MAP - D6 & E1 Green River Study Area (A) Split Zoning or Land Use Grandview A2 Subarea Designations I / R-3ISF-3 0 ® !�! N �t►®1 ' �i'a • r R-4.5 N • ®` • E 3 ram SR-3lSF�i+ From SR-310S To -4.5 +s® E ! TSRANSF.... 0 ToSR-110S / • F_ N . T R-1/ \ rp s 522 166 INIMr o SR-1/OS '4f = R-1/US a Legend e p • �� CITY LIMITS ZONING/LAND USE O C V From SR-1 F4 BUILDINGS, To SR-1/U SPLIT PARCEL E N rom SR-3/SF-3ca / 1 SR-1/US KENT _ - Plan" SwvkmScale Q June 2005 Na Scele Green River Study Area (A) Split Zoning or Land Use Grandview A2 Subarea Designations a N to 0 TM S a s t it Q L • Legend 5N = p CIN LIMITS ZONING/LAND USE C From SWWOSr BUILDINGS a) TO SR-I/US SPLIT PARCEL 49 V S +co T y �� nJune '.%r ftle 2905 Green River Study Area (A) Grandview A2 Subarea Split Zoning or Land Use Designations S M v N ?� ® m SR -1/ S -1/US a Q Legend �= CO Fro SR-3/SF-3 �� �#*•CITY LIMITS I.n ZONING/LAND USE =Q U To SR- S BUILDINGS , E SPLIT PARCEL k _ CU n Plennng Services Scale .Y. Jute 2005 Fb Scale Green River Study Area (A) Grandview (A2) Subarea I of'; .41 • From SR -MF -3 To SR-4.5/SF-4.5 Split Zoning or Land Use LT -419 a a ♦IpMytlt MAINE From SR4 To SR-VUS Ir C3 aE In V i � N � � N r G o� { a = p Legend CITY LIMITS ZONING/LAND USE - BUILDINGS , N _- SPLIT PARCEL U CU Scale Q Jwe 2005 No SScale Green River Study Area (A) Grandview (A2) Subarea 14 son r No Change I I Split Zoning or Land Use � v From SR-3/SF- p �' To CC-MU/MU N � C M �1 'Z'i�l� Liles ��4dI x �a DWI, Legend e p ft • CITY LIMITS ++ ZONING/LAND USE V ® BUILDINGS, SPLIT PARCEL E �rEWT + yr c Co I" wary � Q Jura 2 2005 No�Sm'ee EXHIBIT 4 1 _ Fro R- F -j Urban Density Study CPA -2004-5 8 Riverbend Subarea ang ' l44 F Zoning& Land line SR L _ t Deeign tions No a- Dddls IF S / rom SR-11SF-1 > ' To SR-1/OS o L (subarea A3) =' e M No Change .rChange From SR-1IOS V LO m Fom SR-1/OS ;Subarea A3) (subarea A3) N Ac'' C cu fr 1Z n_Nwl apr ulpwvj&wid-&dyvnws_c Attachment E - Paine! List Green River Study Area - A Riverbend Subarea - A3 Urban Density Study - CPA -2004-5 Kent City Council Approved - November 1, 2005 Note: Tax parcel with a suffix of (s) means the parcel has a split zone or land use. EA ting Approved Tax Parcel Zoning Land Use Zoning Land Use 1522049007 SR -1 SF -1 MRT16 LDMF 1522049012 SR -1 SF -1 MRT16 LDMF 0002000012 SR -1 SF -1 SR -1 US 0002000001(s) SEE MAP - El SEE MAP - E1 0002000010(s) SEE MAP - Et SEE MAP - E1 0002000005 SR -1 SF -1 SR -1 US 0002000022 SR -1 SF -1 SR -1 US 0002000023 SR -1 SF -1 SR -1 US 0002000003 SR -1 SF -1 SR -1 us 0002000021 SR -1 OS SR -1 OS 2322049006 SR -1 SF -1 SR -1 US 2222049029 SR -1 SF -1 SR -1 US 1522049134 SR -1 SF -1 SR -1 US 1522049137 SR -1 SF -1 SR -1 US 2222049057 SR -1 SF -1 SR -1 US 2322049081 SR -1 SF -1 SR -1 US 2322049048 SR -1 OS SR -1 OS 2222049060 SR -1 SF -1 SR -1 US 2222049051 SR -1 SF -1 SR -1 US 2222049032 SR -1 SF -1 SR -1 US 2222049176 SR -1 SF -1 SR -1 US 2222049048 SR -1 SF -1 SR -1 US 2222049056 SR -1 SF -1 SR -1 US 2222049030 SR -1 SF -1 SR -1 US 2222049052 SR -1 SF -1 SR -1 US 2222049054 SR -1 SF -1 SR -1 US 2212049037 SR -1 SF -1 SRA US 2222049174 SR -1 SF -1 SR -1 US 2322049010(s) SEE MAP - E2 SEE MAP - E2 2222049058 SR -1 SF -1 SR -1 US 2322049009 SR -1 OS SR -1 OS 2322049009 SR -1 OS SR -1 OS 2222049173 SR -1 SF -1 SR -1 US 2322049064 SR -1 OS SR -1 OS 2322049072 SR -1 OS SR -1 IOS 2322049027(s) SEE MAP - E3 SEE MAP - E3 2322049011 s SEE MAP - E4 SEE MAP - E4 9316000000(s) SEE MAP - E5 SEE MAP - E5 EXHIBIT 5 Urban Density Study 4 e S SR CPA-2004-5 a Y West Hill Subarea �] ZMft & Lana use «m oete% S Q From SR-21OS �v LO m To SR-1/OS CO n (Subarea A4) O U w L � m-SR-2f8S` G� � U MR-GM) c o Q _^�""� r � Ubarw A4) Z u 19*W bantlennlyMapc_cwn—Nwl apr Attachment F - Parcel List Green River Study Area - A West Hill Subarea - A4 Urban Density Study - CPA -2004-5 Kent City Council Approved - November 1, 2005 Note. Tax parcel with a suffix of (s) means the parcel has a split zone or land use. Existing roved Tax Parcel Zoning Land Use Zoning Land Use 0855100005 SR -3 SF -6 SR -6 SF -6 0855100050 SR -3 SF -6 SR -6 SF -6 0855100015 SR -3 SF -6 SR -6 SF -6 0855100020 SR -3 SF -6 SR -6 SF -6 0855100045 SR -3 SF -6 SR -6 SF -6 0855100025 SR -3 SF -6 SR -6 SF -6 0855100090 SR -3 SF -6 SR -6 SF -6 0855100035 SR -3 SF -6 SR -6 SF -6 0855100095 SR -3 SF -6 SR -6 SF -6 0855100040 SR -3 SF -6 SR -6 SF -6 0855100100 SR -3 SF -6 SR -6 SF -6 8075400070 SR -3 SF -6 SR -6 SF -6 1522049121 SR -3 SF -6 SR -6 SF -6 8075400060 SR -3 SF -6 SR -6 SF -6 1522049116 SR -3 SF -6 SR -6 SF -6 8075400050 SR -3 SF -6 SR -6 SF -6 1522049114 SR -3 SF -6 SR -6 SF -6 8075400040 SR -3 SF -6 SR -6 SF -6 1522049111 SR -3 SF -6 SR -6 SF -6 8075400030 SR -3 SF -6 SR -6 SF -6 8860200005 SR -3 SF -6 SR -6 SF -6 8075400020 SR -3 SF -6 SR -6 SF -6 8860200010 SR -3 SF -6 SR -6 SF -6 8075400010 SR -3 SF -6 SR -6 SF -6 8860200015 SR -3 SF -6 SR -6 SF -6 8860200030 SR -3 SF -6 SR -6 SF -6 8860200020 SR -3 SF -6 SR -6 SF -6 8860200035 SR -3 SF -6 SR -6 SF -6 8860200025 SR -3 SF -6 SR -6 SF -6 2622049035 SR -2 OS SR -1 OS 2622049007 SR -2 OS SR -1 OS 2622049045 SR -2 OS SR -1 OS 2622049045 SR -2 OS SR -1 OS 2622049008 SR -2 OS SR -1 OS 2622049008 SR -2 IOS SR -1 OS 2822049066(s) SEE MAP - F1 ISEE MAP - F1 12722049149(s) SEE MAP - F2 ISEE MAP - F2 Green River Study Area (A) Split Zoning or Land Use West Hill (A4) Subarea Designations EXHIBIT 6 sw as ct Frerp Sgvl Urban Density. Study - - - - - - CPA -2004-s (S rea B1) Springbrook Subarea zodft a Land Use Dedgnabons Detaft om SR -2/1- o M2IMIC i ro SR -c F /UD. -----O SJ M Q (Su rea Bi) Ln f __ •VL m ro - MI - �o �, a 4-0 (S _ (su a a BI) st - N E -i fm r S -3 V U S -1-S �i =a o u �gwWrbandarw Amps_caun Novl apr Attachment G - Parcel List North East Hill Study Area - B Springbrook - B1 Urban Density Study - CPA -2004-5 Kent City Council Approved - November 1, 2005 Note: Tax parcel anti a suffix of (s) means the parcel has a spht zone or land use. Existing roved Tax Parcel ZoningLand UseLand Use 0622059002 SR -3 SF -3 US 0622059128 SR -2 SF -3 US 0622059087 SR -2 SF -3 US 0622059131 SR -2 