HomeMy WebLinkAbout3697Ordinance No. 3697 (Amending or Repealing Ordinances) CFN=121 - Condemnation Passed 7/6/04 Pacific Highway South HOV Lanes Pro]ect Condemnation Recorder's # 20040817003079 The date ["Beginning July 1, 1998"] has led to confusion This date will be deleted from cover sheets of ordinance/resolution revision pages This cover sheet will be deleted on electronic pages only, no other deletions or changes have been made to the document — 6/21/2012 ORDINANCE NO. 36 9 7 AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, providing for the acquisition of real property and/or property rights between Kent -Des Moines Road and South 272nd Street adjacent to Pacific Highway South, in order to construct the underground electrical system for the Pacific Highway South HOV Lanes Project; providing for the condemnation, appropriation, taking and damaging of such surface and aerial property rights as are necessary for that purpose; providing for the payment thereof out of the Pacific Highway South HOV Lanes Project Fund (Fund No. R90614.64140.220); directing the city attorney to prosecute the appropriate legal proceedings, together with the authority to enter into settlements, stipulations or other agreements; and acknowledging that all of said property is located within King County, Washington. NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: ORDINANCE SECTION L After hearing the report of City staff, and after reviewing the planned improvements for the Pacific Highway South HOV Lanes Project (the "Project'), the City Council finds and declares that the public convenience, use, health, safety and necessity demand that the City of Kent condemn, appropriate, take and 1 Pacif c Highway South HOVLanes Project Condemnation Ordinance damage portions of certain real properties located in King County, Washington, in order to acquire the necessary real property and/or property rights for the construction of the Project, including all necessary appurtenances. The properties affected by this ordinance are legally described in Exhibit A, attached and incorporated by this reference (collectively the "Property"). The purposes for which this condemnation is authorized shall include, without limitation, all acts necessary to complete the construction, extension, improvement, widening, alteration, maintenance, reconstruction and restoration of the Project, and any other municipal purpose that may be necessary from time to time on the Property. SECTION 2. The City authorizes the acquisition by condemnation of all or a portion of the Property for the construction, extension, improvement, widening, alteration, maintenance and reconstruction of the Project, together with all necessary appurtenances and related work to make a complete improvement according to City standards. SECTION 3. The City shall condemn the Property only upon completion of all steps and procedures required by applicable federal or state law or regulations, and only after just compensation has fust been made or paid into court for the owner or owners in the manner prescribed by law. SECTION 4. The City shall pay for the entire cost of the acquisition by condemnation provided for in this ordinance through the City's "Pacific Highway South HOV Lanes Project" fund (Fund No. R90614.64140.220) or from any of the City's general funds, if necessary, as may be provided by law. SECTION S. The City authorizes and directs the city attorney to commence those proceedings provided by law that are necessary to condemn the Property. In commencing these condemnation procedures, the City Council authorizes 2 Pacific Highway South HOV Lanes Project Condemnation Ordinance A- city attorney to enter into settlements, stipulations, or agreements in order to minimize damages. These settlements, stipulations, or agreements may include, but are not limited to, the amount of just compensation to be paid, the size and dimensions of the property condemned, and the acquisition of temporary construction easements and other property interests. SECTION 6. Any acts consistent with the authority and prior to the effective date of this ordinance are ratified and confirmed. SECTION 7. The provisions of this ordinance are declared to be separate and severable. The invalidity of any clause, sentence, paragraph, subdivision, section or portion of this ordinance, or the invalidity of the application thereof to any person or circumstances shall not affect the validity of the remainder of this ordinance, or the validity of its application to other persons or circumstances. SECTION & This ordinance, being the exercise of a power specifically delegated to the City legislative body, is not subject to referendum, and shall take effect and be in force five (5) days after its publication as provided by law. ATTEST: CLERK a AMM& APPROVED AS TO FORM: T M BRX AKER, CITY ATTORNEY 3 Pacific Highway South HOV Lanes Project Condemnation Ordinance PASSED: day of C)44.4 _, 2004. APPROVED: 6 day of 2004. PUBLISHED: _� day of , 2004. I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordinance No. 3 -?z passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, and approved by the Mayor of the City of Kent as hereon indicated. P �CMMORDINANCE\Cmde PmHayHOVL, doc (SEAL) RENDA 3ACOBE CITY CLERK 4 Pacific Highway South HOV Lanes Project Condemnation Ordinance �xH A No. 462621 Commencing at a point on the east line of the southwest quarter of Section 28, Township 22 North, Range 4 Plast, w.M , an King County, Washington, which is 1908 52 feet north of the southeast corner thereof, said point being the northeast corner of Tract 22 of Secoma Hi -way Tracts, unrecorded, Thence continuing north along said east line 230 01 feet to the southeast corner of Tract 12 of said unrecorded plat and the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; Thence north 88°10,38" west along the south line of said Tract 12 871.51 feet to the easterly margin of Pacific Highway South (State Road #1) ; Thence south 20°43140" west along said easterly margin 121 56 feet; Thence south 88'10138• east 912 07 feet; Thence north 01014108• east 115 05 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGIMING, (ALSO KNOWN AS Unplatted Tract 13, Secoma Hi -Way Tracts, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 37 of Plats, page 42, in King County, Washington.) No. 396462 Lot 19 and the north half of Lot 200 Block 5, Federal Highway Addition, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 30 of Plats, page 1, in Kang County, Washington. go 565844 That portion of the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter lying in Section 21, Township 22 North, Range 4 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, lying westerly of State Highway No. 1 and northerly of the easterly extension of the north line of Lot 1, Block 7, Interurban Heights Fifth Section, recorded in volume 17 of Plats, page 85, and southerly of the easterly extension of the south line of Lot 20, Block 6, Interurban Heights Sixth Section, recorded in Volume 17 of Plats, page 88, in King County, Washington. 