HomeMy WebLinkAbout1711Resolution No. 1711 ["Beginning August 1, 2004"] CFN=164-Arterial Street Program Passed -1 0/18/05 2006-2011 S1x-Year Transportation Improvement Plan RESOLUTIONNO. /'J// A RESOLUTION of the city council of the city of Kent, Washington, adopting the 2006 through 2011 Six- Year TransportatiOn Improvement Plan RECITALS A. After proper notice, the city council of the city of Kent held a public heanng at the regular meeting of the city council at 7:00 p.m. on October 18, 2005, to consider public testimony on the city's proposed 2006 through 2011 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Plan B. Having considered public testimony to the plan, the council would like to adopt the 2006 through 2011 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Plan. NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: RESOLUTION SECTION 1. -Adoption The 2006 through 2011 Six Year Transportation Improvement Plan, set forth in Exhibit '·A," which is attached and filed with the city clerk, is hereby adopted. 1 2006-2011 Six Year Transportation Improvement Plan PASSED at a regular meeting of the city council of the City of Kent, Washington this I g' day of October, 2005. CONCURRED in by the mayor of the city of Kent, this _j£_ day of October, 2005. ATTEST: .......... BRENDAJACOBER, TYCLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: TOM BRUB ER, CITY ATTORNEY I hereby certify that this is a true and correct copy of Resolution No. 171/ , passed by the city council of the c1ty of Kent, Washington, the__!_'{_ day of October, 2005. P \CivtliRESQLL~D01\~~yearTIP~2096 doc " ~ -¥ ~~(SEAL) BRENDA JACOBER, CITY CLERK 2 --- 2006-2011 Six Year Transportation Improvement Plan DRAFT CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ' <' < ~ ' < r < • ·~ ' ' ~ > :, ;,-r; : <,j > < '-~ <" "< ~ i 'N <'; r ''• ~ \ -" ' ~ Mayor Jim White Larry R. Blanchard, Director of Public Works '~ ....__,-KENT WA5HIIdlTOt.i . i I • I 'I CTTYOFKENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 2006-2011 Table of Contents I. Resolution adopting the 2006-2011 Six Year TIP ............................................................................................ .i 2. Statement of Purpose ...................................................................................... .ii 3. Listing of the ProJects ................. , .................................................... iii 4. Map of the Projects ... , ..................................................................... iv 5. Section 1 Projects ..................................................................... 1 -14 6. Section 2 Projects .................................. , ................................. 15 -34 7. Section 3 Projects ........................................ , ......................... 35-38 8. Contact Information ...................................................................... .39 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 2006-2011 PURPOSE Mandated by State Law State law requires that each city develop a local Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) and that it be annually updated (RCW 35.77.010). It also reqUires that projects be mcluded m the TIP in order for cities to compete for transportation f\mdmg grants from most Federal and Stak sources. Federal grant funded and regiOnally stgnificant projects from the frrst three years of the City's TIP are submitted to the Regional TIP, wluch is assembled by the Puget Sound Regional Council for King, Kitsap, Pierce and Snohomtsh Countles. The regional TIPs (RTTP) from around the state are then combined to form the State TIP (STIP), which IS approved by the Governor and then submitted to the Federal Highway Admimstratwn and Federal Transit Authonty for their revtew and approval. What is the Six Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)? The Six-Year Transportahon Improvement Program (TIP) is a short-range platming document that ts annually updated based on needs and pohcies Identified through a variety of sources. It represents Kent's current complete hst of needed projects for the next six years. The document also identifies secured or reasonably expected revenue sources for each of the projects included in the TIP. Typically. projects listed in the first three years of the document ate shown as having seemed fundmg while proJects in the last three years can be partially or completely unfUI1ded. Since federal and state fut1dmg cat1 onl:y be awarded to projects Jfthey are included in at! adopted TIP, the City lists some potential projects m the Ctiy's TIP. Once a project is listed in the City's TIP, it becomes eligible for inclusiOn m the Ctty's Capital Improvement Program (CIP) which is updated as patt of the City's budget process. Development of the Six-Year TIP is an On-Going Process TIP project and financial development involve interactions with many groups and agencies at the local, regtonal, state and federal levels Public Works Engineering Design, Traffic Engmeenng, Transportation Planning, and Accounting all contribute to the process On-gomg transportation plannmg activities, such as updating the Transportation Element and traffic model, coordinating with the City's Comprehensive Plan and the development of sub-area platts, such as the Downtown Strategic Actlon Plan, and the Kent StatiOn Plan. play an tmportant part in identifying and prioritlZlng transportation improvement projects State and regional transportation projects also play an Important role such as those involving King County Metro Transit, Sound Transit, the Washington Transportation Plan, DestinatiOn 2030, and the Burlington Northern Santa Fe and Umon Pacific Ra1lroads. Within the City of Kent, there are actions and mteractions involving other departments and divisions, the private sector, and the City Council and Administration wh1ch strongly influence the direction of the transportation program. For example, the transportation program is significantly impacted by land use deciswns, pnvate development proposals and by public water and sewer extensrons wh!Ch mcrease transportal! on demand by making possrble hrgher dens1ty and/or mtenstly ofland uses. Such proposals need to be morutored and analyzed m regard to how they individually and collectJvely create the need for transportation Improvements. At the City, State and Federal level there are new laws and regulations that create the need for new or d1fferent kinds of transportation projects and programs. Examples include the Transportation Efficiency Act (TEA-21), the Growth Management Act, the Clean Air Act, the Commute Trip Reduction Law. the Endangered Species Act and the Surface Water Management Ordmance All of these laws have tremendous impacts on the development and costs of transportation proJects. With its heavy dependence on many different and unpredictable sources of outside funding and with the significant impacts created by on-going local, regional and state-wide decrsions, transportation project development is a continuous activtty comprised of land use development, financial, environmental, legislative, regulative, economic, political, visionary, and practical elements Structure of the Program The 2006-2011 Stx-Year Transportation Program is divided into three general sections. The first section covers Projects 1-14. These are projects which are currently underway or expected to be underway by the end of 2006. The second section covers Projects 15·34. These are projects which are expected to begin m 2007 or later. The th1rd section, Projects 35-38, are ongoing city-wide projects or programs in which the City is makmg contmuous 1mprovcments and enhancements. h CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 2006-2011 Project Number 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Project Name Project Locatwn and Extent Pacific Hl~hway South HOV Lanes-North Phase South 252" Street to Kent-Des Momes Road (SR 516) Pacific H~hway South HOV Lanes -South Phase South 272 Street to South 252"d Street Kent Station Infrastructure Improvements V1c1mty of l" Avenue North and Ramsay Way Kent Transit Center Access Improvements Central Avenue North to Rmlroad Avenue North Military Road South at Reith Road Intersectzon Improvement Smart Growth Initiative Widen Sm1th Street near Lincoln Avenue and w1den Willis at 2"d Ave South South 228 1h Street Corridor -Phase I Mliltmy Road South to 6l11 Avenue South South 2771h Street Corridor Extension Widen 116'11 Avenue SE from Kent Kangley Road (SR 516) to SE 256h St Transportation Master Plan Major update of the Kent 1984 Comprehensive Transportation Plan South 228 1h Street/Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad Grade Separation Grade separatwn crossmg at Burlmgton Northern/Santa Fe Razlroad 84 1 h Avenue South Widening and Pavement Rehabilitation SR 167 to South 212111 Street South 277 111 Street Bicycle/Pedestrian Trail Green R1ver Road to JOB'" Avenue SE ui CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 2006-2011 Project Number 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. Project Name Project Location and Extent Kent Station Mitigation Projects Widen Wtllts Street at ih Avenue and Central Avenue at Willis Street State Route 167 (SR 167) Widening Czty staff engmeermg and plannmg support of WSDOT project to Widen State Route 167 from SR 512 to South 180'h Street 72"d Avenue South Extension South 200'h Street to South 1961h Street South 2281h Street/Union Pacific Grade Separation Grade separation crossing at Union Pacific Rmlroad Central Avenue South Pavement Rehavilitation Green Rtver Bridge to East Wzllrs Street (SR 516) Interurban Trail Crossings Signal Interconnect West Meeker Street and West Sm1th Street South 2281" Street Corridor-Phase III/South 224 111 Street Extension 84'h Avenue South to 1 041h Avenue Southeast (Benson Road)(SR515) 1-5/South 272"d Street Interchange Reconstruction-Phase I Provide transit and HOV Direct Access between South 272ml Stand I-5 South 272"d Street Widening-Phase II Pacific H1ghway South to Mtlltary Road South 80 111 Avenue South Widening South 196'h Street to South 1881h Street SE 2481h Street Improvements 1161h Avenue Southeast to 132"'1 Avenue Southeast Willis Street (SR 51 6) Union Pacific Railroad Grade Separation Grade separatwn crossmg at Umon Paq{ic Rmlroad (UPRR) lll CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEM:ENT PROGRAM 2006-2011 Project Number 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. Project Name Project Location and EMent Willis Street {SR516)/Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad Grade Separation Grade separation crossing at Burlmgton Northern Santa Fe Railroad SE 2561h Street Widening SR 516 (Kent Kangley Road) to 11 ~h Avenue SE South 21zth Street Union Pacific Railroad Grade Separation Grade separation crossing at Umon Pacific Rmlroad South 2121h Street/Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad Grade Separation Grade separation crossing at Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad West Meeker Street Widening-Phase I 64 111 Avenue South to the Green Rtver Bndge West Meeker Street Widening-Phase II SR 516 to the east side of the Green Rtver, mcluding a new bridge Military Road Widening South 272"d Street to South 24d11 Street 1081h Avenue SE Extension SE Kent Kangley Road (SR 516) to SE 256111 Street South 1961h/192nd Street Corridor-Phase III 84'" Avenue South (East Valley Higlnvay) to 108 1h Avenue SE (SR 515) SR 181/West Valley Highway/Washington Avenue Widening Meeker Street north to approxmwte~v the 218111 block Bicycle and Pedestrian Improvements Ongomg c1tyw1de program to encourage the use of non-motorized transportatwn modes and provzde safe routes for schoolchlldren Ill CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 2006-2011 Project Number 36. 