SF -3 US 0622059091 SR -2 SF -3 SR -1 IUS 0622059047 SR -2 SF-3SR-1 US 0622059130 SR -2 SF-3ISR-1 SR-1 US 0622059090 SR -2 SF-3SR-1 US 0622059070 SR -2 SF-3SR-1 US 0622059084 SR -2 SF-3SR-1 US 0622059085 SR -2 SF -3 US ROW ISEE MAP - G1 ISEE MAP - G1 North East Hill Study Area (B) Sarin!brook (Bl) Subarea Zoning or Land Use A on SR -2/ ; �Jo GC/C I r s 4-4 O N TM TM TM .a 4i O L CL CL Q ._ c� GU w C O Y rn 5 EXHIBIT 7 rom4SR/SF1 -( Urban Density Study 06 SR -4. SF 5 CPA -2004-5 re B2) , Garrison Forks Subarea From SR -11C a � � os rom SR -1 F Dgons Subar a B2) (SSR -l/ B _ Deft " N From SR-31SF R-3(SF- - To SRAMS To 5.4.5 (Sub (tub ar a B2) From /SF CL G To SR-1NS i (Su ) Q C.0 F SR -2$F C O m -4.5! F-4 own SRS/SFS oN u 2) o .5/SF-4.5 U N o (S bar B2) Fro R-3/SF-3 ` _ _ T ub-4.5/area SF -4.5 To R SJOFrqm S = E t6 ! (Sib B2) Y 7- u u 1g*Wrbwd"ty4 _paw�.Nwi apr Attachment H - Parcel List North East Hill study Area - B Garrision Forks - 82 Urban Density Study - CPA -200+4-S Kent City Council Approved - November 1, 2005 Note: Tax parcel Huth a suffix of (s) means the parcel has a split zone or land use. E-Axi ting Appiproved Tax Parcel Zoning Land Use Zoning Land Use 9180600082 SR -1 SF -1 SR -4.5 SR -4.5 9180600081 SR -1 SF -1 SR -4.5 SR -4.5 9180600083 SR -1 SF -1 SR -4.5 SR -4.5 9180600080 SR -1 SF -1 SR -4 5 SR -4 5 9180600085 SR -1 SF -1 SR -0.5 SR -4 5 0722059004 SR -1 SF -1 SR -1 US 0722059108 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 0722059009 SR -1 CC SR -4.5 SF -4 5 0722059054 SR -3 SF -3 SR 4.5 SF -4 5 2416500140 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -0.5 2416500130 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4 5 2416500110 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 2416500100 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.6 TF -4 5 2416500090 SR -3 SF -3 SR4.5 SF -4.5 2416500150 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 2416500120 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 2416500080 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4 5 0722059089 SR -3 SF -3 SR -1 US 2416500070 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 2416500160 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 2416500170 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 2416500180 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4 5 0722059076 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 0722059005 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 2416500060 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4 5 SF -4.5 2416500050 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 2416500213 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 2416500190 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 2416500212 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4 5 2416500040 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4 5 7757800181 SR -1 SF -3 SR -1 US 2416500200 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 2416500214 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 2416500210 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4 5 2416500020 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 2416500010 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4 5 2416500030 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 0722059086 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4 5 SF -4.5 0722059095 SR -3 SF -3 SR -1 US 0722059040 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 0722059094 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 2708500020 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 2708500010 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4 5 2708500030 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4 5 2708500040 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 Attachment H - Parcel List North East Hid! Study Area - B Garrision Forks - 62 Urban Density Study - CPA -20045 Kent City Council Approved - November 1, 2005 Note: Tax parcel with a suffix of (s) means the parcel has a split zone or land use. Existing roved Tax Parcel Zoning Land Use Zoning Land Use 2708500050 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 2708500060 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF4.5 2708500070 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4 5 SF -4.5 2708500170 SR -3 SF -3 SR4.5 SF4.5 2708500180 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4 5 SF4.5 2708500230 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 0722059092 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF4.5 2708500080 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 2708500190 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 2708500160 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF4.5 2708500220 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 2708500090 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF4.5 0722059115 SR -3 SF -3 SR -1 US 0722059220 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 0722059041 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 0722059236 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4 5 2708500210 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 2708500200 SR -3 S17-3 SR4.5 SF -4.5 2708500150 SR -3 SF -3 SR4.5 SF4.5 2708500100 SR -3 SF -3 SR4.5 SF -4.5 2708500110 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 S174.5 0722059119 SR -3 SF -3 SR -1 US 0722059038 SR -3 SF -3 SR4.5 SF4.5 0722059042 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF4.5 2708500140 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF4.5 0722059091 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4 5 SF4 5 0722059221 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF4 5 2708500120 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF4.5 2708500130 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 0722059241 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 0722059034 SR -2 SF -3 SR4.5 SF -4.5 0722059107 SR -2 SF -3 SR4.5 SF -4 5 0722059232 SR -3 SF -3 SR4.5 SF -4.5 0722059233 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 