230, 1964so- That,porticn of Lot: 3, Block S, Federal Highway Addition, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 30 of Plats, page 1, in Xing County, Washington, lying southwesterly of a line drawn parallel with and PS feet distant: southwesterly, when measured radially and/or at right angles, frox the "A"' line centerline survey of Primary State Highway No. 1, Pierce County Line to Jct. Secondary State Highway No. S-A,; AM Lots 3 azid 4, Block S, Federal Highway Addition, according to " the plat thereof recorded in Volume 30 of Plats, page 1, in Ring county, Washington; ' EXCEPT those Portions of said Lots 3 and 4 conveyed to the State of Washington for highway purposes by deed recorded under Recordiag Number 5076617. - r . r No. 396454 Lot e,•Block 5, Federal Highway Addition, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 30 of Plata, page I, in King County, Washington= 8XC$PT that portion thereof described as follows: Beginning at the southeasterly comer of said Lot 8; Thence vast along the southerly boundary of said lot 120 feetr Thence northerly parallel to the easterly boundary of said lot a distance of 50 feett Thence easterly parallel to the southerly line of said lot to the easterly boundary of said lot; Thence soutWrly along the easterly line thereof to the point of beginning. 'TT 307 We io 0400; ZI AT"q;sou 'kq4 tmxx tuo3buF=isRM 'Aaunoa bnTx UT 11 abed 163aT,3 30 OE *MTQb UT POP20002 4;oasagq IWO aq3 0; bIIW=Ooe "U*TITPPV 41PRA O I XQP0J `9 ROOTS •'ZI Puv It 11307 s0 400; OOI '40" on , �8 Tama , 'uwou7noe13 'Rlunco -DUTY ui 'T *Bed '84*Id r OI 6=10A UT Popzo*ol iceaaga AeTd eq} a3 rMTP2000V 'uol:tw 4t XgngbTN yvispe3 r5 400TO 'it Ptm oT '6 sw7 i0 uoy4=d • BuT'aq fttL090Zo96 xogmu buTps00og 2sPim papamba '9 -96 -'PI aagvmx :I'ns'qanCPY MFZ 407 was ;0 AID `0 ,4cq ' eEY 'I3:ldit8 ' L4b95E .00. No. 396459 Lot 150 Block 5, Bedew" ghkaX Addition, 'r in icing County, to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 30 of Plats, pages J, n WaehiMtOD- , 0 No. 396460 The went 120 feet of Lots 16 and 17, Block 5, Federal Highway Addition, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 30 of Plats, page 1, in King County, Washington. No. 396465 Lot 22, Slc* 5, Pmderal Highway Additives, according to the plat • .thereof recorde.iss volume 30 of Plata, page 1, In King County, Washington. No. 396469 .That portico of the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of SectioA 21, Township 22 North, Range 4 Hast, N.M., in icing County, Washington, lying wast of the east margin of Pacific Highway South (state Road No. 1); ' 13XCSPT the worth 30 feet for Booth 940th Street and the west half of the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of the northeast qudrtar of Section 91, Township 22 Xoz-th, 34a9e 4 Bast, W.M., in Xing County, Washirigtonf, BXCBPT the north 30 feet for Sonth 240th Street; BXCSPT that po;tion thereof deede4 to the State of Washington by Deemsd racerzded under Recording Number 9602081412. • pARC8i,,8: •• ' That portion of the swrth half of the south half of the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 21, Township 22 North, Range 4 But, W.M., in Xing County, Washington, lying easterly of State Highway No. 1. 396170 That portion of the swath half of t1a south halt of the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 21, Township 22 North, Range 4 Hast, W.N., in King County, Washington, lying east of the east margin of State Road No. 1 (Pacific Highway South) as conveyed to the State of Tlashington by deed recorded under Recording Number 19990167. ' No. 396471 ` That portion of the north half of the north half of the southeast quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 21, Township 22 North, Range 4 East, W,M.,-in King County,, Washington, and of any portion of -Lots 6, 7, 81 9 and 10, in Block 18 of Interburban Heights -Fourth Section, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 17 of Plate, page 860 in King County, Washington, lying within a tract of land described as .follows; Beginning at the intersection of the northerly line of the north half of the north half of the southeast quarter of the northeast quarter of said section with the easterly line of State Road No. 1; thence north 89'45100" east along said northerly line 279.34 feet; thence south 0029100" east parallel with the easterly line of said subdivision, 225.432 feet to the northerly line of the southerly 100.00 feet in width of said subdivision; thence south 89.49100" west along said northerly line and the ` production thereof to the easterly line of State Road No. 1; thence north 8°52'33" east along said easterly line to the point of beginning. 3 No. 396472, That portion of the north half of ,the north half of the southeast quarter of the.northeast quarter of Section 21, Township 22 North, Range 4 East, w.M., in King county, Washington, and of Block 18, Interurban Heights Fourth Section, according to the plat thereof 'recorded in Volume 17,of Plata,ypaga 86, in King County, Washington, described as follows% Beginning at the southeast corner of said north half of the north half of the southeast garter of the northeast quarter, Thence south 89°490000 west along the southerly line thereof 250.00 •�• feet to the TRUE Pole OF BBQIbDmv; Thence north 0029100■ wast parallel with the easterly line of said subdivipion to the north line of said subdivision; Thence west along said north line 400.00 feet; Thence south 0°291000 east parallel with the east line of subdivision to a point 100.001 feet north of the south line of said, subdivision; Thence south 89.49x00" west parallel with the south line of said subdivision 677.983 feet, more or less, to the easte{ly line of State now bro. }i I' Thence south 8.52133" west along said easterly line 101.258 feet to the intersection of said easterly line with the south line of said subdivision, from which point the TRUE pone of BBQINNIBa bears north 89°49100" east; Thence north 89°49100" east along said south line 1094.42 feet to the TRO8 