HomeMy WebLinkAbout3713Ordinance Nt (Amending or Repealing Ordinances) CFN=131-Zoning Codes CFN=205-Uniform Fire Codes CFN=110-Water/Sewer/Garbage Rates & Policies CFN=1038-Public Works Passed 9/21/04 Permit and Inspection Fees (Amends Sec. 6.03.010;6.03.040;6.06.050;6.06.060;6.06.070;6.07.010 6.07.010;6.07.170;7.04.100; Repeals 7.04.240) Amends Ord. 2202;2374;2897;3085;3471;3490;3517;3534 Amended by Ord. 3819 (Secs. 6.06.050;6.07.170) Amended by Ord. 4019 (secs. 6.03.010;6.06.040;6.06.050;6.06.060; 6.07.170;7.04.100) ORDINANCE NO..37 1.3 AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, (1) amending permit and inspection fees relating to public works improvements; street and curb cut permit, inspection, and permit renewal fees; street use permit and inspection fees; sanitary sewer permit fees; (2) making other housekeeping revisions to street and curb cut requirements and street use permits; and (3) repealing the inspection fee provision for sanitary sewer permits. RECITALS A. It is necessary to amend various permit fees related to public works department building and development permits in order to provide enough additional revenue to fund the hiring of new permanent staff for the permit process. Because the ongoing level of permit activity has dramatically increased at a consistent level during the past six (6) months, the City is hiring these employees to assist with timely issuance of pending and new building permits. NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: ORDINANCE SECTION]. —Amendment Section 6.03.010 of the Kent City Code relating to public works improvement plan approval and inspection fees is amended as follows: Permit and Inspection Fees Sec. 6.03.010. Fees designated. A. The City's public works department is responsible for the, plafming planning, design construction maintenance and overation of a complex network of rihg t=of- ways and public easements including the vlacement of private utility facilities such as gas electricaltelephone fiber optic and other lines and conduits. TAs a result, the public works department shall--beis responsible for the plan review, plan approval, inspection, and acceptance of all construction within any public easement or right-of- way and all public works improvements, such as streets, sidewalks and walkways, street lighting systems, storm drainage systems (public and private), and public and private utilities;. The public works department employ twenty-three 23) full-time equivalent employees to accomplish plan review, plan consultation, plan inspection, and onsite inspection of these third-party public works improvements. Accordingly, ach developer// plicant must pay a 121an review and inspection fee in the amount o£ The ehar-ge sW be --:., (6) eight 8 percent of the estimated construction cost of the saidyroposed public works improvements. This fee will typically cover approximately one-half Wi&4hiF& GA 1/2) the total cost for this City staff time to review and inspect each individual application.; B. In lieu of paving this eight (8) percent fee, the developer/applicant will have a one-time only option to pay the City's actual costs for these services based on the current average hourly rate of eighty five dollars ($85.00) ver hour. This option can only be exercised at the time the fee is first imposed. If this option is selected, the developer/applicant must pay for all time incurred by City staff for Plan review, elan consultation, plan inspection, and onsite inspection of the public works improvements to be constructed at the hourly rate established above, even if the final total amount exceeds the eight (8) percent fee. C. hewever-,-iln consideration of the mutual benefits received when another agency of the state (including, without limitation, counties, other cities, or special purpose districts) seeks to construct public improvements not intended for conveyance to the City but that will provide a regional benefit, the public works department 2 Permit and Inspection Fees by •wiAe,. agr-eefae.,t Fe a ewill limit this fee to that portion of the work which affects City's interests, concerns, and improvements within and abutting the Ci 's right -of - D. D. In all cases, the minimum fee shall be no less than five hundred dollars ($500). The developer/applicant will be required to submit separate cost estimates for each item e€ public works improvement item. These will be checked by the public works department for accuracy. A,te....,a4iyel.. the .ieyelepe. may, at its Opt:e., hire „tsi e e „lte«t t., a n duet planee for- the e t y, s ubjeet to the e:ty's prior- ...:tae« F the ltan4 the developer- hi ts,.l t„« a}epiev�al-er-�.o-seleEted�stt�—l€��relepe��e�=.