0722059050 SR -3 SF -3 SR4.5 SF -4.5 0722059080 SR -3 SF -3 SR4.5 SF -4.5 0722059085 SR -3 SF -3 SR4.5 SF -4.5 0722059020 SR -3 SF -3 SR4.5 SF -4.5 5635000010 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF4.5 5635000020 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 5635000030 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF4 5 5635000040 SR -3 SF -3 SR4.5 SF -4.5 0722059225 SR -3 SF -3 SR -1 US 0722059231 SR -3 SF -3 SR4.5 SF -4 5 5635000080 SR -3 SF -3 SR -1 US Attachment H - Parcel List North East Hill Study Area r B Garrision Forks - B2 Urban Density Study - CPA -20045 Kent City Council Approved - November 1, 2005 Note: Tax parcel with a suffix of (s) means the parcel has a split zone or land use. EXXI ing APProved Tax Parcel Zoning Land Use Zoning Land Use 0722059106 SR -2 SF -3 SR4.5 SF -4.5 0722059045 SR -3 SF -3 SR4.5 SF -4 5 0722059081 SR -3 SF -3 SR4.5 SF -4.5 5635000050 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 5635000060 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 0722059242 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF4.5 5635000070 SR -3 SF -3 SR4.5 SF -4.5 0722059230 SR -3 SF -3 SR4.5 SF -4.5 0722059019 SR -3 SF -3 SR4.5 SF -4.5 0722059082 SR -3 SF -3 SR4.5 SF4 5 0722059229 SR -3 SF -3 SR4.5 SF -4 5 0722059105 SR -2 SF -3 SR4.5 SF -4 5 0722059051 SR -3 SF -3 SR4.5 SF -4 5 0722059222 SR -2 SF -3 SR4.5 SF -4.5 0722059070 SR -3 SF -3 SR4.5 SF4.5 0722059016 SR -2 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4 5 7757800182 SR -2 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4 5 0722059237 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 0722059228 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 0722059046 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF4.5 0722059071 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 0722059238 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 0722059047 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF4 5 0722059035 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 0722059044 SR -2 SF -3 SR -4 5 SF -4.5 0722059033 SR -2 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 0722059223 SR -2 SF -3 SR4.5 SF -4.5 0722059224 SR -2 SF -3 SR4.5 SF -4.5 0722059020 SR -2 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 0722059056 SR -2 SF -3 SR4.5 SF -4 5 0722059069 SR -2 SF -3 SR4 5 SF -4.5 0722059239 SR -2 SF -3 SR4 5 SF -4.5 0722059227 SR -2 SF -3 SR4.5 SF -4.5 8802400127 SR -2 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 8802400125 SR -2 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 8802400128 SR -2 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF4 5 0565150010 SR -2 SF -3 SR -4 5 SF -4.5 8802400005 SR -2 SF -3 SR -4.5 S174.5 8802400066 SR -2 OS SR -4.5 OS 8802400025 SR -2 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4 5 2708400010 SR -2 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF4.5 8802400064 SR -2 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 8802400065 SR -2 ISF,3 SR -4 5 SF4.5 8802400070 SR -2 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 8802400071 SR -2 SF -3 ISR4.5 ISF 4.5 Attachment H - Parcel List North East Hill Study Area - B Garrision Forks - 62 Urban Density Studd - CPA -2004-5 Kent City Council Approved - November i, 2005 Note: Tax parcel wdh a suffix of (s) means the parcel has a split zone or land use. Exisbng Approved Tax Parcel Zoning Land Use Zoning Land Use 8802400020 SR -2 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 8802400072 SR -2 SF -3 SR4.5 SF4 5 0565150020 SR -2 SF -3 SR4.5 SF -4.5 2708400020 SR -2 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 8802400073 SR -2 SF -3 SR -4 5 SF4.5 8802400075 SR -2 SF -3 SR4.5 SF -4.5 2708400030 SR -2 SF -3 SR4.5 SF -4.5 8802400074 SR -2 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 8802400130 SR -2 SF -3 SR4 5 SF4 5 8802400007 SR -2 SF -3 SR4.5 SF -4.5 8802400026 SR -2 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF4.5 2708400040 SR -2 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4 5 2708400080 SR -2 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF4.5 2708400070 SR -2 SF -3 SR4 5 SF4.5 2708400050 SR -2 SF -3 SR4.5 SF4.5 8802400030 SR -3 SF -3 SR4.5 SF -4.5 2708400060 SR -2 SF -3 SR4.5 SF -4 5 8802400027 SR -2 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 8802400008 SR -2 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF4.5 8802400029 SR -2 SF -3 SR4 5 SF -4.5 8802400028 SR -2 SF -3 SR4.5 SF -4.5 8802400605 SR -2 SF -3 SR4.5 SF -4.5 8802400580 SR -2 SF -3 SR4.5 SF -4 5 1332200200 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4 5 SF4.5 8802400611 SR -2 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF4.5 1332200060 SR -3 SF -3 SR4.5 SF4.5 1332200070 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF4.5 8802400606 SR -2 SF -3 SR -4 5 SF -4.5 1332200080 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 1332200090 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 1332200100 SR -3 SF -3 ISR4 5 SF -4.5 1332200110 SR -3 SF -3 SR4.5 SF -4.5 1332200210 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 1332200050 SR -3 SF -3 SR4.5 SF -4.5 8802400607 SR -2 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 133220TR C SR -3 SF -3 SR4,5 SF4.5 1332200120 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 8802400608 SR -2 SF -3 SR4.5 SF4.5 1332200040 SR -3 SF -3 SR4.5 SF -4.5 1332200130 SR -3 SF -3 SR4.5 SF -4.5 1332200160 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 1332200170 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 1332200140 SR -3 SF -3 SR4.5 SF -4.5 1332200030 SR -3 SF -3 SR4.5 SF -4.5 8802400609 SR -2 SF -3 SR -4 5 SF -4.5 Attachment H - Parcel Ust North East HM Study Area - B Garrision Forks - B2 Urban Density Study - CPA -2004-5 Kent City Council Approved - November 1, 2005 Note: Tax parcel with a suffix of (s) means the parcel has a split zone or land use. E)d fing A4p) d Tax Panel Zoning Land Use Zoning Land Use 1332200180 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4 5 1332200020 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 1332200150 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 1332200190 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 1332200010 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 8802400720 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 8802400689 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 8802400688 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 EXHIBIT 8 Urban Density Study CPA-2004-5 Lower East Hill Subarea ; Fr S-3/SF-6 _ - T ZO&W &land use T R-4 5/SF4.5 —� _ D (Su B3) ' — ------ DeWls N F � F SR-2/SF 6 oma. SR4.51SF .5 Fro SR-2/S (Subarea )B3) 1 To R-4.51SF-4.5 ' - as � O ' a CL � Q ti From SR-31SF-6 (- O N To SR 4. -44 (I V�,� ( B3) .