POINT' OF BWnUUNO}; - ' BXCHPT any portion thereof in said Block le that may lie north of the north lines of Lot 6 in said Block le. L Order No. 396476 PARCEL A: Lot 20, Block 18, Interurban Heights -Third Section, accord=g to the plat thereof recorded in volume 17 of Plats, page 87, in King County, Washington; TOGETHER WITH the north half of vacated Birch Street adjoining, EXCEPT that portion thereof for State Road No. 1; AND EXCEPT portion thereof lying north of the north boundary line of the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 21, Township 22 North, Range 4 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, produced westerly to the intersection of the east boundary line of State Road go. 1; (ALSO INOWN as Lot A of City of Rent Lot Line Adjustment No. LL -91- 15, recorded under Recording Number 9709182235) PARCEL B: Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 19, Interurban Heights -Third Section, according to the plat thereof recorded in volume 17 of Plats, page 87, in King County, Washington; EXCEPT portion thereof for State Road No. 1; TOGETHER WITH that portion of vacated Yukon Avenue adjoining; AND TOGETHER WITH the south half of vacated Birch Street adjoining, (ALSO IQKM AS Lot B of City of Scent Lot Line Adjustment No. LL -97- 15, recorded under Recording Number 9709181235). PARCEL C• The north half of the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter of the northeast quarter of section 21, Township 32 North, Range 4 East, W M., in Ding County, Washington; HXCEPT the south 40 feet and the east 6o feet thereof; AND EXCEPT the west 175 feet of the south 187 feet of said subdivision; N% (legal description, continued) s LEGAL DESCRIPTION, continued.- TOGETHER ontinued: Order No. 396476 TOGETHER WiTR a portion of said north half of southwest quarter of the southeast quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 21, Township 22 North, Range 4 Bast, W.H., in King County, Washington, described as follows: Beginning at the southeast corner of said subdivision; Thence north 87055'21" west for 483.97 feet; Thence north 01°05'24" east for 157.02 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BBC4MMM; Thence north 73°03131" west for 116.94 feet to a point on the north line of the south 187 feet of said Subdivision, Thence south 8755121" east along said north line for 112.51 feet, Thence south 01605124" west for 30.00 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNUG; AND EXCEPT the east 45.40 feet of the west 220 40 feet of the north 117 feet of the south 157 feet of said north half of the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 21, Township 22 North, Range 4 Bast, W M., in King County, Washington; AND EXCEPT any portion thereof lying althin the plat of Interurban Heights -Third Section, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 17 of Plats, page 87, in King County, Washington; (ALSO KNDWN AS Lot C of City of Kent Lot Line Ad3ustment No. LL -97- 15, recorded under Recording Number 9709181235). No. 396478 All of trots 10 and 11, Block 19, and those portions of Lots 9 and 12; in said Block 190 and of-Lots 90 10, 11, and 12, Block 20, and of vacated Yukon Avenue, all in the Plat of Interurban Heights Third, Section, according to the plat thereof-recorded in volume 17 of Plats, page 07, in xtng county, Washington, described by metes and bounds as follows: ' Conapencing at the northeast Corner of Section 21, Township 22 North, Range 4 Sant; W.K., in King County, Washington; Thence north 08'48144" wasC along the north line of said Section 1320.45 feet to the northeast corner of the wast half of that northeast quarter of said Section; Thence south V07109" west along the east line of said west half of the northeast Quarter 2,224.58 feet to a point on the east line of Lot 9, Block 19, of maid Plat which point is at the easterly end of an existing cyclone fence and the ms POINT of BmniNIm; Thence continue south V07+09" west along the east line of said Lots 9, 10, it and 12, Block 19, a distance of 90.00 feet to a point on the east line of said Lot 12, Block 19; Thence north 88'48'44" wast parallel to and distance 9.70 feet southerly measured from the north line of said Tat 12, Block 19, and prolongated westerly across vacated Yukon Avenue and parallel to and distant 9.70 fast southerly measured from the north line of said Lot 12, Block 20, a distance of 139.40 feet to the easterly margin of Pacific Highway South as now established,; Thence north 10'33'00• east along said easterly margin_ 91.43 feet to a point in said existing cyclone feocet Thence south 88*42038• east along said cyclone fence 124.43 feet to the TRUH POIST OF 8mf111OrMG; EXCEPT the month 9.70 feet,thersof. 0 • No. 396419 i Lots 12 through 17, inclusive, al;A bots 19 and 20, Block 29; and ,Lots 12 through 20, inclusive, Block 2D, all in Interurban Heights Third section, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 17 of Plats, page 89, in Xing County, Washington; BXCEPT portion thereof deeded to the State of Washington for State Road Number •1t TO68TRn WM vacated Yukon Avenue adjoining and portion of vacated South 2480 StYeet, formerly Oak Street, adjoining; BXCSPT that portion of Lot 3.2, Block 19, Interurban Heights Third ,Section, according to the plat thereof recorded in volume 17 of Plats, page. 87, in King County, Washington, and of vacated Yukon 'Avenue adjoining, lying south of the north line of Lot 12, and the same produced west, and lying north of the easement recorded under King County 8ecording Number 8202030608. C No. 396483 That portion of the north 100 fest of the south 900 feet of the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of Section 21, Township 22 North, Range 4 Bast, W.M., in King County, Washington, lying east .of'the center line of State Road No. 11 as described in an easement .from Neyerhaueer Timber Company to the State of Washington dated • March 3, 1925 recorded under Recording Number 1994319, in King County, Washington. I a' No. 396484 That portion of the north 175 feet of the South 800 fees of the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of Section 21, Township 22 north, Range 4 Bast, N.M., in King County, Washington, lying easterly of the easterly margin of State Road No. 1; FXCMM that portion thereof described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the south line of the north 175 feet of the south Boo feet of the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of said Section 21, with the easterly line of State Road 'No. i= - . Thence east, along said south lime, 175 feet] Thence north, at right angles to said last course, $7.5 feet; Thence west to the easterly margin of State Road No. 1; 'Thence southerly along said easterly margin, to the point of beginning. 