--�e-sons�rl�t-for- plan review-, tl,e F l,eill b.l, e,i fie (6) .,t to 99u« (4) establishede . e ee per-e e«a Memes derived fi...t, the above .,1,......e., shell be deposited to the g ...,1 '- of tete eity-.--A nonrefundable deposit of fifty (50) percent of the total fee is due and payable prior to starting the review with balance due and payable prior to the approval of the construction plans. E. Where the developer/applicant has opted to pay the City's actual costs based on the above -stated hourly rate, a nonrefundable deposit of fifty (50) percent of the estimated total cost as prepared by the public works department is due and payable before beginning review: the balance of this estimate is due and payable before the City approves construction plans. If the actual costs incurred are less than the monies deposited, the City shall reimburse the difference upon the developer/applicant's completion of the construction of the approved public works improvements Any incidental interest earned on monies deposited with the City shall become the City's sole property. If the City's actual cost exceeds the amount deposited by the developer/applicant, the City shall bill the developer/applicant for the amount due and the developer/applicant shall pay that amount within 30 days of the date billed Any amounts unpaid after the 30 -day due date shall be charged interest at a rate of twelve (12) percent per annum, and the City may use any rights or remedies available under the law to collect or seek reimbursement of the amounts due In any event the developer/applicant must pay all amounts due before staff will present the public Permit and Inspection Fees works improvements to the City Council for acceptance or before issuing a Certificate of Occupancy for a development associated with these public works improvements. -AF. Two (2) re -reviews of the construction plans are included when the developer/applicant pays i}rthe eight (8) percent fee described above, above noted fee -.but additional re -reviews,. h-arewhether attributed to the developer's action or inaction, shall be charged at a rate of €i€-e�hty-five dollars ($508500) per hour. SECTION 2. —Amendment Section 6.06.040 of the Kent City Code relating to permit requirements for street and curb cuts fees is amended as follows: Sec. 6.06.040. Permit requirements. A. Prior to issuance of any right-of-way permit for cutting any portion of City right-of-way, whether improved or not, e ,*Meet e- e•,..1, e , the location first shall be inspected and approved by a department of public works inspeatienofficial. BE. The issuance or granting of a permit or approval of plans and specifications shall not be construed to be a permit for or approval of any violation of the provisions of this chapter or any other ordinance or appropriate rule or regulation of the City. CD. Every permit issued by the department of public works under the provisions of this chapter shall expire ninety (90) days after issuance of the permit unless work has commenced or unless the permit has been extended under- KCG 6-06.O50(G). in fte ease shall ,moves take !eager- .. dw fifteen (15) days t.. plete a e,7 ft tl,- �______ __ r__�___ _T__ __moo__ __�_ ._._____ �_._� _.y., ...-..�t..�.,, ,.,, ...�».,....�.....,......� date of the stfeet eut to date of eempletien. 4 Permit and Inspection Fees E. The director of public works, or designate, may in writing suspend or revoke a permit issued under the provisions of this chapter whenever the permit was issued in error or on the basis of incorrect information supplied or in violation of any other ordinance or regulation of the City. SECTION 3. —Amendment. Section 6.06.050 of the Kent City Code relating to street and curb cut permit, inspection, and permit renewal fees is amended as follows: Sec. 6.06.050. Permit and inspection fees and permit renewal. A. The basic fee for a permit to cut a street, curb, sidewalk, or my portion of City right-of-way, whether or not improved, shall be twen4y &v-ethree hundred dollars ($225300), for aeh eut. The fee fo ..e..,.,:+ to e»+ a etub shall be twenty five e d.,ll ($25) for- eeeh e„+ The fee f « e e..,-,:+ F a utility e*tensiea that Funs pam11 1 to 1, +meet shall be 49t4., dell,, .s ($30) f _ e.,eh e,.