HomeMy WebLinkAbout204VAUGHAN A MO.NIU 00 TAOOMA--N r (1 ORDID?ATTCE NO.=,�°" IC r1 1 An ordinance vaca+ing a portion of Lincoln Street. 2 +�.*.«• O O 3 WHEREAS on the second day of August A.D.1909,a petition was COLO 4 presented to the City Co-ncil of the City of Kent,signed by CV jc�) O 5 the owners of property abutting on that portion of Lincoln L1 6 Street,herein described,asking for the vacation of the fcl- 7 lovrinr: di -scribed portion of said Lincoln Street, tow it: 8 Beginnino, at the S.E.corner of block 18 of Meeker's Supple - 9 mental Plat of the First, Addition to the Town of Kent,r.nning 10 t, -.encs north to the N.E.corner of block 12 of said addition, 11 thence south to a point which is 17 feet east of the point 12 of be6inning,thence west to the point of beginning;and by res - 13 olution of the City CQuncil duly passed on the said 2nd.day f3f 14 August ,this September 20th.A.D.1909 at the hour of 8 0' 15 Clock P.T.1.,at thi council chamber in the City Hall in the 16 said City,wa� fixed as the time and place for hearing the 17 said petition,and thereafter towit on the 3rd.day of August 18 A.D.1909,the City Clerk of tl,e said City caused notices to be 19 posted in three of the most public places in tie said City 20 setting forth the time and place of said hearing,and a state - 21 went of the fact of filing the said petition for vacation of 22 said por,,ior of said Lincoln Street,a copy of which notice was 23 also posted upon tigat portion 0I tTA: strcct which it is nrn- 24 posed to vacate,upon the said 3rd.day of Auguet,lc.09,and now 25 upon this 20th.day of September A.D.1909,the said petition 26 coming on for hearing,at the time and place fixed by tr,e said 27 City Council,and the council having heard the same,and there 28 appearing no objections to the vacation as prayed for in the 29 said petition and it appearing to the said City Council hat its desirable and to the best interesLs of t'l)e Ci't,y and of 30 IOU UHAM A MORRILL CO TAOOMA--N r is 116 dI,asse� the Council this 20th. day of Sept. 1000 t(�+y �'/.�_�•_Q CMN 20 . CC �3J3 A 80F, .r ' qy�J .YT41U0� C 22 23 I Attest, City Clerk. City Clerk. 24 25 Published Sept. 2.3 1909. 26 27 28 i uu ." 29 30 1 the public,*,hit the said vacation be made as prayed,and that 2 such vacation will not be prejudicial to tae interosts of any O C; 3 person or persons,therefore: to CD 4 THE CITY COEfi�1CIL OF T-:42 CITY OF IMT DO ORD.zIN AS FOLLOWS: 1 5 Section 1. That portion of Lincoln Street in the City of CD :n 6 Kent,King Coiunty,Washi2igton,described as follows,towit: 7 Beginnin- at the S.E.corner of block 18 in Meeker�ts Suppls 8 mental Plat of the First Add_tion to the Town of Kent,running 9 thence north to the N.E.cornar of Block 12 of said plat,thmnse 10 south to a point which is 17 feet east of the point of begin - .11 ning,t'hence west 17 feet to the beginning, 12 Shall oe and is hereby vacated,and the whole tclereof shall 13 accrue to and is herel,y vested in the ovmers of the prop - 14 erty abutting upon the west side tizereof. is 116 dI,asse� the Council this 20th. day of Sept. 1000 t(�+y �'/.�_�•_Q CMN 20 . CC �3J3 A 80F, .r ' qy�J .YT41U0� C 22 23 I Attest, City Clerk. City Clerk. 24 25 Published Sept. 2.3 1909. 26 27 28 i uu ." 29 30