2 ♦ • ,f • • , ' No. 396486 That portion of the north 125 feet of the south 625 feet of the Aorthwest quarter of, the southeast quarter of.Section 21, Township 22 North, Range 4 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, lying east Of. the easterly line of Primary State Highway No. 1, as the same is ` -,described in an easement from Weyerhaeuser Timber,Company to the State of Washington dated March 3, 1925, recorded under Recording Number 1994319. ' A I r No. 396489 Lot 2 of City of Kent Short Plat Number 75-14 recorded under Recorflinq Humber 1512434325 records of King County, Washington. being a portion of the northxeet quarter of the southeast quarter of r Section 21, TosaLship,22 North, Range 4 East, W.M., in King County, Waahiagtan. t` ,PARCSL 11: ; r r No. 396491 < ' • a That portion of the southvreai.quaiter of theoutheaet quarter 'o! i , Section 21, Township 12 North, flange 4 EOst, W.M. , in King CoLI�{tyr% 4jas�4ingtpn, described ,as • follows x • t •Z ti + ,,� •'� ;� ;i, •t .�. ••• '•'• ,,a•', moi. - Saginnlag at the intersection of toe east right of way line of „� • ' •• . °J: t ;•, 99, Pacific Aighvay Souti, said poiii being 50.00 feet southeasterly . ,• , • ,O4 the 4ar-4mlirie thereof, and the south right of way 1i ne of South 252i4 Street,_ point being 35a0i feet southof ,the centerline ' thereof] i. r: •'• ,7•'•; + • • a = •., • + `>, Thence south 20°431239 vest,'126.93 feet'aloag the east right of w'ay ' ' line of,SR 99; i Tb4zce ao%th $7'44004• east%S 27 feet to the,TRUZ,POINT OF, Thence a 87'44104" • `• _ 4� east, 142. B4 feet to a point curve; � ••t'• •, Thence northeasterly 4A arc distance of 19.90 feet along a 25.60 ` radi curie to, • • foot v�, the toEt, thzough a central eagle of a5 3603• •` to a point of t6q=cyj 1 l; Thence north 46°39153w,east 49.12 feet; Thence north 2015'56" east 77.80, feet to the south right of way line Of South 252TA Street; t . Thence north 87°"'04" weW129.66 feeb along the south right of way line of South 252ie Street tp a point of curve; . • , Thence southwesterly an arc'distaaca of 43.70 feet along a 25.00 s forst radius curve to the lest, through a 6entral angle of 71°32133' ' to a point of ,tangency; Thence south 20.43123• wast,a distance o! 101.71 feet to close at , ' ,the 7RM 1'01'1Q't OF B86]39NIrii4; ESCBBT that portion thereof 'deeded to the City of Kent by deed ' ' .`recorded under Recording Number 9806032330 (ALSOMONN tA8 a portion ,of Tract 1 of Boundary Line Adjustme;at No. r; '%7+I+ -98y-33 recorded under ging County Re ng (umber 9S05121739). t : PAR= B Tom,^ ;t' ., - •� That port4oa,of the 0PI!thwe4t quarter of the southeast quarter o { "CCUOU biagtoa T�MV 22 Noorth, fie, 4 Bast, W.K ;, • tis Ki n� Couatp described •. . ` . ', . , { • • • • , \ •> ••- , 'i i • t 1. , legal description, continued) ` LEWL ns CRIPr=ON r ., continued: ' 1 s '.� :'r` • "s .'~ No, 396491 \ : Beg�.ng a<t the intersection of the east right of way line of sa:. . 990 Pacific Highway south,.said point,being 5o.¢O feet, southeasterly •, f ; of thi centerline• thereof, and the•south right of way line of south ' -a52' 8treet;•s4:id point being 35.619 feel south of the centerline thereofa ,,Thence•contiauing iouth 20043123" west, 126.93 feet along the east right oi way line Of OR 9.9 Theaeo'sogth 87°44'04!,east 5.27 feet to the TRUE IIOrNT OP e . BEO121lTINp = - • 'rhence'sout3; 20°4;r 13 N wast a] ` r r ang tha east right of way line of SR •099. gen to -the southwest, Corner of.Traet 2, , Thence, south 87°44904'L east 696.46 feet to the southeast corner of ' Tract;'2 ' 'Thcsnarthl ; - - . saof°as a6� seat 100.01 feet:' I Thence noa — 87°44104• nest 240.08 feet= r Thence worth C)1005 026" east 65.01 feet to,ths south right ght of way „ , of •south'a5� Streets Th"* north 87°44 04" west 243.05 feet aloap,the south right of `way line of.south 25204 streep Whence south 02'15"S6" wast 77,80 feet, ` ,Thence aouph 46°39'53" !eat 49;3.2 feet to a Point of curve ' ?hence sout�weet4rly an arc diataace of 19.90 feet along a 25.00 ' foot radfua,curveIto the righp, through a central angle of 45°36'D3• P"t,•of targe ' ThencdF e north 87_044004" lest, 142.84 fget to close at the TRV.E POINT AZW XeCO 1O10WR %AS Tract 2 �derof ;Souadary Line Adjustment No. LL -98-13 ' rded un,Kiag County Recardin g Number,9805121739). r No. 396498, ' That portion of tb0 south halt of the mrthwest quartos of the , southeast quartet of Section 21, Tomaship 22 North, Range 4 Sant, H.M., in sting County, Washington,, described as follows: Beginning at thea intersection of the northwesterly line of state Road No. 1 (also known as Pacific Righway South as granted to Xing : qty by deed recorded under Recording Humber 1991319, with the south line of said subdivisiony > Thaace vast 07Png said south line, Iso feet; ' Thence nartbeasterly parallel to the nortbuesterly line of aaid ' State Road DTo. 1, a distances of 206.63 feet: Thence east parallel to the south line of said subdivision, iso Thence southwesterly along the northwesterly line of said state Road No. 1, a'distance 02 206.63 feet to the point of be:ginning,, W=PT any portion thereof lying within South 252104 Street; -AND lT that portion thereof conveyed to the City of Rent by deed recorded wader Recording Number, 9107230534. G n No. 397366 Lots -1 and 3, City of Kent Short Plat 78-14, recorded under 1Ciog County Recording V=ber 48062909511 being a portion of the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of Section 21, Township 22 North, Range 4,3ast,,W.N., in king County, Washington. . 