= r IE:T= _ a Y z° u �awroandarwry4napc_cwm Hov, aw Attachment I - Parcel -List North East Hill Study Area - B Lower East Hill - B3 Urban Density Study - CPA -2004-5 Kent City Council Approved - November 1, 2005 Note: Tax parcel anth a suffix of (s) rceans the parcel has a split zone or land use. Facisth roved Tax Parcel Zoning Land Use Zoning Land Use 8802400671 SR -3 SF -6 SR -4.5 SF -4 5 8802400669 SR -3 SF -6 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 1822059072 SR -2 SF -6 SR -4 5 SF -4.5 1822059387 SR -2 SF -6 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 1822059196 SR -2 SF -6 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 1822059191 SR -2 SF -6 SR -4 5 SF -4.5 1822059124 SR -2 SF -6 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 1822059156 SR -2 SF -6 SR -4 5 SF -4 5 1822059303 SR -2 SF -6 SR -4.5 SF -4 5 1822059392 SR -2 SF -6 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 1822059391 SR -2 SF -6 SR -4 5 SF -4.5 1822059117 SR -2 SF -6 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 1822059111 SR -2 SF -6 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 1822059299 SR -2 SF -6 $R-4.3 SF -4.5 1822059300 SR -2 SF -6 SR 4 5 SF -4.5 1822059298 SR -2 $F$ SR -4.5 SF -4.5 1822059075 SR -2 SF -6 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 1822059288 SR -2 SF -6 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 1822059233 SR -2 SF -6 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 1822059347 SR -2 SF -6 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 1822059216 SR -2 SF -6 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 1822059289 SR -2 SF -6 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 1822059326 SR -2 SF -6 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 1822059041 SR -2 SF -6 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 1822059326 SR -2 SF -6 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 1822059133 SR -2 SF -6 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 1822059268 SR -2 SF -6 SR -4 5 SF -4.5 1822059132 SR -3 SF -6 SR -4.5 SF -4 5 1822059305 SR -3 SF -6 SR -4.5 SF -4 5 1822059345 SR -3 SF -6 SR -4 5 SF -4.5 1822059294 SR -3 SF -6 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 1822059344 SR -3 SF -6 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 1822059042 SR -3 SF -6 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 1822059225 SR -3 SF -6 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 1822059230 SR -3 SF -6 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 1822059295 SR -3 SF -6 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 1822059258 SR -3 SF -8 SR -4.5 SF -4 5 1822059335 SR -3 SF -6 SR -4 5 SF -4.5 1822059122 SR -3 SF -6 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 1822059171 SR -3 SF -6 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 1822059046 SR -3 SF -6 SR4 5 SF -4.5 1822059293 SR -3 SF -6 SR -4.5 SF -4 5 Attachment I - Parcel List North East Hill Study Ama - B Lower East HM - B3 Urban Density Study - CPA -20045 Kent City Council Approved - November 1, 2005 Note: Tax parcel with a suffix of (s) means the parcel has a spit zone or land use. ExisUng proved Tax Parcel Zoning Land Use Zoning Land Use 1822059265 SR -3 SF -6 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 1822059263 SR -3 SF -6 SR -4 5 SF -4.5 1822059379 s SEE MAP - 11 SEE MAP - 11 North East Hill Study Area (B) Lower East Hill 3 Subarea F 6 46 r TO' rM Split Zoning or Land Use 1822059379 r 1 4t F-MKI Legend ft • CITY LIMITS ZONING/LAND USE BUILDINGS //SPLIT PARCEL "- K'V manning June 2005 No Scale m?p EXHIBIT 9 ' I11UH Urban Density Study N 9m CPA -2004-5 -1rOS Mill Creek Park Subarea 3u a C1) _ Ionbig A Land Use DoWgnadom DetalsN TT--. E v - E e � � a 00 = O m ,' From R-2/OS ,' From SR -1 F-1 To SR- /OS rw To SR-1/US ' ' (Subarea Cl) V U (Subarea C1) _ (� u bi9Wrbs ftVmap._Caua Novla apr Attachment 7 - Parcel List South East Hill Study Area - C Mill Creek Park - C1 Urban Density Study - CPA -2004-5 Kent City Council Approved - November 1, 2005 Note: Tax parcel with a suffix of (s) rneans the parcel has a split zone or land use. Existin App roved Tax Parcel Zoning Land Use Zoning Land Use 1922059049 SR -1 OS SR -1 OS 7830800690 SR -1 OS SR -1 OS 1922059057 SR -1 OS SR -1 OS 1922059052 SR -1 OS SR -1 OS 1922059089 SR -1 OS SR -1 OS 1922059076 SR -1 OS SR -1 OS 1922059067 SR -1 OS SR -1 OS 1922059078 SR -1 OS SR -1 OS 1922059373 SR -1 OS SR -1 OS 3022059002 SR -1 OS SR -1 OS 3022059045 SR -1 OS SR -1 OS 3022059002 SR -1 OS SR -1 OS 2922059265 SR -1 OS SR -1 OS 2922059131 SR -1 OS SR -1 OS 2922059308 SR -2 OS SR -1 OS 2922059307 SR -2 OS SR -1 OS 2922059292 SR -2 OS SR -1 OS 2922059021 SR -2 OS SR -1 OS 1858600011 SR -2 OS SR -1 OS 2922059279 SR -2 OS SR -1 OS 2922059275 SR -2 OS SR -1 OS 2922059320 SR -2 OS SR -1 OS 2922059291 SR -2 OS SR -1 10S 2922059277 SR -2 OS SR -1 OS 2922059298 SR -2 OS SR -1 OS 2922059276 SR -2 OS SR -1 OS 2922059278 SR -2 OS SR -1 OS 3022059019(s) SEE MAP - J1 SEE MAP - J1 3022059061 s SEE MAP - J2 SEE MAP - J2 3022059062(s) SEE MAP - J3 SEE MAP - J3 3022059063(s) SEE MAP - J4 SEE MAP - J4 7022059064(s) SEE MAP - J5 SEE MAP - J5 3022059065(s) SEE MAP - J6 SEE MAP - J6 3022059066 s SEE MAP - J7 SEE MAP - J7 South East Hill Study Area (C) Mill Creek Park Cl Subarea Split Zoning or Land Use Designations \ i' am a r w IF ' 3 0 ♦ r L f ® to 3022059061 w� o r N y p G i o From -1 SF -1 TOSI'Q � !