+ This basic fee shall apply to all utility work within public right-of-way that involves cutting the public right-of-way. Utility work emteifsiens shall include, but not be limited to work performed in association with gas, telephone, electric power, cable TV, water, storTnwater, and sewer, and underground facilities. B. An additional time charge will be made where total review and inspection time exceeds enesix (16) hours. Such extra charge will be invoiced to the applicant seettaste -separately at the rate of twenAyffty dollars ($2-050) per hour, which is less than the average actual hourly cost for City staff employed to process these permits. PC. Wherever work for which a permit is required by this chapter is commenced or performed prior to obtaining such permit, the basic permit fee shall be doubled, but the payment for such double fee shall not relieve any person from full compliance with all 5 Permit and Inspection Fees of the requirements of this chapter in the execution of the work, nor from any other penalties which may be provided for in this chapter, including criminal penalties. SECTION 4. —Amendment Section 6.06.060 of the Kent City Code relating to specifications and special requirements for street and curb cuts is amended as follows: Sec. 6.06.060. Specifications and special requirements. A. Specifications All curb and street cuts shall be repaired to conform to the requirements of Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge and Municipal Construction, 4881atest Sedition, prepared by the Washington State Department of Transportation and the American Public Works Association. Copies of such publication or any additions or amendments thereto are on file with the City clerk and available to the general public. B. Permittee's performance responsibility. In addition to all other requirements specified by this chapter or the Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge and Municipal Construction, adopted in subsection (A) of this section, the permittee shall be responsible for restoration of the street, or curb, and all disturbed public right-of-way area to its original or better condition including any required overlays as approved by the director of public works. The permittee shall finish -patch the street or curb cut immediately upon completion of the project. The permittee shall be responsible for defects or failure of the street or curb cut area for a period of one (1) year following finish inspection. C. Curb cut locations. The location of each curb cut must be approved by the department of public works. The City reserves the right to deny any request to cut any curb. D. Special conditions. At the discretion of the director of public works or designate, one (1) or more of the following requirements may be specified when conditions require their use. Wherever such special conditions are required, they shall be set forth on the permit at the time of issuance or as an amendment to the permit in 6 Permit and Inspection Fees those instances where conditions requiring their use become known after the permit has beenissued: 1. Curb cuts within the right-of-way shall be made only in areas and by -e- methods approved by the public works director, or his or her designee. ,.;ty a ee !'..t.. ..hall be made ..1y in areas appr-eved b the City engi fieer. All improved or unimproved areas within the right-of-way shall be restored to an equal or better condition; 2. Excavated material shall be completely removed from the street surface; 3. Signs, cones, barricades, and all other traffic control devices to protect and control pedestrian and vehicular traffic in the construction area shall be used as prescribed by the traffic engineer, and in accordance with the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways as amended, and shall be at the expense of the permittee; 4. One (1) or more traffic lanes shall be kept open at all times. Moving traffic shall be properly controlled by uniformed flagmen, if specified. Hours of operation during construction and restoration shall be as specified on the permit; 5. Ingress and egress for vehicles and personnel to abutting property shall be maintained at all times; 6. Backfill and replacement of pavement or oiling of surface shall be done to the satisfaction of the public works directo -City engineer. Unless otherwise specified by the public works directoTQ#3�-engineer, backfill material shall conform to Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge and Municipal Construction, adopted in subsection (A) of this section; 7. Piling of a surety indemnity bond approved by the department of public works to protect the City and approved public liability insurance naming the City as an additional insured in the amount specified on the face of the permit, 7 Permit and Inspection Fees 8. A cash deposit in the amount as specified on the face of the permit not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000) to be made to the City; 9. Open cuts within the paved area will not be permitted; 10. The construction