4 No. 397212 Lots 17, 18t .19v 22, 23 and 24, Block 17, Interurban Heights Fourth Section, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volam6 17 of .. P2ptae page 66, in Xing County, Washington; I EXCEPT that portion of Lots 17, 16 and 19 condemned by the State of Washington for Primary State Highway #1f That.portion of Lot 20, Block 17, Interurban Heights Third section, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 17 of Plats, page 871 in Ring County, Washington, lying west of Pacific Highway. Lot 21,- Slock 17, IntsrurbaA Heights Third Section, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 17 of Plats, page 87, in King County, Washington. ie • No. 397213 Lots 15 and 16, Block 17, Interurban Heights, Fourth Section, according to the plat thereog recorded in Volume 17 of'Plata, page • 86, in Hing County, Washington; EXCEPT portion thereof condemned by State of Washington for Primary State.Highway No. 1. ' , ft • 1 Ho._ 397211 Lots i0, 11 and 12, Block 17, interurban HaLghts - 4th Section, according to the plat tberaof recorded in Volume 17, of Plats, page 960 in King County, Washington; ToGmm 1fnm that portion of vacated Y'ucon street adjoining said Lot 10 which attaches thereto by operation of law) EXCEPT that portion candamned by the State of 'Washington for Pxuukzy State Highway No. 1. - - No. 397216 The south to fest,of Lot 7, All of Lots 8 and 9, the south 10 feet i of Lot 31 and all of Lots 32 and 33, All in Block 17, Interurban Heights, Fourth Addition, m rding to the plat thereof record in Volume 17 of Plats,, page 86, in King County, Washington. > > _ \ a; �• ♦ ., < .: ♦•.�' :a , . • i- „ •', ,mss- ,; No. 397217 . -and. 6, the rioxth 20 feet of Lot 7, Lots 35, 36~and.37-and .;`• �th� nort ',20 fiat -of Lot 34, Block -17, interurban Heights Fourth ' s• Section, according tc' the p14�t thereof 'records¢ in volume 17 of ' ' - ' • Plats; - ,,• }. ,h. Mi. is King County, Washington; 'r •- . TQGET k.NITli that portion of vacated Yukon Street adjoining Lots ,4; 5 and 6 and the north 20 feet'of Lot 7, which attaches thereto j by the operation of jaw. •; , , > ' > �; - .. , ,. a ,_ •.� ' - ! • , I • , • 1 I I No. 397219 That portion of Lots 1 and 3, Block .18, Interurban Heights -Fourth Baction, according to the plat thereof recorded is Volume 17 of • Plats, page Sb, its ]Cing County.. Washingeon, lying west of Pacific "Uwayi TOK4BTM MM the east half of vacated Yukon avenue adjoining which attached by operation of law= Am , Iota 1, 3, 3 and'388 Block 17, raterurban Heights -Fourth Section, according to that plat thereof zecorded is Volume 17 of Plate, page 96. in King County, Washington= TOGRTMM WET% rhe gest half of vacated Yuk= Avenue adjoiaing which' attached by operation of law. . , .. • -� -, No. 397220 >;om 9 tIxough 12,.inc}usive,•1Bl4ock 7, EXCEPT portion;conveyed to -the State of Hashing p'n by. instrumegt , recorded under Recording Nnober 2014199; And Lots 9 through 12, inclusive, Block e; 'TOGETHER WITH all, of the vacated Yukon Street lying between, Lots 9, through 12, inclusive,'Block 7, and Lots 9 through 12, inclusive, 'Block a, all in Interurban Heights, Filth Division, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 17 of Plats, page 85, in King County, Washington: - No. 397225 The north 297 feet (as measured along the West lige) of that portion of the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 21, Township 22 North, Range 4 East, N.M.. in King County, Washington, lying westerly of State Road No. 1, as established by Deed recorded under King County Recording Number 19901671 EXCEPT the north 30 fact thereof conveyed to King County for road by Deed recorded under King County Recording Number 921231; AND BXCBPT that portion thereof conveyed to City of Kent by Deed recorded under King County Recording Number 88012001861 AND EXCBPT that portion thereof conveyed to the State of Washington by deed recorded under King County Aeaording Humber 9604171287. N • 50. -397226 The south 49;48 feet of Lot 30, as measured along the easterly lice of said Lot 30, and Lot 31, all in•Block 6, Federal Highway Addition; according to the, plat thereof recorded in Volume 30 of Plats, page 1, in King County, Washington; EXCRPT the hest 20 feet in width thereof; =r AND ZXMU?T that portion of said Ttot 31, described as follows: Beginning at the southgast corner of said Lot 31; •'thence rest, along the south line of said Lot 31, a'distance of, 35 feet; thence northeasterly, is a straight line, to a point 'on the east line of said Lot 31 which in 22 feet northeasterly of the point of beginning, as measured along said east line; " thence southwesterly, along said east line, 22. feet to the point of beginning; s TOGBTMM WITS a common use•easement for ingress and egress, described as follows. Beginning at the northeast corner of the hereinabove described main tract; _ thence northeasterly, along the westerly margin of U.S. 99 (Pacific Highway south), a distance- of 25 feet; thence southwesterly, in a straight line, to a point on the north line of said main tract which is 25 feet west of the point of beginning, as measured along said north line; thence east, along said north line, 25 feet to the point of beginningp AND TOW== WITS a comson use easement for ingress, egress and utilities, described as follows: The west 20 feet of the goat% 4s 4s'f et d al the e , as measure ong easterly line, of the aforesaid Lot 30, and the west 20 feet of the aforesaid Lot 31, Block 6, Federal Highway Addition. • 00. 397235, .� ,South 10 feet of Lot 17 and all of Lots 18, 19 and 20, Block 6, ' Federal Highway Addition, according'to the plat thereof recorded in . Volume 30 of Plats, page 1, in King County, Washington. 1 - IL NO. 462602 A,,o 0 Lot 14 City of Kent Short Plat #SP2000-20, according to the short plat recorded under Recording Number 200108215900001, being a portion of The northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 28, Township 22 North, Range 4 East, W.W., in King County, Washington; EXCEPT that portion deeded to the City of Kent by deed recorded under Recording Number 20020523001442 _ No. 462603 ' That portion of the west halt of the northwest quarter of the , northeast quarter of. Section 28, Township 22_North, Range 4 East, -N.M., in icing county,�washington, described as follows. Commencing at the north quarter eo3mer of said section, Thence south 1°13'48" west along the west Liao of said subdivision ' 631.60 feet to the southeasterly margin of Primary State Highway Number 1 (SR99)t Thence north-20'42'O7" east along said highway margin 42.43 feet to " ' the. Point of ba94main9s _ - . -Thence south'67.42123" east, parallel with the north line of said subdivision,,644.45 feet to the east line'of said subdivision; Thence north 1°10'10' east along sand east line 591.34 feet to the north line of said subdivision, ; Thence north 87°42'23"'„ west along said north line 436.08 feet to the southeasterly margin of said highway; Thence south 20042107'.wsst along said margin 623,11 feet to the - ,point. of beginnings EXCEPT the north 325 feet thereof] TOGETMM WITH an easement for ingress sad egress over a joint driveway as set forth in instrument recorded under Recording Number 8008010706. No% 462608 Lot 1, King County Short Plat Numbgr 784071R, according to the ehort Plat recorded under Recording Number 8511120662, being a portion of ALL that Portion of the northeast is 8ectioq 28, Township22 yast•quarter of the northwest quarter Washington, nge,4 Seat, W.M., in Kipg . .Conary, Wa ton, lying easterly of pacific Highway South, forMorly State Road go. 1; EXCEPT the south 30.00 feet; EXCEPT that portion conveyed to the State of Washington by dead recorded August 16,_ 1960, under Recording number 5193890; AND EXCEPT that Portion conveyed to the county of King, State of Washingtdn, by deed recorded February 8, 2973, under Recording Number 7302080064. Lot 101 Woodmont Place, aCcor dingto they plat thereof recorded s �C i4n .' Volumn 121 of Plata ' r Page 56, in King County, Wa®hingtoa. 