� Legend v e N *i ♦ CITY LIMITS ZONING/LAND USE C � BUILDINGS SPLIT PARCEL .a V L = U to Planting Services June 2005 No Scale � Q South East Hill Study Area (C) Split Zoning or Land Use Mill Creek Park Cl Subarea Designations J i I "r � /' f o Q r L i , to 0 \ NJ 3022059062 N r rcc r ' r IN TER o No 0 Ta ` c Fro /SF -1 Exi i I&AQ low m SR To R-1/ S �. �Q Legend � f �i CITY LIMITS ZONING/LAND USE V C / BUILDINGS 1, -_� SPLIT PARCEL �/ ~IV CU _ - Plm g s Scale June 2005 No Scale Y 4-0 a South East Hill Study Area (C) Split Zoning or Land Use Mill Creek Park Cl Subarea Designations v � Q jr L i a r y 032059063 .., r o o AS a Q Fro SR- /SF -1 / To -1/U , Legend _ I® I h CITY LIMITS ZONING/LAND USE - BUILDINGS a� SPLIT PARCEL V cu planrung Services June Scale June 2005 No Scale South East Hill Study Area (C) Split Zoning or Land Use Mill Creek Park 0Subarea Designations X 41r Q O N \I `�r o 022059064 Irri f -0c o ! M Legend � 9_ n FC ,SR /SF1 ** CITY LIMITS tn ZONING/LAND USE O V C T BUILDINGS, SPLIT PARCEL + = N i "�'-KFWT '.Vanning Sa ces Scale June 2005 No Scsle � Q South East Hill Study Area (C) Mill Creek Park (Cl) Subarea Split Zoning or Land Use J 1r ~ a * r � � O to a 0 O P k \ M C 1 isti r iTOP -4. �' 0 02 059065 r `� a ' Q 1 Legend �C 1 �i CITY LIMITS O C ZONING/LAND USE U BUILDINGS, E From SR-1/SF- I E2 SPLIT PARCELN V SR-1IUS �CU KENT Planning Services June 2005 No Scale le EXHIBIT 10 Attachment K - Parcel List South East Hill Study Area - C Upper Mill Creek - C2 Urban Density Study - CPA -2004-5 Kent City Council Approved - November 1, 2005 Note: Tax parcel with a suffix of (s) means the parcel has a split zone or land use. F�cist ng Approved Tax Parcel Zoning Land Use Zoning Land Use 3222059190 SR -1 SF -1 SR -1 JUS 3222059205(s) SEE MAP - K1 SEE MAP - K1 3222059001 s SEE MAP - K2 SEE MAP - K2 3222059007 SR -2 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 3222059159 SR -2 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 3222059158 SR -2 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 3222059014 SR -2 SF -3 SR -4 5 SF -4.5 3222059209 SR -2 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 3222059162 SR -2 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4 5 3222059211 SR -2 SF -3 SR -4 5 SF -4.5 3222059210 SR -2 SF -3 SR -4 5 SF -4.5 3222059207 SR -2 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4 5 3222059208 SR -2 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 3222059013 SR -2 SF -3 SR -4 5 SF -4.5 3222059206 SR -2 SF -3 SR -4 5 SF -4.5 3122059008 SR -1 SF -1 SR -1 US 3222059157 SR -2 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4 5 3222059167 SR -2 SF -3 SR -4 5 SF -4 5 3222059012 SR -2 SF -3 SR -4 5 SF -4.5 3222059194 SR -2 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 3222059195 SR -2 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4 5 3222059160 SR -2 SF -3 SR -4 5 SF -4.5 3222059008 SR -2 SF -3 SR -4 5 SF -4 5 3222059015 SR -2 SF -3 SR -4 5 SF -4.5 3222059145 SR -2 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 3222059025 SR -2 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 3222059071 SR -2 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 3222059161 SR -2 SF -3 SR -4 5 SF -4 5 3222059191 SR -1 SF -1 SR -1 US 3222059005 SR -2 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 3222059199 SR -2 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 3222059179 SR -2 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4 5 3222059178 SR -2 SF -3 SR .5 SF -4.5 3222059177 SR -2 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 3222059129 SR -2 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4 5 3222059133 SR -2 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 3222059126 SR -2 SF -3 SR -4 5 SF -4.5 3322059130 SR -2 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 3322059157 SR -2 SF -3 SR -4 5 SF -4.5 3322059174 SR -2 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 3222059198 SR -2 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 Attachment K - Parcel List South East Hill Study Area - C Upper Mill Creek - C2 Urban Density Study - CPA -2004-5 Kent City Council Approved - November 1, 2005 Note: Tax parcel with a suffix of (s) means the parcel has a split zone or land use. Exis 'n n ed Tax Parcel Zoning Land Use Zoning Land Use 0227900060 SR -2 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 0227900040 SR -2 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 0227900030 SR -2 SF -3 SR4.5 SF -4.5 0227900020 SR -2 SF -3 SR4.5 SF4 5 3222059200 SR -1 SF -1 SR -1 US 3222059088 SR -2 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 3222059136 SR -2 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF4 5 3222059203 SR -2 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF4 5 3222059204 SR -2 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 3222059202 SR -2 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4 5 0227900070 SR -2 SF -3 SR4 5 SF -4 5 3222059130 SR -2 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4 5 3322059170 SR -2 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 0227900010 SR -2 SF -3 SR -4 5 SF4.5 0227900080 SR -2 SF -3 SR4.5 SF4.5 3222059054 SR -2 SF -3 SR4.5 SF4.5 0227900090 SR -2 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4 5 3222059116 SR -2 OS SR -4.5 OS 3222059137 SR -2 SF -3 SR4.5 SF4.5 0227900110 SR -2 SF -3 SR -4 5 SF -4.5 3222059087 SR -2 SF -3 SR4.5 SF4.5 0227900100 SR -2 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF4.5 3322059125 SR -2 SF -3 SR4.5 SF -4.5 3222059127 SR -2 SF -3 SR4.5 SF -4.5 3322059179 SR -2 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF4.5 3322059009 SR -2 SF -3 SR -4 5 SF -4.5 3222059095 SR -2 $F-3 SR -4.5 SF4 5 3222059094 SR -2 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 3222059017 SR -2 SF -3 SR4.5 SF4.5 3222059079 SR -2 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF4.5 3222059125 SR -2 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 3222059131 SR -2 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 