HomeMy WebLinkAbout112. ' • • • • • • /Jo. I /:1 \'/1ISREAS 1 the C1ty (or Town) of --~'! ____________ will not satis- factor1ly acco111pllsh and v.ill delay and be unable to perform the repair and r..aintenance of ,ts c1ty (or tovm) streets which form a part of the route of prima:::-y h1ghways, or of other city streets upon wh1ch expenditure may be autho- rc~ed by the director of hiGhways; and ·,;,:-trr.Ef\0 1 it 1s the desire of the City (or Town) of ___ mu~T~---- that tl1e director of lughways perform such repair and maintenance; now 1 therefore 1 LE IT RESOLVED, thu.t the C1 ty (or Town) of ----KEN..,.T ______ _ does hereby acknowledge that 1t will not satisfactorily accomplish and will de- lay and be unable to perform such repair and ma1ntenance on such City(or Town) £treets and waives not1ce of the d1rector of highways thereof: B:c; lT E'URI'EER RESOL\TED, that the director of highways is requestcfl, ::J.r.cl .. permitted to perform such repair and mawtenance to the amount of !35· 00 dollars, an amount not in excess of the amount of money now cred1 ted or reasonably n.nticipat"d to accrue to the City (or Town) of __ KEN% _____ _ 1n the motor veh1cle fund dur1ng the r1ext f 1scal year, such repair and mainte- nance cost to be charged against the amount so credited or to be creditc~; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that upon statement of the cost of such repair and maintenance and journal voucher therefor, approved by the City (or Town) of -----~-' for all labor, equipment, material, supplies and engineer- ing, the State Auditor is author1zed ,md directed to reserve and credit to the department of h1ghways in payment for such repair and maintenance any funds credltLd or to be cred1ted to the City (or Town) of 1n the motor vsh1c1e fund not to exceed the o.bove spec1f1ed sum; all 1n accordance Wlth the provis1ons of Chapter 41, Sossion Laws of 1933, as amended and supplemented by Ch11pter 111, Session Lc.ws o.i 1935. CERI'IFICATE ClF PASSAGE: This is to certify that the above and foregoing RESOLUTION was presented to the City Council of the City of Kent, Waahin~ton, at a regular meeti~g there # of, held in the Council Chambers, in the City Hall,on D.F. --30 th 7th d .e • ay of June, 1937, and upon motion duly made and seconded the same was adopted by unanimous vote of the said City Council. WITNESS my hand and the seal of the City of Kent this the ~th. day of June, 1937. ;t:: ~~ • L. E. Price, City Clerk.