9 •ate+ „ ` • •+ . ,• \• • ' . C, r . t ' • '•, �, •ti '•' _�.'� '�� •`i '•' � . a,a�• 1 i♦a♦ w • • •• �: 1'• �,,• 1 ( ' .s2 , � • , t ♦• '' t • f i 'lr' •f .. • ' 1 `=. � •�, mss. l.a t , '.l • •'s •. `' • -•a.t i .+ • ,• t•a •; ' • .' `{7 \, •,. ••t. ',• , r •••=r �' ' ' • 1: •1;, • ' ' .ate ,�'•-,, :. � '•i (••y' •'r�a' 't.Y,, ', _'• ' ��_ ;�� , ,,•.1:• _ � as •••;: ,. � .. o�LE vuinY•oAu'F pa'px ax ';`,•,• ti ,• ,, Li'�!d g ! d 7ena3vS 6 ��lsd, + t • " •' , - '•••It0'3 ZE aJ(a�gp� � � � C age te7SG AV •T$ � a ( •a.. , . �" ' ' . •'' • ' . i • .� �watali3 alit a'4� ox 6ts�9x r t �, • .�• • , t , unt f I _ Tract ia, 3ecoa� Ni_FiayTracts, No. 467620 reCordad in Volume 37 ata aeof plate in �S ConntY. rdtng to the Plat thereof � � Page 42 , Rashingtal• - l n trAo s�zb� Sts` °w • 3ara arm '4Z , ' No. 462626 •Tract 18, Secoma M-Way Tracts& according to tha plat thereof - recorded in Volume 37 of Plats, page 42, in King County, Washington. ' No. 462627 • - 1 Tract 19, Secaoa Hi -Naar Tracts,• according to the plat thereof recorded in,Volume 37 of Plats, page 42, in, Efng County, Washington. 0 v No. 462629 Tract 24, eecoma A -WAY Tracts,'accordiag to the plat thereof• •recorded in Volume, 37 of Plats, page 42, is Ring County, Washington. • ' No. 462630 . That portion of Tract 23, secoma Hi -Way Tracts, according to the . plat thareof'recorded in Volume 37 of Plats, page 42, in King county, 11ashington, described as follows. ' Beginaing at the most northerly corner of said tract; . thence soiithwesterly along the northwesterly boundary thereol; 220.00 feet to a point which is north 1°09'28" east 235.02 feet from the southwest•corner of. said tract] _ thence southeasterly to a point on the cast line of said tract, which is 185 feet north of the southeast corner of said tract; thence north, to the northeast corner of said tract; thence northwesterly to a point of beginning. ^ . No. 461631 PARCEL A: Tract 54, SecomaKi-fray Tracts, according to the plat thereof 3cecorded in Volume 31 of Plata, page 42, is king County, Washington; B I PX the ,nest 139.67 feet of the north 150 feet thereof; AND EXPT the South 150 feet thereof. _ PARCEL Bs ' The south ISO feet of the east 95 feet of Tract 54, Secoma H!.-Nay Tracts, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 37 of Plata, Page 42, in King County, Washington; • 8SCM the South 125 feet of the _West 70 feet thereof. PARCHie C s The north 125 feet of the south 655 feet as measured along the east line of that portion of the Southwest quarter of the southwest quarter of Section 28, Township 22 North, Range 4 East, W.M., in ` King County, Washington, lying easterly of State Road Number 1. PARCMe D s That portion of tum southwest quarter of the southwest quarter of Section 28, Township 21 North, Range 4 Bast, N.M., in Ring County, Washington, lying easterly of State Road Number 1; SUNM the south 655 fact thereof measured along the easterly line of said subdivision. PARM E a That portion of Tract 23, SecovK Hi-May Tracts., according to the Plat thereof recorded in Volume 37 of Plats, page 42, la Xing - County, Washington, described as followsa Beginning at the southwest corner of said tract; 'thence north 1'09978" east along the westerly line thereof 235.02 _ feet, - I . thence southeasterly to the easterly line of said tract ata point ,185.00 feet north of the southeast corner of said tract; • thence southerly 18S.o0 fact, to the southeast corner of said tract; thence north'88°40'24' most along the southerly line 164.67 feet to the point of beginning. ' • Regal description, continued) NO. 462631 LS�AL DB=IPTICN, continued: _- r _ "PA$C8L Fs. _ The east 139.67 feet of,the north 274.49 feet of Tract 53,Secosa Iii -Way Tracts, according to the Plat thereof recorded in Volume 37 _ of Plater, page 42 in King County, Nashington; ' - PARCEL Qs " The north 150 feet of the west 139.67 feet of Tract 54, Secoma Hi - Way T=Cts, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 37 of Plats, page 42, in King, county,' Washington. _ PARCEL HI: The north 274.49 feet of Tract 53, Secoma Bi -Way Tracts, according to the plat thereof,reMrded in Volume 37 of Plato, page 42, in King county, Washington= BXCBPT the east 139.67 feet thereof. 0 No. 46 632 The South 530 feet of that portion of the southwest quarter of the soutbwest quarter of Section 28, Township 22 North, Range 4 East, . W.K., in King County, Washington, lying -easterly of State Road Number 1, • MWEPT the south 330 feet thereof measured along the east line of said subdivision. I' ALSO HNOWN PA Parcel A Lot Line Adjustment mer 591L0033 as, -record" under xing (aunty Recording Number 9104121931. No. 462633 That portion of the southwest quarter of Section 28, Township 22 Noith, Range 4 Rant, W.M., is King County, Washington, described as, � followa: The south,330 feet of that portion of the southwest quarter of the i southwest quarter of Section 28, Township 22 North, Range 4 last, W.M., in King County, Washington, as measured along the east line thereof, lying easterly of State Road No. 1; ` EXCRPT that portion of the above described property lying southerly of the following' described line: Commencing at the intersection of the easterly margin of State Road No. 1, as condemned under Kiag County Superior Court Cause B10. 