3222059122 SR -2 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 3222059055 SR -2 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4 5 3322059180 SR -2 SF -3 SR4.5 SF -4.5 3222059029 SR -2 SF -3 SR4.5 SF4 5 3222059018 SR -2 SF -3 SR4.5 SF4 5 3222059151 SR -2 SF -3 SR4.5 SF4 5 3222059152 SR -2 SF -3 SR4.5 SF -4 5 3222059089 SR -2 SF -3 SR4.5 SF4 5 3222059019 SR -2 ISF,3 SR -4 5 SF4 5 Attachment K - Parcel List South East Hill Study Area - C Upper Mill Creek - C2 Urban Density Study - CPA -2004-5 Kent City Council Approved - November 1, 2005 Note: Tax parcel Meth a suffix of (s) means the parcel has a split zone or land use. Exi Ing Ap v Tax Parcel Zoning Land Use Zoning Land Use 3322059181 SR -2 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4 5 3122059021 SR -1 SF -1 SR -1 US 3222059163 SR -1 SF -1 SR -1 US 3322059188 SR -2 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 3322059089 SR -2 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 3322059057 SR -2 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 3322059086 SR -2 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 3322059182 SR -2 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 3322059055 SR -2 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 3222059124 SR -1 SF -1 SR -1 US 3222059132 SR -1 SF -1 SR -1 US 3222059164 SR -1 SF -1 SR -1 US 3222059165 SR -1 SF -1 SR -1 US 3222059166 SR -1 SF -1 SR -1 US 3122059011 s SEE MAP - K3 SEE MAP - K3 South East Hill Study Area (C) U�pperr M�illl Creek �(0)�Subarea SQA c e Frro6im To SF ■ Split Zoning or Land Use J C� SE 272 PI �Wf t� lipa coo ■ . ■ Legend A *i t CITY LIMITS ZONING/LAND USE BUILDINGS ., a,,�r SPLIT PARCEL KENT Mannng se�wwces 81 June 2005 No Scale ■ a s i■ South East Hill Study Area (C) Upper Mill Creek (C2) Subarea q Split Zoning or Land Use ■� S � N Q 17 r AN to a SE 272 PI O i H r ININ IL TENc a ® i Q Legend �= Y �i CITY LIMITS C ZONING/LAND USE BUILDINGS , SPLIT PARCEL _ U C (U Q NT + Planning Seances Scale Juna 2005 No Scale EXHIBIT I I Urban Density Study _ CPA -2004-5 Frc r SR-/ F-3 -3 To;R41/$F Benson Subarea Fr To S S/SF-S ZOtlug & LMW use (Su area C3) DedgmHom Details d Lj t From SR-31C�S To SR-8/OS (Subarea C3) L CL CL o Fr SR-WSF-3 Q To 481OS (S barea C3) V C m S R SF -3 T SR S F-8 3) S C3) I U V c °�' cu LAgmWibanda ityWaps_Cmrk Navta apr Attachment L - Pard List South East Hill Study Area - C Benson- C3 Urban Density Study - CPA -20045 Kent City Council Approved - November 1, 2005 Note: Tax parcel with a suffix of (s) means the parcel has a split zone or land use. Exisbrig Aproved Tax Parcel Zonino Land Use Zoning Land Use 7830800093 SR -3 SF -3 SR -8 SF -8 7830800092 SR -3 SF -3 SR -8 SF -8 7830800090 SR -3 SF -3 SR -8 SF -8 7830800082 SR -3 SF -3 SR -8 SF -8 2022059150 SR -3 SF -3 SR -8 SF -8 2022059139 SR -3 SF -3 SR -8 SF -8 7830800091 SR -3 SF -3 SR -8 SF -8 2022059020 SR -3 SF -3 SR -8 SF -8 2022059104 SR -3 SF -3 SR -8 SF -8 2022059223 SR -3 SF -3 SR -8 SF -8 2022059259 SR -3 SF -3 SR -6 SF -6 2022059328 SR -3 SF -3 SR -6 SF -6 0739200150 SR -3 SF -3 SR -6 SF -6 0739200140 SR -3 SF -3 SR -6 SF -6 2022059067 SR -3 SF -3 SR -6 SF -6 2022059083 SR -3 SF -3 SR -6 SF -6 2022059164 SR -3 SF -3 SR -6 SF -6 2022059162 SR -3 SF -3 SR -6 SF -6 0739200090 SR -3 SF -3 SR -6 SF -6 0739200100 SR -3 SF -3 SR -6 SF -6 2022059213 SR -3 SF -3 SR -6 SF -6 2022059224 SR -3 SF -3 SR -8 SF -8 0739200080 SR -3 SF -3 SR -6 SF -6 2022059187 SR -3 SF -3 SR -6 SF -6 0739200070 SR -3 SF -3 SR -6 SF -6 2022059218 SR -3 SF -3 SR -6 SF -6 2022059001 SR -3 SF -3 SR -6 SF -6 0739200110 SR -3 SF -3 SR -6 SF -6 0739200060 SR -3 SF -3 SR -6 SF -6 2022059115 SR -3 SF -3 SR -8 SF -8 0739200120 SR -3 SF -3 SR -6 SF -6 2022059065 SR -3 SF -3 SR -6 SF -6 0739200030 SR -3 SF -3 SR -6 SF -6 0739200050 SR -3 SF -3 SR -6 SF -6 0739200040 SR -3 SF -3 SR -6 SF -6 2022059163 SR -3 SF -3 SR -8 SF -8 0739200130 SR -3 SF -3 SR -8 SF -6 2022059159 SR -3 SF -3 SR -6 SF -6 2022059143 SR -3 SF -3 SR -6 SF -6 2022059226 SR -3 SF -3 SR -8 SF -8 2022059073 SR -3 SF -3 SR -6 SF -6 2022059134 SR -3 SF -3 SR -6 SF -6 Attachment L - Parcel List South East Hill Study Area - C Benson - C3 Urban Density Study - CPA -20045 Kent City Council Approved - November i, 2005 Note: Tax parcel with a suffix of (s) means the parcel has a split zone or land use. ftisOna Approved Tax Parcel Zoning Land Use Zoning Land Use 78308000$0 SR -3 SF -3 SR -8 SF -8 7830800081 SR -3 SF -3 SR -8 SF -8 0739200020 SR -3 SF -3 SR -6 SF -6 0739200010 SR -3 SF -3 SR -6 $F-6 2022059166 SR -3 SF -3 SR -6 SF -6 7830800298 SR -3 SF -3 SR -8 SF -8 7830800297 SR -3 SF -3 SR -8 SF -8 8167900020 SR -3 SF -3 SR -8 SF -8 7830800304 SR -3 SF -3 SR -8 SF -8 7830800310 SR -3 SF -3 $R-8 SF -8 7830800330 SR -3 SF -3 SR -8 SF -8 7830800334 SR -3 SF -3 SR -8 SF -8 7830800333 SR -3 SF -3 SR -8 SF -8 7830800331 SR -3 SF -3 SR -8 SF -8 7830800351 SR -3 SF -3 SR -8 SF -8 7830800349 SR -3 SF -3 SR -8 SF -8 2022059138 SR -3 SF -3 $R-8 SF -8 2022059161 SR -3 SF -3 SR -8 SF -8 2022059195 SR -3 SF -3 SR -8 SF -8 2624000145 SR -3 SF -3 SR -8 SF -8 2624000010 SR -3 SF -3 SR -8 SF -8 2022059148 SR -3 SF -3 SR -8 SF -8 2022059093 SR -3 SF -3 SR -8 SF -8 2022059156 SR -3 SF -3 SR -8 SF -8 2022059151 SR -3 SF -3 SR -8 $F-8 2022059003 SR -3 SF -3 SR -6 SF -6 2022059113 SR -3 SF -3 SR -6 SF -6 2022059110 SR -3 SF -3 SR -6 SF -6 2022059230 SR -3 SF -3 SR -6 SF -6 2022059212 SR -3 SF -3 SR -6 SF -6 2022059130 SR -3 SF -3 SR -6 SF -6 2022059127 SR -3 SF -3 SR -6 SF -6 2022059227 SR -3 SF -3 SR -6 SF -6 2022059201 SR -3 SF -3 SR -6 SF -6 2624000150 SR -3 SF -3 SR -8 SF -8 2624000020 SR -3 SF -3 SR -8 SF -8 8167900010 SR -3 SF -3 SR -8 $F-8 2022059194 SR -3 SF -3 SR -8 SF -8 2624000140 SR -3 SF -3 SR -8 SF -8 2022059197 SR -3 SF -3 SR -6 SF -6 7830800308 SR -3 SF -3 SR -8 SF -8 2624000030 SR -3 SF -3 SR -8 SF -8 Attachment L - Parcel List South East Hill Study Area - C Benson- C3 Urban Density Study - CPA -20045 Kent City Coundl Approved - November 1, 2005 Note: Tax parcel with a suffix of (s) means the parcel has a split zone or land use. E)Xd 