37. 38. Project Name Pro;ect Location and Extent Guardrail and Safety Improvements Ongomg Cltywzde program to ehmmate potentwlly hazardous roadway conditions Americans with Disabilities Act Compliance Sidewalk Repair and Rehabilitation Ongomg cztyw1de program to repair and! or replace pedestrzan ramps in comphance wzth the Federal Government's Amen cans wzth D!sabibtres Act Community Based Circulating Shuttles Ongomg crtyw1de program to provide enhanced transit service within the Crty and prov1de mobzlity and mdependence to Senior Czt1zens, youth and others who prefer to move about the City Without an automobile @ ~ / r ~ ~r i ~. h :" ; t ~'~ "' ' ' > •27 .28 I ,, --~ ,J'! t @J J-6 7 e / /:<"~~ 13 r 21 20 f d 'r'-o· ,, ,~: 51 ' ' 23 9 -Tl -~ ' ~ t~ ';;· ' 'Q" ~ Six Year Transportation Improvement Program ·•· ' Scale. 1R ~ 4000' Kent City Limits YEAR 2006 PROJECTS ARE SHOWN IN RED YEAR 2007-2011 PROJECTS ARE SHOWN IN GREEN CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 2006-2011 SECTION 1 PROJECTS 1-14 These projects are currently underway or are expected to begin by the end of 2006 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT#l: DESCRIPTION: 2006 Pacific Hi~hway South (SR 99) HOY Lanes-North Phase South 252" Street to Kent-Des Moines Road (SR 516) Widen Pacific Htghway South to provtde a pair of HOY (High Occupancy Vehicle) lanes from South 25211ct Street to the Kent-Des Momes Road (SR 516) The proJect wtll also provtde a seven foot Wlde concrete stdewalk and modtfy extstmg traffic stgnal systems at South 240th Street, and South 252"d Street. The project will include constmctton of full-width paving; concrete curbs and gutters; landscaping; storm drainage; utilities; and appurtenances. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering .............. $1,300,000 Right of Way Acquisition ............... $850,000 Constmction ................................ $8, 122,000 TOTAL ...................................... $10,272,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): STP, TIB, TIA. City of Kent, WSDOT Fm1ded PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: This project will reduce peak hour single occupant vehicle trips by encouragmg high occupancy velucle usage. Pacific Htghv;ay South (SR 99) IS a regwnally significant north-south arterial heavily used by commuters for access from South King County to the employment centers 111 South Seattle, and provides alternative access to I-5 and Sea- Tac Airport. AlP-A rtenallmprovement Program [State]; CMA Q-Congestion M1t1gat10n and Air Quahty [Federal]; FAST-- Freight Act ton Strategy for Everett-Seattle-T~oma Corndor FMSIB-Fre1ght Mobtlny Strategtc Investment Board [State], FTA-Federal flanstt AdtYuntsttatlOn [Fedetal], HF:S-Ha7ald Ehmmatton [Federal], 11:~-fntelhgent TransportatiOn System' [Federal], LID -Local Improvement Dtslnct, PWTF-Pub he Works Trust fund Loan [Slate], STP-Stu face T18nsportatton Pwg1am [Federal], TIA. -1ransportatton Improvement Account, TIB-Ttansportatlon Improvement Boa1d [State], TPP-Transportatton Partnership Program [State] CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT#2: DESCRIPTION: 2006 Pacific Highway South (SR 99) HOV Lanes -South Phase South 272nd Street to South 252 11d St1eet Wtden Pac1fic Highway South to provide a pair ofHOV (High Occupancy Velucle) lanes from South 272°d Stieet to South 252nd Street. The project w1ll also provide a seven foot wide concrete sidewalk and modify ex1stin~ traffic stgnals at South 253rd Street, South 260t11 Street, and South 272n Street. The proJeCt will mclude construction of full-width paving; concrete curbs and gutters; landscaping; stonn drainage; utiht1es; and appurtenances. PROJECT COST: Prelimmary Engmeenng .............. $1,000,000 R1ght of Way Acquisitwn ............ $1,800,000 Construction ................................ $6,900,000 TOT AL ........................................ $9, 700,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): TIB, STP, City of Kent, Kmg County, WSDOT PROJECT JUSTIFlCATION: The proJect will reduce peak hour single-occupant vehicle trips by encouragmg high occupancy vehicle usage Pacific Highway South (SR 99) is a regiOnally significant north-south arterial heavtly used by commuters for access from South Kmg County to the employment centers in South Seattle, and provtdes addJttonal access to 1-5 and Sea- Tac Airport. AlP-Alielmllmp!Ovcment Program [State]: CMAQ-Congestion Mihgetion and A1r Quahty [Federal], FAST- Freight Acnon Strategy for Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Corndor, FMSIJJ-Freight Mob1!Jty Strategic Investment Board [State], F FA -l'e<leral Tran01t Ad1rumstrat10n [Fed era'] HES-Hazard Elmun&tlon [Federal], iTS -lntelhgent Transportanon Systems [Federal], LID -Local improvement D!Slnct, PWTF-Publ1c Wo1 ks Trust Fund Loan [State), STP-Surface TransportatiOn Program [Fedetal], TJA-TransportatiOn Improvement Account, TJB-Transportation Improvement Board [State], TPP-TransportatiOn Partnership Program [State) CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2006 PROJECT #3: Kent Station Infrastructure Improvements Vicimty of 41h Avenue North and Ramsay Way DESCRIPTION: Pave Ramsay Way from West Temperance Street to 4th Avenue North and install a traffic s1gnal at the intersection of 4'h Avenue North and Ramsay Way. Widen the west half of 1" Avenue North from West Smith Sl!eet to Temperance Street. The project will include full width paving, concrete curbs, gutters, and sidewalks, 1 andscaping; s tom1 drainage; utilities; and appurtenances on Ramsay Way and the same improvements wrll be prov1ded on the west half of 1 '' Avenue North between West Smith Street and Temperance Street. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering ................... $50,000 Right of Way AcqulSlttOn .......................... $0 Construction ................................... $450,000 TOT AL ........................................... $500,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent Funded PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: This project provides the necessary transportation infrastructure for development of Kent Stat10n and adjacent properties. The project rs coordinated with transrt and commuter rail improvements in and around the vrcmtty of Kent Station and the Kent Transit Center srtes The project mcludes street improvements required for the development of the site, as well as mitigation measures (traffic signal) to accommodate access to the city arterial street system. AlP-Artenal Improvement Program [State]; CMAQ-CongestiOn Mttigatton and Atr Quality [Federal); FAST-Freight Aclton Strategy fot Evct~tt-Seattlc-Tacoma Corndor, FMS!B-Fretght Mobtltty Stmteg1c Investment Board [State], FTA -Federal Tran>~t i\dmmtstratmn [Federal], NES -Hanrd Elu111natwn fFcdctal], ITS-Intelligent fransportatton Systems [Federal], UD- Loci'.! hnprovemenl Dtstnct, PWTF-Publ1c Works Trust Fund Lo•n [State], STP-Surface Transpmia!Ion Program [Federal]; T! 4-Transportation Imptovement Account, TIB-Transportauon Improvement BoMd (State], TPP-Transportatwn Partnership Program (State] CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2006 PROJECT #4: Kent Transit Center Access Improvements Central Avenue North to Railroad Avenue No1 th DESCRIPTION: Widen Pioneer Street between Railroad Avenue North and Central Avenue North mcludmg signal improvements at Central Avenue Norlh and Pioneer Street PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering ................. $1 00,000 Right of Way Acquisition .......................... $0 Construction ................................... $366,000 TOT AJ ................................................ $466,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent, King County PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Improvements to the corner radu and widerung of Pioneer Street will enhance transit access to the Kent T rans1t Center. The s 1gnal upgrade mcludes traffic signal mterconnect to the traftic signal system. This project 1s cruc1al to providing adequate access for the regional trans1t services to maneuver the1r buses mto the Kent Transit Center and circulate through the Trans1t Center w1lh minimal conflict from pedestrian or vehicle traffic. AlP· Artenal Improvement Program [State], CMAQ-Congestion MitigatiOn and Air Quality [Federal], FAST- Frdght Action Strategy for E'erett-Seatt1e-Tacoma Corridor, FMSfB-Frerght Mobrl1ty Strategrc Investment Board [State], FTA -redcrallronslt Adrrumstranon ~F~deral], UES-Hazard E~amnauon [Feder~l], iTS-Intelhgent Tran;portat10n Systems (Federal], LID -Local Improvement Drstrict, PWTF-Publ1c Wmks Trust Fund Loan [State]; STP-Surface TransportatiOn Program [Federal], TIA-Twnspo1tat1on Improvement Account, TJB-TransportatiOn Improvement Board [State], TPP-Transportal ron Partnersh1p Program [State] CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2006 PROJECT #5: Military Road South at Reith Road Intersecfwn Improvement DESCRIPTION: Widen all approaches of Mihtary Road South at Reith Road intersection to provide exclusive left tum lanes for each approach, and exclusJVe right tum lanes for northbound and southbound traffic on Mihtary Road South and westbound traffic on Reith Road Replace the ex1stmg traffic s1gnal. The proJect will mclude the construction of full width paving, paved shoulders, street lighting, storm drainage, utiht1es and appurtenances. PROJECT COST: Prelrrninary Engineering ................. $120,000 Right of Way Acquisition ............... $144,000 Construction ............................. $1 ,240,000 TOT AI... ........................................ $1,504,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): TIB, Ctty of Kent Partially Funded PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The level of development on the Kent West Hill coupled with the growth in the Puget Sound area and the regularly occumng congestiOn along both Pacific Highway South and Interstate 5 results m signtficant congestion at this intersection in the morning and evening peak hours. AlP· Artenallmprovement Program [State]; CMAQ-Congestton Mtngation and Air Quahty [Federal); FAST-Fretght Actlon Strategy fo1 Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Corndor, PMSJB-Fre1ght Mob1hty Strategic Investment Board (~tate], FT1 -Federal Transit Adnum>tratlon I Federal], HES-H:uard Ellmmanan [Federalj, ITS-Intelligent TrdnsportdtlOn S)>term [Federal]. LID- Local Imptavcment DJStnct, PWTF-Public Wotks Trust Fund Loan [State], STP-Surface Transpoliat!ml Program [Federal]; TIA-Transpartatmn lmpro,ement Account, TIB-TransportatiOn Improvement Board [State], TPP-TransportatiOn Partnership Program [State] CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT#6: DESCRIPTION: 2006 Smart Growth Initiative Widen Smith Street to provide a left turn lane from eastbound Smith Street onto northbound Lincoln Avenue. The project mcludes the constructton of a new traffic signal at the mtersection of Smith and Lmcoln as well as the reconstruction of existing curb, gutter and sidewalks along Sm1th Street. Widen Willis Street to provide a left turn lane from eastbound Willis Street to northbound 2nd Avenue South. This project mcludes construction of new curb, gutter and sidewalks along znd Avenue between Willis Street and Saar Street. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering ................ $196,000 Right of Way Acquis1tion ............... $265,000 Construction ................................ $1 ,090,000 TOTAL ........................................ $1.551 ,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): STP, City of Kent, PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: These proJects will improve traffic flow within the Kent Urban Center and Improve access to Kent Sta!Jon and the downtown business distnct. The left turn pocket at Will1s and 2nd Streets will improve access to the City's Central Business District and stimulate economic development by providmg a d1rect c01mection betv. een downtown Kent and State Route 516. The left tum pocket and signal at Smith and Lincoln Streets will facilitate the redevelopment of a portton of Kmg Cowlty Metro Transit's Park and R1cle Lot. AlP-Artenallmprovement Pmgram [State]; CMAQ-Congestton M1tigat1on and Air Quality [Federal], FAST-Fre1ght Act10n Strategy for Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Corndor. FMSIB-Fre1ght Mobli1ty StrategiC fnvestment Boatd [State], FTA-Federal Transtt Admmtstratwn [Fede1 al] HES --Hazard Ehnunatwn [Fcdml], I 1 S-Intelligent Tran,portatJM Systems [Federal], L!D- Local hnprovemcnt Dtsn tel, PWTF-Pub he Work< Trust Fund Loan [Stare]. STP-Surtacc TransportatiOn Program [Federal], TI4 -Tran<portallon Improvement Account, TIB-Transportalton Improvement Board [State], TPP-TransportatiOn Partnership Program l State] CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT#7: DESCRIPTION: 2006 South 228 1h Corridor-Phase I Mzlitwy Road South to 64'1l Avenue South Constmction of a new five-lane roadway from SR 516 along Military Road South to approximately Bolger Road, then from Mthtary Road South to 64th Avenue South, mcludtng new bndges over the Green River and over 228 111 at Riverview Boulevard. The prOJeCt mcludes the construction of full wtdth paving; b1 idges; concrete curbs, gutters and sidewalks; street lighting; stom1 drainage; landscaping; uttlities and appurtenances; installatiOn of traffic signals at the corridor's intersections with Military Road South and Lakeside Boulevard; sound bamer along The Lakes community; and the wtdenmg of the ex1stmg roadway where reqmred. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering .............. $4,800,000 Right of Way Acqutsition ............ $1,800,000 Construction ........................... $21 ,400,000 1'0T AL ......•.•............................. $28,000,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent, LID 353, TIB, FMSIB, PWTF Funded PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: James Street and Meeker Street corridors are not feasible to widen sufficiently to accommodate the forecast traffic volumes and future development West Meeker Street currently represents the only east-west arterial that crosses the Green River between SR 516 and South 21 i" Street. This project will provide required east-west capacity. AlP-Artenal Improvement P1ogram [State], CMAQ-Conges!lon M1t1gdt1on and Air Quahty [Federal]; FAST-Fre1ght Action Strategy for Everett·Seattle-Tacoma Comdor, FMSJB-Fre1ght Mobthty StlOtogJc Investment Board [State], FTA -Feder.! Tramlt Admm1strat1on [Federal], l-IES-Hazard Elnmnatwn [Federal], ITS-Intell1gent Tramportatwn Systems [Federal], LID- Locallmprovement District, PWTP-Publtc Works Twst Fund Loan [State], STP-Surtace Transportatwn Program [Federal]; TIA-T1anspottatron Improvement Account, TJB-TransportatiOn Improvement Bomd [State], TPP·-Transpotiahon Partnership Program [State] CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2006 PROJECT #8: South 2771h Street Corridor Extension Widen 116'" Avenue Southeast from Kent Kangley Road (SR 516) to Southeast 256"' Street DESCRIPTION: Widen 116tl' Avenue Southeast to provide a five lane roadway, mcludmg four general-purpose travel lanes, a two-way left tum lane and a btcycle fac1hty Also mcluded m this project will be the widening of the mtersection of Kent Kangley Road and ll61h Avenue Southeast to add an addttionalleft tum lane to provide dual left tum lanes westbound on Kent Kangley Road to southbound 1161h Avenue Southeast and a right tum accelerat10n lane eastbound on Kent Kangley Road from northbound ll61h Avenue Southeast. The project will include the constructwn of paving; conctcte curbs, gutters and sidewalks; bicycle lanes; paved shoulders; street ltghting; storm drainage; utilities and appurtenances. PROJECT COST: Prehmmary Engmeenng ................. $530,000 Right of Way Acquisition ............... $570,000 Construction ................................ $2, 140,000 TQJ'A]...,,, .. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,uu•••u••••••••••••$3,240,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent, LID, TIB PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: This project extends the South 2771h Street corridor northward to Southeast 2561h Street Traffic studtes have indicated that traffic demand will contmue to mcrease on this sectwn of 116 1 ~ Avenue. This roadway facilttates traffic from Southeast 256 1h Street to the South 27ih Street corridor. AlP· A1tenal !mprovetnent Program [State], CMAQ-Congestton MthgatJOn and Atr Quality [Federal]; FAST-Fretght Action Strategy lor Everett-Seattle· Tacoma Corndor. FMSIB-Fre1ght Mobtllty StrategiC Investment Board [State], FTA-Federal Tran>Jt Admnustratton [Federal], HES-Hazard Ellrruna>ton [hdcral], ll'S-lntelllgent Transportation Sy<tem< [Federal], LID- Local Improvement Dtstnct, PWTF-Publtc Works Trust Fund Loan [State], STP-SUJface Transportation Program (Federal], TIA-Ttansportat10n Improvement Account, TJB-Tr•nsportatwn Improvement Board (State], TPP-Transportation Pattnershtp Program (State] CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2006 -2008 PROJECT #9: Transportation Master Plan DESCRIPTION: This project consists of a major update of the Transportation Master Plan including near-tenn and long range plannmg of the Ctty's transportation system needs. ProJect costs Vvill include consult contracts for transportatiOn planning, concurrency management, public involvement, travel demand and traffic operations modeling and analysis of potential financmg strategies to constmct, operate and maintain the city's transportation network. The project may include staff resources, hardware and software to analyze and manage the transportation network and develop implementing legislation and regulatiOns related to the transportation system. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering ................. $850,000 Rtght of Way AcquisitiOn .......................... $0 Construction .............................................. $0 TOTAL ............................................ $850,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The City's Transportation Master Plan is more than 20 years old and needs to be brought mto compliance with current Growth Management pohcJes and practlces as defined in PSRC's Destination 2030, the regton's Metropolttan Transportatwn PlaJL The Ctty must be in compliance with all State, County and Regwnal pohctes in order to be eligible to apply for competitive transportatiOn grants. Likewise, the City would like to investigate methods of measurmg Concurrency that would incorporate all modes of travel, better reflect the ways our commumty is changing, engage the community m the discussion of their future transportatiOn mvestments, and mvestigate vanous ways of funding our future transportatiOn needs. AlP-Artenal Improvement Program [State]; CMAQ-CongestiOn MIIIgatlon and A1r Quahty [Federal], FAST-Fre1ght Action Strateg)' for Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Corndor, FMSJB-F1 ctght MobJ!tty StJategtc Investment Board (State], FTA-Federal TtanSJt Adnun.snatton [FedeiaiJ, HES-llazard Ehrrun.ttwr. [Fede1al] ITS -Intelligent Transportation Systems [Federal], LID- Local Improvement Dmnct, PWTF-Public Works Trust Fund Loan [State], STJ'-Surt:.Ce Tr.msportat10n Program [Federal], TIA-Ttansportauon Improvement AcLount, TJB-Transportat1on lmpro,ement Board [Statcj, TPP-Transportatwn Partnership Program [State] CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2006 PROJECT #10: South 228 111 Street/Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad Grade Separation Grade Separation crossing at Burl mgt on Northern/Santa Fe Rmlroad DESCRIPTION: Construct grade separation of the Burlmgton Northem Santa Fe Railroad mah11ine tracks at South 228'h Sheet. The project will include the construction of a railroad bridge, road underpass, full-width pavmg; concrete curbs, gutter, and s1dev.alks; street hghting; utilities and appurtenances. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering .............. $1,250,000 Rlght of Way Acqmsihon ............ $1,000,000 Construction .......................... $17,750,000 TOT AJ....~ ...................................... $20,000,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent, Till, FAST, FMSill. Burlington Northem Santa Fe PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Railroad Partially Funded The project will lead to a seamless connection between major fteight handlers and their pnmary destinations. This project will support freight movmg through Kent to the Ports of Seattle and Tacoma, Sea-Tac Airport and the freeway system Grade separatmg the artenal Will increase both rml and roadway capacity, decrease congest10n, enhance safety, and improve freight mob1ltty m the corndor and throughout the region. Th1s project will provide reg10nal connectlons between thousands of businesses, employers, and 40 million square feet ofwarehouse/industnal space. The level of fre1ght and passenger ra1l traffic on the BNSF Rmlroad mainlme is rismg as a consequence of 1 ncreased traffic in the Puget Sound area, and new SOlmd Transit and Amtrak serv1ce. ATP • Artenal fmprovement Program [State]. CMAQ-CongestlOn MttJgatlon and Atr Quahty [Federal], FAST-Freight Action Strategy for Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Corndor, FMSIB-Fretght Mobthty Strategtc Investment Board [State), FTA -Federal Tmn&It Adrmmstratwn [Fedora\], HES-Hazard Eh:ninatton [Federal], ITS -lmelhgen\ Transponatwn Systems [Federal], L!D- Local Improvement D1stnct, Pff7F-Pubhc Work• Trust Fund Loan [State]; STP-Surface TransportatiOn Program [Federal]; TIA -TransportatiOn Improvement Account, TIE-TransportatiOn Improvement Board [State), TPP-Transportation Partnership Program [Stare) CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION lMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2006 PROJECT #11: 84 1h Avenue South Widening and Pavement Rehabilitation SR 167 to South 212'1' Street DESCRIPTION: Construct 3 continuous southbound lanes from S 2li11 Street to S 224th Street where such lanes do not currently exist. Construct continuous sidewalks ftom S 212u' St to SR 167. Remove and rehabilitate the existmg roadway pavement along the existing curb lanes m both directtons to add additional service hfe to the roadway between SR 167 and S 21zth Street. Overlay the entire roadway area w1th asphalt concrete pavement. ProJect includes the selective replacement of catch basm inlets, dnveway approach aprons, and curbs and gutters. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering ................. $145,000 Right of Way Acqms1t10n ............... $585,000 Construction ................................ $2,025.000 TOT AL ........................................ $2, 755,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): STP, City of Kent, TIB, LID Partially Funded PROJECT JUSTlFICATION: The existing pavement along this section of 841h Avenue South is showing signs of structural distress as demonstrated by "alhgatoring", longJtudmal crackmg, and crackmg of the curbs and gutte1s .1\n mverted crown sect1011 also occurs at the former curb line along many of the sections of this street. Thts mverted crown sectton results m the ponding of stonnwater in the street along the sean1 lme, which mcreases the failure rate of the roadway pavement. Stdewalks do not cunently extst throughout the length of the project area. AlP· Arlena! Improvement Program [State]; CMAQ-Congestton MttigattOn and Atr Quahty [Federal]. FAST-Fretght Action Strategy for Evetert-Sealtle·Tacoma Comdor, FMSIB-Fretght Mobthty Strategtc Investment Board [State], FTA-Federal Transtl AdmuH&tt•twn [Federal] HF:S-Jiazs1d Elmunauon [Federal], ITS -Intelligent Transpottatton Systems [~ederal], LID- Local Improvement Dtstnct, PWIF -Publtc Work' Trust Fund Loan [State], STP-Surface Transportat10n Program (Fedetal]; T!A-Tran,portatlOn ln1p1 ovement Account, TIB-Transportahon Improvement Board (State]; TPP-Transpot1atwn Partnership Program [State] CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2006 PROJECT #12: South 2771b Street Bicycle/Pedestrian Trail Green Rtver Road to 1081h Avenue SE DESCRIPTION: Construct an 8 foot wide p,aved asphalt bicycle/pedestrian trail from the Green River Road to 108 11 Avenue SE, just south of South 2771 h Street. This trail Will have a grade from 2% to 10% slope over the approximately one mile length. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering ........................... $0 Right ofWay Acquisition .......................... SO Construction ................................... $500,000 '"fOT AL ............................................. $500~000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent Funded PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The tratl will provide a major non-motorized connection between the Green River Valley and the East Hill of Kent It will proHde a scenic route through a wooded hillside for cycltsts and pedestrians to connect with other trail systems along the Green Rwer and Interurban trails via S 277tl' Street With bicycle/pedestlian facilities on SE 2741h Way. This projects will help aclueve the non-motonzed facilities and healthy communities goals of the Kent Comprehensive Plan and PSRC's Destmation 2030. AlP-Artenallmprovement Program [State], C'MAQ-Congesi:Jon MittgatiOn and A it· Qualtty [Federal); FAST-Frctght Actton Strategy for Everett-Seattle-Tacomn Corndor, FMSIB-Frctght Mobthty Strategic Imestmcnt Board (State], FTA-Federal Transit AdmmtstrJt1on [Federal], !ECS --Hward Ehmmatton [Federal], ITS-Intclhgcnr TrJnsportai:Jon Systems [Federal]. LID- Local improvement Dtstnct, PW IF-Pub he Works Trust Fund Loan [State], STP-Surfdce Transpottatwn Program [Fedetal], TIA -Transportatwn Improvement Account, TIB-Transportai:Jon lmptovemcnt Board [State], TPP-TransportatiOn Partnershtp Pmgrnm [State] CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2006 PROJECT #13: Kent Station Mitigation Projects Widen Wtllts Street at 4'h Avenue and Central Avenue at Willzs Street ESCRIPTION: Provide an additional left-tum pocket on eastbound Willis Street to northbound 4th Avenue. Provide a right-tum pocket southbound on Central Avenue to westbound Willis Street. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering ................... $40,000 Right of Way Acquisition ................. $40,000 Constructwn ................................... $330,000 'l'OTAL ............................................ $41 0,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent, Development Mitigation Funds Funded PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: These projects are traffic mitigation requirements for additional trips generated by the Kent S tali on development T he City of Kent w 111 be implementing these proJects reqmred by the developer. AlP-Artenallmprovement Program [State]. CMAQ-Congestton Mt!tgat!On and Atr Quality [Federal], FAST-Fre1ght Actmn Strategy for Eve1ett-Seattle-Tacoma Corndor, TMSIB-Fre1ght Mob1ltty Strateg1c lnve<tment Bomd [State], FTA-Fcdcrdl Transt! Adnutmtrattcn [Federal], ffES-Hazmd Elurunat1on [Federal], ITS -Intelligent Trdl1sportatlon System; [Federal], UD- Local Improvement D1stucl, PWTF-Pub he Works Trust Fund Loan [State], STP-SUJface T1ansportanon Program [Federal], TIA -TransportatiOn Improvement Account, TJB-TransportatiOn Improvement Board [State], TPP-Tra"sportat10n Partnership Program [St<1te] CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2006 -2011 PROJECT #14: State Route 167 Widening Wtden SR 167 from SR 512 to South 18d'' Street DESCRIPTION: City of Kent Engineering and Transportation Planning staff support towards the Washington State Department of Transportation's project to widen State Route 167 from State Route 512 to South 180fr. Street. This proJect IS to include an additiOnal general purpose lane in each drrection and to complete the HOV system. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering .............. $1,200,000 R1ght of Way Acquisition ......................... .$0 Construction .............................................. $0 TOT AL ........................................ $1 ,200,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): WSDOT, City of Kent PRO.JECT JUSTIFICATION: While this Washington State Department of Transpmiation (WSDOT) project is a multi-million dollar improvement conststing of State and RTID funding, the City of Kent has provided, and will provide, hundreds of hours of transpotiatwn planning, data gathering, and prclinunary engmeering in support of this critical transportation corridor. The congestion on SR 167 resulting. from inadequate capacity creates spillover congestion onto Kent arterials and Jeopanhzes the future of our local and regwnal economy Kent IS the second largest warehouse/distribution center on the west coast, containing over 40 millwn square feet of warehouse/industrial space. Many Ke11t businesses ship to national and mtcrnatwnal customers and need reliable travel tune to the ports. With the plrumed extension of SR 167 to the Port of Tacoma and planned completion of SR 509 connecl1ng Kent to the Port of Seattle, this proJect would complete the freight comdor, sluftmg thousands of da1ly tmck lnps from I-5 and SR 18 to the Valley Freeway (SR 167). AlP-Arlena! Improvement Program [State]; CMAQ-Congestion Mttlgattcn and Atr Qua!Jty [Federal]; FAST-Freight Action Strategy for Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Comdor. FMS!B-Fretght Mobtltty Suatcgtc Investment Board [State], FTA.-Fedetal Transit Adn11mstrahon [Feder~\], I!ES-H<l2ard E\nmnation [FeJetal], ITS-Intel!Jgent Tr.mspottal!on Systems [Federal). !Jl) .. Local Improvement Dtstnct, PWfF-Pubhc Works Trust Fund Loan [State], STP-Sutfacc Tlansportanon PIOgtam [Federal], TJA -Tr.u"portatwn lmprovement Account, TIB-Tra~sportation lmptovement Board [State], TPP-TransportatiOn Pattnetshtp Program [State] CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 2006-2011 SECTION 2 PROJECTS 15 -34 These projects are expected to begin construction in the years 2007 through 2011 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2007 PROJECT #15: 72"d Avenue South Extension South 20rJ" Street to South 19r1" Street DESCRIPTION: Construct a new four-lane roadway from South 200th Street to South 1961h St-reet The project will mclude the crossing of Mill Creek and constructiOn of fnll-width paving, concrete curbs, gutters, and sidewalks; street lighting; storm dramage; landscaping; ulllities and appurtenances. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering ................. $170,000 Rtght of Way Acqutstlton .......................... $0 Construction .................................. .$600,000 TOTAL ........................................... $770,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): Clty of Kent PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Continued development in the northem Kent industrial area, and high levels of congestion along West Valley H1ghway between the South 180111 Street and South 196111 Street corridors, mandate addttional north-south arterial capacity. This project provides some relief for South 180 1h Street, Sonlh 196 1h Street, and South 212 1h Street intersections along West Valley Htghway. It also prov1des 1mproved access to the South 1961h Street corridor from mdustrial development along 72"" Avenue South. AlP-ArLena I Improvement Program [State); CMAQ-CongestiOn Mitigatlon and An Quahty [Federal], FAST-Fretghl Action Strategy for Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Corndor, FMSIB-FretghL Mob1hty Strategtc lnvestmeN Board [State), FT;I-Federal Transit Adrrumstr.;\IOn [Federal], HFS-HJ7A>td Eltmmatmn [Fc<lctal], IT~ -lntelh~cnt TranspiJrtatwn Systems [Federal]. LID- Local Improvement Dtstuct, PWTF-Pubhc Works Trust Fund Loan [State], STP-Surface Transportatto11 Program [Federal], TIA-TransportatKm Improvement Accamlt, TIB-Transpor\a\ton Improvement Board [State], TPP-Transporta1ton Prutnetship Program [State] CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2007 PROJECT #16: South 228th StreetJUnion Pacific Grade Separation Grade Separation cross111g at Un1011 Pacific Railroad DESCRIPTION: Construct grade separation of the Union Pacific Railroad mainline tracks at South 228 111 Street. The project will include the constructwn of a railroad bridge structure, a bicycle and pedestrian bridge, and a road underpass; full-width paving, concrete curbs, gutters and sidewalks; street hghtmg; utilities and appurtenances. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engincering .............. $1,500,000 Right of Way Acquisition ........... $1 ,000.000 Construction .............................. $19,500,000 TOT AL ...................................... $22,000,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent, TTB,FAST, FMSIB, Union Pacitic Railroad PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The proJect will lead to a seamless connectwn between maJor freight handlers and their pnmary destmatwns. This proJeCt will support freight movmg through Kent to the Ports of Seattle and Tacoma, Sea-Tac Airport and the freeway system. Grade separating this arterial will inciCase both rail and roadway capac1ty, decrease congestion, enhance safety, improve fteight mobility in this corridor and throughout the region. This project will provide regtonal connections for thow,ands ofbusmesses, employers, and the 40 milhon square feet ofwarehouse/mdustrial space m the valley. AlP· Artenallmprovement Program [State]; CMAQ-Congeshon MthgatJOn and Air QualLty [Federal]. FAST-Fretght Action Strategy for Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Comdor, FMSIB-Fretght Mobthty Strateg1c Investment Board [State], FTA-FcdeJal Transtl Admmt>ttatiOn [Federal]. HE~-Hazard Elumnatton [FedeJal], ITS-Intelltgent Ttansportat1on Sy~tems [Fedetal]. UD- Locallmptovement Dtstnc\, PWTF-Pub he Works Trust Fund Loan [State], STP-Surface Transportation Progtam [Federal]; TIA -Transportation Improvement Account, TJB-Transportation Improvement Board (State], TPP-Transportatwn Partnershtp Program [State] CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2007 PROJECT #17: Central Avenue South Pavement Rehabilitation Green River Bridge to East WTllls Street (SR 516) DESCRIPTION: Remove and rehabilitate the existing roadway pavement to add additional service life to the roadway, between the Green River Bridge and East Willis Street (SR 516). This proJect will include the removal and replacement of the upper two inches of the existmg pavement in the curb lanes in both d1rections, and a full-width asphalt concrete overlay of the entire roadway, and will also mclude the selecuve replacement of catch basm inlets, and dnveway approach aprons, as well as curbs, gutters and sidewalks. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering ................... $80,000 Right of Way Acquisition .......................... $0 Construction ................................... $920,000 TOT AL ........................................... $1,000,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): STP, City of Kent, PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The existing paving along this section of Central Avenue South is exhibiting signs of distress, as demonstrated by "alhgatoring:, longttudmal crackmg, and cracking of the curbs and gutters. The service life of thts road\\ ay has been teached, necessitatmg reconstruction of the pavement to extend the service life of the toad way, and prevent further pavement degradatiOn All'-Arten•l Improvement Program [State], CMAQ-Congestion MitigatiOn and Air Quahty [Federal], FAST-Fre1ght Action Strategy for Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Corndor, f:\1SIB-Frerght Mob1hty Strategrc Investment Board [State], FTA-Federal Transit Admmrstratwn [federol], HES-Hazard 1Jlnrunat1on [Federal], ITS-lntellrgent Transportation Systems [Federal], LID- Local Imp10vemcnt Drstnct, PWTF-Pubhc Worls Trust Fund Loan (State], STP-Surface Transportallon Program [Federal], TIA-Transporumon lmp10vement Account, TIB-T1ansportat1on Improvement Boa1d [State], TPP-Transportauon Partnership Program [State] CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM \lKAJl: 2008 PROJECT #18: Interurban Trail Crossings Signal Interconnect West Meeker Street and Wesr Smith Street DESCRIPTION: IntercolUlect the existing traffic stgnals at the Interurban Trail crossmgs at West Meeker Street and West Smith Street to the Union Pacific Railroad crossing signals at satd streets. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering ................... $33,000 Right of Way Acquisition ............... $264,000 Constntctton .............................................. $0 TOT AL ........................................... $297,.000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): STP, City of Kent, PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: This project ts required in order to interconnect the existmg street signals wtth the ratlroad crossmg stgnals. It will elimmate potenttal confltcts where traffic could back up across the railroad tracks. Most ofthe cost of thts proJect is for the Umon Pacific Railroad to upgrade their grade crossing signal equipment to provide sufficient waming time of an approaching train. AlP-Artendl Improvement Program [State]; CMAQ-CongestiOn Mitt gallon and Air Quahty [Federal); FAST-Freight Aetton Strategy fm Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Corndor, FMSIB-Fretght Mobthty Strategic Investment Board [State], FTA-Fedeml Transit Admmistranon [Fe•ce1 al], Hf:S-Hazatd Eltmmation [Fedctalj, ITS-Intelhgent Tiansportat1on Systems [FcJcral], LID- Local Improvement Dtstnct, PWTF-Public Works Trust Fund Loan [State], STP-Surf.u;e Transport.ltJOn Program [Federal], TJA --Transpoi1atton Improvement Account, 118-TransportatiOn lmpro>ement Board [~tate]. TPP-TransportatiOn PMtnership Program [State) CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2008 PROJECT #19: South 2281ll Street Corridor-Phase lliJSoutb 224th Street Extension 841/t Avenue South to 1041" Avenue Southeast (Benson Road) (SR 515) DESCRIPTION: Construct a new five-lane road from 84th Avenue South to 104d' Avenue Southeast (Benson Highway) (SR 515), including a new bridge over SR 167, and modify the traftic signals at the intersection of South 224th Street and 841h Avenue South The project will mclude the constructiOn of full- width pavmg; concrete curbs, gutters and sidewalks; street lighting; storm drainage; landscapmg; ut1lities and appurtenances. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering ............. $1 ,500,000 Right of Way Acquisition ............ $4,800,000 Constl uction .............................. $18, 700,000 TOT AL ...................................... $25,000,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent, LID PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: AdditiOnal capacity is required to accommodate existing development in theEastH11l area o ftbe city. The James Street and South 2081h/2121h Street 'corridors' are mfeas1ble to widen to accommodate forecast traffic volumes without additional east-west capac1ty, based upon existing development and topographic constraints. AlP· Artenal Improvement Prngram [State], CMAQ -C()IIgestlon Mttigahon and Au Quahty [Federal], FAST-Freight A elton Strategy for Everett-Seattle· Tacoma Comdor, FMSIB-Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board [State], FTA-Federal Transit Adnumstrot10n [federal], HES --Hanrd Ehmma\Ion [Federal], iTS-lntelngent fransportat\On Sy<tems [Fedcrat], LID- Local Improvement Dtstnct, PWTF-Pub he Works Tru;t Fund Loan [State], STP-Surface Transportation Program [Federal], TJA -Transportah011 Impro\ement Account, TJB-TransportatiOn Improvement Board [State], 71'?--TransportatiOn Partnershtp P1og1am [State] CiTY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT #20: DESCRIPTION: PROJECT COST: 2008 I-5/South 272"d Street Interchange Reconstruction-Phase I Provide transit and HOV Direct-Access between South 272"d Stand 1-5 Phase I would reconstruct the east half of the South 272"d Street/1-5 interchange to provide trans1t and HOV Diiect-Access to South 272"d Street S ound Transit and King County Metro Transit have major park and tide facilities in the area with over I ,200 parking stalls. Transit and HOV traffic would be able to tum onto South 272"d Street from I-5 Without weaving through traffic on I-5. The project includes a new northbound I-5 bndge and reconstruction of approximately one-half mlle of northbound I-5. The Improvements would be constructed to match projects on South 272"d Street that would be bmlt between PaCific Highway South (SR 99) and Military Road. Preliminary Engmeering .............. $3,350,000 R1ght ofWay Acquisition ............... $150,000 Construction .............................. $26,800,000 TOT AL ...................................... $30,300,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent, City of Federal Way, Kmg County, STP, Sound Transit, TPP, WSDOT PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The traffic volumes at the interchange have reached the point where reconstruction is reqwred to reduce congestiOn. The new mterchange Will provide needed capacity through the year 2030. The reconstruction will also allow Sound Transit and King County .\fetro Transit to operate effic1ently through the Star Lake and Redondo Heights Park and Ride lots. AlP-Arlendl Improvement Program [State], CMAQ-Congestton Mttigation and A1r Quality [Federal]. FAST-Freight Action Strategy f01 Everett-Seattle-!'acoma C<:>mdor, FMSJB-Fre1ght Mob1hty Strategic Investment Board [State], FlA -Federal Trans1t AdmmJstratiOn [Federal]. HES-Hazard Eltnunatlon (Federal], FFS-Intelligent Transportal\ on Systems [Federal], LID- Local hnprovcmcnt D1stnct, PWTF-Pub he Work• Tru<t Fund Loan [State], STP-Surfuce Transpottat10n P1ogram [Federal], TJA-TransportatiOn Improvement Account, llB-Tran;portat10n Improvement Board [State], TPP~ Transportat10n Partnership Progtam [State] CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2007 PROJECT #21: South 272"d Street Widening-Phase II Pacific Htghway South to Military Road South DESCRIPTION: Add two HOV lanes and left-tum lanes at intersections from Pacific Htghway South (SR99) to Mthtary Road South Constructwn wt11 mclude full wtdth paV1ng; concrete curb, gutter, and sidewalks; street hghting, storm drainage; utilities; traffic stgnals; and appurtenances. The project also includes w1denmg the roadway under the I-5 bndges. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering .............. $!, 120,000 Right of Way Acqmsition ............ $1,1 00,000 Construction ................................ $8, 780,000 TOTAL ......................................... $11,000,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent, TIB, Washington State TPA, Federal, Sound Transit PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Traffic volumes between Pacific Highway South and Military Road South have reached the pomt where Improvements supportmg HOV- added capactty are required to reduce congeshon at the mtersectwns and reduce backups approachmg I-5. The HOY lanes wtll provide access to the Star Lake Park and Rtde Jot and the Redondo Hetghts Park and Ride lot. Adding HOY lanes and HOY access to I-5 supports various county and City of Federal Way transportation and transit Improvement proJects. AlP-Artenallmprovemcnt Program [Stale]; CMAQ-Congestton Mittgat10n and Atr Qualtty [Federal); PAST-Fretght Action Strategy for Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Corndor, FMSIB-Ftetght Mobtluy Strategic Investment Board [State], FTA-Federal Ttanstl Adrrmnstratton [Federal], H£3-Hazatd Ehmtndtton [Federal], ITS-lntelhgent Tramrottatlon S}~tems [Federal]. UD- Local Improvement Dtstnct, PWTF-Publtc Works Trust Fund Loan [State], STP-Surface 1tansportattOn Program [Federal], TIA-Transportatwn Impro,ement Account, TIB-Transportatton Improvement Board [State], TPP-Transportr.t10n Partnershtp Progtam [State] CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR; 2009 PROJECT #22: 80tb Avenue South Widening South 196111 Street to South 1881h Street DESCRIPTION: Widen 801h Avenue South from South 196th Street to South !88th Street to five lanes/ This will include four general-purpose lanes and a two-way left turn lane. The project w11l also include the construction of full w1dth paving, concrete curbs. gutters, and Sidewalks; street lightmg; storm dramage, utiliucs and appurtenances. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering ................ $150,000 Right of Way Acquisition ............... $300,000 Construction ................................... $550,000 TOT AL ......................................... $1,000,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent, LID PROJECT JUSTrFICATION: The operung of the 196111 Street corridor on the south end of the project and Renton's complet10n of Oaksdale Avenue South results m 80'h A venue South bemg a significant north/south corridor serving the indus!nal area. As a 1 esult, the mcreased traffic volumes along thts section of 8 0 11' A venue South could reach the p omt where a consistent five lane roadway sectton is requi1 ed to provide safe left tum access into the adjommg properties. Further, concrete curbs and gutters are required to prov1de control of roadway drainage and to p1 event impacts to adJacent property owners. Side\~alks and street lightmg will provide safe access for pedestnans. AlP-Aitenallmprovement Program [State]; CMAQ-Congesllon M111gation and Air Quahty [Fedtr~l]; FAST-Freight Action Strategy for Evetett-Seattle-Tacoma Comdor; FMSJB-Freight Mobthty StrategiC lnve;tment Board [State], FTA-Federal Transit Admumtrat10n [Pederal], HES-Hazard EltmrnatJOn [l'deral]. ITS Tntelhgent TransportatiOn Sy;tems [Federal], LID- Local Improvement Dislnct, PWTF-Public Works Trust Fund Loan [State], STP-Surface TransportatiOn Program [Federal], TIA-Transportation Improvement Account, TIB-Transpoi1ahon Improvement Borud [Slate], TPP-TransportatiOn Partnership Progtam [State] CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2010 PROJECT #23: SE 2481h Street Improvements 116111 Avenue Southeast to 132"d Avenue Southeast DESCRIPTION: Construct a new three lane roadway from 1161h Avenue Southeast to l32"d AvenueS outheast which Includes the c onstruct10n o ffull w tdth paving, bicycle lanes; concrete curbs, gutters, and sJdewalks; street lighting; storm drainage; landscapmg; utilities and appurtenances. The project proposes constructwn of a modem roundabout at the 116 th A venue Southeast mtersectwn rather than a tradittonal traffic s1gnal Improvements to verllcal roadway geometry for s1ght d1stance and safety will also be addressed. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering ................. $700,000 Right of Way Acquisltion ............... $100,000 Constmctwn ................................ $3,500,000 TOT AL ........................................ $4,300,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent, LID PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Additional capacity is required to accommodate existing development in the East H11l area of the city This project w1ll provide additional east- west capactty to supplement SE 240th Street to the north, and SE 256th Street to the south. In addition, the southeast comer of SE 248 111 Street and 120 1h Avenue SE JS the future Site of the C1ty of Kent's Public Works maintenance facility. AlP-Arlena! Improvement Program [State]; CMAQ-Congestion Mitigation and Atr Qualtty [Federal], FAST-Fretght Action Strategy for Everett-Seutlle-Tacoma Comdor, FMS!B-Fretght Mobthty Strateg1c Investment Board [State]. FTA-Federal TranSit Adnumstrat•on [Federal]. HES-Hazatd Elurunat10n [Federal], ITS-lntelltgenl Transporla\lon Sy>tem; [Federal) LlD .. Local Improvement Dtstnct, PWTF-Pubhc Works Trust Fund Loan [State), STP-Surface TransportatiOn Program [Fedetal]. TIA -Ta111sportat10n Improvement Account, TJB-Transportallon Jmpro,ement Board [State], TPP-Transportation Partnership Program [State] CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2011 PROJECT #24: Willis Street (SR 516)/Union Pacific Railroad Grade Separation Grade Separatton Crossmg at Umon Paclfic Rmlroad (UPRR) DESCRIPTION: Construct grade separation of the Union Pacific Railroad's mainline tracks at Wilhs Street (SR 516). The proJect will mclude the construction of a railroad bndge: a four-lane roadway under-crossing; full w1dth pavmg; concrete curbs, gutters, and sidewalks; street lighting; utllittes and appurtenances. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering .............. $4,000,000 Right of Way Acquisition .......................... $0 Construction .............................. $16,000,000 TOTAL ...................................... $20,000,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent, FAST, FMSIB, Port of Seattle, Port of Tacoma, TIB, umon Pacific Railroad PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Tlus project supports east-west freight and commuter mobility in the Green River Valley. More than 27,000 vehicles per day travel on Wilhs Street, mcludmg over 800 freighl-bearmg trucks. The level of fre1ghl traffic on the UP Rallroad mamlme IS also mcreasmg to approx1mately 20 trains a day Grade separations provide the solution to the costly problem of congestion. The tmlroad crossing will no longer impede freight and other traffic flow. Reductions m traffic congestion on adJoining streets and reduced environmental impacts caused by traffic congestion is also expected. This project Will enhance Kent as an econom1c generator and provide reg1onal connecttons for thousands of businesses, employers, and commuters. AlP-Attenallmprovcment Program [State); CMAQ-Congestion MittgatJon and Atr Quality ]Federal]; FAST-Fretght Action Strategy for Everett-Seattle· Tacoma Corr>dor, FMSIB-Fretght Mobthty Strategtc Investment Board [State], FT{-Federal Transit Adnnmstrat10n [fedetal], HES-Hazard Ehmmat1on [Federal]. ITS-ln:elhgent Ttansportauon Systems [Federal] UD- Local Improvement D1stnct, PW1T-?ubhc Works Trust Fund Loan [Stnte], STP-Surface Transportation Program [federal], TL4-Ttansportatwn Improvement Account, TJf1-Transportat•on lmpro;ement Board (State], TPP-Transpormtton Pannersh1p Progran1 [State] CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM \'EAR: 2011 PROJECT #25: Willis Street (SR 516)/Burlingtoo Northern Santa Fe Railroad Grade Separation Grade Separation Crossings at Burlington Northern Santa Fe Rmlroad (BNSFRR) DESCRIPTION: Construct grade separation at the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad mamlme tracks at Willis Street (SR 516). The project wlll include the constructwn of a ratlroad bndge; tour-land veh1ele under-crossmg; full wtdth pavmg; concrete curbs, gutters, and s1dewalks; street lightmg; utilittes and appurtenances. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering .............. $3,000,000 Right of Way Acqlllsttion ............ $3,000,000 Construction .............................. $11 ,000,000 TOTAL ...................................... $17 ,000,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent, Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad, FAST, FMSIB, Port of Seattle, Port of Tacoma, T1B PROJECT JUSTJFICATION: This project supports east/west freight and commuter mobility in the Green River Valley. More than 27,000 vehicles per day travel on Willis Street, includmg over 800 freight-bearing trucks. The level of frerght and passenger rail traffic on the BNSF Ra1lroad mamline ts also mcreasing to approxm1ately 45 trains a day. Grade separat1on provides more efficient movement of goods and provides a solution to the costly problem of congestion. The railroad crossmg will no longer Impede fre1ght and other traffic flow. Reductwns 111 traffic congestiOn on adjoinmg streets and reduced environmental impacts caused by traffic congestiOn is expected. Th1s project will enhance Kent as an economic generator and proVIde reg1onal connections for thousands of busmesses, employers, and commuters. AlP-A1tenal Improvement Program [State], CMAQ-Congestton M1t1gatton and Atr Quality [Federal], FAST-Fre1ght Action Strategy for Everett-Seattle-Tacoma C orndor, FMSIB-Freight Mob1ltty Strategic Inve<tment Board [State], rTA -Fcdei al Transit Admmistiat!On [Federal]. HF:S-Hazard Ehmmatwn [Federal], ITS-Intelltgent TransportatiOn System' [Federal]; LfD- Local !mp10vement Distnct, PWTF-Pub he Works Trust Fund Loan [State], STP-Surface TransportatiOn Program [Federal], T!A-TransportatiOn Improvement Account, TIB-T•ansportattOn lmpro,emenl Board [Stale], TPP-Toansportatron Partnership Prcgum [State] CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2007 PROJECT #26: SE 2561b Street Widening SR 516 (Kent Kangley Road) to 1161h Avenue SE DESCRIPTION: Construct a new three lane roadway from SR 516 (Kent Kangley Road) to 116 10 Avenue SE including bike lanes on both sides of the roadway. The project will include construction of full width paving; concrete curbs, gutters, and stdewalks; street hghtmg, storm dramage; landscaping; uttlities; and appurtenances. PROJECT COST: P1eliminary Engineenng ................. $275,000 Right of Way Acqmsitton ............... $377 ,500 Constructwn ................................ $2, 700,000 TOTAL ........................................ $3,352,500 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent, Local Improvement Disttict, TIB PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: This project w1ll relieve congestion at all intersections between SR 516 (Kent Kangley Road) and 116 1h Avenue SE by improving access to the mtersectwn by means of left tum lanes. This project has two-way left !urn lanes for its ent1re length wh1ch allow motorists to not block traffic while w atting to ! urn. This new 1 ane w1ll stop the back-ups along S E 256t11 Street at the intersection with 109th Avenue SE, llt'h Avenue SE, 114 1h Avenue SE and ll6 111 Avenue SE. The widening of SE 256 1h Street also allevtates traffic on SR 516 (Kent Kangley Road) as the two roads essentially nm parallel to each other. AlP· Artenallmprovemenl Program [Stale], CMAQ-Congestton Mtttgatton and Au Qualtty [Federal], FAST-Freight Action Strategy for Everett-Seattle-Tacoma C'otndor, FMSJB-Frctght Mobthty Strategtc Investment Board [Stdte]. FIA-Federal Ttanstt Adrrum>\Tai\On [Federal] HES-Ha?.trd E\immatJOn [Federal]. ITS -lntelhgcnt Transportatton Sys•cms [Federal], LID- Local Improvement DJS!nct, PWTF-Pubhc Works Tru;t Fund Loan [State], STP-Surface Transportatton Program [Fedetal], TJA-Transportallon Improvement Account, TJB-Transpot1atton Improvement Board [State], TPP-Transportation Partnershtp Program [State] CITYOFKENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2011 PROJECT #27: South 212 111 Street/Union Pacific Railroad Grade Separation Grade Separation Crossing at Union Pacific Rmlroad (UPRR) DESCRIPTION: Construct I,>Tadc separation of the Union Pacific Railroad's mainline tracks at South 21 i 11 Street. The project will mclude the construction of a railroad bndge; a stx-lane roadway unde1-crossing; full-wtdth paving; concrete curbs, gutters, and sidewalks; street lighting; utilities and appurtenances. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering .............. $4,000,000 Right of Way Acquisition ............ $1,000,000 Construction .............................. $20,000,000 TOT AL ........................................ $25,000,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent, FAST, TIB, Union Pacific Railroad PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: This project suppmts east/west freight and commuter mobility in the Green Rtver Valley. More than 29,000 vehtcles per day travel on South 212th Street, includmg nearly 3,500 fretght bearing trucks. The level of freight traffic on the UP Rmhoad mainlme is also mcreasmg to approximately 20 trams a day Grade 5eparations provide the solution to the costly problem of congestiOn. The railroad cros5ing will no longer impede freight a11d other trafftc flow. Reductions in traffic congestion on adjoining st1eets and reduced environmental tmpacts caused by traffic congesuon ts also expected. This project will enhance Kent as an econonuc generator and provide regiOnal connections for thousands of businesses, employers, and commuters. AlP-Arterml lmpiOvement Program [State], CMAQ-Congestton Mttiganon and Au Quahty [Federal]; FAST-Freight Actton Strategy for Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Corndm, FMSlB-Fretght Mobthty Strategtc Investment Board [State], FT.4-Federal Transit AdmmtstratiOn [Federal] HES-Haz"rd Rlnnmation [Federal] !TS-Intelltgent Transportation Systems [Fede1al], LID- Local Improvement Distuct, PWTF-Pub he Works Trust Fund Loan [State], STP-Surface Transportation Program [Federal], TJA-TransportatiOn Improvement Account, TlB-TransportatiOn Improvement Board [State], TPP-Transportation Partnership Program [State] CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2011 PROJECT #28: South 212'h Street/Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad Grade Separation Grade Separation Crossmgs at Burlmgton Northern Santa Fe Railroad (BNSFRR) DESCRIPTION: Construct grade separation at the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad mamline tracks at South 212'h Street. The project will include the construction of a railroad bridge; six -lane vehicle under crossmg; full width paving; concrete curbs, gutters, and sidewalks; street !Lghting; utihttes and appurtenances. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engmeering .............. $4,000,000 Right of Way Acquisitwn ............ $1,000,000 Construction .............................. $20,000,000 TOT AL ....................................... $25,000,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent, FAST, TIB, Burlington Northem Santa Fe Railroad PROJECT JUSTIFICA.TION: This project supports east/west freight and commuter mobility in the Gtecn Rtver Valley. More than 29,000 wh1cles per day travel on South 21t1' Street, includmg nearly 3,500 freight-beanng trucks. The level of fre1ght and passenger rail traffic on the BNSF Railroad mainlme is also increasing to approximately 45 trains a day. Grade separation prov1des more efficient movement of goods and provides a solution to the costly problem of congestion. The railroad crossing wtll no longer impede freight and other traffic flow. Reductions in traffic congestion on adjoining streets and reduced environmental Impacts caused by traffic congestton is expected. This proJect wtll enhance Kent as an economic generator and provide regwnal connections for thousands of busmesses, employers, and commuters. AlP-Arlena! Improvement Program [State]; CMAQ-Congestion Mttiganon and Atr Quahty [Federal]; FAST--Fretght A elton Strategy for Everett-Seanle-Tacom• Corndor, FMSJB-Pretght Mobtltty Strategtc Investment Board [State), FTA-Federal Transit Admm"truhon [Federalj HES-Hazard Ehrrunatton. lfedeml], fTS-Intelltgent Tr.m,portatlon System~ [Fedeta\], LID- Local Improvement Dtstnct, PWTF-Pubhc Work> Trust Fund Loan [State], STP-Surface Transpottauon Program [Federal], TIA-TransportatiOn Improvement Account, TIB-Tr.msportatton Improvement Board [State), TPP-Transportatton Partnersh1p Program [Sta\e) CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2011 PROJECT #29: West Meeker Street Widening-Pbase I 64'11 Avenue South to the Green Rlver Bridge DESCRIPTION: Widen West Meeker Street to provide a five lane roadway, including four general purpose travel lanes, a center left tum lane, bicycle lanes, a pedestrian Signal at the R!verbend Golf Course, and modifications to the ex1sting traffic signal system at the mtersection of West Meeker Street and Russell Road. The project will mclude the construction of full-width paving; concrete curbs, gutters and sidewalks~ landscaping; street lighting; storm drainage; utilities and appurtenances. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering ................. $800,000 Rrght of Way Acquisition ............... $900,000 Construction ............................... $2,800,000 TOT i\.L ......................................... $4,500,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): CityofKent PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The level of development along this section of Meeker Street has reached the point whereby a consistent five lane roadway segment is reqmred to accommodate through traffic. Extstmg traffic volumes west of the intersection of 641h Avenue South mdicate the need for a five lane section to accommodate additional development. Sidewalk and bicycle impwvements wdl provide additional incentive to encourage a safe and attractive walking and btkmg envtronment, promote altemaltve modes of travel, and factlitate access to scenic and recreational facihttes. AlP-Arte11allmprovement Program [State); CMAQ-Congestion Mt!IglltiOn and Air Quality [Federal]. FAST-Freight Actton Strategy for Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Comdor, FMSIB-Pretght Mobtltty Sttategte Investment Board [State], FTA -Federal Transtt Admrrustratton (Federal], TieS-Hazard Elmunallon [Federal], ITS-Intelligent Transponatton Systems [Federal], UD- Locd! Improvement Dtstuct, PWTF-P~bhc Works Tru~t Fund Loan [State], STP-Surface Transportatton Progtam [Federal], TlA-TransportaiJOn Improvement Account; 11B-TransportatiOn Improvement Board [State), TPP-Tramportatron Partnership Program [State] CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2011 PROJECT #30: West Meeker Street Widening-Phase II SR 516 to the east szde of the Green Rzver, including a new bridge DESCRIPTION: Widen West Meeker Street between SR 516 and the Green River to provide a five lane roadway, mciuding four general purpose travel lanes, a center left tum lane, and bicycle lanes. Constmct a second two lane bridge for westbound traffic with a b1ke lane and stdcwalk over the Green R1 ver parallel to the existing structure and convert the existing bndge to one-way eastbound with an eastbound bike lane. The project will include constmction of full width paving, concrete curbs, gutters and s1dev.alks; street lighting; storm dramage; utlhties and appurtenances PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering ................. $800,000 Right of Way AcquisitiOn ........................ $0 Constmctwn ................................ $3,500,000 TOT AL ........................................ $4,300,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent, PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The level of development along this sectton of Meeker Street has reached the point whereby a conststcnt five lane roadway is required to accommodate through traffic. Existing traffic volumes indicate the need for five lanes to accommodate additional development. Stdewalk and btcycle Improvements will prov1de additwnal mccntive to encourage a safe and attractive walkmg and bicychng envmmment, promote altemativc modes of travel, and fac1htate access to scemc and recreational faci!ilie1.. AlP-Altenallmprovement Program [State], CMAQ-Congest10n Mttlgatton and Air Quality [Federal]; FAST-Fretght Actton Strategy for Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Corndor; F/lfSJB-fretght Mobthty Strateg1c lnve•tment Board [State], FT.-I-Federal T1anstt Admm<stratiQn [FeJer.cl] f!ES-Huzard E\tmmatton [Fedtra\], ITS -ln\ell<gent Transportation Systems [Federal], rID - Local Improvement Dtstnct, PWTF-Pubhc Works Trust Fund Loan (State], STP-Surface Transportation Program [federal], TIA-Transportation !n1p1 o'ement Account, TJB-Transportanon lrnpiOVement BoMd [State], TPP-Transportation Pmtnershtp Program [State] CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT #31: DESCRIPTION: PROJECT COST: 2011 Militarv Road Widening South 2l2"d Street to South 24rfh Street Widen Military Road South from South 272nd Street to South 2401h Street adding left tum pockets at key mtersechons. (Note: Rellh Road and South 272"d Street interscctwns me separate proJects and not included in this project.) Preltmmary Engineering ................. $200,000 Right of Way Acquisition .......................... $0 Constmction ................................ $1,800,000 TOTAL ........................................ $2,000,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent, PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The level of development along this sectiOn of Military Road South has reached the p omt where separated turn pockets are required to p rovtde safe turning movements at key intersections and reduce the congestion by sepm·ating the tuming movements ftom the through traffic. AlP· Artenal Improvement Program [State], CMAQ-CongestiOn Mitigation and Air Quahty [Federal); FAST-F'retght Actton Strategy for Evetett-Seattle· Tacoma Comdor, FMSJB-Frerght Mobtllty Sttategtc Investment Boru d [State], F'H-Feder•l Tran;it i\dmmt<trot10n [Federal]. HES-Hazrud Eltmmatton [Feder•!], TTS-lntelltgent Tr~nsportatton Systems [Federal], LID- Local Improvement Dtstnct, PWTF-Public Work< Trust Fund Loan [State], STP-Surface Transportatwn Program [Federal], TIA -Transponat1on Impro-vement Account, TIB-Trangportatwn Improvement Board [State], TPP-Transpm1atwn Partnership Program [State] CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT #32: DESCRIPTION: 2011 1081h Avenue SE Extension SE Kent Kangley Road (.')R 516) to SE 256h Street Construct a new three lane roadway from SE Kent Kangley Road (SR 516) to SE 256 1h Street including rebuilding the traffic signals at the intersectiOn of SE Kent Kanglcy Road and 108'h Avenue SE and mstalling a new traffic signal at the mtersection of SE 256'11 Street and 109'h Avenue SE. The proJect mcludes right turn lanes northbound at 256 11 Street and Southbound at Kent Kangley Road. The project will also mclude construction of full width pavmg; concrete curbs, gutters and sidewalks; street lightmg; stonn drainage; landscapmg; uttlitles and appurtenances. As part of tills project, the eastbound left-tum lane from Kent Kangley Road to 256 1h Street will be eliminated. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering ................. $! 00,000 Right of Way Acquisition ............... $750,000 Construction ................................... $900,000 TOT AL ........................................ $1, 750,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent, PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: This project wtll relieve congestion at the Y-intersection of 1041h Avenue SE (Benson Highway) (SR 515)/ Kent Kangley Road (SR 516)/ SE 256 111 Street by improving the traffic flow along SR 516. It will e!tmmate the left tum pocket from SR 516 to SE 2561 " and redirect that trafftc along SR 516 to 1081h Ave SE. There wtll be a new left turn pocket constmcted for motonsts wtshmg to travel north on 108 1h Ave SE to SE 256lh Street. By moving these left turning movements further to the east, away from the congested Y-intersection, all directions of traffic will be able to flow more efficiently. This extension will also provide another way for East Hill residents to have duect access to the business-by-pass route and better access to the commercial area south of the Kent Kangley Road /104'h Avenue SE mtersection. AlP· Artenal Improvement Program [State]; CMAQ-Congestton Mtttgation and Atr Quality [Federal], FAST-Fre1ght Action Strategy for Everct!-Seattle-Tacoma Com dar, FMSTB --Fretght Mobthty Strategtc Investment Board [State], FT4-Fedetal Transrt AdnumstratiOn [Federal], HES-Hazard Eltnunatwn [Federal], iTS-fntelltgen: Transp01tatwn Systellli (Federal], UD- Local Improvement Dtstnct, PWTF-Public Works Tru't Fend Loan [State], STP-Surface Trunspmtatton Program [Federal]; TIA-Ttanspot1atton Improvement Account, TIB-TranspotULwn Improvement Board [St&te], TPP-Ttansportatron Partnershtp Progr= [State] I I j CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT #33: DESCRIPTION: PROJECT COST: 2011 South 196th/192"d Street Corridor-Phase III 84'" Avenue South (East Valley Highway) to 108'" Avenue SE (SR 515) Constn1cl a new five lane roadway from 841h Avenue South (East Valley Highway) to 108th Avenue SE (SR 515), including a new bridge over SR 167. ProJect v.1ll include the construction of full-width paving; concrete curb, gutter and sidewalks; street ltghtmg; storm drainage, landscapmg; utilities and appurtenances. Preliminary Engineering .............. $5,000,000 Right of Way Acquisition ............ $5,000,000 ConstructiOn ............................. $25,000,000 TOT r\L ........................................ $35,000,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): CityofKent, LID, STP, TIB PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Traffic volumes on existing east-west corridors will exceed adopted standards if forecasts of economic and residential growth on the East Hill of Kent and jurisdictions to the east of Kent continue as predicted by stale and regwnal planmng agencies. Additional roadway capacity must be found to accommodate th1s growth within the urban growth boundaries. This project supports GMA policies, helps the City meet its Concunency Standards, and augments previous mvestments m this corndor by extending its usefulness as a fre1ght corridor and maJor east-west connectwn. AlP-Artwallmprovement Program [State], CMAQ-Congestion Mttlgatlon and Alr Quahty [Federal); FAST-Fretght Action Strategy fo1 Everett-Seattlt•-Tarom<l Comdor, FMSJB --Fretght Mobthty Strategto Investment Board [State], FTA-Federal Transtt Admtmstratwn [Fedetal], HES-Haard Eltmtnatton [Fedetal], ITS-Intelligent Transportation Sy;tem> [Federal], LID- Local Improvement DIStnct; PWTF-Pub he Works Tru>t Fund Loan [State], STP-Surface Transpot1atl0n Program [Federal); TJA-TransportatiOn Improvement Account, TIB-TransportatiOn Improvement Board [State], TPP-Transportalwn Partnership Progr•m [State] CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2011 PROJECT #34: SR 181/West Valley Highway/Washington Avenue Widening Meeker Street north to approxmwte~v the 2181h block DESCRIPTION: W1den the existmg 5-lane road to 7 lanes to include 3 lanes in each directwn and a center tum lane. The project will include the constructwn of full-width pavmg; concrete curbs, gutters and sidewalks, street lightmg; storm dramage; landscapmg; utilities and appurtenances. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering ................. $750,000 Right of Way Acquisltion ............ $4,100,000 Constructwn ................................ $7,600,000 TOT AL ...................................... $12,450,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): CityofKent, STP, TIB, WSDOT PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: SR 181/West Valley Highway/Washington Avenue is a major north- south route through the City and an important truck route for freight moving between the manufactunng, mdustrial and warehousmg centeJ of the Kent Valley and the regwnal freight comdors Th1s route is 7 lanes wide both north and south of the proJect segment. With mcreasing traffic volumes from the expected growth in both the fre1ght and commute segments, the widening is needed to reduce congestion at mtersect10ns and reduce backups approachmg SR 167 and South 21th Street. AlP· Artenal lmp1ovement P10gram I State]; CMAQ-Congestion M1t1gation and A1r Quality [Federal], FAST-Freight Action Suatcgy for Everett-Seattle-Tacoma C'orndar, FMSIB-Fte1ght Mob11lty SUat~g1c Investment Board [State], FTA-Federal TranSJt Admuusttotton [Federal] HES-Haurd Ehmmatwn [Federal], ITS-lntelhgent T1ansportauon Systems [federal], LJD- Local lmprovernent Dtstrict, PWTF-Pub he Works Trust Fund Loan [State], STP-Surface Transportat10n Program [Federal], T!A-Transportation Improvement Account, T!B-TransportatiOn lmp1ovement Board [State], Tf'P-Transportauon Partnership Program [State] CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 2006-2011 SECTION 3 PROJECTS 35-38 These are on-going city-wide projects or programs in which the City is making continuous improvements and enhancetnents CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2006 -2011 PROJECT #35: Bicycle and Pedestrian Improvements Ongomg Citywide Program DESCRIPTION: Make miscellaneous Improvements to the cJty's biCycle routes and pedestrian systems. Potential projects include improvements to 1 OO'h avenue Southeast north of South 240th Street, Southeast 248'11 Street east of 94th Avenue South; 152"d Way Southeast north of Southeast 272"d Street, and mterconnecting the Interurban Btke Trail signals wtth the railroad at Meeker Street and at Smith Street. PROJECT COST: Preliminaty Engineering ................... $60,000 Right of Way Acquisitwn .......................... $0 ConstructiOn ................................... $562,000 TOT AL ..................................... , .. , .. $622,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent, PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: This project comphes With the City's Commute Trip Reductton Ordinm1ce atld the City Comprehensive Plan. Thts proJect helps to reduce peak hour single-occupatlt vehicle trips, encourages the use of non-motorized transportation modes, and provides safe routes for school- age pedestrians and cyclists. AlP-Artenal Improvement Program [State], CMAQ-Congestion Mttiga!ion and Au Quahty [Federal], FAST-Fretght Actlon Strategy for E>erett-Seattle-Tacoma Comdor, FMSIB-Fretght Mobthty Strategtc Investment Board [State], F1A -Fedet;l Ttansl( Adnum;tratton [Federal]. EIES H:vard Eltmmatmn [Fedc<al], ITS-[ntelltgent Transportation Systems [Fcdotal], LID- Local Improvement Dtstnct, PWTF-Pub he Works Trust Fund Loan [State]; STP-Surface 1tanspot tatton P10gram [Federal], TIA-Tran;portatJOn lmptovement Account, TIB-Transportatton Improvement Board [State], TPP--TransportatiOn Partnershtp Program [State j CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT #36: DESCRIPTION: PROJECT COST: 2006-2011 Guardrail and Safety Improvements Ongozng Citywzde Program Make miscellaneous guardrail improvements each year to enhance motorist safety. Candidate proJects include Frager Road and 1001h Avenue Southeast (near the 22600 block) Upgrade existmg guardrail end- treatments as mandated by State and Federal regulat10ns Prelimmary Engmeering ................... $20,000 Right of Way Acquisition .......................... $0 Constmction ................................... $175,000 TOT _o\.L .................................•...••.... $195,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent, RES PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Th1s project is mandated by compliance with Federal and State regulatiOns and the requirement to eliminate potentially hazardous roadway condttwns. AlP-Ariett~l Improvement Program [State]; CMAQ-Conges!lon Mttigatlon and Atr Quality [Federal); FAST-Freight Actton Strategy fm Everell-Seattle-Tacorna ColTJdor, FJ.,f.)[B-Freight Mobthty Strategic Investment Board [Sldle], FTA-Federal Tram1t Adm1mstranon [Federal], RES-Huard Ehmmatwn [Federal]. ITS-Intelligent T1 anspOJtotJon Systems [Federal], LID- Local Improvement Dtstnct, PWTF-Public Works Trust Fund Loan [State]. STP-Surface Tran>portatwn Program [Federal], TTA-TransportatiOn Improvement Account, T!B-Trdnsportation Improvement Board [State], TPP-Transportatwn Partnership Program [State] CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT #37: 2006-2011 Americans with Disabilities Act Compliance Sidewalk Repair and Rehabilitation Ongomg Caywide Program DESCRIPTION: Reconstruct and repair ex1sting sidewalks and pedestrian ramps and install new hard-surfaced sidewalks to implement the requirements of the Federal Govenm1ent's Amencans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Thts project will include an inventory of the city's sidev.alk!walkway facth!Jes, and identification and correction of extstmg deftc1encies. This project will also include the construction of concrete curbs, gutters and sidewalks; minor storm drainage; and appurtenances. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering ................. $200,000 Right of Way Acquisition .......................... $0 Construction ................................ $1,750,000 TOT AL ......................................... $1 ,950,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent, PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: This project is mandated by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). It repam eJcistmg sidewalks, replaces deficient/substandard and/or missing wheelchatr/pedestnan ramps, and brmgs same mto compliance wtth the adopted Federal standards. AlP-Attettallmprovement Program [State]; CMAQ-Conges\lon Mtttgation and Air Quality [Federal]; FAST-Fre1ght ActiOn Striitegy for Everett-Seattle-Tacomo Comdor FMSlB-Freight Mob1l1ty StrategiC Investment Board [State], FTA-Federal T1ans1t Adm1mstratwn lFederal], IfES-HJLard Ehmmatwn [Federal], !7'S -Intelligent T1ansportauon Systems fFcderal], LID- Local Improvement D1slnct, PTfTF-Public Wo1ks Trust Fund Loan [State]; STP-Surface TransportatiOn Program [Federal], TIA-TransportatiOn Improvement Account, TTB-Transportation Improvement Boa1d [State], FPP-fransporta!wn Partnershtp Prog1am [State] CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2006 -2011 PROJECT #38: Community Based Circulating Shuttles Ongoing Citywide Programs DESCRIPTION: Continue to provide enhanced transit service to meet the needs of the community through the usc of fixed-route shuttle scrv1ce, with demand- responsive routing capabilities. Routes 914 and 916 serve the Kent Trans1t Center, Regional Justice Center (R.TC), Kent Cny Hall, Green River Commumty College's Kent Campus, and local shopping and medical factlit!es. Route 918 service mcludes the Kent Transit Center, R.TC, Green River CC Kent Campus, and the manufactunng and mdustnal area m the valley. The City plans to add two new routes to demonstrate the value of c trculator transit service connecting the r esident1al areas of the east and west hills with the regional bus and commuter train services at the downtown Kent Transit Center. PROJECT COST: Preliminary Engineering ........................... $0 Right of Way Acquisition .......................... $0 Construction ................................. $840,000* TOT AL ......................................... $840,000* *$140,000 of this is city share, wh1ch is equivalent to the lost fare box revenue that the county could have collected were not the city wantmg a free service for the Rt 914/916, Shopper Shuttle, (based on 6 years operating cost with 3% mflat10n) FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent, King County, ITS PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The Shopper Shuttle provides mobility and independence to many of the city's semors and reduces the need for expensive Access service for many wheelchair lift service trips. It addresses a significant transit market that may not be able to use the county's more traditional routes and encourages community participation of all citizens without the isolation and pollutiOn of the automobile for every trip. Commuter Shuttles enhance the regwnal transit and tram serviCe by providmg the VItallmk from the home to the Transit Center and from the Transit Center to the workplace, encouraging people to leave their vehicles at home, avmding the cold start Impacts to air quality, and reducing congestwn on local streets AlP· Artenal Improvement Program [State]; CMAQ-Congestion Mttlgatton and A1r Quahty [Federal]; FAST-Freight Actton Strategy for Everett-Seattle-Tacoma Corndor, FMS!B-Fretlht Mobthty Strategtc Investment Boatd [State] FTA-Federal Tromit Admm•stratlon [Federal], HE5-Hazard Phmmatton [Federal] ITS-lntclhgcnt T!anspOJtatton Systems (Federal]. UD- Local Improvement Dtstncl, PWTF-Public WorkB Trust Fund Loan [State], STP-Surface Tran<portatton Program [Federal], TIA-Ttansportatton lmptovemcnt Account, TIE-Ttanspot1atton Improvement Board LState]; TPP-Tran>portat10n Partnership Program [St<~te] CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 2006-2011 WASHINGTON For more information or additional copies of this document contact: Steve Mullen, Transportation Engineering Manager City of Kent, Public Works, Engineering 220 Fourth Avenue South Kent, WA 98032-5895 (253) 856-5585 smullen@cL kent.wa.us 39