181369 with the north margin of Star Lake Road (now South 272nd Street); -'Thence north 20°43'01" east along said easterly margin 200.00 feet to the TRM POINT OF BEGnO 1Na of said line; Thence south 88050.20" east parallel to the north margin of star Lake Road a distance of 238.11 feet to the east line, said southwest quarter of the southwest quarter of Section 28 and the terminus of said line, . (ALSO ZEN AS Lot B, Lot Line Adjustment No. 691L0033 recorded under Recording Number 9104121431): No. 462634 PARCEL A: That portion of the southwest quarter of the southwest quarter of section 39, Township 22 North, Range 4 Bast, H.M., in Ring County, Washington, described as follows-., , • - ` - Beginning at the intersection of the easterly margin of State Road No. 1, as condemned. wider Sing County Superior Court Cause No. 181369 with the northerly margin of Star Lake Road 'now South 272nd Street•= thence easterly along said northerly margin, a distance of 130.00 feet; ' ' , ' thence northeasterly parallel to the easterly margin of Said State • Road No. 1, a distance of 160.00 feet; thence westerly, parallel to the northerly margin of Star Lake Road, a distance of 130.00 feet, • thence southwesterly along the easterly margin'of said State Road to the point of beginning, BXCSPT that portion thereof conveyed to King County for road by.deed recorded under Reeordiug No. 7309130352. That portion of the southwest quarter of the southwest quarter of Section 28, Township,22 xorth, Range 4 Bast, R.M., in Ring County, Washington, described as follows: Beginning at distance of 130 feet ea&t of the intersection of the easterly margin of State Road No. i as condemned under King County ' Superior Court Cause Ito. 181369 with the northerly margin of Star Lake Road (now South 272nd Street); thence easterly parallel with said northerly margin, a distance of 40 feet, thence northeasterly parallel to the,easterly margin of said State Road No. 1, a distance of 200 feet; , - , thence westerly parallel to the northerly margin of Star Lake Road, a distapoe of 170 feet to the easterly margin of State Road No. 1, thence soathwesterly along the easterly margin of said State Road No. 1, a distance of 40 feet, • (continued) i ' No. 4b9634 LOCAL U&SCRMION, continued. ,thence easterly parallel with the northerly margin of Star Lake Road, a distance of 130 feet? I r thence"southwesterly parallel with the easterly margin of 8tate Road No. 1, a distance of 160 fact to the point of beginning ' • s � 4 . 1 J r � • +f r � a '+ �' •' � � ` �{ ` '%,jai'. 4+�" to ® p{ f ' ct$, iY► t Y t�alalli+3�►4 t� 3 4 0 $Mst r. ' NO. 462644 The: north 110 feet in width of Tract 2 and all of Tract 3, eecoma Hi-Way Tracts, according to the plat thereof recorded in volume 37 of Plata, page 42, in King County, Washington. 462646 ' - ,irsct rding in Ktba CbuatY rvsfhing- ' - e, acro ` Tract 5. Sea°ma` Hi-WwYOf plats# "ge 42, recon* in Volume 3� M - Ko. 482647. •Tract 6, 8ecoma mi-way Tracts, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 37 of Plate, page 42, in King County, Washington. No. 463650 The south 375 feet; as Measured along the west line of that portion ` of the south half of the southeast quarter of the northwest quarter " of Section 288 Township 22 North, Range 4 East, W.M., in King County, Nashington; lying westerly of Pacific highway South fSR-99), and Tract,8, Secoma Hi -Way Tracts, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 37 of Plate, page 42, is !Gang county, Washington; ,RXCBPT the following described Parcel of Land. Beginning of,the southeast corner of said Tract 8; Thence north 68'101170 west along the south line thereof a distance of 331.14 feat; -Thence north o1°Ostses east a parallel with the west line of said Tract 8 a distance of 200.01 feet; Thence south 88010117" east parallel with the south line of said Tract 8 a distance of 401.96 feet to the westerly margin of said Pacific Highway South; Thence south 20043124" west along said margin a distance of 211.39 feet to the point of beginning. (ALSO JZONN AS Lot B og Boundary Line Adjustment recorded under Recording Number 9711249013.) No. 462652 , That portion, of the south halt of the southeast quarter of the northwest quarter of Section 28, Township 22 North,,Range 4 East, W,M., in Icing County, Washington, lying westerly of State Road No. i (Pacific Highway South), described as follows: Beginning at a point on the north line of said south half, said point being south 88003131" east 490 00 feet from the northwest corner of said south half) thence south 03005'510 crest 160.03 feet] thence south 88010/160 east parallel with the south line of said subdivision 196.56 foot to an intersection with the westerly mazain of State Road No. 1 (Pacific Highway South), thence north 200431160 east along said westerly margin 136.88 feet to the south line of the north 30.00 feet of the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of the northwest quarter of said Section; thence north 880031310 west along said south line 96.97 feet to the southwest corner of the north 30.00 feet of the east 29.62 feet of the 300thwest quarter of the southeast quarter of the northwest quarter of said sections thence north 010161070 east parallel to the east line of said•east 29.62 feet of.the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter of the northwest quarter, of said Section 30.00 feet to the north line of said south half of the southeast quarter of the northwest quarter of said Section, thence north 680030310 west along said north line 140.08 feet to the point of beginning. TOGETSSR WITH an easement for ingress, egress and utilities over, under and across the following described parcel: I , Beginning at the northwest corner, of the south half of the southeast quarter of the northwest quarter of Section 28, Township 22 North, Range 4 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, I thence south 880031310 east along the north line thereof 490.00 fact, thence south 036051_51* west 138.03 feet to the TRUE POINT OF thence south 790461520 east 150.74 feet; thence south 88010/160 east 46.95 feet to the westerly margin of Pacific Highway South) ' �, (continued) , • . ' - bto. a626s2 LEGJLT.DESCRIPTION, continued- ' thence south' 200431160 meet along said westerly margin of Pacific ' Righway South 61.39 feet to an intersactioa with an arc of a curve, the center of said curve bearing north 69026'44" west; thence northwesterly along the arc of a 25.00 feet radius curve to the left, through a central aagle of 1080538320, an arc distance of 47.22 fact to a point of tangency; thence north 88010116" wast 7.31 feet; thence north 78010116" west 147.85 feet; thence north 0360SISIO east 22.00 feet to the TRUE POINT OF I • ' • 1 t No. 462653 The mouth 24 feet of that portion of. the northeast quarter of the soutbnast quarter of the aorthwesr quatter lying westerly of the westerly wxgin of State Road NO; 1. (Pacific aigh►tay South) toaeth" With the•south 30 feet of the east 39.62 feet of the east half of the northmmt,quarter of the southeast quarter of the northw"t quartert • TOGMM WITH this north 30, feet of the east 29.62 feet of the