inspector shall require that a temporary patch be made for thirty (30) days, and thereafter, a permanent patch will be placed by the permittee within five (5) days. SECTION 5. — Amendment Section 6.06.070 of the Kent City Code relating to enforcement and penalties for street and curb cuts is amended as follows: Sec. 6.06.070. Enforcement and penalties. A. Enforcement authority The public works director, or his or her designee, is authorized and directed to aet as the delegate 4 the difea , ^£ public works to enforce all provisions of this chapter. B. Penalties It is unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation to cut a street or curb, or cause the same to be done, in violation of any of the provisions of this chapter. Any person, firm, or corporation violating any of the provisions of this chapter, upon conviction, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Each such person shall be guilty of a separate offense for each and every day or portion thereof during which any violation of any of the provisions of this chapter is committed, continued or permitted SECTION 6. —Amendment Section 6.07.010 of the Kent City Code relating to street use permits is amended as follows: Sec. 6.07.010. Purpose. The purpose of this chapter is to establish minimum rules and regulations relating to street use associated with property developmentjgflity work not requiring cuts, and other uses of streets, sidewalks, public property, public rights-of-way and other public places for private purposes, and to provide for enforcement. 8 Permit and Inspection Fees SECTION 7. — Amendment. Section 6.07.170 of the Kent City Code relating to street use permit and inspection fees is amended as follows: Sec. 6.07.170. Permit and inspection fees. A. The basic fee for a street use permit shall be as follows: 1. KCC 6 07.040 Construction and property development, including utility work not requiring cuts. fift}two hundred dollars ($58200). 2. KCC 6.07.060. Street vendors one hundred dollars ($100) per year Permits are issued annually. 3. KCC 6.07.070 Sidewalk cafes. one hundred dollars ($100) per year. Permits are issued annually. 4. KCC 6.07 090. Street closures fifty dollars ($50). 5. KCC 6 07100. Master use permit. one hundred dollars ($100). B. Where total inspection time exceeds two (2) hours, an extra charge shall be invoiced to the applicant at an hourly rate to be established annually by the director. SECTION 8. —Amendment. Section 7.04,100 of the Kent City Code relating to sanitary sewer permit fees is amended as follows: Sec. 7.04.100. Permit fees. A. The basic fee for each permit to connect with any public sewer or to construct, extend, relay, repair, or make connections with a lateral or private sewer inside of a property line is hereby fixed at two hundred twenty-five dollars ($225). An additional charge will be made if review and inspection time exceeds three and one-half (3.5) hours. The hourly rate for this additional staff time shall be paid at the rate of fifty dollars ($50) per hour, which is less than the average actual hourly cost for City staff 9 Permit and Inspection Fees employed to process these permits. The fee shall be paid to the finance department who shall issue a receipt. Such receipt must be filed with the department of public works before the permit is issued. B. The fees for permits to construct, install or repair septic tanks shall be those established by the Seattle -King County department of public health. These fees shall be paid directly to that department. SECTION 9. — Amendment. Section 7.04.240 of the Kent City Code relating to sanitary sewer inspection fees is repealed in its entirety: SECTION I0. — Savings The existing fee sections of the Kent City Code, which will be amended by this ordinance, shall remain in full force and effect until the effective date of this ordinance. 10 Permit and Inspection Fees SECTION 11. — Severability If any one or more section, subsections, or sentences of this ordinance are held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this ordinance and the same shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 12. — Effective Date This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: ZVAAK C;�� LAt,� TOM BRUBAKER, CITY ATTORNEY PASSED: ,21_ day of September, 2004. APPROVED: —/ day of September, 2004. PUBLISHED: aS- day of September, 2004. by law. ayer Teri I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordinance No. ,37/3 passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, and approved by the Mayor of the City of Kent as hereon indicated. P CmM11DRlMCE1PmM&Lvpeuua.P�eyya � i s%lG� (SEAL) 11 Permit and Inspection Fees