'n g Approved Tax Parcel Zoning Land Use Zoning Land Use 7830800352 SR -3 SF -3 SR -8 SF -8 7830800337 SR -3 SF -3 SR -8 SF -8 2022059237 SR -3 SF -3 SR -6 SF -6 2624000130 SR -3 SF -3 SR -8 SF -8 2624000040 SR -3 SF -3 SR -8 SF -8 2022059193 SR -3 SF -3 SR -6 SF -6 2022059202 SR -3 SF -3 SR -8 SF -8 7830800335 SR -3 SF -3 SR -8 SF -8 2022059094 SR -3 SF -3 SR -8 SF -8 7830800350 SR -3 SF -3 SR -8 SF -8 2624000120 SR -3 SF -3 SR -8 SF -8 2624000050 SR -3 SF -3 SR -8 SF -8 7830800338 SR -3 SF -3 SR -8 SF -8 2022059126 SR -3 SF -3 SR -6 SF -6 2022059238 SR -3 SF -3 SR -6 SF -6 7830800300 SR -3 SF -3 SR -8 SF -8 2624000110 SR -3 SF -3 SR -8 SF -8 2624000060 SR -3 SF -3 SR -8 SF -8 7830800336 SR -3 SF -3 SR -8 SF -8 7830800339 SR -3 SF -3 SR -8 SF -8 7830800296 SR -3 SF -3 SR -8 SF -8 2624000100 SR -3 SF -3 SR -8 SF -8 2624000070 SR -3 SF -3 SR -8 SF -8 2624000090 SR -3 SF -3 SR -8 SF -8 2624000080 SR -3 SF -3 SR -8 SF -8 7830800410 SR -3 OS SR -8 OS 2022059211 SR -3 SF -3 SR -8 OS 2022059240 SR -3 SF -3 SR -8 SF -8 2022059241 SR -3 OS SR -8 OS 2022059052 SR -3 SF -3 SR -8 SF -8 2022059119 SR -3 SF -3 SR -6 SF -6 2022059124 SR -3 SF -3 SR -8 SF -6 2022059239 SR -3 SF -3 SR -8 SF -8 2022059186 SR -3 SF -3 SR -8 OS 2022059101 SR -3 OS SR -8 OS 2022059309 SR -3 SF -3 SR -6 SF -6 2022059114 SR -3 SF -3 SR -6 SF -6 2022059102 SR -3 OS SR -8 OS 2022059291 SR -3 SF -3 SR -8 SF -6 2022059276 SR -3 SF4 SR-6 SF -6 2022059234 SR -3 SF -3 SR -6 SF -6 2022059024 SR -3 SF -3 SR -6 $F-6 Attachment L - Parcel List South East Hill Study Area - C Benson- C3 Urban Density Study - CPA -2004-5 Kent City Council Approved - November 1, 2005 Note: Tax parcel vath a sour of (s) means the parcel has a split zone or land use. Existin roved Tax Parcel Zoning Land Use Zoning Land Use 2022059321 SR -3 SF -3 SR -6 SF -6 2022059313 SR -3 SF -3 SR -6 SF -6 2022059320 SR -3 SF -3 SR -6 SF -6 9269780030 SR -3 SF -3 SR -6 SF -6 2022059204 SR -3 SF -3 SR -6 SF -6 2022059319 SR -3 SF -3 SR -6 SF -6 2022059235 SR -3 SF -3 SR -6 SF -6 9269780020 SR -3 SF -3 SR -6 SF -6 2022059322 SR -3 SF -3 SR -6 SF -6 2022059318 SR -3 SF -3 SR -6 SF -6 9269780010 SR -3 SF -3 SR -6 SF -6 2022059323 SR -3 SF -3 SR -6 SF -6 2022059236 SR -3 SF -3 SR -6 SF -6 2022059317 SR -3 SF -3 SR -6 SF -6 2022059314 SR -3 SF -3 SR -6 SF -6 2022059324 SR -3 SF -3 SR -6 SF -6 2022059316 SR -3 SF -3 SR -6 SF -6 2022059315 SR -3 SF -3 SR -6 SF -6 2022059325 SR -3 SF -3 SR -6 SF -6 2022059299 SR -3 SF -3 SR -6 SF -6 2022059153 SR -3 SF -3 SR -6 SF -6 2022059326 SR -3 SF -3 SR -6 SF -6 2022059247 SR -3 SF -3 SR -6 SF -6 2022059245 SR -3 SF -3 SR -6 SF -6 2022059013 SR -3 SF -3 SR -6 SF -6 2022059331 SR -3 SF -3 SR -6 SF -6 2022059246 SR -3 SF -3 SR -6 SF -6 2022059032 SR -3 SF -3 SR -8 SF -8 7830800294(s) SEE MAP - L1 SEE MAP - L1 7830800295(s) SEE MAP - L2 SEE MAP - L2 2022059297 SR -6 SF -3 S SF -8 2022059118 SR -8 SF-3ISR-8 SF -8 2022059298 SR -6 SF -3 SR -8 SF -8 South East Hill Study Area (C) Benson C3 Subarea W w I a' 'ct O r To ■ Split Zoning or Land Use 1 II f "'F In SE 244 St Legend CITY LIMITS `t ZONING/LAND USE ® BUILDINGS SPLIT PARCEL KEWT + 20052005 June No Scale 0 N Q N ' \ f%7 TWO INN C INE 0 Cc o� i CL 'Q .= J V� N U � Q EXHIBIT 12 Urban Density Study CPA -20045 Clark Lake Subarea From SR -1/S -1 � 1 To SR-4.5/SF 5 ZodriB&Land Use (subs "DsWWwdom DetWb F S -1/OS - To .5/0S I f ( a C4) LL a. E i ro SR-1/SF-1 .0 s_ o S-8/SF-8 (Subarea C4) CL get i 1 V C m C From SR -1/ 1 46; To SR-4.5JS (subarea Ecu r--y� �ly C �--' I Q u%giaWNandenor4Amapa_Caun Nmla apr Attachment M - Pard List South East HIII Study Area - C Clark Lake - C4 Urban Density Study - CPA -2004-5 Kent City Council Approved - November 1, 2005 Note: Tax parcel vnth a suffix of (s) means the parcel has a split zone or land use. EY)d Mg APProved Tax Parcel Zoning Land Use Zoning Land Use 1522059035 SR -1 SF -1 SR -8 SF -8 2122059007 SR -1 OS SR -4 5 OS 2122059005 SR -1 OS SR -4.5 OS 2122059044 SR -1 SF -1 SR -4 5 SF -4.5 2222059009 SR -1 SF -1 SR -8 SF -8 2122059011 SR -1 OS SR -4 5 OS 2122059037 SR -1 SF -1 SR -4 5 SF -4.5 2122059177 SR -1 SF -1 SR -4.5 SF -4 5 2122059098 SR -1 SF -1 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 2122059038 SR -1 SF -1 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 2122059097 SR -1 SF -1 SR -4 5 SF -4.5 2122059099 1 SR -1 SF-- ISR -4 5 SF -4.5 2122059122 SR -1 SF -1 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 EXHIBIT 13 R-1/06 To Urban Density Study CPA -2004-5 Soosette Creek Subarea -� zodng & Land Use Doolgoadons Dotaft III w Nom. A.N'1 �� Jw Ytl `EY From SR-3/Sf-3 To SR-4.5/SF-4:5 (Subarea C5) 0 a Q _� N � r U� C E �z 0gkWNandwwgNnepe_Caun_Nwia W ss Attachment N - Parcel dist South East Hill Study Area - C Soosette Creek - C5 Urban Density Study - CPA -20044 Kent City Council Approved - November i, 2005 Note: Tax parcel Huth a suffix of (s) means the parcel has a split zone or land use. Eum ing APProval Tax Parcel Zoning Land Use Zoning Land Use 2822059312 SR -1 SF -1 SR,8 SF -8 6792200390 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 6792200401 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 6792200400 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 6792200410 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 6792200420 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 6792200430 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 6792200442 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4 5 6792200450 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4 5 SF -4.5 6792200455 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 6792200460 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 6792200391 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 6792200441 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4 5 3422059202 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 3422059201 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 3422059203 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 3422059055 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 3422059150 