aoutbmast gdartar of the southeast quarter of the northwest • h ` quarter] AM 'tom WiT$ the north 30 feet of thb southeast quarter of the soutbeast quarter of the noxkhwesb quartet, lyUQ westerly of • Pacific gipway South •State sighway so. 1•t ill in Section 28, Totwhip 23 North, Range 4 Bast W.M.,rin ting County,, Washington. . s ' rya CC Q : _ • - , ,taN a bSiiS9oy t. 4� �t�°Yo04 tihap 22,£ state f glSOS isgtax1Y 5 acmes of of S toIIIW Sou at:'A" ' s ao %,Xg , 11 No. 486912 That portion of the couthwast quarter of Section 281 Township 22 North, Range 4 East. N.M., in King County, Washington, described as follows: Commencing at the intersection of the easterly margin of State Road No. 1 as condemned under King County Superior Court Cause Number 161369 with the north margin of Star Lake Road (now South 292nd Street); thence south 88°50120" east along said north margin a distance of 170.00 fact to the TR= POIN'P og B80SNN va, thence north 20043101" east parallel to the easterly margin of State Road No. 1, a distance of 200.00 feet; thence south 88'50'20" east parallel to the north margin of Star Lake Road a distance of 68.71 feet to the east line of the southwest quarter of the southwest quarter of said Section 28; thence south 01'04147" west along said east line a distance of 188.47 feet to the north margin of star Lake Road; thence north 88050920" west along said north margin 135.65 feet to the TRUE POINT OF RZOINNW01 (ALSO KNOWN AS Lot C of King County Lot Line Adjustment Number B91Lo0334, recorded under Recording Number 9104121431). Return Address: Attn: City Clerk City of Kent 220 Fourth Ave. S. Kent. WA 98032 WASHINGTON STATE COUNTY AUDITOR/RECORDER'S COVER SHEET Document Title: City of Kent Ordinance No. 3697: Relating to Eminent Domain Reference Number(s): N/A a/ `aG PNWT Grantor(s): City of Kent, a Washington municipal corporation Grantee(s): The Public, Ordinance No. 3697 45110 C�OCUMPntfs) were ffW Assessor's Property Tax Parcel/Account Numbe&ii d WhbreviatiodIrof Description: mmoc�a.,, , ,)es not',e�, examincq - No 396450 - Lots 2-4, Blk 5, Federal Highway Add#dVoke r. , °19W44tn. Lot 8, Blk 5, Federal Highway Add., Vol. 30, pg. 1; No 396457 - Ptn. Lots ;` 31k. 5, federal Highway Add., Vol. 30, pg. 1; No 396458 - Ptn. Lots 13-14, Blk 5, Federal Highway Add., Vol. 30, pg. 1; No 396459 - Lot 15, Blk 5, Federal Highway Add., Vol. 30, pg. 1; No 396460 - Ptn. Lots 16-17, Blk 5, Federal Highway Add., Vol. 30, pg. 1; No 396465 - Lot 22, Blk 5, Federal Highway Add., Vol. 30, pg. 1; N2 39 466 - Ptn. Lots 23-24, Blk 5, Federal Highway Add., Vol. 30, pg. 1; No 396469 - Ptn. NE/NE 21-22-04; No 396470 - Ptn. NE/NE, 21-22-04; No 396471 - Ptn. SE/NE 21-22-04; No 396472 - Ptn. SE/NE, 21-22-04; No 396474 - Ptn. SE/NE, 21-22-04; No 396476 - Lot 20, Blk 18, Lots 1-3, Blk 19, Interurban Heights -Third Section, Vol. 17, pg. 87 and Ptn. SE '/4, NE %,, 21-22-04; No 396478 - Lots 9-12, Blk 19-20, Vacated Yukon Avenue, Plat of Interurban Heights Third Section, V17/P87; No 396479 - Lots 12-17, 19-20, Blk 19; and Lots 12-20, Blk 20, Interurban Heights Third Section, Vol. 17, pg. 87; No 396483 - Ptn. NW/SE, 21- 22-04; No 396484 - Ptn. NW'/<, SE %a, 21-22-04; No 396486 - Ptn. SE 21-22-04; No 396487 - Ptn. SE 21-22-04; No 396491- Ptn. S W/SE, 21-22-04; Lot 3, Del Mar Add. No. 11, Vol. 59, pg. 60; No 396498 - Ptn. NW/SE, 21-22-04; No 397206 - Ptn. NW/SE, 21-22-04; No 397207 - Parcel A: Lots 24-29, Blk 20 & Lots 14-21, Blk 21, Interurban Heights Third Section, Vol. 17, pg. 87, TGW vac. St.; and Parcel B: Lots 30 & 31, Blk 20 & Lots 12 & 13, Blk 21, Interurban Heights Third Section, Vol. 17, pg. $7, TGW vac. St.; No 396209 - Lots 8-9 and 32-35, Blk 20, Interurban Heights 3'd Section, Vol. 17, pg. 87; Assessor's Property Tax Parcel/Account Number(s) and Abbreviated Legal Des. (Cont'd): No 397212 - Ptn. Lots 17-19, all Lots 22-24, Blk 17, Interurban Heights, 4th Section, Vol. 17, pg. 36 -and Ptn. Lot 20, all Lot 21, Blk 17, Third Section, Vol. 17, pg. 87; No 397213 - Lots 15-16, Blk 17, Interurban Heights, Fourth Section, Vol. 17, pg. 86; No 397215 - Lots 10-12, Blk 17, Interurban Heights -4th Section, Vol. 17, pg. 86; No 397216 - Ptn. Lots 7 & 34, Lots 8-9 & 32-33, Blk 17, Interurban Heights, 0 Add., Vol. 17, pg. 86; No 397217 - Lots 4-6, Ptn. Lot 7, Lots 35- 37, Ptn. Lot 34, Blk 17, Interurban Heights 4th Section, Vol. 17, pg. 86; No 397218 - Ptn. Lot 2, Blk 18, Interurban Heights - 0 Section, Vol. 17, pg. 86; No 397220 - Ptn. Lot 9, Blk 7 and Lots 9-12, Blk 8, Interurban Heights, Fifth Div., Vol. 17, pg. 85; No 397222A - Lots 1-8, Blk 8, Lot 1- 4, Blk 7, and Lots 32-40, Blk 8, Interurban Heights, Fifth Section, Vol. 17, pg. 85; and NE NE 21-22-04; No 397225 - Ptn. NE, 21-22-04; No 397226 - Ptn. Lots 30-31, Blk 6, Federal Highway Add., Vol. 30, pg. 1; No 397233 - Lot 22, Blk 6, Federal Highway Add., Vol. 30, pgs. 1-2; No 397235 - Ptn. Lot 19, Blk 6, Federal Highway Add., Vol. 30, pg. 1, Ptn. SE '/< 16-22-04; No 462602 - Ptn. NW, NE, 28-22-04; No 462603 - Ptn. NW/NE, 28-22-04; No 462608 - Ptn. NE/NW 28-22-04; No 462616 - Lot 10, Woodmont Place, Vol. 121, pg. 56; No 462617 - Tract 9, Secoma Hi -Way Tracts, Vol. 37, pg. 42; No 462619 - Tract 11, Secoma Hi -Way Tracts, Vol. 37, pg. 42; No 462620 - Tract 12, Secoma Hi -Way, Vol. 37, pg. 42; No 462623 - Ptn. NE, SW, 28-22-04; No 462625 - Tract 17, Secoma Hi -Way Tracts, Vol. 37, pg. 42; No 462626 - Tract 18, Secoma Hi -Way Tracts, Vol. 37, pg. 42; No 462627 - Tract 19, Secoma Hi -Way Tracts, Vol. 37, pg. 42; No 462629 - Tract 24Secoma Hi -Way Tracts, Vol. 37, pg. 42; No 462630 - Tract 23, Secoma Hi -Way Tracts, Vol. 37, pg. 42; No 462631 - Ptn. Lots 23, 53 and 54, Secoma Hi -Way Tracts, Vol. 37, pg. 42, and SW/SW, 28-22-04; No 462632 - Ptn. SW/SW 28-22-04; No 462633 - Ptn. SW/SW 28-22-04; No 462634 - Ptn. SW/SW 28-22-04; No 462642 - Ptn. Tract 2, Secoma Hi -Way Tracts, Vol. 37, pg. 42;oN 462644 - Tracts 2-3, Secoma Hi -Way Tracts, Vol. 37, pg. 42; No 462646 -Tract 5, Secoma Hi -Way Tracts, Vol. 37, pg. 42; No 462647 -Tract 6, Secoma Hi - Way Tracts, Vol. 37, pg. 42; No 462650 - Ptn. Tract 8, Secoma Hi -Way Tracts, Vol. 37, pg. 42 and NW SW 28-22-04; No 462652 - Ptn. SE'/< NW'/.28-22-04; No 462653 - Ptn. SE/NW 28- 22-04; No 462664 - Ptn. SW SE 21-22-04; No 486912 - Ptn. SW 28-22-04; No 462621 - Ptn. SW'/.28-22-04; No 3,96462 - Ptn. Lots 19-20, Blk 5, Federal Hwy Add., Vol. 30, pg. 1; and No 565844 - Ptn. NE KNE '/4 21-22-04 Additional legal description on Exhibit "A" of document Project Name: Pacific Higbway South HOV Lanes Project