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 3422059197 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4 5 SF -4.5 3422059056 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4 5 SF -4.5 3422059122 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4 5 SF -4.5 3422059010 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 3422059225 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4 5 3422059226 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4 5 SF -4 5 3422059114 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 3422059063 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 3422059189 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4 5 SF -4.5 3422059076 SR -3 SF -3 SR4 5 SF -4.5 3422059227 SR -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 3422059054 SR -3 SF -3 SR4.5 ISF4 5 3422059062 SR-3SF-3 ISR SR -4.5 SF -4.5 3422059058 -3 SF -3 SR -4.5 SF -4.5 EXHIBIT 14 h _--__—_�� __ - _�_�._ .a, q, Attachment O - Parcel List South East Hill Study Area - C Big Soos Cheek - C6 Urban Density Study - CPA -2004-5 Kent City Coundi Approved - November 1, 2005 Note: Tax parcel with a suffix of (s) means the parcel has a split zone or land use Ex! ing Aimroved Tax Parcel Zoning Land Use Zoning Lend Use 7708250080 SR -1 US SR -1 US 7708250082 SR -1 US SR -1 US 7708250084 SR -1 US SR -1 US 1522059116 SR -1 US SR -1 US 2222059137 SR -1 US SR -1 US 2222059139 SR -1 US SR -1 US 2222059001 SR -1 US SR -1 US 2222059067 SR -1 US SR -1 US 2222059048 SR -1 US SR -1 US 2222059138 SR -1 US SR -1 US 2222059104 SR -1 US SR -1 US 2222059131 SR -1 US SR -1 US 2222059087 SR -1 US SR -1 US 2222059054 SR -1 US SR -1 US 43970STR A SR -1 US SR -1 US 2322059007 SR -1 US SR -1 US 2222059132 SR -1 U$ SR -1 US 2222059096 SR -1 US SR -1 US 2222059133 SR -1 US SR -1 US 2222059078 SR -11 US SR -1 US 2222059082 SR -1 US SR -1 US 2322059078 SR -1 US SR -1 US 2322059069 SR -1 US SR -1 US 2322059077 SR -1 US SR -1 US 2322059124 SR -1 US SR -1 US 2322059130 SR -1 US SR -1 US 2322059039 SR -1 US SR -1 US 2322059009 SR -1 US SR -1 US 2222059116 SR -1 OS SR -1 OS 2722059178 SR -1 Us SR -1 US 2722059176 SR -1 US 9R-1 US 2722059235 SR -1 OS SR -1 OS 2722059186 SR -1 US SR -1 US 2722059001 SR -1 US SR -1 US 8586400095 SR -1 US SR -1 US 8586400115 SR -1 US SR -1 US 8586400117 SR -1 US SR -1 US 8586400116 SR -1 US SR -1 US 2622059189 SR -1 OS SR -1 OS 2622059147 SR -1 US SR -1 US 2622059062 SR -1 US SR -1 JUS 2622059192 ISIRT US SR -1 IUS Attachment Q - Parcel List South East Hill Study Area - C Big Soos Creek - C6 Urban Density Study - CPA -2004-5 Kent City Coundl Approved - November 1, 2005 Note: Tax parcel with a suffix of (s) means the parcel has a split zone or land use. ExisUn ved Tax Parcel Zoning Land Use Zoning Land Use 2622059052 SR -1 US SR -1 US 2622059130 SR -1 US SR -1 US 2622059148 SR -1 US SR -1 US 2622059104 SR -1 US SR -1 US 2622059189 SR -1 OS SR -1 OS 2622059021 SR -1 US SR -1 IUS 2622059183 SR -1 10S SR -1 OS 2622059044(s) SEE MAP - 01 SEE MAP - 01 2622059015 SR -1 OS SR -1 OS 2622059184 SR -1 OS SR -1 OS 2622059049 SR -1 OS SR -1 OS 3522059180 SR -1 US SR -1 US 3522059061 SR -1 US SRA US 3522059034 SR -1 US SR -1 US 3522059029 SR -1 US SR -1 US 3522059032 SR -1 US SR -1 US 3522059080 SR -1 US SR -1 US 3522059131 SR -1 US SR -1 US 3522059203 SR -1 US SR -1 US 3522059130 SR -1 US SR -1 US 3522059132 SR -1 US SR -1 US 3522059039 SR -1 US SR -1 US 3522059096 SR -1 US SR -1 US 3422059152 SR -1 US SR -1 US 3422059060 SR -1 US SR -1 US 3422059111 SR -1 US SR -1 US 3422059061 SR -1 US SR -1 US 3422059173 SR -1 US SR -1 US 3422059115 SR -1 US SR -1 US 3422059159 SR -1 US SR -1 US 3422059137 SR -1 US SR -1 US 3422059140 SR -1 US SR -1 US 3422059065 SR -1 US SR -1 US 3422059110 SR -1 Us SR -1 US 3422059160 SR -1 US SR -1 US 3422059172 SR -1 US SR -1 US 3422059009 SR -1 US SR -1 US 3422059116 SR -1 US SR -1 US 3422059238 SR -1 US SR -1 US 3422059237 SR -1 IUS SR -1 US 3422059118 SR -1 JUS SR -1 US 3422059126 SR -1 JUS SR -1 US Attachment O - Parcel Ust South East Hill Study Area - C Big Soos Creek - C6 Urban Density Study - CPA -2004-5 Kent City Coundi Approved - November 1, 2005 Note. Tax parcel with a suffix of (s) means the parcel has a split zone or land use. EaXi Ung A ed Tax Parcel Zoning Land Use Zoning Land Use 3422059128 SR -1 US SR -1 US 3422059153 SR -1 US SR -1 US 3422059154 SR -1 US SR -1 US 3422059031 SR -1 US SR -1 US 3422059066 SR -1 US SR -1 US 3422059223 SR -1 US SR -1 lus 3422059015 SR -1 US SR -1 US 3422059124 SR -1 US SR -I US 3422059157 SR -1 US SR -1 US 3422059218 SR -1 US SR -I US 3422059221 SR -1 US SR -1 US 3422059069 SR -1 US SR -1 US 3422059211 SR -1 US SR -1 lus 3422059208 SR -1 US SR -1 US 3422059067 SR -1 US SR -1 US 3422059214 SR -1 US SR -1 US 3422059222 SR -1 US SR -1 US 3422059213 SR -1 US SR -1 US 3422059210 SR -1 US SR -1 US 3422059030 SR -1 US SR -1 US 3422059146 SR -1 US SR -1 US 3422059133 SR -1 US SR -1 US 3422059209 SR -1 US SR -1 US 3422059125 SR -1 US SR -1 US 3422059120 SR -1 US SR -1 US 3422059012 SR -1 US SR -1 US 3422059068 SR -1 US SR -1 US 3422059142 SR -1 IUS SR -1 US 2622059188(s) SEE MAP - 02 ISEE MAP - 02 EXHIBIT 15 Urban Density Study CPA -2004-5 _. Impoundment Reservoir Subarea Zoning& Lod use DesliMations ri..+aw� xwvvm ✓ I I a V. � Q d' No Change V O SMIUS C O m (Subarea D1) V� U — C as (C U 19MWrbarld r 4Wapa_rtrq o d apr Attachment P - Parcel List Lea Hill Study Area - D Impoundment Reservoir - Di Urban Density Study - CPA -2004-5 Kent City Council Approved - November 1, 2005 Note: Tax parcel with a suffix of (s) means the parcel has a split zone or land use. Existin Tax Parcel Zonna Land Use Zoning Land Use 7867000046 SR -3 SF -3 SR -3 $F-3 0421059016 SR -3 SF -3 SR -3 SF -3 7867000046 SEE MAP - P1 SEE MAP - P1 Lea Hill Study Area - D Split Zoning or Land Use Impoundment Reservoir 1 Subarea Designations ■ t MEN ii - on y — to v r C No Change-- v Existing SR-3/SF-3 j O LE Legend = p No Change Existing ** • CITY LIMITS ZONING/LAND USE D ++ C BUILDINGS E SR-1IUS _ SPLIT PARCEL L LU "��KENT + C U Co Planning &;rncee Scale June 2005 No Scale a